WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAKCH 2 1927 ; Marital troubles are bad enough by themselves when they are not calling on a smooth coarse, bat "When there's a bad case of small tpox in addition then it's time to . worry.-.; & - , V . Scott Sidney, who directs the A. Christie presentation,. "Seven Pays," which appears at the HoUy- ! wood theater as the opening i at traction, makes it uproariously funny, sin fact he even makes the worried expressions of Lillian Rich nd Creighton Hale, who play the leading roles, 'objects of side splitting mirth. " All the same, such a combina tion in. any home,, without .Mr. Sydney to direct it to the success- : tnl and happy ending' which ter- . mJnates the two hours of laughter to be derived out of this screen comedy, would be a near catastro jhe. ' "Seven Days" Is based on the famous Broadway laugh success by Avery Hopwood and Mary Roberts Rlnehart. Supporting Miss Rich and Mr. Hale under Sidney's di rection are Lilyan Tasbman, Ma bel Julienne Scott, Hallam Cooley, William Austin and Tom Wilson. ' .1 - Recruiting for the Oregon Na tional guard was given an impetus Tnhen Buster Keaton made "The General," his first big comedy for United ArtissT" many of the scenes of which were filmed in the Pacific northwest; "The General" Is the feature film at the Hollywood theater Sunday and Monday. J Oregon state officials cooperated with the Keaton company by per mitting the frozen-faced star to use several companies of militia for the Civil War battle scenes. Word went out that national guardsmen would be given a chance to display their prowess In' motion pictures, and within two days after the announcement was made, the recruiting offices were besieged by swarms of men and youths. The national guard companies were recruited to full strength, hundreds of aspirants being re jected. Officials estimated that Keaton would have had the use ot 10,000 sdldiers If he had-been iA need of that many. Several companies of the reserve officers training 'corps also were used in re-enacting the Civil war battles which play an important port of the g'.ganuc laugn ceaiure .A; 3 All sons should take their moth ers to see "Private Iizy Murphy," the Warner picture, at the Holly wood theater next week. In the first: place it Is a mother and son story, a mirthful, heartening, ten der story of war and love and hu man hearts. Irish and Jewish . hearts made one by things might ier than disputes and prejudices. George Jeasel. who "is 'starred, is personally the chief pal ot his own mother, his father having died vlien the lad was but nine. Patsy Ruth Miller, who is the Irish sweetheart in the picture, is noted in Hollywood for other than her ' screen success, especially . for .the fsfict that she and her mother are Practically inseparable, even haw ing identical hair-bobs! Vera Gor don, who Is one of the featured players, is perhaps the most cele brated of all portrayers of "moth er parU,',"Pf ivate Izzy Murphy" glorifies American motherhood. It Is 3 the sort of photoplay which brings down the whole house! It lsadventnre. love.' a laush. a tear, drums and bugles, war and peace, . and over all, the American eagle screaming! It'll get you! Go! launched on her comedy career. She has been noted for her ability in comedy scenes., although unlike many of her sister stars, she never appeared In two-reel clapstlcks. The locale of "Eve's Leaves" is China, a setting presenting the op portunity for a variety of funny business, written into the adapta tion Elmer Harris prepared from the New York stage success. The upward trend of motion pictures has carried the comedy into the dignity of seven reels. nicked out tones which are calculatedjo rest the eye princi pally browns and greens and their complements. , And ; all the color K selected In accordance with its dramatic value. Four, months of experimental work was done along this line before a.crank was turn ed on production. The story is an original from the facile pen of Elton Thomas. All the "yo-hoes" and "avasta" of 17th century piracy are fn ".The Black Pirate," along with every thing that any pirate ever ; did, from burying treasure to walking the plank. Without being specific, Fairbanks chose the southern seas as his locale, thus giving bis ad venture plenty of sea room. Albert Parker was custodian of the mag aphone on "The Black Pirate." .; , Billie Dove,, that lovely young leading lady who is rapidly head ing for stardonli-' furnishes the pulchritude. In this picture and alsb Doug's motive for cleaning up a couple of shiploads of pirates. 'Harold Lloyd, Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton et al had better look to their laurels, for Leatrlce Jot has entered the, field of feat lire comedies in competition. "Eve's Leaves," which will be on view, at the Hollywood thea ter next week, Leatrlce Joy has "Hogan's Alley," the . Warner Eros, production starring Monte Blue, coming soon to the Holly wood theater, has in its cast the largest number of former world champions ever assembled in one picture. Although this is not primarily a "fight" picture, still the prize ring scenes in which Monte Blue is featured in the role of contender for heavyweight championship honors were adjudged important enough to secure the services of James J. Jeffries, former heavy weight champion of the world; Tommy Ryan, former middle and welterweight world champion who retired undefeated with the title; Ad Wolgast, former lightweight world champ; Ted "Kid" Lewis, former welterweight world cham pion -VSpike" -Robinson, former featherweight, champion of . Great Britain; Joe Rivers, foremost lightweight "of "his day and ""con tender for the championship, and Jack Herrick, former heavyweight champion of Panama. Other sporting celebrities con nected with this photoplay are Harry Burns, bag punching cham pi6n of 1907, who still holds that honor; Larry Williams, former trainer of Dempsey, and Ely Stan ten, who has boxed with Dempsey in several of his pictures. Dan Tobey, appointed official announc er of the A. : E. P.Mn France by General Pershing, and now official announcer at the Vernon and Hoi lywood -American Legion boxing stadium in Los Angeles, acts as announcer fn the bout. The scene of the story Is laid on the Bowery of New York 20 years ago; with 'the reminiscent atmosphere of brown derbies and yellow button oxtords at the Starflght Athletic club training quarters. ) "Hogan's Alley," in addition to Monte Blue, has a brilliant sup porting cast that includes Patsy Ruth Miller, Willard Louis, Louise Fazenda, Max Davidson, Nigel Bar rie, Frank Hagney, Fsank Bond, Mary Carr and Ben Turpin. Roy Del Ruth directed this production, based on the Gregory Rogers story, and adapted to the screen by Darryl Francis Zanuck. In presenting1 "The Black Pi rate," which is coming to the Hoi lywood theater soon, Douglas Fair banks is up to one of his pioneer ing tricks again. The film Is in natural color, and a vast improve ment, we are told, over past ef forts at presenting color. "Doug It's Time to Think of PAINTING and CLEANING UP We Sell Martin Senour 100 Per Cent Pure Paint DOUGHTON & S HER WIN 286 N. Commercial Tel. 639 1027 FREE WALLPAPER SAMPLE BOOKS Call, phone or write MAX O. BUREN 179 N. Commercial , Salem Wyley Convicted; Notice of Appeal From Verdict Ray Wyley yesterday was con victed in justice court on a charge, of unlawful possession of intoxi cating liquor, and sentenced by Brazier Small.justice of the peace, to spend six months in jail and pay a fine of $500. Wyley's attorney moved to sup press the evidence, claiming that it was obtained unlawfully, but the motion was overruled. Wyley filed notice of appeal from the verdict, and is now- out on $1000 bonds. ;! : Wyley was arrested recently by Salem police officers who raided his place on North Front street. Soon to Move Into New Home; Equipped to Serve Barrett Brothers will move into their new, $15,000 home by April 1. Their building Is now under construction Immediately adjacent to the Hollywood theater, and has a floor space ot 6,030 square feet. Barrett Brothers are authorized agents for Essex and - Hudson motor cars. They will be prepared to give 24 hour service In their repair shop, with tire, oil, and gasoline service at all hours; be sides carrying a full line of ac cessories. - North Howell Extension of Hollywood . Barber Shop Considered The Hollywood barber shop. operated by A. p. Herbster, is lo cated on the east side of Capital street, opposite the Hollywood theater. At the present time it is only a two chair shop but plans are being made for an extension which will place the shop on a par with down town establishments. ; Astoria, City commission ac cepts plans for 50-ton Northwest ern Pulp & Paper Mill. Plant can be doubled when Young's River water system is completed. Born, Thursday, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Smith, a son to be called Ronald Joseph. Wednesday visitors at Mrs. Syl via Baughman's .were. Mrs. Walter Rutherford and two children, and Mrs. C. L. Morgan, Mrs. . L. E. Dunn and daughter, Blanche, Mrs. Earl Harmon, and Mrs. O. Dunn and son, Keith. Mrs.,, Minnie Shelley of Labish Centerand niece, Mrs. C. L.' Mor gan, visited at the L. Townsend home on Mission Bottom one day last week. Miss Agnes Morgan was married to Volney Biggins of Molalla at the home of Mrs. Thomas Bur rows of 355 Leslie street, Salem, on February 21, by Rev. H. E. Shanks. They will make their home on a farm in Clackamas county. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Harmon and Mrs. Sylvia Baughman were busi ness callers at Salem on Monday. Mrs. Joseph Woelke and son. Raymotd, and Mrs. Peter Smith Sr., were Thursday afternoon call ers at E. O. Dunn's. Marinius Schaap has traded his home here for a large farm near Corvallis where he intends raising stock. Mr. and 'Mrs; D. W. McKay and daughter, Bessie, of Vancouver. Wash., spent the week-end at the George Vinton home. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Woelke and son, Raymond, were Saturday callers in Mt. Angel. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Baugh man of Portland visited relatives here Monday. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Carefully Repaired and Guaranteed at PRESCOTT'S 328 North Commercial Street STAR MEAT MARKET 1962 North Capitol Street Southeast of New Hollywood Theatre Meats of All Kinds, Fish and Game in Season Congratulation to Mr. Williamson and His New Hollywood Theatre. Just another step in the right direction NEW HOLLYWOOD THEATRE HARMONIOUS AND ARTISTIC ( Continued trem pmg 1.) i the equal of anjr in the northwest, has been installed on the stage. '- r . ' . -'1 . The Hollywood theatre will be ideal for community enter tainments as weill as for motion pictures, and to this end, complete stage equipment is being arranged. The stage is 15 bv 23 feet, allowimr amDle room for any drama or musical comedy production. A full standard set of scenery has been prepared, and this will be augmented as neea arises, oix dressing" rooms are provided. A Wurlitzer organ, with all of the jazz stops necessary to accompany the action of motion pictures as well as the con cert reeds, has been installed.? The organist is r Miss Mary Lebold, who has been playing at the CapitoL theatre. GeneraF .management of the theatre will be in charge of Al Krause, prominent local business man. Raymond Barton, who has been employed as operator at all of tne local tneatres over a period' of eight years, will be in charjre of the projec tion room. Mj-s. Webster is cashier, Dan Land doorman, and the ushers are Faye Williams, Loraine Kmser and Elizabeth Kertson. SUPERVISES CEMENT WORE All cement work in the Holly wood theater building was super vised by Fred R. Kayser,' 1660 North, Cottage street. " It is due partially to his rapid work that the construction work has" progressed so Tapidly on the building, as much of the work is concrete? the building being prac tically fireproof. Miss Lois Vinton who has been employed in Salem, visited last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Vinton; leaving for Seattle, Wash- on Saturday. L1TERAKV PROGRAM FRIDAY CLEAR LAKE, March 1. (Special.) 'The Clear Lake liter ary program will be presented at the school house on March 4 be ginning at 8 o'clock. Everyone is requested to bring a cake or some sandwiches as a free supper will be served at 11 o'clock. Your Car Deserves SEIBERLINGS America's Finest Tire ZOSEL'S 190 S. Commercial Tel. 471 Congratulations CHERRY CITY MARKET The Golden Rule Grocery Confectionery and Lunches - Greetings to the New Hollywood Theatre Mrs. Francis V. Sweet 1944 North Capitol Street Just South of New Hollywood Theatre To the New Holly wood Theatre and Its Owner , TERMINAL HOTEL Congratulations Gongratiilatibiis Interiotjand Exterior Hardware for the New . HOLLYWOOD THEATRE Furnished by I Salem Hardware Go. Exclusive Agents for trie Schlage Hardware and Button Lock .. - . . - . i ... Just press button in the knob to lock, just turrrthe knob to unlock 1 " HALIK & EOFF ELECTRIC SHOP 337 COURT STREET Store Telephone 488 General electric and machine work, electric appliances. Electric equipment and con trols, wiring. Incandescent light for pro jectors in this theatre, and the only one in town, furnished by us. CONGRATULATIONS We are pleased to have furnished the appliances for the Hollywood Theatre Wishing the New Hollywood Theatre Prosperity and Success Bligh's Capitol Theater Frank D. Bligh eiiome ? The development of North Salem and the opening of Mr. Williamson's new ; - Hollywood Theatre - i We like to see Salem grow VICK BROTHERS High Street at Trade V Telephone 1841 GABRIEL POWDER & SUPPLY CO. 610 North Capitol Street Telephone 728-2248 Lath and Hanover plaster for this theatre furnished by us We extend congratulations ,and best wishes to Mr. Williamson on the opening of his new Hollywood Theatre. Congratulations To the New Holly wood Theatre Congratulations '.. , - To the New 1 HOLLYWOOD THEATRE ; , , . Projectors used in this theatre are of the latest type and were furnisheel by PORTLAND MOVING PICTURE MACHINE CO. ; , P. SABO, Proprietor T s Rivoli Theatre Building . r'ortland, Oregon j ' Congratulations To the New HOLLYWOOD THEATRE We were pleased to have furnished some of the materials used in the construction of this building. Oregon Gravel Co. 1405 North Front Street .J Telephone 180 ! (BasK: Telephone (SpAuldiug pcGiriG uouaioM tir Lumbtr Telephone el 'V'" t 4 i f . t 1839