Let the People Take Up By Initiative the Purchase of the Water Works, to Stop Futile Marking of "Time Second Annual Salem Window Display Week Opens Tuesday Evening Next; Auto Show in Connection WEATHER FORECAST: Cloudy and cool; fresh west and northwest winds on th? toast. Maximum yesterday, 49; mini mum, 40; river. 7.8; rainfall, .1; atmos phere, cloudy; wind,1 south. British holders of $75,0 00,0 00 worth of confederate bonds are going to ask congress to make them good. Bnt It isn't customary to get your money back when you bet oil the- wrong horse. . SEVENTY-SIXTH YEAR SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 18, 1927 PRICE FIVE CENTS , mm EIGHT PERSONS WRECKS TOWNS Small Communities in Ar kansas Devastated by -.- Terrific Windstorm 20 REPORTED INJURED Seven Persons Die at Klondyke, Village Hardest Hit; Build ings at Girls' Training School Fall BENTON, Ark.. March 17. (A P.) A tornado, apparently sweeping from the south and south west, devastated several small communities near here tonight and left eight known dead and 15 to 20 injured, several seriously. A revised death list, issued at hospitals here,, follows: Mrs. Edgar Smith, Klondyke. Inez Smith, 6, and Clif Smith, 2. her children. Lennie Cash, 22, Matthew Cash, 17, and Artis Cash. 15, sisters and brothers of Mrs. Smith. Lloyd McAllister, 20, of Willis. A Miss Moddy, at Mountain view. The tornado is said to have struck Klondyke about 9 o'clock, approaching from the southwest. Almost simultaneously, It is be lieved, it swept through Mountain- view, Collegeville, Willis and Alexander, where the state train ing school for girls is located. Several of the buildings at the school were blown down and two women were hurt- The" McAllis ter youth was -.Wstantly. killed when his home on the Benton Hot Springs highway blew away. Klondyke apparently bore he brunt of the tornado, for several houses were demolished and the injured list is greater" tnere than at any other point.- At least 10 4TH-rsons were injured at Mountain Veil, 10 miles west of here. REED ATTACKS S APIRO'S WORK MISSOURI SENATOR TELLS LIFE OF LIBEL PLAINTIFF Will Try to Prove-All: Articles in Dearborn. . Independent Were True DETROIT. March 17. (AP) Aaron Sapiro as an organizer of cooperative associations, as a law yer, and as an orphan on the Pa cific coast was described today by Senator James A. Reed of. Mis souri in the Chicago man's $1, ooo.OOO libel suit against Henry Ford. . Makiner the onenine nlea for the defense, the senator warmed. up to his task in short order, attacK ine Saniro'n motives in working among the' farmers, asserting that Sapiro repeatedly had declared ne did not wish money fpr what he was doing, and at the same time collected thousands of dollars. "U .n11entrt 2142.000 for forming a cotton association in Alabama, evidence will Show, ana then obtained $8,000 for repre senting the organization later in receivershin nroceedings. de clared Senator Reed Most of the afternoon session was taken up by a conference be- te. ii Judge Fred M. Kaymona and the attorneys for botn siaes. William Henrv r.allasther. repre senting Sapiro, objected - to the general argumentative nature of the senator's plea, which be Bald instead of confining Itsell as to how the defen was to Drove the truth of alleged libelous articles printed in the Dearborn Indepen dent. Ford's publication, was an attack on Sapiro ana his metnous. .1 or! 't. K ivmnnit nrmitted Mr. K. ed to continue, only a quarter an hour being left; beiore aa i'Mirnmcnt and Raid he WOUld in tke a ruling tomorrow. He asked both attorneys to shorten as Introduction of evidence, omitting relatively un- lii'pfttant matter. SMELT RUN " COMING "ON Aveiill Expect Fish to Enter Sandy River Next Week iORTLAND. March: IT. (IPX The annual smelt run on the Sanay should begin within another wee K K- F. Averill. state game warden, aid today. The schools of the Dt to tiah have been observed in he Columbia river lost , oft the Willamette and should arrive, at he Sandy in about a week. Aver iu said. . ' - -. . . Thousands. &l people troniVth entire northwest are attracted an anally to watch 'and participate In the great smelt run, when every manner of home made net ia used I , to literally dip by backcttuls. the boa ui2.eicir " DR. COOK FREED UNDER NEW LAW PROBATIONARY LIBERTY GRANTED TO EXPLORER Government Will Appeal Case; Prisoner Paroled to Fort Worth Man FORT WORTH. Texas. March T. (AP) Probationary free dom for Dr. Frederick A. Cook, Arctic explorer and promoter, was s-ranted here todav bv Federal Judge James C. Wilson, under a two year old federal probation law. Thp rrrta.r freeing Cook will be forwarded tonight or tomorrow to T.Aavpnworth oenitentiarv. where Dr. Cook, who still claims to be the original discoverer of the North Pol. . i serving a 14 year sentence on charges of misuse of the mails for oil stock promotion. The nrisoner will be Daroled to Erskine Williams. Fort Worth at fornpv an d churchman, while the government is preparing an ap peal of the case whicn may go to the United States supreme conrr. District Attorney Henry Zwelfel filed formal notice of -appeal. The nrohation which Is for five years, was granted -under the law passed March 4, 192&, wnicn gives federal district judges autnoruy to liberate defendants, and the present case Is one of the few in which this authority has been ex ercised. Government attornejs denv that a ludge has power to grant probation after a prisoner has begun serving nis ierm, " few cases thus" far tried appear to ho in ronflict. according to Assist ant District Attorney J. Forrest McCutcheon. t v.iJi.i, In favor Of , COOK.. Xli UUlUtUf u ' Judge Wilson stated that the new law is '-a radical departure, with out parallel," and gives the trial judge control over me ipo" nntil the termination fo the lat- ter's sentence. . , : He stated that in his opinion , nrtinni Rnntence against Cook UIO V - . was excessive, that Cook now te a pauper, and. tnat " ne servcu full sentence be would b 75 years old when released. . , Probation amounts virtually i ... jni untsnrp. At the enu BUBITCUWW I fi A.r. ha will he eligible I for complete ireeuum uj v-- and will be foreed to return prison unless the president com mutes the sentence or sroum v- don. WASHINGTON. March . 17.-7- k-o ThA dpna.rtmeni ot junutw will have something to say about the move initiated toaay in roru Worth by Federal Judge Wilson to have Dr. Frederick A. Cook re leased on probation from Leaven worth penitentiary but just what it will be has not been disclosed officially. Department officials, from At torney General Sargent down, de clined to comment on juage son's action. It wan generally conceded, however, that under a law enacted in 1925, he and other oot inrtst have cower to sus- LTJUi a . - peud sentences ana piace p- CUUIKWU . - - bation. but doubt appeared to ex in tnir Rnuru us ui ist whether pronation coum granted afteir a part of the prison terms had been served. KILLER'S LIFE SAVED Governor of Iew York Comiuntes Death Sentence of Cowan nccTwtvn V. Y.. March 17. r t Uorrv W CoVall. DlinO KJ .J ' . .. . a j - - , r w.Aittt Rnrton. was nulled " - , , from the shadow ot tne eieciriu chair today as he and two other men were preparing to pay with . thar had their lives ior mu3 -"v muisi at the rssult of love tWJUiU" auair. , . ,, , .,, Cowan was saying a iasi w""' his daughter in the death house i vnAru ran 11 D wua luo word that Governor Smith had tlA the death Sentence to .... iwnf ThA Informa- me imjiiuui ---- - ... . nA ha Tri- immeaiaieu unci ' uuc, " : . . .i i liarvuu " Bfc.... .t , rnA KrvKtHp forfeit ing his sight and his sense of taste, i became paruy ae!.. onoA. h Axrlalmed when the n.nort of the keepers messagB vxww, .; - . ,i0r tn.hlm. "The gov ernor will never regret this." BERGMAM2PW! T WORK Flax Plant Temporarily u'n Be reman, lex-president n ih irinrence State bank, who is now serving a, 13 year term m me penitentiary for embezzlement and ..,wi-inr V : loans '' while . the banks reserve was impaired, yes terday was asslgnea to empiuj mt in the nrlson flax plant. 1UM " - Mr. Bergman was received at ha nontinntiarv last. Monday. Of- t,4oi sai, ha nrobably would be assigned - to employment in the prison offices "when he becomes familiar . with the institutipn routine. , l'i Portland Northwestern. Elec tric Company-b-uilda huge dock to handle 1400. toui7j-h.oar.tner? a DE AUTREilVI WILL HOT TALK ABOUT ROBBERY Siskiyou Bandit Suspect Is Questioned Upon Arrival at Alcatraz Prison MAN ADMITS IDENTITY Pontoffiee Inspector Announces Certainty He Has Right Man; Still Seeking for More Information SAN FRANCISCO, March 17. (AP) Although rigidly ques tioned by government officers, Hugh De Autremont. one of three brothers charged with murder aft er holding up a train in southern Oregon in 1923, today refused to throw any significant light on the crime of which he is accused. After the questioning, however. Charles Riddiford, postoffice in spector of the Pacific northwest. said he was "convinced that the evidence ' is . conclusive, even though circumstantial, and I hope n further questionings to obtain information which may lead to the. apprehension of Roy and Ray De Autremont, our prisoner's brothers." De Autremont made no denials, nor did he make any admissions, except as to his identity. 'While De Autremont would say absolutely nothing that would directly incriminate him, at least we know positively that he is one of the men sought since that heinous crime of October 11, 1923. and both the government and Southern Pacific officials feel there la no doubt as to his guilt," Riddiford added. The 23 year old youth, brought from, the Philippine islands where ha was Rprvinar aa a nrivate In the army," was" transferred early today (Oon tinned en use 8-) LEGION SEEKS MEMBERS Formal Membership Campaign To Be Launched Tuesday Capitol Post Number 9 of the American Legion will launch a memberership drive on Tuesday in aneffort to obtain 1,000 mem bers. At the present time, accord ing to Adjutant Bassett, there are 675 paid-up members and last year there were 865. . There will be a regular meeting of the Post Monday evening at which plans will be discussed for the formal opening of the drive on the following morning. It is understood that teams will can vass the various prospects in an effort to enlist their cooperation with the American Legion. , ANOTHER CANDIDATE FOR THE ARMY OF ' "N ' mm' fell COLLEGE HONOR SYSTEM PROBED "EXPLOITATION AND CHEAT ING" CHARGES FLUNG University of California Council Will Demand Thorough In vestigation Soon BERKELEY, Cal.. March 17. (AP.) Charges of "cheating" and "exploitation" in connection with the "honor system" of conducting student examinations have brought about a demand for an investiga tion of the system at the Univers ity of California. Acting on charges made by in dividual members of the faculty, the university council of the acad emic senate today appointed a committee of nine students to an swer the charges for the entire student body. The student paper, the Daily Californian, declared that to re move the honor system, which had its inception on the University of C&lifornia campus, would "shtter the foundation of student govern ment." The system has been under scrutiny for some time, it was re vealed, when the council declared it had previously rehearsed the situation and had heard complaints from professors who charged that in some classes 50 per cent of the students cheated during examina tion. The point at issue is the pro vision which allows professors to leave the class rooms unless their presence is necessary for the pres entation of the examination. CHERRY INDUSTRY ASKED Professor Says Salem Should Make Maraschino Product Illustrating his point by, serving to the members cherries which be had preserved in sulphurous acid since 1921, Professor Florian Von Eschen, head of the chemis try department at Willamette uni versity, told the Salem realty board at Thursdays luncheon that Salem is failing to utilize one of its leading resources whe nit ne glects to provide for the manu facture here of maraschino cher ries. This nrocess could be carried out by the local canneries in the dull season, Von Eschen ex plained. Another industry which is wait ing to be started, he added, is that of manufacturing rayon, errone ously called artificial silk, which ca nbe produced from wood pulp. CONVICTS LASHED BIRMINGHAM. Ala.'March 17. (AP) Fifty state convicts who were Implicated in a mutiny at Kilby. prison near Montgomery. Sunday night, have been whipped and otherwise punished, the Birm ingham "Age Herald" will say to morrow in a story from the Alabaman-capital. Every leader was given 21 lashes, while punishment varying from 5 to 15 lashes were administered' to those who joined in rioting, the story will say. SOURDOUGH HITS WEEPAH REGION LONGEST DISTANCE STAMPED ER COMES FROM ALASKA Those Who Understand Stock Gambling Having Time of Lives in Camp TONOPAH, Nevada, March 17. (AP) The longest distance stani peder arrived this afternoon with his wife from Valdez. Alaska. He is the first "sour-dough" in the Weepah district and says he knows the game from A to izzard. After getting bearings the couple bought a book of locations, crank ed up their flivver and were off for the gold fields at Weepah. It takes a good gambler to play the stocks in Tonopah today and the men and women who under stand the tricks of the market are having the time of their lives. Spot settlements are in vogue at all times because no broker will stop in the headlong rush to make out a daylight statement. The cus tomers know they will find their settlement sheet in the morning mail. Orders must be accompanied by cash and no margin trading is tol erated for that takes too much clerical work and brings grey hair to the brokers. The heaviest orders do not come from the well dressed town man. It is the common occurrence to see a man dressed in weather stained overalls and ragged slouch hat extract a roll of bills from his jeans to cover an order Involving possifely several thousand dolrars. None of the veteran traders place their money and let it ride on a stock. They keep taking prof its on the theory that no one ever lost by such procedure. They go back again and again, though per haps in the final plunge the mar ket turns suddenly and swallows every precious dollar. The excitement in the San Fran cisco stock market is reflected here daily and one order from Tonopah appears to have more in fluence on the San Francisco mar ket than a dozen from outside points. MISS WEATHERS0N WORN Cashier Shows Signs of Worry; Sentence Will be Today EUGENE. March 17. (AP.) Harriet Weatherson, Florence bank cashier, will be sentenced by Judge Skipworth of the circuit court tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock for embezzlement. She entered her plea of guilty this morning and time for sentence was immediately announced by the judge. Miss Weatherson appeared worn and weary from worry over the case when in court today, spectators noting a great deal of difference in her appearance since she first came back from Birming ham, Ala., in company with Henry Bergman, president of the bank, who was sentenced a few days ago tc serve 13 years in prison. THE UNEMPLOYED L0NH SPAN LOCATION SEEN BY MISSION Federal Inspectors Conclude Third Day of Hearing at River Town TO FINISH IN PORTLAND Case to Be Finally Ended During Day; Business 3eu and Oth ers From Lower Columbia Favor' Plan LONG VIEW, Wash., March 17. (AP) The third day of the fed eral commission inquiry into the merits of the propos sd Longview, Wash., Rainier, Ore., toll bridge was concluded I here ; tonight and those cnoducting the hearing ad journed to Portland , where the case win be closed tomorrow. Be fore leaving for Portland the com mission viewed the bridge site from the Washington side, then crossed the ferry to Rainier, Ore., where views were tal;en from the eminence of the C6lumbia river highway. . Among witnesses called this afternoon was F. M. Sweet, As toria harbor master, recently ap pointed a member of the Oregon Pilots' commission. Sweet declar ed the proposed bridge would under no circumstance prove a hazard to navigation, in contradic tion to assertions of Portland and (Continued on pa? 5.) APPLE MEN WILL MEET Seattle Gathering to Hare Dele gates From All Northwest SEATTLE, Mareh.17 AP) Apple growers and business men of Idaho, Oregon and Washing ton are to meet in Seattle tomor row to discuss problems confront ing fruit growers and to system ize shipping and marketing . of Pacific northwest apples and to prevent concentration of produce in overstocked markets. The con vention was arranged after horti cultural meetings at Yakima and Wenatchee last January at which a committee was appointed to visit the apple growing districts of the three states and discuss the situa tion with those interested. The committee, which consists of H. C. Bohkle of GTand View, chairman: M. Rumohr, of Leaven worth, secretary; William Mc Gonagle, of Selah; E. G. Ziokler, of Buena; C. W. Ludwig of Pe- shastin and E. W. Simons of Cashmere, Wash., adn King Ben ton of Hood River, Ore., will pre sent their report at, the confer ence tomorrow. LANE- SHERIFF IN BAD Taylor Must Show Judge Reason for Not Being in Contempt i irrrr.wv. Marrh 17. (AP-1 Sheriff Frank Taylor today was cited to appear before Juage bKip wrth of the circuit court to show cause why he should not be pun ished for contempt or court, -me citation arose from the sheriff's refusal to allow Fred E. Smith, attorney for Albert Brownlee, ac cused murderer, to interview Mel vin Jpffers. n material witness for the state In the case, without an officer being present, alter tne judge bad made an order giving the attorney that privilege. The sheriff said that tne aistrici at torney, who is backing him in his stand, will file an answer in the case toracrrow. U. P. TO SPEND MUCH Railway System Plans Outlay of 27,300,000 in Northvfest PORTLAND. March 17. (AP.) - Expenditures in this territory by the Union Pacific railway sys tem in 1927 will approximate S27,- 500.000, it was announcea touay hv J. P. O'Brien, general manager r h Oreeon-Washineton Rail road & Navigation company unit of the system. Expenaitures or tne Oregon-Washington - unit locally r einected to exceed those of 1826, which amounted to 310,475,- 983. - On Improvement projects speci fically listed by O'Brien, the O-W R & N will expend more than 12, 00,000. FLAX TARIFF MAY RISE Immediate Action Toward Raising " ; Duty Urged on; COolldgo - WASHINGTON. March, 17.-r-f AP) Immediate action ; on' the application of flax growers tor an Increase itt the duty on' flax In order to benefit; this years crop was urged- upon' President Cool id ge today by ; Representative Burtness, republican. North Da kota,. -: ' V j V.;: '," pFFIClRS BREAK NARCOTIC RING GANG THOUGHT TO HAVE COV ERED SEVERAL STATES Alleged Head of Band Caught Try , ing to Sell "Dope' to Law Officers NEW ORLEANS, La., March 17. (AP.) A huge narcotic ring, whose operations federal agents believe had extended into several southern states, was thought to have been broken up here today with the arrest of August Scon trino, alleged bead of the ring, and two other men: Along with Scontrino they held Angelo Pinez, an alleged undesir able alien, and Daniel Gold, charg ed with serving as Scontrino's go between in dealing, with prospec tive narcotic purchasers. A fleet of 11 automobiles in which officers believe Scontrino make quick deliveries, and auto-i-iatics with 25,000 rounds of am munition with which they think tbe cargoes were protected, also were in the hands of officers. The arrest came after officers had arranged for the purchase of 125 ounces or narcotics at J500 an ounce. Two ounces of the prospective purchase already had been delivered to agents as sam ples. Officers' telephoned Scontrino that they had found the samples satisfactory and went to his place in "Little Italy" in the lower part cf the French quarter to procure the remainder. They found Pinez with Scontrino. Both men were arrested. Scontrino being relieved of an automatic A search of his quarters reveal ed two other weapons and the am munition, whil9 five automobiles parked in the street, and six oth ers, all bearing licenses issued to Scontrino, also were seized. CAT INHERITS FORTUNE Woman Dies Wothout Relatives, Leaves All to "Kitty Boy" LOS ANGELES, March 17. (AP) Kitty Boy. a five-year-old cat, will never have to sing a hard luck song from "an alley fence nor risk a housewife's broom to beg at kitchen doors. He has fallen heir to an estate that insures com fort for all of his nine lives. The will of the late Mrs. Eliza beth Lynch of Long Beach, filed in probate court here today, leaves a life insurance policy, real estate worth several thousand dol lars and personal property of $500 all to Kitty Boy. Mrs. Lynch, who died March 19 last at the age of 60 years, had no children nor immediate relatives. Kitty Boy was all she had. The will provides that a house at .Long Beach be given free of rent to a tenant who will agree to treat Kitty Boy "like a hu man." BUSINESS BLOCK TO RISE T. 31. Hicks to Erect Building on Fraternal Tentylo Site Early construction of a business Mock -on the fornuir site of .the' fraternal temple on North Liberty street was forecast Thursday fol lowing the purchase of the prop erty from the Woodman of the World by T. M.- HickSv who is plan ning to build .but is not ready" o announce just what sort of Dtum ing he will erect. It is expected that three store rooms will be provided on the ground floor. Ne gotiationos for leasing are already under way. This property. 58 by 165 feet, was owned by the Fraternal Tem ple association until early this week, when It was transferred to the Woodmen. The fraternal tem ple, formerly the Elks building, burned down last winter. COOLIPGE'S HAND SORE President Still Able to Sign Papers In Spite of Hurt WASHINGTON. March 17. (AP.) President Coolldge was re quired to apply bandages to a lame right wrist and "hand, the cause of which remains somewhat of a mystery at the White House. Everett Sanders, his secretary, said the wrist and hand had been bothering the president, for seve ral days and when it became some what swollen today Mr, Cool id ge was advised by nis physician. Dr. James F. Coupal, to apply band ages. " ' The president was able to use his hand, however, to sign the numerons papers which came to his attention and appeared not to be suffering any pain, "-i ACTOR DIES IN CRASH Charles Mack, Movie Actor. Killed 1" In Automobile Wreck r J RIVERSIDE Cat Maiv17. (AP)- Charles Emmet t Mack, 23, motiea picture actor, was killed here this afternoon when his auto mobile collided with the car of Catherine. Callahan of West River side.' Mack, who lived In Holly wood, was a featured player for Warner Brothers, " ; v:; .0 H YORK GOES STEP FORWARD IN CR1E LAWS State Already Recognized as Leader in Wide Movement to Curb Evil BAUMES BILLS APPROVED Pistol Manufacturers Murt Take Out License; Arsenal of Crooks' New Weapons is Put on Display j ALBANY, N. Y., March 17. (AP New York state, already recognized as the leader in. the wide movement to curb crime by strengthening criminal statutes, is going even further- in that di rection. This become evident today when .only slight opposition de veloped at a joint hearing on forty bills introduced by the Banner crime commission. Less than half a dozen of the proposed laws came under attack and only one de signed to expand operation of the law dealing with carrying con- 4 cealed weapons brought organ ized opposition. The bill principally attacked. would require pistol manufactur ers and dealers to take ont a state licence, would extend the permit requirements to include not only pistols and revolvers of the com mon type, but also weapons mado by cutting off the stock and part of the barrel of a shotgun, the' new air pressure pistols imported from England, and various- con trivances for shooting x charges' loaded with gas. Another provision would place the presumption of guilt as to possession on all persons riding in an 'automobile In which there is found a pistol. Opponents of the pistol bill1 were representatives of marks men's clubs and several private- citizens who expressed the opin ion that it was the constitutional ' right of every man to carry arms' and defend himself. In connection with the bllls'an arsenal of crime was exhibited ln -the state chamber. The weapons included one double barrelled 28 gauge shotgun, sawed off to a length of twenty Inches" and with the butt whittled down to the. form of a pistol grip. This was (Ccstinned an pn S.) ' ' OAC MAN SPEAKS 1 JO PQULTRYMEN A. G. LUNN GIVES ADDRESS AT LARGE GATHERING ' - About Forty Prominent Raisers From Marlon and Polk r . Counties Present . ' -r ' An interesting meeting of poul- trymen was held in the auditor ium of the Salem chamber oC com merce last evening, which was at- : tended by about 40 of Polk and -Marion counties' most prominent poultrymen and hatcherymen. The meeting was held under the aus pices of the Marion-Polk County 1 Poultry association. L. E. Weeks presiding antj Introducing the speaker of the evening. Prof. A. G. tt Lunnr head of the poultry depart-' ment at Oreeon" Agricultural col lege. Mr. Weeks, in his introduc tory remarks, explained the ob jects of the newly organised Marion-Polk Poultry association, and ' extended an Invitation to all the poultrymen present i not already members to join the association at -the- close of the meeting by paying the membership fee of J I. , Professor Lunn's subject - was -"Poultry Management" and he usea very interesting charts and records to show the average year ly production compiled month by month of flocks of 290 and over . pullets under the college grain and mash feeding schedules whi;h also included tntllr ni rrMn anf - one or two per cent of cod liver ,, oil at such seasons . as - needed when green feed was not -available' in the usual quantities. ; , Modern Slethods He emphasized the fact that reg ularity in feeding was very Im portant, and that lights to prolong the day for the fowls In the late -fall and winter season seemed to . increase the vigor 'and vitality of , the fowls and lower the mortal ity, s Many hens Jay Ing 200 eggs a year were produced under this method. He said It had been fully demonstrated . that . eastern and htid-western farm flocks could not compete with. Padacf coast Hocks in production. While their aver age. In well bred flocks was around -13 S eggs Ber hen, in a? year, the" average of; the commercial farm ' flocks of Oregon was from 150 to 18Seggs per hen,, and a good many -well managed Oregon and Wasii- ' ;IiL: '';C?Bhr ? p( -- .