The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 20, 1927, Page 2, Image 2

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S i D H I. I G.M
. Elslnore Theater .
The attraction - for the Sunday
and Monday showing at the Elai
nore theater is one of those un-
.usual offerings that are eagerly
sought by managers but are
Jound all lob seldom. Even such
exacting producers as Fanchon
and Marco cannot continually
maintain a. uniform standard of
entertainment in their produc-tions.'-The
uttual run of the Elui
oreH revues is very good at times
'there, are exceptional offerings.
fTblg ig one of those times.
Roy Smoot, nationally known
' tenor, is the headliner and, unless
Los Angeles critics flatter grossly
possesses a voice of unusual
.charm and quality. He is sup
ported or, one might almost' say,
overshadowed, by the twenty un
usually 'beautiful Hollyrood girls
'.who form the cast. For grace,
r' poise and uniform beauty of face
and figure, no show this season
carries their equal.
; Miss Fanchon personally select
ed and schooled this particular
group of winsome girls, training
'six' of them in original specialties
and the entire twenty in a series
Jot 'ensemble numbers that are ex
ceptionally intricate and pleasing.
, ' -"The offering is presented in
three vividly contrasting but qual
lr pleasing - episodes:. "Winter
Carnival.' '.'Indian . Legend" and
"The Mardi Gras." The first
. ,fihows the girls in the chic cos--lumeg
of -winter sports and is live
ly and intriguing. The "Indian
'Legend" is beautifully Bet in art
xioveau stage effects and presents
ome very clever dancing specialty
number in costume. The "Mardi
Gras" is an idealized peep Into old
New Orleans --during the famous
Carnival of mirth that, holds sway
there yearly.. It ends in a blaze
jt lights, music and laughter that
iinakes for the best in stage enter
jfclwfoent. Throughout the three
"partfe of the revue, the costumes
jjnd Jottings are ultra modern, the
Voiceslare excellent and the girls
fire trply beautiful. You will en-
' Joy it.
" On the screen will be Colleen
jttoore in "Twinkle Toes."
J Capitol Theater
The Bligh's Capitol theater will
ffer a brilliant bill of classy
Vaudeville today' on the Sun's
Eastern Circuit. The bill is head
ed by the Vovel Revue, a quintet
pt artists presenting a "Variety of
ftong and Dance." .
; Hager and Milstead, in "Music
load," a pleasing litle musical skit,
exemplifying the, difference .be
tween the music of -tho masters
and that of the Jazz Kings utiltz
gjig piano, xiolin and accordlan. ,
The Aerial Aliens present a clas
sic of the air a fast and enter
taining novelty. Billy DeArmo
lilends comedy with a bit of Jug
filing which makes a real hit.
t'Sam Rice billed as "A Gentle
fhan from Brazil" is a dean of
omedy from the old school and
Offers a laugh fest.
2, On the screen the Capitol will
ffer "The Last Alarm" a flam
ng drama of devotion. 4
-- Pantages vaudeville comes
again to the Capitol, for Monday
afternoon and evening. The Capi
tal will present this vaudeville for
one performance only in the even-
tog, starting at 9 o'clock, the pic
tures will start at 7 and run until
. and after the vaudeville the
pictures will be repeated.
, n Headlining the Pantages Vaude
ville are the "Mann's Singing
Syncopators." They combine an
ability to play classic melodies Just
as effectively as they do quarter
time. All the arrangements are
made .by Hauden Mann, who per
formed the same service for Paul
Whiteman organization. Every
member of the band is capable of
playing several Instruments and
a good singing voice is another
requirement for membership in
the group.
- Lewis and Ames are the added
attraction of the bill and bring a
rollicking skit "We Know A Thing
Or Two.? It is an admirable ve
hicle and affords both members
of the team an opportunity to dis
play their ability as singers, danc
ers and pantaomists. v
m Monte and Lyons, another feam
f old favorites will appear in
tBelr side splitting skit, ?A Letter
.From Italy." AI Golem and a
company of troupers from Persian
entertainment circles will be seen
In a novelty. Viola .Vercler. Hel
man will play "The Serinade,'
accompanied at the organ by
Totten. On the Bcreen the Capitol
will present "Lew Tyler's Wives,
fc comedy drama.
"Michael Strogoff" will be the
special attraction on the screen at
the Capitol theater for four days,
Matrh. 22-23-24 and 25.
Oregon - Theater -
"A man tumbling into a snow
hank and dropping out of sight
generally is regarded as aphilar
Jonsly. funny. object. But to John
rtarrymore.V whose first United
; Artists picture, "The :4 Beloved
KQgue," which shows at the Ofe
Et n, theater , on ', March 20.: 2 L 22
and: 23. inch an incident proved
'xiotJonly amusing but a most for
' tunate. happening as welL : :
?Hls disappearance " in a now
' bank. In th role of Franco! VII
' Ion.: famon. poet of. French Wa
tery, sared him from arrest by
"'the' town watch. . ViUon, , through
a strange complexity of charac
ter,' was not only talented as a
rhymester, but was also adept as
a thief. The term 'porchclimbcr"
in modern parlance, best descr'bes
'his doubtful occupation at the
tl'ie of the snowbank surprise
The use of snow, apart from
providing the basis of numerous
comedy highlights in "The ' Be
loved Rogue." proved highly ad
vantageous in emphasizing the
diiving action of some of the
scenes. '- ,
William Cameron Menzies, art
director of "The Beloved Rogue,"
and rated the leader in his profes
sion, used snowstorm etfeeta par
ticularly during the portlonof.the
picture which reveals the. impuls
ive Villon as a housebreaker. Such
an undertaking being best not dis
closed to pu,blic knowledge, the
secretive nature of his prowling
over the picturesque rooftops and
through the rahbit warren of Pari3
streets is made more striking by
the swirling, drifting snow, which
lends an effect of concealment to
w .Mt108.
Barrymore, in his portrayel of
Francois Villon, had in support
the great .European character ac
tor, Conrad Veidt, as Louis XI.
Marceline Day as the fascinating
Charlotte de Vauxcelles, Villon's
sweetheart, makes "The. Eeloved
Rogue" the most colorful, roman
tic screen story in the history of
motion pictures. '
Hollywood Theater
Mary Pickford, who has made
a score of screen masterpieces and
brought pleasure to millions, has
just completed a picture which is
said by many critics to be the best
of her career.
The picture is "Sparrows," a
United Artists Corporation rer
lease, which shows at the Holly
wood theater for two days, March
20 and 21.
The role of Mama Mollie offers
to Mary Pickford a splendid op
portunity. At times she Is an
impish, mischievous little' hoyden,
and yet a gam the tender mother
heart yearning over the sorrows of
the babies and comforting them
with stolen dreams and magic
There is no fine raiment for
"The World's Sweetheart" in this
picture, no gorgeous costumes nor
fairy princes. Quainter than An
nie" Rooney, sweeter than ever,
until the" very end of the picture,
she is tattered" and torn, bareleg
ged, ragged, but radiant.
There is not a dull moment in
the story, and the picture is brim
ming with comedy. It has punch
and thrills and suspense--every-thing
a successful picture needs,
and in addition it has the one and
only ,Mary Pickford".' ', '
Forty-three to Get
Normal Certificates
Four Men and Thirty-Nine Women
Listed for Graduation
Monmouth, March 19. (Special.)
Four men and 39 women will
receive diplomas from the Mon
mouth normal school-at the close
of the winter term, March 23rd.
These students will be entitled to
a state certificate, which leads to
a life certificate after they have
successfully taught for a period
of 30 months in the schools of
Oregon. The diploma is granted
upon the completion of the regu
lar standard two-year course.
Many of these graduates .are go
ing into teaching positions for the
spring months.
The men recieving diplomas are
David E. Ankrcm of Portland, El
mer F. Jackman, Dayton; Laird
W. Kaup, Monmouth, and Donald
Skeen, Monmouth.
Women in the group of gradu
ates are Marion R. Bennett, In-
depe ndence; Mary D. Bougher,
Albany; Louisa E. Bixby, Free
water; Elvira M. Blair, Portland;
Doris M. Brown, Portland; Mabel
Chapman, North Bend; Irene Clos
on, Nyssa; Idabell M. Cole, Bro
gan; Ossie C. Davidson, Haines;
Louise V. Dodson, North Powder;
Mabel L. Dotson, Salem; Eva E.
Duncan, Cove; Winifred A. Hardi
son, Portland; Edwina L. Hen
nings, Camas, Wash.; Bessie T.
Jligbee, Albany; Nellie A. Hilfiker,
Monmouth; Jean Hogshire, Port
land; Norma E. Hope, Joseph;
Roxana R. Hottle Monmouth; Sa
die F. Kaser, Freewater; Mar
garet C. Klann, Madras; Marie E.
Klages. Crabtree; Ella Mackey.
Asforia; Norma Muffet, Indianola,
Okla.; Marda L. Mayer, Spray;'
Audrey MeCune, Eugene; Lyla B.
McKenney, Estacada; Vida I. Mills
St. Helens; Stella V. Moser. Sweet
Home; Myrtle Heely, Coquille;
Gladys Plov, ; Suver; Goldle L.
Roberts, Lakeside: Mizelle Roll
wage, Tigard; Cecil Small, Milton:
Rath Stewart, Medford;, Leona E.
Timm, Salem; Ruth Tollef son,
Reynolds, N. D.; Cornelia Tomes,
Centralia, Wash., and Evelyn M.
White, Portland. ";"
SILVERTON, Ore., March 19
(Special) 7 The Silverton chamber
of commerce will hold a luncheon
Monday noon at which time affairs
of Interest will be discussed. ' ,
" ' CMeys Guaranteed r
Money refunded If It does not
..enre-your case v
Cor. Court aad Liberty. TeL 7
Scotts Mills People
Busy During Past Week
(Special.) Mr. and Mrs. J. o.
Dixon , and family visited friends
at Ridgefield. Wash.. Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Waibel of
Portland visited his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. M. Waibel, Sunday. "
Miss Ldraine Hogg of Salem
visited her parents at Noble over
the week end.
Mrs. Vina Losinger visited with
friends at Gresham, several days
last week.
, Mr. .and Mrs. George Haynes
visited Mr. Haynes mother in Sil
erton over the week-end.
Charles Shepherd of Molalla
visited his brother, Frank, Thurs
day. Mr. ad Mrs. Hugh Magee vis
ited relatives in Portland over the
'John Gerseh, who is working in
Portland, visited his parents here
George Myers was in Molalla
Tuesday' morning on business.
- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rich and
family visited relatives in Silver
ton Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Hogg was
in Salem Saturday on business. ,
Stricken by Heart
Trouble Passes Away
William Lee Wright Conducted
Jewelry Business for Years
(Special.) William Lee Wright
passed away here this afternoon
at 4:30 o'clock following an at
tack of heart trouble. He was
born in Rio, Illinois on May 21,
1864, being 62 years, nine months
ani 26 iays old at the time of his
death. For a number of years he
conducted a jewelry business in place.
He is survived by his widow,
Mrs. Hattie Wright; five children,
Clarence M. of SheridanrMrs. Ld$s
Ei.rber of Marshfield, Mrs. Lyla
Newbell of Tillamook, Mrs. Laved a
Collacutt of -Oakland, Cal., and
Laura Wright of Independence;
two brothers, Lyle of Tillamook
and George of Liberty, Neb., and
a sister, Mrs. Belle Epperson of
The remains are in charge of
th, Keeney undertaking parlors of
this city and funeral announce
ments will be made later.
Knights of Pythias
Plan District Meeting
SILVERTON. Ore., March 19
(Special) Knights of Pythias, of
district No. 12, will meet at Sil
verton in convention on the eve
ning of March 31. Among the
notables who are expected to be
present are Grand Chancellor L
Ballagh of St. Helens, Past Grand
Chancellor Cake and Grand Vice
Chancellor Morrow, both of Port
land, and Past Grand Master at
Arms J. D. Drake of Silverton.
District Deputy Grand Chancellor
Vinson of Salem will preside. L.
C. Eastman willgive the address
of welcome.
Mrs. Florence Chamtz, 21, died
last evening at Eakersfield, Cal.,
according to word received here.
She leaves a son, Ray Chamtz, Jr.,
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Scod
dard, and three brothers, WW of
Nevada, Charles of California and
Frank of Salem.
(Continued from page 1.)
the evening and will be glad to
assist anyone desiring informa
tion. The club has made arrange
ments for 40 gallons of Prun Port,
which will be dispensed at the
dance in the" armory.
A complete list of the merchants
cooperating in this movement will
be published in the Statesman
Tuesday morning. At the same
time the announcement of prizes
to be offered will be made. A
partial list of the merchants co
operating follows :
C. S. Hamilton, The Man's Shop.
Salem Bank of Commerce, Sher
man Clay & Co., Horgan Furriers,
Commercial Book Store, Mrs.
Mack, Central Shoe Store, J. C.
Pennep Co., Rhodes. J. H. Willett
(Capital Drug), -Buster Brown
Shoe Store, Vanity Hat Shoppe,
The French Shop, Miller Mercan
tile Co., Giese-Powers Furniture,
Price Shoe Co., The Smart Shop,
Directors Department Store,
Bishop's , Clothing vCo., Kafoury
Bros., II. Lfcv Stiff Furniture Co.,
Jahn J. Rottle, Shipley Co., C. F.
Watches, Clocks and
Carefully Repaired an!
Guaranteed at
-S2S North Commercial Street
Auto Accessory Shop . ?
Clean Stock " Good Location
See KRUEGER, Realtor
147 N. Ooml M. : Phono 217
vTeacher of Piano
Enna L. Boughey
' Studio 17S3 State
Strictly Graded City System
Planned; Teachers Assign
ed From Normal
Monmouth, March 19. (Special.)
The demand for practice work in
the training . department at the
Oregon normal school continues
to increase. Recently President
Landers has made a reorganiza
tion of work in two of the depart
ments which enables him to meet
this pressing demand in a very
satisfactory manner. A new
course in junior practice is under
consideration by the president,
and if found satisfactory, will be
used to some extent in the future.
The new organization calls for
the changing of the school at
Rickreall from a rural center to a
strictly city graded system. The
practice work will be conducted
there in the sane manner as it is
now done In Monmouth and In
dependence, and only senior stud
ents of high ranking will be select
e'd for thi3 work. Eighteen sen
iors have been chosen and are now
ready to take up their work at the
beginning of the Spring term. The
following facts concerning these
people will teach at Rickreall are
of interest. The majority of them
have had college work, ranging
from 1 to 4 years. This must be
understood to be preparation be
yond the normal school. Then,
too, a good percentage are teach
ers of experience.
All .the necessary changes for'
shifting the Rickreall school into!
the new organization have been
made. This gives to this little
town a most exceptional advan
tage in educational lines. It is
doubtful if another town for its
size in the state will have better
advantages for the school chi!-i
dren. It is! not generally known
that practically a new dormitory
has been constructed and furnish
ed to accommodate the young
women who will teach in Rick
reall. This gives to those who go
there living conditions second only
to the dormitory in Monmouth.
Rickreall is1 the junction of two of
the principal highways of the AVil
lamette valley and is situated
within easy reach of Portland,
Dallas, Salem and Monmouth.
Those students assigned to
Rickreall are Thelma Beach, Port
land; Edna Drake, Molalla: Geor
gia Finley, Portland; Florence
Snow, Portland; Fannie Todd,
HermiBton; Olga t'otila, Astoria:
Beatrice Anderson, Portland; J.
Kendall Burkhead, St. Helens;
Elva Chapman, Corvallis; Verna
Hart, Monmouth; Dorothy Keberk
Mt. Angel; Salena Tark, Astoria;
Erne Ellis, McMinnville; Grace
Esterbrook, Portland; Marjorie
Tuesday, Friday. Saturday
From 7:30 to 10:30 P. M.
Ladies Admitted Free
Gentlemen 10c
to undergo n
Eilien O'Brien,
B. Stoneman,
Ethfl Thienes,
11. (AP.) A woman scorned, a
girl dissatisfied with hime, and a
tight-mouthed mountaineer form
ed the "eternal triangle-' in a case
Logan. Seaside;
Astoria; Hovey
Monmouth, and
Attend the
Matinees and
Avoid the Eve
ning Crowds
JULES' VERNE'S Mighty Melodrama
Marvelous . Musical
Interpretation by
Samuel Totten
at the
Iscendiiig AVnrlitzcr
Doris Price
De Shoilds
f t,'i'-JP' I'anlages Vaudeville and a Feature Siir
See I'antages Vaudeville and a Feature
lecture All For
Lewis & Ames
Comedy Skit '
"We Know a Tiling
or Two"
i Al Golem & Co.
A Troup of Persian
,Viol Vercler Holman Playing
oerenaae ny vrtgo r.
NOTE The vaudeville bfll will
menus., iwnue v uu
i m . rm
which resulted in the mountaineer
being sentenced to life imprison-fc-ent
for a "murder" that was
u-ver committed.
Two of the three principals to
day disclosed the circumstances
under which Mary Vickery, 16,
disappeared; some bones were
found latfr in an abandoned sheft.
and a woman's revenge sent Con-
y Dabney. 3H. to the Frankfort
riormatory under life sentence.
The third, Mary Jackson. 27. was
in jil as a sequel. Her story has
not been told.
Mary Vickery appeared at her
former home here today after be
ing missing, and considered dead
since August. 1925, and broke a
silence that has kept Dabney in
prison for more than a year.
"I disappeared from home be
cause I was not happy with the
home life with my father and step
mother," she said "I had Conley
Dabney take me in an automobile
to a country railroad station. He
left me there and drove away. 1
tcck the train to Cincinnati, where
I work'ed in a woolen mill.
"I heard about Dabney being
charged with killing me, but I
cdn't want to be taken back home
so I kept still and did not reveal
that I was still alive. I stood it
as long as I could and then de
cided to make it known that I
was alive, so Dabney could be set
free. I didn't want to go home,
f-o I came to Williamsburg, where
1 formerly lived."
From his prison cell, in the re
formatory, Dabney told his story.
He attributed his predicament to
a chance acquaintance with Marie
Jackson, chief prosecution witness
Don't Miss
This Super
Thi picture lias just closed a ten
vvfHks run at the Geo. M. Cohan
theatre in New York at a
feat. Brought to Salem at popular
Known the world over as the
greatest of melodramas this
thrilling masterpiece .has been
filmed on a scale of colossal mag
nitude and
splc ndor,
B.OOO peo
ple in the
Cast Color
I h o t o -graph
Love Ad
vent ure
S a c r i f ice
ind Vibrant
MaXinee 3."Sc - 10c
Evening 50c - lOc
30c! Come Early!
Mann's I
Singing SyneopaUrs
lottest Band in Town
'Matinee. . . . . . . . .
Evening. ..........
be shown one perf orma
zo nctnres 7 till o, 10
40c- 10e
SOd. 25c
Acs in
against him at his trial, with whom
he had several '"dates.'-. .
"Marie Jackson swore against
me because I would not leave my
vrife and go with her,lie said.
"The Jackson woman at the trial
testified she was with me and the
(girl and saw me attack and kill
J fcT. - '
j "You could make any of my
I family believe I am guilty, but
liny wife has stuck by me through
out this trouble. She certainly
j has been loyal."-
Several montiis afteh the Vick
ery girl disappeared, prohibition
agents founda body 100 feet from
the entrance in an abandoned
ni"ne. Charlie Vickery. a painter,
M5 North Capitol Street
Continuous Show Sunday 2 -. 11 I. M.
Mary Pickford in "Sparrows"
Also -Comedies Always 25c ChiMrcu luj-
J ETTA GOUDAL in "Three Faces East"
A Mystery Play of the Secret Service
, Always 2.e Children lOc
RIN-TIN-TIN in "The Night Cry"
The Dog Everyone Loves in a Wonderful Part
Also Comedies Always 23c Children
Matinee 2 1 M. Evening 7 - 9 P. M. Rig Double Hill
GEORGE O'HARA in "California or Bust" and
"Saute Fe Pete"
Always 25c Children 10c ' Follow the Crowds
Variety of Song and Dance
Hager & Milstead
RUly De Armo
Aerial Aliens
Sam Rice
Viola Vercler Holnian
De Luxe Road Show Presentation of the Season's
Cleverest Musical Revue
. Featuring
Nationally Recognized Tenor
supported and surrounded by
The very cream of. the
three act ultra -
. fn the Snappy Costumes of Snow Sports
Children of Nature in Forest Glades
Lights, Laughter. Dance Madness -
Also Salem's Favorite Furf Maker
Commencing TODAY
identified ft by a hat and cloth
as that of his missing daughle?
a. d Dabney was brought t,, ,r,..
The corpse found in Uk aj!
was nothing but bones. z
Tillamook County ,
may raise $100, oui tuna j
cesscd cheese industry.
Player Piano for Sale
$700 model almost n w . .
priced 315. $10 dov . t.. si,,'
month. ' "
GEO. .. WILL MI NK lu( N.
V.X-2 Stat St., SiH,-,,!
Establishpd 4 v Y.-
Pimm ."2
" Selected Acts
Our Picture Offering
The Last Alarm"
A Flaming Drama
of Devotion
sun-kissed beaches in a
modern diversion
fx " " -