The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 17, 1927, Page 9, Image 9

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r ;
Portland League Women
Athf'pd Sessions of
Letf&ture Yesterday
s4mcouP of Portland women,
wikr -sfe members of the League
of VSmen Voters attended the
legislature sessions Jn Balem yes
terday afternoon." Most of the
time was spent : In the senate
f ' bamber where the group heard
the' discussion -of the -Governor's
; income tax bill. 4 : ,
I At 1 o'clock the group lunched
I at the Elks club, -where covers
: , were placed forr twenty-fire,
t , f Salem women wh acted as
i : hostesses were: Mrs. I. L.. Fatter
. son, Mrs? Thomas B. Kay, Mrs.
fvJohn L. Rand, Mrs. George A.
wniie, Mrs. eyraoor - j ones, .mss
Cornelia Marvin Mrs. Ervin - F.
mfh, and Mrs. Rex Sanford,
president of the Salem chapter of
the League of Women Voters.
Marshall -Girls Entertain
With Clever Valentine Party
't One of the most delightful Val
entine parties of-the season was
that at which the "Marshall girls"
were hostesses on Tuesday night
nt the home of Mrs. Walter
SchwieningrBlanche Marshall) at
11 40; Center street.. -
The rooms were 4 lavishly be
decked With cupids' . Hearts, and
festive streamers. Valentine games
were, played and Valentine favors
were given. Radio music gave ad
ditional entertainment throughout
the .evening. 1 At 11 o'clock the
hostesses served - delightful re
freshments featuring the Valen
; tine motif. ,
Those in the group were: Mrs.
itfinnie Baker, Miss Marcella Cas-
i pell. Miss Flora Turnbull, MJss
Ella Smith, ?Miss Faith; Gilmer,
1 Alva Burns,- Basil 'ZelL Lloyd
Groves aad the -four . hostesses, :
(Fjarshall), Mrs. Walter Schwlen-
jfisses Nina and Grace Marshall.
i University Women Will ....
f Hear Reports of. International
i Meeting at Amsterdam
I A the regular meeting of .the
! Salem branch of the American As-
i sociaUon of University Women,
i which wJU be held at 12:30 o'clock
on Saturday at the Gray Belle,
hree sifted members frjm Cor
vallls, who had the pleasure of at
tending the international conven
tion in Amsterdam, will speak con
cerning their experiences,
'-'to Edith Garter JKjiney, who
toTJ England and the Continent,
inSUrbo crossed ihe-EIngiih chan
nel by aeroplane, will give the con
ference setting.
i Mrs. Harry E; Buxton, who has
the iinlaue being the
owner of a planing mill, 'will tell
the social aspects of the conven
lion. -
Mrs. Gertrude MeElfresh, a
prominent Corvallis matron, will
tell of the convention proper.
Reservations for the luncheon
on Saturday should 1e made by
calling Mrs. Robert II. Dann at
M80-J by Friday evening.
&Tit& Dance Will Be Event
f Friday
The Frinida club will hold the
regular dance of the month on
Friday in Derby hall.'
You will fincl our Deferred Payment
Plan a great convenience
All tHis is yours to take advantage of
Full size 72 x 90 X,
2 Pound
Really worth while saving in money. Good grade,
white fluffy cotton for comforters
". . JUL- . -
CHallis and
For New Comforters -"
36-inch yide-Specialf yd..i
r ... V.. ".-.. i
A remarkable value. Freshen up your bedroom, J
cover your comforters with new
. : ChaHis or Oetonne ? ti
'two Salem Hostesses
Celebrate St. Valentine's
With Attractive Card Parties
j Two of the largest private card
parties .given in several weeks
were the affairs of Monday after
noon and evening" at -which Mrs.
U. Scott Page and Mrs. W. I.
N'eedham entertained Jointly 4 at
the Page home on North Summer
In the afternoon guests were
invited for fourteen tables of
bridge, while . in . the evening
"500," at nine tables was the di
version. , s , . , , . ... ,;
Pussywillows and ( red carna
tions afforded a particularly ap
propriate color scheme. Attractive
fawarst were distributed,, by- little
Phyllis Fisher, adorable in & frock
of red. .
The afternoon prizes were won
by Mrs. F. (J. Delano, first, and
Mrs, ael Fisher, second.
In the evening the awards. went
to Mrs. Linn Smith and H. H. Wil-
j The hostcfiscs were assisted, in
the afternoon by Mrs. Ralph
Cooley, Mrs. M. C. Petteys, Mrs.
Guy "O. Smith, and Mrs. Lee Can
field. In the evening Mrs. Ralph
Cooley assisted.
j The guest lists include: Mrs.
George .Carbray of Independence,
Mrs. John Orr, Mrs. Earl Fisher,
Mrs. T. S: Roberts, ijrs. Gertrude
Page.. Mrs. E. A. Kurtz, Mrs. Clair
A. Vlbert, -Mrs. Eric Butler, Mrs.
George Nelson, Mrs. A. A. Gueff-
roy, Mrs. Ray Hartman, Mrs. D. X.
Beechler, Mrs.. David Wright. Mrs.
Harley O. White, Mrs. Harry Weis.
Mrs. O. A. Olsen. Mrs. Karl
Hinges, Mrs. Lee Canfield, Mrs.
Paul Hanser, Mrs. Elmer Daue.
Mrs. Loose, Mrs. F. G. Delano,
Mrs. P. E. Fulledton, Mrs. W. E.
Hanson, Mrs. Walter M. Penning
ton, Mrs. Van Wieder, Mrs. Paul
V. Johnson. Mrs. C. D. Purvine,
Mrs. J. W. Lewis, Mrs. W. J. Sta
ler, Mrs. Robert Craig. Mrs
George Arbuckle, Mrs. J. H. Nich
olson. Mrs., L. R. Chambers, Mrs.
S. J. Butler, Mrs. A. E. Huckes-
tein, Mrs. E. W. Peterson, Mrs. M.
C. Petteys. Mrs. L. P. Aldrich,
Mrs. P. J. Meaney, Mrs. E. L. Kap-
phahn. Mrs. Ji. C. Hunter, Mrs. R
W. Hans Seitz, Mrs. J. C. Camp
bell. Mrs. C. E. Cashatt, Mrs. E. F
Smith. Mrs. Harold Brown, Mrs
A. L. Wallace, Mrs. Clyde Johnson,
and Mrs W. A. Cu mm lugs. Mr.
and Mrs. Herbert L. Stiff, Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Glover, Mr. and Mrs
Linn Smith, Mr. and Mr. J. H
Willett, Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Fisher,
Judge nd Mrs. Harry Belt. Mx.
and Mrs. Fred Ellis. Mr. and. Mrs.
V. E. Kuhn, Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Burton, Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Darby,
Mr. and Mrs. George Hubbs of Sil-
verton, Mr. and Mrs. J. C Perry,
Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Bowersox, Mr.
and Mrs. H. J. Weidmer, Mr. and
Mrs Guy O. Smith, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Wiper, Mr. and Mrs
Ralph H. Cooley, Mr. and Mrs
A. R. Rankin, Mr. and Mrs. G. L.
iNewton, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Au
stin, and the hosts. Mr. and Mrs
Page and Mr. and Mrs. Needham
Daughter Is Bom
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Yarnell
have given the name of Alberta
Jean to tehir, little daughter who
was born . yesterday . morning.
Symphony Orchestra Will
Give Numbei's Heard in
Salem at Portlatid Concert k
The popular concert of the Port
land .Symphony orchestra, to be
given .at The Auditorium Saturday
morning will feature one of . the
most successful of comparatively
mordem musical compositions pre
sented in this city in recent years.
It is the symphonic poem of the
Russian composer Modeste Mous-
sorgsky. "A Night on JJald Moun
tain." This, with modern composi
tion that, with Rimsky-Korsakov's
'Flight of the Bumble-JJee," creat-
ed a sensation In
Salem Monday
symphony con
night, during the
cert there. ,
The concert will open with the
Mozart serenade, "Eline Kleine
Nachtmnsik," considered one of
the mast perfect pieces
handed lown from the l&th. cen-t
tiiry. , It was . presented, by the.
symphony for the tirst time earlier
this season. It ia. written in four
movements, .and may pe regarded
as a miniature symphony. ; ;
The most brilUr Vnieee on the
praeram will be. fhoahtasy of
Chabrier "Espanai Rhapsodie," a
K la morons composition that came
from France in the last century.
This work has been heard here
many times, and is eminently
popular. .A Jiovelty Will oe an
orchestral arrangement of the fa
miliar "Traamerel" by Schumann.
The concert conductor, Willem
van Hoogstrates.' will give: short
explanatory talks before each num
ber. -Oregon Journal.
Mr. and Mrs.. Roberts C.
Paultts Are Hosts for Writers'
Group this Wee fc
An exceedingly Interesting roeet-
ine of the Writers section of the
Salem Arts' League , was held ron
Tuesday evening j -at the home, of
Mr. and Mrs. Uo&ert J. .ramus on
North . Summer street.
Five Portlanders attended the
moetlnc u nncrinl Cliests. In the
troup were Mrs. Borglvilde Lund
berg Lee, Mrs. Ethel Romig . Ful
ler,. Mrs. Oueenie B. Lister, and
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Clifford.
The rooms of the Paulus home
were lovely with bowls of daffo
dils. In the dining room rose-pink
carnations, and tall pink tapers
were used. !
The Drocram of the evening
opened with a chapter from Ger
trude Robison Jtoss s .engaging
novel, "Nigh to Harvesting. Mrs.
Ethel Romig Faller. made an
nouncement of the publication of
Howard McKJnlev Coming's '. new
book, "These People," which Jater
in the evening was reviewed ny
In main floor .shoe sec
tion. Not all sizes in
lot but all sizes in entire
Entire Stock o Boys' Oxfords in Main Floor
Department Now Goes on Sale
A sehsational clearance of boys' shoes at yery low prices. It will be well,
worth while for you o pome and come early. We can offr these smash
ing' bargains only while they last. There is nothing reserved. Ouir entire
stock goes at these prices.
The reason for this clearance is the lack of space in main floor depart
ment. Our basement shoe section wiH bereaf ter feature complete lines
of shoes for boys.
Entire main floor shoe section will be devoted to women's and misses'
footwear in future. '
. jStar BranH
Shoes nd oxfords in this
group with welt soles and
rubber heels. Also stylish'
broad toe tan oxfords. 2y2
to 52. Values to $5.00
Mrs," I Viola Price .Franklin, who
read what Walter Evans Kidd-of
Liugene has to say about it. .
Mrs. Tsabelle Gray Clifford read,
three original lyrics, "Sprini
Things," "The Will offspring Is
My Will." and "Lovers."
I .Miss Sara Wrenn of . Gresham,
who is in Salem for the legislature
read three poetic descriptions of
Oriental scenes, authentic in their
detail. For three years Miss Wrenn
lived In China and Japan.
Mrs. C. A. Kells .contributed
two poems, one on a nature sub
ject, and the other, philosopical,
called "To a Humming Bird" and
"The Unreality of the Unreal." ,
Lester McDonald, a talented
Contributor to the club programs,
read a poem "Ego" and repeated
his sketch, "Madhouse Blues."
Lincoln was -eulogised in poems
by both Miss Ren ska Swart and
by Miss Edna Garfield.
! ; , Mrs. Blanche Jones reported a
gpoup of book notes of interest,
calling attention to an estimate of
H. L. Mencken, author of "An
American Tragedy" and an article
on the status of the married wo
man in fiction. She also called at
tention to a famous memoirs writ-,
ten by the great grandmother of
the Italian rulers.
;Mra. Ruth Fargo read an orig
inal short story published in "The
Delineator" entitled "Staying
Overnight." Dr. F. G. Franklin
contributed two "open forum let
ters which aroused much discus
sion in the group.
,Mr. Fuller of Portland gave a
delightful rescription of the maple
sugar season in New England en
titled "Sugaring Off."
, On March 1, Dr. and Mrs.
Franklin will entertain the. group
at Willamette Lodge, the home of
Mrs. Claudius Thayer.
.. Salem writers in the group
were: Mrs. Gertrude Robison
Ross, Miss Sara Wrenn, Mrs. C. A.
Kells, Mrs. Lucy Terry Higgins,
Dr. and Mrs. F. G. Franklin, Prof,
and Mrs. Morton E. Peck, Mrs.
Blanche M. Jones, Mrs. Ruth Far
go, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Cleary, Mr.
and Mrs. C. J. Lisle, Lester Mc
Donald, Miss Renska Swart, Otto
Paulus and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs.
R. C. Paulus.
Late in the evening the hostess
served a delicious two-course
Fraulein DanJco Will Speak
to Ecclesia Club , .
Fraulein Marian Danko, head of
health work in Vienna, Austria,
will ,be the speaker at the noon
luncheon today of the Ecclesia
club. The luncheon will be held
at the Spa.
this lot.
ues to
.United Artisans. Patriotic meet
ing. McCornack hall,
Ladiesr of the G. A. R. .Lena
Straw Taylor, 1795 Fairgrounds
Road, hostess. 2 o clock.
Court Street Christian church.
Church parlors.-Silver tea. " -h ,
cnapter G ot the P., E. O. sis
terhood. Mrs. D. X. Beechler, host
ess. Supreme dues payable.
St, Vincent da Paul Woman'
club. Mrs. K. A.fPruit and. Mrs.
B. F. Dimeter, hostesses. Mrs.
Pruitt's home, 896 North 5th
street. 2 to 5 o'clock.
West Wav dub. Mrs. Melvina
Sloper, 256 North Commercial
stTeet, hostess. i
North Salem W.. C. T. U. Mrs.
Pendleton, hostess.
Ecclesia club. Fraulein Danko,
speaker. Spa.
"Kensington clnb. Mrs. F. S. An
unsen, 1110 North Capitol street.
.Junior Guild bridge tea. St.
Paul's parish house. Reservations
with Mrs. J. R, Luper, telephone
2S64. .
West Side circle of the Jason
Lee ladies aid society. Mrs. Rich
ard Erickson. 1515 North Liberty
Street, hostess. 2 o'clock.
Central circle of Jason Lee
Ladies' Aid society. Mrs. L. S.
Roberts, 1337 North Winter street,
hostess. 2: SO o'clock.
Holly circle of Knight Memorial
church. Tea. Church parlors.
Zena Communlity club annual
manstrel show. Zena school house.
I Willing Workers class of First
Christian church. Basket social.
Church parlors. 7:30 o'clock.
Woman's Alliance of the Uni
tarian church. Emerson room.
230 o'clock.
Frinida club dance. Derby hall.
JjIIal Hibbard Auxiliary. Mrs.
Henry Miller, 1528 North Capital
street, hostess, '.
v Saturday
iZena community club annual
minstrel show. .Zena school house.
(Woman's Relief Corps. McCorn
ack hall. Patriotic program.
American Association of Uni
versity Women. Gray Belle. 12:30
o'clock luncheon. Reservations
with Mrs. Robert H. Dann, 1480-J
by Friday evening.
'Hal Hibbard Auxiliary enter
tainment for Hal Hibbard camp.
U. S. W. D. Armory. 7:30 o'clock.
Mrs. D. X. Beechler Will
Entertain Chapter G
Chapter G of the P. E. O. sister
hood will meet this afternoon at
the home of Mrs. D. X. Beechler.
State and supreme dues will be
I payable at this time.
-3L '
f , V
These are solid , leather
school shoes of extreme dur
ability. Browns and blacks
Values to $4.00.
- i
mgn noes : u
Boys high shoes inchtd- i
ing famous Educators solid Jf
construction go into
Sizes 2V& to 5. Val
?6.w, '
Judge D'Arcy WillGive
Patriotic Address
Jndge Peter L D'Arcy will give
a patriotic address on Friday,
March 18, In Marion. He will
take as his subject "Washington:
His Achievements in the Cause of
Liberty." j
Oft Monday I Judge D'Arcy and
his sister Miss Theresa D'Arcy at
tended the banquet given in Port
land by the Sons and Daughters of
Pioneers in celebration of the 68th
anniversary of the admission of
Oregon to the? anion.
Valentine Dinner Is Served
at the Jnle Ranch
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cole en-
tertained at as informal Valentin
dinner at their; home, the Jul
Ranch, on Monday evening. Covers!
were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Ross
Haramack and little James Minty
and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ham-
mack of South Prairie, Mrs. Jessie
Jones and Miss Mable Creighton
of Jonesmere Farm, Mr. and Mrs.
Edgar, Mr. Miller and Mr. and
Mrs. Chris Ringwald of Salem andj
Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Parsons, Mr
and Mrs. A. L. Lamb and the hosttJ
Mr. and Mrs. Cole.
Willing Workers Plan
Basket Social
The members of the Willinc
Workers class of the First Chris
tian church will sponsor a basket
social at 7:3l o'clock Friday night
at the church.
Hartman Bros. Jewelry Store
Watches, clojrks, rings, pins, dia-
monds, charms, cut glass, silvers
ware. Standard goods. State at
Liberty St. ()
Buyers of
m. ' . . ..." .- , ..... . i
sured of finest working efficiency and "condi
tion: On that we have based our, success. No
need to buyj a new car wKen ' older ones can
le' madi as nood as new.
.'r . 1927 License Free With Every Used Car
1922 FORD Touririg Has shocks, speedometer, spare tire and several
other extras. Two new tires on rear. Top, cushions, battery flf
starter and motor O. K. ...p.........;-.:..........,.... , VvU,
1923 FORD TOURING One man top, lots of extras. A nice CI
running motor and a good value at . ; &
1924 FORD TOURING New paint, good top, oversize cords on CjOft ft
rear. We have gone through this car, inside and out . : v1"
and a good buy at J
tion. - You can save
works.' It's in daily
1922 CHEVROLET TOURING A beautiful grey paint job. We haye done
a lot lof work on this car and it's a little dandy. - Qt OC-
Some extras L . 4)110
.Sld BUICK t pas a new top, new-paint, body or fenders
1 haven't a Tnar; Sold as is; no Hcense.i ..:..:....j; '.
1925 CHEVROLETj' TOURJNCr-r-Long "sjngs, disc dutch,
Dueo finish. Completely overhauled, ; .
1925 CHEVROLET TOURING Sold in October, 1926. Door handles, bat-'
loon tires. You can save $200 on this car. v
- i - -. . . . - . ( . t . ,
1926, A VfittY LAtE I0DEL CHEVROLET COUPE-ias oversize balloon
tires, spare, bumpers and several other extras, rims and looks like a new car
Badger Association Spends j
Delightful Evening at , j
Parish: Hottse ' , .
The members of the Badger as
sociation -held a delightful meet
ing at. St.. Paul's Parish house on
Friday, February 11. Places were
arranged for seventy-five att a
6:30 o'clock-dinner. A business
meeting and program followed.
Several splendid musical numbers
were given and a debate with the
question, "Resolved: That pins
are more , useful than buttons."
Arthur Cu minings and Mrs. P. T.
Bouffleur upheld the affirmative
and R. A. Blevins and Mrs. G. Ed
Ross, the negative. Newell Wil
liams-, as judge, decided in "favor
of hooks. . -
An original. -song composed by
Miss Edna Garfield was sung A3 a
chorus. T. S. McKenzie sang a solo
concerning Wist'orisin of his own
composition. Other musical num
bers were given.-
The Jladtor association meets
twice each year.
Wotnan'x Relief Corps Will
Observe Patriots' JUrthdays
The memlers of -the Woman's
Relief. Corps will 4iold their regul-
lar meeting on Satarday, Febru
ary 13, in iMcCornack "hall. At 3
o'clock the mting will be opened
to the public. At this tine Louise
iKng. patriotic instructor will take
charge' jind conduct a Lincoln
Washington birthday program.
Buster Brown Shoe Store. High
class, stylish looking, comfort-
giving, long wearing shoes for the
least money. ' Come and be con
vinced: 125 N, Com'l. ()
used cars from this
A Few Of Today's Specials:
Some extras, a nice running motor
. .... ..;....... :.... -
SEDAN jLots.of extras. It's
a lot of money on this. A dandy
TOURING Good top, battery-and starter
service. It has a 1927 license on it. All for....J
Vera , Jean Hub'et Celebrate,
Eighth Birthday Anniversary
The Carl Huber home a Sautii .
12th street was the scene of Hi .
merry party on jSaturday afternooa )
when Vfra Jean iiuoer entertamea .
nine of her little friends in honor '
pf her eighth Wrthday. j.
Red candles in crystal holders
and a birthday cake with eight .
lighted candles centered the tabla
where' dainty place cards marked "
places for the little guests.
Mrs. lluber was assisted by her '.
sister, Mrs. R. L. Parker of New-j '
berg, who with her little daugh-
ter, Margaret Lou, came to Salem
for the party.
: Those present were Hslen IIartj -man,
Grace Bailey, Beverly Swartj,
Alieoe Sills, Bernieo and Jcauita
Fitzgerald, Pauline and . Ethel -Craven,
Margaret Lou Parker an
the hostess. Vera Jeau Hnber.
- ... . ', . , ' - :
Mrs. George Martin Is J
Hostess for Ncedlecraft 4
Group, ; ;
The Noedlecraft club met bS
Tuesday at the home of Mrs. -George
Martin, at 1190 South 14ttx
street After an enjoyable after
noon of needlework and conversa- .
(CVrctianed on page 1Q.)
TrJve 'round on Hood Tires. H
"More pleasure and Jess trouble.? ..
The famous Viking - Tires and
Tube have no superior. Malcoin's i
Tire Shop. 205 N. ComH. (),
Take no chan -Jb with old meat ;
or stale food of any kind. Buy your :
meats here and havo the beat and .
freshest obtninaMo and at a mini-!
mum cost. limit C- Shaller, 2G3
N. Com'l. ()"
place are as
in dandy condi
value V
" i
Portland Silk Store
gal em's tJcmCittg Departaaent &tojr
Opposite City Hall - - ' - - Telephone 1003
362 Alder SU