The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 20, 1927, Page 1, Image 1

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    YS-A Drive?
Qrggg'R gox Q?f icg X?Rpria at 10 fop Bcay (3ee;r ;r3V French Foreign Legion.; ElaiHbrd
. . r - . . - . . " . - - J I i
1. 1 .- - .-
WEATHER FORECAST: Continued mild;
strong southerly winds, at times ot gale
force on' the coast. " Maximum yesterday;
51 minimum, lirrjver, 8.4; rainfall, .37;
atmosphere, cloudy; - wind, southwest.
First Secldon-Pages 1 to 8 '
.Three Sections 24 Pages
Tjthingv BUI Made : Special
Order of Business for
Monday Afternoon
hMl to Increase Josephine County
Officials Salaries Recommitted
" to Committee for Further
When the legislators return to
their desks on Monday every indi
cation points to the opening of
some exceptionally lirely verbal
tilts. In lact a real battle has
been predicted for the closing days
-which will overshadow the peace
and apparent fcarnlony. which was
said" to reign supreme during the
first few weeks ot the session.
The dove of peace has hovered
above tne capitol dome during the
"entire session unUl the governor's
veto axe went into operation and
then the roar which went up Irom
some of the legislators mu;.
pcareVi the dove Taway. frtday
gaturday"wlthessed verbal battles
and passlniorhiuer words on the
part or some, ftight now there Is
considerable speculation as to the
final outcome of the threatened
batUe between the "administration
forces and 'the remainder ot V
legislature; This remainder ot the
legislature comprises a very large
; gri.iip and the . ultimate victory
niaf be easily swung ;trom one
side to the other, j
The war clouds have been gath
for -omVUmVanu-to fact
I roa be dated bacicrnnto Vt time
fe Teruor Patterson delirered V
X spedal message and the adminls-
tfation taxation 'billa
duced. The lower house wh
rumbled a little bit over the two
tax bills; but they were passed
with : little slsunce.-?ut the
trouble started when, the income
tax MU came up for discussion in
the senate. Some thought the
. rates and exemptions were J t .U
they should be and eome did not
. o Finally the
bill was adopted with onljf IhTee In
opposition. f ; '" . 1
Then the attention was turned
to the tithing bill. This bill is a
much talked of one, bein hailed
by some as the soiuuon
J --- w:tj ha
financial pro Diem i
(Continued o P )
T "iNlliSiANA
llevlsod DeU'BtudB at 38
With Wscoyery, of . Four
More Bodies
NEW ORLEANS.!., Feb- 19
(AP) In freezing weather, sur
vivors began rehabilitation of their
hemes today lnte four widely
separated sections of the three
states that were struck by a . tor
nado Thursday night; 1
The Pearl and Big Black rivers
in Mlssissipprwere' rising as a re
sult of heavy "rains that accom
panied the storm, threatening seri
ous damage to highways. i
The revised death list ; tonight
stood at 38. Two negroes were
f ounji dead in the Pleasant Hill.
La., district and two 1 were "added
arf tie. result ot the deaths of two
negroes near Bovlna, I4iss. More
than' a hundred persons 'Were In
jured. Several stilj were j in a
teeridus condition. ' yv .V K
Tensas Parish Loulsana, on the
Mississippi border, with, 12 dead,
suffered the heaviest loss. Sabine
Parish on the Texas border lost
,11. Eight were, killed af ' Rose
Hill, Miss.; two at! Bovlna, and
one was drowned at - Alexander
:T$ity. Ala. : "
fnpir. Als
fT in Sa
Property damaxe was estimated
excess of $200,000.
Sabine Parish' the storm al
most wiped out one family,' seven
members being killed and two
others seriously injured. - Two
families were decimated : by the
storm at Rose Hill, whije at Pleas
ant Hill a family of five escaped
unhurt when their home was de
molished. ' , .,
llenry J. Free of Pleasant Hill
in telling of his experience, said
he was sitting in a chair when the
tormTiit;"ltBucked" him in the
ir;recked his -home. and then
Friends or Foes Do
Whether Coolidge WiU Ap.
prove or Veto
WASHINGTON, feb. 19 (A)
The traditional White House
silence tonight enfolded the fate
of the McNary-Haugen farm relief
bill, for after a day's stay in the
hands of the president and his ad
visers, friends and foes of the
measure knew no more whether
the president' would approve "or
disapprove it than they knew when
the measure was finally passed by
the- house Thursday night.
, There" were a number' of callers
at the White House to discuss the
bill with the president and the
best Information they could give
as to his attitude was that Mr.
Coolidge : appeared interested ' In
their presentation of arguments.
. Senator Gooding, republican,
Idaho, --one of the callers. wXo
spent a long time in conference
with the president, said he did not
believe the chief executive "had
made up his mind on the bill.
Senator' McNary, "republican, of
Oregon, co-author of the measure,
professed to have had no indica
tion as to its fate.
Soon after the engrossed docu
ment was received at the White
House it was sent to the agricul
ture department for the perusal
of -Secretary Jardine.- It - is the
usual course for proposals affect
ing various departments to . be
submitted to department heads In
this way. Secretary Jardine has
never advocated the McaTy
Haugen bill.
There were a number of schools
of speculation at work on Capitol
HllI.(One group believes the presi
dent' will veto the bill outright,
with a message outlining his posi
tion. Another group believes he
will sign it to demonstrate its
feasibility or weakness. Still an
other holds' that he will approve it
In order that the constitutionality
of Us 'provisions may be decided
in .the courts. '' '!
A fourth group which believes
the : president will sign the bill.
bases its belief on the political
effect such an approval would
have in the middlewest To the
capitol " observer one guess is as
good as' another.
All Boy Scouts to Participate in
Treasure Hunt Tuesday
All boy scouts in Salem will par
ticipate in a treasure hunt, next
Tuesday afternoon, Washington s
birthday, It was announced Satur
day night. They will meet at 2
o'clock ' at the Episcopal parish
hall On Chemeketa street. A num
ber of prizes are offered to the win
ners of the,' first several places.
'A Bpeclal scout church service
will be held at the Presbyterian
church this morning at 10:45
o'clock, Scout Executive Harold
D. Ware announces. Rev. Norman
K. Tully's sermon will be appro
priate to the scout program, and
a number of groups of scouts are
planning to attend In uniform.
.. i a " -
Dr. George Rrandes Pusses After
Several Weeks HlgcW
COPENHAGEN, .Denmark, Feb.
IJCAP)- -Dr. .George . I?randes,
85, noted literary - critic, died to
day after ' an Illness of several
weeks.1 fi; : ': ::
Dr. Brandes had been suffering
from intestinal trouble ror. which
he underwent an operation a week
ago,'. but Jiis great age' militated
against his recovery.
AaoiftU4 PnsS
' The " McNary-Haugen ' farm' re
lief hill reached the "White House
j Japan's acceptance of the Cool
dge"armaments proposal was re
ceived, i - h- r v
; . 'Increased . army rations and
new quarters for many posts were
j?ropdsed,V. n I? ; "
Postmaster Lueder of Chicago
was -reprimanded "for political ac
UTity. , - :
.The' medicinal .whiskey bill was
given - privileged status in the
Senator' Johnson, of .California.
renewed demands - T'or Boulder
canyon legislation. .
t J ' -.("
The senate confirmed Frederick
Sterlln g' nomination Aa -be first
American .-minister to the Irish
st-tei.... - t ,n
Chinese From Varied Indus
tries Numbering 65,000
Cease Working
All Dy Rain Prevents Possible
Trouble for Parades and
Demonstrations; Armed
Forces Counted
SHANGHAI, Feb. 19. (AP)
Foreigners ' in Shanghai counted
their armed forces today while
65,000 Chinese of varied indus
tries went : on strike and stoned
tramway cars.
The strike was political. It
was engineered by Cantonese pro
pagandists to celebrate the victory
Of their army over Marshal Sun
Chuan-Fang's troops at Hang
chow, and to weaken the position
of the ruler of this province of
Kiangsu to prepare the way for
Cantonese troops.
An all day rain prevented pa
rades and demonstrations that
might have caused trouble..
The Rpenea were like those that
preceded" the coolie (mob "Violence
in the British concessions at Han
kow and Kukiang v early last
month. . In those - interior cities
Cantonese (national) government
authorities assumed admnistra-
tion of the British' concessions
when the coolie" mobs 'have driven
out the. British residents, t
The international ' settlement
mobilized its volunteer ! corps of
residents, JnJadtnr 4,090 Amert-
. v (Continued oa pap 1.) '
Partner Fails to Get Name of
Man. Who Diea From' Flu .
SILVERTON. Feb. lf. (Spe;
cial.) His name unknown even
to a, companon who' was camping
with him at the time, a vagrant
about 6 5 years of age. died of In-
fluehza'and exposure at a shack
beside the Abiqua eas of Silver-
top, this morning. 'Hip body was
shipped to Portland. '
The man had rbeen gathering
W004 for a'fire, and when he came
in he complained 01 being 111. His
companion. John Rand, hurried
to" town for a doctor, but the man
died before he could be brought
t-pSIlyertpn. . t . :.j ,
. VJ5HBINKEE Jl'fWyf4lP jgHig-TSjJyS
- '-t ' . r . ' T.mmm y -pro . .
4t - , .- i " - . ... - . ;. r: r - . - 'J-- - ' f? T ;
Interest in Official Circles Con
'centrated on What Italy
WU1 Say ' " "
v .
Japan's acceptance' of the Ameri
can' proposals to negotiate sup
plemental naval limitations agree
ments" at Geneva reached Wash
ington today timed for future pub
lication. " The document was mot
immediately available to the press
but it contents had been 'so 'ful
ly foreshadowed 4 by . Tokyo" offi
cials 'that ' only the language em
ployed ' remained to be f disclosed.
Wth the "French rejection of
the plan -already at hanid," interest
in official circles is increasingly
apparent as to the . seeming rdelay
of Italy in transmitting 'her re
joinder. Rome '"dispatches ": early
this'week said Italy' wp.uld, follow
the course of" France 'and decline
to enter the negotiations and that
her" reply would ' be sent imme
diately. ' Since that time; the
French refusal has been pub
lished, hpweyer, and as yet no of
ficial word has reached the state
department .Irom Rome as "to
when 'the'Italian communcation is
to be expected. ' ''" ' ' '
Senator Borah, chairman of the
foreign -affairs committee,' was
among President Co'olidge's cal
lers today and the arms limitation
question was discussed,
intimation as to what was said
was given either at the White
House or the senate.
Will Erect Two Story Concrete
Structure on Chemeketa
Construction of a two story con
crete building at Liberty'and Che
meketa streets, costing approxi
mately f 35,000, Will be sUrted
soon f or 'A.JC. '.Nelson, . he . an
nounced SattifdayC PlanS are now
being' drawn" by Freeman tc Stru
le, and construction will start as
soon" as these are ready and be
completed by Julyir
The huilding will be 115 by 82.1
f,eet in dimensions, and will join
tjie present 'Nelson Bros, building
on Chemeketa. An auto salesroom
will occupy one of the Store' rooms
on the first floor. Occupancy of
the remainder of the building has
not been announced. '
' : Nelson recently purchased this
property for 136,750. ' 15 A Br
fc. I ----------- 4fli
HAVANA, Feb. 19 (AP)
Fire in the cane fields in Cama
gn?y ' province today destroyed
50j,000,d00 pounds of cane and
several houses'.' 'Several workmen
were slightly Injured 'fighting' the
flames;'1" ' " --- -
Seymour Jones To Assume New
Duties ', 'As' "State1 "Siar'ketl
' Agent Thfa" Weeik: - '' "
Governor Patterson will probab
ly announce the appointment of &
state " corporation" commissioner
shortly after the legislature closes.
The 'new commissioner is to suc
ceed W. E. "Crews the incumbent.
Sen ato r Davis Is said 1 to have
received many endorsements for
the office and so may have the
edge on the other candidates.
Frank Sievers of Portland is
another candidate for the'office,
according' tb reports received In
Salem. ' ' Mr.; Slever atone'time
was deputy state treasurer. He ii
noV located in . Portland "where" he
is practicing law." Mr: Sieve was
said to have been indorsed by
members of the American legion
and other military organizations.'
Seymour 'Jories, Whoas ap
pointed state market agent a few
days ago, -will assume the duties
of his department ' next Monday.
It was announced that Mr. Jones
would have his headquarters in
the capitol building- Under legis
lation enacted at the 1925 session
the market agent administers both
the gTain inspection department
and the state sealer of weights and
measures division of the ' state
Friends of Governor Patterson
indicated that' "no change would
be made for some time in the
office of the state prohibition com
missioner. k This office is now In
charge of William .Levens of
Baker Mr. Levenar was Said to
have giyenjsatlsfa'ctory service and
has many ' friends1 Who have
recommended that he be retained
It was ' said that 5 many of his ad
mirrs are republicans who .are
cIose to Governor Patterson.
Reorganization of the personnel
at tfcTe state penitentiary probably
will be announced within the next
fec weeks. " Under t new law en
acted at his session of the lefis
latuTe the prison has been trans
fe'rred from the control of the
: (Continued ca PS T.)
Animal Frightens Woman Finally
Chained By Men Of Place
Appearing at Jfm Linn's dairy,
Vt miles sooth' of Salem Satur
day afternoon, a' half grown black
bear frightened' Mrs. Rosetta
Burr, cook at the dairy, and was
later captured by ''the men' em
ployed at the dairy; who after tt
struggle succeeded: In getting a
Chain around' Its neck.'' '
The outcome was an anticlimax,
however, for it - turned out that
the bear was a pet that had wand
ered away from Scotty's slaughter
house,' a 'short distance away.
-H f .
Henry Bergman and Miss
Harriett WeatHerson Taken
After Pursuit
Lane County Sheriff and Wife
Leave for Alabama City toi Take
Charge; ' Extradition, Said
BIRMINGHAM, Ala., Feb. 19.
(AP) 'Accused 'of engineering a
fake holdup 'of the Lane ounty
bank at Florence; Ore., January
28, and fleeing' a few days later
with $16,009 of the institution's
money, Henry L. Bergman, 36,
the presidenjt of the bank. ' and
Miss Harriet Weather son, 26 year
old cashier, ! were arrested here
today" after being trailed from
Oregon to Texas and from Texas
to Birmingham'.
Following 1 their disappearance
after the robbery, the couple Was
taken In custody by detectives
after? they registered at i local
rooming house as Mr. and Mrs.
IV L. Brady. .
Bergman: and Miss Weatherson
are said to have readily admitted
their 'identity; to' representatives of
the detective! agency who, trailed
them "from Oregon. -'
"Our reputations : in Florence
were ruined I by the robbery and
we 'came -down here to start life
all over again," the couple told
officers.' Tfiey denied Implication
in the robbery and said the would
waive extradition' and return to
Oreiron vtcr latee charges tf embez
zlement.- : - ' .
' ; MisS Weatherson Is said to have
been alone In the bank at the time
of the purported robbery.
' Bergman Is said 'to1 have a wife
and two small children in ' Flor
ence. ''' ' '" ' '
EUGENE. Feb. 19. (AP)
Henry L. Bergman, president, and"
juids narneit Meuiucrouu, mwuici
(Continued oa te 2.)
Lad, 4, and Mother Injured When
Ffre-RutnV RancVHbme' 1
MEDFORD, ' Feb. 19 (AP)
Ronald Biaesing, aged four, se
verely burlled :whel the J ranch
home" of ' his 'parents near' this city
Was destroyed by firer wiirecover
ana nis motner, aiso Durnea in
rescuing him from' flames that en
veloped his t)ed." is dn the road to,
recovery,-according to hospital re
ports "tonight? ?; - ' j -.v ; -rr
1 In' aii "appeal over radio station
KMED last "night, for financial aid
tb the stricken family' Who aost
their "early possessions in the firei
approximately StZbO
trlbUtedf K " "' "
San Francisco Institution liigjjest
' ' Outside of New York;
(AP) The j Bank of Italy, with
headquarters , in this city, today
achie'ved rthe preeminent position.
6f b'efng thfe largest banking insti
tution ' in the "country outiide of
NeW York Ctty.v :'.-! '". ;T;
Endorsement by the federal re
serve board: In Washington Itbday
61 an application by the bank to
merge Its interests with the Lib
erty Bank Of "America ' makes this
announcement possible.' H " r
OncLlfe Lost, Schooners Sunk and
" t V Much Danun-nmifl 1
HAVANA, t Feb. 19. - (AP)
High winds and'heary seas threat
ened the Cuban coast last night.
Only Batabano reported lossi of life
and serious damage."? 'At that port.
1 5 1 miles south' of ' herd, one -man
was drowned and - a number of
schooners were sunk.' Wharves
Were badly damaged.
iake Schiererwdrld" chatooion
it' 18.1 ialk4Iiie',bfn&rds.1cored
a convincing triumh.over I Willie
If dipeJL8.2;tieholder in a 3.000
poiht 44 exhibition rmatchv that,
ended iere tonlghL'" Schaef er won
eight of the 10 blocks played dur
ing the past week for a final score
OF FjJNI)S needed
Organization Does Wonderful
WorkVand Has Made Splen
did Headway
, True to predictions, the grand
total receipts in the innuafYWCA
drive went over the $6,000 'mark
Saturday and now rest at ' $ 6,0 5 4
in waiting for the final clearup
thla:w1f:- "' ''.:
' Never 'has the situation been
more needy and never - has ' the
answer 'from, the people of Sa
lem Deen more nearly, than wis
year.' V".' '." .. '"
. Many people or saiem, ap
parently giving little thought to
the rapid growth and the Ap-"
prpach to industrialism which the
city, has passed' through these last
seven ; years,, wonder - why the
YWCA needs 17,000 to carry on
their year s work. .
Every day a score or more ot
girls and .women come to the ofT
fices of the organization secretary,
downhearted In spirit, perhaps be
cause they failed to get their
promised , job or . because they
are unqualified for what they
want to do'. The YWCA must be
able to meet each case with not
only sound advice but' something
to back UP that advice. A work
able employment agency la in op
eration, officers keeping In touch
with various sources , of work in
the . city where j girls may be
placed to their best advantage.
Like every other place undergo-
; (Continued oa pco Z.)
Female President Suggested As in
' Bounds" of ' Possibility
. NEW. YORK, Feb. 19. (AP)
A woman president in th'e "White
HoUse is Vwithln'the range of pos
IsibUity -a uk- belief ,pt Id C.
Clarke, one of the pioneer woman
suffrage , leaders In the. United
States.; WrUlng In the March Jssue
bt Century magazine, she says.
woman candidate would .jaot set a
precedent.; ..There ..were two ean-
didates "in the unsafe sevepuea,'
when' their candidacies, were view
ed .-with 'amusement she asserts!
knd 'if the organized women could
agree on . a candidate .. now," , "lt
Would be ho laughing matter to
the. men. aspirants for thehoaor."
I urganizea women,, nowerer,. ao
not" hold the:." balance 'x'f 'ower,
says Miss Clarke, and' ''the woman
political '"racer, ior ig stakes'' would
have to come either Ifrpm the f ahk
ot BonKllub'. woman . and be .able
to raly to her. standard . women
from all ranks,, or she would '.have
to emerge from . one of the domi
pant political ' parties.'1. It "is. 'safe
io 'assume that, ho woman will 'be
pushed 'forward by. either politi
cal party.'' for! some time 'to come.
at -least.
U i.-. -
Woman - Crushed in Creek Be.
. Beneath Overturned Automobile
ASTPRJA. Feb.- 4?- (AP.)
The first automobile fatality t of
the year on- Clatsop-county roads
occurred -shortly before noon -to
day when the life ot Mrs. Susanna
Basse was crushed out beneath an
overturned car in LittleBlg- creek
on the lower qolunibia' highway
about 10. miles east of Astoria.
Thomas - Basse; husband "ot- the
dead woman, Mrs.- Malinen; and
Miss". "Walin, passengers ln the
same car, escape wlthomt injury.
' !The accident happened as 'the
cary t driven by Mr, ' Basse,' was
rounding a curve' going7 east ' to
ward Little-Big creek. - As the ma
chine approached the crossing1 it
started to skid and; getting" com
pletely out of control, it crashed
over the 'embankment - into the
creek, turning completely oyer. ,'
Survey tOt; Senato indicates Utl
. nuite'pefeat Of pleasure . . .
The tithing bill which has rested
peiief uily On the1 Senate, desk for
seveTa days will by considered
Monday .afternoon' 4t " 2 o'clock
under the head of special order
of business.' The motion1 to defer
consideration of this' bill untU
Monday was made by Senator Mil
ler chairman of the Senate com
mittee 6n" assessment and" taxa
tion. . - ,1-1
.A survey of the senate yester
day Indicated that the" bill rwoutd
fait y It provides ,tbat Iflre per
c4nt of, the receipts of certain self
siipported state institutions, de
paTtmenta, boards and commis
sions for'the year 1927 shall go
into the general and. of the, state.
Diversions tWlne "general fund-in
1028 would be reduced to 2 per
' ' ' - PRICE' FIVE GENTS r -!
1 '.-I j.1. v!i x.m 1 1 1" 1 M"..ii wiji 1
Hawkins & Roberts Secure
Derby BuilcjlnVc lIT't
MRoom 1 Structure '
Four Story Strutinre to Const I
tuteOne of iinjor Co'iitru ' '
tion Enterprises for , ., J
City This Year ' ,.
Salem is to have a new S300.000
hotel, and the' work of construe"
tion is to start very soon, 'i '" ' "-f '
Hawkins & Roberts are to build
a four '-story hotel ', on' ihe'. Derby
corner; the , northeast corner, of
High and Court streets. The pres
ent three story Derby .building Is
to be gutted and 'subjected (9 com--plete
-rebuilding apdi remodeling,
and another; story, added. Also;
the McGilchrist , property adjoin
ing on the north iar to, be taken in
and the new building plans are to
include that area, which is f by
165 feet The whole new hotel
is t,o cover 82 by 145 jfeet; all Jfour
stories, with elevato? and j every;
modern convenience.. . ; v : , I C, . .
There are to be 111 hotel rooms,
every one with bath and lavatory.
On the first floor there is to be a
large- hotel lobby.? stage - waiting
room, and ten store rooms and
concessions. - ' , f . . - t
-The new building to be erected
has been leased ' f or,3 0 years "ttf ,
the -'T'erdnal '? Hotet company;
There will be a stags entrance 'in
the basement cut under the nort
side and the stages ' may pass out
through the alley-north Mr south,
! Knighton & Howell, Portland
architects are" drawing the- plans;
Cuyler Van -Patton ot Salem Is to
do the building.' ' - J i :
j The hotel -proper will ' have s
lobby edtrance? on Court" Street and
also - on High ' street, -giving the
stores both a street and lobby en
trance and frontage; .", ..
' 4The .Terminal .Hotel company
recently opened its- new j hotel , at
Med ford. It-has hotels also at
Roseburg, , Eugene and ' Portland,
and is . booking up with th Hotel
Benton j & ,CoryalXli ,' and - making
such arrangements a other point,.
" I".' f (Co-finnVd oa-pke -I -
PAS$ IN $NATf2 :
ED 'considerable talk:"
Fund for Construction-of Eastern
" A
' JpreonNormar School
Approved i
Appropriation bills aggregating'"
S1.28S.250 occupied the Attention
ot the senate-yesterday -morning.
They .were mainly An, -connection
With the buijding program' and
had-been previously approved - by
the house. After considerable de
bate' they, "were 'approved by the
senate:?-- ' . !,,- v .
f 1 The ; bill, which ..would appro-'
priate 1100,000 for the support ot
county fairs came' in tor a great
deal of "discussion. 17 It - had .been .
reported . on favorably , by l.4he
Joint ways and .means committee.
4 Senator. Carsner ..charged. ' that
this was a pork .barrel proposition
and Jaad opened the- way for trad'-,
ing among members 'of the -ways
and means committee. He safd
he Was opposed to the appropria
tion for these fairs and urged de
feat of the bill, v ., r .
(i Senator ; Eddy : declared - that
whle -he , was not opposed to sup-"
porting- the appropriations for
county fairs he thought it was up
to the senate to- delay consider- .
ation of the bill until adequato
funds had. been assured.- A' mo
tion by Senator Eddy to place the
bll. on the tabfe was defeated.' - -;
' ''There la no reason- why the
state ' should -be called upon to
support the county ? fairs."' atd -Senator
Butt. "I have heard no
demand for-' the appropriations.
Two years ago these' appropria
tions aggregated 166.000.- ' They '
Were Increased at ths session' of
the legislature t to mora- than
$100,000. - .'-
Vjyhere are we going to stop?" ,
queried Senator Butt. T believe
now is the time." , -i "
MSenator .upton saia thai a few
days. ago . he Introduced a bill pro
viding for the appointment of a
committee to investigate the couu-
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