"Hrer Passim f t fire . i lesf of iSfdb' and and ruidndoy WEATHER FORECAST: Hahr W?sf," rains and snows in east portion ; probable;' normal temperature; strong southwest and west winds; occasional gales on the coast. Maximum yesterday, 55; minjtnnm; 43; river, 6.1; rainfall, 1.57; atmosphere, cloudy; wind, southeast. Jim Reed, of Missouri, who says ha is going home to his backyard and his dog, has one dog. Orily the very poor In Mis souri can afford 18 of 29. Detroit News: A ) gEVEOTYrXTO YEAR SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 19, 1927 PRICE FIVE CENTS T It . .. Foil Sunday H TIRED VflfraOR III , Humor Causes Sharp Words; Compulsory Irtsuf ancc Bill defeated 200 BILLS Oft CALENDAR Fotfrtrtry" 3fVntM" tp'Cwhte TJp'ia r rfdusto ' St-ve'ral 3flhor" BHMn Met' Ap proval of Tired' Mcri' Generally feeling the need of some relaxation an drest, and ap parently nursing to some, extent wliat Js co ram-only' called "sore heads" the bouse yesterday de cided the best thing to do was to adjourn at 5 p. m. until 'Monday morning at 10:30 o'clock.' The forty days exertions hare begun to tell on a great many of the members, as was evidenced by their ill humor yesterday. Most of the day was spent in arguments for or against, which ever the case might be, something that someone else didn't want. Speaker Carkin stopped Mr. Mott in the middle-of his argu ment for his compulsory insurance bill when ten minutes allowed by the new rule were up. The speak er was obridilfely out of patience with the ldttg arguments, saying that a bill which took longer than ten minutes argument would not likely be for the good of the state of Oregon. Mr. Mott felt that this was in tended directly against his bill, and resetted it to some extent. When he asked later on In the 4Jernoon that his reforestation .U ill, -which came tip for final pas Irtage be put on Monday's calen dar Mr. Gordon objected because he said, he was tired of this bill being put down on the calendar, and asked Mr. Mott if he was afraid he didn't hare enough votes in the house then to carry the bill. Mr. Siott said that wa one of the reasons, and that he had promised some of the members that he would have it put at the foot of the calendar to give, them time to study it further. Irritation continuing to rule supreme, the speaker suggested that some of the members must be getting tired, to which Mr. Mott stated that he was tired, and did (Continued on page 4.) NO WORK, MAN SLAVS FAMILY TEAMSTER MURDERS WIFE, CHILDREN, KILLS SELF" Seven 1 Iodic Found Week Later My Officer Wild frkartli TeneitK'nfc 1ITICA, N. Y., Feb. 18 (AP) Rather than see his wife and fire children starve to death, Guy M. Taylor, a teamster without work, killed his entire family and then ended his own life with a razor. The tragedy was enacted proba bly a week -ago, but: it did not be come known until today, when, on the representations of a neighbor, the police forced an entrance into the squalid tenement occupied by the Taylors and found seven bodies. The dead: Guy M. Taylor,. 35; his wife, 35; Elizabeth, 16; Owed, 14; Albert, 12; Goldie. 8; an in fant, whose name is not known. Mrs. Taylor's throat- was cut with a razor, and Taylor commit ted suicide with the same weapon. Ttae children were killed with a rajer and a bOwle KOifeV The appearance of the room and the? condition -of the bodies indi cated that all except the boy Owen wefe killed as they slept. Owen apparently had struggled with his ier as bis body, was round on floor against one of the beds.- "Vde ot ther members: of the family fr in bed where they" had been slam. r . - . ! Every shade was' drawn and every door was locked and bolted.' indicating to Coroner Gordon Hol den and the police Investigators t h t Taylor bad' deliberately planned the extermination' ot hts family. ' ; fiot much 18'knOwn -herre" about lhk family except' that they ranie from Schn'ectady about two months egc and that for' a wTiile Tayl6f was emnlnved an a. te&Ttistsr. A lis iiadbeen pat "of worjg Binco Feb- WILLAMETTE U SEEN AS ASSET CAPITAL HERE DUE TO ITXI VEHSITV, SAYS' IRVIXE Financial Return to City From W. U. S30,00 a Year, Estimated Salem owes to Willamette uni versity the very fact that the state capital is located here; and today, $350,000 annually are spent in Salem, new money for the most part, because the uni versity is here. These two sides to the Method ist educational institution's con tribution to Salem, were men tioned by the two principal speakers. B. F. Irvine of Portland and President Carl G. Doney of Willamette, at the ''Know Salem Better" banquet wheh was the first of a series to be sponsored by the Salem Ad club, Friday night at the YMCA. One hundred people attended, and gave unani mous approval of the proposal to hold more of these meetings, tak ing up one at a- time the city's principal assets. But, concrete as they are, these are not the most important ad vantages that Salem reaps from the presence of the university here, the speakers agreed; in tangible assets in the way ot character and culture that Wil lamette has given to Salem and its people, overbalance the ma terial contributions. Willamette, the only institution of higher learning on the coast for many years, naturally drew to (Continued on page 6.) FREIGHTER STILL LOST Oil Found On Surface Where Elkton Was La t Reported WASHINGTON, Feb. 18. (AP) Reports suggesting that a ty phoon swallowed up the freighter Elkton of the American-Pioneer line and her crew of 36-reached the shipping board today. Oil has been found oft the surface between Manila and Guam, where the Elk ton signalled her distress. With out the slightest sign of the ship to Indicate her fate there was still hope, however, that she might have put into an island shelter. MANILA, Feb. 18. (AP) Four destroyers left Cavite this evening for Guam in search Of traces of the missing shipping board freighter Elkton. ZONING GROUP TO SPEAK a . , ' j ' . . - , pleted Zoning of City Members of the city zoning and planning commission will speak at the. Monday noon luncheon of the Salem chamber of commerce. They will explain the work of the commission, which has recently completed the task of zoning the city; and has supervision over the erection ot buildings in the dif ferent " zones. Members of the commission who will be present are Lewis P. Camp bell, president: James Nicholson, W. W. Rosebraugh, C. K Albin, A L, Headrick, Karl Becke and II. S. Swart. PASS MAY OPEN EARLY liana to ltrcak ThHntgli Drifts on McKenxie Under Way EUGENE, Feb. 18 (AP) The McKenzie pass, snowboand all winter, may be opened this spring much earlier than usual, accord ing to word received hero from Bend today. Plans are under way in that city to break through . the snow drifts on the mile high sum mit. Approximately six feet of gfiow now covers the high" coitntry, according' to reforts received here. Use of snow plows which have kept The Dalles-California high way" open all winter Is contem plated on the McKenzie highway. YESTERDAY IN WASHINGTON AMoeiatoa PrM Congress was asked for funds to" start the public buildings pro gram." Radio legislation, ( approved by congress, was sent to President Coolidge. Veterans organizations united in demands' for a stronger nation al defense , ' - Munition Imports for Kicaragu an liberals,' the White House Said, further endanger American life and'property there.' f r President Cooifdga discussed the McNary-HaugenT farm : bill with his cabinet but his position "ire t ootTeVea ledi ' SI'S ROB H1GH0W liFLIGH Cantonese Horde Pushes De fenders Back Headlong Toward Shanghai MISSIONARIES UNHARMED Stand Expected at Suftgklng, ZS Miles South of Shanghai; British Forces Parade When Vcwg Came ' SHANGHAf, reb. 18. (AP) The Cantonese horde decisively de feated the army of Marshal Sun Chuan-Fang today, poured into the city of Hangchow and hurled Sun's disordered forces in headlong flight toward Shanghai. The beaten troops, before flee ing, looted the rich city of 800,000 inhabitants. They burned a large part ' of the city, and departed. The missionaries were unharmed, and most of them left the city. Sun's demoralized troops are ex pected to make a stand at Sung kiang, 28 miles south of Shang hai, to prevent the invaders cap turing the richest city of the Far East as a prize of war. British troops were paraded in Shanghai when the news was re ceived that the Cantonese were pursuing Sub's broken army to ward the city. With 21 foreign warships in the river before thJ city, aad some 7,000 white fight ing men on duty, foreign resi dents in the international settle ments felt some asau ranee that the Cantonese would not overrun their concessions as did coolie, mobs at Hankow and Kiakiang when the (Contirrtdn pfc0 6.) WOMAN SUICIDE IN WELL Mm. Mary Erb, 0. Forces Self Into Shallow Hole, Dies YAKIMA, Wash., Feb. 18 (AP) Forcings- herself into a shallow well, with an opening so small it would have been practi cally impossible for anyone to have pushed her into it and so shallow that she could have held herself above water by standing erect, Mrs, Mary Elizabeth Erb, 63, of TIeton, took her life last night, the authorities announced today. She is survived by her hus band and son, living at home, and two daughters, Mrs. Edna Carey of Seattle and Mrs. Vera Spencer of Eugene, Ore. ill r f -Mi, 'mwMm' - r khmii ni n ir i ww, mil' ii I, ww i wrrrn " " ifrtnii'ii I i i -r t i r-rr TORNADO DEATH TOLL UP TO 32 ADDITIONAL- BODY IS FOUND AND ONE MAN' DROWNED Xnmber of Injured N'ears Hundred Mark, With Huge Prop erty Damage NE"W ORLEANS, La., Feb. 18 (AP) The known dead from the tornado which dipped freakishly into widely separated sections of three states last night rose to 32 tonight, with the discovery of an additional body near Pleasant Hill, La., and the drowning of a man at Alexander City, Ala. "The number of injured neared the hundred mark, and property damage, largely confined to farm homes and rural buildings, passed I2CO.000. Rescue workers tonight faced the possibility of freezing temper atures. Winds had lost their fury but brought with them the touch of ice. j The tornado dissipitated in rains and electrical storms. LONE MAN ROBS TRAIN Bandit H11 Up Ocean Shore; Just Out of San Francisco SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 18. (AP) The Ocean Shore, a San Francisco - Los Angeles train, w,hich left here at 9 o'clock to night, was held up just south of this city and the crew and pas sengers robbed of cash and jew elry of an undertermined amount. After relieving the passengers and crew of their valuables the rob ber left the train. When he appeared before the startled passengers, the robber's face was masked with a blue bandana handkerchief. Railroad officials were unable to learn whether any of the passengers re sisted the robber, bat announced that there had been no casualties. So Ot hern Pacific officials an nounced belief that the robber had entered the train at the Third- and Townsend station here, and had started holding up. sleeper pas sengers immediately. He pulled the air cord to stop the train when he had finished the rob bery. CHINESE SEAMEN ANGRY Strike Threatened If Man From" President Taft Not Freed HONG KONG, Feb. 19. fAP) Strike of all seamen under the jurisdiction of the Chinese Sai lors union in Canton was threat ened today unless one Chinese sai lor, sentenced by an English con trolled magistrate to three months at hard labor for seditious utter ances, is released. The seaman was arrested aboard the liner President Taft at Hong Kong. WILLIAM TELL UP TO DATE YWCA. DRIVE NETS $1622 ONE DAY CAMPAIGN TO CLOSE TODAY WITH PROSPECTS OF ?6,000 Workers Expect Follow-ups Bring Grand Total Well Ovef f 70OO Mark to Citizens of Salem have rallied better than ever before to the cam paign call of the YWCA for the organization is now just around the corner from their goal, with a grand total of $5631 in cash and pledges leaving less than $1400 unaccounted for. This will only be partially rais ed by this noon but local officers believe that follow-ups which will start next Wednesday will account for the entire auOta. Yesterday was the banner day of the drive with $1622 brought in. Dr. Carl G. Doney, president of Willamette university, served as a genuine collegiate pep leader in his address Friday noon before the group of workers who have helped put over the campaign. He expressed confidence that the ulti mate goal would be reached with out difficulty. Complimenting the efforts of each team that has spent the week in active campaigning, C. A. Kells general secretary of the Salem YMCA, spoke on the efficiency which has been so evident throughout the drive, and which is typical of the work done by the organization. More than 20 women have vol unteered their services to do the final work of resolicitation next week. Beginning Wednesday noon, luncheons will be held during the week at the YWCA club rooms for those engaged. Hoping to put the grand total well over $6000 the active work will close at noon today, but this will leave approximately $1000 dependent on the work next wek. With this amount needed the workers can't afford a respite for the purses of their constituents. EXPLOSION DEATH CAUSE Wife of Soldier Dies at Astoria Following Explosion ASTORIA, Feb. 18 (AP) Lizzie Antonette Dale, 33, wife of Private Elmer D. Dale at Fort Stevens, died at a local hospital this afternoon fro nr gasoline burns which covered her body following an explosion at the home of Cap tain Percy at the fort this morn ing, when she endeavored to help a freshly kindled fire with the contents of a container of gaso line, which she mistook for kero sene. Mrs. Dale had been employed as a housekeeper at' Captain Percy's home for some time and was building a fire in the kitchen range when the accident occurred. No Intimation Given by ecutive of Intention Veto or Approve Ex- 0 OPINION EVENLY SPLIT Supporters of Proposal Have No Reason to Hope, for Passage in Case President Re fuses to Sign WASHINGTON. Feb. 18 ( AP) President Coolidge already has begun conferences with members of his cabinet over the McNary Haugen farm relief bill, which; has been passed by congress, but no intimation was given today at the White House whether he intends to veto or approve the measure. In advance of the receipt by! the executive of ah engrossed copr of the bill, it was said, in his behalf, that he intends to consider it just as he would any other piece! of legislation. The proposal, wbich would ievy an equalisation fee on six basic farm commodities,, with a view to controlling crop surpluses, was passed by the senate last week. and was approved in identic form last night by the house. t In neither the senate nor house was the majority given the ibill sufficient to give its supporters reason to believe it could be passed over a presidential vetoi a step that requires a two thirds Vote in both houses. The president has 10 days after the bill's arrival at the White House ' to decide what he will do' Congressional speculation: has been divided, some predictions being that he would sign the proposal and make it a law, while others are that a veto is inevitable. In arriving at a decision the president is expected to be guided, to an extent at least, by the advice of Secretary Jardine, and Secre tary Hoover and Mellon as well Also it is likely that the views of certain congressional leaders will be sought. Representative Fort, of New Jersey, a republican on the house agriculture committee, called on the president during' the day! to point out what he regards as !de fects in the bill. He said after wards that while the president had not made known his position! he felt sure the measure would be vetoed. A group of officials of farm or ganizations, including Samuel i H Thompson, president of the Ameri can Farm bureau, and B. W. Kil- gore, president of the American Cotton Growers exchange, con ferred with Secretary Jardine, who told them he did not know what. course the president would take, but, if the bill became a law the agriculture department, would co operate fully in carrying out the bill's provisions. The engrossed bill was signed late today by Speaker Longworth and Vice President DaWes ajnd will be sent to the White House tomorrow. BUILDING PROGRESSING i4 Contractors Kxpect To Com te Structure By June 10 Walls of the new Leslie junior high schol building are rising rapidly this week, with nine brick layers at work. The " brick have been laid up to a point even with the bottoms of. the first floor, win dows. I . Material Is arriving constantly. the latest consignment being slate for the blackboards. The bulld Injc.wlll bd completed by" Jdne 10, it is now estimated. The members of the Salem board, of education inspected the work :,Priday morningj. , THREE FATAL' ACpl DENTS Five . Hundred and: Eighteen tPro- tectea by coinpensauom There were three fatalties diae to industrial accidents in Oregon daring the week ending February 17 according to a report prepared here yesterday by the state Indus trial accident commission:; - Th A Vlitiin . at Inlin TaMii Marshtield; ... Irene Agnes Yost, Med ford, and Floyd,, Ray Paul. Gold Hill. . I. A total of 611 of the accidents reported , were ; under the, work- FISttWHEEL bux: FACES TROUBLE SENATE AIXPTS REPtRT FAV ORING POSTPONEMENT December til Would Be Designat ed as Date for Bill to Bg Effective The measure eliminating fish wheels from the upper Columbia river, passed by the voters at the last general election, -will probably not become effective until Decem ber 31 of .this year, it waa indi cated today by the senate's adop tion of a report sigoied by three 1 members of the fisheries commit tee recommending passage of a bill providing that operation Of the measure be postponed until tbit day. Senator Staples presented fig ure to shOW that the gross values of the canneries affected exceeded S 750,000, while the taxes and fees from', one of these "plants aggre gated mora than. $112,000, in a year. It also was pointed out by Senator Staples that in event the initiatfve measure became opera tive in May a' number ot fish wheel owners .would suffer heavy finan cial loss. He urged that they be given uiitil December- 31 that they might iiave time to dispose of their ;stccks and retire from bus iness. Senator Butler declared, that, the bill extending until December 31 the time tor making the Initiative measure effective waa based on simple justice and a desire to assist-a number of men who were not in a position to lose their life's savings. "The passage of the bill intro duced by ' Senator Staples wonld promote simple justice and give the owners of these plants ade quate time to sell their stocks and equipment and prepare for the worst. I have' not offered any trades or hargalne with any' mem bers of this senate, but am .sup porting this bill because I. know it is meritorious." Senator Banks said he was first dispbsfjdf tovote against the Sta ples bUl and had refused to sigh the report' recommending its pass age. "But when I talked, with the owners of some of the fish wheels, Bald Senator Banks, "I reached the conclusion' that' they were worthy of assistance. I am going to vote for the Staples bill." Senator Upton .declared that the voters of his district voted against the proposal to eliminate fish wheels from the upper Columbia river. Senator Moser also spoke in favor of the Staples bill. He urg ed passage of the bill in the in terest of fair play. Passage of the bill was opposed by Senator Norblad, who reviewed briefly the history of the fishing industry. He . said the initiative measure was in the interest of pre serving the fishing industry in the state of Oregon, and that It should become operative in May as de creed by the voters at the general election. The senate concurred in the house amendments to a bill auth orizing cities of the state to levy taxes for advertising And publi city, purposes. rln nd case shall the amount of taxes raised exceed 15000; . The senate approved a bill by Senator Joseph authorizing the state treasurer to-gather financial data, showing the bonded indeb tedness of the various political, subdivisions. STUDENTS LOSE JOURNAL Washington V Publication Ruspend ed Because of Article 1 SEATTLE. Feb. 18 (AP) Publication of Columns, .monthly magazine of the University of Washington student body, has been indefinitely suspended bv the faculty. . : ' ' . In making this announcement tonight,, the faculty committee on stadent atfairs said that a humor ous article on the life of Abraham Lincoln, appearing' In the Febru ary number of the magazine, had prompted them to order the sus pension. ' V ELLENSBURg HAS "FLJJ" High and Two" Grade Schools Closed Beca use et pdemlc ELLENSBURG, Wash., ; Feb. 18.-(AP) -The Ellensbar high school, and two grade . achoqis were ordered closed at noon .to day, lijr DivH, t J.1 Pelch; : eity health. efficer, ay a result of ab sence because of-influenza. The schools are to remain' closed until next Wednesdayv; v A basketball game tomorrow, night. between, the Ellen8burg Normal and WSC freshman .teams. wjll be played. le Olnd closed doors. TITIIGMII ii! DUE I SENATE IliRUiR Reports Indicate Us Defeat; Way.Be Held Over Until , .Monday Session ji EARL1 FISHER LAUDED Bill Approved Wnald - IiKfeaao) Property Valuation Or tto Of Oregon Arumx!iate - f ly $23oio66,ooo .r. The tlthine bill, which has t been resting peacefully on'l the desk in the spnaln f nr sovom 1 days is up for final 1 coaslder- atlon today It was indicated iast nignt tnat some member of f the SPOatn will mnva in' I19V11 P me inning mil considered un der the head of special order 'of 1 ousmess Aionaay afternoon. This motion undoubtedly would J receive favorable consideration W in that most of the senators de- sire to spend the week-end; at f thf!p hnmM anil aa lint it o l WM w " V V AM m mood to argue the bill at to- r dav's sesBion' V Reports indicated that the P bill will be defeated in the sen, l' ate. It previously was appror- ed in the house. The senate 1 will not adjourn until some ! time this afternoon, . according to reports from the leaders i, A bill was approved In the'aen-1 ate yesterday, which would" .In-; crease, the property valuation oC tne state of Oregon by approxi mately $250,000,000, , This' hiltl was introdticed by .Representative, tC S. Hamilton, and' gives to;.; the' state tax' contm'lsslon stoperyisbTy7. control of (he assessment and laws of the state, county assessors! ahd county boards of equalization. The Commission would' have lu thority to fix the valuations of any , ptoperty in the state. - The purpose of the bill' Is to secure un If brmlt" of assessments and taxation. En, forcement penalties are" provided, and the emergency, clause is aUC tached. , rr- As a safeguard to taxpayers un- der this bil the senate also ap-; proved a measnre Introduced. by, the committee on assessment and taxation which provides for limit- ing the amount of revenue that " " (Continued am 2.) MORE MEN SAILT h FOR NIGARAGUA! TWO TROOPS SHIPS BEIJia. SEXX FROM SAX DIEGO , ' lOO Marines, Aviators, and Planes Lre Ordered! to Port of O':' Corlnto SAN DIEGO, CaL, Feb. 18. (AP The U, 8. navy destroyer tender Meyille, detached with tho tender Altair from the battle fleet-. for temporary duty as troop ship, -prepared today to sail late tonight for, Corinto, Nicaragua, with 10 , marines front., the local marine . post, ; - The tender AlUir, with the aviation expeditionary squadron, commanded by Major Ross rtowell and consisting of eight officers, 80 men and six De Havlland ob- serration planes, will ' sail1 for Cprinto tomorrow morning. Orders for the Altair and Mel ville to leave San Diego harbor for Nicaragua with' the least pos sible dp lay ' were received from - ; the nary department today. Load-' Ing operations Immediately '".were v speeded up, but the Altair. was ankble to load the aviation equip- ' ment in time to sail' with the; Melville. Captain Francis Kieren,, 'com . manding the recruit depot, at the , marine' base, was in. command, of. I the 100. rmarjnes that went Aboard-. - the Melville. Detachment of these men left' the marine post stripped ot every , trained man, raw recruits being pressed into service . to assist in the 'Operation . of, "the powerhouse. ' - t .cverjr-.eriort is oeing maae oy the'havy'department to rash here from Denver, San Frahclsco, Se attle and' Spokane detachments of western man guaras wna, vu , ; form the nucleus for another ex- ' peditionary battalion.Where. this batallioif will go, of fibers here do not know,' ; but' they say they - ffl