The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 20, 1927, Page 12, Image 12

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Picturesque Period Gown
Retains Its Importance for
Spring-Summer Seasons
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links are quite Important because
of the tailored uft and blouse.
They are not made al
ter the fashion of
men's links. More con
venient -and feminine,
they i are ; permanently
indestructible fashion.
A novelty for use with riding ap
parel is a cuff link bearing a
horse's head, with stick pin ; to
linked In
So many of this season's frocks
appear with novel kid or leather
belts, that yone can make a last
season's dress appear quite new
by adding this little-touch.1 The
. belt should be chosen in
a matching or harmonious
color, if possible. A dark
Llue belt on a -light blue
dress is an interesting
' note; A white dress trlm
mfd'in red may add a red
leather belt.? ',
The belta are of medium width,
frcm a half inch to an inch and a
half wide. They are quite often
embellished by metal trimming or
a novel buckle. Some of the
smartest are of snakeskin or lizard-skin,
dyed in bright or pastel
For-several seasons the evening
bag was so small that its value
was negative. - Now clever shapes
and .methods of increasing their
capacity enable them to hold all
the necessary cos
metics, as well ' as
money and a band
kerchief. The pouch
bag is the -favored
style, and it may be
developed into a
brocaded fabric to
match one's slippers, a beaded de
sign, or in pearls and, rhinestones.
In bags for day time wear, the
envelope is coming into favor
again, after being superseded for
some time by the large clasp type.
This is most often developed in
reptile leather, o? in the more ex
otic? colors of the plain leathers,
sometimes combining two or three
snaaes or con
trasting colors.
Monograms often
find their way
upon bags.
Pigskin, of the heavy English
type, is an innovation recently in
troduced. , .It Is exceedingly smart
and trim looking.
. The Robe de Style sponsored by
Lanvin which was, so much in evi
dence at fashionable affaire this
past winter is still to be in the
'foreground of the coming season's
festivities, according; to the fash
ion forecast. Striking combina
tions of materials and trimmings
are used, on these gowns
Quaint and picturesque is this
charmed period gown worn by
Marcejine Day, . Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
player. It is of '-white taf
feta with wide bands of dark green
velvet trimming the wide bouf
fant skirt. A long streamer of
flowers on one side of the tight
fitting bodice lends a colorful
note. The severe V neckline is
very chic.
Individuality Expressed
f by fitness of Accessories
UMBRELLAS GROW ' SHORTER ' dian nautch girls wear them both
AXI STUBBIER las anklets and bracelets. Their
. ' ' - . (hold upon the Occident does not
Shorter andshorter grow urn- 8eem tQ waningfor tQey ap
Dreiias, ana nanuies uwiume uuwu
until some are nothing but a mere
button - with as- cord running
through. Gay colors are the rule.
and many umbrellas
are bordered in con
trasting stripes.
"! The raincoat., an ab
solute ; necessity to
spring' and s'umnier,
continues " lo r .blossom
forth in alLthe bnes of
the rainbow. Former?
Iv.a drab rainy day
brought forth drab flp
narel. but : now it is
quite the reverse. The gay colors
a n d multifarious plaids and
cheeky on new raincoats cause one
almost to wish tor Tain! Felt hats
of ' the knock-about variety in
matching shade usually are worn
witfcf the raincoat, as rain does not
seem to "hurt them.
pear in many types and exotic
styles.. Matching sets of necklet
and slave link bracelet are often
seen. . ' j." f
Besides the linked slave brace
let the heavy wide armlet is quite
popular. It Is worn in series, of
ten as many as five or six
gracing the arm of one
fair, wearer. Heavy and
massive of beaten silver
or gold, they are often en
crusted with colored stones.
Black and White Trend Seen in
Onyx and Crystal Vogue
More occidental is the present
Vogue for onyx and pearls, or onyz
and crystal. This is the direct re
sult of the interest shown in black
and white combinations in the
world of fashion, and varied are
the uses to which it is put. Tas-.
sels of seed pearls, with onyx, tops.
Crystal and onyx pendants and
Even cuff links! ' The new cuff
Light Evening Wraps
Growing In Popularity
Ensembles of Matching Wrap and Gown Very Fashionable
and Smart; Simple Lines Appearing in,'
Many of Evening Garments
Spring's balmy breezes and summer's gentle zephyrs give
an opportunity to dispense with a heavy evening wrap, and
don one of charming, light proportions. And that oppor-.
tunity, in turn, allows evening frocks to show favoritism to
wraps of the same fabric as they utilize themselves. In other
words? it offers opportunity for the matching ensemble when
one saunters into the world of bright lights. '
Shawls or enlarged scarfs of one of the transparent fab
rics are decorated in the same manner as is the dress they
accompany . . ., sequinned, embroidered, aderned with os
trich feathers. Or a shawl may choose a pattern
ed fabric having as background the color of the
dress. Shawls are always, without exception,
deeply fringed. ,: .'
, Evening wraps of the dolman style affect the
heavier materials, such as chiffon velvet and the
brocades. Of course, one has very little use for
this type of wrap in summer, when most affairs
are verging on the informal and the simpler types
prevail, but should one accept an invitation which
demands real swank, that is the outer garment to
appear in.
. , Capes-, are rather amusingly different, and
add to their unusualness, by being tiered and fringed. With
shawls and dolmans and capes and scarfsr one would expect
to find the straight line coat for evening wear neglected, but
cn the contrary it is quite smart and acceptable when devel
oped iasheer fabric.
Evening Gowns cf Crepe Satin in Simple Lines Appear.
- --'t ----- -.-- - -
: Satin and "slinky" are synonymous terms so far aa eve
ning gowns are.concerned. Th sudden, re vivaj of satin for
evening1s accountable for only by .that fact ... to gain relief
from the fluffy, softer lines aforded by the tulles and chif
fons and georgettes, we. have been doing recently. . Older wo
men; and young women of the sophisticated type feel more at
home in satin. Of course, it must be made quite simply and
(Continued n pace 6.)
, . - This -.. spring finds the slip-ofiH
gloved-still reigning supreme jover
all other types. In the clear, pale
: shades of white, yellow, ten and
. gray, it la developed in suede or
chamois, and may have a scalloped
edge or straight edge. At
the southern resorts many
women are seen wearing
them with sport dresses of
I fir I '6nl coiora, eveu uu nunc
I f h I torrid days.
liM I Gloves of the cuffed
variety are usually of
capes kin.. The cuff is in
variably turned down and narrow.
and It may be embroidered or ap
pllqued in novel fashion. Blue,
green, yellow and lavender gloves
have made their appearance and
are a novelty which may be worn
to gome extent. '.
The designing of printed silks
, has become a high art. One of the
newest departures is a ; method
whereby objects are photographed
retouched and finally devleoped tn
- a , silk motif of, several different
.colors. Such common place, arti
cles as carpet tacks and spools of
thread. make Interesting designs."
The Grand .Canyon., Fifth
nue at 4 2nd Street, the American
Indian; and other interesting sub
jects are depicted in prints of mod
ernistic -tendencies. v These de
signs,: of course, are developed by
the more usual, method of thq art
ist sketching them. V i.
Chinese, Japanese. Indian and
Persian Influences. are' all seen-In
" the new jewelry. The Chinese and
Japanese "imprint is felt - la ? he
sudden interest In! jade-' Jewelry.
Carved .pendants, Jade
rings bracelets, charm
rlns. b r-c e 1 e t s,'
charms, all snow the '
mark; of the Orient
Quite jplainly.
The slave bracelet Is,
Orient. - Perslaa cLancerg and" la-j
, r .
'Paris Approves the
5 -. . . . and -Tlie -Vanity Hat Shoppe shows ..the French
I versions of the Spring mode. ; ' , " .
V . The new crowns are modified, not as high as those of
. last year. : . - .' " -
t Bnms are narrow ornot in evidence at all.
Combinations of fabrics, the" new straws . . all the
V notes which Paris has stamped "correct" are represented
387 Court 'Street
v . . -i -
j Wilson's Fashion Shop
1 , Style and Quality Without Extravagance y , fa
Announcing a complete collection of all that is new, novel
and in authentic good tast for the season at hand. Modes
of personality at prices considerate of milady's purse.
Spring Opening
Tuesday, March Twenty-second
State Street Below High
Next Door East Oregon Theater
i - it
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W A-' COATS ';;r-FtVdcks MILLINERY' - 1
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