The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 18, 1927, Page 8, Image 8

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    'FRIDMiORNiNcCB'EBRtJAllV 187 1927
i . .
saw edeeb
Multnomah Judge's Pay In
creased; Dairy Commis
: sioner Gets More
( Tha senate y ester car approred
i a ! bill Introduced by Representa-
tlTe MtCourt, which had already
? passed the hotise. providing that
judges ot the Multaomah county
district court shall receive an an
y ' nmal salary of lieoo. In place of
it . tha present salary of 1 3 000.
i Senator Staples protested
against the bill, saying he did not
propose to break faith with his
constituents by voting for salary
Increase bills. The bill was de
, fended "by Senator Klepper.
: The senate also approved a bill
1 ht Representative Russell increas
j fug the salary of the state dairy
v. and . food commissioner from
$3000 to 14000 a year.
1 Senator Butt said this bill had
the support of the dairymen and
. Ice cream manufacturers. The
:' increase in the salary of the dairy
and food commissioner will be
, more than offset through the col
lection of additional feCs.
I Senators Dunne and Moser at-
' tacked vigorously a bill intro
duced by Representative North
making It optional with the coun
ty court of Multnomah county to
levy a tax of one-twentieth of a
mill for the support of the
, Greaham fair. Senator Dunne
said the farmers of Multnomah
county were subject to some con-
1 sideration the same as farmers
living In other parts of the state.
' ' Senator Moser urged that the
bill' be defeated. Upon motion of
Senator Upton the measure was
' Indefinitely postponed.
- , The senate approved the bfll in-
trodnced by Representative' Tom
curing the defects in the present
: motor vehicle light law. : The bill
. had the indorsement of Senator
Joseph and other members of the
senate. Senator Dunne explained
that the bill was in keeping with
the Hoover code which provides
fof- uniform road rules through-
I out the various states.
The bill authorizing a change
: In I the date for levlng property
' asse'saments from March 1 to Jan
uary 1 was indefinitely postponed.
Senator Miller said that this bill
was Impractical for the reason
that too many exemptions would
be necessary.
j A bill was introduced in the
1 senate today providing that the
Guarantees "Allenrhu"
to Ease Rheumatic Pains and
and Reduce Swollen Joints
Money Back Says J. C. Perry if One Bottle of "Allenrhu"
Doesn't Make Any Rheumatic Sufferer Rejoice
It does not matter whether you
are disabled with cursed Rheuma
tism or have only occasional
twinges '.'Allenrhu" will;. ease the
agony,- do away with the gnawing
pains and often reduce the swollen
Allenrhu is no laggard. It starts
right In at once searching ou: the
poisonous deposits and in two
days starts to drive the concentrat
ed - impurities that often cause
Rheumatism, out of the body
You Will Find Our Deferred Payment
Plan a Great Convenience
All this is yours to take advantage of
Who has to call
for size 42 Vfc or
52VC may now
obtain artfully
s3 en derizing
New Spring
Fine- s n a p-'p y
dresses, attrac
tively priced.
$19.75 to
. In large sizes for
stout Women
amount of any continuing or fixed
millage tax; levied by the state,
county, city -or other municipality
or diAtridt-upon the assessed' valuation-
of the syear- 1 927 -or any
subsequent yearr shall , be limited
to the amount of such millage levy
of the preceding year plus three
percentaor thereof.
' Two salary bills, found their
way into the senate today.
One of these would increase the
salary of the county officers of
Josephine county. " The salary of
the county judge would be in
creased from $1500 to $1800 a
year, the treasurer from $1200 to
$1809 a year, 'the assessor from
$1400 to $1800 a year and the
school superintendent from $1600
to $1800 a year.
The other bill provides for
standardization of the salaries of
district attorneys.
Hungry? Don't wait, order
some Better Yet Bread from your
grocer." It. is fresh, wholesome
and clean. Made by the Better
Sei Baking Co. )
i1 Everything In the book store
line, books, stationery, supplies
for ' the home, office or school
room, at the Commercial Book
Store, 163 N. Com'l. ()
Two .beautiful plaster bas-reliefs
and a plaster bust of Roman
design, copies of originals which
are Y, in museums - in Italy, have
been received in Salem as the
prizes awarded by . Paul Wallace
in the Latin, classroom work con
test conducted recently.,.
McKinley Junior high, as win
ner of first place in this contest,
has the right to select the one of
these three art objects which it
prefers, the senior high school
will choose one of the two loft,
and the third will go to Parrish
junior high.
The larger of the bas-reliefs
portrays the nine muses; the
other, "Pelops and Hlppodamla,"
is a chariot scene. The bust is a
representation of Diana.
Permission would be given the
port of Portland, Or., to close the
east channel of Swan island In the
Willamette river,, under a bill In
troduced today by Senator Mc-
through the natural channels.
'Allenrhu has been tried and
tested fof years and really marvel
ous results have been accom
plished Often in the most severe
cases where the suffering and
agony was intense and piteous and
where ' the sufferer was almost
"The blessed relief this marvel
ous preparation quickly gives has
made for It thousands Of friends,"
says Perry's Drug Store. Adv. .
(rig l
Veterans of Three Wars
Hear Chief Justice Discuss
Citizen Soldier
"Citizen" is the highest title due
the American soldier. Chief Justice
George H. Burnett of the Oregon
supreme court told 300 veterans
of America's wars In greeting
them at the annual veterans en
tertainment given by the Elks
lodge Thursday night.
For the reason that the United
States soldier takes his liberty,
which he and his fathers have
fought to preserve, as seriously as
he does, he is a citizen.-first and a
warrior only when the special oc
casion arises; and his greatest
service is that of peace. Justice
Burnett said.
Characteristic of the American
soldier is his realization that lib
erty is not license, not merely a
boon, but a responsibility. Judge
Burnett concluded.
The crowd was swelled to 500
when the members ot the lodge,
after holding a brief business
meeting, joined the veterans, who
included men who served in the
Spanish-American and world wars
and a very few members of the
The vaudeville program which
followed, arranged by Archie Holt
of the Elks entertainment com
mittee, included numbers by the
Mellow Moon orchestra, selections
by the Woodry trio, sleight of
hand tricks by Cook Patton and a
clogging act by "Step and Fetchit,"
a professional dancing team.
After the entertainment the vet
erans and Elks joined in a "John
ny Jones" feed in the basement of
the Elks temple.
Army and Outing Store. Biggest
bargains in clothing, shoes, under
wear, hosiery, gloves, valises and
suit cases. The working man's
store. 189 N. Commercial. ()
C. F. Breithaupt, florist and
decorator, 512 State. Phone 380.
Flowers, bulbs, floral designs for
all occasions. Pioneer and leader
in Salem. ()
School Superintendent Kept By
Action of Education Board
EUGENE. Feb. 17. fAPl
The special school election ordered
ror February 26 to give the peo
ple of Eugene an opportunity to
determine whether or not they
want to retain as city superin
tendent David John Jones was
called off today when the board
of education rescinded its resolu
tion calling the election and by a
vote of three to two decided to
employ Jones for another year.
This action was taken as a re
sult of sharp criticism from the
citizens of -the board's action in
attempting to settle the question
in this manner.
Marion-Polk Realty Board
Plans Use of Name "Salem"
The Salem realty board will
probably come into existence and
the Marion-Polk county realty
board cease to exist at a business
meeting of the old organization on
the evening of Monday, February
23. it was announced. at Thurs
day's luncheon. The change will
Heavy flat
crepes and
crepe de chines
colors are rose,
beige, almond,
green, Queen
blue, monkey
skin rose, navy
and black. Ar
tistically trim
med with braid
georgette or
self color. Sizes
42 ia up ,to
524. Designed
by the fore
most Fashion
Creators of
New York
be Toted on at that meeting. ' -
' At that time, also, the board
may adopt a community advertis
ing campaign such as' realtors in
other northwest cities have; car
ried on recently In Ideal: newspa
pers fa order to inform their own
people about the " assets , and '. at
tractions of the- community.
Such a program was already'
under consideration, but it was
given additional Impetus by the
address of T. W. Zimmerman," sec
retary of the Pacific ' Northwest
realty association, who told, graph
ically what has been accomplish
ed elsewhere by this means, es
pecially at Idaho Palls.
F. E. Sharer's Harness and
Leather Goods store. 170 S.' Com'l.
Suit cases, valises, portfolios, brief
cases, gloves and mittens. Large
stock. The pioneer store. ()
At Shipley's the ladies of Salem
have satisfied themselves that they
can get the finest fall and winter
frocks, coats and dresses ever
shown in this city. ()
Rural Schools Re-employ
Present Teaching Staffs
The work of the teachers in
the district schools of the county
has been so satisfactory this year
that many of the boards are re
hiring their entire staff. Six
schools announced yesterday that
they had offered contracts to their
present Instructors.
Those rehired are, Fairview,
Mrs. : Grace Sehon; Hazel Dell,
Mrs. Mary Riley; St. Louis, Geni
vieve and .Claire Campau; Center
View; Lorraine Fletcher; Keizer,
Mrs. Elma R. McAllister, Mrs.
Beryle Porter, Mrs. Dorothy Mer
riam, and Mrs.' Charlotte G.
Jones; Waconda, Ida Frank.
A. H. Moore, 233 N. High St.,
apartments and store where you
ojan get high quality furniture and
furnishings for every room In
your house. - ()
Eiker Auto Co., Ferry at Lib
erty St. Autos stored and bought
and sold. Cars washed day and
night. LOw prices and service will
make long friends. ()
Capital City Cooperative Cream
ery, milk, cream, buttermilk. The
Buttercup butter has no equal.
Gold standard of perfection. 137
S. Com'l. Phone 289. ()
The Dixie Bakery leads -on high
class breads, pies, cookies and
fancy baked supplies of every
kind. Best by, test. Ask old cus
tomers. 439 Court St. . ()
r-iy t .;Ai.'.4 ii Jf
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v i. iConUnaed front-pg 5.)
tional. flags.
The favors were small cocked
hats with tiny flags.' Six tables of
cards ' were - In play during the
eatly part of the evening. The
high score. waswon by Mrs. Wil
liam' Moses and Ernest Livingston.
The second award went to Mrs.
Francis Allen and Ralph Howard.
A valentine luncheon was serv
ed at small tables at 10 o'clock,
with dancing following. Old
fashioned dances were in keeping
with the occasion.
Four new, members were initi
ated including Mr. and Mrs. Chris
Hampshire and Mr. and Mrs. El
mer Cook.
Special guests' at the meeting
were Mr. and 1 Mrs. L. M. South
ard, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fee, Mr.
and Mrs. John Fee, Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Frickey and. Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest Livingston."
Dr. Smith Will Speak on
Japanese Work on Saturday
at Presbyterian Church
Dr. F. A. Smith, who has charge
of the Japanese work on the Pa
cific coast, will be in the city on
Saturday, Feb. 19, to confer with
the Japanese. Dr Smith will also
speak , to the Woman's Interde
nominational Missionary confer
ence at the First Presbyterian
church at 3 o'clock on Saturday
afternoon. All women of the Sa
lem churches interested in the
work among the Japanese in and
around Salem are urged to at
tend. Salem Folk Return
From Los Angeles
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Downing are
home from a two months' visit in
Los Angeles where they were the
guests of their daughter, Mrs. W.
B. George (Hazel Downing). Mrs.
George accompanied her parents
to Salem for a visit.
Woman's Union
Postpones Meeting
The meeting of the Woman's
union of the First Congregational
church which was planned for this
afternoon has 6een postponed un
til Friday. Feb. 25. The change
is made on account of the num
ber "of the church women engaged
in the YWCA drive for funds.
Doris and Virginia Ruth
Hart Entertain With
Valentine Party
Doris and Virginia Ruth Hart
were hostesses at an attractive
Valentine party at their home on
Waller street on Monday evening.
The living rooms were lovely with
red hearts and streamers. A cupld
formed' the centerpiece for the
table. I
Valentine games were enjoyed
until a late hour when-lMrs. Hart,
assisted by Mrs. Dorothy Martin,
served a dainty luncheon.
The group included Vera Win
ger, Ruby and Helen Pierce, Nor
ma Roberts, Alice Watten Paugh,
Dora and Irene Winshall. Eileen
Shepherd, Jean Lois Victor, Grace
Rasmussen. Rose Ann Goodrich
and the hostesses, Doris and Vir
ginia Ruth Hart. ;
Sdcnjaicea Camp Mqets
at Sahequa j
The Sacajawea Camp! Fire Girls
met at Sahequa Wednesday eve-1
ning for their weekly meeting. A
tree exhibit will be held within
the next two weeks in Miller's
show window. Following this ex
hibit a public program will .be
held. A candy sale will be held
Saturday to raise monfey for an
nual dues. The group visited the
legislature and forestry depart
ment. I
Those present were Ethel Clem
ent, Grace Rhoades, MSrgy Lenz,
Frances Laws, Elizabeth Clement,
Wilda "Fleenor, Doris Qodsey and
their guardian, Mrs. R. M. T. Hes
ter. "Sky Pilot to the Lunber
Jacks" Will Speak at Church
The Rev. F. C. Taylor, pastor
of the First Methodist church, con
tinues confined to his home with
an attack of the flu. His pulpit
next Sunday will be filled by the
Rev. Robert C. Hartley.! sky pilot
to the. lumber-jacks. Rev. Hart
ley will spek on his experiences
in the logging camps, and on what
the church is doing for the lumber
camps in the northwest.
Marshall Girls Entertain
W ith Clever Valentine Party
One of the most delightful Val
entine parties of the season was
that at which the "Marshall girls"
were hostesses on Tuesday night
at the home of Mrsi Walter
Schwiening (Blanche Marshall) at
1140 Center street.
Those in the group were Ethel
and Leo Gronke, Minnie Baker,
Miss Marcella Caspell, Miss Flora
Turnbull, Miss Ella Smith, MisS
Authorized Distributors
Tha. Personal Writing lcAf
Typewriter Exchange
Phone BSl 431 Oonrt, Salem
You have only today and tomorrow in which to take
advantage of the wonderful Opportunity to secure your
season s needs at these low prices.
Regular $30,
2 For
Bishop's Glottinf lid loolen
Faith Gilmer. Alva Burns, Basil
Zell, Lioyd Groves and the four
hostesses. Mrs. Frank McColIum,
(Mildred Marshall). Mrs. Walter
Schwiening (Blanche Marshall),
and the Misses 'Nina and Grace
Marshall. .
Called to Tacoma
S. E. Keith of the Miller Mer
cantile company has been called
to Tacoma on account of the death
of his brother, A. E. Keith.
Wrilling Workers
Plan for Social
The Willing Workers class of
the First Christian church will
hold an -old fashioned basket so
cial tonight at 8 o'clock in the
church parlors. An entertain
ment will be given. Everybody is
welcome to attend, if they bring
a basket.'
Women's Bible Class Will
Entertain Men's Class
The, members of the Women's
Bible class of the First Methodist
church will entertain the busi
ness men's class at a pot-luck din
ner this evening at the church.
An enjoyable social hour and
program will follow the dinner.
Woman's Alliance to Meet
The Woman's alliance will meet
at 2:3.0 o'clock In the Emerson
room of the First Unitarian
church. 1
Sandwiches Salads
170 North Commercial
Sizes 35 to 46
$35, $40, $45$50, $55, $60
the Price of 1 Plus $2 .
Foam Light
Made by Imperial Candy
Co., makers of Societe
Brand Chocolates
Regular Price 60c lb.
For Saturday Pnljr
36c a lb.
2 lbs. for 70c
135 North Commercial
The Original Yellow Front
Drug Store
Penslar Store
Try Our
Today Noon!
You'll Like It
Its Store
Salem Store Portland Silk Store
466 State St. - 362 Alder St.
V. Jr. DWnUt
i . -Manager