THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON m$ OF THE STFAGS AljD SCREEN El&iaore Theater ' One of the highest tributes ertr glren to a screen player has feeen won by Carol Dempster, the star In D. W. Griffith's treat comedy. Sally of the Sawdust." a united .-. Artists Corporation release.' which Is proving the laughing triumph of the season. ; It ,.woa - glren her. by probably the most "powerful tilm executive in the world, who said: , I hare been moved to laughter, tears; and laughter again, by only two , women players In the films. The' first time It was by Mary Pickford In .'Stella Maris 'which I thought the greatest perform anca a woman star ever had siren In emotional variety, realism and Intensity. "But Carol Dempster has stir red me even more In "Sally of the Sawdusts I consider her perform ance a, great gift to the screen: a performance that will prove one of the big momenta- In -all screen history; a, real challenge to any of the arts In its moving perfection. Everyone ; who loves great acting must see this performance." "Sally of the Sawdust" shows at the Elslnore theater for two days, February 20 and 21. What kind, of dances did they do baclc there In 1900? Ask, the old folks. "'" Anil If they can't remember all about It. Just hop right .down and see the Fanchon and . Marco Idea." Follies of 1900, at the Elslnore Theater on Sunday and Monday, February 20-21. And?oull get all the data of the . stage doings . of the "Gag Nineties" and later. Fanchon and Marco, famous 'Producers of stage presentations for West Coast Theaters did a lot of research work In reviving this edition which has won thunderous applause from audiences. Oregon Theater The screen version of one of the most popular romantic action novels In f recent years, "Beau Geste," will make Its first appear ance at the Oregon Theater today. February 20, only. ' This thrilling story of romance, mystery and adventure in the French Foreign Legion with the theme of the devotion 'of three brothers powerfully depicted has been transferred to the screen 'by Paramount on a scale never sur passed by any previous production. For the filming of this novel Director' Herbert Brenen led an army of 8,000-men into the Great American Desert for three, months during which the exterior scenes were made. The camp was' built In a sand basin 20 miles from any habitation and the entire company worked straight Jhrough without a day's rest, from 5:30 each morn ing till sunset. No obstacle was permitted to stand In the way of making It as fine as possible. The director was given the selection of any player in motion pictures. Months were spent in preparation .- and . more months In filming. 'Hundreds of the ' West's finest - riders were brought together as. were 1600 of the world's fastest horses and B0 camels. Ronald Colman plays the title part, that of the eldest of three brothers who each ' leave home without telling the others, to -en list in the French Foreign Legion under assumed names in order to shield each" other from the blame for the theft of a famous sapphire Neil Hamilton and Ralph Forbes enact the other brothers. STRIKERS RIOT IN SHANGHAI; WHITES FEAR ! (Continued from page 1) - cans ;tnat the 1,600,000 Chnese In the native city Shanghai would dispossess them. Lying in the Whangpoo river off Shanghai were 21 foreign war ships of 'five nations. Five of the fighting ships flew the American flag; 'Other warcraft were steam ing toward Shanghai. ' .; -..I WASHINGTON, Feb. 19 (AP) An attack made on-Leutenant John ;F. Luten of the American . navy; ply a mob of Chinese coolies at Chungklang; has been formal ply j protested to the Cantonese government by the American con sul general and. the commissioner of foreign affairs at Chungklang. Ajiteport reaching the navy de partment" today from, the com mander of the Yangtse patrol said Latent mistaken for a British of ficer, had been struck a number of times on the head and knocked down and his clothing: torn before lie could be-rescued. ; ."The- incident 'followed an at tempt by the Chinese mob to board : a British ship for passage up the Yangtse river, wheh was prevent ed by the guard on the H. M. S. Cockchafer. ' Incensed, the' coolies attacked Luten; who Is attached to the American gunboat El Cano as medical officer, while he was : walking, along Abe . river on hisJ way, to the hospital. erson reported the bank' had been held up by a lone bandit, and that she had been locked in the vault while the robber took all the money In sight amounting to more than $13,000. besides 17.000 In travelers' checks. "On February 1. Bergman and his cashier disappeared from En gene after they had been -closely questioned by the officers here re garding the alleged holdup. Two days later a warrant . was Issued for their arrest on the charge of embezzlement and they were traced to Fresno, Cal ' Los An geles, and Safford, Ariz. It was reported that they were arrested at the last named place a few days ago, but they had given the offi cers the alip - SHANGHAI, Feb.-19; (AP) t The defeated troops of Marshal Sun .; Chuan-Fang; ruler - of - Kl- angsn "province, -and -the nation alist, army . that forced them to i retreat from the rich city t of Hangcbow yesterday were reor- ganizing' today" to continue : the struggle that will determine the ' possession of Shanghai, .the Pari of the Orient."- Forty thousand of Sun's sol diers, thrust from their master's province of Cheklang, wera seek ing a place along the Hangchow Shanghal railway to make a stand against B0, 000 "Cantonese prepar ing l, drive against them. Sung kiang, 28 miles from Shanghai, was : believed to be'the place se lected by Shanghai's defenders be cause of Its strategic location on the Whangpoo river.. 'I . ' Each of the armies was report ed to be receiving reinforcements. Marshal Sun was said to be due in : Shanghai tomorrow to person ally direct his troops. ' ' -, . is V.," , - -" FLORENCE BANK -Continued from page 1) 6f the Lane County State and Sav ings. bank at Florence, accused of embezzlement of the bank's funds, werar arrested today : at Birming ham ', Ala., and are now in the city Jail there, according to a telegram received by Sheriff Taylor from Chief of Police McDuff of Birm ingham. Sheriff Taylor soon after he re ceived the message from the Blr ' mingham chief of police, received a telegram from Bergman, asking that ' an officer there f be directed to bring ' them back ' to Oregon so they would not be ' compelled to stay li Jail several days, but the sheriff deemed It besf to go after them himself. Sheriff Taylor and wife left at once for Birmingham, ferine J.- with - requisition papers from Governor Patterson and will bring, the- fugitives hack to Ea- t0' - - , ' , Tt a "arrest cf tha cakk c"k!al3 xesul-ed from the purported rob bery of the bank on the afternoon cf January 27 when Hiss -Weath- French Now Making Study of American Civilization - PARIS. French students who wish to make a serious study of American life can now do eo wlth- Lout visiting America. ' The first French student who ever studied In the United ' States on a scholarship Is now Installed as titulary of the chair of Ameri can .literature and civilization at the Sorbonne. : He Is Professor Charles Cestre, student at Har vard from 1895 to 1897, and one fo America's staunchest friends among the French people. Professor Cestre speaks English with a Harvard accent. He was an exchange professor at Harvard in 1918, visiting professor at the University of California in . 1920 and 1922 and in 1923 lectured at the University of Wisconsin. , : At the Sorbonne his lectures on America include such varied sub jects as Lincoln and Walt Whit man, the gold rush of '49 and in dustrial development of sections of the United States. ' Check Passing Attempts Credited to Turner Boy -. - ; v . , . Suspicion that HoUie" Funston, 19 year old Turner youth, attempt ed to cash other checks In Salem Friday besides' the one which led to his arrest that afternoon on a charge of forgery, 1 was expressed Saturday. The check which . became the basis for the complaint against Funston" was for $6, drawn on the Ladd & Bush bank, made out to Frank Kilmer and signed by W. B. Kilmer. ; Arrested by city policemen, Fun ston la being held In the county Jail under 1500 bail, fixed by Jus tice of the Peace Brazier SmalL v ' Funston had In his possession two boxes of talcum' powder, one pink and one white, with a powder puff for each.- Adopted Chief to Defend Iroquois ' ,,-viw";w 1 ' '" - ' " ) ' J-" ? fi J ' J 4 1 . -.. - k ft .v..-...;... y ... n . 1 "y Jr-jL. t J Because the immigration laws of the United States do not recognize the right of the Iroquois Indians to roam across the border to Canada and "return, according to the season, Adrian Bonnelly, Philadelphia lawyer, is making a test case, using Faul Diabo, a full-blooded Iroquois as the subject. Bonnelly, who is to be made a genuine chief of the tribe at an Indian rally at Quebec, believes the Reamen are being mistreated. Lett to right in tne photo are Uonnelly, Diabo, an Indian Jll J . M . T 1 1 WTritl? TiJ.l i ' inena oi umoo, ana wuiiara iiizDerg, assistant counsel. YWCA CAMPAIGN NETS OVER $6000 SO FAR (Continued from page 1) Ing a rapid growth. Salem has out grown, the facilities afforded to the YWCA, forcing them to travel much like the rich man. riding in small car, for with larger oppor tunities for service this organisa tion is forced to make a brilliant showing with a small budget. Notwithstanding their handicap the YWCA has made strong head way and has placed its work in a position to take over bigger things, las. soon as they are ac cessible. They have been assisted materially In many ways by the YMCA since the construction of the latter's $160,000 building last year, but, the YMCA too is con fronted with a problem which is not easy to cope with. To make this year a successful one, this quota of 17,000 must be raised. Twenty-five strong work ers will commence Wednesday to pickup stray offers that had to be passed up in the 'concentrated drive of last week. Many -were involved in the wave of influenza. others were out of town, but have promised o assist In closing up the drive. . i If you . haven't been solicited you will likely get an urgent call from those assisting. TWCA of-: ficials plead for every possible boost to help them keep abreast with Salem for 1927. Seattle Manufacturer Expects Shark Leather SUICIDE CAUSES TOLD Young People Kill Selves Because of Suggestion, Claim . BLOOMINGTON, Ind., Feb. 19 (AP) Suggestion is the chief cause of the increase in suicides among college and high school siuaents, nut an important con tributing factor is the modern civ ilization ..which guards the indi vidual from facing . problems of self preservation, according to Dr. OvS. Snoddy of the psychology de partment, Indiana university. Too much excitement and over indulgence excites the unstable, unsocial and discouraged individ ual, and because some body else takes. their life, he takes his. Dr. Snoddy said. - The psychologist declares no particular school con dition Is responsible for . suicide increases. Worry over grades does not affect the normal Btudent, he declared. SEATTLE, Feb. 17 (AP) - Sharks may some day rival cattle as the leather producers of the world, in the belief of Martin M. uneiquist, representative of a leather company. After spending 18 months in Japan instructing Japanese fisher men in the value of "sea steers" hides, he predicts that sharks. once used only for food in the Orient, soon will be a substantial source of raw leather. A comedian stopped a newsboy who was vigorously plying his trade. ' "I say, sonny, do you want a new Job?" he asked, "Yes, sir; whaf is it?" replied the boy. "Well, my manager is looking for a lad like you to, play the fool." "Oh, he is, is- he?" cried the newsboy. "What's his Idea to sack you or to Keep two of us.?" There are 16,000 diamond mills In Belgium and 700 'or more work shops for cutting the atones. CLUB KITES ILL SALEM RIBS Montana Group Plans Elab- orate Kecepuon ai mi mory Thursday Night Sponsoring what is expected to be the most outstanding reception of the year, the Salem Montana Kinh will entertain at the armory Thursday evening, February 24, all newcomers In the city who nave come here from other states in the loot -ft v 'vears. 'i- '- .-V.-'s'V-.s-U- ' From its inauspicious "beginning two months ago, the Montana dub has leaped to the; front of all "state" clubs in the WiUamette valley with a total membership of more than 800 people. Under its president, C. G. Gillette, the dub is striving to secure every advan tage for the home city and In do ing so have secured, tne coopera tion of nractically every organiza tion including the three service clubs, the chamber of commerce, and the American Legion. Due to the size of the coming reception, the club has secured the armory, where they expect to greet more than a tthousand be sides their own membership. As the guests enter the doors they will be greeted and conducted to a special booth representing their home state. There they will register before Joining ' the other groups. The program, as arranged, will commence at 8 o'clock with an ad dress by the. club president, C. F. Gillette, on "Why We Are Here." which will be .followed by music by the Montana orchestra. TT. S. Paee. Dresident of the chamber of commerce, will address the assembly, representing his or- SUNDAY .otti.oMnn Charles A. Archerd will speak for the Salem business men. ; . " - Rev. Thomas Hafdle of SiHver ton will respond fof Montana Hob. Following the addresses etery one wilf join a grand mixer and get, acquainted procedure inter mingled with music by the orches tra and specially arranged stjunts by the various states represented. In itaging Buch a receptionj, the club is endeavoring to put otfer a thing new to Salem, and which is hoped to be an outstanding suc cess. Each month It is. figured that approximately 50 new fami lies come here to make a new start and it is for these people tha the affair has.been planned. 'The Montana club adtocates co operation, so want their share of cooperation In ' return in making this - the biggest get-to-geher of the year. Correggio Said to Exist in Some of Old Missons SAN ANTONIO. Experts who have examined three grimy oil paintings in-San Jose Mission here say that one of them, "Infant Sa viour" probably is the work of An tonio Allegri Correggio, an Italian painter who died in 1534. Correggio is noted for the glow and splendor of his color and for the grace of his figure composi tion, which is sometimes marred by inadequate drawing. The paintings, brought to this country from Spain when the mis sion was built nearly 200 years ago, are mildewed and faded now. Some of them have started to full to pieces and have been cared f c r by the loving hands of Mexican women who attend the Berviot-s which still are held from time to time in the dilapidated chapel. The other pictures are called "The Flight into Egypt," andVTlie visit to st. Elizabeth." . . Classified Ads Bring Results MOST PEOPLE KNO W it pays to attend to their eyes regularly and that it pays to have good glasses. Most cases of poor eyesight are due to neglect. Do Not Neglect Your Eyes We are now conveniently located in. our new location and ready to render every modern optical service Dr L. Have Your Eyes Examined Call 625 for Appointment - Thinnest Watch in World : Put on Market in France PARIS. XAP) -The,, thinnest watch in the world so It. is as sertedhas Just been put on the market by one of the oldest Paris watch-making firms. This has been arrived at by suppressing the hands, the hour being marked by a revolving dial, making it easier to tell the time. The' maker, fur ther claims I that by dispensing with the mechanism which moved the hands, it has been possible to make a more delicate and accur ate timepiece. German Ivory Buyers Enter London Markets LONDON. (AP) German Iv ory buyers have entered the Lon don market in competition with buyers from the Unted . States. Prior to the war, . the Germans had their , own ivory resources In their colonies. . Elepnant tusks, sea horse teeth, rhlnocerous horns, narwhal horns, walrus teeth and boars' tusks were included in the 45 tons of Ivory sold at the first of this year's anc tons. There- - are four annual sales. Sales were made by the hundred weight, some of the best material bringing about 100 a hundred weight.'. Most of the buyers were Americans, ' English men and Germans. ' ' TRY US FIRST SALEM HARDWARE CO. -J- - lac " V" ; The Winchester Store . BATJSM. OREGON Phone 173 120 IT. ComL St. KUTUMATISli XTocey refunded if tt. does not ; - curs yocr c& Cor. Court and Liberty - Tel. V ; L Xosr Car OEIBERLINGS America's Tlaest Tiro SOSELS So? lOO 8. Commercial Tel. 471 OREGON THEATRE TOMORROW, 2:30 Matinee Night 8:10 They Flaunted a Song in Death s Face f "Sing!" demanded the terrible Sergeant Lejaune, and there, at the end of the earth, this handful of brave men sang and laughed. Why? And what were these three splendid young brothers doing there? What was it that i,o them was more important than death? A Story That Grips ) Like a Vise ; Gorgeous and ghastly, a picture with a thrill that will make you fairly want to shout with anxiety , ; that is "Beau Geste." And withal a picture as magnificent asthe meaning of its title "The Beau- tiful Gesture." . - 1 1 THE ELSINORe JI II finnriav ATnnrfav- I III FANCHON & MARCO'S Follies of 100O '7 IIL rP 1 ri ' . " Mh II I H II I 11 ii n t R. Burdette, Optometrist 40 1 First National Bank Building Ten Years Practice in Salem 017 nnr j j 'U I V T r c Paramount's Tlvid picturization of P. C. Wren's remarkable story of the colorful French Foreign Legion. The season's biggest road show production. -Filmed with a remarkable cast, including RONALD COLMAN, S NEIL HAMILTON, ALICE JOYCE, RALPH FORBES, NOAH ; BEERY, MARY BRIAN, WILLIAM POWELL, NORMAN TREAVOR and many others. , , . Presented With 20-Piece Orchestra , ; PRICES: Matinees 50c, 75c, $1.10. Nights 50c. 75c f S1.10, $1.65 , . OP THE The ELSINORE Fanchon & Marco Present SUNDAY MONDAY - Feb. 20 Feb. 21 Follies of 1 900 Follies of 1 927 -- More Pretty Girls than a Beauty Contest A Laugh or a Song Hit Every Minute Alluring to the Eye! Tantalizes the Ear! Direct From' Los Angeles Children 25c Balcony 50c Floor 60c Bargain Matinee Monday Afternoon 35c It's a hborrfnaker f VER in the bunkhouse the boys of the Bar-C outfit have Kansas City on the radio. In her Park ivenue apartment, the slim fingers of a famous actress turn the dials, and the same music leaps rqrth. horty miles north of Mil waukee, Chris Jonsen, the dirt farmer, is listen- ing m on t . ,,. . tie same wave-length.; .The same sort of thing is. going on every where, all jover the country, at all hours of the day and njghtt Folks in Los Angeles see the same movies, and ride in the same automobiles that New Yorkers enjoy: The resident of Seattle wears the same sort of clothes; eats the same brand of bacon, and lives in the same kind of house as his neighbor in PortlandMaine. Advertising has done it. Advertising, the mir acle worker, keeps everyone in the land attuned to the latest in everything. It has changed the buying habits of a nation. It is the great modern orce that makes iieighbors of the peopKof far countries, that brings the best of their customs to us, and takes ours to them. ' Reading the advertisements will keep you - abreast cf the times f