The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 09, 1927, Page 2, Image 2

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    l; . - . X or Theater
"The Noose" is the title of the
Jt .... . . .!,.. will m .
f A auia buat nut ficavutw A h
Tne Elsinore theater today, March
t, with a cast of prominent play
ers, among whom are several who
hare been ; brought : from New
CVorlf "Tor the - production. The
play is from the pen of that most
prolific dramatist, Willard Mack,
whose 'Tiger JtoseV and , other
works have brought him into the
front-, rank; of American play
wrights. In the piece Mr. Mack
!1i on iAulnr f
that flotsam and Jetsam with
which the underworld of every
tig city Is filled. -He loves and is
loved by a rich society girl, far
above his station in life and who
knows nothing of the bootlegging
schemes Id which he Is engaged.
Mr. Mack draws, a picture of the
underworld with Its bootleggers,
Its' crooks, ( habitues of cabarets
and other characters that is in
tensely f ascmatlng. He has the
gift of presenting such 'scenes and
characters in a most vivid man
tier. They are true to life. He
has seen them and pictures them
just as they; appeared to him in
these surroundings. There is a
murder committed. The young
man is : tried; convicted of ' the
crime and condemned to the-gallows.
He faces his fate with lock
ed lips, revealing the secret of his
birth to none. Therein lives the
mystery which involves prominent
characters, j He Is reprieved by
the govern o- of the st&to almost
at the last hour and gryen a long
prison sentence. Mr. -'Mack, In
telling his story, resorts 'to the
motion picture method of tnoying
backward to tell what has happen
ed. In these acts the motive for
the murder Is explained in a most
dramatic climax. The art of the
dramatist in the construction of
the play takes the latter out of
the realm of the ordinary crook
piay ana mates 01. 11 a arama mat
Is almost a classic, -
Two telegrams to Jack Martin,
manager of; the Elsinore theater,
tell of the fine reception accorded
this play in Medford. They fol
low:' . i
'Noose is a rreit show l you
Patriotic Program Staged at
. -:-$ctv6dlEj&llent: Vvork'
'iDbfteifcy- Pupils
;?SI-r- '-tit ' 'r - "'
' Kmlt,5M4rcli 8- (Special.)
The keizer. rcommuntty : club will
hold its, regular .-monthly- meeting
Fritoy . evenljigy" March. 11, at 8
oclpck.; This: club,, which was or
. rtnnA in tim arlv fall under the
. leadership orcbas. Weathers, has
done '.much', for the betterment of
the eommjunity. - It has brought
the -people closer, together and a
splendid community . spirit has
: been shown: ' It has. made it pos
sible for the , school children to
have hot. lunches during the cold
winter; months. .Money has been
raised to purchase a large range
; and cookjng ..utensils . for the
school.- without ; taxing any body.
j Mr. -Weathers has used many 'dif
fefent and successful methods of
; raising'onerr to meet 'the ex
penses, thus 'making it unneces
sary to tax the fistrict. ' V
- (All. enjoyed. aXsplendid program
; Friday; eveaingr-Tebruary 11- Ap
ple fciev ice cream, cake and cof-
fee were '" served. At the meeting
' FridayMarchVliwe expect an
other good" time. Mr. Cook Pat
ton, of the Fatton Book Store and
' other" assistances have been se-
cured for this meeting. Mr. Pat
ton has many new stunts to add
to his already ainuslng list. Come
- prepared. to laugh If you dont you
' Will have to laugh anyway. Don't
, miss it. It Will be an evening well
spent, i i" f r- v':
.' All are! welcome who come to
the . meetings. If anyone would
Ilka to know Inst what Is helna
i done at the. meetings come the sec
ond Friday evening in each month.
The school put on an interest
ing patriotic program on Wash
ington's birthday. Rev. Ernest
It. Shania Pastor of the First
. Baptist church gave an inspiring
talk to the school and the many
parents that were present.; t
a This : la a' 1 very good country
school 5 with' tout large; rooms.
Teachers f are 1 Mrs.r McAllister,
principal. Mrs.. Rortlr, .Mrs. Mar
lam and Mrs. Jpnes. . There are
120 pupils, ; ,"- V
At a recent meeting of the
school board It was . seen fit to
hire all four of - the teachers for
another5 year. ,X During the "past
year the patroci have been very
mucl pleased , with the cooper
tlve spirit they, have shown.
' L ', " . 5
'i'The newes't creations In Spring
Hat at- the . Vaaity.Hat Shoppe.
Each hat possesses a charm all its
own Beautiful design and ce
ora,S89 Court St. . im)
ItVcte to b-c ot -v
We Sell Martin Senour 100 Par
. Cent Pure Paint ' .
C3 N. Ccnasjerclal 'A:- Eel. CS0
cannot .aay too much about it."
George Hunt, Criterlan theater,
Medford, Oregon.- i ,
'"The Noose is a wonderful show.
Work by superb cast. Pleased
everybody." Hal Vaughn, Med
ford, Oregon.
"Silken Shackles" featuring
Irene Rich will be the attraction
at the Elsinore theater for one
day, March 10.
Oregon Theater
: The' stirring days which follow
ed the United States acquasition
of California from Spain, are de
picted in "Don Mike," Fred Thom
son's latest starring vehicle for
F. O. B. which shows at the Ore
gon theater today and temorrow.
March 9 and 10J Among the high
lights of the picture is the raising
of, the Bear State -flag on Don
Mike's raneho by the marauders
who have stolen It, and the ride
to the young Don's aid by General
Fremont and his troopers.
"Silken Shackles" will be the
special attraction at the Oregon
theater for one day, March 11.
"For Wives Only" featuring
Charles Gerrard and Marie Pre
vost.will show at the Oregon thea.
ter March 12, 13 and 14.
Capitol Theater
After, directing pictures for
more than six years, and rising
in that time from a comedy direct
or Jto one. of tha best known pro
ducers of big features in the in
dustry, .Edward Sedgwick, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer"
director, worked
again with the cameraman who
filmed the first picture he direct
ed. Ben Reynolds filmed Sedg
wick's first production, and when
the director was placed under con
tract to direct "Tin Hats,", his
own story of the Army of Occupa
tion, Ben, who was also under
contract to M-G-M, was assigned
to do the photography. Reynolds
has photographed several Von
Stroheim, Clarence Brown and
Hobart Henley productions, and
also went to Europe with "Ben
Hur." "Tin Hats" will show at
the Capitol theater for 4hree days,
March 9, 10 and 11.
Ladies Aid Society
Hold Enjoyable Meet
Rooms of Ashbaugh Home Beau
tifully Decorated for Gathering
BROOKS. March 8.--(Spe-cial.)
The home of Mr; and Mrs.
Cecil Ashbaugh was the scene of
a delightful : gathering oa Thurs
day afternoon when, Mrs. Ash
baugh was hostess to the' Brooks
Ladies Aid society and: several ad
ditional guests. - The rooms were
prettily decorated with violets andj
daffodils and .potted plants.' The
afternoon was spent embroidering
and sewing-- Late in. the after
noon a delicious luncheon was
served by the hostess.
Those present were: Grandma
Ward, Grandma;. Splcer, Mrs.
Ronald Jones, Mrs. Ellis Jones,
Mrs. Carl AsplnwiU, Mrs.. O. ,1.
Bailey. Mrs. Archie Bailey, Mrs.
I. B. Peffers, Doctor Pef fers) ,
Mrs. C. S. Towne, Mrs. John Dun
la vy, Mrs. George Ferrell, Mrs.
George Sturgis, :Mrs Ralph
Sturgis, Mrs. A. E. Harris, Mrs.
Frank Harris, Mrs. John Lesher,
Mrs. J. M. Ward, Mrsl Raymond
Blanton, Mrs. W. H, Gibson, Mrs.
W, P. Whitney Mrs. Jennie Gil
bert, Mrs. E. E. Brown. Mrs. Wil
lard Ramp, Mrs. Mary Martin,
Mrs Avery Howard, Mrs. Susan
McMunn, and the Misses Ella Mc
Munn, Eato Ward, Marie Dun
lavy. Ha Kibbey, : " Edna: Lesherf
Ina Leaher, I a Von Harris, Kreta
Fay Ashbaugh, and Gerald and
Willard Howard, and Robert
Bailey, and the hostess Mrs. Ash
baugh. Mr. Used Car Buyer: 'Hare. you
seen -the real buys at the Capitol
Motors Incorporated? See Biddy
Bishop. 350 N. High St. Tele
phones 2125 and 212 C. ()
Fry's Drug Store, 880 Jf. Comt
the Dloneer store. Everything for
everybody, In the drug supply line,
wun standard goods and quality
service always.: - ()
- Nash leads the world in motor
car values. Beautiful display of
new models at the F. w. pttY.
John Company, 365 ; North Com
mercial St. ; im J
Plumbing Service
- Phone 252 , -For
Fine Fixtures Call at Our
. Shop. 1615 Center
: - H. EGNER -
009 N. Capitol TeL 520
. Georger Jessell In
Comedy drama of racial heart
breaks and healing love
- And other specials
Always fi5c Children 10c
. :- a- .... ' ' - ,
i . - 1
? .
Famous Players Lasky, Bell Line Stages, Oregon Statesman
i and Elsinore theaters cooperated In conducting local Junior Star
Maud Gwynn. -, r-n -
Farmers Anxious for
Favorable Weather
Young People's Class Conduct
Iiusine8 Meet at Social
PRINGLE, March 8.- (Spe
cial.) The Sunday schools of thf.
Red Hill district are expected to
be represented at a special meet
ing to be held at Liberty on
Murch 13, at 3 p. m.
Pringle and Rosedale Sunday
schools were well represented at
the Pratum convention on March
The Everready young people's
Sunday school class and the teach
er conducted a business meeting
at Pringle on Friday evening. The
business session was followed by
a social hour. About 16 were
Grandmother Ford, who has
been visiting with the Propst fam
ily, returned to her home in Inde
pendence on Sunday.
Miss Erma Meeks of OAC spent
the week-end with the home folks.
Some of the Pringle people were
in the crowd at the opening of the
Hollywood theater in Salem. The
entertainment was good after they
got in the theater. .
.The Battle Creek telephone
lines are in good condition once
People who put out their gar
dens -in February are not inclined
to discuss the subject very much.
The farmers who have some
seeding yet to do, are getting anx
ious for better weather to begin.
D. H. Mosher, Merchant Tailor,
Is turning out the nobbiest and
best fitting tailor made suits to
measure; 100 business and pro
fessional men buy of Mosher. ()
Pupils of School Honor
Zelda Roberts at Party
AUBURN, March 8. (Special.)
Mrs. L. Feskins entertained
twenty-two pupils of Auburn
school at her home, Tuesday- even
ing,' March 1, in honor of Zelda
Roberts, , who is leaving to make
her home in California. - She and
her . sister Zuma have been.-very
popular , here and will be greatly
missed. Mrs. Morgan and daugh
ter assisted Mrs. Feskins with
games and serving of refresh
ments. The Peerless Bakery, 170 North
Commercial. Sanitary, np to date.
Prompt delivery. Bakers for those
who appreciate the best. Increas
ing patrons tell the tale. ()
Watches, Clocks and
Carefully Repaired and r
Guaranteed at '
828 North Commercial Street
' Conrad Nageli
Clara Windsor
A Great War Comedy
Special Prologno
and His
Totten at the Wurlitxer
VT 'o (isP
tt i -A .
A A,- t-A-T'1 - v -J
V -. i - A.- , . ' , r
y ''.iLAy'"J-- ' -
i M'l ,
Benjamin Wodzerwoda Is
Elected Manager of School
Baseball Team
FRUITLAND, March 8. (Spe
cial.) Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Gard
ner went to Portland on business
Monday, March 7.
Mrs. H. E. Evans has recovered
from a slight atack of influenza.
A program will be held at the
Fruitland school house Saturday
evening, March 12, starting at 8
o'clock. Following the program
there will be a basket social- An
admission of 25 cents will be
charged. Ladies bringing baskets
will., be admitted free and any
men bringing baskets will have
their admission charge refunded.
Alyin Gardner burned his hand
quite' badly last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Forgard and
family, Fred Fagg and, Leon W.
Girod motore dto Mt. Angel last
'Mr. and Mrs. Cade and family
of Albany visited with the J. J.
Cade family of Fruitland.
Word has been received that
Mrs.' E. B- Gilmore of Salem, form
er Fruitland storekeeper, is ill
with an attack of influenza and
. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gerlg and
family visited with Mr. LeRoy
Slocum last Sunday.
The Fruitland school elected
Benjamin Wodzewoda as manag
er of the baseball team for the
coming year; and elected Leon W.
Girod as captain. Benjamin an
nounced that he intended to get
his game schedule drawn up im
mediately. ,
Mr. Stanley Fagg of Fruitland
visited with friends on the San
tlatn river near Stayton. ,
Clarence Lansing has laid th
foundation for his new house; and
Is ,ndw working on the structure.
Don't forget Sunday school at
10 o'clock this Sunday.
When Love Calls for Romance
" and Silken Shackles Bind -
with -
and the "management of Oregon
contest, which was, won by Mi33.
j v.-
Chicken Hatcheries
Run Fill Capacity
Liiulbeck Has Xew Incubator Go
ing; Lee Has 4,000 Chicks
AUBURN, March 8. (Special.)
A- L. LIndbeck, who Installed a
new 6,000 egg incubator this
spring, is running it at full ca
pacity, using only eggs from his
"Gold Eagle" strain of Rhode
Island Reds. The machine is pro
ducing a high percentage of
hatches and the chicks are vigor
ous. Lloyd Lee is running his com
mercial hatchery at full capacity,
which is 142,000 eggs and has
about 4,000 chicks in his new
brooder. He is also selling chick
boxes and other poultry supplies,
and is employing eight people.
, Army and Outing Store. Biggtst
bargains in clothing, shoes, under
wear, hosiery, gloves, valises and
Suit cakes. The working man's
store, 189 N. Commercial. (
' The Hamilton Beach electric
cleaners and Monarch electric
ranges both recommended by Good
Honsekeeping. Sold in Salem by
C S. Hamilton Furniture Co. ()
Store Burglarized; . Ladies
Aid to Meet; Young People
BROOKS, March 8, (Special)
"All a Mistake." a play given
by the Christian Endeavor young
people of Brooks, v-as a gr at suc
cess and vcs played at the Biooks
school touf-e to a large 'fcmTfcnce.
On Their Way to Hollywood, Tonight at 7:15
Children 10c
Adults 25c
The Play That Startled New York
A. O. Wilkes and C O. Baomann by arrangement
with Mrs. Henry IS. Harris
,"'..'" , Present
- "Willard Mpb'
I The Most Thrilling and Fascinating Play Produced In Tears
Laughter . Pathos Tragedy V
A Great Cast of Players
Prices: First 7 rows f 1.65, balance of floor $
. . - Mezzanine f 2.75 .
Balcony, first 2 rows f 1X5, next 8 rows f 1.10,
last 7 rowst 50e -
Phone 807
or m reservations enclosing return postage
Mrs. John Dunlavy -coached he
player. 1 he members of the st
were: TreEs'e Town. Lenore Jones,
Myrtle Town, Beulah .Asplnwall,
Robert Glover, Keith Jones, Mel
vin Epley aud Robert Aspinwall.
Miss Marie Dunlavy furnished
piano music, between acts and Mr.
Grazen of Hopmere accordian
music. , Gerald Howard gave a
plantation dance In costume. He
was assisted by his sister Fay at
I the piano.
The next meeting of the-Brooks
ladies Aid society will be held
at the, home of Mrs. John Dun
lavy on St. Patrick's day, Thurs
day. March 17.
The mercantile store of W.
Howard Ramp at Brooks corner
was buglarlzed some time Thurs
day night. The thief -.intered
through a rear door. Shirts,
watches, tobacco, some candy and
85.00 cash that was in the Ul
were taken.
Lavon Harris, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. S. A. Harris had the mis
fortune of cutting her arm on a
tin coffee can when she tripped on
a piece of old bailing wire and fell.
She was rushed to Gervais where
Dr. Dowd found It necessary to
take six stitches.
Mr. and Mrs. Vergil Loomis had
as their guests on Sunday Mr.
Loomis's sister and family from
JUr. and Mrs. A. E. Harris enter
tained the Sunday school younger
people of both Brooks churches at
a radio party on Tuesday evening.
Refreshments were served by the
Miss Ellen Hackit who has been
sick with the flu the past two
weeks is reported able to be up
and much better t now.
Mrs. M. L.. Jones has as her
house guest her daughter-in-law,
Mrs. EllisJones and baby Patrica.
Red Hills Birihday Club
Holds Meet at Beckleys
ROSEDALE. March 8. (Spe
cial.) Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Porter,
Mrs. George HecVart and Mrs.
Bates attended Ihe county Sunday
school convention at Pratum Sat
urday. Several of the Sims family have
been having the flu.
Grandma Kelly is quite ill' at
the home of her son. A daughter
arrived from Dakota Thursday
night to be with her. ' ,
Mrs. -C. A. Cole went to the
Sunday school convention on Fri
day, attending all the sessions.
The Red Hills Birthday club
met at the Beckley home at Sun
nyside Friday evening.
You'll enjoy driving a Pontiac.
It handles so easily and performs
so well it is a real pleasure to
drive it or ride in it. Vick Bros.,
High and Trade. (")
AUBURN, March 8. (Special.)
The Auburn Community club will
meet at the schoolhouse Friday
evening, March 11. Several musi
cal numbers will be furnished by
local talent and the children will
give a play. After the program
the ladies will serve punch and
Stop, look, and listen to our ap
peal. If you are not absolutely
satisfied with your laundry prob
lem, call 165. Hand work our
specialty. ( )
Teacher of Piano
Emma L. Boughey
Studio 1786 State
Children lOe
Adults - 35c
r.nutuf nn . .
Miss Maude Gwynn to Join
Other Members bf Cara- -van
in Salem Today
Miss Maud Gwynn, Salem win
ner of the Bell Line Stages Para
mount Junior Star contest, will
join the caravan tonight when a
group of junio- winners will ar-
Photo by innell:Em
Miss Maud Gwynn V
' - '
rive in Salem to spend the evening.
They will leave Thursday morning
for, California.
' Miss -Gwynn Is a very attractive
brunette, is 19 years old' and a
graduate of Salem high school.
She won the caravan contest held
at the Oregon theater recently
after a close race with many other
contestants. -
Twenty contestants will be in
cluded in the. trip and of that
number only one is a boy, he being
the winner at Albany. Visitors
here tonight with the caravan will
be entertained at the Mellow Moon
dance pavilion in West Salem, fol
lowing their, appearance at the
Oregon theater.
While in Hollywood, Miss
Gwynn will be introduced to many
popular film stars and will wit
ness the filming of several pic
tures in the Paramount studios.
She will write' letters which will
be printed in The Statesman, tell-
The Bell Line Paramount Junior Star Caravan will
arrive at the Oregon theatre tonight at 7:15 on its
waj' to Hollywood with the winners of the various
Miss Maude Gwynn
The Salem winner, will join the caravan here
Let's turn out and meet the caravan
Tonight, 7:15 p. m.
Use Your Credit at Kafoury Bros.
Correct New, Colors In
Blue Crane service chiffon silk hose, silk to the
hem; all the new shades a pair.
Humming Bird pure thread silk hose, high silk
boot; silk to the hem a pair
Phoenix pure silk to the hem. sturdy service
weight a pair' ... ... . . . .... .
Phoenix thread silk service weight, high silk
boot; silk to hem- a pair
Kayser thread silk boot top hase
ft pftir .'
Kayser thread silk service weight hose,
silk to hem a pair J.. . ... ;
Kayser silk chiffon hose, silk to top
a pair .... . . ,
Salem Store
466 State St.
ing of her trip and the manv vu
times which are scheduled for th
entire group.
The Marion Automobile Co. Th
Studebaker. the world's greauxt
ertomobile value. Operating con
small. Will last a lifetime, with
care. Standard coach $1510. (
Buster Brown Shoe Store. Hieh
class, stylish looking, comfort
giving, long wearing shoes for the
least money. Come and he roi
vinced.l 125 N. Cora'l.
Hartman Bros., Jewelry Stor
Watches, clocks, rings, pins, dia
monds, charms, cut glass, silver
ware. Standard goods. State at
Liberty St.
Old Fashioned "Shivaree"
Given Cloverdale Couple
(Special.) A crowd of young
folks from the surrounding nHKii.
borhood gathered and gave an o!,i
fashioned "shivaree" for Mr. and
Mrs. Kenneth Russell, who vre
married February 26 In Salpni.
Mrs. Russell was formerly Hnba
Van Walkenburg, a former stud
ent at the Pleasant Vlew school,
while Mr. Russell's home Is In the
Illihee district. .
Will Morris has been ill with an
attack of the flu.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schiffen-r's
three little girls are ill with the
M. Townsend and Ronald Town
send have also been down with the
flu, but are now better.
Buenos Aires is building apart
ment houses of the North Amer
ican style with central heating
Especially Prepared for Infants
and Children of AH Ages
Mother! Fletcher's Castoria has
been in use for over 30 years to
relieve babies and children of Con
stipation, Flatulency. Wind Colic
and Diarrhea; allaying Feverlsh
ness arising therefrom, and. by
regulating the Stomach and Bow
els, aids the assimilation of Food;
giving natural sleep without
The genuine bears signature of
Silk Pure
O ur established
reputation for the
very best ensures
you of getting the
best in quality
Don't miss this show
ing -of pretty hose
which will add to the
appearance of your
spring outfit.
. $1.00
. $1.50
. $1.65
. $2.00
AND DO" . "aC"
Portland Silk Store
362 Alder St.