The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 08, 1927, Page 3, Image 3

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    t ...
Mr. and Mrs. William
Oldenburg Celebrate
Cold en Wedding Anniversary
A particularly interesting event
of the week-end was the celebra
Con of the golden wedding anni
versarv of Mr. and Mrs. William
foidenburg which took place on
.Saturday night at, the First Evan
K,,'i'" ciiuicu, upcinus wun a ior
. . 1 1 . V. V. I . .
nial reception at -7. o'clock
At S o'clock a two-course din
nor' was served to more than 75-
guests, with an enjoyable program
Tiie golden color scheme was
carried out with many yellow daf
fodils and lighted yellow tapers
in crystal holders. Each, table waa
centered with a decorative wed
ding cake in harmony with, the
Ik. sen color scheme. English
Jaurel and fern formed aneffee-
tie background in the rooms.
The immediate members of the
family, including Mr. and Mrs
William Oldenburg and their 11
liihlreii, all of whom were pres
ent, were seated at one table.
Places were arranged for the re
maining relatives and friends at
two long tables
Following the dinner, the many
bra ut if ul gifts received by the
celebrating couple, were opened
and displayed
Those taking part in .the pro
gram were Rev. A. F. Ifilmey, who
opened the anniversary service
with prayer; Miss Naomi Phelps,
accompanied by Mrs. (luy Fitch
J'hejps, sang "I Bring .You Hearts
Ease"; a men's trip, including
Lawrence Maws, Reuben, HUfiker
and Stanley Mores;; Rev. Hilmer,
who gave the address of the eve
nins: Miss Dorothy Baderst Bod-
ei i scher. who played a violin solo,
with Miss Helen Rex accompan
ing. and Althea' flaiser, . grand
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Olden
biirg. who ang.r .VI Love , You
Truly." Rev. Culver followed the
musical numheri. with a few ap-
propnae numbers,, after which the
Itt-v. -Mr. Hilmer pronounced the
Mr. Oldenburg, who came lo
America as a boy, was born in
Germany in 1855. Mr. Oldenburg
('Margaret Petri) was born in For
est, Wisconsin, Jthe same year.
Tiny were married in 1877.
Twelve children were born to
them. one. 'dying, In .infancy. Mr.
and .Mrs. Oldenburg, though they
ltrft Wisconsin in 1891, did not
come to Oregon ;un til 1911. from
11,00 to 1911 thy lived, in Wash
ington. Since coming to Salem
they have made their home here
. The guest group for the evening
Sjcluded Mr. and Mrs. William
Myienburg, Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
Oldenburg and son Richard, of
Moorehead, Montana; Mrs. J. E.
Janosgy of Nampa, Idaho; Mrs.
M. M. Oeiser and.Mis AeUhe&bf
Spirit Lake.. Jdahor Air. and Mrs.
.!. Finkbiner. Mrs. George Dilling
and .Miss Selma Oldenburg of Con
ntir. Wash.; Mrs. George Petri and
Mrs. Henry Mueller, brother and
hifti'r of Mrs. William Oldenburg,
of Fond du Lac, Wis.; Lester Gei
s'f of Corvallis, Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Oldenburg and children
i.hidys. Alice and Willis; Mr. and
Mrs. a. K. Oldenburg, Mr. and
Mrs. if. L. Oldenburg and son, der
ail!: Walter Oldenburg, Louis flld
eulurjr. Mr. Schmalle, Mr. and
Mrs. H. Maves, Mr. and Mrs. S. C.
i;od i tscher, Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Hartman. Mr. Schultz, Mr.
ind Mrs. Hilfiker, Mrs. Phelps,
Miss Xaomi Phelps, .MiJ. and Mrs.
Sc lira mm, Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
Springer. Mrs. Rehfus, Mr. and
Mrs. uiivens, Mrand Mrs. J. Vogt,
Vr. and Mrs. WH1 Garnjebst, Rev.
fnd Mrs. Culver, Retv and Mrs.
Hilmer, Rev. and Mrs. Leining,
andJiJra. ?J-lW BeckleyT Mr.
and MrsC' George Thompson," Mr.
;,r.d Mrs. Ilenf & Wenger jVIr. and
-jlrs. IT. Gralapp. Mr.: and Mrs.
iciu!ffe. Mr. and Mrs. R. Singer,
Mr. and Mrs. A. Hager. Mr. and
Mrs. u. Saeger and son. Miss Helen
ilex. Miss Dorothy Badertscher,
Miss Alice Woods, Helen Wenger,
Messrs. Newton Schmalle, Law
leticf! Maves, Reuben Hilfiker,
Stanley Maves, Clinton Lovell
i;nd Frederic Remington.
March Meeting of Salem
O A. C. Club Will be
' " fy"" little
Cm- of the leading club, events J ,.
l the u-.rnL- ill v, f I 1 aull
irieys ;ini SOCial meeting of the
fcalem o. a. C. club tomorrow
i":ght at the Woman's club house.
At a he close of the evening light
i fr s,liinents will "be served.
The host gronpfor Uie evening
includes Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Mer
riitt, Mr. and Mrs. Rhea Luper,
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pearcy, Mr. and
Mrs. L,, McAllister, Mr. andIrs.
Mark Mc( allister. Miss Bertha
Miller. Miss Marlowe Miller and
-Mi.s Ret ha Nash.
Dr. and Mrs. CartiorigJvb
bntcrtain Family Groim
i JXUi 12-Cover dinner
and Mr?- Rienard Cart-
vgni complimented members of
the family with an enjoyable din
ner party Qn Sunday at $ o'clock.
Daffodils and violets were lovely
on the table, at which covers were
arranged for 12.
In the group were -Mr. and Mrs.
II. I Keller, and Mr. and Mrs.
Raymond R. Shaver and son, Ray-
wipna jr.. all of Portland. Walter
Erne of Salt Lake City, Angelo
pJe of San Francisco -Mri and I
Mrs. Brazier Campbell Small
Miss Florence Cartwright and the
hosts. Dr. and Mrs. Richard Cart
Mrs. H. J. Bean Will
Entertain Thursday - Club
Toe Thursday club will meet
Thursday afternoon. March 10. at
the home of Mrs. H. J. Bean, 917
Court street. Mrs. A. N. Moores
and Mrs. Richard Cartwright will
eerve as associate hostesses.
First Methodist W. H. M. R.
Plans a Birthday
"Luncheoti of the Seasons"
Approximately 75 ladies enjoy
ed the quarterly tea meeting of
the Woman's Home Missionary so
ciety of the First Methodist church
at 2: 30 'o'clock last Wednesday in
the church parlors. Mrs. George
H. Alden, president of the society.
presided throughout the afternoon.
Mrs. Benjamin Blatchford read
the scripture lesson, followed with
a very helpful talk, closing the
devotional hour with prayer.
During the business session
many outstanding reports were
made. Among these was the an
nouncement of the interdenomin
ational day of prayer which" was
such a successful event of Friday
at the Knight Memorial church.
In -this connection a comprehen
sive report of the Japanese work
was made and a sum of money re
ceived toward the support of the
Mrs. H. F. Shanks was appointe
general chairman of the grou
leaders for the coming year. Th
leaders in the different districts
will be as follows: Mrs. R. L
Farmer, Mrs. C. A. Clark, Mrs. C
A. Cox. Mrs. F. A. Beard. Mrs
Josephine Davis, Mrs. E. T. Barne
Mrs. R. K. Ohling, Mrs. E. C
Schram'and Mrs. D. W, Mosher
Mrs. E. C. Richards gave th
lesson of the day- a talk on th
sixth chapter of the Btudy book
A Program for Rural Churches.'
taken from "Our Tempted Hills,'
by Ralph, A. Felton.
Of particular interest to this in
fiuential, group of church women
i;? the birthday party for which
elaborate plans are already being
made. The party, which will feat
ore a pot-luck supper, will be an
event of Tuesday, March 22. Fou
beautifully decorated tables, each
symbolic of a season of the year arranged for ;the, evening
At each fable tha members will be
grouped according to the' season
in which ther birthdays occur
For instance, those1 whose birth
days occur in the winter will sit
t Mrs. Jessie M. Lang's table
those who were ' born during the
pring months will be guests at
the table-of which Mrs. Ronald
Glover .has."! beep, asked to take
harge; those wno wera summer
born will meet at Mrs. Almira
Hale's table.j-a.nd rthofeCwJio cele
brate in the .autumn. pf tfte year
will sit at the table at which. Mrs
. J. Kuntz lias been asked to take
.Mrs. E, E. Gilbert is in general
harge of the affair.
A delightful tea hour was feat-
red at the jilose of the afternoon
with Mrs. T. Barnes in charge
The beautifully appointed table
as centered with a Nile green
bowl, filled with sweet peas in the
paftel shades. Lavender, pink
nd yellow candles were arranged
n crystal holders. The same deli-
;,te color scheme was used in the
refreshments. r
Mrs. Carl Gregg Doney and Mrs.
Fred C. Taylor were invited to
riside at the urns.
Those assisting-were Miss Fran
ces M. Richards, Mrs. Josephine
Davis, Mrs. Ida Shade, Mrs. B. E.
Sifcson, Mrs. Frederick H. Thomp
son and Mrs. Walter Winslow.
Social Afternoon Club
Will. See Film
ThA Social Afternoon club of
Cbadick chapter of the Eastern
Star will meet this afternoon at
the Masonic temple where the
numbers will have the unusual
privilege of viewing Dr. Douglas'
film of the health demonstration
Hostesses for the meeting, which
is open to all members of the
Eastern Star, will be Mrs. Flor
ence Page,; Mrs. Grace Gilliam,
Mrs. Marie McCall, Mrs. Hazel Gil-
Mrs. ' Minnie Baker, Mrs.
ine Josse and Mrs. Blevins.
i Yomarco Class Will Meet
for Community Supper
The Yomarco class of the First
Methodist churoh will meet this
evening at the church for the reg
ular 'monthly meeting. A com
munity Bupper will be served at
6:30 o'clock.
M iss Babcock Attends
Junior Prom in Corvallis
Miss . Bertha Babcock was a
guest on the Oregon Agricultural
college campus In Corvallis over
the week-end. She was a special
guest at the junior prom. While
in Corvallis Miss Babcock was en
tertained at the Alpha Chi Omega
Ken Nakazo wa Will Speak
at Open Meeting Tonight
Ken Nakarawa, the brilliant
Japanese author and lectures who
spoke two weeks ago at the local
YAICA, will address a second open
meeting tonight in. the city lib
rary' under the auspices of the Sa
lem Arts league. Robert C.aPanlas,'
i a .. i.V
wbo has. .loaned . his lantVru andT1"1
'screeSTrbr ineevehlngr will assfsT
(a the presentation of the, unusual
glides ibiehiMr. Naltazawa pos
sesses., . ,-; ... .. , ,
This fall the lecturer will have
a book published, by Harper
Bros, Since th speaker. will dwell
to. an extent on Japanese .gardens
members of the Salem Garden club
are especially invited to attend the
program. The program will open
at 8 o'clock. A business meeting
will. precede at 7:45.
Mrs. E. A. Miller Will
Entertain South Section
of Woman's Union
Ladies of ifte South' section o
the Woman's union of the First
Congregational church will meet
at . 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon
at the home of Mrs. E. A. Miller
1500 South High street. Work
will be provided for all.
Institutions Department
Mill sponsor Program
at Training School
A three-act play entitled "An
Old Fashioned Mother." will be
given tonight at the boys' training
school, under theauspices of the
institutions department of the Sa
lem Woman's club. Perry Reigel-
man, .who is directing the play,
plans a two-night presentation
ater this week in West Salem
where the drama will be featured
as a benefit performance.
Miss Mariom Church Is
Honored on 19th
Birthday Anni versa ry
The 19th birthday anniversary
of Miss Marjory Church occasion
ed an exceedingly delightful party
last week when a group of friends
met at the Church home for an
vening of games and music.
Late in the evening delicious
refreshments, featuring a birthday
like, were served. Mrs. J. I.
Lewis assisted Mrs. A. M. Church.
In the group were Miss Marjory
Church, the honor . gue&t, Miss
Margaret Moore, Miss Leah Fan
ning. Miss Martha Feustman, Miss
Isabel Huston, Misa Beulah Gra
ham, Miss Catherine Barker. Miss
Harriet Beckley, Miss Frances
Graham, Miss Grace Henderson,
Miss Margaret Fro, Ray Mum ford,
Lyle Weed. Dana Church, Louis
Oberson, George Poor, Donald Da
vis, Daniel Church, Kelsey Bon
ney, William Lewis, "Tup" Church,
Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Lewis and Mr.
and Mrs. A. M. Church.
Conover Society Will Meet
Mrs. C. A. Park will entertain
members of the Conover auxiliary
society of the First Presbyterian
church this evening at 7:30
Basket Social Will be
Held at Fruitland
The Fruitland school will be
the scene of a basket social on
Saturday evening, March 12, spon
sored by the children. N. N. Nor
ton of Portland, a talented ven
triloquist, will be featured on the
Those who bring baskets will
bo exempt from the admission
Jason Lee W. F. M. S.
Holds Quarterly Tea
Meeting at Hocking Home
ADout zi members of the Wom
an's- Foreign Missionary society of
the Jason Lee Memorial Methodist
church met last Wednesday at the
home of Mrs. Emma Hocking for
the quarterly tea. The first part
of the afternoon President Mrs.
W. P. Miller took charge of the
business session. Miss Mary Mc
Kee was a special kuest for the
afternoon and delighted the mem
bers with one of her beautiful
readings on an "Allegory of Ex
periences." Mrs. A. L. Dark and
Mrs. P. L. Frazier assisted the
hostess in serving dainty refresh
Those present were Mrs. Phil
Appinwall. Mrs. Fred Barker. Mrs.
Herman Clark. Airs. A. L.. Dark,
Mrs. J. W. De Lap. Mrs. Albert
Questman, Mrs, P. L, Frazier,
Mrs. C. A. Gies. Mrs. C. F. Jiage-
mann, Mrs. Emma Hocking, Mrs.
Lester, Mrs. D. O. Lear, Mrs. W.
L. Lewis, Mrs. W. P. Miller. Mrs.
Ed Olson, Mrs. C. M. Roberts, Mrs.
K. E. Roberts, Mrs. Belle Roberts,
irs. P. J. Voth, Mrs. Bert Waller,
Mrs. B. A. Welborn.
Visitors for tne afternoon were
Miss Mary McKee. Miss Wenz,
Mrs. Auman and Mrs. Frederick
of Wisconsin.
Anna Elizabeth Haselbacher
Becomes Bride of
Albert Lenners
Miss .Anna Elizabeth, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Haselbacher,
became the bride of Mr. Albert
Lenners Monday, Feb.- 28, at the
St. Vincent dePaul church. The
bride's only attendant was Miss
Sophia Haselbacher. Ed Hasel-
backer served as best man. The
ring was carried - to the altar In
a beautiful white eala lily by Mist
Mar jorie Zielinski. f H
A reception, was held at the
home of the bride's parents
The bride was beautifully -gown
ed in canton back satin, worn with
wreath of orange blossoms and
full length veil. -Her -bouquet
was of white carnations. The
C. A. LUTHY -:,
' . ' Jeweler '.?'..
In New Location
Watches, Clocks and l9ewelery
. Repaired - IT.
i ? TRY US FIRST v '
j , f The Winchester Store
f -i I RAliKSf, OREGON'
Phone 1 73 v; 1 20 Kt oml, St,
' Today .
Junior guild of, St. Paul's Epis
copal church Mrs. Frank Durbin
Jr., 1725 Fa'irmount avenue, hos
tess, 2: SO o'clock.
Salem Arts' league. General
meeting. City library. S o'clock
Program at boys training
school, . under auspices of institu
tions department of Salem Wom
an's club.
Conover society of First Pres
byterian church. Mrs. C. A. Tark
Yomarco class. Community din
ner. -First Methodist church, 6:30
Delta Alpha class of First Meth
odist church. Pot-luck supper in
class room in Epworth hall, at 6
Sons of Veterans' auxiliary.
Woman's club building- 460 N.
Cottage street. " ':-.
Needleeraft club. Mrs. L. C
Lrbtherton, 570 South Winter St.
Salem branch of State Music
Teachers' association. Miss Shel
ton's studio. 8 o'clock.
Old Timers' reunion. Chamber
f Commerce rooms.
First Methodist WFMS. Mrs.
B. E. Carrier, 1065 Court street,
hostess. 2:30 o'clock.
Jason Lee WILMS. Mrs. C. M.
Roberts, 1015 Shipping street,
WCTC. Open meeting on "Pro
hibition and Anti-Narcotics," with
W. J. Herwig as sneaker. 1:30
O. A. C. club. Woman's club
ouse. 460 North Cottage street,
South section of First Congreg
ational church. Mrs. E. A. Mil
ler, 15t0 South High street, hos
tess, 2 o'clock. '
Thursday club. Mrs. H. J.
Bean, 917 Court street. Associ-
to hostesses. Mrs. Richard Cart-
i isht and Mrs. A. X. Mooros
Ladies' Aid society of WRC.
Mrs. Bertha Lov3land hostess. 14
iiith 25th street.
Missionnry society of First Con
icgational church. Mrs. John
Fiayne, 41 i Bellevue, hostess
:?) o'clock.
First ''ongregational church
Business and Professional Worn
l. Dinner and program at (
Salem Woman's club. Clul
house. 2:30 o'clock.
Basket social. Fruitland school
Friendship Dinner club of the
First Congregational church. C : 1 5
bridesmaid wore a lovely dress of
lavender silk georgette. Her bou
quet was of lavender and white
sweet peas. The ring bearer wore
a dress of pale green voile and
carried a beautiful white cala lily
Those present were Mrs. Peter
Zsclinski, Mr. and Mrs. W. O
Slielinski and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Max Woods. Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Eggiman, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Zie-
linski of Aurora, Mr. and Mrs.
John Burke and family of Hills
boro, Charles St. Claire of Hills
boro, Mrs. George Burke of Mo-
lalla, Mrs. S. W. Barry, Mrs. Chas.
Klohi, Mrs. A. O. Marks of Canby,
George Zielinski of Oregon City
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Waser and
family, Carl Rosvar, Mr. and Mrs.
Ollie Duda, Mr. and Mrs. D. La
Rosa, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zielin
bk: of Oregon City, Alois Schwenk,
Miss Vera Zielinski. Margaret
Schmidt of Mt. Angel. Louise Dre
ter, Julia Schmidt of Silverton,
Gertrude Montandon, Mr. and
Mrs. Adolph Kilttilson, Mr. and
Mrs. A. J. Haslebacher, Mrs. B.
Davis, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. F. A.
English. Mrs. Mary Harrington of
Sfclem, Mrs. E. Gruenfelder and
the Rev. T. IT. Keenan.
Miss Norma Maler played the
The Opera House Drug Store.
Service, quality, low price, friend
ship give increasing patronage.
Old customers advise friends to
trade here. High and Court. ()
. Plumbing Service
Phone 352
For Fine Fixtures Call at Our
Shop, 16X5 Center
Casey's Guaranteed
Money refunded if it does not
cure your case
Cor. Court and Liberty Tel. 7
at your home
Telephone 2214
S. H. Logan
Y Social Calendar.
O " - - m
Salem Auto Wrecking
Telephone 2159 402 South Church Street
Parts, Tires, Batteries and ; Repairing. Old parts are
better than pew. They have teen tested. Complete ;
stock of parts for all cars. Special prices on 34x4 tires.
wedding mareh - ami r-Mlw Ji4pe.'y,' Wiss"ETeanof HlooreV' Miss"
St&mldt pt satertpn sfin'g "Ave
Visitors From Tacoma
Mr:' and Mrs. '-John '' lUstb?r- of
Tacoma. arrived In Salem Satur
d&y..ta spepd a month at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. K. T. Mark us.
Mr. and Mrs. Resthr are Mrs.
Pcrkttij' parent.
Salem Girls Attend
College Dance
Miss Maxine Glover and Miss
Viiginia Donnell are among the
girls from the Salem high school
who attended the junior prom on
the Oregon Agricultural college
eampus Saturday night. . Miss
Glover was a house guest at the
Pi Deta Phi sorority.
Needleeraft Club Will Meet
The Needleeraft club will meet
this, afternoon at the home of Mrs
L. C. Brotherton, 570 South Win
ter street. This will be the-first
meeting of the club in more than
a month.
Sons of Veterans Auxiliary
ine auxiliary of the Sons of
Veterans of the Civil War 'will
meet this evening at tlte Woman's
club house. 4CH Norll Cottage
street, for the regular business
stfsion. .
C ongrcga 1 io n al M issio nan
Society Will Meet at ' .
Bayne Home Frida
The missionary society of the
First Congregational church will
meet on Friday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. John Bayne. 414
Bellevue, beginning at 2:30. Hos
tesses with Mrs. Bayne will be
Mrs. J. O. Humphreys. Mrs. K. A.
Miller. Mr. S. L. Miaard. Mrs.
K Hulburt and Mrs. E. K. Bots
l'i rd.
Delta Alpha Class Plans
Pot-Luck Sifpper
Members of the Delta Alpha
r'a-s of the First Methodist church
will meet at 6 o'clock this eve
r.'.ng in the class room in Epworth
hall for a pot-luck supper.
W.J. Hcrwif Will
Address W.'C. T. U.
W. J. Herwig. past presidont of
tlic Anti-Saloon league, will ad
dress members of the WCTIT at
at; open meeting on Wednesday at
1:.10 o'clock. - Mr. Herwig's sub
ject will ho "Prohibition and Anti
Xarcotics." one in which the local
Vi'CTU women will be much inter
ested. An increasing interest among!
the women of the city is being
shown in WCTU work, and a larg
number of new members liava
ben taken in during the past
Mrs. C. M. Roberts Will
Entertain Jason Lee WHMS
The Woman's Home Missionary,
society of. the Jason Lee Methodist
church will meet at the home of
Mrs. C. M. Roberts. 1015 Ship
ping atreet, on Wednesday after
i:oOn. Miss Maxwell, who is home
on a furlough, will give the ad
dress of the afternoon. Mrs. Box-
rud will have charge of the de
votions and Mrs. Acheson of the
This will be the regular quar
terl tea meeting of the society.
Mrs. Follin and Mrs. Dewey will
as-sist the hostess.
Schubert Octette Will
Give Feature P rear am
at the Elsinorc Theater
The Schubert octette, of which
Miss Minne,l'ta Magers is the diree
tor, will give a delightful feature
performance at the Elsinore thea
ter next Saturday entitled "An
Evening in Spain." The Chanti
cleer trio and two pupils of Mrs.
Kalph White, Miss Fay Wassam
and Miss Elizabetfi Waters will
isist,on tlm program.
In the octette are Mrs. Earl
fetops Your Cough
Relieves Your Throat
135 North Commercial St.
Phone 197 .
Original Yellow Front .'
Drug Store f
The Penslar Store
Hilda Amsler, Miss Dorothy Rrant,
Miss Arbutus. Rudie. Miss K la ine
Ckapii). JWIss .M.ra Gleason,.,Miss
(jtaue Fawk'and Miss. Ruth kmart.
Mi.-.s Florence Bush i.s the accom
panist; ;The Chanticleers are Kenneth
Allen. Kddie Hiirnside and Collas
Mrs Pearminc Is Hostess
for Octogen Club
Members of the Octogen club
aud a group of additional guests
were delightfully entertained one
day last week at the home of Mrs.
Lester Pearniine. The special
guests were Mrs. L. Orcutt and
Mrs. S. J. Ostrander.
.-wrs. Ainert tiragg won the high
tcore of the afternoon, while the
Mcond award went to Mrs. Albert
Anderson. Daffodils were used in
the rooms.
Those of the club who played
vere Mrs. Albert Gregg, Mrs. II. U.
Maison. Mrs. Paul F. Burris. Mrs.
C. L. Newman. Mrs. Allien T. An
derson, Mrs. R. A. Meyer, Mrs.
James Jennings and the hostess,
Mrs. Pea rm ine.
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Bunn
Entertain With 500 Party
The home, of Mr. and Mrs. A.
H. Bunn at 22:?5 Hazel avenue was
the scene of an enjoyable five
i tindred party over the week-end.
Mrs. O. A. Xoyes and Clifford
Chaffee won high stores of the
evening. The hostess served re
freshments late in the evening.
Those in the group were Mr.
(Continued on page H.)
Gargle Aspirin
for Tonsilitis
or Sore Throat
A harmless and effective gargle
is to dissolve two "Bayer Tablets
of Aspirin' in four tablespoonf uls
of water, and gargle throat thor
oughly. Repeat in two hours if
Be sure you use only the genu
ine Bayer Aspirin, marked with
the Bayer Cross, which can be had
in tin boxes of twelve tablets for
few cents. Adv.
Cooperation -the first principle of success
All Union Men and Women, rout Friends and Families are requested to be CONSISTENT
ESTS of our city solicit the support of all Working People and, together with all firms employing
Union Labor or displaying the Union Card are recommended by the Salem Trades & Labor Council
Army & Outing Stores
18t X. Commercial P bone 1828
Gingrich Motor & Tire Co.
5J." S. Commercial Plione K?."
MacDonald Auto Co.
80 Ferry I'lione 4(
Marion Automobile Co.
2;J." S. Coiiu.ierciiil Plione 362
Xrovfon Chevrolet Co.
r'2Tt Chrmeketa Phone lOOO
Valley Motor Co.
20-1 X. High Plione JfM)5
Yirk Brothers
High Phone 1811
28 S.
Bettor Yet Baking Co.
H X. Commercial lhoneo l4
Mwlel Ba.kery
121 S. Commercial Phone 1057
Peerless Bakery
1 70 X. Comuu'riuil Phouc 308
Salem Brick & Tilo Co.
Tile Road Phone 917
Dr. O. Ii. Scott
250 N. High Phone 87
124.5 State Phone 703
Hill pot & Son
305 State X. Iadd & Bush Bk.
Rostein & Greenbaum
240 X. Commercial Phone 973
Hillman Fuel Co.
1245 Broadway Phone 1855
Larmer Transfer Co.
143 S. Liberty Phone 930
Capital City Cooperative
S. Commercial ' Phone 299
Marion Creamery Co.
200 S. Commercial Phone 688
Fab-mount Dairy
9 1 0 S. Coinierclal Phone 725
Salem Sanitary Milk Co.
1857 State ' Phone 3 IO
C. jl Breier Co.
North Commercial
Directors Department Store
188 N. Commercial Phone 460
Wortb7 Department Store
177 S, Liberty Phone 132
& C. Store .
North Comucrcial
The price t
can be
We have
Sherman,piay&Go. ;
1:50 fouth High Street New Mip;h Hu
Established 18G8' : ' k
General Banking: Business
Office' Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. ni.
Nelson & Hunt
198 X. IJerty
Plione 7
Portland Electric Power Co.
237 X. Liberty Phone 83
Ha.rt)ison's Stations
Capitol at Market Phpne 1030
W-st SaJem Phono 1703W3
S. Commercial at Owens
Phone 1247
C.Vf. IirciUiaupt
Liberty Phone 380
123 X
Webb's Funeral Parlors
20. S. 'h urt h Phone 1 20
";ieso-Pov-rs Furniture Co.
3S7 Court Phono 4C1
J. L. Busick & Sons
1 97 N. Commercial Phone 455
Carl & Bowprsor '
383 Court . Phone 437
"Cooley"& Pearson
21 1 X. Commercial Phone 1371
' Pade & Krueger
1 1 99 S. Commercial Phonc7G3
124 4 State Phone C49
Simpson Grocery
1 55 N. . Commercial
Phones 48 and 49
Skaggs No. 37
1C2 N. Commercial Phone 478
State Street 3farket
1256 State Phone 574
Lebengood" Garage
Day 56,4 Night 2131W
- Wilson and S. Commercial
Doughton & Sherwin
286 X. Commercial , Phone 639
Ray I. Farmer Hdw. Co.
204 N. Commercial Phone 101
v ' ' Salem Hdw. Co. ' "'
120N. Commercial i Phone 173
Square Deal Hdw. Co.
220 N, Commercial Phone 1650
. C4ty Ice Works
1441 Center ' i. , Phone 73
' Cladde C. Moon. 4;
844 Court . Y ' , rhone ,533
This winsome baby grin
piano is idea) for apartme-
rr linn rril rrrr 'Rl-wtinri T-J1l
flow much of the permanent L
happiness of your household. ' L
made its purchase terms
very simple.
Ask us for a Brambach paper
fattern and spread it on your
iving-room floor to visualize its
dainty compactness.
P. E. Shafer 1
170 S. Commercial
rhone 411
Gabriel Powder & Supply Co.
1 75 H. Commercial Phone 728
Salem Fluff Hug & Mattress i
Factory '.--' t
1 3 and Wilbur Phone 1 154 S
Moore's Music House
415 Court
Phono 083
Capital City Mononiental
Woiks , v
22 1 0 S. Commercial Phone 689
fc.'i . i
Cabi iel Powder & Supply Goi!"
1 7,5 S. Couinirrrial , l'hpnc 72S
...... . ... . (..
METAL ' ' 1
. 5TeIon Rrotiiers
355 ClM;mekct: Phone 190."
Reeke Hendricks 'i
189 X. High: --. w I'bono 101;
Hansen & Idljequist
562 .Mill
Phone 341
Buster Brown Shoe Store
1 25 X. Commercial Phone 685,
Price Shoe Co. ' .
326 State Phone 610
- John J. Rottle 54 -415
State , , ... Thooe llt,
D. II. Mosher
i 7 .
474 Court
4 Phone 3 CO
TJie Elsinore , i r
G. W. Day
294 X. Commercial . . Phone CO
. Zosel'8 Tire Shop ;
tps 8. Commercial phone 4?1
Salem Yolcanlzintr Co. "
474 Ferry . . ' Phone 301
- . . ... i D..A. Xarmer -143
S. liberty Phone 030
Salem Vulcanizing Works
471 Ferry,
Phone 364
S. At