.THE OEEGON STATESMAN. SALEM OREGON ,ERIDAVrOUNING, .MARCH 4819271 '-: - K,, i(f Hhir Club 'i;,ititiiix Brush College l,'j,t i tit Kuyel Homct- 1:. K;iri Hugel was a deliRht . on Wednesday after- members of the Sweet i': :ir ' 1 1 and their special guests ii:.. jti ush VHege Helpers. in jihlition to, members of the urbanizations,. Mrs. jAlice H. l,l ;iM'l Mrs. S. P.Kimball were invi -'. for the afternoon. An (i.urtaining program was i.-!!, opening with, a piano solo, il.-e Arabeque," by Theodore j,.-,, k. played by Mrs. C. L. Blodg second number was "A T;ik',fn' on Husbands." given, by Vlrs. V. I- Mercer. Mrs. ,Alfce H. contributed, a .paper of spe nit Tt-st on "Problems of Girls Tml.iy." Mrs. Blodgt'tt closed the i,r.;r;t.ni with two piano "solos, S.riuiui." by Hess, and "Alpine Sung." by Petrie. i;. irt shiiu'iits were served .late th' aft-rnoon from, a beautiful ly :irii"ii','J tpa table.'! A lovely l ;. kt of green carnations, sweet ic;m and primroses was used as tie centerpiece. , Green lighted t.,i)- rs were used on " the table. .n. Ffid Allen presided at the 11 r ti . - - In thf group of,, Brush College Helpers we.re Mrs. Charles Smith, Mrs. John Schlndler. , Mrs.' Fred Olson. .Mrs. George Meyers, Mrs. I a nl Wallace, Mrs. A. R. Ewing, Mrs. Fred Ewing. Mrs. J. L. Oli ver. Mrs. William Gorsline, Miss Luis Gorsline, Mrs. V.'L.. Gibson, Mrs. Hatch, Mrs. Roland Lewis, Mrs. diaries McCarter, Mrs. Bar- Lara Focht, Mrs. Arthur Ctley, Mrs. W. F. McCall and Mrs. C. L. P!n!gett. ' ' U Mis. II'. A. Marshall Honors 1 Mrs. ilcorge Nelson ori I Wednesday at Gray Belle pi An exceedingly delightful affair W. A. Marshall, who entertained on Wednesday. in the Chinese room at the Gray Belle with a bridge tea honoring Mrs. George Nelson. A pastel color scheme, featuring shades of pink, orchid and green, vas used throughout the tea room. Lighted tapers in the pastel-ints p learned in crystal holders, while lases of wild currant and daffodils e ntered each table. Mrs. Lawrence lnlaXwn the first prize of the afternoon, with the second high, score going to Mis. William Gosser. Those who were Mrs. Marshall's guests, from 2 tov 5 .o'clock, weje; Mrs. George "N'elson, : "tFie " honor sest. Mrs. Carl Armstrong, Mrs. xdwin Armstrong, Mrs. Lawrence Imlah, Mrs. Earl Paulsen, Mrs. Reed Rowland, Mrs. James Teed. Mrs. Oral Lemmpn, Mrs. Carl Chapler. Mrs. Jesse George, Mrs. James X. Smith, Mrs. Carl Charl ton. Mrs. William Gosser, Mrs. Karl Hinges, Mrrf2 Mort Pilkenton, Mrs. Kdwin Viesko and the hostess V Mrs. v. A. Marshall, L Oregon Poet Is Shltoiiored in England ' The following item is quoted from the "Poetry CReview," pub- i shed in J.ondon:T "Tlie Poets' Fellowship regular,- premium is riivided eqnally between Mme. Hel-in.- Dorerinska, Saint Raphael, Van. France, and Verne Bright of Heavrrton. Or. There is also a "i.ort biographical note which say3 tiiat Mr. Verne Bright is a mem ber ,,f what is known in America a-, the Portland group of poets. For two years he lias been vice I'le-hit-nt of the Northwest Poetry ie'y of America.- . , "sim-e the beginning vjpf "this ': r he has placed, more than 200 riiiis with various magazines ia thi (ountry and Esgland, includ es the Poetry IteYtew of London, i; i Tludes of Baltimore? Overtures New York, Lyric West oC-Loa Ans'.Us. and Will-o-the-Wlsp of lvi hni(,::d, Va." Kftrri-ations for Professor Homes Lecture Close Today '"day is the last day reserva ! , !is may be made for the lecture !i-h i rof. willard Wattles of Jres;.,n Agricultural college -will 1 iv" ; t the luncheon" meefing to inionow of the American Associa- "i l niversity Women. .The n:n. neon will be given at 12:30 " :kW at the Gray Belle. Reser v 'ions may be made with MrsJ I'ann at li80TJ. . Pvth Ch-cle Enjoys Liiiirheon Meeting at H. I.!. White Home ; -Nineteen members of, the, South -entral circle of the First Metho ' hurch. and five especially in-1 v ;d gnosis were honored with ah rjoyablo 1:30 o'clock luncheon Wednesday at the, home of Mrs. 51 ': White. .; H"w Is of daffodils' and fera were Usd throughout the house and Motored oacn of the WQ iunch in tables where covers were I Pyf (l lnr Early violets were. Jj used in the decorating. j f Hot, sos with Mro Whlta i-arc 'I"; William Yarnell and Mrs. Ed "-Wis. Inv (1 guests for the luncheon It's Tim to Think of rAlXTIXG and CXEAXTKO UP N ve Sell Martin Senour 100 Per' cent Pur. Paint FGIITOX a BiiiiMi'iii Commercial TeL 639 and afternoon meetins w-ere Dr. Frd ('..Taylor. Mrs. Iter Kirk. Mis. John Cause. Mrs-J. B. Hew itt and Miss Marparet K. Suther land. Dr. and Mrs. Avitton Are Visitors Dr. and Mrs. Richard X. Avison, fornif rly of Salem where Dr. Avi son was pastor of the First Meth odist church, were visitors here Wediresdav.' 1 Eighteen Tables of Cards Are in Play at Large Benefit Affair The home of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Davies was the scene of a large benefit card .party on Wednesday evening, given, under the sponsor ship of the .Neighbors of -Wood-ciaft. Seventy-five guests were piesent for the pvening:, with 18 tables of cards in play. Mrs. C. B. !haw was general chairman for the event. High scores of the evening were won by Mrs. Messes and John Hawk, and the low. by Mrs. Royal and John Spoug. .Captains of the tables wre Mjs. C. tB. Shaw, Mrs. T. W. Davies. Mrs. John Spong, Mrs. S. ('. Kigut linger, Mrs. Royal, Mrs. White, Mrs. Claude Town wnd, Mrs. Clark. Mrs. D. D. Olmstead, Mrs. Winch comb, Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Hill. Mrs. Lul2, Mrs. Dennjs, Mrs. C. E. Crawford and. Mrs. F. E. Turner. . The next benefit affair in the series will take place at the home of Mrs. Irene Scott. Woman's U it ion Will Sew Today Members of the Woman's union cf the First Congregational church will meet today at the church to sew for the Marion County Child Health demonstration. A. pot-luck luncheon will be served at noon. Miss Mary Leona Peed Becomes Bride of Herman A.-Hahn at Ceremony Sunday Afternoon Thp hnmp n f Air nnrl ATr5 Cl&c i Peed, 1078 Chemeketa street, waa the scene of a beautiful wedding Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, when their oldest daughter, Mary Leona, became the bride of 'Her man A. Hahn of Quinaby. The ceremony was read by Rev. J. J. Gillespie, the pastor of the groom, and Rev. R.tL. Putnam, the bride's pastor. . The young .couple, who were unattended, - stood in the living room.under big .wedding bell -of white,' covered with smilax. The rooms were decked with baskets of fern, Oregon, grape and pussy willows, a green and white color schenfe being used throughout. The bride wore white silk com bined with lace and a full length veil of. embroidered chiffon, fast ened to a wreath of silver. She r Social Calendar ' o Today American Home department of Federated Woman's clubs. Port land. St. Patrick's party. First Meth odist church. .Auspices Epworth league. . Woman's union of First Congre gational church. All-day meeting with pot-luck luncheon. Sewing for health demonstration. West Side circle of Jason Lee Aid society. Mrs. T. J. Clark,vJ 1214 North Commercial street; t hostess, 2 o'clock. "Hal Hrhbard- auxiliary. Mrs. Percy Pugh, 404 'North Church street, hostess. Woman's Alliance. Unitarian church. Kmerson room, 2? 30 p. m. Jqnior high school party. First Presbyterian church, 7 o'clock. ; Saturday American Association .of -Ui; versi.ty Women. Gray Belle, 12:30 o'clock. - Reservations Vith Mrs. Robert Dann. 14807J. Woman's Relief corps. Silver tea, McCornack . hall. Salem Nature Study club; meet ing, 2:30 p. m. Mission street, side of Bush's pastnre. ; Sunday "Johnny Ring and Captain's Sword." Film at , First Congre gational church, 7;30 o'clock. Tuesday Benefit bridge ta. Social ,Af ternoo5n club of Chadwick chapter of the Eastern Star. Masonic Tem ple. ice: t ELECTRIC ir.IOIOP Re wonnd and Repaired ; New or Used Motors ? YTOBERT TODD Things Electrical : 191' Sotilli iligh St. . .. TELEPHONE r 2112- carried a shower bouquet of roses, i'iccsiasiaBd fern. A reception t followed the cere mony with Miss Ella Hmith. Miss Ella Hahn. Miss Irene .Lane and Miss Esther, Hahn assisting in, the serving. Cuests of the wedding aod-th reception included Mr., and Mrs. J. J. , Gfilaspie, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. FiMnam, Mr. and Mrs. Frank lnc orMooraouth. Mr., and Mrs. Har old. Lane. Mr. ami Mrs. Walter Barkus. Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. 'i:tsinger of Cervais. Mr. and Mrs. J: W. Leasfc, Mrs. Nellie Currie and baby. Jean, Mrs. M. Barton, Mrs. Minnie .Baker. Miss Alvina l!a,hn. Miss Frankie May Lane. Minnie, Elmer and Clarence Cut singer, Lenory. Theona and Minna Fntnam. Miss Ella Smith, Miss Ella Hahn, Miss Irene Lane and Miss Esther Hahn. After a short wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Hahn will make their home at Quinaby, where Mr. Hahn owns a farm. Woman's Alliance Will Meet j The Woman's alliance of the First Unitarian church will meet at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon in the Emerson room of the church. Saiem Folk Will Spend j it eelc in Junction City -Mrs Otto .Hoppes and sons, Keith and Emerson, and Mrs. Hoppps' mother, Mrs. J. F. Mollen cop. left yesterday for Junction City where they will be guests for a week. - Mr. Hoppes and Mr. Mol lencop will motor to Junction City for the week-end. Willamette Students Will No m inn te Ma u Queen The nomination of three candi dates for the office of Willamette university May Queen will take place today. Election will take place later in the season. LEAKAGE SUSPECTED BRITAIN GIVES REASON FOR ARREST OF .YAW. MAN LONDON, Mar. 17. (AP) Fears of a 'possible leakage of secrets connected with Great Brit- ian's biggest' submarine are be lieved to have prompted the ad miralty to request the arrest of Lieutenant Commander Colin Mayers, on the retired list of the navy. He was remanded in the Bow street police court today, charged under the official secrets act of having in his possession' plans and documents dealing with thesubmarine service. The case Notice of Intention to Improve North Fourth Street From the North Line of Belmont street to the South line of Market Street. Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of the Cityl5t"Sa lem, Oregon, deems it necessary and expedient, and hereby declares its purpose and intention to im prove JNbrth Fourth street from the north line of Belmont, street to the south line of Market street, in the City of Salem, Oregon, at the expense of the abutting and ad jacent property, excepting the street and alley intersections, the expense of which will be assumed by the City of Salem, Oregon, by bringing said portion of said street to the established grade, construct ing Portland ,.cement concrete curbs, and paving said portion of said street with a six-inch Port land cement concrete pavement, twenty-four feet wide, in accord ance with the plans, specifications and estimates therefor, which were adopted by the Common Council March 7, 1927, now on file in the office of the city recorder and which said plans, specifications and estimates are hereby, referred to and made, a part of this notice. The Common Council hereby de clares its purpose and intention to make the above described Improve ment by and through the treet Im provement department of the City of Salem, Oregon. ' Written remonstrances may be filed with the city recorder of said city against the above proposed improvement within ten. days from the date of final publication here of. By order of the Common Coun cil, March 7, 1927. M. POULSEN, City Recorder. Date of first publication hereof is March 12, 127. ' Date of fini publication hereof will be March 24 1927. m24 T O D A Saleipf ijole ProQf Rejects $1pair A Big. Bargain Come! is so serious that .the magistrate refuses hail. Although no evidence was tend ered at the preliminary .hearing today it s understood that May ers, who had a brilliant career in the submarine service, was charg ed with being in possession, con trary to his duty, of .plans relating to the submarines O-l and X-l. The latter is described as the big gest submarine in .the world. It was launched in June, 1923, and will cost 1,000,000 pounds. Alt is 350 feet long and carries four big guns in armored turrets, but the size of the guns, the number of torpedo tubes, and other details have been kept a close admiralty secret. Mayers is 36 years old. He was born in Guinea and served for 19 years in the British navy, five of them in the submarine service. He retired at .his own request a few months. ago to join the submarine department of Vickers, Ltd., builders of warships and ordinance. VVCTU CELEBRATES iioiisieur Mrs. J. J, Nunn Presides at -Program Given Before Bi Monthly Meet By Edna Garfield At its bi-monthly meeting this week, the WCTU celebrated Fnion Signal day by an appropriate pro gram of music, readings, etc. Mrs. J. J. Nunn presided, Mrs. A. O. Condit acted as secretary, and Mrs. Fessenden played the piano accompaniments. Members re sponded to roll call by reading brief reports of work being done in the various states. The "Union Signal," official or gan of the WCtV, contains sound logic, recital of . benefits, rehears als of fasts, plans for workers; stresses constructive, methods and indisputable benefits of prohibi tion; in short is a splendid periodi cal, educationally, with highest ideals of journalism. From the current issue were read exerps from an article by the federal prohibition commissioner, citing the mere infancy of nation al prohibition (but seven years old) in comparison with a genera tion of time taken for other great world-movements for public up lift and betterment to get into operation; that in spite of diffi culties disclosed, remarkable ad vances have been made, conspicu ously in improved conditions of prosperity increased, health im proved, child welfare promoted, and commitments to penal insti tutions for drunkenness and Its attendant-evils "diminished: Attention was also called to the gigantic campaign of misleading propaganda on by the "wets" to deceive the people; in spite of which, the commissioner showed, the splendid results . gb steadily on; as attested by the business, professional, fraternal, religious and educational rorganizations of the country. An interesting sketch was given of. Gen. Neal Dow. and his monu mental contribution to national prohibition. On Tuesday, March 29, a silver tea will be given at the WCTU room, to which the public is In vited. The proceeds will be ap plied "nipon the piano fund. Mrs. Carruthers and Mts. Fessenden were appointed to arrange a pro gram, to which a contribution by guests will be welcomed. Casey's , Guaranteed ,JlHEUHA,tl$I REMEDY Money refunded If It does not cure your case dkugGiAts , Cor, Court and liberty Tel. 7 : Watches, Clock, and Jewelry Carefully Repaired and Guaranteed at PRESCOTTlS S2S 'Korth "'Commercial Street A Y ! ...... . o I LISTEN IN FEIDAV MORNING ":1";7:0 KiV ( l!H ) . Setting up x prriis. :" 1 1 ;:!0 KliW. Woincp'r health PJ- erri-ss. II'MnelioM hclfiif and music. IO:00 H::: KM. la-MO. Jtusi.- and ;nnunr wut-tit, 1 1 :ii-l-j :tm -KOIN". !omcf.tu- M-icm.1) t.iTL" :i n (I mi i i-. 11 :')'! 1 -j :(K KKX t447). Mor;iin? rn- t.-rt.iiiiiiii'Tit. Timi' visuals ' !- FRIDAY AFTERNOON I'J :im KI'Kc ' -"'i. vf!itlifr reports. 1-J : .12 20 KK. fopular muslr. 1 ::!0-2 -KTlUt hour. 2:1.0-.! .00 KXL. 2 :tlti-:; r(lr- -K(i v. :t:0(K4 ;IM KOI V 4 :00-5 :0it KFK.V. 4 :ii-i:u KKWV :iO--, :30KTliK. : I 5-6:00 KOIX. j ::i0-i :OU- K KX. ifusic. Wnmcn's matinre. News. i)init'. SI usic. C-'l-Ji. TwiJite liour. C"hi!rtren's Tiror.-im. Topy Turvv Times. 1 l USl III d II X I II . FRIDAY NIGHT 6:00 -7:0 Ki ( in 1 . Umntr proirram. 6:ki-7:imi KOIN i :U H I . . I hsan re-iidl. (:OO-7:0o KKWV cJl-ji. Twilito hour. 6 :0-r ;::o KTHii cj;.')j. Tourist guide iao-7:3i KXI. Odftj. Slusif. 7 i :00 KKWV. Amusement guide. 7:00-7:30 KTUK. Jtoad reports. 7:00-7:20 KOIX. Amusement sueges- t ions. 7 :0O-7 :30 7 :O0-8 :U0 -K;V. -KKX 1'tilitj- service. (447;. Iinner concert trio. 7 :3O K:fi0 KCfU' rt:'0-U:0o KOIN" Poultry talk. Sfudiil lirn?rim :O0-! :0i :00- :00 8 MiO-9 :0o -KTliR. S'tiuiift program. -KXI.. Sruiliii program. -K'iiW. ('nn-frt orrhpstrn m oprano and t.-nor soiorsiN :O0-9:0U Ke. 6rche-tra si-rnaN at r. Time :'i-H .;!( KKWV. 8 :.0-!i :H) KKWV. ! :Ou- io :;io KO :" 10:OO KOIV 9:0ii-I0:0( KKWV H.iw,iii:in pn gram. AVhislline pror.iin. lance orehxxlrii. I'onifTt onlii'vtr;i. l.nlu Hoffman and ot hi-rs. 10 :(ki- ii ;r;o -KKWV. Studio program. 10::iO -l-j:Oo KGVV. TTovt -Owi. Simul-lam-ou-, wiili K'FO.V. K.MO mid KJIQ AFTER MIDNIGHT 12 :00 1 :(K- KK.IK ia:i. Midnisht stu dio program. AFTERNOON EVENING K;0 Oakland i:f(ili. ii. ii:.-.". s. hhM, l,fi Ancvls cZl.i). 7:30 1I.X Oakland (309i. 7, x, 9 : I.V KKI .o Aiil&s (407). 5:3(1 0:.!'i. 7, Afoiian orian recital 10. 10. :i: KXKf Santa MAni.-a cj:j io, U. KKS! Snn Iiic;n (J4). 0, KI'O S,m F'ran. i-c . i4-J-i 0 7 :''0. H. 1 . Kill) Spokaue Tt9l. c, fJ KTAB Oakland CiO l). 'r,', Tklnnd lioat-. 6. 7. 8. !. in. (i : 15. SOI. 10. 10 :.'!0. , 9, (ioat i. 7. f. KKWI San Francisco .;::iO. ('250 i KM I'l; Tlollyn-ood (TiTin 7. 7 :SO. h. M. in. fi. 6:15, TTi Kdmontou (5!7). 0:1 (i:3o. 7. 7::io. KKWO Avalon 121! 1. fi. (i :30. MALCOMja; DRIVE IN An especially fortunate quantity purchase makes it possible for us to offer you these tires at re markably low prices Drive in and get service! 30x3 yz Oversize.... $6.95 30x312 Giant $7.95 29x440 balloon $7.95 30x495 30x525 31x525 30x577 33x600 3Jx4 32x4 33x4 34x4 32x4 Vi 33x4V2 34x4 y2 30x5 33x5 35x5 Balloon Balloon Balloon Balloon..:. Balloon.... Non-Skid Non-Skid .Non-Skid Non-Skid Nori-Skid Non-Skid Non-Skid Non-Skid Non-Skid Non-Skid $11.50 $13.63 $13.65 $14.95 $16.25 $10.45 $10.95 $12.50 $13.75 $16.90 $17.50 $18.20 $20.50 $29.75 $30.50 Buy Tires Now! Commercial and Court Streets L PUT CREAM IN NOSE AND STOP CATARRH, Tells How To Opn Closed Nostrils and End Head-Colds. Vou feel fine 'ma " few mometfts. Yoifr cold in head or eatarrh will be pone. Your clogged nostrSIs will open. in air passage M .your, bead will clear and you can. breathe freely. Ifo more dullness, headache; bo hawking, anuflfflnjr," mucous diieharges or dry ness ; no struggling for breath at night. Tell your druggist you want a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm. Apply a little of k this T fragrant, antlseptio 'cream in your nostrils, let it penetrate through every air passage of the head p oothj and heal the swollen.' inflamed mucous membrane, and relief come instantry, .t - s--'. v.-r-"?- It a is , iuat what wr mM cabj-rh , sufferer needs.. , Doat "tUf, u otr 30x32 $c.95 I Regular U 1 1 --' - - 1111111 6lU Is AncoVt (40.-. 6. fit.-iO, 7:30. - Ad,". O. - - . KOXIAV--Walla Mll 2S.-.). 7. S. . K.M Tarntna C--1"'. 7. !-3fl. 10:31'. KOAtO S. 3lllt ( 5i;. .' :M: 1:4".. f. :. 7:"i. . X.-i :!". H:'U. !l, !l::t(i, KYA Sn rauri-cn (KnO i:.'ii .x. In KKyZ--H.iHv... (i'(il. i; 7 s. n. KKOV t.n l!(3-h ( 2::-J ) . ii. fi.l".. 7. 7;:iO. 7:4". . s. (. . KOAC 'rvHU I i . 7. 7:1". 7 :lfi 7: -11, k. :l,. KVI Tacoina tr!4:ll. fi::Vo. 7 :ti. t:ni. C.VItV Vam-ouvi-r ( "."!) I ! . 7 ::n s O 1. KW"S() Pullman (34fi). 7:"io. 7:".".. :(?, ":1.. s::(i, :4. Kr U lt r-Holiywoo.l fj.2). r, : 0 7 7 -.-( . !. P;50. M, 11. KOA Denver (."' 2). .". :.:i, f, C "0, 7 7:11. rKCT Victoria (3291. 7 :"( S ('1 KTHI r.o, Ansels ( .94 ) . 7. s. KKOA Seaitlo (Ijli. (i-4." 7 J O 10::50. KXX Ho!lvn-ood f.T".7. fi (" !() 7 7 ::(. 8. 8. K. U. ' ' KJR .-f-at(le (:ijlf.. (!, (i : 1 ".. S::!0, !:::. .lrt. K(i V Spokane (341). .", :4., S. iSTeio Shape W CrdDDQQ' Growing Girls Especially should be safeguarded against iodine deficiency by the addi tion of Iodized Tru-Bake to the diet. Blue carton with orange letters. Baked by the TRU Originators of Tru-BIu ktaaJM Use On the We Oner a Large Rack Full of d ELEGANT DRESSES Values to $39.75 Embodying all and distinctiveness, this.showirig .will impress.all wjio are seeking a good, smart looking dress.1. ; Y oil ,wil Wind ;inany?-:; types "of various modes. Such shades as Monkteyskini Bois ; -de Rose, Landron Green. Queen Blue. Grotto BIuev'fTame -nii; RedGhattreuss6 Pictorial Review; r Fashion Book ' Quarterly ; .,-.. - v. Now on sale 2c . . MURMANSK, t S.S. R. Tho local soviet has RcltHtt-d a wofker named IVtroff from ri0 content ahls as the lialdest man in the ' $5GUnANTD--$5 t fi "r- -a r ir aTriir m tit r m rKr.K'IVi MTw.l.rU l W MvV J H Full head,-long or short hair, eyerybody. The same method and system In use as In ourjothr -v locitions. As we are here only a limited tlme'Vake yonr;ap- poiitmehts early. ... . IxH-ated at 1 17 New Rligli Bldg, -Telephone 2549 " " PERMANENT WAVERS COMPANY Also operating Los Angeles, Oakland, San Francisco, Portland and Seattle . Xv , Every operation in the baking ofJTRU-BAKE Crackers is safeguarded religiously.' Eternal vig ilance is the price of quality. Sponge, doughy and oven j temperatures w are maintained to. the dot. Extreme. care' is. used in baking and packing. So rigid is the inspection, that an imperfectly baked Tru-Bake Cracker, can ; not get :1y.' The taste tells. For Crackers Par Excellence Ask for TRtf-DAKES s - BLU BISCUIT CO., Honey - Sweetened Grahams and Your Credit at Kafoury Bros. Threshold of Spring A BIG ASSORTMENT TO CHOOSE fBOM the features that make Green, ihd rnahy:6tKersittclu3i Everyres Hte ler . , .aleia. .Store :: " proTinfA. ;iretroff hart a fw BtrsK gUnK .halra on tA iAcrof-?hls j The. rompot itfon tra,"t Hrely; and took place before 700 spectators. The prize was- a "gallon! of J.to4k"a. . 1 any color. At last In reach of -J Spokane, Portland, Seattle "Cup. Custard" Cookie, Cakes 18P for individuality .ijprtland SiijStcrel "i . 1o if 5 r. ' av ' - u . - V