The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 17, 1927, Page 6, Image 6

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'I'nJ U M It tLd if If ti
Letters Presented to Mem
bers at Student Body :
Meeting VVednesday
1 V
The basketball season at the Sa
lem high' school was brought to a
formal " clo'so' Wednesday evening
with the 'anualTJah'ueC.Tfeld in
Ke": high school dIMnjf orav' - ,
' " V Mefebtfhfof 'ttfS iBdjfad wto' were
entertained Were Slegmuhd. rra-Kt;-
ScabhaueK linger; Datfey.
"Adamfc; Ashby," Sh'afer' am Lyon.
Otherar who V er6 ' gtfestsf Included
cpf; Ceorg VA. llnY"PrtncIpaf
" -Hi c- NeisonV'Mertttt Davis; fir.
Walter H. Brown, CoachVrIrcrtlIs
Ti rintiit&ton, "fcflysicai ! Director
Lotiie" Anderson. President' KeH-
fifth1 Alien of i he' student bodlv and
' Biarrtn ftwfdf iekeW ie&derV '
; Ail of fh tklayers-aii'tf 'tie'Othfer
guests made- brief r talks. Those
of - Coach- if cmfcr-lltrattnfctoir and
sir f the" prayer,-'were In the
nature of -farewells,- for - Captain'
Dfager arid Iblfnger. "AdamsV fcfeg,
mund, Lyons t and Ashby are
scheduled for" graduation in Jtfne,!
andlluntlngton Tends his career as
I qtaeh'at &alem high at the same
time. - . 1J J - . -i
jjTom JDuTfey, Istar forward" on;
- tbe- team in the -season 'just'end
ejd, was elected captain for. next
. The banquet fwas 'arranged- by
Aliss Pauline- Johnson;- chairman
of ;the social committee &f:thestud-
" eht body, andv' wail 'prepared ""and
served by Mrs. Gladys Jensen and
members of her .domestic science
classes - "
JVThe players were presented with
tlretr-letters ' won in the season
jlist' ended, at an assembly Wed
nesday afternoon. They were
quests of the 'Salem Rotary -'club
at the noon luncheon.' -:
tThe Salem , high team had' an
uuusuall suc'c'easful season, los
ing only-two games, both' of those
to" ugene? and rank fag" Second la
the 'Stdteftfsr a" 'result of reaching
the finals in the state tournament.
Twtfinembers. Duftey" anff Drager,
were;chosen on the all-tournament
team which is virtually an4all-state
quintet. -5 linger and Sieginttnd
were .selected on the second team.
Several weeks ago the Salem
team, was wotkinff for " an 800-
point total for the Reason, bat this
was increased to over 1,0 00 points
bjf Intend of 'the tournament; the
exact Jtaal being 1027. !
, - : -rtir.
Caprt&t Bargain? House. Capital
Tire Mfg. Co., Mike's Auto Wreck
irigiThsee'ra' one. Bar gam center
of Salem. Thousands of bargains.
II. Stein bock, ' 2 15 "Center; ft
The .Midget Meat Market never
fails Ttdr give ytra the finest meats
and tlsh. There IS but one place
in-Salontta get the finest fish.-The
Midget Market has !t for you. ()
O AC Baseball Team :
to Go Barnstorming
Twelve Regular (lames1 On Aggie
2 Schedule Thus Far
COLLEGE, Corvalli3, .March 16.
Aggie .baseball team will play its
first - ijlCiOf rhe; 'season ""April 1
against i Pacific university. Sis
weeks" -of "lridoor - training haJ
1roughtr several prospective hurl
ers to 'mid-season form, according
to - Ralph - O.- Coleman tiaseball
coachjf .. . . .
Plans: are belngxnadfe "for a',
ftarnarBtihg trip-"; intw Southern;
Oregon whlchivwiH Include games
with Rdaurgi-Grants Pass, Med
ford. v and " Ashland town teams.;
. Severf t Cluni -gajaies may also
be ' played.- Several other games
have 5eenS5heduI3ra beT6Ye the
conference season opens. , '
Tha- complete schednle bf games
for the Orange varsity is as fol
lows: April 1 Pacific In Corvallis.
April 2 Pacific In Corvallis.
jlpf $ Willamette1 In-Corval-
hs. 4- -'v'r4, , .
Aprtr dW"Ianielte' in Corval-
Anrll 13. l i5. ' Iff Barti-
siormlrig'trip to be arranged. .
Aprlk 22-idreg6n in Corvallis.
April S-regOn in Corvallis.
May; 6 Washington in Corval
11.1 rr '!,':
Mayf 7 Washington in" Corval-
Mr 3i-Washtngton 1n-Seattle
May" 14 Washington In Seattle.
' May?20Oreg0n 14 Eugeiie' r
Mayl--Oregon In Engene."
-Mrn VhI Stith, mniirienr.
Most beautiful hats In Salem: all
ahapes and colors; full stoclr from
which"toi make fine selections.
Best quality. 33 J State St. ()
' Cohb A Mitchell Co;lumber
and bnildlnsr materials for every
purpose;" Get estimates, ,look at
qnalit materiat. theft you
ordefS49 2th St (f)
Varsity Tennis Practice 4
V trpif ne trmHii:" it..
was decided-at - a Kieetln?t' ett
candidates for. the -aqnad. v eanesf
hoM-Loses T.vpo framesWlmng vpmw
team will be out again this spring,
tidudfngi 4van. iWWti' William
WAianji I&hneth vLfichiild. Jack
Mftftb"' amf Roderick Blafchford.
and there are a-number of other
candidates for the team. The
wb"meVf riqnad will also iriclnde
several of last year's team.
" Tournaments wtth LfnAfld 'col
lege anrf Pactfle enitersity are al
ready on the wrhedult. and a num
ber of others, including one in
Raferjf with tha" University of Orp
g6n, are being negotiated. -
' A. H. Moore,. 2 J3 N. High St.,
apartments and. store where you
can get high quality furniture and
fnmiahinKB foe -rr-r room In
your bouse' ; ()
1 Everything in the book store
line, books, .stationery, - supplies
for . the ubome, office or school
room; - at' the . Commercial Book
Store; 163 N. Com'L ; ()
Three Comrade Club
Ball Teams to. Play
. i .
Kunsulrtw ami lresbrterian yuin
tets to 3Ieet in Opener
Three Cbmfade clnb basketball
teams are entered In th Comrade
league which will start its serie
of games .thi evening at. the
YMCA.- 'The schedule was made
council Wednesday afternoon.
out at a meeting of the Comrade
Tonight, the Presbyterian cluD
will meet the Bungalow Christian
quintet, and next Monday night,
The Jason Lee ' afid ' Presbyterian
7ub teams wm playl The remaind
er of the schedule follows:
Thursday, March 24, Bungalow
vs. Jason Lee;. Monday, March 28,
Presbyterian; Vn. Jason Lee;
Thursday',- March 31, Bungalow
vs. Presbyterian; Monday, April
4, Bungalow vs. Jason Lee.
A final .three-game series will
be played between the leaders. A
small admission; charge will lie
made' for all of the games.
Have your prescriptions filled
at the first drug-store west of the
New Bank building, jteltable nd
trustworthy, nothing but the pur
est drugs. Crown .Drug, 332 State.
&HTt Breithalupt, florist jand
j . a r . cs o a. cr.T'
Flowers, "bnlbs, floral designs, for
all oecaaions. Pioneer and leader
in Saiem. )
Twenty-seven Men
Out for Football
Work on- FondamentaW-of Game
Started by Bearcat Squad
Four more candidates, including
McMullin, fullback on the 1926
te&m,- turned out for spring foot
balL itft Willamette university o"n
Wednesday. The others were"
Steelhajoamer'bf ias$ year's squad
and Kaufman and Smith, new re
cruits. This raises -the turnout to
27 men, almost a many as there
were put the latter part" of the reg
nlr season.
Work -on fundamentals was be
gun by, Ooach Spec Keene Wed
nesday, 'and 'plays and formation
which-wilr be ;used next fall will
be introduced later In the week...
Hungry? Don't wait, order
some Better Yet Bread from your
gfocer. It Is fresh, wholesome
and clean. Made by the Better
Yet Baking Co. - tJ
1 -1f
Salem' High Stars to
inMeet-1928 Prospects
i . . -.
Hax-Fieeiui Of 1U27 To Kace Will-
Bm, Friday, March 23
- "Last chance" to see six mem
berg of the Salem high school bas
ketball ' team which" Just finished
its season, in action on the court
as , representatives of the high
school, will be 'Friday evening,
March 25; ih the bish school gn
.casium when , the? ''Has Beens"
players who will be graduated this
aprlng, meet the "WiU'Ees," prob
abfe members of next season's Sa
lem high quintet, in an exhibition
-The "Has Beens" will Include
Drager, Olinger, Adams, Siegmund
arid Lyons'; the'Wlil Bes," Duffey.
Scbwabbiuef,. 3'ShaTer, Kelley,
Marr. Flake, arnd Kantola, promising-
candidates for the 1928
Quintet. ; . -y .
' TACOMA. "M4Tii:afi.4-r( AP.)
Billy; Bonlllas, Mexican feather
weight" pt Bakersfleld, Cat, won
the decision over? Johnny Hawkes
of Tono in 'six .rounds heet,' to
night: 5- Bniy5.- McCann 1 Cleveland
veteranland naanagefj1 of Bonlllas,
drew ? wTth Eddie -Flynn, Tacotna,
I40-pounder,'ia' anbther six-round
OAKLAND, Cal., ; March
Red Uhlan, veteran Oakland mid
dleweight, crushed' the pugilistic
ambitions of Young Johnny Barns,
another Oaklander, tonight when
her ebre a llfth. round techrilcaJ
kiioickbutfof eif;lbts 6bponent )n a
scheduled ten-round bout at-the
Oakland Auditorium. '
pifeiabers' 6t Iastear8 m'i
PORTLAND, March 16. (AP
Ted .Thye,! Portland .wrestler,
defeated Billy Edwards. Kansas
''Ctrr. tS'but rfhree falls, here
rtn1gM. t:itv.ardVtook the frsl
fall ia 31mInates 20 .second,
and Thya. took the second !n? 16
minutes, 51 seconds and the tHItd
tor ' 5 UUtates;? 0 eco nds.
fiornsby to Be Seen Play
Against Men I raded to
Him Last Fall
. General Markets ;
OAHT w s ; . ,
PORTLAND, March 16. (AP) Bid
t farnwrm. Milk. bt ckarnioe - erem
46 in lley, 4"e t hipper' trifk in
loriw l ; crara iialirprrd Portland TiOe pr
(. f. it. h. ForlUnd.
I'ouHr.f Mndr; hvy hnx 25ff28e;
light Jrti-'lr; ..pruieii nominal; ttrotlra
HUhrSlc: M-Win white darks -Oe ; rol
orJ nominal; turkey Itvr nominal.
trSr.i :s7'.
Onions ieady: Wat Sa fit .1..10,
IMato-s .strsidy: 1.4ur I.BO swt.
ATLANTA, Ga-, March 16.
(AP) Sam Breadon, president of
the world champion St. Louis
Cardinals, is going to Sarasota to
get a glimpse of Rogers Herns
by, his former star second base
man and manager, now wearing
the togs of. the New York Giants.
At the same time. John McOraw,
who traded FranVie Frisch. the
Fordham flash, and Jimmy Ring,
who some years ago pitched his
way to the top of the league
standing, will observe the former
two New Yorkers in the spangles
of the Cardies.!.
These three performers are ex
pected to come in for a lot of at
tention tomorrow when the Cards
and Giants hook up at Sarasota
in an exhibition game.
Nine of the 11 major, league
outfits training In Florida were
in action today in exhibition
games. The Giant were at St.1
Petersburg to meet the" Boston!
Braves, the Washington' Senators
met the-Cincinnati Reds at Or-
lander; Cleveland and- the Cards
were in action at Avon Park; the
St. Louis Browns and Brooklyn
Robins moved to' Clearwater-for
another duel; and the Philadel
phia Nationals opposed the Buf
falo Internationals.
Seven games are on tap for tomorrow.-
The Card-Giant battle
at Sarasota will be the last of the
season at that point for the New
Yorkers, as they are moving
camp immediately to St. Augus
tine for another seige of work.
Today only the Philadelphia
Athletics and New York Pankees
were idle.
At St. Petersburg. Miller Hug-
gins' men were greeted by the
Maharajah or Maul, George Iler
man Ruth, who has been hors de
eotnbat for several days because
of an injured leg. Babe was back
in uniform this afternoon and ex
pects to be in the lineup Saturday
when the Yankees meet the
Braves : .
tle and dim ufH-n about steady; r---ijts:
i'attle T.O, hui, 40, nlirl noth
ing. 'attl and ralvrs: Hirers, medium
fS.u.",(4i H.."ii: bull. Rood, yearlings ex
cluded $.-..- (n ' ti. 25.
1 1 ok undertone lower; medium weight
pounds, common, medium, fftjod
and choit-e $ 1:112.75.
Sheep and lamls quiet: steady lambs,
medium to rhnire if 1 1 to $13.
PORTLAND. Marrh 18. (API
Wheat. hid: BBP.. 11 V Mar.. Apt.. May.
!.::.-; JIW. BS. Baart. federal iu, "ft
while, western while Mar.. Ai.l., May,
St. 14; hard winier. northern spring. Mar.,
AfU -Uv l.32; western red Mar, Apl..
May !.:!.
Oat. No. 2. nfi pound white feed Mar.,
All.. May. 34..".; ditto era Mar., Apl.,
Slay. :to. ,".o.
Barley. No. C, 4.". pound P.W M:ir.. Apl.,
May. f29-
t'orn. No. 1. KY shipment. Mar., Aul..
May, $n.7i; ditto No. Tt. Mar., Apl..
May J4.
Millruu, stamiaril. Mar., Al., "27;
May 2.."0.
PORTLAND. Mar.h 16. (AD Hay
billing iri-es: Kusleru Orrm timothy
22: ditto valley !7ftlT.jO: rlirat
I .'." alfalfa H(u 1n ."ii; oal hay
I4. ."!: nat und Vrt. Il 4 1 1(. "(Ode 1 7 ; slraw
f.."i per ion. Selling nrire .fJ a ton
(AP) Backed np by heavy and
timely hitting, Earl Kunz; pitched
the Sari Francisco Seals to a 5-3
win over Denver in their exhibi
tion game today! i Except . for . a
momentary etietl bf wildness in
the last inning when he walked
two men and allowed a single. that
scored two- runs, .Kunz had - the
vrsttoTs weH in check.-
Fry's Drug Store," 380 N. Com'l.
the pioneer atore. Everything for
everybody, fn the drug supply line
with standard goods and quality
serviee, always. ..,)
Meusel Signs Two Year
Contract With Yankees
' f f" T - "
16 (AP) Bob 'Meusel, veteran
outfielder -of the New York Ameri
cans, today signed a two year rani
tract callini? for $17,500 eacK
Meusel has been listed as a
holdout since the training Reason
opened, but haa been here- several
days conferring with Yankee offi
cia ia. v
i Take no chances withhold meats
or stale food bf any' kind: Buy your
meats here and have the beat and
freshest obtainable; and a mini
mum cost. Hunt 4c Shaller, .263
tti Com'l , (f )
Tie senior- women's basketball
team took the lead in the inter-
class series at' Willamette univer
sity Wednesday, defeating the so-
pKoraOfes 20'trf 31 Tbe freshmen
defeated the juniors 12 to 6.
During 1926, 23 Tillamook
county cooperative factories made
8,47t,B79 pounds of cheese..
!KiiUips Mfllc of Magnesia" (
( , Better than Soda )
Instead of soda hereafter take
a little "Phillips Milk of Magne
sia" In water any time for Indi
gestion or sour, acid, gassy atom,
ach. and relief wOI come instantly,
For. flfty years genntae MPhU
lips Milk ::0f Magnesia hM been
prescribed by : physicians because
it overcomes three times as much
acid ia the-stomach-as saturated
solution of bicarbonate -of soda,
leaving the stomach sweet and
free from all gases. It neutralize
acid fermentafJonm the boweW
and gently'trges the souring waste
from the system without purging.
Besides, It la more pleasant to
take than, soda. Insist npon
,PhlIlIps'. Twenty-fiv cent trd
fifty cenC bottles; any 4frrn
"Milk of MagoesU haa bn the
P. S. Registered Trade Mark of
The Charles-H- Phillips Chemical
Co. and its predecessor; CharleJ H.
PMIlip since HTS-Agi
, - y:..' " " 1 .
Mt.-.f. 1 11 . , r -
nil-.f;. Murrb In. API De
diratiou that te:ir fartors liail been
creasing rei:eiu4s nf all xrain. with in -over!treised,
gave a general lift toJay to
wheat, eorn. oals and rjrr. Vheat closed
firm h W lie net hiylter, coru to Ijo
Uilr and oiilii at i to 3 Srfri
POKTLASK. March 16. (AP) Pea
from the Imperial valley are on the mar'
ket at '..)- jer crate. There are alsrt
fresh arrivaU of crapefruit from there
which are moving ai 4-4.25 per box.
vu,)lie at rhubarh, a.para?u and other
spring vegetables are arriving daily now
and proinioe to iarreaae rapidly. Re
packed loom toe are bringing $-..0. J T V
per tio. rricn are .teatly and n
chante.l in other lines.
PORTTiA V f, March Mi. ( AI') Tairy
Exchanice. lift prices: Buiter. extras 45c:
standards 44 'jr-: pviine firt 44c; firsts
rg. extras 23c; firsts 22r: pntletx
lse; current receipts "Oe,
PORTI,.XI, Msreli Jtf. (AP)l-
1 Uere ere no ehaiigeN in bolter r
auotntions at the dairy hoard Keshion to-
day. Mutter leceipt were 10,6yd
pounds. ;prduction lH.o.'.j poumls and
wilbilrmals KM4 ouiids. .
Kjtif reeeipts wt-re 2,04 7 ease"; an(rfi.'i
ra'fii were Mored.
Poultry and dressed meals were' tuiet
and itteaily.
D. H. Mosher, Merchant Tailor,
is turning out he nobbiest and
best fitting tailor made suits to
measure; 100 business and pro
fessional, men buy of Mosher. ( )
foarJcef Rdad Plan Calls
for Considerable Work
I .' "J 1 i,-
TheJ biggest I MaHon flinty
market road program in history
will be .opened this year by' the
call for bids on three distinct con
t ract - for gradf ngr and v s ravel
work. The fcids involve, tutting
flown grades, cnanges in'ajign
ment, and grading work prepara-
1 -wy - ---- .
to poirtjan
triavHin bomfortS
. and at low cost
Gocdmfortablybyttaln. I'
Relax and rest en route; I
plan youractiviry at jour-
ney's end. Save time.
money and nervous er
ergy Convenient de- i
'pararoantiarnvaliime p
- -Note this schedule r
Lv. Salon 'Ax. Portland
6:41 sum. No. 16 8:50 suxu
'9-J3aA3. No.18 llJ5ajn-
l225pjn. No. 14 3J0p-m.
55txn. No.34 7:40pjn.
. Delicious meals in Souxu
tory - to putting down crushed
rocJo .'- .t v ; - - - ' -
- The bids' 'will be Opened April
2 for the' Salem-Rosedale road
with 17.000 yards of gravel to
be moved, Silvefton-Cedar camp
road with 23,0t yards, and the
Salem-Silver Falls highway with
17,000 ya-rda.
Thes contraots are but advance
notices -of the many more pieces
of construction to rome later ia
the year, but will mdke a strong
start for the coftnty 'program.
' etn "Pacific dining cars
on trains 16andJL4
Save money 'too.
roundnip week-end fare.
roundtrip ticket for use any
day. 15-day'lirnit. Stopovers
s ". onthiitickec
Acclimated ornamental nursery
stock, evergreens, rose bushes,
fruit and shade trees at Pearey
Bros, in season. We have our own
nurseries. 178 6. Com'l.- (
The Man's Shop saves yon a ten
dollar bill cn every quality suit.
Shirts; hats, ttes, collars. High
grade clothing, perfect fitting.
long wearing. - 416 State. (
. . .. , i .
t Patton's Book Store offers ' all
the latest in Birthday Cards. Try
them. Ask fo .be shown" the fun
niest of all cards, Scotch Birthday.
310 State St. . ()
F. E. Sharer's Harness and
Leather Goods store, 170 S. Com'l.
Suit cases, valises, portfolios, brief
cases, gloves and mittens. Iarge
stock. The pioneer store. ()
Cushmann "Local cannery,
burned last year, will be rebuilt.
n mm.
' . ; e.
Gallagher Takes Up One l)y
One All in Libel Case .
Against Ford
DETROIT. March 16 (AP)
A vari-coloredpicture painted by
Henry Ford's Dearborn Independ
ent of a Jewish combination reach
ing its fenacles into the pockets
of the farmers and world affairs
was daube'd today by William
Hehr'y Gallagher, counsel for
Aaron Sapiro, who is suing the"
automobile manufacturer for $1.
OOO.OOO'on Charges of libel.
One by one he took up the
charges which his client claims in
jured his reputation as'an organr
izer of cooperative marketing'orr
ganizattons and when court ad
journed had still several points to.
bring out in his opening statement.
If a wbrlrt wide conspiracy of
Jews existed. Aaron Sapiro knew
nothing about' it. Gallagher de
clared, neither was he a member
of a ring spreading communism
or bolshevtsm throughout the
country, , instilling the Ideas of
red": Rnssiaila7the inindi of the
"As to charges contained in the
Independent regarding a so-called
Kahn - Barnch-Lafiker-Itosenwald-Sapiro
program to turn over.
organized international interest
the entire agricultural industry 'of
the" country,". saW Mr. Uallagher.
they are entirely unfounded, evi
dence wilj show. ,
"We will show that this" whrlft
fdejj W, "organized Jewry to take
advantage jpf the American fanner
is a product of the mind and the
statement that Sapiro was backed
by a Jewish combination in, his
organization work Js entirely with-
organizations of :'
i, Kentucky, TexaT
out foundation.
.t Cooperative orgai
kinds' in Oregon.
California and . the . old south,
which Sapiro. had. helped lorm,
were mentioned- in excerpts fr,M!l
the Dearborn Independent wlmu
Mr. Gallagher read.
Straight ir
loin hly
per iti.y
405-407 OrC-gon' Bldg.
Call On Us
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Corner Ferry and lAherty ' " 'T' '" Telephone (ld
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WHO CAN GET THE POLICY? While the policy is intended as an -incentive for subscribing to The Oregon
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Gerrtlemen; Please njrnysubscription to "The Oregon Statesman" for one year with the understanding
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