The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 18, 1927, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE 0EnpK4TMANkPV0.W
i 3
Leisure Flour Club Meet
for Yahatinf ' Party at
H. J. Clements lmmo was
"-Vi.' -fin of a Valentine- party oh
VilneKday Tlien Mm. I'leim-nts,
agisted ly Mrs. Charles Weller,
fiitiTtaini'fl 1he leisure Hour club.
The dining room was lovtly with
r-! carnations, tall reI ca'mlls and
valentines. Mrs. t'ora Hopkins of
Albany was i mperial guest.
Th 'inr miters of the club are:
Mrs. K. V.' Small, Mrs. George J.
IVarct, Mrs. Alice II. Dodd, Mrs.
r. A. Park. Irs. J. II. ' Albert.
Mrs. John II. Scott, Mrs. Elizabeth
Lamb, Mrs. U. CJ. Shipley, Mrs.
V. II. Steusloff, Mrs. Kre'd Steus
l..fT. Mrs. Dan . J-; Fry Sr.. Mrs.
Kitty Graver, Mrs. Willis S. Moore,
Mrs. Milton L.. Meyers, Mrs. M. N.
chapman, Miss Otla Chapman, Mrs.
It. E. 'Lee Steiner, Mrs. Seymour
Jones and the hostesses of Wed
nesday, Mrs. II. J. Clements and
Mrs. Charles Weller,
V W C A Will Make Supreme
I 'ffurt Today to Raise
$7,000 Budget ',
Ail forces actively engaged in
antpaign work for the city YVVCA
will make a final concerted effort
tiwlay to complete the $7,000 bud
L'ot. Many workers are assisting
iv. the campaign which is one of
the inst essential of its kind ever
conducted. A number of organi
zations are postponing their own
activities in order to cooperate
with the YWCA in its four-day
The city YWCA accomplishes a
type of work that cannot be dis
regarded. An ''unbelievable num
ber of relief cases, charity cases,
and general social service, which
the association finds it much kind
er to handle itself than to leave to
the police later on, come to light
within the doors of this branch of
a grtat and useful organization.
Those in charge are asking the
ressary to their many
minimum necesss
"te'll. needs.
."- The clnfnn fr
The slogan for the campaign,
"For Your Town and YOU," gives
a statement of the scope of a single
Miss Edna Warden
Announces Betrothal at
Attractive Valentine Party
The announcement of the en
gagement of Miss Edna Warden to
Mr. Joseph Schlegel of Eureka,
Cal.. was made known in an un
usually attractive manner Monday
evening when Miss Warden enter
tained at the home of Mrs. Max
Ahi-t. The guests with whom the
tiost ess shared her secret included
members iff the T. II. I. bridge
club and a small group of addi
tional guests.
Tho pictures of the betrothed
pair Were encased, in the individ
ual valentines which were pre
sented to each guest. Ited carna
tions and liuhtt-d red tapers were
beautifully arranged in the rooms.
In the group were Miss Cleo
Walker, Miss Elsie Victor. Miss
Gladys Raffety, Miss Hattie Brown
Miss Marlowe Miller. Miss Nancy
Savage, Miss Reta Claggett. Miss
Ketha Nash. Mrs. Kuth Ullman,
Miss Zelma liuseh, Miss Gladys
McKey, Miss Doris Bowden, Miss
Bertha Miller. Miss Bertha Urford.
MI Helen Campbell. Miss Georgia
Spencer, Mrs. Emma Siegmund,
Miss Gladys Newberry, Miss Laura
Fischer. Miss Betty Zurcher, Miss
Vera Stoltenberg and Mrs. Max
' A best.
Miss Warden, who for the past
few years has been employed in
the office of the state accident
commission, is the daughter of
Mrs. Mina Warden of Brownsville.
Mr. Schlegel, the son of Mrs. L.
Schlegel of Corvallis, is a graduate
of the Oregon Agricultural college.
He is now an instructor in the
junior high school in Eureka. Cal.
No date has been set for the wed
ding. Junior Guild Will Sponsor
Interesting Bridge Tea
Today at Parish. House
An outstanding benefit affair of
ihe month will be the bridge tea
at which members of the Junior
Guild of St. Paul's Episcopal
church, will be hostesses from 2
to r o'clock this afternoon at the
parish house on Chemeketa street.
A large number of reservations
have been made, and still others
are anticipated. I
The eommitee for the afternoon !
includes Mrs. J. R. Luper, Mrs.
E. If. Kennedy, Mrs. Don C. Rob
erts. Mrs. Walter J. Kirk and Mrs.
H. A. Cornoyer.
At the tea hour Mrs. II. Dun
can Chambers and Mrs. Ada Strong
will preside at the urns. Assist
ing in. the serving will be Miss
Sarah Lansing, Miss Julia Creech.
Miss Dorothy White and Miss
Nancy Thielsen.
Special musical numbers will be
given by- Mrs. Phil Newmyer and
by Miss Nancy Thielsen.
Reservations were made early
for the tea by the following: Mrs.
Homer 11. Smith, Mrs. Frank W.
Durbin Sr., Mrs. A. M. Vassal.
Mrs. E. H. Kennedy, Mrs." E. E.
Junior (Juild bridge tea. St
Paul's parish house. Reservations
with Mrs. J. II. Luper, telephone
2.-.C4. .
West Skin circle of the Jason
Lee ladies aid society. Mrs. Rich
ard Ktk-kson, 1515 North Liberty
Street, hostess. 2 o'clock.
Central circle of Jason Lee
Ladies' Aid society. Mrs. L. S.
Roberts, 133 North Winter street,
hostess, 2:30 oVlock. .
Holly circle of Knight Memorial
church. Tea. Church parlors.
Zena Communilty club annual
minstrel show. Zena school house.
Willing Workers' class of First
Christian church. Basket, social.
Church parlors. 7:30 o'clock.
Woman's Alliance of the Uni
tarian church. Emerson room.
2:30 o'clock.
Frinida club dance. Derby hall.
Hal Hibbard Auxiliary. Mrs.
Henry Miller, 1528 North Capitol
street, hostess.
Woman's Bible class of First
Methodist church.
Zena community - club annual
minstrel show. Zena school house.
Woman's Relief Corps. McCorn
ack ball. Patriotic program.
American Association of Uni
versity Women. Gray Belle. 12:30
o'clock luncheon. Reservations
with Mrs. Robert II. Dann, 14 80-J
by Friday evening.
Dr. F. A. Smith will speak on
Japanese work. First Presbyter
ian church, 3 o'clock. Interde
nominational Missionary society.
Hal Hibbard Auxiliary enter
tainment for Hal Hibbard camp,
IT. R. W, D. Armory. 7:30 o'clock.
White Shrine No. 2, Order of
the White Shrine of Jerusalem.
Masonic- temple. o'clock dinner.
Arts lea cue under whose auspices
the proftranr VllI be "give;. - -"The
program - Will pen "prdmpUy at -8
o'clock 'in the lobby. '
The numbers will Include vocal
soUx by .MisNancy Thielsen, Mrs.
Martin Fereshetlan and Mrs. V. A.
England. Piano numbers will le
given by Miss Evangeline Hall and
Miss Louise Townsend. Dr. Seitz
and T. L. Williams will contribute
vmal duets. - Dr. Seitz will also
give cello solos. William McGil
christ Sr., will shig a group of
Scotch snugs.
All friends are invited to attend
the concert.
Business and Professional
Women Meet Wednesday
iti V II' C 4 Rooms
At the invitation of Miss' Eliza
beth 'Baker and of Mrs. Bright,
the members of the Salem Busi
ness and Professional . Women's
club met on Wednesday evening
in the YWCA rooms.
Miss Signe Paulsen had charge
of the legislative program, which
was the feature of the evening.
Mrs. Clara Pomeroy. Mrs. Laura
V. Hale and Miss Paulsen reported
on the income tax bill, the free
text book" bill, and others.' Mh?s
Carlotta Crowley reported on the
Eddy bill. A general iliscdssiou
of legislativ- matters followed.
Miss Margaret White of Portland
was a guest of the club and tlis
cussed a number of the bills with
the group.
Following the program, refresh
ments were s-erveil.
The- next state meeting of the
I'usiness and Professional Wom
an's club will be held in Salem
in March. The exact date will !
announced laler.
'Willamette Shrine Pfans
I) inner to Precede. Ceremonial
Willamette Shrine No. 2. Order
of White Shrine of Jerusalem, will
have a ceremonial at their stated
meeting Monday evening, Feb. 21.
in the Masonic temple. A. 6 o'clock,
dinner will be served, reservations
for which should be made with
Mrs.. Williatu Neimeyer not later
than Friday.
The following committee is in
charge of the dinner: Sojourners
Addie Petteys and Edna Brewer,
joint chairmen; Zella Neimeyer,
Kettle Smith, Emma Sloper, aiyiine
Stewart. Clio Cashatt". Carolina Ne-
rod, Laura TlougUm, Rowena
t helson alid Mrta Charii bers.
'Open House" Is Held
at C. P,ILshop Home .
One of, the interesting cvenjs of
yesterday was the "open hoise"
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. j
Bishop. Tfi5 Court street, at wlhich ,
Mrs. Henry L. Corbett of .Portland '
T T - . i. : f
.J u ll 11 1 1 . ill Kin ftfltr
The honor guests yucre
and Mrs.
wives of senators and representa
tives who are in the city.
Entre Sous Club Celebrates
Feb. Holidays .Wednesday
The Entre Nous. club me
were most delightfully enterta
on Wednesday evening when
Harry Smart and Mrs. H;i
('ook were hostesses.
The meeting was a com
celebration of St. Valentine's
and Washington's birthday,
hostesses decorated the club
with red shaded lights, stream
hearts and a background of
l Com inueil on pacf S.)
Bragg, Mrs. McClure. Mrs. Joseph
Baumgartner. Mrs. Russell' Catlin,
Mrs. Frank Spears. Mrs. C. C.
Page, Mrs. V. E. Kuhn. Mrs. W.
Carlton Smith. Mrs. William Wal
ton, Mrs. Louis Lachmund, Mrs.'
W. H. Lytle. Mrs. Hollis Hunting
ton. Mrs. George Nelson. Mrs. Ted
Chambers, Mrs. Claude Steusloff,
Mrs. Fritz Slade. Mrs. Carl B.
Webb. Mrs. Walter B. Spaulding.
Mrs. C. A Norblad of Astoria,
Mrs H. T. Love, Mrs. R. E. Ander
son, Mrs. Phil Newmyer, Mrs.
'Lewis Griffith. Mrs. Earl Paul
sen, Mrs. Walter Page. Mrs. Ed
Viesko, Mrs. H. C. Findley,. Mrs.
W. E. Burns and Mrs. Lawrence
Salem Arts League
Will Sponsor Pleasing
Program. Tonight at "Y"
A particularly delightful pro
gram has been arranged for this
evening at the YMCA under the
direction of Dr. R. W. Hans Seitz,
a prominent member of the Salem
Pickens & Hayees
456 Court Street Phone 256-257
Let us give you the kind of service you are entitled to, and vq can do this as
we have six FREE deliveries a day, also right prices with quality goods.
Throe things are essential to have you satisfied with our groceries
You will find them here
Just a Few of Our Week-end Prices
P. & G. Naptha Soap, 10 bars 28c
Crown Flour, 49 lb. sack : 2.05
Monopole Asparagus, white tips 37c
Fischer Toasted Wheat (fast cooking) 28c
- Pineapple, 22 size, sliced, 3 for 82c
Van Camps Sardines, large cans, 3 for ..39c
Our stock of Garden and Flower Seeds have just arrived. On Saturday,
February 19, we will have a demonstration on Phillips Waffle and
Cake Flour
11 d L M
This is the time of year when work is slack
and money likewise. It is between sea'soris.
You therefore endeavor to make every dol
lar reach its full limit in buying power. We
submit a few prices for your guidance:
Full 10 lb. pail of Oregon Strained
Honey ..$1.33
Full 3 lb. ho of fresh Soda Crackers. . . -3i7c.
2 J? Ihs. Calumet Baking Powder -59c
4 lb. pail Pennant Shortening 60c
3 pkgs. Jell Well 25c
Well Cured Med ium Side Bacon, lb 29c
M. J. B. Coffee, 3 lb. tin $1.55
3 lbs. of Good Bulk Coffee 95c
3 lbs. of Fresh Margarine 69c
Carton of six full count Matches ...19c
3 Campbell's Tomato Soup... 25c
3 Campbell's Pork and Beans .25c
6 Spools O. N. T. Sewing Thread,
all sizes :25c
32 irt. Amoskeag Fast Color Gingham.. 19c
36 in. Col. Indian Head, yard 35c,
Children's Heavy Ribber Black Hose
(broken sizes), pair 15c'
-36 ip- Light Color Outing Flannel, yard 15c
Regular $1 .98 Ladies House Dresses $1.39
$4.95 Men's All Wool Blazers . .. .. .$36'
Men's Full Cut Blue Chambray Shirts 69c
You will find all our prices most reasonable
whether advertised or riot
254 North Commercial
i i4
.: ' . vi '. . - ' t - - i
Owned and Operated by HENRY'S MARKET, Inc. ::
Announcing the coming of
iSii jjSzJi JSz,
To Salem
A week from this Saturday we shall
feature a shipment of choice reindeer from
northern Alaska, at attractive prices. Re
member if it's meat or fish, Henry has got
it. Kindly leave your orcer if you can.
" So attractive were the last Saturday
Specials and so great was the response that
we shall take pleasure in repeating them
this Saturday. We are specialists giying
specials and positively no bait.
Pork Steak 22
Pork Loin Chops 29c
Pork Roaft 22?4c
Fresh Sliced Liver, 2 lbs 1 5c
4 1
Eventually I May Be Your
Servant Why Not Now?
Folks, I have come to Salem to stay. Far be it from me to be a gypsy.
The Province of Schleswig-Holstein, which forms the south part of the
Scandinavian peninsula with its colors, red, white and blue, the only one of
its kind in Europe (running parallel like our Star Spangled Banner) is the
land of my birth. My fofe fat hers werea liberty loving peopled a people
that has the same ideals as we have here. For centuries' they have fought
against monarchic and overbearing aristocracy.
I came to Ameiea to better myself and so I did.
I came to Salem for I thought it's just a little better here than any
place else and so it is.
I located at 174 N. Commercial for I think it is the best and busiest
spot in this city. Busy indeed I like to be busy. I love to serve the public.
It's a pleasure to me, a pleasure of which I neiyer: grow tired. Let us
serve youf-! j
it i
Choice Beef Pot Roast 15c
Prime Rib Roast of Beef, boned and
rolled . . 2pc
Veal Chops, ? bs 35c
Veal Roast I7lzc
Sirloin Steak 18c
Fresh .Ground Hamburger, 2 lbs. for.... 25c
.No. 5 Pail Washington Pure Lard... .... .65c
No. 10 Pail Snow Cap Compoijnd 1.15
Here Is a .Good One
Boiling Beef (Some use it for pot roast)'
Vf$ guarantee every; purchase or money
' We Have Just Purchased 1000 lbs. of
; h - Mlt'-hy8 -'
Chicken Hipit
from Mr. Jensen, an old fisherman friend
fof mine on the Puget Squncl. If ypu'like
something that's extraordinarily vsWeet
and tender, something ivholespme and nu
tritious at a price that any pne Carj af f ort.
These are small halibut. jYqu maxbke
them half or whole. " : 'v " ":
2 lbs. iqvMe
Here is a purchase of fancy Rhode Is.r
land Reds, fat and plump. They come
from Mr. Eldonyrs ranch, selling at
Per lb. I . .. . :.. - - - 3?c
. Mr. Gus Hyden has brought in some
milk fed YeaJ hich wijl alsp be on sale.
These calves are of excellent quality.
All These Goods Are
Flure Lard. 3 lbs. ..;.......35a
Compound, 3 lbs.1... .29c t
We respryeie Tis! u?5
Sugar CweJiLean Bacfc
' !A! very?high:g'ade product skin off-I
. . ' :- .-:--,-. : - ".. ?-. -,, : ,
'AncKor firaiiH Bacon Strips, lb. .Il.....' .22c.',
Sugar Cured Hams, lb ..:;....r..i--.-22c .a
cheerfully refunded.
Choice Salmon (you'll lile it). 2 lbs...:.35c
iir " ..