The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 13, 1927, Page 20, Image 20

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    - " ' ' I ;
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: A
Colonialcr C7oiainTholr Hold Oi
fgf.. . Ji'ff puiTS3 ilfep- MB. J u . mm Br. fig r &
TjOPULARITY of the yarions types of residentiary
If architecture is continually changing,, for tastes
will iavitaoljtdiffrbut the-nel-wy-4epeada-the,
house is the Colonial. It satisfies for many Tea
sons aot the least of
wnJcn is its econ-omy-of
and the minimum of
space lost in the lay
out of its rooms.
No; other type of
home adapts itself
so readily and com-
pletely in this re
- spect.: And none la
mors convenient
when built. A .bet
ter, example could
hardly be (ou hi d
than the oneillus
trated; here. - The
center ; hall - in in-
valuablefeatnra Vif the true rColoalal. nreridei-
or vestibule, with coat closet.;,
1 I . l . .. . - - X, .
crowaing tn, nan space
,ihe reitr without entVttog .thedining room; be- promises a maximum of comfortable living and a
Wdes cVwt and refrigerator space in the rear ceai less satisfaction of ownership.
Plans hd Specifications furnished tby Salem Brick ,Tile Co.
Publication to Cootaia-Plio-
tographs oi ,NeweviSijy(oar
I els 'of Automobli'es
! I
' Aiming to provide for the con
sumer a ecmpact manual of,, the,
t927 models of, motor cars an4
motorrtiructisV tie Kalionai Antov
mobile Chamber. Commerce has
issued) its' twenty-fourth annual
''Handbook of Automobleis." The
book Contains photographs of the
dliierent cars togemrr -formation
about these. , j
Spejcifications are ;give ot,I,7&
notoR vehicles, an,d 786 models
are lilted. The specifications are
grouped in four sections Includ
ing 15 -private passenger cars,
taxicabs 13 motor buses: aird'SG
commercial cars and motor trucks
representative of this year's prod
uct of the' manufacturers who are
members of the Chamber. AH of
the vehicles shown are gasoline
. driven exceDt four electric com
mercial vehicles.
, The makes in the various clasa-
: es of cars are as follows:
' Gasoline nassenger vehicles
AubutnJ Buick. Cadillac , Case,
i Chandler,',: Cherj-olet, Chrysler,
i Cunningham. Davis Diai-a,v Dodge
tBrohersi.duPont, Elcar.i Erskine,
Essex, Flint, Franklin, Gardner,
: Hudson, j, Huppf Jordan, S Kissel,
Lincoln, pificomobile. v Mclarlan,
; MarmbnK.iMoon, Nash, Oak land,
Olds, Packard, Paie-DetrolV l'eer
less. Pierce Arroi ,'Pontlac, lleb,
! Rickenbacker, Roamer, Sayers- &
JV ScoviA , .Star, Stearns. Studebake,T
Stutz, Velie, Wills Sainte ClaireV.
Willyl-Orerland. ; . ......
Taxicabs Checker, H. C. S.,
Yellow Cab. ' . ' ,
Motor buses Garford, Graham,
Mack Plerce-Arrow, Reo, Selden.
White, Yellow
Gasoline commercial - vehicles
Acme; Americal Iajfrance. Atter
buryj Autocar ' Corbitt. Iionbyj
Diamond T. Duplex TederaW-Gar--ford,
jGeaeral Motors, Graham, In
ternational Harvester, Kissel,
Kleiber,s tarraboo, .Maecar." Maci,
Moreland. Pont!ac Red;" Republic
Saafcfd,' Schacht Selden, Serylee
Standard, Star, Sterling, Stewart,
: Walter3VWte; i .ii -ii.
Copiea of th handbook, are.
available vf or reference in r. consu
lar offices abroad and dealer as
sociations and -motorists' clubs In
this country. Tlwsedeslring cojm
les frf their indWldual-ejnay
secure them by sending 50 cents
to the National Automobile Cham
ber jof, Commerce, 366 Madison
Avenue, Kew York City. . v r
V i ltwiUHN iron; iff ,
! 4 - ' 1 " " ' .
iromMtitors axe doing-. '
'Up ' to the present,; '- many ot
our bestf knoWtt, owtts.s ectioi$
)v Hapti asleen on'the lob. For
the most rart.' 'inejp- tiXitneir
j tiled root, 5 its truly
Cold oial entrance . and tbe old f s shloaed 'Cornice
decq rations, that will play an important part when
thef dat comes to offr It fm- sola T-n H ofin v.i..
bread stairway,
. . - - A
ni accetss -.
they do begin to. get biisV. the totrr
i . . . . ;. i j .
lug ana; nouaay season 9 aireauy
under way; By this tia e, tnous-
Jv itands of peiople have made ,their
lVl'-i-na tnr thioir aiimmer vacation
;and much (business has beeu lost loss of? ravens
'uei there ;is tdnother impotanVit
jgje to tliaAsitaUon .We,' haven't
teveMtatted'know thetwi United
tates andf therie Js serioris danger
t ihat the spreading of thjt-ltrre of
t' louring regions abroad rlay inter
f pre with our Intensive cultivation
if. the superb vacation,' areas of
Vimerica. . Qur summer and win
ter resort regions 'can stand com
parison with the best, that the
-(rorld can offer., Whether fancy
lr ads to Switzerland, the Riviera
tr,sNorth Africa they can. all be
duplicated here. ,while . tbe auto-
mobile and the open roads provide
the Eeaame 4hal places them
around the corner. '!
,.. "Jt -can' icertalnlysbe ,stated that
if. the resort areas were anywhere
as near up-to-date in. thr business
of telling the American people
what they have to -of er as motor
clubs are in providing road rser
vices and other faeilitios for the
motoring public, motorv touring
and the trade that follows it
would increase at an evan greater
rate than' it has in recent years.
. : . .. ; . t.: - . . .;
H. L. Stiff -urnIture Co..' lead
ers In complete home furnhWhings,
prlcea to make yeu the: owner;
tbe toT that studies -your; every
need and Is ready tomeet it. ab-
solutely. C)
O. J. Hull Auto Tb. & Paint'
Co. - Radiator, - fender ad '-body-repairing.
Artistic painting adds
10 a per ent to tha ppearanca of
your auto. 267 S. Com!. ()
, Bon.estAJe Motor. ,Co.,i 474 S.
ConTl,, has the Dodge automobile
Voryou. AH steel body. -L8tB a
litfitlme. Ask Dodge owners. They
will tell you. ()
Iker Anto; Co.; Ferry, at Wb
erty St Autos' stored, and bought
and o!d. Cars ' washed 'day "and
night. Low prices and service will
make long friends.
Popular l-avor
kitchen hallway. The living room is large, with
open grate, three windowit and an open porch
in, the ,raar. ...Both, dining 'room and kitchen are
large and. well lighted. , ... .. L . :
On the upper
Tloor are three large
cheerful bedrooms,
one a master's room,
and an inclosed
sleeping porch,, sup
plied with . roomy
closets. ,The bath
1 s , convenient " t o
each and large. Not
a foot of space is
wasted anywhere.
Such a home has
about it an air of
substantial well be
ing, from its sturdy
brick walls and red
kiipWfei I YOUR A UTO
, y Continued f ran) pmye 1.)
such an important'duty, it adds no
complications, to the engine, as
there aTe no moving. parts to get
out- of i orden or require adjust
ment.. ' V is installed on the left
side of engine laaid works on the
ejeetorrprlnctplei ' The- fan blow.
ius air luruugu a iunei past an
opening in the 'crankcase, causes
a suction, which pulls the vapors
out and ejects Urem below the en
gine side pans . This prevents
their reaching tihe Interior of car
The rear breather, which acts as
a vent to tne crankcase, is provid
ed with; an air cleaner.
Thethermostat in, the cooling
system; is, built In the radiator at
the upper hoe - connection. It
operates, automatically, and is so
constrncted that it blocks Che wa
ter. cirpulaton i until tbewater in
the cylinder 1 jacket reaches 120b'.
This causes the f engine ,tp. warm
upjquWrkly to a temperature above
that at which . crankcase dilution
occurs. v At 120? , the valve in
thermostat begins to open and
normal circulation, of water takes
place. .'
Should the car be parked after
the, engine has, warmed up the
thermostat ,wiH close, as soon as
water, temperature falls to 120,'
and prevent thermosiphon circu
lation. The wate,r, in the cylinder
jacket- will, therefore-- remain
warm foe a - long time Subset
queut start may be made without
excessive use of the ( choker. ;
..Tiie combination, of crankcase
yentilator thermostatic .water con
trol, 'oil filter abd' f air "cleaner
keeps the lubricating oil n good
condition and it" is only Necessary
to change oil. every, three months,
instead of every 500 miles -of drtv?
ing as formerly recommended. A
measuring stick or gauge is locat
ed on the left side, of engine. Oil
should be added as -required and
kept to the full mark on the
gauge.;- . . , '.
Central' Point Wset.' Coast
Clay Products company Incorpor-
WHte Yout
Brick hl&iie ehdurec) the fire in
Berkeley; Calif brna.; ; What hap
pened in Berkeley can happen to
any wooden building.
WtiiMtifc: & ftie Co.
PHcne 017 Satcsi;
Firsts Ten Pays',: Permits
Totat $67,000 Wrth Only
. One large C6rMct
it Where. is
that , expected - Slump
In Salem's 1927 building program?
j; January. 1927, bested every
Other January in the history of the
city, and February has a good
fctiance to nab the, same record
vith over. 167.000' representing
thejtotaf, yaj.ue. of 3 buJJding pjer
tofts. and.' none ofr the .permits
blave been lor large sums likO
thosessned jn Jannary- .
l High.. honors.. for the., peridb go.
to Barrett Brothers, who are build
ing a $15,000 concrete garage
building in the rapid developing
section near the new Hollywood
theater on North Capitol street.
i-The gospel tabernacle at 1290
Ferry street called for a 96,000
permit. The building will be of
substantial frame construction.';
J, Every 20 hours a new dwelling
permit is issued. TMrteen per ten days totaled $43,000,
private garages -and general' re
pairs being included in the bal
ance. 1 . i. ;
i'.Ten of the. 1,2 residences
bUlt in the north part of the city,
the south side getting only three.
AU except one of the ten north
side permits are on locations north
of Union street showing the .gen
eral tendencies of the building
trade this month.
Several cpnactors ha,ye ,. im
portant announcements to make
within the next two months wjifch
will pile the year, total on.. higher
than ever. It is rumored that
plans for a $,230,000 apartment
house are underway, departing
from the present standard of three
story buildings, of (w.hlch &e Am
bassador and Glendera are typical
Chas. KY Spaulding Logging Co
lumber and. building .materials.
The best costs no more than In
terior grades. Go to the big Sa
lem factory and save money. ()
Consensus of Economists
Show That Construction,
to Slump Somewhat
Reviewing the , lumber market
the American Lumberman, Chica
go, says:
Demand for... lumber,- has ex
panded in those sections favored
by , good weather, and Is best in
the southern states, for snow and
cold in the north and, east practi
cally stopped construction. Total
orders 1 for softwood booked dur
ing the week ended Jan. 22 nev
ertheless amounted to thirteen per
cent more than was produced
While 'production ran about fif
teen per cent below normal orders
were only five per cent below,
Southern pine mills booked orders
fully equal to their output, .during
the week, and bookings of West
Coast niills exceeded their present
low output by eight per cent, .
A good deal of attention is be
ing given to building prospects by
both manufacturers and retailers
of lumber. The consensus of
economists appears to be that to
tal : volume of new construction
will fall slightly below the
amount : for last year. Lumber
men take great encouragement
from the prediction that a larger
percentage of the total will be
residential construction, which'
calls for the use of more wood.
They therefore, see reason to ex
pect a 'good year's business! But
the reiailers are evidently plan
ning to continue to buy on
to mouth basis, merely filling in
stocks and not generally increas
ing 'them. Lumber manufacturers
show ah Inclination to go iov in
producing lumber until yard
stocks begin to move out to build
ing! jobs. The attitude of the
trade promises greater price sta
bility during the new season. Quo
tations, have shown no ".recent
Own Insurance
change and concessions on. odd
otst are qtll -obtainable, but, .the
genera,. llt4 Isthat jaA - early
firming up may be expected".:5
' Hard wpptt prices strengthened
duVini the week because i pjt jQU-J
forced curtailment ' of 4 southern
production. "The principal "con
sumers, however, are unwiUing to
pay advances for the time being,
as they are riot -yet, on' f ufl operat
ing schedules and are hoping that
improved weather in" the south
may bring an easing np in Quota
tions. Dry stocks ot southern
mills are fully covered by orders.'
The northern hardwood mills ad
vanced prices of scarce items -last
week. Totalbusiness booked "by
both hardwood producing groups
exceeded their output.
., Sate , forfao . roofing -applied
over your oldshTngies- i. We have
over-. 2 00f Jobs. lA,f Salem, ; Nelson
Bros., - plumbers 'sheet metal
work, 335 Chemeketa. ()
General Tendency Heading
Toward Smaller Buildings
During 1927
The prediction , that 1927 will
see more buildings put up, yet a
smaller volume of construction in
dollars and square feet than 1926
is made by M. G. Farrell in the
February 1st issue of "Forbes
Magazine." Mr. Farrell, says,
"Housing construction, generally,
seems most likely to increase in
volume this year. The demand
for small homes is still far beyond
the supply provided, in 1924 to
, "The margin of profit is slen
der but as builders will have less
choice this year than last, it is
quite likely that they may turn to
smadl dwellings.
''An increase in the construc
tion of public buildings is certain.
Many of these projects have been
deliberately withheld from action,
but are now being released. In
dustrial building will about hold
its own.
"Upon the whole, the percent
age of vacancies in office build
ings of all kinds has reached a
point at which conservatism would
dictate a limitation of this class
of construction to replacements
and" sure-fire operations.
"The same applies to the big,
high-class elevator apartments
and apartment hotels, both of
whieh are exceptionally sensitive
to fluctuations in the demand for
space, because their tenantrpros-
pect field is a highly limited one.
"Moderate-priced elevator
apartments and walk-ups of the,
better grade are in demand, so
that the volume of new construc
tion of both will probably exceed
that of last year. ,
"In brief," concludes "Forbes
Magazine."' "the year promises a
smaller volttme of construction in
dollars. and square feet : of space,
but a large number of buildings
with a :: tendency away from big
buildings and towards small Ones.
There is a prevalent opinion that
the dollar total. for 1927. wil be
less than for 1926 by 10 to 15
per cent.
Giant and DuPont explosives
( fuse, j blasting-, caps V. Lumber,
and atf .bulling: materials. . Gab
riel Powder & Supply Co., 61 -N.
Capitol. TeL. 2248..., . ()
Since the beginning of the pe
troleum industry -454 years ago,
ft. is estimated that 412.500.00Q.
000 has been spent in developing
American oil fields, according to
the Salem Automobile Co., local
Star car dealers. In return for
this great investment, only $3,
000,000,000 has been realized
from the sale of the petroleum
1W vy lvli 15) it? Ism:
: - - , I . :V:-V:r;--irrv ".;-.....-v--:- -r;...- ' t- - - ..-Jt-'-
. . . VBItgyih. 5VE DELIVER
. I . A llll J II
W6st , Coast- Milfe' Report
Large and. Unexpected Gain
during Week
In its. weekly review of the! lum
ber market, the American Lumber
man, Chicago, says: There appears
to be a gpod deal of activity de
veloping in the softwood market
for so early in the season, orders
booked by the principal) mills' dur
ing the week ended Jaa.r 13 hav
ing" amounted to twenty-twb : per
cent more than their production.
In some regions production is oar-J'
tailed,' -but those groups -of j mills
having a Standard for normal pro
duction bad orders three, per cent
in excess oT that, so.that the.Bitu'a very encouraging tp tho
producers. . . Softwood ' quotations
show practically no change,' bat it
is, believed that recently -some of
the .sellers have been.' wilting to
allow .'slight price reductions on
orders for . immediate ,- shipment
All of them .are reported to v be
holding firmly to their lists when
it comes to orders-for later deliv--ery
in time -for spring needs, an,d
they are hoping to be able to, put
into effect advances that will! bring1
prices to a more reasonable level.
Bookings of the West poast
miUs made a large and rather un
expected gain during the jweekl
Production was about one per cent
above normal, against an average
for last year of about twenty per
cent above normal, and new busi
ness exceeded the cut by twenty
five per cent. Domestic cargo
business in creased nineteen mil
lion feet, and rail trade increased
fifteen million feet. "Southern pine
orders for the week averaged
higher than for any week sinee
October e-f last year. Iarge-mill
production has gained a little, but
the woods and road, conditions
that resulted from recent j heavy
rains have, imposed a heavy handi
cap on operations of thelsmaU;
non-reportlm? .mills. . Retail yards
in the .middle West are showing
more interest in both southern
pine and fir, though the bulk (ot
the demand. .for pine- - still j comes
from' the, Souths California is set
tling its .building labor difficulties
and business appears to be picking
up, and Atlantic coast distributers
are beginning to add to their
stocks. . j , " .
Hardwood production .has been
considerably below its pre-holiday
mimmmm imitmr uir immmm4immvmrtiiimfm' lmm imm mmmwitnm m,Z ;TyTswssJssBSiifl iswitss F s.i ill A "mmtmmwmm
'mm i" . '
Wallboard and
waltboard putty.
Washable wall paint.
Calcimine - Brushes
i jtjl
i v s f n
AriAra liave been.sUgati
CTOupa of consumers', are not yet
aotlvely. in the market,.; . The Xut
nitu're maters have been Inereas
Ing their purchases; and scheduled
operations bl i automobile ' body
plants promise a large- hardwood
demand Buildingr trades demand
is Already improving, orders book
ed by the flooring piants, beln
much ahead of last yoarn for the
same periods , . !
l .iTT rii vmattttr. realLor-rrogres
and country m,
Comptete listings: 147 OomTl
i Hallk & iJ'off Electrie Saofc itj
v.-j-; Evftrvthlnsr 2. electric.
kilos tn wirinj, : uii. vi
Unlr at rnmnlfitB StOCC. -
across enaje i ?, - ? . f --
eoncrete floor. T--: I - '-.j
1 Ml W- I Iff U
lii?rv 1TO'V"W
r w tt:. . z . f v, i mi aim. w
Insurance of AU Kinds Telephone 101
Heiliff Theater tiobby, ISO North High
t .--r 'y
easy way
walls ana ceilings'
WALLBOARD can bejfiasil applied over
broken plaster. . . ' f
With -wallboard you can ecoQomjeallr seal an uftfinT
ished room or attic, partition ou ' ari e jeifa roo'rri; pr .
fire-stpp a basement .ceiling Svith ainjmum of late
and without upsetting or 'messing up the house!. We
carry several kinds of wallboard: ;
. How Your Hot Be&ii'Js
Broken panes should be replaced ,-ttUsV
sashe Dalnted now. For cood glass,
weather resistant paint, or new sash see
us at once. , -
, . Douglas flrl&migr t . .
1' jSusppSy
CADILLAC. nFnl dc.
..,afarlpus warmth and color
Oftepivjera,, .
Every facility is availible' 'for
th,e development of the preference
OfVthe individual and the large
number, of visitors since tbe -pen
tng of the building testifies ' ihaj?
motor lovers or the metropolitan
area are welcoming this original
dAnftrtnro in iha
l t . .z. iv.- ciioiiion or the
new. and different in fine automo-
one coacBvori.
ki . Moore, zss N. High St '
lanartments and tnr. .v.:.
cajir et;high usUty furniture and
furaiahlnfra tar - .
i . " v- j mum m
lour house. (,
, t Q 9 StindtM . . . n
jfxcejlent condiUon. Looks and
iina 111a n an An. .
son.', .The, Buick Afan, 388 v
Com'1. Tel. 220. 9 (.,-
, ...
-I1 -This Important to You?
v PHONE 2363
tfceM fir
'hz1t-" Vr
m repair
I -
1. ' .
1, II
n rf "' " "'' -" f-"i wi