The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 20, 1927, Page 3, Image 3

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New Plant "Called "lopcpo"
Combination of Pepper and
Tomato Plant' "
Eastern Oregon normal school at
La 'XJfande. "'titis nstitutibii' was
created by a measure approved1 ly
ihe'yoters (QXh'e state at ' the' last
general election.
"We 'are making economy a
dream," remarked Senator paries
in connection with the considera
tion of a bill -carrying an appro
priation of for the state
normal school at, Mdnraouth. Of
the total appropriation carried in
the bill li,7;0 was for the con
struction of new classrooms.
Senator. Kutt declared that as
far as he had been able io de
termine the facilities at Mon
mouth were adequate.
"We should .develop the other
The propagator of the curious j normal schools Jn this state' be-
Karden proaue js j pun . uie. f ore . exnentfln k more money at
Saiv Jose business man. He spent Monmnnth .. aM cDnn(nr ntt
The senate also annrov'ed an-
prSpriation- bills for the' establish-
Kimball Faculty and j
Students to tLabor
Preparations Mailo for Ikying n
- ch9te; JoW . jn';ncwicnt " t
iirv salads- are 'sliced.
H", grown, uut i;r.:iej;citti;in
tnat to in itself the next. thine to a
salad is now -being. cultivated
several years experimenting- to
bring about the 'Topepo," which
i a combination of -the popper
and the temaibrv '" : u f ,
Mr. O'Keefe fried ; hybridizing
the' Stone tomato" arid the CEfties'e
Giant- or Bel"-'pepDer.-"--Xhef first
season the result of the crossing
was a few small, knobby "sports."
) Seeds or tne most nicely tooKing
ones were saved and he tried
again. At tne ,ena or tne second
year he had discarded all but two
and 'With these seeds he planted
aguin the third year.
. Kesults the third year were de
cidedly encouraging and again fiis-
arding down to the best appear
ing specimens he went on. wfthTus
xiwriments. Season ' by- season
the Jength of the Bell pepper par
at gradually merged into the
flatness of the 'tomato stnd in
Not by chopping down a cherry
tree and thus demonstrating their
honesty, but by laying a concrete
floor Jn the hasemont of the Kim
bij.Il building, will bo the manner
in which the Kimball School Of
Theology students and faculty
members wilt celohrate Washtng-
ton's birthday. '
On Saturday, the faculty mem
bers, including President John M.
Canse and Professors W. II. Hert-
Eog, C. 'Jlrray Jefer end J. D.
McCommick, built the forms for
the concrete," and the e'ntire day
next Tuesday, beginning at 8 a. m.
will be given over to making this
mentof the new state tuberculosis j improvement in the school plant
hospital at The Dalles ' arid erec
tion of four armories
The appropriation" for the tuber
culosis hospital was in the amount
of $225,250.
The armory bill carried ?25,(00
for an armory at Cottage Grove,
$35,000 for an armory at ' La
Grande, $3.7,000 for an armory at
Astoria and $25,000 "for in arm
ory at Forest firove. The first
two of these armories will be,
erectejl during the current bien-
Ll J ' ' . V . Cm' '.
muni. Armories at roresi urove
and Astoria will not '.be1 erected
until after January 1,' 1929.The
armory bills were explained 'by
Professor Hertzog, is general
superintendent, George Gordon,
pastor at Sheridan, heads the stu
dent construction committee, and
Mrs. Alta M. Gentry will have
charge of the dinner committee
In addition to flooring some
rooms already in use in tne base
ment, this work' will make avail
able a dining room and men's so
cial room.
Bonesteele Motor Co.. 4-"4 S.
Com'l., has the Dodge automobile
To i you. ' All steel body. leasts a
lifetime. Ask Dodge owners. They
Will tell yoti. ()
c reased its size up to six or ejght Senator Kiddle,' chairman" of the
inch'es in diameter and finally 16 a
perfected vegetable.
It has a pepper flavor with
much of the sweetness and succul
eney of the tomato. ' ' '
The new creation appeals to
(he eye with its gorgeous coloring.
ranging from a red deeper than
that of the tomato to a golden
yellow striped with green.' "The
walls are as thick or thicker than
the "tomato and its seeds, resembl
ing those of the pepper, are'fewer
in number and are gathered close
to the stem in the, lnsidq Cavity
tne Topepo win Keep a
motfth in a room of ordinary-tem
perature without decay. It is used
for salads, flavoring soups, gravies
aad dressings or for baking when
sturred witn snrimp, crab or
lobster. v '
committed bh' military affairs,
He said the counties and munic
ipalities -would: cooperate in the
construction of these 'armories.
There : also was appropriated
$24 8,993 for'the Doerhbecker hos
pital in Portland
Senators who voted against the
appropriation Tor . the library at
me university ox Oregon were
Carsner, Marks, Jones and Stray-
er.' ' " ' . "
The votes n tfie other
Portland -Unique new radio
testing instrument invented by
McKay Instrument company fac
Murdered Duke's Son Takes a Bride
p . ' o
lv-h -v ' 111
m - ' " -' i
From Vienna, Austria, comes this photograph of Prince' Max
von Hohenberg and his bride, Princess Elizabeth of Wolfegg-Waldbure-
of Wurtemburff. The marriage is of world-wide
interest because the Prince's father was the Austrian Arch
duke whose murder in Serbia precipitated the World War.
Silverton Lady Passes
Away; Funeral Sunday
SILVERTOX, Ore.. Feb. 13.
(Special) Mrs. David Miller died
Friday afternoon at the Multnom-
Troop 6 Stages Demonstra-
t!on;Uourt ot rionor uue
'Here in March
fainted and . resuscitation of a
drowning person were shown, as
well; as : fire making wUh the use
of al bow and drill. - A humorous
occurrencewas the rough .handling
given the boy who was supposed
to have fainted;-the point evidently
being that he was not supposed to
feel It. ': " :. i . ' ' v
This troop will furnish a nun-
ah hospital at Portland, following
an operation. Funeral services
will be held from Jack & Eckman
chapel Sunday afternoon at 2 o'
clock. Mrs. Miller was, before her
marriage. Miss Sadie English and
was born near Silverton in 1891.
The Portland. Boy Scout court of
honor, -with; itsimpressivc ritual
will conduct" the next court of
honor session' Jn Salem on March
16. it was mad,e known Saturday
night. All Salem troops are being
urged to-hare as many candidates
for ranks' and merit badges ready
as possible for this session, which
will be held in the court h.-use.
Scout Executive Harold D. Ware
announced. : '' j.V
' This. , announcement was made
at the demonstration of the scout
program given Saturday, evening
at the chamber Of Commerce audi
torium by troop- 6, under the direc
tion of Scoutmaster Robert Brady.
Parents and other; relatives of
the scouts, as well as others inter
ested in the scout program, saw
two new tenderfoot scouts initiat
ed, a sample of the first experi
ences of a new scout when he en
ters the organization. The tests
given for second class and first
class scoutship were demonstrated,
as well-as some of those given for
merit badges. It was evident that
ability to speak before an audience
is one of the things scouting de
velops. First aid to a person who has
bf candidates lor . the court of.
. .--sj-
honor "In March, Jt developed .wheo , ,
Scoutlnister rady Jpa'l'ed iat'fmff
n a m-k n V 4tinufl -tef n a a wrrklr 1ni.
lift ULmf" vi ivr c: v wi aiu
ror ranta or V1";41- uwuroa.
Pomeroy & . Keene, Jewefers,
neve? fail to'glye you 100., eix
the dollar. jVatebes. elocM, )Ins
charms. Riandard bigb ' sraile
stock in all departmenti.' (")
laizra a a paaaQ a a a D a al
priation measures varied.
' l Lntmua xrom page - i )
. " j , '. ,
ty fairs with a view of checking
c loser upon their activities.
"This resorutlonreceived; scant
consideration, by(tpi3senate, - said
Senator Upton. "Counties are en
titled , to have these fairs but I
believe they should be checked a
little closer." Senator Upton -voted
for the appropriation
'Senator! Dunn expressed the
opinion that the. county fairs re
suit(in consideaW& advertising
for $he state
Xsjr !Gounty fairs such as are held
fif some Southern ' Oregon, tbun-
tes," said Senator Dunn, ' have at
tracted investments far in excess
of: the cost of the fairai";?
Senator Hall declared the leg-
Hearings on the proposed an-
cellation iof the timber contract
between '"Fred Herrick and the
forest service for a tract in Grant
county, Oregon, h&ve been brdered
to be concluded '.by Monday by
Chairmaatanfie.Id- of the senates
public lands committee.
W. B. Greely. hjef of the fqrestJJ
service waa1"- examined again- to
day along with Frank J. KlobuQh-
er, an employe ef" Herrick and a
former forest service official, who'
is charged by Grant -county citi-,
zens'with colusion with Herrick
KJo.bucher testified thatHerrick
had spent about $1,250,000 in the
construction of a railroad and -in
islature apparently had the cafrt J-otVer work-on the timber tract
before the horse.
"It has been my practice," said
Senator Hall, "to first get: the
money in the bank. I' would then
sit down and determine upon my.
expenditures." '
Senator Norblad explained the
bill carrying an appropriation of
$175,000 with which to 'erect a
library building 'at the" Unversity.
of Oregon.
"Thijfbuldftrg is badly needed,"
said Norblad. "As a result of the
inadequate library facilities the;
institution is" now "hampered in!
carrying on-its functions." ;
"'I am not opposed, to .this ap-.
propriation bill,", said Senator
Eddy, "but 1 believe if should be
held until we .approve the revenue
Although not opposed to the
building program at the univer
sity Senator Hare said the legisla-
tnre bad no right to pass bills ap
prbpriating large, 'amount of
money unless ample funds were
available. . . ' -
"If funds are not ' provided,'
said Senator Hare, "I predict that
the governor will not hesitate in
swinging the ax."
Senator Dunn declared that the
appropriation bill carrying $175',-
ooo for the erection of. a new
r? dormtory at the Southern Oregon
He said he did not know Herrick
until after ihe "latter" had signed
the contract with the forest ser
Vice.';- ; , "
Oil illS
Look, IJother l See if tongue is
coated, breath hot or
0 "3 5stoi3ichkOTtf :
"California Fig Syrup" can't
barm tender stomach, .
liver, bowels
! 1
normal school at Ashland was fair j
and reasonable. He tolfl of the
growth of the Instittrtiort' and
said the expansion was, necessary
"I am voting for this bill,' said
President Corbett, "witk the un
derstanding that I will support the j
veto of the governor if Jundsare
not provided."
There was little opposition to
the bill carrying an appropriation
of 3$ 215,000 .to establish -the-new
a Box of Our High Grade
Pure Flavor Candy ;.
; The Best Quality.
i J. F. Tyler's Drug Store
j 157 Sonth Commercial f
"The Home ot Dn JUN
Yick So Herb Co.
Est'd. 18 Yeers In Salem .
L JT. H. LEOXG. Mzr.
If Other treatments have failed
try our Chinese remedies for
asthma, bronchitis, -eronp an
cough. We have givea relief to
aany suffering with throat
trouble. Never neglect a cold.
We also treat all disorders of
aen, women and children. ;
: Consnltation Free
Call or write 420-428 State St I
Erery mother s realizes, after
giving her children "California
Fig Syrup,' that this is their ideal
laxative,, because they love its
'pleasant taste t and it thoroughly
cleanses the tender little stomach,
liver and bowels, without griping.
When cross; irritable, feverish,
of breath Is bad, ' stomacn sour,
look at the tongue, mother! If
coated, gfre a' teaspoon ful o this
iiarinleaarfrnitT' !laiatlve. and
In 9i few hours all the foul, consti
pated waste, sour bile and .undi
gested food passes out of the bow
els. and you hare a well, playful
tshild again.? When the litue' sys
tem- Is' fall of cola Jthroat eore, has
stomach-ache, diarrhoea, . lndiges-
tiott; cblie----remember," a good "in
side cleansing"; should always be
the first treatment given.
Millions of mothers keep "Call
fornia Figfeyrup" handy; they
kn6w'afeaipdQnful today save a
EICK" Cnuu" lowurrow. i- ab; juur
druggist for albottie of "Caufor
nia Fig Sytup.V' which has direc
tions for -babies, children of all
azea and : grown-ups printed on
th ' bottle. ' Beware of counter
feits sold here, so den't be fooled.
Get the" genuine; sold y"Cafor-
nia Fig Eyrup company." Aflr,
A Late Arrival New in Design and Finish and Setting
a New Standard of Value Through Quantity Purchasing
$ 182 Massiye Vanity $
Dpegspr, Bed and Chest
QIO Cash$10 Month
Without a doubt the greatest chamber group value offered to Salem home
makers in many months. A value made possible only through quantity
purchasing and very unusual concession in price from the manufacturer.
Pashioned of selected Walnut veneers combined with other hardwoods in
the new blended finish. The bed is a bowfoot style with shaped panel head
and foot ends the vanity dresser is the full-length style with triple mir
rors and six deep drawers down the sides the chest of drawers is
.unusually commodious and very well proportioned. Nine suites only offered
at the remarkable price of $129.75. Choose early.
Walnut DiningGroup
42x54 Extension fable and Six
' ide Chairs
Seven Pieces
Q7 Ca$n-Q7 month
The new in mode is exemplified in. this Dining Group. Offered in the new
blended finish, with selected Walnut veneers on all flat surfaces. The table
measures 42x54 inches 'and extends, to 5 feet, with cut corner top, deep
aprons and heavily turned understock with- shaped cross stretchers. The
chairs are panel back styles with slip seats 'upholstered in very attractive
Jacquard yelourj
No -Interest
!t w
IT'S GLORIOUS to have no more
dread of faulty elimination. And to
know there can be no offense to per
spiration, and no need to check . I
would never be without the candy
laxative ,.
fl '
There Are No IJpidy Diorf j
Alot of people who never have to cake " - '
, laxative eat- a candy curc now .
and thenv Po you know why? ' . .'.u-jjh :
" Itey have found that casc&r sweet-,
ens e. whole systemjbrings fviiovt ...rf
maculacy of person that mean eveiyx
thing, u 'prevents bodily' chemistry
from ever making onerBneonsok6ary J J
offensive to others. And wbataperfifct1 -regulator
of the bowels! . - it.
Salts affect the Jibing of the bawfla.;;,! i
Mineral oils leave a coafing that' the, . '--
. blood mut earfyoff through thporeJ.-.-vv:r
How much better tocascaarixthe iy '
tem, and cause the bowels to- tptl ,.,
everything fcy normal muscular con.
txacnon I To aj nothing of the cleaner, -'
sweeter condition that lasts for days- -' )
a wholesome condition that makes the
use of "deodorant mite unnecessary
in January or July! Alen end womea r
whoseyeaishavebrought on sluggish- . .
neas often nd that' a casca'ret only A
once a week is all the tonic they needed.r
' Cascara is splendid for children", too, - -and
they love the taste of ' this candy .
laxative which every drugstore tat for r K -10c
And 25c." -. jijrr '-.tS
A Quest iQii of
- tirr1
On Tuesday at
in a Whippet car enter in to an endurance rjin for A
days, 4 nights and 5 hours ( 101 hours) without .leep
The Giese-Powers Furniture Cp. is also in an enpur-
ance test. This great business has been running
along for five years without sleep or rest anfl Ik $b .
going strong. This should prpve an jnspiratjpn to
ivir. rry pyieK. it is an example wen worm emulating.
p. ni. to 1G p. pi-
oh Monday
AND ":--'r
a. hiv to 1 I s
Mr. Prybylek can be seen sleeping soundly in one of
tne snow wmaows .or tne uiese-rowers rurnipurc.
Co., 357 Covert Sit. . -
That his sleep tefore this endurance test " shall be
comfortable ancl-invigoratingl we have proyided his
bed with the famous Crest o-rest Springs and a dpujle '
biiilt cbmbination JKapok & 'Staple cotton (Lyke-
down) mattress! After Mr. Prybylek's rest Chipf pf
Police Mintd will handcuf f him to ' the Whippet '
Coach in front of our store at 12:30 Tuesday noon: v
and the test' wil
te on.
1 w