T Catalog Comparison Show Changes in Accessories ,-f .---- . -- - 'l . i . '7 V CT' Mt ill ;-v:-- -..::-x-x-l -:-!::- ' r i mm The advancement in automobile equipment since 1909 can best be shown by comparison of Western Auto Supply Company catalogs. Not2.the windshield, auto top, and headlamp which ' wereccessories eighteen years ago, and the modern equipment shown in the new 128 page catalog that the accessory company is now mailing to all western automobile owners. MODERN WAYS BEAT - FLOPS IN BUSINESS (Coa tinned from par 1) trains and ships, telephones, tele graph, radio, automobiles, motor trucks, calculating machines, type writers, automatic machinery elec tric power and light, are but a few of a multitude of tools now at the command of modem business. Vast) improvements have been made daring recent decades in dls ' tribution - systems, in financial methods, in transportation, in vuuiui umtaiiuu. Perhaps the most far-reaching improvement of all is the im provement noted everywhere in human relations. Vendors and customers, managements a n d workers, are showing an interest and sympathy with each other's plans and problems that would have been undreamed of a few short decades ago. While the millennium has not yet arrived, men and groups of men are realizing that their own success and prosperity depend up on the success and prosperity of others. The interests of workers, of stockholders, and of executives are mutual. The interests of groups in iron and coal are the same as the interests of the groups who work in rubber and concrete. The interests of the bankers and the manufacturers and the agri culturalists and the transportation groups nave muen in common. Realization of a far-reaching de pendente, each upon the other, is bringing about a spirit of good will and fair play that is extend ing throughout the world. Certainly no prophet can be wrong who says that 1927 will strengthen the bonds of ever growing allegiance that each man owes to "every other man in the onward march towards perfection of modern civilization. As for the specific business of Dodge Brothers, Inc., third largest manufacturer of motor cars and trneks in the world, we are look ing to 1927 with confidence of being more useful to more people than during any year before. TUNEING OF RADIO FASCINATING JOB ffotinit from pare t.) for one frequency and the others for different waves and expect to get the efficiency possible when all three are set for the same sig nals. It is only when this latter condition prevails that the tube will amplify the signals in the manner they are supposed to. Since there is a fundamental difference in apparatus, it will be less manifest in the mid-range of the dials. As one goes up or down the scale, however, it become more and more obvious. Thus, it will be seen, it js im possible to use single control ex cept in the instances noted above The ideal way is to have an ar rangement whereby the condens ers are belted in a way that wher one turns a master control, ihere will be enough slack to readjust any single condenser without mov ing the others. Usually two or three degrees will suffice. 3Iore slack would prevent the pick-ur of the carrier waves of local and semi-distant stations because the condensers of the extra lag would not be in resonance. This Is the system evolved by Grebe engineers and is applied in the Synchrophase type of broad cast receiver through the-use of a chain and pulley method. If two or three dial tuning is desired, all one has to- do is to loosen the thumb screw on the top of the tangent dials. This releases the grip on the pulley and permits in dividual dial tuning. Everything in the book store line, books, stationery, supplier for the home, office or school room, at the Commercial Book Store. 163 N. Com'l. liSTfflAIITOMi WCOHOfl . Sale? and Service Policies Discussed and Plans for ni 1927 Formed ' What is declared to have been the most successful convention of Western Auto Supply- Company managers ever held in the-Seattle district, was brought to a close last week at the division head liiarters in Seattle. According to Walter Rydell,. lo cal Western Auto manager who has just returned from Seattle, all the managers and executives from Washington, Oregon and Montana attended the four day iles and service conference .vhich was unprecedented in every letail and was a glowing tribute to the growth and activities of the company. ' Sales and service policies were discussed and p.lans for 1927 mer chandising campaign were made It was disclosed that the Western Auto Supply company will launch a more extensive campaign than ever before this year with a com plete line of automobile accessor ies, tires, camping equipment and radios.. A few years ago when the Wes tern Auto stores could be counted on the fingers of one hand, a cen tral meeting of all the managers was held yearly in Los Angeles The company has advanced with such: meteoric strides since its in ception, and the stores have been spread out over so wide An area that a general yearly convention is no longer practical and annual meetfngs are held at the district headquarters in Seattle, Los An geles, Oakland and Denver. O. J. Hull Auto Top1 & Paint Co.. Radiator, fender and body repairing. Artistic painting adds 100 per cent to the appearance of vour auto. 26' 6. Cora 1. () JTOW EXCLUSIVE ;xAsn AGENCY Ejp "TUG THREE GREAT NCCESSrTiBS OP J-iPB FOOO.CJ-OTHIN5 AND SMELTER, THE pJRST IS THE MOST IMPORTANT TO TEM THOUSAMt VEAR5 AGO EVEfWMAMWA5 FOOt POO. MfMSEU7 ANb MtS P-AMtX : If You Save This Page Each Week You Will Have a Complete History of Man i Qo&AV, tW "THE. UWITEtv, States.tmakikS to our improve agricul TURAL MAHINBRV AUt MOERM PAP.MIWJ METHOM THE WOO.K 0r LESS THAW THIRTV PETCSOHS OUT OP trV&RV IS REQUIRED TO PRotMJCB EVJOlXjM POOS TO So PPLY THE EWT1RE POPULATION AMtk STiU. HAVe A LAR3p 5uPLUS TO EXPORT. HIGH LIGHTS OF HISTORY Prehistoric Agriculture. By J. CARROLL MANSFIELD a ?lv IS3ehave SEEM MOWTHB- i ..; i 1 : PEOPLE O PQEH1tJRlC TIMES : K CAMS TO Be SHEPHCJSOS AMt r 'Wr ' J WERE CVEP WAKItsRJMG PQOtA M&?$: "JS PLACE TO PLACE EEKIM(S' VEyVf iTX tff HEW SP2AZtM3 6fi00NtS FOR 3 HB FLOCKS AMC HERb5 HUlTlPilt RAPtMV m TIME THE NATURAL. PASUX3A&E WOULb NOT HAVE 6ECM SUFFICIENT FOR ALL jfTHCiQ weeiS. Happily, before TMI5 EXTOCMITV WA4 REACHEtv A6COtTUe 7f WAS BEQUU.AM THE FOOt PR08LEM SOLVCb.. ArRlCOLTUREt MAV HAVE HAO ITS EQrWHlWQ ttlTHE STOAIUd OP FOtkteQ POR. THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS During THe.WIMTEA. .... Q INCe MEM FIRST BE4AM TO DOMESTICATE AMlMALS, . THEY HAO REAPED THE VMILti-GROWf3 WHEAT AMU Bar lev. But mac beek iqkioramt op planting ANt SOWlMG.SoMeof THE Wl THEY BEAT OUT POR THEIR. OWM USE. 7''hl THE XJIM PASTCAllE55 . XgJAk Eb THE IMPORTANT SCOVERY'lVP ltffcmjk THAT A SEED PROPPED INTO NjT jWl i5 Tu GROUMt WOOLfl SPRouT, -C J 4 i TAKE ROOT, ANt IM A CERTAlM TlME--E PROOVCE A PLANT LIKE THAT PROM $gigZ VslMlCH IT CAME, JS "i-?V . fatten 111 EH OtQAU TO KAB O , BJJ5MAU. PATCHCS.ExPERIENCe TAOX3HTTHEM THAT THE SEE& WOULD iGROVJ 8TCTR IPTHJ SOIL WAS BOOttEM UP. A SHARPSTlCK " r. WAS PROBABLY C5ED- AXPIRST rots. THia roKivxn rri r iSj-L3TICK A PRIMITIVE HOE Bt" WAS VELOPBIi, DUT PRC JT PARIH6 THC SOIL. WAS 5J-OW, jtf?2k2& ARDUOUS WORV - JATERjCAME THE INVENTION! OF THE FIRST LA BOW 9AVINO PC VICE. T A KfcOW IMA I WAS MERELY A CROOKED, FC)QKi STICK POAWU QY OXEN. THIS IMPLEMENT rTURNEt UP A LlARROVl F URROW. " ITIamS 1ABOR WAS REWAR&E&. Hg SOOM FOUMIiTHAT THE wilp Grain whjem cultiva kiREVI LARGER, M &ZB AND GREATER M YEL I iwOi 1 ...... . Q HE Grain was grouno Betweek STOMES AMCk THE FLOOR KEPT IN EARTH EMWARE VESSELS FOR FUTURE USE "TheV HAtk NO VEAST But MAbE A HEAVY RO-Ar Vi w ' r m jZr-S EJuTlME, MEM Lt ARNEt TO WEAVE? W VEGETABLE FtEf- FROM FLAX TMEV y MAIE FISHING NETS, ROPE; AN6 j m i b km m .m m HEDEVELOPMEKTOF FARM IM WROUGHT A 6REAT CHANGE IM THE LIFE OP THESE EARLY PDOPLE . THEV CEASEtk TO &e WANDERING M - (EPMER&S. BUILT TUFMWilt, MaDC , Jy " X A .1 SETTLED LlPE.f ' TV V iPa I i 'it II J& Urn. - McOwe Newspaper Syndicate ) ( torn iHEVOATHEReS" imviuaqes im Regions WHERE THE SOO. WAA FOT ilm AMtTlLLETHB OUTLVlMfi LAMbSO MEM CONTIHUE& TO RAISE AMtMALS HUNT FOT? GAMEyOOT Agriculture cams t n tud The P.' VW." Pettyjohn company announced durinE the week that they are . now handling the Nash line exclusively having given up the Cadillac agency. The Teeentj added Improvements and the at tractiveness of the Nash line is given as the reason. GENERAL MOTORS SET HIGH RECORD Continued from pace t.) make the statement that, the earn ing of 1826,? exploding equities, exceeded those of 1925 by 148.- 50G.216. or, 45.6 j per .cent and further, that the earnings of 1926 f-xceedetl the former high record previous to 1925 fby $92,923,447 or 1 4 9 . 7 per cen t. rFor , the pur pose of making ihis comparison absolutely ..'fair - ithe -'additional earnings, in 19261 resulting from the consolidation of Fisher Body had been eliminated. Comparison with previous reports will demon strate that notwithstanding the very larpe disbursement account oi dividends, there was added to surplus or reinvested in the busi ress for further development, a t.tal of $64,508,864. This com pares with S36,9d9,544 for the year 1925. -The regular quarterly dividend was increased as of March 12, 1926, to 1.75 per share or to the rate of $7 per shaxe per annum The same rate, of ; dividend was paid on the additional stock re sulting from the 50 per cent stock dividend paid Sept.; 12. The ef fect of this was that as of that date the regular quarterly divi dend was further increased to the equivalent of $10.50 per share per annum. There was paid as regu lar dividends, on the common stock during the year, a total of $48,497,216. In addition, two ex tra dividends were declared aggre gating $55,433,777. There re sulted a total declaration of com mon stock dividends for the year of $103,930,993. . This includes the extra dividends amounting to $34,788,558 paid Jan. 4, 1927 to stockholders of record Nov. 20, 1926. Cash In bank and marketable securities at the close of the year amounted to $135,398,386. This c o m p a res with $145,142,038 at the close of the previous year. Sight drafts, for $12,073,434; in ventories $156,203,663; total cur rent assets $336,338,213; current liabilities $144,332,596. This leaves an excess of current assets over current liabilities of $192, 005 617 and compares with $181, 826,881 as of Dec. 31, 1925, an increase of $10,178,736. The to-, tal of capital stock and surplus ($634,257,318 at Dec. 31, 1926) includes $147,240,895 of which $64. 508,864 is accounted for by earnings reinvested .jin the,, business.-and the bafance of $82,732, 031 represents, increases Lo capital and surplus. Incidental to the ac quisition of the minority interest in Fisher Body at June 30, 1926. Total assets of the Corporation at Dec. 31;;i 9 2 6 amounted to $92 6. 8 94,105 Vom'rH..'yriih $7 03,78 6 664 at'thVend of, 192 5. I ' . -.-The investment . in real estate, land and equipment .at Dec. 31 1926, was $434, 373,903 compared with $287,268,286 at 'Dec, 31. 1925; an increase. during the year of $147,105,617 of whfch $86. 423.456 was due to the-acquisition of the Fisher Body Corporation, and $60.6S2.161 to expenditure for plant extensions and Improve ments. 'The investment in affiliat ed and " miscellaneous companies decreased $6;467.825 during the year, reflecting the transfer of th. r UCr investment to the plant ac count, also expeaditures for addi tional capital stock of subsidiary. In the sum of $23,400,000. Outstanding notes of the Fihr Body Corporation amounting tn 812.M0.000 were retired, incident to the acquisition of the assets and liquidation of the Corporation It-will be noted from the forel going that the sum of $96,582 Hi was required for the purpose nf financing the necessary plant ex tensions, additional capital stok oi suDsmianes, and the ret ment or the Fisher Body notes 5r FIVE SECONDS MORE TO LIVE! What" would you , do if you wye told that you had only five seconds more to live? , .That's rather a difficult question bat. Just the question we could well ask the driver who scorns his brakes, That chap, driving -his car with his wife beside him and his children in the rear seat, may suddenly see an inevitable a. ci dent looming up before his eyes. . Not very hard to guess what he will do as he sees calamity striking. Now he jams down desperately brakes which won't hold, which seem to squeak "I told you so" as they fail. The pain of remorse is cold and bitter. : ; There's a strong truth expressed In the picture of the un fortunate who has loet control of his car because, bis brakes are bad.- Such a picture could have as its title "Being Sorry Won't Make the Brakes Hold.", Do YOU know positively that YOTJR brakes are all right? They may hold fairly well in ordinary driving, "but will they stand the sudden strain of a quick stop? Come In and let mb give your brakes a good inspection. This service is free and places you under no obligation. . MIKE PANEK '- SALEM'S BRAKE SPECIALIST Yes, we have brake lining that holds in wet weather THE cafv will work easier. The bills reas . onable, "your temper serene when you bring-yoar car to us. , Monroe S. Cheek . ' . Complete Antomotlve Labrlcatlon Court at Capitol Phone 2205 Accurate Mike Call On Us For Any Auto Parts C & L. PARTS STORE INC. Vv: Corner Ferry and Uberty Telephone 666 ' immi .Yijrriv it n 3 &Sr m ft-3f " X! w ' BcautifalUieTrcIcx lUr . r., The COACH . Because it carries the lowest prices ever placed on a"; truly fine automobile, the Most Beautiful Chevrolet r brings into existence an entirely new conception of "Quality at Low CostT .-"W..-"';'-: Never before atjChevrolet's amazingly reduced prices . has any manufacturer provided so many fyxc car " features, so many marks of distinction and so many , mechanical improvements. These are typified by - new bodies by Fisher finished in Duco colors, full crown one-piece fenders, bullet-type lamps, AC oil -filter, AC air cleaner, improved transmission, larger radiator and many others. ' , You need only to see these supremely beautiful cars to realize why all America is proclaiming them 'as v the greatest sensation of America's greatest industryl . Youieed only to compare them withVthe finest the : market afiords to see that they represent the biggest dollar-for-dollar value ever offer edl Come in today;' and get a demonstration! ; .- -.- '' j v - .' , , j.i i - i A .v- i.- : a- - V . f - The Touring , $ - - or Roadster n,.r $ The Sedan $695 Sport Cabriolet 15 The Landau $745 M95 $395 1-Ton Truck. . HTonTruck Ballooa Tire Kow'Scaadard Oa All Model " All prices L o..b. FUat, Vlica.. i Newton Gheyrolet Company Opposite the City HaU , , . ; . Telephone 1000 ' "EVERYONE IS TALKING CHEVROLET J. , 1 1 . A- ft- t ' A I 5? t,1 Q U! A L I T Y ; A T- .iX' O W ' COST iCHIEP OCCUPATION . f . , , i