The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 13, 1927, Page 7, Image 7

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FEBRUARY 13, 1927
Several Salary Increase
Bills Laid on Table as
Senators Rush Home
,:rs li
Tbt absence of nine members
of the senate, tearing only a bare
quorum mi their desks, eliminated
any attempt to handle Important
measures at the Saturday after
noon session. The afternoon ses
sion was held despite an attempt
to adjaurn before noon until Mon
day morning. "
Senators, other than those who
were excused, who failed Co at
tend the afternoon session of the
senate included Bell, Dnnne, Hall,
Joseph. Klepper and Moser. Sen-
Viators Banks. Beats and Butler
f fwere excused by the president of
'the senate last; night because of
Vkslness matters requiring their
'n attention In other parts of the
state today.
At the request of Senator Butt
a house bill constituting the state
board of control as purchasing
agent for the state was laid on
the table until Monday. It was
explained by- Senator Butt that
this bill was of more than passing
Importance and should not be con
sidered without a full attendance
In the senate.
Another house bill laid on the
table until Monday provided for
increasing the salaries of the dep
uty secretary of state," "deputy
stats treasurer,' private secretary
to the governor and state tax com
missioner from f 300 to $4000 a
year. It originally was intended
that the salaries of these officials
should be fixed by the state board
of control, but the bill later; was
amended. . A number of senators
objected to removing the salary
limitation in connection with the
employment of these officials.
It was said that Governor Pat-
literson recently went before the
rannmfttee on nubile offices and
(7,(urged that this bill be reported
Vtat favorably. The senate also
fc . . - - T
Vlaid on the table until Monday a
bill introduced by the Washing
ton joint delegation providing for
Increasing the salaries of certain
Washington county officials. Sen
ator Hare said this bill was of
considerable importance, and
should be given a fair chance.
The senate this afternoon in
definitely postponed a bill intro
duced by Senator Bailey authoriz
Ing an appropriation of $50,000
for the ; purpose of erecting a
-woman's building at the Old Sol
diers home. This bill was spons
ored by the women's relief corps.
wflva ami rriAnna cnmnilttpp
'.- .Li . . , . , ...
fiea oiniavoraDiy on ia -owi.
The senate adjourned at. 2:50
until Monday morning at 10:30.
Ishings- ihop March 1, following
an Inspection of, ten leading cities
in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho
In which Salem ranked first in bis
estimation. i
This latest addition to Salem's
business section cuts off another
commercial firm from a Washing
ton city, for Mr. Wilson came to
Spokane ! from Chicago, planning
to make that bis permanent home.
Conditions there did not justify
his stay.
The Dixie Bakery leads on high
class ; breads, pies, cookies and
fancy baked supplies of every
kind. Best by test. Ask old cus
tomers. 439 Court St. ()
Students Assigned
! Practice Teaching
Problems Common To All Ciroclee
To Come l'p For Solution
New Women's5 Apparel Shop
to Open in Oregon Building
Hawkins & Roberts, Inc.,. own
ers of the Oregon building,: an-
f nounped yeBterday that theyj had
1 leased the west section of their
vnewly completed store rooms on
State; street to S. A. WIlson of
A Spokane.
MONMOUTH, Feb. 12. (Special)
Students enrolled In the ele
mentary course at the Monmouth
normal school, who are now ready
to take practice work for the com
ing six weeks, have been assigned
to the following rural centers and
will I begin this period of actual
teaching on Monday the 14th. Un
der the direction of an expert
rural supervisor these students
will receive sufficient training to
enable them to secure a one year
teacher's certificate upon comple
tion I of their elementary course.
Problems common to all rural
schools will come up for solution
in a actual rural school environ
ment And the benefits of this short
course to the student teacher is
beyond question.
Students assigned to Valsetz are
Myra Adcock, Barbara Benton,
Lena Colwell, Feryl Frey, Elsie
Foudray, Lillian Oarnjobst. Fern
Hazeltine. Zelma Kennedy, Leon a
Libel, Nora Lofton, Iola Smith. Al
ma Swearingen, Pearl Turnidge,
Marvel Ward. Evangeline Willett
and ! Lorena Wishard. Those as
signed to Eola are Mrs. Iram
Barekley, Nellie Beugli and Elsa
Erickson. Elkins School, Agnes
Arney, Phyllis Dickensen, Gladys
Fillpot, Edelweiss Flyn, Clyde Mc-
Daniel. Mildred Merz and Grace
Richards. Falls City, Clara Bagby
Delta Drinkard, Virginia Fisher.
Nancy Konenen. Katheriner Ford,
Rose Hazar, Marion Ilomewood,
Sara Jullum, Elmer Richards
Lucille Smith. Anita Sperber, Ruth
Telle. Claire Wagner, Helen
Wright and Margarite Young
Rickreall. Elnora Arndt, Bessie
Bramlet, Bertha Buford, Elma
Burnett, Margarite Burnett. Mar
garet Coleman, Rigmorejohnson,
Emil Lawery, Constance Levins,
Edna Luttrell. Gladys Magill, Ruth
McKee, Florence Nystrom, Lucille
Orlans, Wilma Owen. Eleanor Par
ry; Betth Richards and Irene Rob
inson.' Fair PUy, Edith Earls,
Esther Martinson. Martha ;McCul
locji and Mrs, Ef fie Wright. Oak
Point, Ruth Chapman, Mrs. Zeta
Lawrence, Helen Magers and
Maurice Moore. Farm Home,
Bertha Calger, Dean Harding, Avis
Johnson, Louis McEwen, Alice
Murpby, Christine Murray, Viola
Pepiot, Mary E. Peterson, Eva
Poole. Camille Slyter, Bertha Star
mer and Gladys Waller. x
Mr.; Wilson will open an el
usive millinery "and ladies furn-
Hurry, Mother! Bemore poi
sons from little stomach,
liver, bowels
Give ; California Fig Syrop"
at once if bflions or
r constipated
. Look at the tongue, mother! If
coated. It is a sure sign that your
little one's stomach, liver . and
bowels need a gentle, thorough
cleansing at once.
When ; peevish, cross, listless,
pale, doesn't sleep, doesn't eat or
act naturally, or Is feverish, stom
ach sour, breath bad: has stom
ach-ache, sore throat, diarrhoea.
lull ot cold, gire a teaspoonfnl of
"California Fig Syrup," and ta a
Jfew hours all the foul, constipated
f jraste. undigested food and sour
A bile gently moves out of the little
Dowels without griping, and yon
have a well, playful child again.
: Yon. needn't coax sick children
to take this harmless, "fruity lax-
aure;" they lore its delicious
V, taste, and It always makes them
pveel splendid. r
7Jt Ask your druggist for a bottle
- of "California Fig Syrup," which
nas directions for babies, children
i or ail ages and for grown-ups
! plainly on the bottle. Beware of
t counterteits sold here. To be sure
I you get the genuine,' ask to see
I that it Is made by the "California
i Fig Syrup Company." Refuse any
Speaker Would Have Affairs
of State Conducted on
Business Basis
The business of the state of
Oregon ought to be run like any
other big business, not like a
three ring circus. John II. Carkin,
speaker of the house of represen
tatives, declared in a talk, before
the Lions lub at its luncheon
With respect to the administra
tive branch, Carkin listed the mul
titudinous boards and commis
sions, many of them appointed by
agencies other than the governor
and responsible to nobody. The
state's business ought to be in the
hands of the governor find a few
boards, the heads of which would
be appointed by the governor and
members of a cabinet, Carkin con
cluded. Among the improvements that
should be made in the legislative
branch, he said that the session
should lengthen so that real con
sideration could be. given to all
laws coming before it; the mem
bers should be paid adequately so
that none would have an excuse
for "living off the ' corporations"
while in Salem, a practice which,
he added, is extremely rare. as it
is; and the number of stenogra
phers and clerks in the house and
senate should be cut to no more
than one-fifth of the present al
lotment. r-
Carkin pledged himself to sup
port the bill calling for a new
state office building.
Army and Ontlng 8tore. Biggest
bargains In clothing, shoes, under
wear, hosiery, gloves, valises and
wit eases. The working man's
4tore. 188 N. Commercial. (
The Opera Hons Drug Store.
Service, quality, low prices, friend
ship give increasing patronage.
Old customers advise friends to
trde here. High and Court.
o- : o
i bttkDay mornhtq
10:25-12:30 KUW, (491). Church serr
12:30-1:30 KTBB (263). Organ con
cert. 2:00-3:00 KXL (4O0). Mnsic.
3:OO-5:O0 KEX (447). Concert orches
tra. 3:00-4:00 KTBR, (263). Concert orche
trm. 4:00-5:00 KXL. Concert trk.
4 :00-6 :00 KG W. . Salon orchestra.
4:30-6:00 KFWV (218). Musical pro-
5K0-:!00 KEX. CVireh service.
6 300-8:00 KEX. Dinner mnsie.
6iOO-7:00 KOIN. Organ recital.
:00S:00 KFWV. Orchestra.
6:00-7:30 KGW. Concert orchestra from
7:00-8:00 KTBR. Concert orchestra.
7:30 8:00 KGW. Church serrices.
7:50-9:00 KOIX. Church services.
8:00-9:00 KEX. Studio program and
. time signal.
8:00-9:00 KTBR. Light opera and popu-
i lar selections. ,
0:00-11:00 KGW. Little Symphony or-
j ehestra.
9 1 00-10:00 KOIN. Orchestra concert of
1 sacred and elasial musie.
KOMO Seattle (306). 6, 7:50, 9:X5.
KP.SN Pasadena (318). 6.
KFSD San Diego (843). 6:30, 7. 8. 9.
KFWO Aralon 211). 6, 8, 9:13.
KrfTt Seattle (384). 6, 6:15. 8:45. 9.
KKWB Hollywood (252 . 7:30, 8.
KHJ Lot Angeles (405). 7, 8.
KOA Denver (321). 5:30, 6:50.
KOO Oakland (881). 6:UO, 7:30. 7:35.
19. .
ftn I.o AngeWm (467). 6. 7, 8. 9, 10.
KPO Ban Francisco (428). 6, 6:30.
i :S5. 8:35, 10.
KFOX Loa Baacfc (332). , 6:20, 6:55.
j 7, 7:45. 9. ) ;
KFgz-lHollywood (226). 8. .
KFSG Vrm Anreles (27). 6:30. 8. 10.
KTAB Oakland (303). 7:45.
KMTR Hollywood (370). 3:30, 6. 6:30.
! 7. 8. , .'
KNX Holly wa (837). 6:30. T. 8, 9
KFWI--San Francisco (850). 6:30, 7:
0. .
KTBI Los Angelos (294). 6, 7:15.
7:15-7:80 KGW. (491). Setting up ex
I reiaea.
10:00-11:30 KGW. Town Crier, mule,
I household helps. - i
11:00-13:00 KOIN. (319). Domestic
acience talks" and aaiaie.
2:00 KFEC (252). Weather reports.
12:30-1:30 KGW. Keen concert.
1:80 2:0O KTBB (263). Kousewires"
i ' hoar.- v .. ,
2:00-3:00 KXt, (400).: Mnsle. " K
8:00-4 :00 KOIN. News, aansie. - f
4:00-5:00 KFEC. Music
4:80-6:00 KFWV (312). Twilite hour.
5:00-6:00 KTBB. Childrea'a prorram.
: :OO-7:O0 KFWV (212). Twilite hour.
6. -00-6:30 KTBB (263). mriat guide.
6:00-7:00 KOIN (819). rgaa recital.
6:00-7:00 KGW (491). Concert.
S:30-7:0 KXL, (4CH). ICusic.
6:80-8.00 KEX 447K pinner auatie.
7:00-7:20 KOIX, Amusement suggea-
tiont. 'Ilk-
7:00-:00 KFWV. Aatliaent guide.
7:00-7:30 KGW. Children a. pregraam.
T .00-7 :J KTBB. H-alU, lecture.
7:s-:is khk, (263). Evening
. .v-,r au. voeavi ntu, m ..,
8 :00- :00 K FWV. - Quartet.
8:00-9:00 KOlJt. Studid prograau
8. -00-8:30 KXL. PlavUi
8:15-10:15 KGW. PorrJssa Symphony
(Continued from page 1.)
extreme difficulty remain to be
Whether President Coolidge, in
the event of failure of the five
power plad at Geneva, would re
vert to the Informal Japanese
suggestion for a three power limi
tation on cruiser tonnage an be
tween Great Britain, the United
States and Japan, no official will
predict. It was said flatly today.
however, that the five power plan
was the only proposal now under
consideration, and that no deci
sion as to the future could be
made except in the light of devel
opments at Geneva.
The exact terms in which any of
the four governments communi
cate their acceptances of the
American proposals may prove of
great significance. No official
word has yet reached the state de
The house foreign affairs com
mittee approved today the admin
Titration request for $75,000 to
pay expenses of continued Ameri
can cooperation with the Geneva
disarmament conference. Should
the naval negotiation plan be ac
cepted by" the naval powers in
time. It appears probable that additional-appropriations
will - be
asked because enlarged naval and
technical staff will be necessary. I
A movement developed in the
committee to attach to the legisla
tion a clause designed to place the I
AmAt .n.ltl. . .VI. llt'
tion project on the agenda being
formulated by thje preparatory
conference for the prospective
general disarmament conference
contemplated by the League tt
Nations. But the plan was aban
TROOP i. 6 H
Abrams Gives Address on
Abraham Lincoln; Pro
gram For Saturday
Monmouth, Feb. 12. (Special)
Dr. Wm. Levin, of Port lad n paid
tbe Oregon Normal school at Mon
mouth an official visit Friday in
connection with his work on tile
state health board. Dr. Levin as
sisted the normal health depart
ment in reading the results of the
Schick test given the students re
cently. The percent nge of im
munity was unsually low for such
a. large group of students, but is
due to the large enrollment of
students from rtiral districts
where susceptibility to diphtheria
Is always large. Only 2C per cent
of the ; students; taking the test
are immune, whereas at least 40
per cent should be the average.
Of. the 34 taking the test, 253
were susceptible and 9 3 immune.
Sixty-one children in the training
school! took the test and Dr.
Levin found but 15 cases of im
munity. Toxin-anti-Toxin treat
ments will be given at an early
date, and approximately 90 per
cent are assured becoming im
mune. "
The Dalles Protests
Class Rate Increases
Citiiens of The Dalles have sent
letters to the public service com
mission protesting against pro
posed increases : in class rates
Sought by the Oregon-Washington
Railroad & Navigation com
pany. -The. new rates will become
effective'' February1 17 unless sus
pended by the commission.
BOSTON, Feb. 12. CAP)
Willie Hoppe retained his world's
18.2 balk line billiard champion
ship tonight by defeating Welker
Cochran of Los Angeles, 1500 to
1315. in their match for the title.
At Shipley's the ladles of Salem
have satisfied themselves that they
tan get the finest fall an1 winter
rockH. cost and J rfwtvei r
hiiwn in ihi fity; t )
SILVERTOW Orel. Feb. 12.
(Specials With the coming or
spring the'4 attention of Silvertpi
athletes is' turning' toward base
ball, "and 'every vacant lof has be
come a ball ground. Reports are
that the Silv'erton high school has
some promising material - for " a .
high schol team.
C. F. Breithaupt. florist and
decorator. PI 2 State. Phone 380.
Flowers, bulbs, floral designs for
all occasional Pioneer and leader
in Salem. ()
CONCORDIA, Kan.. Feb.. 12. x
AP) Two )-obbers held up the'
Agenda, Kansas, State bank today
and. escaped jwith 19000. . " .,
Classified Ads Bring Results
Boy scouts of troop No. 6 and
their "dads" enjoyed the annual
father and son -banquet, held in
connection with scout anniversary
week, Saturday evening at the
YMCA dining room. Temporary
"dads" were assigned to somebf
the boys whose fathers were un
able to attend.
This troop, df which Robert
Brady is scoutmaster, has observ
ed the full anniversary week pro-:
gram, including attendance at
church as a group, last Sunday.
The troop is sponsored by tbe Kl
wants club.
At the suggestion of Lewis
Campbell, the father of two mem
bers of this troop, a father's or
ganization which will include the
fathers of all of the members is
to be formed, one activity of
which will be to visit the troop s
summer camp in a body, it was
agreed among those who attend
ed. The principal address of the
evening was delivered by Col.
Carle Abrams, who discussed the
character and , achievements of
Abraham Lincoln, whom he de
scribed as "the greatest man who
ever lived." The lesson which
boy scouts draw from a study of
Lincoln's life is that of the scout
motto, "Be prepared," he said.
Another speaker was ,Fred
Thielsen, who stressed the oppor
tunities which scouting gives to.
the boy of today. Gerald Day.
one of the scouts, followed with a
talk in which he assured the
"dads" that the boys do apprec
iate these opportunities. Byrcfa
Wright gave the boys gome
pointers on the problems which
will face them when they enter
Each "dad" present was called-
upon for criticisms' gad suggetf
tions, but their responses were
principally expressions of appreci
ation for the benefits which the
scout organization and Scoutmas
ter Brady are giving their sons.
This Is one troop in which the
"daily good turn" Is taken seri
ously, it developed, for each scout
had an answer ready when called
upon to tell of his good turn.
These ranged from helping a boy
who cannot walk to get to and
from school, to that of one rather
small boy who gave his seat in a
street car to a full grown man.
Women Need
a Mild Laxative
-Wot a'Thysic"
Countless girls and women now
know how foolish and needless it
is to "purge" and -physic" them
selves to avoid sick headache, diz
ziness, biliousness, sallow skin,
colds, or sour, gassy stomach.
They have found that Dr. Cald
well's Syrup Pepein helps to es
tablish natural bowel "regularity"
even for . those heretofore chroni
cally constipated. Dr. Caldwell's
Syrup Pepsin not only causes a
gentle, easy bowel movement but,
best of all, it never gripes, sickens
or upsets the most delicate girl or
woman. ' Besides, it is absolutely
harmless and so pleasant that even
a cross, feverish, bilious, sick,
child gladly takes it.
Buy a large 60 -cent bottle at
any store that sells medicine or
write "Syrup Pepsin," Monticello.
Illinois, for a FREE SAMPLE
BOTTLE and just see for yourself.
Dr. Caldwell's,
' - : - ; .' Adv.
7 ! '.... V
The Opening of the
Rear of Grease Spot, entrance on Liberty between
. . State and Ferry."
' . 1 - Parking Space , . .
20c a Day3 a Mon)h
f Complete Lubrication Service '
Gas Oils 1 - -'
The Grease Spot
Service Station Parkins: Space
167 So. Liberty .; R A. FRASIER, Prop.
Closing Out of Thbuscqids of Pairs of
sJy J 2
at ;
TJhe Price Shoe
Every pair in the store must go regardless j of former cost. We are getting ready to go
to our new location and all shoes in our present stock must be disposed of.
Men's Florsheim
TVlen's black or tan calf
oxfords, large selection
of styles, all sizes.' These
are sold regular at $12.
Our price to close
Ladies' Pumps
and Oxfords
Latest styles, noyelty de
signs, also Hanan and
Arch-preservers. Regu
lar $13.50 and $15.00
$9.95 and $10.95
Men's Brown
"r Kid Shoes
A.n exceptional $9.00 val
ue. Practically all sizes.
Get a pair now at
Children's Shoes
All styles of children's
.shoes must go regardless
of cost. Buy them now at
Closing Out Prices
Women's House
Entire stock : kid, satin
and felt, all styles, sizes
and colors. Regular $2.00
to $4.00 values
65c to $1.95
Women's Galoshes
Women's gray galoshes,
very latest style. Regular
$6.00 values, closing out
Men's Tan and
Black Oxfords
Men's tan calf oxfords,
new up-to - the - minute
styles, single soles. ' A
wonderful value, sold
regular at $9.00. Will go
at closing prire of
Men's House
. Slippers
Entire stock of men's
felt house slippers must
Regular $3.00 values
goat ;
Regular $4.00 values
- go at
$195 i
Men's Florsheim
. i Oxfords
Dozens of styles of men's
Florsheim Oxfords in black
or tan calf. Latest lasts
sold, as you know, regular
at $10.00 everywhere. Clos
ing out price
Men's Hanan
Men's , Hanan shoes, tan
Norwegian calf, double
soles, a- heavy winter shoe,
a wonderful value. Sold
regular at $15. Will go at
closing sale at
To Close Out While They Last, Go At
"i r" -,-aaaaaJ -
Ladies' Silk
i Hose
Hundreds of pairs, all sizes,
all -colors, grouped in one lot
to close out. Priced up to
$2.00 go at
! $1.00
Our full line of the Famous
McCallum Hose
Regularly sold at $2.00.
Hundreds, of pairs, new col
ors just received, go at
- 3 Pairs $5.00
Men's Work Shoes
Our entire stock of work
shoes, sold regular near at
$5.0Q, $6.00 and $7.00. Go
at closing price of
. $3.95 .
Edmond's Foot
Fitters Shoes
Edmond's Foot Fitter shoes
and oxfords, in black and
tan, all-sizes, in high shoes
and oxfords. Sold regular at
$8.50. Closing sale price
Our Entire Line of
Ladies' Dress
Half Price
Including Satin, V. Patent,
Colored. Kid in all the best
shades, combinations 1 of
colors, every size and width.
$16.50 values go at-.-$$.25
13.00 values go at. .. 6.50
12.00 values go at.;.. 6.00
ll.OO- values go' at...." 5.50
10 00 values go at... 5.00
9.00 values' go at. 4.50
8.00 values go at. .. 4.00
-7.00 values go at ..: '3.50
Men's Dress Shoes
Mun's brown calf dress
shoes,, regularly sold at
$8.00,; Most all Sizes to close
out, go at
Men's Black
Kangaroo Shoes
-A wonderful $1 0.00 , value.
All to go at the ridiculously
low price" of k -
Misses' and Chil
dren's Slippers
Misses's and children's
house slippers in felt or kid,
all sizes. Regular prices up
up $2.50 Entire stock must
go at
95c and $1.35
Women's Galoshes
Women's 4 buckle black ga
loshes, the best $4.00 value
n America, i Closing sale
orice i
Official Boy Scout
A complete tine niade for
the better trade. Get a pair
$3.95 and $4.95
Men's Rubber Boots'
Men's knee length rubber
boots, regular $5.00 values,
closing out at
Men's Work Shoes
Men's heavy tan work shoes
with rubber! soles. A good
shoe, sold regular at $5.00.
Will go at I
Men's HigH Top
Boots v
Every pair of men's high
top boots must go. See this
price. Regular $11 and $12
values .1 ' t
$7.93 -.
Women's Rubber
; Foothojds
Women's rubber footholds.
The ' proper rubber for the
new" style slipper. Sold ev
erywhere at 85c. Take as
many as you' like at per. pair
Men's Hanan
' Oxfords
Under an agreement with
the manufacturers we are
permitted to cut prices for '
this occasion and still re
tain the agency for our new
store. ' Hanan black and
tan calf oxfords, sold regur
lar at $12.50 will go on sale
at i . . .
. $9.95 '
All Rubber Heels put on your Shoes Wednesday only at half
price, v Bring them any day and leave for WEDNESDAY;
Foot ills affects the Nervous Sys
tem. Any condition that intereferes
with the normal ; functioning of
nerves affects the general health.
Poor health, makes you deficient in
.your occupation or profession. Whyv
not have these diseases"and abnor
: mal conditions'1 corrected . by one
.who knows? " '
4jiiepiuce '
. tto.M-
v.', a. My i
toil fte
326 j;ra-fc2Biir.:zirx
Our shop is equipped with all new:
machinery. We use nothing but the
very best grade of leather that
money will buy." ij i i ; . ,
- MrJacobson, in charge of this de
partment, is an expert in his line
1ms spent years .in factories and
; repair shops and will do nothing
but high grade work. " '
ther kind with contempt. Adv.