The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 20, 1927, Page 5, Image 5

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    v, " ' i '
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$ernJG ; dolled
UP fOKTine
I I ' ' " T ff
GILD the lily, ad orn the rose- make life more beautiful,
more thoroughly enjoyable. Spend some of your
time and money in this pleasant place. It's a health and
happiness habit.
Attention El Kara Grotto r
Aiemoers urunu w ui
make -visit to Mill City
Monday evening. Special
buses will leave Stage
Terminal at 6 o'clock sharp. Wear
your fez. Mm. r..tsuis, mobwcu.
1 m20
Salemites to Walla Walla
The death of their aunt, Mrs.
Maude R. Lynch, caused Mr. and
Mrs. George C. Matten and Mrs.
James G. Lauderback to motor to
Walla Walla last week. Mrs. Lynch
was a sister of E- E. Matton, for
mer Salem resident now living in
Los Angeles. ' :(
l'opular Old-Time Dance
Derby hall, Tuesday, March 22.
Pad Spears "orchestra. Prices, 25c
and 50c. m20
Federal Reserve Man Here
One of the guests of the First
National bank at their opening
last night was S. G. Sargent, rep
resentative of the 12th federal re
serve district with offices in San
United Arrhwa Dance ' --
Monday, ilea.. 21, Derby kalL
' - mzo
Cl The El Kara Grotto Is plan
Bing a trip to, Mill City Monday
night to put on thewptlt In a mas
ter degree inline Masonic loage
there. They will gain, a body and
have chartere4 two; large stage
busses for' thf 'trtp, ' leaving at
6 p. m. The 'grotto la to furnish
entertainment an'dwill put on
several vaudeville numbers.
Open Sunday Untfl H
Some good 34x4 Urea. Salem
Auto Wrecking Co., 402 South
Church street. r m20
Seattle Doctor Visits He
Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Isaac Lynch wef e" -JDr. and Mrs.
W. G. Morris of Seattle, who are
en route home after a motor trip
through California. Dr. and Mrs.
Morris were delighted with Sa
lem and vicinity, and consider it
one of the finest cities they naa
seen during their entire trip.
Hotel Marion T"
Dollar dinner, served 5:45 to 8
every evening. ' 26tf
Marriage licenses; Drop-
Due probably to the Inclemency
of the should -be "spring weather
enly three marriage licenses were
issued last week, and those before
Water Tight Concrete
Ask the Oregon Gravel Co. how
to make it and what materials to
use. Tel. 180.' " m20
Hanson Wins
Peter Hanson was awarded $800
with 6 per cent interest from Jan
ary. 1925, plus $80 attorney fees
In his suit in circuit court against
John Kklund, who defaulted.
Oregon Pulp Jt Paper Co. -
per cent preferred, limited
amount offered. Hawkins A Rob
erts, inc., 205 Oregon Bldg. Phone
1427. - mSO
Mril.y Files Complaint
M. Morley filed snlt In dr
um court yesterday for $126.25
against Reuben Abslanlan for re
fusal to pay promissory note.
Wantd to Buy
Good young cow.
Phone 35F4.
Hospital Nurse Returns
Miss Mary C, Moynehan,has re
turned to her duties at the saiem
general hosnltal after a three
onths' ureent visit in Snringfleld,
ass-, with her mother. who has
ICt 1 nna 411-
Koss Lad Has Oneratkm
Lee Ross, 453 Court, underwent
to minor surgical operations at
a local hospital Saturday morning.
For Colds, Flu, Pneumonia 1
Nothing equals Osteopathy. Dr.
Marshall, 329 Oregon Bldg. TeL
258. m22
1 Former
1 XI
pr Resident Die
Mrs. Florence Sehant of Bakers-
ield, CaL, formerly Florence Stod-
V I fVlffJ6 MV OWN I. 1
Corner State and Liberty Streets
Agents for THE OWL DRUG CO. Products
dard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
George Stoddard' of this city, has
died, according to word received
here today. Mrs. Scbant leaves
an infant son, Roy Jr.. her hus
band, and three brothers, besides
her parents. She was a graduate
of Salem high school.
Try Salem Maid
Brick ice cream. It is delicious.
Sanitary Confectionery 1857 State.
Palm Confectionery, 4 67 N Church
Krebs Skiff Stolen
John A. Krebs, hop grower, has
reported to the city police that
five boys had stolen a skiff from
his places along the river. Krebs
states that it is the fourth boat
he has lost in this manner.
Call 98F3, The Les Walt Gardens
For cut daffodils, 5 doz, 1. m20
Speeder Pays Fin
Ted Stainke, 2025 Wainer street
paicla $5 fine In recorder's court
ior speeding Saturday.
Furniture Upholstery
And repairing. Giese-Powers
Furniture Co. f3tf
Four Par ParkjM Fines -
" Verne Anderson. A. A- Gueffroy.
Hayes white and Max O. Buren
paid fines of $1 each for overtime
parking Saturday.
Boxing Salem Armory Arena
Wednesday, March 23rd. . Ad
Mackle vs. Art Humphries, 10
three-minute rounds. Four other
good bouts. m23
Two Building Permitso
Building permits were issued
yesterday to J. M. Billings, the
first for repairs to a dwelling at
815 North Cottage, totaling 11300,
and for erection of a dwelling at
809 North Cottage, estimated at
Wanted Good Young Cow
Guernsey preferred. Tel. 35F4.
Mrs. Rhea Lnper 111
Mrs. Rhea Luper, wife of the
state engineer, has been ill at her
home here for several days.
Dancing Every Friday
Domes hall, McCoy.
Mullen in Portland
William Mullen, until recently
In charge of the state real estate
department, has located in Port
land. He was joined by Mrs. Mul
len and ton, who left here Tues
day. In New Homes, 94,000 on Up
Double construction, union
made. We have four in $4,000 to
$5,000 class under construction' or
being finished. Becke & Hen
dricks, 189' N. High St. m23
Mr. Straw Resigns,
Mrs. Albertha Straw, stenog
rapher In the offices of tbe state
prohibition commissioner for three
years, has rresigned to join her
husband, whe is located at Eu
gene. Mrs. Straw formerly lived
at Baker where she was employed
as stenographer in the offices of
William Levens, now at the head
of the state prohibition depart
ment. - '
Flvo Acres Dandy Soil-
Paved road? at Swegle school.
$1575. $25 down, $10 per month.
W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., 134 S,
Liberty St. n22
Miss Ruth Kuhn JO
Miss Ruth Kuhn, stenographer
in the executive department, has
been ill at her home here for sev
eral days. i
Treated by Osteopathy, Dietet
ics, Radiant Therapy and Elec
trical Therapy Including Dr.
Abrams Electronic System.
No 'Charge for
: . , Consultation
- Physician and Surgeon -.600
U. S. ICat'L Bank Dld.
Sales, Oresoa
ve fiBTAUL. OP' OU(t
MOTHER. yoo'6
Cappy Ricks" Reti
"Cappy , Ricks," who has con
ducted a cigar stand in the state
hcuse lobby for the past two years,
has retired from business and has
gone to Portland where he will
make his home. The stand was
taken over by Sam Foster. Mr.
Ricks is a veteran of the World
Open Sunday Until Noon
Some good 34x4 tires.
Auto Wrecking Co., 402
Church street.
Warren Reed Here
Warren Reed of Reedsport, can
didate for highway commissioner
to succeed W. H. Maione of Cor
vallis, called at the executive de
partment here Friday. Mr. Reed
is one of the most prominent men
in southwestern Oregon and has
lived in Reedsport for many years
1926 Ford models at bargain
prices, 1 coupe, 1 roadster, 1 tour
ing, 1 truck. Used Car Corner, A
block west Ladd & Bush. m20
Salem Lodge to Visit
Salem Knights of Pythias will
visit Independence lodge, K. of P.,'
Monday night, March 21 and will
take candidates for rank of
knight. A large delegation is ex
pected to attend from Salem, Sil
verton, Dallas -and neighboring
Flowers for All
Occasions. Adams, Florist. m20
Crowd Hears Singer
The largest crowd that has ever
gathered at the local Salvation
Army hall attended there Satur
day evening to hear Mrs. Charles
Maxwell, singer of the First Meth
odist church choir, present select
negro spirituals. She was assist
ed by Mrs. Jepson at the piano.
Card of Thanks
We wish to express our sincere
appreciation to the many friends
who responded with flowers and
kind messages at the time ot our
recent bereavement of B. Q. Quinn
Mr. and Mrs. S. Breitenstein and
Family. m20
Banquet Tomorrow Night
The regular monthly dinner of
the Salem business men will be
held at the" YMCA following the
gymnasium class tomorrow eve
ning. About 40 men are expected
to attend. Dr. Lee Wood will act
as toastmaster, and songs and
speeches will feature the enter
tainment for the evening.
Close in Sleeping Room-
Also good office room for rent.
Phone 128 8M evening. m23
Visitors From Madras-
Mr. and Mrs. Vine W. Pearce
of Madras are spending the week
end in Salem visiting with friends
and relatives.
Retail and Wholesale-
Site, suitable for creamery, gro
cery or most any retail and any
wholesale use. Ground available
up to 100x165, at $35,000. Becke
& Hendricks, 189 N. High St. m23
Apartment Property Sold'
Mrs. Sarah Mann of Salem pur
chased a nine-room two apartment
property at, 1395 South High
street, from Mr. and .Mrs. A. J
Hall. The sale was made by Wells
Tallman, real estate broker at 216
Masonic temple. Tbe same firm
Exchange a lovely suburban
home, strictly modern, for city
property or stock ranch. i
841 State Street ;
Yick So Herb Co.
" Est'd. It Tears In Salem
J, H. LEOXG. Mgr. f
If other treatments have failed
try our Chinese remedies for
asthma, bronchitis, croup and
cough. . We have given relief to
many suffering with, throat
trouble. Never neglect'a cold.
We also treat all, disorders of
men women and children.
Hisultatlom Free
Call or write 420-42$ State 6t
Baiem. Oregon, Phone til.
poky J
We have a good bay in a
Harley Davidson with new
paint, new balloons, the big
'motor, 1027 license.
PRICE $135.00
The Hoi
ust recently Bold and exchanged
six-room residence on Sou in
Commercial street for Mrs. Caro
line Springer.
ust Received 2 1922
-Model tudor sedans, 2 1922
model coupes at bargain prices.
Used Car Corner. block west
Ladd & Bush. - m20
Recovering; From Fl
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Law of 541
Norway avenue'are reported to be
makinc a ranid recovery from a
recent attack of the flu.
The Newest Styles and. Materials
In ladies' coats, iresses and hats
at lower prices. C. J. Breier Co.,
41 North Commercial. mZO
Motor to Olympia
Sam A. Kozer, secretary of state.
and T. A. Raffety. chief inspector
for the state motor vehicle depart
ment, motored to Olympia Thurs
day for a conference with Wash-
ngton officials regarding motor
vehicle matters, while in Olym
pia Mr. Koxer said he would in
spect the new "capitol building
which was completed recently at
cost of approximately $6,000,-
See Our Great Values in
Spring dresses, $9.90 to $li.85.
J. Breier Co., 141 N. Com'l. m20
Al Nye Recovering
Al Nye, veteran postman at the
state house, is recovering from a
goitre operation performed in
Portland a month ago. Mr. Nye
has been on the state payroll for
30 years. He originally entered
the employment of the state as a
clerk 'in tbe secretary of state's
5 Room Modern House
Fairmount Hill, $3950; $350
cash or will take car, diamond or
good securities as first payment
Balance monthly. Tel. 188W. m2
Returns to Roseburg
Harry McClallen. at one .tiae
sheriff of Douglas county, has re
turned to his home at Roseburg
after assisting in checking over
the house records in connection
with the recent legislature. Mr.
McCIallen acted as a desk clerk in
tbe house during the legislative
Just Received 3 1C24
Model coupes, lots of extras and
1924 model roadsters at bar
gain prices. Used Car Corner,
Block west Ladd & Bush. m20
Offices Moved
William Levens. state prohibi
tion commissioner, who was forced
to vacate his offices on the second
floor of the state house because
of the legislature, has returned to
the capitol building. He conduct
ed his operations from a down
town office building during the
legislative session.
ret San
Mlal ratal
Mm atodMta
PfeM. S66
147 M. Ooa'l St
Victor Adding Macala tarrlM
Beach Resort
Tillamook county: 60
acres adjoining beautiful
resort, suitable for camp
grounds, cottages, store,
hotel or platting for sale
by acre.
. Resort, Care Statesman
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 1863
General Banking Busines
Office Hours from 10a.rn.to3 p. m.
1927 FORD C0UP
Latest Model "
Will Sacrifice $150
See it at ' ! ' ? ' -
Fitzgerald-Sherwin Motor Co.
i 864 North High .
Stone CouTalesclng f i
Stehen A. Stone, state house
correspondent for a Portland news
paper,, is convalescing from an at
tack of pneumonia hich confined
him to his bed Tor the past four
weeks. - Mr. Stone was stricken
during the closing days of the leg
islative session. His "beat" is
being covered by Rodne"y Alden,
son of Dean Alden of Willamette
"Laxy Money!"
'Who is keeping it? See P. E. P.
Co. Friendly ad, age 7 section 3.
Newspaper Record Compiled
Hal Hoss. private secretary to
Governor Patterson, has a com
plete record of all Oregon news
papers, together with their physi
cal value and financial returns.
When anyone desires to purchase
a newspaper they usually write to
Mr. Hoss for information as to
the value of the plant, and its fin
ancial status.
Some) Bond Ruyei-
With seventy thousand ($70,
000.00) dollars. We have large
brick building leased to net you 6
per cent on investment and certain
to increase in value. Becke &
Hendricks, 189 N. High. St. m23
To Spend Day in Portland-
Seymour Jones, who recently
was appointed state market agent
to succeed C. H. Spence, has ar
ranged to pass Friday in Portland
each week. While in Portland Mr
Jones will make his headquarters
at the grain inspection department
oi the market agent's office.
Added to Fledd Force
E. D. Durning and Free Farmer
have been added to the field force
operating in connection with the
automotive division of the public
seivice commission. Mr. Durning
ill make his headquarters at Pen
dieton, while Mr. Farmer will be
stationed at Eugene. Percy Var-
ney, ex-state parole officer, is in
charge of the field operatives for
the public service commission
Nestle Cireuline Permanent
Waving $10, by the Nestle expert
Mr. Jacques Rosen, former dem
onstrator of Nestle Permanent
Waving machine. Your opportun
ity to have a permanent marcel
Guaranteed positively no kinks or
frizzes. Mitzl-Gray Beauty. Shoppe
First Nat'l Bank Bldg. m20
Foster "Resigns
Homer Foster, for many years
employed in the supply depart
ment of the secretary of state's
office, has resigned. Mr. Foster
has a large acquaintanceship in
the state.
English Class Enrolls 16
The English class, which has
been organized at the city YMCA
for foreigners seeking fulfillment
of requirements for naturaliza
tion, now has about 16 students
enrolled, according to Ben Rickli,
Kimball Men to Speak
Dr. John Martin Canse, presi
dent of Kimball school of Theol
ogy. will deliver sermons today
at Hubbard and Woodburn. Dr
J. D. McCormick, dean ot the
school, win speak at Gardenhome
this morning, and this evening will
:e the chief speaker at dedication
at your home
Telephone, 2214
S. H. Logan
It's Time to Think of
We Sell Martin Senour 100. Per
Cent Pure Paint
284 N. Commercial Tel. 089
Off. TeL 607 Res. Tel. 2141W
219 U. 8. Nat'l. Bank Bldg.
Call, phone or write
179 N. Commercial Salem
exercises for the new community
church at Linnton, Or.
Sneaks' at Starton
Dr. Walter H. Brown, director
of the Marlon county child health
demonstration, addressed a dis
trict meeting of teachers yester
day morning in Stayton on the
subject. "Health Education." In
the afternoon Dr. Brown went to
Portland on matters of business.
Gets Fellowship
Daryl Chapin, senior scholar in
the Willamette university physics
department, has been granted a
fellowship In that science at the
University of Washington for next
year. The fellowship involves an
annual stipend of $900 and pro
vides opportunity, for study to
ward a master's degree.
YixltA Friends Here
Clarence Oliver, a last year's
Willamette university graduate,
arrived In Salem yesterday from
Bend where he is instructor In the
city schools. He will visit friends
here over th,e week-end.
Fined for Improper Plates
Jay Foster of Brooks was ar
retted Saturday for driving with
Washington license plates without
providing an Oregon permit. He
pleaded not guilty in justice court
and was released on his own re
cognizance to appear for further
hearing. Foster claims that he
had written for complete trans
fer. Glee Club Tours
The Willamette university men's
glee club left this morning for
southern Oregon where they are
scheduled to give several concerts.
The club will be absent from Sa
lem during the entire spring vaca
tion. Among the cities at which
concerts will be given are Med
fcrd, Ashland and Central Point.
Marjorie Sherwirt Named
on Oac Barometer Staff
COLLEGE. March 19. (Special.)
Marjorie Sherwin of Salem has
been appointed to the staff of the
OAC Daily Barometer. The Bar
ometer publishes the news of the
college, and in general public in
terest as representing the charac
ter accomplishments and interests
of the student body of the college.
Competition is always keen for a
position on the staff,' and Miss
Sherwin is to be congratulated on
attaining this honor. She is a
junior in home economics.
Hood River Fine new service
station to be built at State and
Front Streets.
to one and all regard
less of creed or class,
with a service that
omits nothing in be
half of bereavement.
Telephone 120
Perfect Funeral Service
For Less
Licensed Lady Mortician
770 Chemeketa Street
Telephone 724
Thursday, 1 P. M.
Two miles east of Salem, be
tween Garden road and Sil
verton road, follow arrows
from mattress factory.
Good heavy horse. 2 . fine
Jersey cowa, 62 White Rock
sad Wyandotte cockerels and
pullets, 1 3-cu. ft. Wonder
concrete mixer with wheel
barrows, shovels, etc., 22
Backs corn, J top buggy. 1
open buggy, 2 horse light
wagon. 2 horse corn cultivat
or, 1 new steel beam plow.
2 octrfcorse cultivators, 1
J Vi-tt- mower. 1 140-lb. plat
form scales, 1 10-16-2 horse
reversible disc like new,
grindstone, hand grain
grinder, corn sheller, 2 corn
markers, set double work
harness, post auger, buggy
pole, scoop, small tools, car
penter tools, 30 prnne boxes,
1 rolls roofing paper, step
ladders, doubletrees, scythe,
. good hay rack, block and
tackle, hay fork.-rope' and
pulley, 1)4 cords dry wood,
small cream separator, 1
barrel spray with hose and
.connections, buck saw, hoes,
rakes, shovels, spades, forks,
6 hole range, cream cans,
chairs, tables. 3 beds, dress
era, oak extension table, oak
library table, 3 . rockers, re
clining chair, sewing ma
chine, writing desk and hook
case, clock, heater, linoleum,
2 ' rags, pictures, looking
glass, dishes, kitchen utln
sels. kitchen cabinet, com
mode, mattresses, quilts,
blankets, curtains and a lot
of miscellaneous articles.
Owner has sold his farm and
is moving to California. .
Terms Cash ;
Sale, Thursday, 1 P. M.
V. John Konrade, Owner
Is the Auctioneer of Course
Residence and Store.
1010 North Summer v
Xo-Kick-On-My-Servioe C
Bits For Breakfast I
b o
Did you read the log -.,
. v s- '
The Jog of . the Salem-Dallas
highway? " ' ' ' ;- '
- There Is. a plan for the most
beautiful highway in the world,
that would add millions to the
value of property along the way.
The Statesman advertisers have
taken a lot of space this morning
spread the paper out to 40
pages; and yet . there is a lot of
good matter crowded out. This is
the largest regular edition of a
newspaper ever published in Sa
lem. But there will be many
others. This cityand country are
The Slogan .map is very proud
of his school boys and girls who
contest each week with articles on
the current subject." They are a
fine, bright, - upstanding bunch;
every one.
V V .
Salem Y free, employment bur
eau had 198; applicants for work
the past week, and found jobs for
only 66 of them. But. there will
very soon be aT different story.
You can say one thing for the
Chinese: they haven't " -claimed
that God is on their side.
Socrates was a great philoso
pher, but doubtless his wife took
in boarders.
Man is born with certain In
alienable rights, which are not
worth much when he meets a big
guy driving a truck on the high
Science note: A caterpillar can
turn into a butterfly, but that's
nothing. An automobile can turn
English people are not drinking4
enough, according to an Oxford
magazine. M a y b e prohibition
would solve the problem.
An old-timer is a woman who
remembers when she used to tie
her hat down with four or five
veils before going motoring.
Michigan man says crime will
fall oft when more people start
buying their own homes. The
trouble is that between punctures
Free yourself from the
rver-preeent Phantom of
Wash Monday by letting
us take care of your laun
dry. So many women say
it's an actual pleasure to
look at the things we've
laundered they're so
beautifully done.'
We Call and Deliver
Telephone 753
ANTED -. for general
housework a maid to take
charge ot, an American
home. - 7 rooms with two
baths, laundry, 6 -adults in
family. Apply at 100 Sun
shine St. - - .. ,
t j. - ....
One of the best pages in this paper no pictures of
five dollar shoes that look like twelve dollar , values -but
just plain desires of many people expressed in
their own language. . , v.
. -" . ' ' ' ' j
Customers have asked us why we are not showing '
drawings of our new styles in our advertisements.
Well; first if we did it would break us up in employ- "
ing artists to make the drawings, for styles certainly
are changing fast, next we would be trying to sell
you one shoe and possibly that one shoe would not
be at all suitable for your foot. . '
But with so many general .patterns and combinations r
good today we only want to sell you our sincerity and '
the policy of our store.
' - - : ' . i
With our unparalleled position of being daily in
touch with the WALK-OVER stores in New York,
San Francisco, Los. Angeles, Chicago, Milwaukee and
weekly with Paris, London and Brussels, we actually
do give you styles ahead. " .
No obligation to look and inquire at -
John ;
415 State Street
Where To Dine
Kat Your Sunday Dinner
At the Gray Belle. .
Chicken Dinner : -
Served all day at The Spa. 1
- . -
For Dinner This Evening
Dollar dinner at the - Marion
hotel today, j
Chicken Dinner at the Lunch Bos
181 S. Liberty St. Tables for
ladies. Open Jail day.
j -
Eat Tour Sunday Dinner ' 1
At the Valley Gem. 156 B.
Com'L Under newhanagement. -
Fat at Mint
Chickebrdin ner. 5 Oe.
Chicken Dinner-
Served alii day at
Cafeteria. i
Cat Your Sunday Din
At the Argo Cafe.
the Royal
and the price of gas they're so
hard to maintain.
.Sandy Cannery at Scenic sta
tion will be doubled in size this
year. t
$750 Player Piano $390
Looks like 'new.- Player, rolls,
bench. 110 down, 310 a month.
432 State St., Salem
Established 4 8 Years
Farmers' Day
Every Saturday
1:30 P.M.
Auction Market
Summer Street
Farmersi send in your
listings by Wed. Nite of
each week for advertise
ihg. No extra charge.
Phone 511 '
'every -
Wed. Nite, 7 P. M.
1610 North Summer
New and used furniture,"
dishes, rugs, linoleum," lin
oleum rugs, ranges, heaters,
In fact anything you may'
The Cheapest, Place in Salem
to Buy Furniture
I pay cash for used furniture,
tools, etc.
Established Since 1016'
Phone SI 1 -
FOR SALE a piano, cost
when new $800, bought 5
years ago in good condi
tion but needs tuning
make an offer, buying a
Radio. Write 23 Broad
cast. ADS.
J. RclIs
t s
i i