JMMiaei at lhf What Heir Bee pvertheuWa V WEATHER FORECAST: Unsettled with occasional rains over west and light rains "and snows over east portion; no change in temperature; fresh southerly winds on coast. Maximum yesterday, 45; mfnimum, 3; river 5.0; rainfall, .52; atmosphere, cloudy; wind, southwest. Admiral Latimer denies that our marines ; have taken' any part In the Nicaraguan battles. This! Is obvious, for if they hart, ' the war would have been over before this.. SEVWIYIXTH YEAR SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY MORNING MARCH 9, 1927 PRICE FIVE CENTS 7 BIGGEST S SPORTS ilia First Game of High School Hoop Tournament Thurs day at 3 P. M. FRANKLIN QUALIFIES Salem May Play, in First Game; Sixteen Contests .Listed in Three-Day Schedule Announced Salem's biggest athletic event ot the year, the annual state high "school basketball tournament, will get under way Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock, taccordlnKi to the pro gram of .games announced Tues day from Willamette university. The ,16 tournament games will be played In Che Willamette gymnas ium. ', ' i Until the teams draw for places, ii will be impossible to tell at what time any particular, team will play, but if the plan of seeding the draw is adhered .to, Salem high will play the first' game at 3 o'clock Thursday and Eugene high the second, which Is scheduled to start at 4 o'clock. First round games also will be played at 7:30 and 8:30 o'clock Thursday evening. The Friday schedule is as fol lows: 9:30 and 10:30 a. m., cham pionship series games; 2, 3 and 4 p. m., consolation series games; 7:30 and 8:30 p. m., semi-finals EVENT - in the championship series. ' i The Saturday games, are: 9:30 a. m., consolation game; 2 and 3 i' p. m., consolation semi-finals; i:30 I consolation finals; ,8:30, ,flnal game for the state championship. f Secretary Roy ,W. Cannon of t, he , high school athletic association has Tasked that arrangements be made Vv lo nola a arawiDg lor iiaer!igai , V or ten teams, so that in case-the plan to give Salem and . Eugene definite places on the bracket Is voted down by the' representatives of the teams, these two schools may draw on the same basis as the rest. .. The list of teams which will participate was complete Tuesday night with the report of the de ciding game in Portland, won by Franklin high. The other teams entered are, Salem, Eugene, As toria, Pendleton, La Grande, Til lamook, Medford, Marshfield and Wasco. Player lists tame in Tuesday from the three schools which had been qualified for the tournament and from whom the lists had not been received previously. They include: Astoria: Makinin 4 and Luther (Continued oa p(l 4.) BASEBALL STAR TRIES SUICIDE JOH3 MOHTIL, WHITE BOX OUT FIELDER, CUTS OWN THROAT Worry Over -Physical Condition Relieved Cuse for Play er's Act SHREVEPORT, La., March 8 (AP Johnny Mostil, Chicago Amcriian outfielder, slashed his throat so severely late today in his hotel room that pbysiciars at the hospital where he was taken said ton lent he, could hardly live. Mostil cut his arms, wrists, and stabbed himself in the lert side as well as slashing his throat, while alone in his bathroom at the hotel Youree, where the Chicago Ameri- ran league baseball team is quar tered. . - ; Desnondencv over ill health is believed to have -been responsible . i or Mosul's t attempt at ,Bu:cme. This morning be visited a local uhvsician. when an X-ray was made of his teeth. He had been worried over his physical condi tion and it is -believed it caused .. temporary insanity. Ho arrived at Rfarevenort. from Chicago Monday to start t spring training, but had not donned a uniform- Rain pre vented bte team from practicing. Phvsli'lina sat tha hnnitll - learned that Mostil .had stabbed himself just over the heart with a knife blade. This Is the wound . .Tthat will nrnhahlr rnuR death jWhen clothing was cut from htm. it was discovered' he had slashed his ankles. One cut was - almost to the hnnp ' 1 Late tonight MokHI wan rpFilnc J easier but his condition still was grave. He was able to recognise friends who gathered at his bed- me. . rwo flociors and several nurses were in attendance. CHICAGO, March 8 (AP) Johnuy Mostil. Chicago White Sox outfielder, found late today in ' bathroom at his hotel 'in Shreve- ort, La-v, with his throat cut, came into major league -baseball as the ' winner of a popularity contest" CHERRY TARIFF INCREASE ASKED t rm '! i. ... i .- t : JEmcTgj?ncy iald to Exis f or .Grow ers or coast jby two -cent Flat Rale i PORTLAND. Marh (AP) ,The, Oregon delegation in. congress composed of. Senators .McNary and Steiwer and Representatives pHlaw- ley ana naot,. today lor warded to the. (.United State , tariff .commis sion a request that, .the .existing taxiir. oft; cherries be increased 50 per cent under ,prp vision of the f legible tariff law. ,'a,, Washington dispatch, to the Morning Oregonian tonight. states. ' i"TAe Detition . cites,, the .recent decision o. the. customs, ourt that putea cnerries ,ih brine are duti able, at .two cents, per pound in- sieaa joi 4U per cent ad valorem," the dispatch says. - , An emergency exists as a re sult for cherry growers of the Pacifie coast, who will begin to market their crop in May. it is declared. NEW NAVAL PACT SOUGHT Definite Proposals Made by Amer ica to England, Japan WASHINGTON. March 8. (AP) The convening in Geneva in June or July of a British-American-Japanese naval limitations conference to discuss maximum tonnage ratios in cruisers, de stroyers and submarines is confi dently expected by the Washing ton government. Definite proposals for a three power attempt to find a suitable formula have been made by. the United States to London and Tokyo. While they are informal and possibly no more than verbal in character as yet, replies now awaited will result in formal in vitation if the plan is accepted as is clearly foreshadowed in prelim inary diplomatic conversations. HIBLER ASKS FOR POLE Barber Sign for First National Bank Referred to Committee The problem of, the barber pole was up before the city council on Monday night, and was buffeted around from the lights committee to city attorney, with some indi cation of rebounding back to the zoning commission. It was finally decided that since the only type of sigfin that can be put on the curb downtown is an, illuminated sign, the matter stay with the lights committee. The cause of the difficulty was P. J. Hibler's petition for permis sion to erect a barber pole in front of the First National bank build ing, first presented to the zoning commission. One councilman re ported that he had been informed by a barber that if this pole was allowed, all the rest would apply for them, too. BROWNLEE RETURN SURE Governor Issues Requisition Pa pers; Served One Term Governor Patterson yesterday issued requisition papers looking to the return to Oregon of Albert Brownlee, who is wanted in Lane county for murder. Brownlee is under arrest at Walla Walla. It was alleged that Brownlee and & companion shot and killed a mem ber of a posse, after they had held, up a Veneta pool hall and wound ed its proprietor. Melvin Turnbnll and George Canaday, deputy sheriffs, will re turn the prisoner to Eugene. Brownlee at one time served a term in the Oregon state peniten tiary for a statutory offense com mitted in Descbntes county. PEP AFTER CANBY PLANT Flnu Takes Option on Kleetric Works Serving Three Towns CANBY, Or.. March 8. (AP) The. Portland Electric Power company has offered to buy the city's light and power system, and has taken an option on the Mo lalla Electric company's plant, which serves Aurora, Hubbard ajyl Donald, it was announced last night by Mayor W. H. Bair. who said that it is expected a deal will be consummated this month. 7 YESTERDAY TM WAQUI MHTHM l O ." '. ,ocid Pro The president decided to go west for the summer. Taking of evidence was begun in the contempt trial of Harry F. Sinclair. A three power naval arms lim-; Ration conference ' was proposed by the United States. i; . i t The I. C. C declined to read just grain rates from North and South Dakota. President. Coolidge, reduced the sentences 20 negrpe3 who parti cipated, in th Houston riots ot PLEDGE TO AID KSESSOT IDE IT MEET County Assessors of State Consider Operation of flew Tax Laws WOULD EQUALIZE TAXES Kay Declares Limitation Increase From Three to 8ix Percent Could be Reduced With in Two Years The county assessors of the state met in Salem yesterday for a general conference with the state tax commission and pledged their cooperation in the efforts being wade to equalize the prop erty assessments in Oregon. Only one assessor was absent. from this meeting and he was from Wheeler county. The conference was called pri marily to consider the operation of a law enacted at the recent legislative session imposing addi tional duties and authority upon county assessors and the state tax commiion. Under this law the state tax commission has general supervision over the activities of county assessors, and ha author ity to revie assessment when they are deemed to be unfair and un reaonable. The law also provides machin ery whereby the county assessors may demand the books and ac counts of taxpayers and secure other information for tax levying purposes. The act was copied in part from the. Washington statute, and its passage was recommended by the state tax investigating com mittee created by the 1925 legis lature. T. B. Kay, state treasurer and member of. the. state. tax commis sion, declared that farm property was now assessed ' to the limit while many lines of business were escaping their just share of the (Continued en pce S.) SEATTLE HAS ELECTION Voters Apparently Turn Down Purchase of Street Railway SEATTLE, March 8. (AP) Seattle , voters in the municipal elections today turned down a proposal to purchase the Rainier Valley Street Railway system, re turns from the early precincts in dicated. The vote for those pre cincts was 2.119 opposed and 930 for the purchase. The Rainier Valley system is the. only private ly owned car line in the city. The early returns also indicated the success of a measure authoriz ing a $900,000 bond issue to pro vide a civic auditorium. TEACHERS FACE MEDICAL TESTS BIDS FOR LOCKERS IN JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL OPENED Re-Employment of Teachers to be Considered at Next Meet ing of Boar. The provision in contracts signed by Salem teachers under which they may be required to undergo a medical examination. will be enforced when new con tracts are made out for the next school year, it was indicated at Tuesday night's meeting of the school board. Dr. Walter H. Brown, school physician, was instructed to make out a form to be filled out by the physician who makes the examin ation,' the teacher being permitted to consult any physician desired. It was explained that if this provision 13 put into effect, the board will be in a position to be more lenient in awarding sick leave, being assured that the teacher was in sound health when. first employed. The board opened bids on Iock- ers for the new Leslie junior high school building. They were re ferred to the building committee for compilation. Otherwise no business in connection with the new structure was brought up in open meeting, but Architect James held a private consultation with the building committee. Re-employment of present teach ers will be taken up at the next meeting or the board, it was indi cated, Supt. George W. Hug an nouncing that the questionnaires recently sent to the teachers will be returned by that time. Hug reported that two additional high school teachers, three junior high instructors and three grade teach ers, as. well as one principal, will be needed. SINCLAIR CASE BEGINS Government Finishes Most uf Presentation Against Oil Man WASHINGTON, March 8. (AP) Blocked in its efforts to get into the record what was In senatorial minds in the asking of questions which Harry F., Sinclair refused to answer In 'the senate Teapot Dome inquiry, the gov ernment practically concluded to day the presentation of its con tempt case against the millionaire oil operator and sportsman. Presentation of the defense's case an dnolgshrdluoapuoapuoao case and long argument on points of law probably will be started to morrow, 'with the prospect that the' case will reach the jury late Thursday or early Friday Today was given over to the reading. of dull documents, sharp exchanges between counsel, and criticism of senate investigators. TACOMA CHARTER REVISED TACOMA, March s.- ( AP) A revised charter for the city of Tacoma was apparently adopted by voters here today on the face of unofficial returns from 90 per cent of the precincts. No radical change in city government was provided by the new charter. PRIDE GOETH ! REFUSE DROPPING OF BROO! VI APPEAL BROOM TWIfE CONVICTED FOR LIQUO! I VIOLATIONS Intensive Stud Says Opini. 3 of Subject Made n; Other Cases Dtecided The request for the dismissal of the -appeal c f Mark Broom was denied yesterday in an opinion handed down by Justice, Brown of the state si Ipreme court. This request for dis jnissal was made by Broom's attor keys on the show ing that he w.s a fugitive from justice. Broom was ! twice ponvicted in the circuit comrt for Lane county for violation a!.' the state prohibi tion laws, and in each case was given a jail sentence and fine. Both cases wc re appealed to the supreme court, and the defendant, though relieve d from actual cus tody pending ach appeal, was in constructive etistody by virtue of his undertakid g of bail upon ap peal. The judgment of the lower court in the fiirst appeal was af firmed in the vsupreme court and its mandate remitted to the circuit court In'. October, 1926. Thereupon, tJue trial court made the necessary o.rder for the execu tion of its judgment. The defend ant later was located by the sheriff in the Marlon county jail where he was serving a sentence for a third crime against tha pro hibition law. ,9room broke jail on December 25,. 1926, and neith er the sheriff of Marion county nor of Lane county, was able to take him into custody. "We have made an intensive frtudy of this snhject." read the opinion. "From: such study, we are unqualifidelty committed to the doctrine announced by the highest authorities and the most eminent criminal law writers of America, that, when it satisfac torily appears to the appellate court that a conv icted criminal has fled from the jurisdiction of the court, it is within the power of that court to refuse to hear his appeal. "But while we have the power, in our discretion, to dismiss the appeal where the appellant is a fugitive from justice, this - case having also been heard on its merits and therein affirmed, it is unnecessary to exercise our dis cretio nby dismissing the appeal. The motion to dismiss the appeal (Continued on pan 5.) BOAT FOUND UNMANNED Fisherman Believed to Have Fal len Off Craft in Harbor ABERDEEN, WASH-, March 8. (AP) Veering crazily through the water under its own power, but with no one aboard, a fishing boat was picked up in Grays Har bor today by G. A. Wickett, fish erman, who believes the owner of the boat was drowned. A hat was found lying in the bottom of the craft. It was feared that in at tempting to climb around on the gunwale of the boat to shut off the engine the owner fell overboard. JAP REFUGEES FREEZING AMID SilUG RUIN Thousands in Quake Area Struggle to Reach Safety and Aid Injured SNOW DEEP ON GROUND Condition of Homeless People Is Pitiable; Drifts Used for Shelter; Railroads Not Operating TOKYO, March 9. (AP.) The casualties in the Tango dis trict as the result of Monday's earthquake jumped to 5,710 to day when the prefect ural gov ernor at Kyoto reported that number killed or injured. The tlead totaled 227' and the in jured 3441. The repor$ was made public by the home office here. TOKYO, March 9, (Wednesday) (By AP.) -With their houses reduced to ruins or ashes by last night's earthquake, thousands of refugees in the stricken area, most of them in the district of Tangp, today struggled to reach safety, and to care for the injured. Dispatches from Tango describ ed the pitiful condition of the refugees, homeless, hungry and cold. In some places the snow is from one to five feet deep and hundreds of men, women and children, possessing but a few blankets, found meagre shelter be hind great snow drifts. The suffering of women and children was considerable, ab though the efforts of troops, po lice and young men's associations were alleviating the misery. Ef forts to bring aid to the devastated region were-retarded because of lack of railway traffic, only mo tors and wagons being available in addition to a few airplanes that are bringing in some relief sup plies. The roads and paths were badly cracked everywhere. A newspaper airplane observer described the smoking ruins of villages, numerous bodies lying about and priests reading the final rit es. One ' observer said condi tions were pitiful beyond descrip tion. ' The majority of residents of the Tango district who escaped death last evening spent the night in the open, spreading mats on the snow. Policemen, doctors and nurses are being hurried to the scene with relief supplies and it is expected that the hunger and misery there will be alleviated soon. A reporter for the Asahi Shim bun, who .went to the scene in an airplane, said most of the villages were reduced to ashes, that no houses were left standing, and (Continued on page 5.) PAROLE OFFICER QUITS Successor to Mr. Canon , to Be Named by Board of Control W. H. Canon, for the past two years state parole officer, yester day sent his resignation to the state board of control. It was said that a successor to Mr, Canon probably would be considered at the next meeting of the board of control which will be held later in the month. Before accepting the office of state parole officer Mr. Canon was connected with the United States land office at Roseburg. Mr. Can on will locate at Roseburg or Med ford. There are several applicants for the office of parole officer, mem bers of the board of control said. QUARANTINE ON .ALFALFA Hiuban$ Ordered Because Some , Weevil Said' to Exist ' Governor Patterson yesterday received information from the ag ricultural department at Washing tod that federal quarantine had been ordered on alfalfa hay ship ments to the state- of Nebraska from Baker, Malheur and Union ccunties. Alfalfa hay offered for shipment to Nebraska from these three eastern Oregon counties must undergo federal Inspection.; 1 The embargo was ordered be cause of the alfalfa weevil which has caused considerable, trouble In certain sections of eastern Oregon. MAN GETS PRIZE, DIES Texas Pig Owner Fainta at First Award, Dead at Second FOUT WORTH. TEXAS, March 8. (AP) After tainting once upon receiving the grand cham pionship on a Barrow pig in the southwestern . exposition ' and; fat stock show here; -T.S. Cllne, .55i of Prosper, -Texas,, today, dropped dead when awarded another grand championship on a pen ot three OFFICERS SEIZE STILLS IN RAID STATE AXD COUNTY PROHI MEN JOIN FORCES Eight Gallons of Whiskey and Threo Barrels of Mash Back Charges a Joining forces, county officers and state prohibition commission ers made two successful raids yes terday, collecting two stills, 300 gallon's of mash, approximately eight gallons of whiskey and many jugs and other containers. John Heyram, Gervais farmer, and Henry' Hansen of St. Louis are under arrest. Heyram's liquor activities had been under suspicion for several weeks, according to Sheriff Bow er, but no positive evidence could be obtained until this week. Two stills were in full opertalon when the raiding party, armed with search warrants, arrived at the Heyram place. Mrs. Heyram ap peared to be caretaker for one of the stills, although she was . not placed, under arrest. The plant was ' hidden in the brush back of the house and was complete in every respect. One machine Was of 25 gallon capacity and the other slightly larger. Three large barrels containing ap proximately 300 gallons of mash were seized and the contents dumped. Five gallons of distilled whiskey were brought to Salem for evidence in the case. The Heyram raid was made In the morning and was followed yes terday afternoon with that on Henry Hansen. Three gallons of whiskey and several jugs and bot tles Were seized there. Hansen will face a possession charge while Heyram will have three charges manufacture, possession and sale of illegal liquors to meet. The two stills yesterday increas es the number of seizures to four since February 1. Two other out fits have been taken although not In operation. In each case heavy sentences have been levied by the justice court, and it is expected that the present offenders will be meted out similar fines and jail Sentences. . . ' WAR VETS ENTERTAINED Post plans to Raise Membership to 1,000 for the Year Eight hundred world war vet erans, the greatest number that' were ever gathered together un der on roof in Salem, enjoyed the entertainment and feed put on by Capital Post No. 9, Amrlcan Le gion Tuesday night at the armory. In addition to hundreds of local ex-service men, 37 attended from Lebanon, and there delegations from -Iebanon, Dallas, McMinn ville. Independence, Silverton, and even as far away as Hood River. The best show that' has been presented by Itfcal entertainers In recent years, delighted the crowd. Brazier Small and Carl Gabriel son, captains of two of the teams which lost in the recent member ship" contest, planned the show. Those who took part Included Rufe White, Frank Zinn, Carl Gabrielson. Tom Akers. , Carl Hinges, Dick Barton. Newell Wil liams,, Rudy Stevenin, Oliver Hus ton, Biddy Bishop. Lyman McDon ald and Hugh Grady, the latter a former Orpheum entertainer. The dinners was served by the teams, captained by Lloyd Dm arest and John -Graham. Kenneth Cooper, regional man ager of the veterans bureau, was present and gave a talk. The le gion post, with present member ship 'of 670, is planning a drive to raise' it to 1,000. GUARD CAMP SITE MOVED Oregon Militiamen to Train Hence forward at Gearhart .PORTLAND. March 8. (AP.) -World was received here today by the i Morning Oregonjan that the war department has author ized th)e transfer of the annual camp oj the Oregon national guard froinv-Iedford to Gearhart.. A ase over a 10-year period Is un derstood to have- been approved by the war department, as a lease of five years was considered too short-- The matter of: payment of rentals Is said to be as yet unset tled. " ' '.?r. National guard and federal army officers favor the cliange, it is said. as an' investigation brought out that training activities at Med ford were limited by heat during the summer mentbs.- "B00TICIAN" NEW WORD Rum Dealer Objects to Old Term "Bootlegger" as .Passe BERKELEY. , Cal.. March 8. (AP)- It is1 not "bootlegger? any more. Hereafter it should be des ignated 'bootician." - ' J Antonio Gentile of Oakland Is the - man : responsible for - the change.' lie was arrested here on; a charge of violating the Volstead lair and. the arresting officer' told him that he strongly suspected he was a bootlegger. . ' -'-..- J : ' ,-Tm - not a bootlegger, Gentile responded, "there isn't any such igii Command Given to "Clata wa," Trek, Mush or Kike to State House MANY PEOPLE EXPECTED Old Time Songs and Music for Irt grain; Special Seats Arranged According to Year of ' ! Arrival In State ' Hras Kloshe Tilllcums! 'Mika hyak clatawa state house seven okoke tenas polakly. 'Hyas shontay, byas tin tin, hyas klosho tillicutns. 'Wake muck-a-rouck, w"ake skookum chuck, bym tuni turn. "Old Timers Committee." J The above is the official call of the old timers to their meeting to night, in the only language that in the pioneer days was universally understood In all the Country from ' the crest of the Rocky mountains west to the Pacific ocean and north of the California, line The Chinook language,, or Jar gon, known to the Indians of all the tribes, and. to the French trap pers and all the immigrants speak ing English and the various Euro pean tongues - - ... That was the universal language of the Oregon Country, and' it van the language that was understood by all the men who- met; at. old Champoeg and decided by a drawn roie mat tne uregon country was to be forever under the Stars and Stripes, Instead of the British flag. What It Means . The call of the eommlff n? t,a old timers means that all old tim ers are to "clatawa," or trek it or mush it or hike it, or in some way surry to the state house, afool or on horseback, in an auto or a Ford, any way to get there, and .to be present at half past seven o'clock. r. 1 And" they are told that there' If to be a lot of fun, much' music, much talk, and a lot of good folki present. Also that there will b no eats of "skookum" chuck which means fire water, or boozq and that there will ;be .a gentrd good time. (If the old time reader doe3 not like that translation, he can do his own translating). Like the Fiery Cross In the pioneer days, this sum mons would have been considered fCsotinatd 01 PHI 5.) OUSTED WARDEN ' STILL IN COLD , I' ' ! 'J ' - JOHN LARSON FAILS TO COX . VINCB.WSH CO.M3II3SIO.V Hayes and Kakin Upliold ! pis' ., charge at Meeting Held; In f . . ' Portland PORTLAND, March 8. (AP) At a lengthy hearing of . the state fish commission today, mem bers of the commission upheld A. W Franklin, master fish warden, in the dismissal of John Larson of Astoria. Commissioner Hayes, Bay City, approved the dismissal, because, he said, Larson exceeded his authority in going to South Bend, Wash., In January to testi fy In defense of the captain of the fishing boat President CooIIdge- 'C The dismissal was also affirmed by Commissioner Eakin of Astoria because. Larson "had failed, to en force the law on the packers,. who are, the worst law breakers we have." No, evidence on this point was Introduced in the. hearing-1 Chairman ' Yeatch 'of Portland dissented.' from the majority opin ion, holding that If Larson was at fault In, going to South Bend the commission should have taken ac tion on the matter in its meeting of February 8. ' Considerable testimony was , in-. troduced in an attempt to show that Larson had exceeded ' th bounds of propriety In verbiage employed In his dealing with the members of. the -fishing Industry; An appropriation of $2,000 " to complete the fish hatchery on the Umpqua river was asked of the state fish commission today by W. H. Harris, Clark Chase, and Thomas Richmond, representing the fish dealers. . 1 ' ' ! ? It'was pointed out by the com mission.'. that? the"- shortage: of. fonds would 'prevent sneh an 'ap propriation, bnt $t.eO was voted out of, the sinking fund-for district 2 and the., dealers agreed to ad- yance the remainder with'.the. un derstanding -that they 'are to be repaid In poundage, fees: to:be. tak en out after August 1. The . commission .ordered that the 'deadline be held at a poifit J, thlfl VfbpptlaIipw;,.