The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 13, 1927, Page 6, Image 6

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meat, UtL; T&s'&arnMtviieh the f
local placers returned. "". ;
Annunsen, md iertapg,w;on jUro
i h f ii i-'f-rv, m. Ytt , OJi'l nreo eames irom wesi ami
- Whll liflf ililB V '(yFernley ot Portland. Foulln and
l!U iBtrl ImIU 1ttliPailna:wjM. three straight gaiues.
. :- : i i ianu as nis
, . V. -I'T ' -fcTlfffl straight. ;
Three SoCqndsGutfOPTO infyw were hot?
Yoar Old .Rccora;i)y:!i- 'V1" b th,fr
r , "U.ilMu( '.'r . Xi0n4n.tR.! i It 14 possible..!
next bp-
yiat hjs
AlcU.rv noRlifio Uvemlo .enerbe
itotthwet 1onrpamht at gentile
UP) Charley lknnt J Fry. C
chant tfon, PftnjPA J1& J&nrtoi "th I plppfcerstor, Terthins for
j-r.w i iiuuri j"ii, vamimuijit; 1 everyooay iagUi,uruj.ppiy lino,
ausplciodsly today by establiRUlnp4 f'Un standard LgiadV. and., quality
-a 'new Vortd'A rccpr4 tor lhe':26tNM,c " ..(!
meier more man
three second -!of f aljmark which
;- has stood'tor It8 years. Paddock
lity'fuVebVftil Vy Pomb'h. jGi I
' r ials.1 was' 27-' '1-5 seconds for- the
OfffdialH of , the Pomona rspllefte
. liilrtW, uifet ijiwhfch 'Paddock
ran R exhibition race today naid
:-;(the,M Vfattywmllbwetf'
vsinco fuere wiud.y, a fdJ.i he
rrtiineif aiid three of the Jour tim
ers a&fefd cp, the time. A fourth
hi up wait 11 variea a Tract tun of a
cmii? from" Hie. thret. J.
Jhef Iii3VhfiiIbpieay.and'-T
leaps m& from 2ft to 6 'yards ,tb'
nv." McPhersoq of New Zea
land faij th.25y meters in 21.2
seconds, la. J-ebruary ..iBSH..lo
' establtsll the mark which- hay
Rtood jnlil today. Paddock's time
also Hatters jtlie IriHobr 'recSrcl 'for
the dTstince ot.. 23, secbfids efltab
lishedp) Ix5ren-3Jur'''h,i.son 6t JCew
Y6rk . ; . -7
and Loses Uame . JllULUllUJL1 Mfn
Isttora Tke fftejojd flfmc of Scr-
St.jJaul Contrives
ASHLAND,. Feb J 2 (Speelal )
;i Over night, the Asliland , hih
school basketball team figured ont
ii way to stop Salem ltfj;h&-..tai
hreakiRR ncoriK machine, ntot it
didn't do any Rood, becautte In to
plghts"ame their own attack was
also disrupted. In pauie that
was loosely played - because of
f hangea .vin' r detenaive, syMtenia,
Salem high, "won if to 12. t
Siegmund led ia .scoring for the
risltors. The Salem 'prayers points
were Daffey -8. . Siegftinnd- 10
Lyons bragt'r, OUriger 4.
Methodist Bays HoJci Lead in
Suriday . School 'Basket
ball League
TheJfan iSlj'opj sarea, yo a,, tea
dQlfarWll , 6a every auatlTj '4ul.
Hhirtsfiats; llei, J collars. , High
luDarinr.tlState. ; ,(,)
t i , 1 , i 1 1 i f .
HfSiHool SecanifSeam
Rrens (hoitih filbrsalemUIfgh ytt
Hill Military AoadeWy basketliall
Fame TftP&l .Taesday eyenirt. at ho
locafhfgh school jrym jniy, Ve
fasteracQUtet-,rc'aorntrt Irf
also "heing taken .'Shidng -.liilRb1
8chob0Hdenl8ahd "dtlief a in
preliminary 'gahit, !lfhic;h .will. b
ikm wt'w t in saieni . dikh ,.ecomi
tt& m Sn& Perrydale hfgh. L !
' .Thtferryale. teainf ha defeat
afher teams In fts'.iicfoify,
aa'a cfalmfiiVthe 'dhitrlcttfTi'atn
plo'hshjpj -The. Salem (htgh iBee
ondtAat has also 'won from "t'
majority of the teams fr6nHfitl-''
er wuwia in ui Buem ut&irici.- -.CThlj.
'ganie'i, will ,.,hegin ft
the :f If at team's ganie.
l- r-
('aalfhigih Bihool, fcasfilVffcn
"high 4 grtunfisiuiii cj.aBsea 4on -h
Weal i rtbofr Kr(da eenihg.V. 3 2Vfo
d ,'4?t .Hl'Stii I . tii g b ha k no t been . d e
fW.a"its "hJjIme flbr hia yejir.
. Baltaeh aflneied It polntai'or
t;he ,4ocjls. Lhrnah JO. i;(Jlaae
held th vUitors.tq wol;ia.sketH fh
' 16.
Only the best! Uttr .tjatrohs
will bear this 'but. VST serve only
the- best: in. meats and ponltry.
HaJsl- ft-lAPer Matet; '265 -N.
Pbtthferta!: ' : - ' : (")
8t t-
Hanson .
lare .....
i 7jnmf-fiai.AaaPTryi p 10 aaif.
Promrit delivery. Bakers for those
w.Ho, appreciate the Jent. tncrai
I ngpstrohs tell . the, tale; '"s ( ),
SpnUthttg 'like 'H0 eafadldtefl
w,m( tfy. out "tor 'the 'Salem hgh,
tcJibo 11 rack team this spring, a
cordiiM ,t9;indicaUonsfojrtedT by
Ittis'Aerspn, . track nd ffjera
ic6ach!. rrhia-'-'will 'be 'the hfggeafc
tunibir of athletes trying,' but .tor
nny .syon. in-tne nigii scnooi .inia
year,' -. -,
hA sSMtla i t at- Vn)ch candidate's
will 'sign up - and preliminary inn
stractQas, will be glren. is to be
hl4 ncxTuaaday, evening,- An-
Jile-mVhigh has -two .'faaVlOV
yard Sea tia Slegmtind, who i,
qw pjaying. basketbail aad jQol
rah. 4dfge ipyd is epeqed, to'
do , big-things in the 'brdad yjump'
this year. Aside : front -these
exnis, Anarpn 4 ,tibt eti able ,what abrt- ot, material
he' srirrhav., ' - .
i i - f- : . , -, i
andbali'Team Wins4
vThe feufleni Y&CA'h'antf heJleam,
ude fsClean.sweap.of its doubles
matchaa I in ' Portland w Saturday1
a f iernopn,' play rtf g"1 against' a Port-i
land iteatarinljlhe district tourna-
at :
STOP v .-
.t 1
A. 4 a .... i . .. . .
"I For Chdrcn iorXdnU f
, , m : ONLY AT v
. 5135 TOrth tmifeerciil
J Street
OeTeatS'Wgotjtiyrn Hfgh
WOODBUkKv ' iveh; , 12. fSne-
1 "cial. he-Nyiliamette ' u hiyefsity
fret man basketball team defeat-
tt Wbodbur'il high here tonight
pof tne second tira. tiisweek, 17
to 3 , in; a ctose 'jpind hard 'toagt
Kuie.' - The. ffeshmenVere ,fead
ing, 5 'o,at ihe'ipnd.of tbe tlrat
ha.lf. .ib'se checking . and Igood
teamwork featured the play on
both hides. - V
ir.i'itf mnn A 4 f .
Mirtgor () ...
l.irh . ... J.
V arnei. i4....
8U1CMAKT v.' . ,.
. k'nn. Woodlau-n
.T , 2) Ijtrftrafiorf
.V.: 4) '!!
v :i Soott
ft (). Uarrinon
.0 f :. AUn
fM . . Tifcb4.
S .vMaJ;U:
fibarkey Ahnounces fToiiwwaftn-
.iierore, t oumanieni. .ueei
With the few days ftf-jTine'
Springweathier. WUTcn , were-en-i
o'.ed dnrmg -tne past1 WT?vK.'goii
rs are halkidg to the call tif the
Jinks. F.JYChausfle, chulrman4
or rae, tournament . rammiiiee oi
the Ilihee. country club, request
all members., wlio contemplate ?it-i
te.ringr the. tournament to. report
at the club house bh Monday even-jj
tng at-7:3.
(J. P. Sharkey announced- a
housewarming "at fhe "club house
immediately brjfeicedfinR the'laufiia-f
Kent 'Greeting. Hie says' thcourae
vin'exeejlehtrcptidhibn how 'and f
tuna iiiirwayH arc wen ouueuv 1 11a
(oad to the ciuh good condi
tion. According to. .Mr. Sharkey,
everything points to. one of the
most successful-seasons the club
has ever enjoyed.
tALSharp- popular. Salem Hght-
l .weigh L; pu g v twlio f nbi:ed" put
iony. Mftte.jl in the ant card Jtiere.-;
wUlyifight. theheadpner at, Hub-i
.bard .Wedneaday . night . against;
oe Ilof f of Monitor. Shafp, j
lphg rangy boy, who. 'packs "a ter
rifje body attack in ftolh fiats, has
"inifcroved rapidly since cbhiinte to
Salem "and 'is being counted' on as
. The "t wo hasketbijll te'ahis 'in .the
... .1 - V ' f '. 1 . , ....
Sunday scliool league which . are"
regarded as the strongest, will
meet in t one ,pt ."llieames., n,ext
Monday, jifyhvUie thirst' M. 'te and
Vesh.vtetran qdintets.. The Meth
biiists ,are how 'leading 'the league
with a "perfect percentage while
the Presbyterians have .666; bat
jhe. Methodists have not met ,.as
strong, a; group of teams as have
heir prospective opponents, . and
many who have. seen, both' teams'
play, are picking the Tfeabyter- !
ians to take thisl ga'me.
' The other game will -be be-
f wein The r niigafow trhristian raad
jErvngellial J hurch i.teattis. Tbe
Christians. jiare the strong
est eteanis In the- league, ' and, are
eJtnectedJO;'win;thls'game. -.
I pther;games. remaining bn the
schedntei are; .i 4
I'Frlday evening Feb. 18,?7aspn
Cei ys.t 1-esUe: i First ,M. E. 4. ys.
Monday evenins Feb. 21, nung
ajlow vs-j-P.reHbj'terian First M K.
Vs. Jason jee. .....
Friday evening, Feb.t 25,-Evangelical,
vs.. Leslie and any -teams
ther than these two that mayf-be
tied, in percentages.
. Present percentages are: First
tM. E., 1.000; Bungalow Christian,
-,$66;. Jason La, .6S; Presbyter
ian. 666; Evangelical, ,000; Ies-lie-ltf,
E., .000.
De Scliool Quintet i J
' Defeats Salem Ducks
fjiiacffer Absent From tiietip;
Prospects for Another (ante
. F. ; E. .Sharer's Harness -and
leather ddods Store, 17B S. Com'L
Suit cases, Yalises, -portfolios, brief
cases, gloves and mittens. Larga
stock. The pioneer store, ()
Try a . Classified Want . Ad
; The undefeated deaf, school. has
ketball team won its 5th ettaight
game Saturday afternoon ht the
"JMCA, defeating the speedy Salem
pucks-7. to-2 9. . . ; ... ,
. At thp end ot the f irst tqaarter
the iiw;ks "were leading 1 to 4,
but in the second period the silent
five earner back .with 'a .rush and
were ahead,, 19 to. 15, at, half ,t,imei.
The 'Ducks Dlayed without their,
strongest defensive man.'Shaefrer",
ajnd are hoping to schedule an
other game "with the deaf "school
soon when Saaeffer is able to play.
Record For 250 Meter Run
af School " Po Dicks
fowel! (22) .. F (.) IVIIarport
tVllins .") F. 1J) ilarr
Hudson t 10) .C (4) Flake
Sjwth O (6 HaKemanu
llitlmpft O (2) Onmlilc
CLAREMONT, Cal., Feb. J2--(XP)--FPptnbna
college athletic
of ficails announced this afternoon
that Charles Paddock had brnken
the forth world's record of .31 l&
- I'ATE'SPtfftTS -
12 f.P
Anwcihiejni of Jiasket roinir
in the second half tonight enali!. ,
the Unlvfrity of California l;i
kjetball leant to repeat last ni; in
victory "over the University ,f
seconds" for the, 250 meter ilash Knuihern raiirnrni knnti t,.
time by, a 27-21 score, j The south
erners led lit half time, t'-t s.
when he covered -he,disianco in
27 3-5 secpnds 1h scheduled u -cord.
breaking try'..
ImtnedialeJy afler the new re
cord was announcTed as established
the officials began remeasuring
the tra?k to mSke pertain the distance-was
correct. uThe track was
PO liTLA XV, Feb., 2 ( A P ) -The
Vniversity of rjoregpn b;i.
keteers defeatetl thei'MiiltnbmrjM
amateur athletic club payers ii I
to 2S here tonight .after .trailing
in excellent shape although the at-! the cluhnien throughout the first
mosphere -wns a bit, cool for the f iialf and into the seebnd half of
The Salem rtodl& Gun jclub will
hold a practice shoot today on the
club grounds. In 'preparation for
tlin date 1 lr trrfi r i i Kli-tAt u-liw.h
Statesman Ads Bring Results i to open February 20.
; . ,, " , .;,
the game. At half time the score
stood 18 to 15 for the roctJaaders.
Dandy $4(m Kimball. Used, now
priced. S217. (iood cpudition. J5
down 55 a month, r.eo. C. Will
Music House. 4:: 2 State St. Est.
;SAY j -AW&R tt"r-$HW
i Cf3iJs viriiche Ndufitis j Lumbago
j;jPaIivr' liralgia Taoihache Rheiiniatism
Accept only 'Bayet'! -package
whiih contaiifeproven directions.
Handv "Bsver". "if IB tknlcU
Also; pottos of 24 ahd 1D0 lr"ngiiU.
k 1. . M
$S'Tn " J mtt WW vtlUjtt lfufacil U MoAtfcMlVt' jt nrnead4
; mEN
I Beautiful NewSles and 'Fabrics ?,
e Merchivat Tailor
,484 Court Street yfiw;
"Consists of Seiee. 'Rockery Chair, Table drld Table
"ihoyk ritogfee $22.0 aria
Also an excellent selehtirSnof iannyrl Vlnnr
davenports and chairs at low prices
, A fine selection of the famous
, Kiel tables on oiir floors : from
which to rhoose. ?
Iamps Complete
Jtinior Lamps
at 19.00
and up "t
,miirie jrttahbganyj and wal
nut taKTes that. may se opened
'to&cHi6filhbda;te from four to
eTght people. A fihfei piece of
furniture for the living-dining
ZL.:,;-;' x'U:'. t 'tLy'j. "f "' , ... r",,T ' r' Tr' 1 - - - r- r- 1 -
ij fjysiiii ih'i! 1 a hi ji uh w oj x' foil
BJ 1 Jri VI ; tf f W 'fiix I: 1 I -? IU ; IM Ltr lf I I I I f ,f i f-rf rr MM
III m rvm m i- ' ll
IPII VHH"fi mc xTJLuiic&ii p
Yi.m U IHh-SH-H' "JU I . i-rr.': . " ' .
Only i
I .... . for Every Room : lUffl - ;?l; I:
F SPiece Welter uit I : ifc -. : . I :
Will tone up those dark rooms
ave ustreceived-a; large shipment of all
e ttewest fabrics i ilof our spring .selectibn.
, r Shaded
""7 . . .-t f " - mi -i -j ;
' T ? 7" '". "-'X - .. ... ; r. - ; '?LiWV''L-L'-. "H ""''
vice "is yoursrfor the 'asking
I .4
New Shipment of
...... . . t
, Axminsters
Worsted Wiltons
1 .