The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 20, 1927, Page 20, Image 20

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    -r v
241 State A full Sunday program of
elierrful and hrlpful meetings with the
simple Id-time ffospel the pervading
theioe. Holiness meeting 11 a. m. Sunday
School, Always lively, 2 :30 p. m. T. P.
for the 'young' of-U ages, 5:30 p. m.
Final salvation rally, 8 ,p. m. Coraing
week: Soldier anil convert meeting.
Tuesday, 7:30 p. m. PubLieasvoeetintr
- Tharadar and Satnrday, .8 p. nw It sick,
or in trouble, r in case of death, phone
IViO. - - ' , . . -
.' ;:' -- ' " I " ' .
Corner N. 5th 'and 'Gaines Hta. Begin
ning March 20.' Pastor Jarob will f en
due a aeries of Sunday nigbt leetairea
on mole propneer. bnbjert Sunday. Jisrth
20,. ,7:45 p. m "The Two Oresfml
'.Events in the History of Mankind." Sslt
r bath, sebool Saturday 19:15 a. m. Ser
' mon 11:?0 a. m. Young people's meeting
' A p. an. Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30.
' 'irt- -Churen Corner of Liberty and
Chemeketa Sts. Sunday mvrning services
at 11. Sanday evening services at 8, sub
jeet"of lesson sermon "Matter." Wed
nesday evening testimonial meeting at &
- o'cloek - Sunday school sesHions convene
at 9:45 and 11 a. m. Reading room 40S
Masonie Temple, open daily from 11 to
6:30 except Sundays and holiday.
Corner of Capital and Marion Sts. Sun
" dsy jfchool 40 a. m. and German service
11 a. iu. M. Denny, minister.
On Sunday evening, March 20. the
aervires will again be in charge of Mrs.
. La Valley as speaker and message bearer.
As asoa! the meeting will start promptly
at 7:30 p. m. in their hall over .Miller's
tore. ...
IilMAXt'EL Services will be held at
. the new Y. M. C. A. building. Huadsy,
March 20, at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.
r Mr. T. a. Turner will have charge of the
morning service and Rev. E. K. Bailey
will prearh in the evening. Anyone who
loves to hear the old-time: gospel presch-
? ti will enjoy hearing him. A cordial in
vitation is extended to all. Prayer meet
ing next Thursday, March'2-4, at 7:30 p.
m. at the home of H. W. Zazel. 1045 -V
Winter St., Brother Zazel leader.
Cottage and Chemeketa Sts. Rev. Mar
tin Fereshetian, minister. Church school
- at 10 a. m. Graded instruction. Class for
- adults conducted by the minister in the
-, study of the Sympathy of Religions. De
votional services at 11 a. m. Subject of
'the sermon, "Children of Divorce. r Mr.
Fereshetian will sketch the historical evo
( lution of the Institution of marriage and
''the theories of divorce and will state
eeitaia problems which challenge the at
tention today. In illustrating his sermon,
Mr. Fereshetian will use Owen Johnson's
new book, "Children of Divorce" and
Iso "The Revolt of Youth." by Judge
lAiidsey. Mr. M. Fereshetian will sing,'
"Light." by Scott. Mrs. W. A. Denton
at the organ. - -
Meet every Sunday, in Derby building.
Court and High streets, for Bible study.
Junior B. S. C. .meet daring first lesson
hour. Hours 10 to 12 a. m. and 3 to 4
p. sa. You are cordially invited to study
with ns. Funeral services conducted free
; of charge in Salem and vicinity by local
Bible class. Phone 126F3.
Market and Winter Sts. Pastor, J. T.
' Taylor. 1228 N. Winter St. Phone 2296W.
Services 11 a. ra. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday
.school 9:45 a. m. Superintendent Dr. F.
-8. 'Schnts. Young peoples meeting 6:30.
.M. Emory Uoode, leader. Subject, "Per
. aonal Evangelism. Cottage- prayer meeting
at Mrs. Caroline Jackson's home, 146a;
- N. Winter. Wednesday. 2 :30 p. m. Mid
week prayer meeting Thursday 7:30 p
' ' J
Spinet Desks
Add to the beauty of the modern living room,
richly finished and of solid mahogany.
The Dining Room is the one room that you should
: take a great interest in
OCHp New Dining Suites
in the attractive Spanish and Italian designs of genuine walnut
'will be found here. A variety to choose from.
m. Rev. N. C. Biskin, a, converted Jew,
will commence a aeries of revival services
on April 10.
FIRST Center and Liberty 8t. F. B.
Culver, pastor. Sunday school 9:45. L. U.
Thornton, superintendent. Preaching at
11; Subject: 'Others. fcvangeltcal
leapne of Christian Endeavor meets at
::'. iwtght Kasfe, president. Bsviils
Phelps, leader. Preaching at 7 :30. Sab
ject: "Some Dangers for Young People
to Avoid. Prater meeting Ihursday
t KJiIGIIT MEJIOKIAI, 19th and Fer
' . , I r ' L ' . ... ti --
ry I l . . cruder, miI2litr. .1 niKe
Choice," and "Main Lin-s and Side
Ttaeks" will be the morning and evening
sermon themes. In the morning servir-e
the choir will ting "Stay with Me
Iord" (Marie M. Hine) ; in the evening
- I, Conld Not lo Without Thee (Pet
rifO. The three societies of Christian En
deavor will meet at 6:4 p. m. Sunday
KchfMil meets at 10 a. m.. SuperintenydKOt.
C. C. Harris. The monthly churrh night
supper will be held Wednesday. March
23. Rev. r H. Culver, speaker. Midweek
service on Thurxday evening-. Morning
service at II o'clock, evening service at
FIRST Center and Liberty Sts.
Pastor, Charles K. Ward, 440 Center Ct.
Phone 5U1-R. S.rvieeH. 11 a. ra. and
7:30 p. m. Sermon topics: "The Human
ity of Chrint. " morning; "The Conver
sion of Russell li. Conwell," evening. A
double quartet will render several num
bers at the services of worship. Sunday
school, 10 o'clock. Superintondent. Mark
McCalliKter. Fortnightly c!jb will meet
Monday at 7.311 for a rpliaious meetinE
followed by a social hour. Thursday at
7:30 the midweek study group is taking
up the Fellowships of Prayer topics. Sub
ject for thin week "Spiritual Discern
ment." We all need to know more about
our spiritual natures. Join thin study
gronp Idiirini; Lent and give your soul a
chancel The picture for tonight is the
story at the conversion of Dr. Russell H.
Conwel. the great Baptist preacher, lec
turer and writer. The film is entitled:
"Johnny Ring and the Captain's Sword."
It is a picture that, you will always re
FIRST On Church St. between Che
meketa and Center Sts. Pastor, Norman
Kendall 'Fully. D.D.. 45 Chemketa St.
Phone 1610-W. Assistant pastor. Mrs. K.
M. T. Hester. 334 X. Winter St. Phone
1610 J. Services, 10:45 a. m. and 7:80
m. Sermon topics: "Stewards of the
yateriet of Ood," morning: "Fruitful
Looking Ahead," evening. Sunday school
9:30 a. m. Superintendent. H. E. Barrett.
Young People's societies, 6:30 p. m.
CHEMEKETA ST. Corner of Chemek
eta and N. 17th. Pastor O. E. Erskine,
26H X. 17th St. Phone 1008-W. Services,
11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sermon topics,
"Thought Control an Aid to Happiness,
morning; "How to Conquer Sin," eve
ning. The Woman's Missionary society
will hold their monthly meeting Sunday
afternoon, in the church at 3 o'clock.
Sunday arhool 10 a. tn. Superintendent.
O. R. Strausbaugh. Evangelical league of
Christian EndesNor at 6:30. Leader. Tlie
da Martin, lntermedaite league at same
hour. Training class Wednesday evening
at 6:45. followed with choir practice at
7:45. Mid-week prayer service, Thursday
evening at 7:30. Leader F. Kurz.
420 State St. Pastor. Ralph D. Bul
lock, 460 S. Cottage St. Phone 93H-M.
Assistant pastor, Harry J. Morriss. Sil
verton Road. Phone 15K14. Services. 2:30
and 7:45 p. m. Sunday school. 2:30 p. m.
Evangelistic serviced " Wednesday, Thurs
day and Saturday nirhfs an 7:45.
FIRST On Mission St. near 12th St.
help to furnish
the home attractively.
Sunday school at :45. Dr.- H. C. Eply
wilt be present.' hi splendid leadership
in song and teaching is real inspira
tion. . Preaching at 11 a. m. Subject:
"How long halt ye between two opin
ions! If the Lord be God follow him, bnt
if Baal, then follow Him.' U. B. 8. C. at
8:30 p. m. Ellen Hiday, -leader. Preach
imjr at 7:30 p-. ss, Mid-wvek peares meet
ing ev"ry Wednesday evening at 7 :30.
Ellen Hiday. k-ader. C. W. Corby, pastor.-
" 1346 N. Chnrrh St. Pastor. J
Wpie. 1315 S. Chnrrh St. Phone. 2081-J.
STViees, II a. a. and 7:30 p. m. Sermon
topics: "Under His Wings," by Mr.
LetJie Davis, Pueblo, Colo.; "Sin and its
Kffects." by the pastor. 1:30 p. m. Sun
day school. 10 a. m. Superintendent, Mm.
Walter Barkns. Ymnj peoples mceting,
6:30 p. m. Suhi-ct: "A Christian Ac
cording to Iaal." lt-adcr. Miss Rlla Hshn.
The revival services conducted by the
pastor and assisted by KIder Leslie Da
vis and wife of Pueblo. Colorado, will be
gin Sunday evening. March 20. 1927, at
i :'U, to i-ontinue indefinitely. Services
Mih evening at 7::.0 except Hwturday
-veninE- A -tirHial invitniion is given to
all to attend the erview.
FIRST Pastor. IE. C. Wbitake'r. 1525
Fairmannc ist. l'-Iione 7P1-W. Avilint
pastor. Vivian G. W'liisler. 444 .V. AVin
ter St. 481 -W. Services- 11 a. m.
nd 7:3f p. m. Sermon toiiii-s: "The
Church. Divinely Planned." morning;
"The Pace That Kills. " evening. At the
snorninz hour the choir will sing an an-
b'.m "He 1-adfth Me," and at the eve
ning hour Krtther Ieiffenbach will sing
"Thank .'od for a Garden." by Del Rei
go. and a quartet will sing "Pilot of
(ialilee." S'niday school. 9:45 a. m. Su
perintendent. E. C. Wliitaker. Senior and
ntermediate Christian r.ndtavor. 6:30.
Special music. Mildred Crsbtree, leader.
Chureli nifflit. Wednesday night. We will
ontinu.- the study of the -Book of Rev
elation studyins the 7th and oth chap
ters. COURT ST. Court and -V. 17th Sts.
Pa-tor. R. I.. Putnam. 1106 Leslie St.
Phone 142V.I. Junior pastor, Mrs. R. L.
Putnam. Services 11 a. m. and 7:30 p.
m. Junior ser ire 11 a. m. John Hansaker,
director of Near East Relief, wiU s(eak
in the porninj: Mrs. Putnam will speak
the evening. Music for Bible school
Tarnished by Mrs. Joy Turner Moses'
orchestra. Sunday school. 9:45 a. m. Su
perintendent. K. W. Cooley. Volunteers
will visit shut-ins in afternoon. Christian
Endeavor 6:30 p. m. Fonr societies. Jun
ior, Intermediate, loung People and
Senior. Jnst the service young folks en
joy.. Church night. Thursday 7-9 p. m.
volunteer meeting 7-. Bible study tv
8:80; class Chritsian family 8:30 p. m.
We extend a hearty welcome to these
ner will preach in the Rickreall Evangel
ical Community church at 11 a. m. Ser
mon , topic : "My Pilot." Sunday school
at ij) a. in. Mrs. S. J. Lowry, superin
CASTLE CHAPEL Corner X. 17th &
Nebraska .Ave. Pastor W. X. Blodijett.
1743 Nebraska Ave. Phone 2622-J. Serv
ices! 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. Sermon
topics: "Overcomers." morning: "Sub
stitutes." evening. Sunday school, 10 a.
m. Superintendent, C. P. Wells, Supt.
Young peoples' meeting. 6:45, Will Dun
igan, president. Prayer meeting Thursday
evening at 7:30. Woman's Aid Wednes
day 1 p. m.
19th and Marion Sts. Pastor C. H.
Hopkins. 1900 Marion St. Phone 479-W.
Assistant pastor, Mrs. Hopkins. Servicea,
11 a. m. aud 7:3o p. m. Special singing
on Snnday. Sunday srKool, 9:45 a. m.
Superintendent, Frank Litmiller. Senior
voung people's meeting 8:30 p. m. Topic.
"Evil Influence. " Leader, Mrs. Hsttie
Litmiller. Junior Christian Endeavor,
:45 p. tn. leader. Mrs. Thomas Nunne
maker. Wednesday evening at 7:30, pray
er and praise meeting led by the pastor.
FIRST Liberty and Marion Sts.
Pastor, Rev. Ernest H. Shanks, 549 X.
Liberty St. Phone 1920. Services. II a.
in. and 7:30 p. m. Sermon topics: "The
Church Covenant," saomlng: "Pep and
Power," evening. Morning anthem, "The
Radiant Horn," Woodward. Solo, "He
Shall Give His Angels Charge," Scott.
Mr. Charles McAllister. Evening anthem
"Teach Me to Pray," Dressier. Colo,
"O May My Walk be Close to God."
Johnson. Mr. Fred Baomhart, blind
school, standay school, 9:45. Superintend
tot, Mr. Ed Schunke. The young people
will hold theia- Informal social hour at
j.-oO in the parsonage. The B. Y. P. U.
at 6:3(1 in church parlors. V. W. G. .
nn.l ti.nin.t ... t I,m li 11 -. 1, fkn'Wailnt).
''Irla' evening and pobltc meeting at 7:4.1
in assembly ball of the church. Tiie mid
week service for prayer and Bible study
on Thursday evening at 7 ::'.
CHRIST State and 1 lh Sts. Pa.tor
Rev. A. L. H.-ine. 17:i State St. Ptione
l:;.2. S-rvices: Knglish, lo a. rn. ; tier
man. 11:15 a. m. Sunday s. hool 9:15 a.
tn. Superintendent. .Martha Batternian.
I.tther l.eapue devotional meeting at
H:'M p. in Topic: "The A tigs burg Con
fession." leader. Ijtr.a Siebens. Helpers,
r.rir Marx and Jiattie Bratzel. Special.
. it!in 'o. Alfr-d Marx, tvermsn l.nten
service Thursday eveninjr at 7:30. Church
. oiiticil meets Moiiday evening Marc h 21.
at 7:3ti.
LESLIE Simth Commercial and Hi
ts St. J. Willard D Yoe, pastor. Sun
Jay school at 9:15. E. A. Klioten, Supt.
The mill nins hour of worship at It
o'clock. The pastor will spt-ak on "A
Refiner's Fire." Mrs. A. K. Utley will
sing the offertory. At 10:45 the children
rtf the church will be organised into a
Junior league. Miss Mary Huff has been
appointed superintendent with Miss Pearl
Scott as superintendent. All'
hildren between the ages of and 14
re invited tj be present at Leslie hall.
Mrs. John T'lrich is sponsoring this
leagcc and assisting in the orjeanization.
in the evening the two Kpworth leagues
ill hold their devotional meet.ngs at
!:30 o'clock. At 7:.0 the pastor will
speak on "The Need of Reapers.'' Moa
.Jay evening at 7 :3o the district confer--n
e will hold a reception and ser-ice.
There will be a splendid program. The
itiblic invited, tin Tuesday morning at
M:3o the district conference will hold vts
ijieliing session with Ir. . S. Uordon in
barge of the devotional meeting. The
business session will follow and a big
chicken dinner will be given at noon,
-.erved by the Ladies' Aid. Salem folks
lio w isli to partake of this meal will
please notify Sirs. W. J. Linfoot. From
1 :3d to 4:30 a fine conference program
will be carried out. At 6:30 the Ladies
Aid will serve supper.- Tuesday evening at
7 :30 Dr. Leach, the district superintend
ent, will conduct the devotional meeting
and Bishop William O. Shepard, D.D.., will deliver the conference ser
mon. Wednesday, morning at 850 the
bishop will administer the Holy Commun
ion. Everybody invited. Following the
Sacrament a conference program will be
earried out. At noon tbe Ladies Aid will
serve dinner. The Oregon conference W.
H. M.-""S. business committee will meet
for dinner nd hold their meeting in the
parsonage in the afternoon. Thursday
evening the mid-serve at 7:30.
CENTER ST. 13th and Center Sts.
Pastor. A. F. Hilnier, 6H4 X. Winter St.
Phone 680-M. Services 11 a. m. and 8 p.
m. Sermon topics: "Relation of Christ
and the Church," morning; "Paul's
Third Mission Journey," evening. Sunday
school is called at 10 a. m. Superintend
ent. H. H. Gralapp. Epworth league 7:15.
August Carl, leader. Cottage prayer meet
ing -Wednesday 7:30 at the parsonage.
Winter St. and Jefferson Ave. Thomas
Acheson. pastor. Mrs. A. M. Gentry and
lichert Witty in charge of young people's
work. A cordial welcome is extended to
the public to share in the following serv
ices of the church on t lie coming Lord s
dav: Church school 9:45 a. m., with sev
en separate departments. All ages cared
for. Public worship II a. m. Appropriate
message by the pastor. Junior xhnrch
serviie in Wesley ball at this hour.
loung people welcome. Three chapters of
the Epwnrtlt league meet in separate
rooms for devotional hour at 6:30 p. m.
(1en forum for adults in church school
annex at 6:31. full or interest. Public
worship at 7:"0. Irof. Hertzog, Kimball
School of Theology, will be tue guest ot
this church and will preach. Bring your
Do T
on: 4
FURNITURE has. more to do with making a real home than anything
else has. Good furniture wilFfoster the home loving impulse. Do not
let the young people seek Away from home the delights that home should
offer them. - Take pride in your home. Let it be the charming, gracious
place you want it to be. The right kind of furniture is here, choice of a
wide variety to choose from. Last, but not least, you will find our sales
men glad to assist you whether the sale be great or small.
friends with jow to the seri
MILL ST. loth and Mill Sts. Pastor,
Patrick Dahlin, 2095 Trade St. Poona
1865-M. Services, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p.
m. Sunday school, 9:45 a. an. Superin
tendent, Miss Esther Erieson. Yonng peo
ple's meetings. 6:30 p. as. Week-day serv
ices. W. F. M. 8. will. meet on Monday
st 7:30 in the home of Miss Esther
Erieson. comer of 21st and Ferry Sta.
Prayer meeting and choir .practice on
Thursday at 7:3) and 8:30 respectively.
A chicken -pie supper will be served on
Friday between 5 and 8 o'cloclc p. tn.
You re cordially invited to onr services.
FIRST Corner State and Church Sts.
Pastor. F. C. Taylor. 636 State St. Phone
974. Director religions education. Mar
caret K. Sutherland. Phone 872. Services.
11 a. it. and 7:?0 p. m. Sermon topics:
"The Maoter's Memorial," Sacrament of
the laird's Supper, morning; "The By
Prodirts of Religion," evening. Anthem:
"I Am Coming Iird." Offertory solo by
Lovd Thompson, Be Merciful to Me, O
(od," by ISerwald. Sundav sc-bool.-9 :45
in. M H. K Shanks. Superintendent.
I'niversiry Kpworth league, topic: "Chris-
;n Habit"." Leader. Barbara Gallaher.
Firt church Epworth league, topic :
Who Gets the Pay Check," Leader,
''aniline Findlev. Intermediate league,
i-'ellow ihip hour at 5:30 with refresh
nents Devotional meeting at 0:30. Six
ik'fbMk Men's club on Monday night,
sitaiidarj training school in the annex on
Monday nicht. Tuesday evening the W.
II M. S. birthday dinner. Thursday eve
ning the regular prayer aud praise service
led by the pjastorr. Junior church will
meet with the adult congregation for the
communion service on Snnday morning.
Tabernacle 655 Perrv St. Pastor H. E.
r'nswell and M rs. Caswell. 2660 Oak St.
Phone 94--M. Sunday school convenes at
2 p. m. Mrs. M. Wilson.Supt. Afternoon
preacliin? service 3 p. m. Dr. Webber
vti 11 preaith. subject: "Evolution and the
Rible." r?vening evangelistic J-ervice con
ducted by Kvangelist Webber. Subject.:
"The Prayer of Christ.' Dr. Webber is
speifciniT every night through the week,
xcept Moaday. Saturday evening is es
pecially for young people. Afternoon Bi
ble studies "J:30. Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday aind Friday, conducted by Dr.
Webbir. The public is invited to these
old fashioned revival services.
ST. PAI L'S Church St. at Cliemelc
et.i. Hector, Rev. H. Duncan Chambers.
Holy Eucharist at 7:30 a. in. in the
chapel. Morning prayer with sermon and
music at 11 a. m. Fvning prayer with
set mon at 7 :30 p. m. The Rev, G. A.
Vowl of New York. representing the
field Jepsrtnjenf of the national council
Mil press li at the 11 a. m. service. Full
vested choir under the direction of Mrs.
Marjorie Walker of Portland Church
school at 9:45 a. in. The young people
are requested to meet the rector at 6:30
p. ni. at the rectory.
TON'T miss those Sunday
JL world events in. the light of Bible Prophesy. Given
by Pastor J. F. Jacobs, in the
Seventh Day Adventists' Church
Corner 'orth Fifth and Gaines Streets
Every Sunday Night, 7:45 P. M.
March 20 The two most important events in all the .
history of the world. The first is in the past, the secofid
is soon to burst upon us.
March 27 The next universal empirre and who will be
king? Will he be elected by The League of Nations?
Watch Church Announcements for Future Subjects
ay of
ti n
343 4 Court St. Pastor. C. S. Johnson,
4315 Cottage. Servicea 3 and 7:30 p. m.
Sanday arhool 2 p. m. Superintendent. 8.
Berkey. Week day service. Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday evenings. Mis
sion ia open for prayer all day. -
Hidden City
Found in West
(Continued from page' I.)
on there have been found stones
exactly like those in the wall,
which, probably formed one side of
' ji square enclosure at one. time.
To add more interest to the
theory that at last trafes of a
mighty civilization that once ex
isted on the North American con
tinent have been found, is the
discovery of C..C. Haas, of Stur
13. S. D., of what are called
"ceremonial rocks" near St. Onf?e,
about 50 miles north of here. The
rocks form what appears to be a
place of worship and sacrifice,
somewhat on the order of the
famous Stonehense rocks in Eur
land. and also similar in some re
cpects to worshipping spots of the
Mayas, those ancient inhabitants
of Yucatan whose cities have lain
under dust for centuries.
Plan Centennial
Beethoven's Death
(Continued from page 1.)
commerce, men's luncheon clubs,
and other groups are to be ob
tained from the same source. For
the use of libraries, the committee
offers suggestions for a Beetho
ven display.
Newspapers wishing to stress
the Beethoven Week may. obtain
from the headquarters statements
from eminent musicians on the
significance of the celebration and
feature material on "The Man
Beethoven"; "First Beethoven
Performance in America"; "Bee
thoven by Ballot" and "Solving
night lectures, dealing with
the Riddle of the Imortal Be
loved." For "the" use of music deal
ers the committee has prepared
I 1 - i a i it
. 10:00 A- M.
1 1 :00 A. M. The
7:30 P. M. Johnny! Ring and the
;' Captain's Sword"
.Moving Picture Story of Conversion ofiDr. Russell H. t'onwdi
Robin Hood Shoes allow unrestricted freedom
yet give a firm natural support to the tender
muscles, tendons and bones of the feet.
For the sake of your children's future health
and comfort bring them in and let us fit them with
VRobin Hoods."
We carry a well assorted stock of snappy
- numbers in children's shoes
WWl " : : I
Attractively Designed
Bed Room Suites
In genuine walnut and the new colorful enameled suites, will
add beauty and eomfort to the bedroom.
Many new designs.
- " ; - -. - - - ' - I r
a special window display jtj.
uefiaqven uau, streamers
window- hangers.
- . ) First ;
Congregational Church
Center and Liberty
Sunday School
Humanity of Christ
Right Shoes
It is of supreme importance at the age
children's minds and bodies are develop
ing that they be trained in the right way.
This is especially true of growing feet.
Shoe Store1
State Street
' t
i h
. a
; ii
' o