The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 18, 1927, Page 4, Image 4

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    The Oregon Statesman
-: " . Iaama4 Daily Exeept af ooday by
- ili Boat Commercial 8U Salem, Oreron
R. J. Hendricks - -Ir
8. If eSherry -"
ar4 Andres
.adred Baneh -
-' - - - Haaager
Maaaffing Editor
City K4iUr
Telegraph Editor
- - Society Editoaa
W. H. Hrndersoa - Circulation Manager
Kafpb H. Klefziag - Advertising Manager
Frank Jaakoaki - Manager Job Dept.
- E. A. Rhoten .... - Liretock Editor
W. C. Conner - - - - . Poultry Editor
HST U hoty entitled to the for puMicetieo of afl new,
ii pnkliahid " otkr in this paper and aUo the -local
.XT' D Vk s am h. a .
security Rldg Portland, Ore.
Sr Tfor.Yrk- "f 136 W 31,t St ; V.r,ette"Mg.
Btig! LoS ADflei. P-ttiTS. Sharon Bldg.. San Franciio. Higg n.
ine. OfHee wSM TELEPHOinsSi
Society Editor lo v T- . Department 583
"J a.Mtor log uep, . 23 or ,08 Circulation Office 583
Entered at the Pot Office in Salem. Oregon, at aecond claae matter.
pnMMnMM1---Ma . J
u inougnis; Dot tby law do I love. Thou art my hidine
iH-llS P commandments of my God. Psalm 119:
God and You
By the Rev. Charles Stelzle
Scientific knowledge rereals God.
- It does not shorten the arm of God it lengthens it.
It rereals the pnrpose of God.
It Indicates the partnership of God and man in fulfilling His plans
for the complete redemption of the world.
God is the God of Love.
Bnt He is also the God of mathematics, of mechanics, of geology,
of astronomy, of biology.
He Is not the God of a haphazard world. v
Eren God Himself obeys His own laws.
The working of so-called "miracles' means simply the introduction
-of higher laws.
work to have this vision. If they cannot get it, we mast
replace them with others who can. " ,
On our own growing generations will depend in the largest
measure the well being of our section, and they must be
imbued with an understanding of its possibilities and its
great advantages-
They have a right to this, and we will be derelict in our
duties if we do not give it to them.
If our city council cannot agree upon the matter of the
submission of the matter of taking a vote on municipal owner
ship of the water works, let the people take the matter up
directly, by initiative. There is time yet, for the special
election. Salem's splendid growth must not be hampered by
inaction and bickerings and the sloth of general neglect on
the part of any group. The whole people are concerned, not
represented by any clique or faction.
Salem, trade center of a wide territory, is next week going
to make a wonderful showing in her second annual spring
window display, under the auspices of the Ad club, com
mencing on Tuesday evening next. There will be an auto
show in connection, on Court street between Commercial and
throughout the afternoon and
erenlng- At 1 0 o'clock It reported
It was still unable to agree.
The Columbia Basin Irrigation league is making progress,
the legislatures of three of the four interested states having
taken action Washington, Idaho and Montana. Oregon must
come into line. The consummation of this great project will
mean the reclamation of millions of acres, and the harnessing
of vast water powers. White coal is the biggest asset of these
four states. The use of all our water powers, and all our
water that is running, to waste for irrigation, will make this
northwest corner of the United States, looking out upon the
Lvast and teeming Orient now awakening from its long leth
argy, the most prosperous area in the entire world. We
should all, every one of us, be interested in and thrilled by
the prospect.
Killed Husband of Woman Each
Ixjved, Now in Auburn Prison
OSSIN'INO. N. Y.. March 17
(AP) Two men, convicted of the
murder of the husband of the
woman they both loved, were elec
trocuted in Sing Sing prison late
Xo'iro of Intention to Improve
Lee Street From the West Line
or. South 14th Strvt to the Kant
" Line of the Southern Pacific
" Right of AVay.
tonight. They were Joseph Frila,
32, and Joseph Provenzano, 35,
sentenced to death for the slaying
of James Lemardi in Rochester,
N. Y., in 1925.
Mrs. Lemardi, the mother of
three children. Is serving a 20
year sentence in Auburn prison
for her part in the plot.
The state at the trials of the
three contended that Provenzano
.ind Mrs. Lemardi induced Friia to
shoot the husband so that Proven
zano and the wifo could elope.
ones of our country so that' they
may become citizens of real eco
notmic value to the republic and
yofur Teal neighbors the 'kind
yoiu can leave on guard when, yon
d ;part from your homes."
. , There is a -neighborhood not far from Salem where the
charivari, relic of the mob spirit and disgusting symptom of
the hick lack of culture, still exwts
, And in its most bucolic form
Where, not long since, the door of a bride and groom was
broken down and the ordinarily decent women and men and
boys and girls of the countryside, turned into a rabble of
howling dervishes, yelled and screamed and beat tin pans and
shot off guns and generally made such an outlandish jazz of
awful noises as to frighten the timid bride into a state of
nervous prostration from which she did not recover for
And actually turned another woman of the household into
a condition of insanity.
This spectacle ought to be enough to ban the charivari
- from that neighborhood forever and a day
As it ought to be outlawed from eyery other section, as
worthy only of the weird incantations and hullaballoo of a
tV?Vq rf Ti rrrroy TrtHinns
Those ordinarily good people ought tq be ashamed of
themselves. But they are not. They have carried on in the
game manner since, when some neighbor boy and girl have
i entered into the holy bonds of matrimony.
It is natural and right that they should so heed the in
stincts of the race and follow the orderly rules of decent
, society . ..
For which they ought to be commended and treated like
' ' "a 1 a 1 1-1. A. -1A CI 1
liUlUCIU V,tUgk7 WWVVMU WAV iAV II VVI V vaaavi -v.. U av
worthy only of savages.
When they get married, that is their business. It is not
the business of prying and snooping neighbors, such as is
depicted in the Russian mob turned brutes in the screen of
the Volga Boatman.
The fact is, the charivari, as practiced in the neighborhood
mentioned, is a thing that ought to be frowned on by every
man with the instincts of a gentleman and every wdhian with
the qualities of a lady, and every boy and girl trained to have
such instincts and qualities.
'V In most communities in civilized countries, the charivari
,ha crone the wav xf .the duel and the feud and the drunken
brawl ..... ;
Anil it should be tabu in every other community where
there are "folks who are decent and law abiding and kindly
and neighborly, in other relations of life. It has no rightful
place in all the Tealm of civilized life.
Bits For Breakfast
"Nearly a million' young Americans are now taking voca
finnal trainincr in the schools and colleges already in service,
according to a recent reckoning
' And commenting on this fact a writer in the! Los Angeles
Times says: "The vocational school has developed mightily
in the last five or six years and is now recognized as the
great, factor in determining the future of America. The
young men are getting lined up for their careers and are
getting their apprenticeship along with their tuition. This
gives them a 'lead of a year or two over the records of their
fathers. If a good start means a good finish the country
should have something to be proud of."
-' The tendency towards vocational training is a healthy
one r-
; We should have more of it in the public schools of this
v district including those in Salem.
" ' "HVe should teach our boys and girls agriculture, among
- other things; and the manufacturing and marketing of our
agricultural products , (
r-- Because our great future is going to be in our industries
on the land, hooked up with our industries in the cities and
towns. , .
We must grow more and make more things for the mark
ets of the world -
And the more our boys and girls know about these things
the more efficient they will be to take up the burdens of the
work that must be done ; 4. . . . -
" 7And the happier and richer, they will become, and the
J greaterand wealthier ' they 'will make the country and' its
marketing ami manufacturing and merchandising centers."
We must bring the people directing our 'public school
Opening Tuesday evening
Salem's second annual window
display week, with auto show on
Court street in connection.
Many people in this section have
been interested in the Chinese
company playing at the Elsinore
the past week- it was something
different; unique
Mr. Wu (his name is Wu),
heading the company, is a young
man; only 2i. Born in Canton.
Kaised in San Francisco. Father
a small merchant there. Grad
uated from the polytechnic high
school of that city. Had been
throughout the east, for 12 years;
in all big cities, playing in many
roles and companies; last one.
monologue part. " Went last sum
mer on vacation to Hollywood.
Jusk. missed being taken on in
great play of "Mr- Wu," after the
book that has had such a wide
sale. Was to pay the part of the
Oxford student, son of Mr. Wu.
Fell in with Erwin Conley at
Hollywood. He is "in the pic
tures;" with Rudolph Valentino
in his last play. "Son of a Sheik,'
in "Cheating Cheaters," "Winning
of Barbara Worth;" is one of the
"Three Bad Men" that are good.
They organized this Chinese com
pany. Mr. Conley is with it. Was
in Salem with it. They have been
playing four months. On this
coast. Had a great run in San
Francisco. Mr. Wu's home town.
So much so that he was worn out
on coming to Salem direct from
there so much entertainins;
packed ifouses; radio skits, e.c.
There are 15 members of the
company; half women; all born
in China. The only real Chinese
company on the road Others have
and 72 furniture manufacturing
concerns charged with conspiracy
to violate the anti-trust law.
After deliberating for 10 hours
without being able to reach a ver
dict, the jury at 10 o'clock to
night adjourned its deliberations
until tomorrow morning and was
taken to a hotel. The jury "re
ceived the case shortly after noon
and continued its deliberations
Xo. C313
In the County Court of the State
of Oregon for Marion County.
In the matter of the estatn of
Ruth M. Brown, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned administrator of the
estate of Ruth M. Brown, deceased,
has filed his final account and re
port in the County Court of the
State of Oreeon for Marion Coun
ty, and that Tuesday the 22nd day
of March. 1927, at the hour of
10:C0 o'clock A. M. of said day at
the County Court Room in the
County Court House at the City of
galore a said County and State,
uas been appointed as the time and
place for hearing any objections to
said final account and report and
the final settlement of said estate.
The date of the first publication
of this notice is February 18. 1327,
;ind the last March 18. 1927.
G. G. Brc-n, administrator ol
the estate of Ruth M. Brown,- de
ceased. Page, Page & Ray L. Smith, Sa
lem, Oregon, attorneys for said
estate. f 18-25-m4-ll-18
Notice Is hereby given that the
Common Council of the City of Sa
lem, Oregon, deems it necessary
and expedient, and hereby de
clares its purpose and intention to
improve Lee street from the west
line of South Fourteenth street to
the east line of the Southern Pa
cific right of way, in the City of
Salem, Oregon, at the expense of
the abutting and adjacent prop
erty, excepting the street and alley
intersections, the expense of which
will be assumed by the City of Sa
lem, Oregon, by bringing said por
tion of said street to the establish
ed grade, constructing Portland
cement concrete curbs, and paving
said portion of said street with a
six-inch Portland cement concrete
pavement thirty feet wide, in ac
cordance with the plans, specifi
cations and estimates therefor,
which were adopted by the Com
mon Council, March 7, 1927, now
on file in the office of the city re
corder and which said plans, speci
fications and estimates are hereby
referred to and, made a part of
this notice. The Common Council
hereby declares its purpose and
intention to make the above de
scribed improvement by and
through the street improvement
department of the City of Salem,
Written remonstrances may be
filed with the city recorder of said
city against the above proposed
improvement within ten days from
the date of final publication here
of. By order of the Common Coun
cil, March 7, 1927.
M. POULSEX, City Recorder.
Date of first publication hereof
is March 12, 1927.
Date of final publication hereof
will be March 24. 1927. m24
Republic Opposed to 'Adven
turesome" Capital, Says
Farm Secretary
PASO, Texas, Mar. 17.
-Legitmate capital will be
welcomed by Mexico with open
arms, but the republic is unequivo
cally opposed to all other kinds.
Luis L. Leon, secretary of agricul
ture of Mexico, told the Texas
and Southern Cattle Raisers' as
sociation's convention here today.
The secretary characterized cer
tain kinds of capital as "advent
uresome," placing the blame for
war talk and threatened revolu
tions on "these adventuresome
spirits" who go into Mexico "ex
pecting to gain enormous re
turns." Paying his respects to the un
desirable class of capalists. Secre
tary Leon said:
"They are gamblers, and this
fact is not the sound capital that
Alexico is seeking. These gamblers
dream of war and the conquests
following, but all these dreams
will be set at naught by the clear
thinking people of the United
States and Mexico.
"My country is passing through
an era of evolution, and we ask
your forbearance and aid, so that
when we have emerged from this
we may become a real ally and aid
to your country.
"We are striving to educate
and uplift the more unfortunate
A breakfast nbvelty : nd one
j designed to'enteitain and encour
age the children to eat is the
i maKing oi toast in tne uapv vi
animals and fruits. . By placing a
paper pattern on a piece of bread
aijd then cutting around it with a
sharp knife, one can have either
the Jungle King or the Fruit
King for a breakfast guest. The
latter, the pineapple, makes an
amusing design and can t ren
dered mork interesting to the
children by the" addition of a
small amount of crushed Hawaiian
This recipe Is- one .that every
hostess should remember, not
onlv for those hours of emer
gency which Just will pop up in
the best regulated family, but for
the hours when she would save
herself a little labor. Drain and
chill one can of peaches. piare
the halves on lettuce leaves acj
fill the centers with chopped (ej.
ery and salted (almonds miiej
with whipped cream.
A new type of can has come out
recently that should be of interest
to all candy, nut and fruit eaters
It is called the vitapak and
method is the packing in gas n h
out vacuum. It had been founl
that vacuum cans were imjr L
cal for candies with soft
as the vacuum caused thm :0
burst. The gas used in the viia.
pak can .is excellent insurance
against bug life, which is such a
problem in the shipment of nu'.s
and some kinds of fruits. Packed
in this way, candies will be found
just as fresh a year from th tirno
they are shipped from the factory.
Portland Contracts let foi
phaltic concrete paving to
almost $200,000.
Cry pnta
list j AyjlJiifiji
- -
MOTHER :- Fletcher's Cas
toria is a pleasant, harmless
Substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups, especially prepared
for Infants in arm's and Children all ages.
To avoid irritations always look for the signature of
Proven directions on each packaee. Physicians everywhere recommend it.
Notice is hereby given that
sealed bids will be received by the
undersigned at his office in Salem.
Oregon, until the hour of 8 o'clock
; p. m., the 22nd day of March.
19 27, and immediately thereafter
rmhlirlv nneneri hv the District.
part of members born in Amerfca Scnooi " Board of School District
of Chinese parents. They have
engagements all up and down the
coast, to last till about August
15th. May play in Salem again
this summer, on return trip from
north; in a different play. After
August 15, may go east. Have
calls from New York and other
cities. The members of the com
pany were mostly at the Bligh
hotel , in Salem. Mr, Wu is an
exceedingly clever man. Suave.
Gentlemanly. Ambitious. Speaks
as good English as the average
educated American. Both Mr. Wu
and Mr. Conley want to follow
clean methods, as they did in
Salem. Do not believe in the
t&ndency of the vaudeville stage
towards vulgarity. If they come
back to Salem, they will be wel
comed by packed houses.
Jury Trying 129 Persons
Cannot Reach Agreement
CHICAGO. March 17.-(AP)-A
Jury which for ten weeks had
sat patiently listening to testi
mony and 'arguments in tha trial
of the greatest number of defend
ants 129 ever brought to book
at one time hv the federal gov
ernment, tonight deliberated over
punishmept or acquittal of 57 men
No. 24. Marion county. Oreeon.. In
said City of Salem, Oregon, for an
issue of bonds of said district in
the sum of one hundred and thirty
thousand dollars ($130,000). said
bonds to be in denomination? of
one thousand dollars ($1,0 00)
each, numbered 221 to 350 inclu
sive, dated March 1, 19 27, and
maturing serially in numerical
order at the rate of thirteen thou
sand dollars ($13,000) per annum
on the Jst days of March in each
of the years 1928 to 1937 inclu
sive, said bonds to bear interest at
the rate of five per cent (5 ) per
annum, payable semi - annually,
principal and interest payable at
the Fiscal Agency of the State o!
Oregon ir. New York City.
All bids Di'jst be accompanied
by a certified check for $5000 and
must be unconditional.
The approving legal opinion of
Messrs. Teal, Winfree. McCuIIoor
& Shnler will be furnished the
successful bidder.
The assessed valuation of the
property in the district for the
year 1926 w 516.143.052.00.
The bonded indebtedness of the
dltrict, exclusive of the bond
hereby advertised, is $300.6Sw.uU.
The Board also reserves the
rig at to reject any and all bids.
Address: 371 State Street.
P. O. Box 426. m5-9-13-18-20
Guarantees "Allenrhu"
to Ease Rheumatic Pains and
and Reduce Swollen Joints
-. . , .
Money Back Says J. C. Perry if One Bottle of "Allenrhu"
7" Doesnt Blake Any Rheumatic Sufferer Rejoice
nIt does not matter whether you
are disabled, with cursed. Rheuma
tism or have - only occasional
twinges IMAlIenrJio"'.wiU.ease the
agony, do away; with ..the gnawing
pains" and often reduce the swollen
joints,;... ,', r
, Allenrhu is no laggard.. It starts
right in at once searching on: the
poiAOjious deposit-and is two
days starts to drive the concentrat
ed impurities that often cause
Rheumatism out ot the body
through the natural channels.
Allenrhu has been tried and
tested for years and really marvel
ous results have been ' accom
plished often in the- most severe
cases' where the suffering and
agony was intense and piteous and
where the sufferer was alrcost
telpless. ' .
"The .blessed relief this marvel
bus preparation quickly gives has
made for ft thousands of friends,"
says Perry Drug Store. -Adr. i
s r mm m
Jhi$ switcli
jrourB power
even the radio
setitselt hf
Only One Day heft
Then This Offer Ends!
For the Marveloiis
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Radio "A-ancTB" ,
Socket Power
" Yes, you can now have radio power for your radio
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difference what kind or what make radio set you have. Philco Socket
Powers will give you both A and B Radio Power from your electric light
current, smoothly and perfectly no matter what kind of electric current
you have.
Think of it! Now you can do away with dry-cell
battery troubles, "B" batteries and the ordinary "A" storage battery. No
more recharging to do; no more dry batteries to replace.
Just a small payment down; balance a little each month
Liberal Allowance
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It's a fact. We will make you a
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Expert Installation
: We understand exactly how to
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rMs Offer &m1 ToraioFiroWo
This unusual offer positively ends tomorrow. It was made
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Mail This Coupon Now
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Make of Kadlo Set .