The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 09, 1927, Page 4, Image 4

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At, r
The Oregon
laaaad Iil7 Exeapt Monday hj '
- 215 Boats Commercial Bt, Salami, Orsgoa ,
' BW.Hendrteks
' Tfi 3. Toos -trl
8. M cSherry -aadrod
Bench. - .
'' ' IjCansgsr
- Uanarisc Editor
. . City Editor
Society Editor
Tbo associated Press is exclasirely entitled to the at a tor psblieat.oa of all bows
lapatceee credited to it or Dot otaorwiao croditod is this paper and alao tha ioeal
ova pabliakod nareia. . -. . . .. -. ,.
. B. Brfl. 122 ,223 Security Bldr.. Portland.
Taomat F. Claris Co- Now York, 128-188
Conrer A Moody, California represent
Bld(., Lm Angelas. : ;
Bniiaeae Of ie 23 or 583 ' v
4 Bocioty Editor , 108 New Department 23 or 100 escalation Offieo
Entered at tbo Poat Offieo ia Salem, Oraroo, aa aeeond elaaa matter.
For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, . and with
the mo a tli confession Is made unto salvation. For. the scripture salth,
wbosoeTer believeth on him shall not be ashamed Romans 10:10-11.
God arid You '
..By the Rev.: Charles Stelzle
.God Is love. i - , .'
He loves be world, but His love is personal and individual.
To love means to have a desire for another's good.
- - There are some ardent souls who have a strong desire to become
the Lord's high executioners.
; But God desires to save the world, not to condemn it.
He sent Jesus into the world as a messenger of love.
This was the supreme manifestation of God's love to the world.
- Hyas Kloshe Tillicums !
seven .bkeTce ienas polakly, Hyas shontay, hyas tin tiny hyas
wa waj! hyasikloshe tillicujns. ' Wake muck-a-muck, wake
skookum 'chuckf hyas tuin turn. Old Timers Committee."
The above call of the committee of the old timers for the
meeting of olJ time residents at the state house this evening,
in the hall of the house of representatives, will be well under
stood by the men and women who lived in the Oregon Country
in the pioneer days '
For it is in the language that was the only language
known in those times by all the people living west of the
summit of the Rockies and north of the California line .
Understood! by the Methodist missionaries who nfede the
beginnings of Willamette university that started Salem
" Understood by the people with Marcus Whitman at Walla
Walla "
1 Understood by the settlers who attended the "wolf meet
ings", where the beginnings of organized society in this
section were made . , ,
t And by the men at old Champoeg, where the provisional
government was decided upon, to be carried on under' the
' egis of the Stars and Stripes instead of the British ensign,
: Bnd the first organic laws of the Oregon Country were formu-lated
Known to all the people who lived under that forerunner;
- of territorial government
And by all the men who
framed the Constitution.of the Oregon state government at
r Salem , ' . .
: -And by the people of various tongues and to all the Indian
tribes with their numerous dialects who were under the sway
of Dr.! McLoughlin in the period before the missionaries and
settlers came
The universal language of a great country and several
great jstates in the making.
Afree translation of the summons of the old timers to
the state house tonight is found in the news columns of The
Statesman of this morning. It means that the old timers are
i to hurry to the hall of the house or representatives at 7:30
,f this evening, for a general good time, where there will' be
'much music ancl lots of talk by good, happy, neighborly folks,
T where there is to be no eating or drinking or imbibing of
v strong drink, but where good fellowship will prevail, in, the
, spirit; of the pioneer people among whom every one wasja
- neighboiy; and i twheVe .'all xthe ; latch strings hung on . the
. outside. : -k'-'i; I :
'It is good to recall the brave days of old ; to remember our
" obligations to a jrace of pioneers, who were among the sal of
. the earth. LHigX class 'men.' Brave, men and true women.
Men wih vision. Orators and statesmen with high abilitv.
Workers, who were willing and never wearied in well doing.
The following letter, under date of last Saturday, by R. H.
. Kippj manager of the marketing department of the Portland
Chamber of Commerce, and directed to the "newspapers of
the prune growing districts," is gladly printed, for the infor
mation: of thegrowers of the Salem J district, ; the most
numerous and having the largest acreage in Oregon: ,
"In view of the fact that considerable time has elapsed
since a committee pf five Was appointed to try and develop a
plan for organization of thdriedjprune industry of Oregon
and Clark county, Wash'weifeel the growers and others
interested may desire to know why the delay,
"The committee held' one meeting but as conditions were
not yet ready, no plan could be considered. The California
plan is -a waiting'further development' until it is ascertained
whether the private packers and distributors can agree on
their organization.- ' ' r ;
tThe committee feels it is necessary to wait at least a
reasonable time to see how they are able to get together in
California before attempting to formulate a plan for Oregon.
"This method will save a lot of fime and expense to Oregon
for California is nowv spending -a lot of time studying 'and
working out many of the details that the Oregon committee
of five can make use of . , ; . . I . ! .
The committee of five expects to meet as soon as the
California interests have concluded their plan and this should
be not later than the middle of March, i ,
"As soon a3 further steps are taken the press of the state
will bo notified.' - , . ,
; W. H. Headsnoa - Cimlatioa Mama far
r Kaips tl. juetilne Advertuinr Manaxer
t Prank JaakoakJ HuiK Job Dept.
js. a. uioa - - Xiiveatoek Editor
W. C. Conner . . . PoUry Editor
W. Slat Bt.r Otlearo, Msrqsstts Bldg.
tire, ; Shaapa Bldf, a rraneiaeo. Hirrina
? ',
Jos TopartiBBt
Mike hyak clatawa state house
. ;
under that government 'met and
- Thexe4 wiil jbe
tion an4 direction for making Salem, '"The: City Beautiful,1
the most beautiful city, m thislrount country. Which
is not only possible, but probable. Yea, certain, in due courser
5 -
- 'l:vK' ; ;; : t - ' v . ;
(From the Blackfoot, ldabo Bulletin, edited by ,J. L. Brady,
formerly of Salem. X , i '-; - , .. .
Bitter experience has taught the west eastern man is big
enough to take a nationwide view of this country. RoosdVelt could
do it but he was essentially western in spirit. The west doe not want
special privileges but It does want a square deal. '"It cariftot get this
with an eastern man at the head of the government. v
If the farming Interests propose to combine and have thejr way.
which they can do if . they stand together, they can find no better man
than Senator Charles L. McNary of Oregon,: He Is not a politician and
therefore cannot b frightened from doing his duty. He is one of
those plain ' citizens' who loves his country because he Js red blood ed."
He has the courage of a Roosevelt, the intelligence of a Root and the
patriotism, of a, Lincoln. j In this tremendously important hour when
the American farmers everywhere rauBt-find themselves if they would
survive no fitter leader could be found than Cbarles L. McNary Wha't
Llncoln was to the' emancipsttlotv of a race McNary would '.be to the
farmer. - He would givat square' deal to everyone, and he would
not stand 'for them getting 'less.1: .We must have our own leader to
win. The east will never hand !ds anything.
I Bits For Breakfast
Hyas Kloshe tillicams
. S a
Mika hyak clatawa state house
kopa sitkum seven okoke tenas
. - ,
Which is Chinook for your sum
mons to the big doings at the state
house tonight, if you are -an old-
timer. .'
Senators McNary and Steiwer
and Representatives Hawley and
Sinnott are up on their toes. They
have moved to get the extra. cent
duty on cherries, under the flex
ible provisions of the tariff,, law.
They will no doubt1 succeed, v The
Oregon men in congress command
attention in the councils of, the
nation. They stand up towards
the- head. ; ,
Those not careful about what
they get into Bnd it isr trouble.
"a "a
Noali perhaps originated . the
mother-in-law joke when he left
Mrs: Noah's mother out of the ark.
-Ex. r
J "
The Lord will provide but not
necessarily in the style, to which
you have been accustomed. Bos
ton Transcript.
a "a
Oaks may fall when reeds stand
the storm.
Possibly the reason more Ameri
cans do not see America first is
because the billboard men won't
let them.- Dayton News.
Any car can rur. up bills, on
V "la
If Stephen Foster were alive to
day he would, no' doubt, write it
My " Old Kentucky .Stucco ,Witb
Striped Awnings Home.
. "Nothing stimulates the wild oats
crop more than a little application
of mountain dew.
: Take no ctiarices with old meaU
or 8 tale food of any kind.. Buy youi
meats here and have the best and
freshest obtainable and at a mini
mum cost. Hunt & Shaller, 263
N. Com'l ('
New sweaters. A large ship
ment just in. New patterns, new
shades in the popular pull-over
and coat styles. Scotch Woolen
Mills. ()
H. L. Stiff Furniture Co., lead
era in complete home furnishings,
priced to make you the: owner;
the store. that studie your every
need and is ready to meet it, aD
solutely. v .- ' ()
At Shipley's the ladles of Saler
have saUsHed themselves lhat thry
can get - the finest, spring frocks.
coats and dresses .ever shown in
thlseity; .;: .:; ... ()
( Continued from tg 1.) ' :
2.. forwards; Koskela 6 and tU
son?9T centers: : Lonberg 5; Ilell-
berg 7 and Arvola 1, guards. I
Eugene: Eberhart 9.?. center;
Cawkins 8, Frank Lewis 5 and
Austin Colbert 3. guards: Pitt-
man 6, Delbert Addison 0, Clifford
Horner 3, and Max Hubensteen 7,
forwards - ' v
'Tillamook: Paul Page 8. Claude
Mahan 3, Elvon Smith 2, Clarence
James 4, La vant Holden 1, Ches
ter Kaowlton 5, Ferdinand Becker
6 and Kenneth Conover 1.
' 1925 Standard Buick Coach la
excellent condition.- Lobks and
runs like-new car; Otto-J. WU
son. .The Buick' Man, 388. N.
Com'l. Tel. 220. . K'' C
Pomeroy & Keeit. i Jeweltrs,
never fail to give yoir l0i on
the dollar. Watches, clocks, pins,
chafms. Standard high grade
stock in al"J departments. .. .,()
' (fBtioseit from A-) ;
conducted during the first yrar of
the world war by the Chicago Tri
bune, to fill the ranks of baseball
depleted by war enlistments.
Johnny has fimn the Sox regu
lar centerflelder. '
Of rather slights wiry build.
Most 11 never appeared as rugged
as the average major league and
he suffered considerably. this1 win
ter with neuritis in his left 'shoul
der. He spent some' time in a
hospital here for treatment before'
joining the club, but bis intimate
friends declared emphatically he
had no special worries over -his
physical condition this sprier.
.-t,t'II wa tha. kind of aJjall.piay
er who wishes there was a double
header every day," said one close
Mostil. a native of Chicago, 'was
born Junel, 1896.
C. F. Breithaupt, florist and
decorator, S12 State., Phone 380.
Flowers, bulbs, floral designs for
ail occasions. Pioneer and leader
in Salem. (
Abolition ot the fez in Turkey
has forced the Pisek, Czechoslo
vakia, cotton 'weaving miU, em
ploying" 00 men, to, close.
(Continued from page 1.)
2,000 feet -above the ferry at
John Larson himself took the
stand and declared that on at least
six occasions he went to South
Bend to testify in fish oases and
that no question about the trips
had been raised by the fish com
mission. "I have always tried to cooper
ate with the state of Washington
in every respect," he said, "and I
tried to notify Mr. Eakin that I
was going when I went over In
January, but he was not home."
In commenting on the language
used in his official dutie3, Larson
declared the fishermen were
t:ory bit his equal." t
"Tney called me the same
names I called them." he said.
"That kind of made me angry. I
don't think any of you gentlemen
would have stood for it "
Drive 'round on Good Tires.
"More pleasure and less trouble."
The famous Viking Tires and
Tubes have no superior. Malcolm's
Tire Shop, 205 N. Com'l. ()
Bishop Purcjiases .
, .Tiffany's .Qprner,
Corner or Block Part of T. i.
Bligh's Estate
Sale of the Court street Ellgh
building occupied by Smith &.
Watkins. Fleener Electric com
pany, Columbia Tire, company,
and Ferris & Powers, to C. P.
Bishop, president of Bishop Cloth
ing & Woolen Mills store, at, .a
purchase price of $80,000, has
been announced byW. H. Graben
horst & company.
The building was formerly own
ed by Anna Bligh Tiffany and
Fred E. Tiffany, as a part of the
Bligh estate. It has an 81-fOot
frontage on Court street and 116
feet on High street, being one
story in height. , ' -
Bought for investment pur
poses, the" building will be . held
for such until further develop
ments in the city. -
The building was a: part of the
T. "b. Bligh1 estate, Consisting of
business ' buildings built In" ' the
past few years, t Starting with the
Small theater on. State street, he
built the Court street building and
made the plans which were fol
lowed by his wife. for. the Capitol
theater and business block at
State and High streets. The thea
ter, now managed by Frank Bligh.
still remains ia the estate, as a
credit to the ctty.r The New Sa
lem Jiotel is-, also credited to Mr.
' C. P. Bishop, purchaser of the
Court street building,' has strong
faith in Salem's future and be-
Or Goneness in the Stomach
At any Time J 1 " '
Try & little diapepsin. ' You may
be so sick in the morning that (he
odor of food adds to your misery.
And yt one or two diapepsins In
stantly settle yourr stomach;" the
nausea disappears and you actual
ly become, hungry. . I ;j v..f .. .'f'-;? ;
, Diapepsin is composed of power
ful digesters. They work on every
thing:, you eat. digesting starchy
foods, milk, cream, eggs, meat and
also absorb acids and gas. ' Heart
burn,; biliousness, and dizziness
disappear almost instantly. . ' 1
..' Nausea may -come from many
causes but dia pepsin works quick
ly in any case. - Expectant mothers
get real benefit from diapepsin,
not alone in freedom from nausea
but more nutrition .from better
digestion. i -yv- . ' ' v ., ; "
Get a 60 cent package Of Pane's
Dlipepsla at any drug store. You'll
never toleraJLa Jiauaea. ag-ln.-rA.dv.
isis: one.- . He is connected with
fhe large System of .woolen mills
controlled "the Bishop ; family.
' Note in every circle bow slcnderne ss
?revails. Note how many of , your
riends have reduced. ' One reason lies
in Marmola Prescription Tablets. They
combat .the cause of excess fat, so re
sults are brought without requiring
"abnormalxxcrcise or diet. People have
been using Marmola for 19 years, and
users have told others. As a result the
demand has prown to very large pro
rertion3. ' I-ct it do for yrm what it docs
fpt your friends for people all-about
yon. Reduce to yxir normal weight.
- yll druggists suriply . Marmola at $1
!a box. Each box -contains a, pamphlet
explaining the results. Go try it.' You
wUl be delighted.
Nctict Is hereby given that by
virtue of an execution duly issued
ut of the Circuit Court of the
Uate of Oregon, for the County of
Marion, and to me directed , on the
Ird day of February, 1927, upon a
Judgment . and decree duly ren
lered, entered of .record and dock
ited in and by said Court on the
i4th day of April, 1926, In a cer
tain suit then in said Court pend
ing', wherein Central Howell Con
gregational Church was plaintiff
ind Rosabell Benedict, John H.
Crawford and Lillie Crawford, his
wife, Allan' Brown and Mary
Whaley Brown, his wife, and. P. J.
Kuntz, were defendants in favor
of plaintiff and against said de
fendants John H.. Crawford, Allan
Brown and Mary Whaley Brown,
by which execution I am4 com
manded to sell, the property in said
execution and hereinafter de
cribed to pav the sum due the
plaintiff of $3527.79 with Interest
hereon at the rate of 6 per cent
oer annum from the 24th day of
pil, 1926. until paid and the
further sum of 1350.00, with in
terest at the rate of 6 per ce"t pi
-.nnurn from the 24th day of April.
1926, and costs and expenses of
said execution. " I will on Satur-.
lay, the 12th day of March, 1927,
at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of
said day at the West door of the
County 'Court House in Salem,
Marion County, Oregon. sU at
oublic auction to the highest bid
der for cash in hand on the d-y of
Only a
11 TnlS I Y controls
J JiilUCSLlii J J ?Vb?Jij O everything
This Amazing Offer Ends!
For the Marvelous New
Yes, you can now
fss U
dependable and as constant as your electric current. It makes no difference what kind
or what make radio set you have. Philco Socket Powers will give you both A and B
radio power from your electric lijht current, smoothly and perfectly no matter what i"M
of electric current you have. , ;.
, Think pf it! Now you can do away with dry-cell battery
troubles, "B" batteries and the ordinary Storage battery. No more recharging
to do; no more lry batteries to replace
Just a small payment down; balance a little each month.
, Your Old Storage Battery
It's a fact. We will make you a very liberal allowance for
your old "A" storage battery on the purchase of a brand new Philco A and B Socket
Power. It makes no difference bow old or worn out your "A battery may be.
, This unusual offer holds'good fora short time only. It was
made possible oOly by special arrangement with the manufacturers and we have secured
only m limited number of Socket Powers to deliver a, this remarkable plan. ,
So dont elay ! Don't put this matter off! Avoid disappoint-
taent by sending in. the coupon below, telephoning or calling on us personally, right away.
Mail This Coupon Now
or Phone, 983 .'
That is all you need to
aw , ..... f WWW SWAA Aa Wb SUA
order It does net place you tinder the slightest obligation. It is simply a request for
free, illustrated, descriptive literature,. telling an about the Philco A'and B Socket Power.
We will send you full details on the national offer of Easy
Payment and Trade-in Allowance for your old storage battery. Sign and mail the
coupon today and all this xnlocmcuoa will be sent. FREE, to you immediately.
''y ::-:, t moore's Music house
409-415 Court Street Telephone 983
i !! ' hitmt
and estate "which defendants
and all persons claiming under
them subsequent to the execution
of plaintiff's mortgage. to-wiU the
39th day of March,! .192;, In, of
and tovsaid premists here before
mentioned and described in said
execution, as foUowe, to-witt Lots
number Forty-flve (45) and Forty
six (46) in the Ireton Fruit Farms
In Marion County, State of -Oregon,
as shown by tb - recorded
plat; of said Fruit Farms on the
and of record in the of lice of the
County Recorder' for Marion Coun
ty, Oregon. Said sale boing madeJ
subject to redemption in tne man
ner provided by law. : J
- Dated this 7th day of February,
1927. .
. O. D. BOWER, j
Sheriff of Marion COiitr, Creron.
f9-16-23; n2-9
Notice is hereby given .that
sealed bids will be received bj the
undersigned at his office in Sailem.
Oregon, until the hour of 8 o'clock
p. m., 4he 22nd day of Malrch.
1927.' and immediately , thereetf ter
publicly opened by the Dirlct
School Board of School Dif;-?ict
No. 24, Marion county, Oregoa.
Seof 'sai Jt Z
the sum of one hundred and thirty
thousand dollars ($130,000). said
bonds to be in denominations, of
one thousand, dollars ($1,000.)
each, numbered 221 to 350 inclu
sive, dated March 1, 1927, and'
maturing serially' in numerical
order at the rate of thirteen thou
sand dollars ($13,000) per annum
on the 1st days of March in each
of the years 1928 to 1937 inclu
sive, said bonds to bear interest at
I the rate of five. per cent ( 5 ) per
annum, payable semi-annually,
principal and interest payable at
the Fiscal Agency of the State ot
Oregon in New York City.
All bids must be accompanied
hv :i rtrt!fid check for S5000 and.
must be unconditional. , i.
, Tne approving legal opinion
Messrs. Teal, Winfree, McCuIIch
& Shulef will be furnished the
successful bidder.
The assessed valuation of. the
property in the - district for the
year 1926 was $16,143,052.00.
The 'bonded indebtedness of the
district, exclusive of the bond"
hereby advertised, is $300,6Sv.l0.
' The Board also reserves the
right to reject any and all bids.
W. H. BURGH ARDT, Clerk.
Address: 3,71 State Street:
P. O. Box 426. m5-9-13-lS-20
Few Days
Radio ,AMand"B
Socket Powers
have radio power for your radio set as
Trade-In Allowance
do. Remember, this coupon
'Notice' roft'lntentlon " fo" lmprov
; Jforth Fifteenth Street ' Froit
the North line v of - Nebraska
Avenne to . the South Line of
- -. Frickey Street. '-i-' ;
Notice is hereby given that tha
common council of the City of Sa
lem, Oregon, deems it - necessary
and expedient and hereby declares
Its purpose and intention im
prove North Fifteenth street from
the north line of Nebraska avenue
to the south line of Frickey street,
in the City of Salem, Marlon conn
ty. Oregon at the expense of the
abutting and adjacent property,
except the stret and: alley inter
sections, the expense of which will
be assumed by the City of Salem,
Oregon.' by bringing "said portion
of said street to the' established
grade, -constructink Portland 'ce
ment concrete curbs, and , paving'
said portion of said street with a
six inch Portland cement concrete
pavement, 'twenty-four (24) feet
In width, in accordance with the
plans and ' specif Ications therefor
which were adopted by the com
mon - council ;V on February . 21,
19JJ7, now on file in the office of
the city, recorder, and which are
hereby referred! to and ;:made( a
part.hereof. U- .
The common council hereby de-
Clares. its; purpose andIntention to
make tne aoove aescriDea im
j provement by. and through the
Birerei imyiuf tuieui urpaiMUCui ui
the City of , Salem, Oregon.
By order of the' common coun
cil the 21st day of February, 1927
M. POULSEN. City Recorder.
Date of first publication "hereof
is March 2, 1927.
Date of final publication hereof
will be March 13. 1927, m2tol3
Notice of Intention to Improve
, North. Liberty' Street From the
North Line of Hood Street- to
tlie North Line of Market Street
Notice is hereby given that the
rrtTTni ---anril of the city of Sar
ujeems it necessary
ent and hereby declares
its -purpose and Intefitlon to improve-North
Liberty street from
the north line of Hood. street to
the north line of Market street, In
the City of Salem, Oregon," at-the
expensesof the-abutting and adja
cent property, except the street
and alley intersections, the ex
pense of which will be assumed by
the City of Salem, Oregon, by
bringing said portion of said street
to the" established grade, con
structing Portland cement con
crete curbs, and. paving said por
j -jourApower
and ill
i -vvt;u uiu roiuu t i
Easy as Turning on
Your Electric Light
One switch controls every
thing. Snap it ON, and from your house
current you get a strong, steady flow of A
and B power. Snap it OFF, and your radio
is silent. No more annoyance! No more
recharging and replacing!
Expert Installation
We understand exactly how
to make the installation of , the Philco
Socket Power on your set. We will connect
it, free of charge and guarantee complete
satisfaction. ; ;'
ds Mairch 10
Moore's Music
, 409-415 Court
plete illustrated
is not an
r-nuco a and u socket rowers, a w aewe u
f ull details of your Easy Payment Plan and Trade-in
Allowance offer. It is understood that this request
does not place me under the slightest obligation.
Zi Name.
Llaka of Radio Set .
tion of said ; street: witha six-inch
Portland cement concrete paT
ment, thirty (30) feet in width in
accordance with the plans and
specifications therefor which were
adopted -by the common council
on February 21. 1927, now on fju
In the office of the city recorder
and which are" hereby referred ta
and made a part hereof.
The common council hereby de
clares Its ptfrpose and intention to
make the above described im
provement by and through the
street improvement department of
the City ot Salem, Oregon
By order. of the common council
the 21st day. of February, l927.
M. POULSEN, City Recor
Date of first publication bef0f
is March 2, 1927. f
Date of final publication hrof
will be March 13. 1927. m2tolj
Notice of Intention to Improve
South Thirteenth Street From
the North Curb Line of l,ije
Street to the North Line of Mis.
slon Street.
Notice is hereby given that the
common council of the City of Sa
lem, Oregon, deems It necessary
and expedient and hereby declares
Its Durnose and intention tn
- - v juj,
' prove South Thirteenth street
from the north curb line of Leslie
street to the north line of Mission
street, in the City of Salem, Mar
ion county, Oregon, at the expense
of the abutting and adjacent prop
erty, except the street and alley in
tersections, the expense of Vhich
will be assumed by the City or Sa
lem, Oregon, by bringing said por
tion of said street to the tab
lfshed "grade. ; constructing? Port
land cement concrete curbs, and
paving said portion of said street
with a six-inch Portland cement
concrete pavement 30 fet in
width, In accordance -with the
plans and specifications therefor
which were adopted by the Com
mon council on the 21st day of
February, 1927. now on file in the
ofrice of the city recorder, and
which are hereby referred to and
made a part hereof.
.-The common council hereby Ae.
clares its , purpose and intention
to make the above described im.
provement -by and through the,
street improvemeoit department ot
tne City or saiem, Oregon.
By order of the common rminoil
the 21st day of February. 1927.
M. POULSEN, City Recorder
Date of first publication h ereni
is March 2, 1927.
Date of final publication h era it
will be March 13, 1927. m2to!3
3 txuHg mZZZl
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