The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 15, 1927, Page 1, Image 1

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    44 to 14,. Was thbifVoie Acainst ZVitQnri pt; to . Repeal rFfch Wheel Law:;,Wov-lWako a'RniGhccJ Job - ofAlt;-
utrem HaverAccomplIces When Going Thrpugh Solpm ? Sise
What Salem ppj?QQTipri 3qir
3f1 Tl
I .WEATHER FORECAST: Rains in -west
jnd n la east -portion; normar temper-'
I ature; fresh, and-strong OBtberiylwlntis on '
Five Italfans J have shot at Mussolini
without hitttnx him and yet the Due talks
of conquerins' the world with such marks
men- " ; . - - - !,
Some scientists can do humanity a lot of '
good, by inventing an. automatl .-windshield
wirer for horn rimmed spectacles. . , ', .A
foat. -Maximum yesterday, 45;-minimum, I
5; riyer.3.7.; ramfall, .01; atmosphere,
cloudy; 'wind,' vest. .
F IMllIti
i : - -. ----- .
;rJcNaryHaiigen Measure
Woufd Be Hard to Enforce
rWlrrtlon of Eqnallwitkm P Is
ltld TroubloHOiw; Iirise Force
of A crnmtat Tlioult
nVASIIIN'flTON; Feb. 14 (AP)
As the house-drew nearer, today
to a vote on theMcNary-lUugan
farm bill. Secretary Mellon out
lined, in a letter "made public at
tne capitol, the dUfciUios he be
lieves would be encountered in en
forcing such, a measure. . v "
: trpnfining himaelf tp an, analysis
of tjhe bill's administrative pro
visions, the treasury secretary esti
mated that its administration
alorie would cpst ahout $800,000
a'yar. not including the cost of
rasris returns and collectlna: the
I equalization fee' and said that a
1 ars lurce 01 avi-uuauiuis, iciaiui-
cal and legal experts, and investi
gating a.gents would be needed.
' "The collection of the equaliza
tion! fee." he said., "will be diffi
lt." s
'Thn secretary's Tlews were set
forth in a letter to Representative
Chindblom, republican, Illinois,
viho had asked. for his opinion. It
p-was! inserted in the congressional
record as the house was conclud
ing general debate on the bill and
clearing the way for a test of
strength through a move to sub
stitute the bill passed by the sen
ate for that before the house.
By this means friends of the
i bill hope to prevent the possibility
.- a filibuster against it in the
lg days of. congress. Should
efljflhouse accept 4 th -senate bill
un-amended, the likelihood of par
liamentary mores against it in
conference between the senate and
house would be removed and the
measure would go dirctly to
President Cooiidge for his approv
al or disapproval. V '
Acting under a recommendation
from the house rules committee,
Chairman Haugen of the agricul
ture committed tomorrow will
move for the' substitution, and the
.vote, on his motion, while not ex-
f pected to be coHClusive of the
(Continued on page S.)
Will Ito Shown Trunk and Grue
some Contrnjts In Jffort to
Find Facts
14. ( A P ) Sullen and defiant,
James Coyner, giant negro serv
ins a prison sentence here tor
grave robbing, today withstood
hours of questioning regarding
four women's skulls found in his
trunk at Ferndale. Mich., De
troit suburb, last week, without
giving any information .to clear up
the mystery..
Tomorrow he will be confront
ed wit h the trunk and its gruer
Home contents. In this ' manner,
Michigan authorities expect to
break down his churlish silence.
Clyde Underwood; prosecuting
attorney of Oakland county, Michi
gan, and George W. Smith, Fern
dale chief of police, tonight sent
for the trunk." Tomorrow Coyner
s,y last week In a house In the Michi
gan city, where he is believed to
have resided several months.. .
Coyner today told his question
ers that be could tell ."about a
lot of murders and murderers."
and then declared he ""would, rathr
er die than tell what he knew..
The convict said he had been
married two or-three times and Is
the father of three children, but
said he did ot know where any
or his children or wives are today.
Coyner denied that he had a
sister in Chliap-rt olthnnffh Emms
fs. Robinson, claiming to be his sis-
jt, received ; letters Xrom mm
vukiogner to. get nis irunn. si
letroit and explaining that it
I might involve him In -further
n trouble if she did not get it. He
denied writing these letters. .r
Senate Votes for Reduction -of One
Cent on Pjoajtal Cards
General revision of the postal
rates was voted tonight by the
senate In adding ' A .: 'series of
amendments to the honse bill pro
posing a reduction from two cents
Jo one cent la.tjerat$'a.p8tal
RIIy KxpctC4l to Coafino Itself
to ifculon of Proced
ure Only
. PARIS, Feb. 14. (AP) Presi
dent .Coolidge's proposal for com
plementary ' naval disarmament
distinct from the general scheme
under consideration by the League
of Nations virtually will be reject
ed -by the French reply, which the
cabinet will; take up tomorrow,
it is understood on the highest
The French government's reply
-will avoid discussion of the merits
of the question as raised by the
Cooiidge note, will confine itself
to discussion of procedure and
will, conclude by stating that it is
impossible to take the question
out of the hands of the league.
Fullest sympathy with the ob
ject of the president's initiative
will be expressed with the promise
of hearty cooperation in any prac
tical? plan, but It will be pointed
out that France, having cooperat
ed in the preparation of a scheme
for general disarmament in the
league commission cannot separ
ate herself from that effort.
. : . ,
General Carmona Sees Improved
Times Ahead of Nation
LISBON, Feb. 14 (AP) Gen
eral Carmona, the Portuguese dlo
tator, who put down rigorously ,the
recent revolts in Lisbon and Opor
to, is convinced that better days
await Portugal if all the more con
servative elements united and ral
lied around the government to aid
in .the difficult work of reforma
tlon of the country. General Car
mona has his quarters in the gen
eral barracks installed in the Ne
cessidades palace, where today he
received the correspondent of the
Associated Press.
Pacification of Portugal, he ex
plained, would be an extremely
trying task, owing to the social
and administrative disorders caus
ed by 16 years of misgovernment
by political parties, who, he said.
'nnfnrtimaBlY thnight, r,0Ta lja
their own interest than that of
the good of the country."
Wife of Almee's Operator Gets
Interlocutory Divorce
Mrs. Ruth Peters Ormiston was
granted an interlocutory decree of
divorce in superior court today
from Kenneth G. -Ormiston, radio
man and a co-defendant in the
recent Aimee Semple McPherson
conspiracy case.
Mrs. Ormiston testified briefly
in court today that her husband
had deserted her on January 22,
1926, and this was corroborated
by two witnesses. H. H. Owens, a
friend of the Ormiston family, de
clared he knew the radio man had
left his wife without her consent.
H. G, Davis, employed with Orm
iston1 by a publishing company,
testified that the farmer Angelus
Temple wirelews operator told him
recently there was no chance for
a reconciliation with his wife.
Representative , MeCourt's Bill
Passes Senate Monday
. The senate Mondav nasd i?t
resentative McCourfa hill TtnH.
ing the time in , which exservice
men may make applications for
cash bonus until June 30, 1930.
The bill also provided that In
cases where service men had ac
cepted a cash bonus thev mav re
turn the bonus, together with in
terest, and receive the benefits of
the loan. This transfer mar h
made under the law anytime prior
iu me year
; Further provision -was made In
the bill that loans mav be naid tn
as provided under the existing
installments rather than anarterlv
law. All loans must be paid by
June i, i9a8.
O 't , n asioclawa Fnu .
- The Ford tax hearings were re
sumed. - . "
The senate delayed' action oh
the McFadden branch banking bill.
General debate in the house on
the McNary-Haugen farm bill was
concluded. '
- ' - : . ' T
Earl ; Carroll, convicted New
York theatrical, manager, asked
the supreme court to review' his
triaL 1
j Representative Lowry of Miss
issippi introdnced a new bill for
operation of Muscle Shoals
-- . , . - ,' . .
- The house ways and means com
mittee reported a bill to license
medicinal liquor manufacturers.
: i Witnesses l ,whO . refrised to tes
tify; fully in Ihe Illlnois-Pennsyl
Vania primary investigations were
recalled by the senate campaign
Only Two Members "Stand
for Continuation of Fund
Voting Group
Organization Spends Mnru Un
necessary Money, Says Sen.
Hell; Dunne and Moser
Friend of Body
A bill providing for abolishment
of the s.tate emergency board
-a . . . - i. m
passea tne senate yesieraay ny a
vote of 27 to 2, President' Corbett
being absent. Senators .Dunne and
Moser were'the twoopponents.
The law creating the state em
ergency board is unconstitutional,
Senator Bell declared, .and has
been expensive to the state.
"I am satjsfied." lie continued,
"that much unnecessary money
has been spent by superintendents
of various institutions and de
partments, thinking that" the em
ergency board would make up de
ficiencies Created after their bud
gets "hd run out. It is ray opin
ion that the state would; save a
large amount of money if. the
board is abolished."
Senator Moser said he could not
agree with Senator Bell's .state
ment that the operations: of the
emergency board had resulted in
"I can see cases where an ap
propriation of $100,000 author
ized in lieu of the emergency
board would not cover legitimate
emergencies," said Senator Moser.
"I view this bill as a move in the
direction of extravagance' rather
than economy. It places an ap
propriation of 5100,000 in the
hands of a more disinterested
"If this bill Is approved it may
result in special sessions of the
legislature at a heavy cost to the
taxpayers. I think we may safe
ly trust the emergency board as it
(Continued on page 2.)
Japanese Woman Faces Murder
Trial for Death of Okada
PORTLAND, Feb. 14. (AP)
Charges of first degree murder
were filed tonight against Mrs
Mary Hiraga, 25, Japanese kinder
garten teacher, who last night
killed Masao Okada, insurance
Mrs. Hiraga declared to police
tonight that she killed the man
when he attempted to attack her
in her apartment. When she re
fused the man admittance to her
room, she said, he broke the door
in an grabbed her.
' Jlp
One Roily Recovered;.- Rescuers
WorkInKHeroically; Ovy-
gen Pumped
POTTSVILLE, Pa,, Feb. 11
(AP) Six of the nine men caught
behind a fall of coal and rock to
day in the gangway of the Reven
Run mine, 16 miles from here,
were rescued unhurt, one body
was recovered, and. two men were
still entombed tonight..
A large -squad of men worked
heroically to reach the entombed
miners. Oxygen was pumped
through pipes into the pocket
where they were cut off, but no
communication had been estab
lished with them. Ambulances
awaited at the mouth of the mine
and doctors and nurses were ready
to give Jirst aid should the en
tombed men be found alive.
Every official of the mine and
all. available miners and laborers
were engaged in the rescue work
They wielded picks and shqvels In
cutting away at the fallen breast
of coal and worked in short shifts.
A little group of women and
childreu, families of the trapped
miners, clung to the sides of. the
hill around the mine in suspense.
Rescuers were unable to esti
mate how long It would take to
reach the entombed men.
Former Canadian Spent 22 Years
in Successful Practice"
Thomas M. Brown, prominent
Salem attorney since 1904, will be
burled tomorrow In St. Barbara
cemetery. He died In Portland
Sunday afternoon, suffering from
a tumor on the brain.
Mr. Brown was born in Ontario,
Canada, of a distinguished family
of barristers, one of whom is" a
member of parliament In Ottawa.
After a brilliant record he came
to Oregon in 1903 and settled in.
Woodburn, but came a year later
to this city where he had since
lived, carrying on his law practice.
Mr. Brown is survived by his
yite.- iwo sonjs, one. ..daughter,
three brothers, three sisters,' be
sides many friends, both in busi
ness and club circles. He was a
member of BPOB 336, WOW,
Catholic Foresters, Knights of Co
lumbus and Illlhee country club.
Senator Joseph has Introduced
a resolution In the senate provid
ing in cases where candidates for
a public office at a primary elec
tion receive, a majority of all the
votes cast they would be declared
elected and be relieved of making
the race at the general election.
PORTLAND, Feb. 14 (AP)
Dr. S. M. Bar bee, .member and
former president of the state board
of health, died suddenly; at his
home here last night. Death is
said to have been caused by heart
President and Cashier of Bank
.Reported Held in Hafford,
SAFFORD, Arizona, Feb. 14.
(AP) If two residents ot Flor
ence, Ore., wanted in connection
kith the closing of a bank there
Are in these parts, it is news to
(iraham county authorities. The
Sheriff's off jce disclaimed all
knowledge of the whereabouts ot
llenry Bergman and Harriett
Weatherson and tonight M. T.
Stinsou, night watchman, said
quite candidly that the county jail
)vas empty.
Stinson had - never heard of
Bergman and Miss Weatherson
but said he would hunt up the
sheriff again and see if he had
received a telegraphic for their
arrest. Sheriff H. M. Tate had
not been located 'at an early hour
EUGENE.' Ore , Feb 14. (AP)
Henry Bergman and Miss Harriett
Weatherson, president and cash
ier, respectively, of the Lane Coun
ty State Bank at Florence, were
trrested at Safford, Arizona, to
ay on a charge of embezzlement,
according to word received by
Sheriff Taylor. They will be
brought back here for trial, it was
stated at the sheriff's office.
f Bergman and Miss Weatherson
are charged with embezzling funds
of the-bank, which was alleged by
Miss Weatherson to have been rob
bed a few weeks ago. She said
that she was held up by a lone
bandit and locked up in the vault,
the robber taking more than 120,
f 00 in cash and travelers' checks.
A week afterward she and Berg
man disappeared in a borrowed
Automobile which was located at
Fresno, Cal., a day or so after
ward. The couple abandoned it
there and took the train for Ariz
ona, it was learned at the sher
iffs office.
Measure Aims To Protect China
Pheasants Until Next Term
House bill 3.62, changing .the
season on china pheasants, was
passed in the night se.sion of the
house last Jiight with only 15 dis
senting votes..
The new law would read, the
season shall be open each Wed
nesday and each Sunday of inter
vening weeks from October 15 to
November 15. The bag limit for
each day remains at four, al
though the clause governing the
season total has been changed to
rule that not more than eight be
in the bag for seven ' consecutive
days, of which only two shall be
There will be no open season
in Lincoln, Tillamook, Clatsop and
Curry counties, nor in game dis
trict 2, except in Union, Umatilla,
Baker, Grant, Malheur, Morrow,
Klamath, Hood River, Wasco, and
Wallowa counties.
Agreement Between U
Concerhing Concessions
- Clow Ended
ForelKa Minister Clien and
0Malley ; Refuse to. tloin
ment; Negotiations Will
Not Be ReHuniel
HANKOW, Feb. 14. (AP)
Great Britain landed troops at
Shanghai today and simultaneous
ly it was announced at the nation
alist (Cantonese) foreign office
here that the agreement between
the two governments concerning
the British concessions at Han
kow and Kiukiang remained un
signed. While the negotiators," Foreign
Minister Chen of the nationalist
government and Owen O'Malley,
British charge d'affaires, refused
to make- a statement - concerning
their -conference, it was reported
that their negotiations would not
he resumed.
i These conferences were first
suspended several days ago jwhen
Foreign Minister Chen insisted
that Great Britain give assurances
that she would not land troops at
Shanghai before he would sign the
agreement regarding the British
concessions. - The , agreement
would have yielded administrative
control of the; concessions to the
nationalist government, Great
Britain retaining certain privileges
calculated to safeguard the in
terests of her nationals. The
agreement as . to the concessions
was thought to have been a pre
liminary precedent to the negotiat
ing' of a treaty that would! have
carried Great Britain's recogni
tion of the .nationalist govern
ment, hntthis was not stated of
ficially. :
. As a result-of the breaking of
negotiations, the British cqnees
sions at Hankow and Kiukiang
remain in the administrative con
trol of the nationalist government,
with the British residents doing
some business. The concessions
were, overrun early in January by
coolie crowds in anti-foreign Idem
onstrations. British residents
were forced out of their districts,
and many departed to other cities
for. safety. The nationalist
thorittes then took oyer control of
the concessions.
Important City Of Matagalpa Cap
tured; March On Managua
MANAGUA, Feb. 14. (AP)
The main body of the liberal forc
es has reached Matagalpa, a) city
of strategic importance and rank
ed second in importance only to
the Nicaraguan capital.
1 General Moncada, having de
feated the conservatives at
Perlas, ascended the -Grande and
Escondido river alleys toward
Matagalpa, with Managua as his
final objective. - I
.The exact number, of soldiers
engaged on each- side is in doubt.
Praiou estimates seemed to in
dicate that the conservatives
numbered the liberals. Now it ap
pears that ihe opposite is trtte.
?v - 1 1 1 v " i ;
-The- Virghs Man"- CaUed Inde
cent; JtKht Hejd In Case(
- ' I '
' NT3W VfflfK J?fth 1 4 .f APli4
The manager and' the entire least
of5"Tho Virgin JkIan,"one of three
plays which was ' raided in last
week's stage cleanup campaign.
Were held for trial in "special, ses
sions today "ou- charge, of violat
ing laws against indecent stage
prodootlons. Bail ot ihe eight
fendants. was. continued. J
Those ( arrairiged were WHIIana
Duga, co-author and manager,! and
Dorothy Hall, .Virginia Smith, iDon
Dillaway. , Betty-,. Alden, , Joseph
Dalrd, Paul CJare and Charles
Horn. i '
?-::-sx .... . . " ?. - .--if,-.
One Killed, Several , Injured, In
. Explosion, at 7'exas Tqwxi t
-BORGER, Tex., Feb. 14.-r
( AP ) A terrific explosion here
about 11 o'clock, tonight wounded
several persons and jarred sleep
ers from their ; beds, besides de
molishing practically every plate
glass window in town.; It waa be
lieved that the-explosion waa at
nitroglycerine depot. . -
4 One unidentified white man was
killed.; by ; a boulder, cast . a senile
and a halX Xrom the nitrogJycertne
magazine' two ,mile west ot here,
B:ia body -.was practically severed;
f .The blast tore, & hole two , hun
dred; feet deep and.' wiped - away a
section of; the hill on which It
took place." i . -iK;
Senator ITpton jlakes Stronjc Fight
for- Measure; JWpuld Tax
t Premiums'
The so-called firemen and " p-
1 Icemen's pension bill introduced
by Senator Dunne was lost in the
senate yesterday by one Vote, in
spite of a fight by Senator Upton
to have it passed over an adverse
report of the insurance committee.
Fifteen, senators,- one less than the
constitutional majority, voted tor
it.' . . ';. .. ' " ..
The bill provided a small tax
on premiums of insurance com-,
panies operating in Oregon, and
would apportion the money there
from among .cities having the fire-;
men and policemen pension sys
tem In operation'.
"This bill should pass, said
Senator Upton; "ir only because of
fast work from some Multnomah
county delegates. The Adverse re
port was returned lor the sole pur
pose of killing the bill. The fire
men and policemen of Oregon are
doing a great1 public service and
they should have some considera
, Senator Klepper took exception
to the remarks of Senator Upton.
"It appears to me," said Sena
tor Klepper, "that Senator Upton
is attempting to grab some glory
at the expense of the Insurance
Senator Klepper then explained
that the insurance committee had
held several hearings on the bill
and that it had been given care
ful consideration, lie said tne at
torney general had held that the
proposed law. : if passed, would be
Senators Bailey, Bell1 and, Bntt
objected to the bill on the grounds
that any tax that might be levied
5 (Canthmed on p 4.J
Suit Filed to Break Will of Wil
liam Nelson McCUntodc '
CHICAGO, Feb; 14 :AP)A
plot formed 18 years ago which
involved his slaying of two per
sons who stood in the' way of his
possession of their $1,000,000 es
tate- waa 1 attriDuted to -Wiinam
rinrltne- fihnnherd in a SUlt filed
today to hr,eak the'w 111 of William
Nelson: aicClintock, tne "million-
flirA nrnjian.'1 i . 1
Shepherd was acquitted of the
murder ot tne youtn, wnose oeaw
ho. vna sllos'nd. tn hflVA caused bV
administering typhoid germs, hut
the ghost of jthat long criminal
court battle arose today to stais
him nnnneeted with the allegation
that in 1900 he fed the - boy's
mother, Mrs. jsmma catnerine aic-
CMrttno'U. n. fatal dose Of OOlsOn.
The suit was filed in behalf of
eight cousins; and, in addition,- to
Shepherd, ..named as ; defendants
the two cousins who ma not par
tlcinate. Mrs. t Julie M. Shepherd.
and Miss Isabelle Pope, who was
fffaneAl tn ;"RUlv" McClintock
and who was willed ail annuity of
: !r-' . 4 '-- Mt
Army Engineer Will Probe rra
posed Span In Portland joon
PORTLAND, Feb. 14 (AP)
A hearing on the Long view bridge,
recently authorized by congress.
will he held, in Portland March 15
before MajoriR. T, Coiner, United
States army engineer, , and repre
sentative ot the 'secretaries of
commerce and agriculture. Spec!
flcatIon8 f or thebrldge which will
be a steel structure between Long'
view,.; Wash., and Rainier, Ore.,
will be .discussed at the meeting.
Portland interests, which opposed
the bridge, insist that it shall "be
ot sufficient" height and clearance
between piers I to" prevent It from
obstructing navigation on the Co
lumbia river between Portland and
the Pacific 'ocean. r - -
Major (joiner said that presuma
bly the rfcecretarieS ' of !' war, com
merce and' .agriculture would pass
finally upon the plans and speclfi-j
cations, as the bin passed: by, con
gress provides that they shall' ap-
Domfnlck Boycr field by San Fran-
- , Cisco Police mm SospecC
SAN-. FRANCISCO; ; Feb.' ; 14.
(AP)-Domlnick Boyer was ar
rested here tonight for Investiga
tion, In connection with the "dark
strangler" vmnrdersi' He denied
knowledge of the inurders which
have terrorized Paclfio coast wom
en for months, but was held on a
Charge of vagrancy with bail set
at 91000, while police; checked his
activities. : -".'vl:f "
Senator - Edwards Oppoao Jleor
gandzatiOB g.ProhttItloM ,-y1 '
Passage M the house prohibition
reorganization bill was blocked in
the senate tonight by .Senator Ed
wards .democrat. New 'Jersey,, al
though other wet senators relent'
ed to .their opposition and: agreed
to let It pass. 4
Measure to License Vheefs
Defeated in Vote Yester
day Af ternoofi '
Sponsor, Of Proposal . " tempts
-T Jrovc Mislead: . .cip-
itnda XTsel At t Uit.i ..1
j Election .Of lOUti
s 4
The house yesterday by trHs
of 44 ! to 14 kUled ' the JRobert
bUl tor licensing fish wheels Ih
the .Columbia,-thus closing alight
whieh has lasted during most of
the present session.
'After the bill' had been made- in. .
special order of business for $1
o'clock in the afternoon a three
honr argument ensued. . ! " '
Representative Roberts', who In-'-troduced
the blU, ' aUentpte'd -to
prove that misleading propaganda
was .spread ' that resulted In ' pas- ;
sage- of the act. prohibiting -flsh-i
Wheels at the last general elections
A compact between Oregon and)
Washington fpr bringinr peace 'out
the Columbia - river was. .entered ,
into years ago, Mr. Roberta said;
and hlam.ed. the hill for prohibitlnje
purse seine in 1921 to agitators
who wished for turmoil. Agitator
also originated the 192 6 measure
far ' abolishing flshwheels, be
claimed. . . ? V -
A fraction oyer 0 per cent bf the
fish , taken, in the Columbia river
are caught by jfishwheels, ho said.
Those who wish fi&hwheels al
lowed have contended all throng
the session that the fishermen
themselves, who pay a ponndago
tee .of ne half, a 'cent. a. pound
which goes to the propogationc
fnndil are the people who pay for
the fish In the streams. : ,
".On. the joiher .hand those, op
posed ; to commercial' fishing ' in
streams ,ln Oregon say abey Wish
t9 pcotect and save one of ..the
greatest natural resources Oregon,
has. " ' - ' ..-.
Itepresentative Allen objected
to 1 what he termed ' lobbying
against the bill yesterday In thei
form 'of cards- which were distric
ted ' every member relating ,.the
(Cootlsaed sa pass 8.) ' -
California. Firm. Announces Acqui
sition of Banlc Patent on
NEW YORK, Feb. 14. (AP)
Imminent possibility of a "talklnfe
movie war" was? forecast In state
ments to the Associated Press' to
day. ' .: : - ".- f ' 5 ?:.
There are apparently four com
panies Involved in patent disputes,
with another company using a de
vice based on a different theory, on '
neutral territory. :
: The Radio Corporation of Am
erica' in association with4 the Gen
eral Electric company' and Weat
Inghonse Electric and Manufactur
ing company. Is sponsor of : the
latest" talking movie" apparatus.
The Deforest phonpfilms, the-Fox-Chase
company, "and ' the Federal
Telegraph' company, of California, '
each sponsor of other devices oper
ated On 6. more- or less, similar
principled The Vltaph6ne" company
uses a record- for the talking' part
of its talking 1 movie instead ot
photographing sdund on 'the movie
film as the others do, and so is out
of-the controversy. ; - , . ,
-'" The 5 California company recent
ly announced that it had obtained
basic patents which " gave It ex
clusive rights to certain features
of the filming of pictures and
sonnd.? ?Thev' Radio Corporation,
group promptly announced that-it.
is ''proceeding energetically' with
ita plans for commercial installa
tion of its' system. - - - ' t
- "Today officials ot the Deforest'
company announced that! it held
basis patents antedating all others
and that it would "sue anybody:
anywhere who7 raises his head" to
Infringe those patents; ' - v
Two sults W. E7. Waddell, man
ager of the' Deforest company, said
already had been filed and others
would follow The suits already
begun are against , the Fox-Chaao'
company; and action, it was stated
will Inevitably be started against.;
the General Electric group. .
; Officials ", of the compnai
against which-' action Is threaten-,
ed' decline' to make any statement '
beyond""" their previous . remarks
thaf they were going ahead, each
with' Its own1 device. )
-Officers here of tho California'
company, whlcht has Issued two ;
statements In . the past 10 days -about
basic patents, would not pay ;
whether: they too, plan restrain-f
Ing" actions against the other com- -'
panies pending consultation Willi .
their attorneys. '
- f