The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 13, 1927, Page 15, Image 15

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Better Homes
Enroute to Automobile Show at San Francisco
Carquinez Bridge on Arrri of
San Francisco. Bay Near
ing Completion
New York Distributors Lease
1 Permanent Salon for Ar
tistic Display 1
Two Contributions to Winter
-Driving Satisfaction !n"
; 1927'Buk
jvaJMXX-aAAAii XiSAxt . ; SA11VUK.K(jUN, SUNDAY MORNING,, FEBRUARY, 13y 1927 I :? ' " - : ; FIVE CENlS
Ix 1 . -
yr - An entirely neT method or ex
. bibiflnc custom-built motor cars,
... . . . . I
in a setting in which they may be
viewed as works os art and in the
atmosphere ota gallery, has been
devised by 'ingtis M. Uppercu,
president of the Uppercu Cadillac
corporation. New York distributor
of Cadillac cars. For the purpose,
a permanent salon has 6een estab
lished in the exclusive neighbor
hood on 57th street in a building
which in in every way artistic and
unique add unlike anything that
has previously been seen-lot "Che
automobile world. The spfrjt of
salesmanship and business- has
bfeen excluded both In" the design
of; the structure and In the nieth
ods of those in charge. 1 j
In the 'artistic" environment
which one. is accustomed to 'asso
ciate with the dignified hairs 6f
some foreign nobleman's chateau,
tke visitor gttprls at leisure and
inspects theuewest models of 'fine
motor tar ctfadh Trdfk The at
mosphere of the salon is such as
to permit reflective consideration
of the beautiful motor cars on; dis
play. The building itself is an exam
ple of exquisite' architecture,! de
signed, inside and out. in the
SDansih style. The front Is of rich
Kato stone, trimmed with dark
-colored marble. The entrance
doors are in ornate branze' of a
beautiful design.
'-.The interior is in three salles:
a rectangular entrance 'hall, the
main exhibition room where the
cars are displayed, and a: domed
rear chamber. ' The Claisonne
Terrazzo floor, the attractively
ornamented ceiling and the Tra
vertine walls, with a rough mar
ble finish presenting a handsome
VrtVa effect, give the building all
ff W e charm and dignity of a-Span-
Ish castillo. !: I
The rich setting an4tappoint
1 ments are designed .to emphasize
the beauty and mechanical excel
lence . of the present wide range
of Cadillac custom cars. The fur
nishings are all in Spanish and
Italian style, with wrought iron
and gold fixtures. At end of the
hall is a handsome painting of a
view of the Mediterranean from
Monte Carlo.
Concealed lights and rich old
.fabrics haneinc from the walls.
and a bridge staircase in the en-
' , trance salle, bring -out the beauty
of this picture and serve to create
the olid-world atmospliere so diffi
cult to acquired 'AS the visitor
stands in the arched, entrance way,
the entire picture transports him
(Continued oa psss .)
Graceful Body Lines Charac
terize Additions in Six"
Cylinder Series 1
A new brougham for 5-psssen-gers
is the roost recent addition
lo the HupmoTsile 'e-kyllndef line.
It was displayed for the f in time
at the New York and Chicago
automobile shows. It is two
door model and lists at 113 85,
f. o. b. Detroit. j
The " skillful combinafkp of
lencth and zrace of body I lines
. with a spacious interior mks a
of the brougham, type 'Of i body.
Nickel trimmed, head lamps, short
curved integral Visor "and latfge
trunk rack with -guard bai add
to the appearance of tbis lewest
model. ,
Door openings are Si ncfees
and give ample room for en ranee
and exit fo any Year. Fron seats
are of bucket type' and tilt f r -forward
to permjUVeasy access J and
from the rear. Bdtb sea j are
iieavily cushioned, shaped t give
maximum comfort, over I long
ride, and adjustable for tight.
rThe driver's seat is placed tctmake
each control switch and le-r, as
well as clutch and brake j 'dais,
accessible without exertion M
Interior refinements are adu
lated to meet the desires the
most fastidious buyer. eeial
features of importance inclu a the
arg e "remote control!' doofhan-
$ dies that also serve as 'oul-tas:
v- upholstery of genuine mohair to
uarmonue wun Dody itaUh.ltrik-
lngly set off with garnishee wal
nut mouldings; attractive!; pat
terned hardware ". aid ban iorbe
II tuKal prrouped r8tru:raen. pan
el indirectly lighted.
Knight Motor Explained by
A, J. Baker; Reason for
Mileage Given .
"Considerable comment i s
heard regarding the length of ser
vice of the Knight sleeve-valve
motor,'" says' A. J. Baker, chief
engineer for Willys-Overland, Inc.
manufacturers of the Willys
Knight. "We repeatedly hear of cases
where Willys-Knight cars have
been driven well over 3 0 0,0 0 0
miles and there have been in
stances where Knight motored
cars have done better than 600,
000 miles 5 with the power plant
still able to deliver a full day's
work every day.
'"Without attempting to go into
the ' detailed engineering reasons
for this type of service, which is
l tamTatto
general mneage ngures oi oiner
. . J t . I. AVA
power plants, the reasons so far
as the general public is Concerned,
may be tound in the simplicity of
operation of this engine.
"Briefly, the operation of a
Knight motor so far as crankshaft.
ignition, carburetion, cooling and
power development are concerned,
is exactly like the poppet-valve
"The difference comes in the
control of the intake and exhaust
operations. With the Knight mo
tor, these are controlled by a pair
of sleeves, concentric with each
other ad with the cylinder walls
and operating inside of the cylin
der walls. ;
"These sleeves are actuated by
connecting rods in much the same
manner as the crankshaft is actu
ated by connecting rods.
"The sleeve connecting rods are
driven by an eccentric shaft which
corresponds to the cam shaft on
the poppet-valve motor.
"As 'this eccentric shaft re
volves, it moves the connecting
rods which in turn lift and lower
the sleeves, one inside of the
"The entire up and down travel
of each sleeve is about, one inch
and they move in an alternate
manner, when one is going up the
other is coming down.
"A thin film of oil between the
outer sleeve and the cylinderJ
watis. keeps tnem luoricatea.
. "The intake and exhaust ports
are cut in the sleeves and are
opened and closed as the sleeves
pass by each other.
"The movement of -each sleeve
is even and continuous and there
is no tapping of metal against me
tal. An interesting point in con
nection with the operation of "the
Knight motor is the fact that car
bon serves to more "effectively
(Continued on pace 7.)
Children tan Put on Tire
Chains, Says Charles Hill
. Some people seem to feel that it
is difficult to put chains on their
auto tires. Many motorists buy
these accident prevention devices
and "then fail to use them. Ac
cording to Charles E. Hill. "Vice
president of the National Safety
"council, even children cah put on
chains almost in less time than It
takes to describe the process.
Some girls members of the head
quarters 'staff of the -safety insti
tution recently demonstrated how
comparatively simple it is to drape
the chains over the tire, so that
the hooks just about touch the
ground at the rear; move the car
forward until the connecting
hooks are' about a foot above the
road, connect first the fnside and
.then that outer hook a 'tightly as
possible ny Band, ana " when the '
I automobfte - starts rolliajr, the ,
cfialns loosen" tipa "Bit which a f-
Hows them to creep on the tire. . j
Six Sedan Upholds Traditions
Traveling in a Nash Six sedan
shown in the picture. P. W. Petty
john owner of the Nash agency
in Marion and Polk counties, and
J. H. Maden manager of the Sa
lem branch of the company, left
Salem dn the afternoon of Janu
ary 28th for San Francisco, to at
tend the Automobile show held in
that city recently.
After viewing the exhibits
which displayed the latest models
of automobiles and trucks, the
travelers journeyed via the coast
highway through, San Jose, to
Santa . Barbara visiting many
places of historic interest and cal
ling on numerous automobile
dealers handling Nash cars.
From-Santa Barbara the itin
ery took them ;to Los Angeles
where for two days the Nash rep
resentative entertained them with
excursions into the southern Cali
fornia beauty' spots. Nash sales
exceeding any previous period and
excellent prospects for the year,
were reported by the Los An&e!es
The trip from Los Angeles was
resumed via the inland route to
Bakersfield and Sacramento where
a short1 stop was made to view
thel-sisier sTaU-capaol ad then
the return to Salem over the Pa
cific Highway.
The Nash car used by Messrs.
Pettyjohn and Maden was a stock
car, Nash Advanced Six sedan
which upheld every Nash tradi
tion in performance. A total of
two thousand four hundred fifteen
miles was recorded. Nineteen
hundred miles of the distance
travelled was over new road high
way without retracing until Red
Bluff, California, was reached.
Seventeen and one half miles per
gallon of gasoline was averaged
notwithstanding the high rate of
speed which was maintained be
tween forty-five and sixty miles
per hour.
Messrs. Pettyjohn and Maden
were pleased with the country
through which they traveled and
the evident automobile prosperity
for 19 27.
Norman de Vaux, active head
of the Pacific roast Star factory,
says that 75 of the motor cars
bought in the U. S. are purchased
on the time payment plan. ;
of Car
Star Cars Reputed to Be
Economical for Commer
cial Transportation
With accurate figures to tell
you the story of an automobile's
efficiency, the element of guess
work has been eliminated in the
selection of a motor car for com
mercial purposes, according to H.
Shade, local Star car merchant.
"There was a time when auto
mobiles were bought for pleasure
transportation entirely." says Mr.
Shade, "but conditions have chang
ed and now automobiles are
bought more for commercial trans
portation than for ordinary passenger-carrying
purposes. The use
of the automobile has so speeded
up business that rival firms have
had to motorize in order to keep
pace with competition; and this
been:i9rgeiy. responsible for
ithe ereat irrnwth nf thp mntnr r
the great growth of the motor car
Since the automobile has be
come a commercial necessity, it is
but natural that cost exports
should keep accurate records of
operation expenses and deprecia
tion. Therefore, with accurate
figures to tell the story, purchas
ing agents for large mercantile
firms are able to buy motor trans
portation without the handicap of
guess work.
Mr. Shade says that it has been
in the commercial field the Star
car has made many of its finest
upkeep and economy records. The
Star four has been used by com
mercial houses and large corpora
tions since "it made its debute in
IP 22; and the Star stix, introduced
late in 1925. 'has already estab
lished an excellent reputation in
the industrial world.
.Several of the" large oil com
panies, the Dollar Steamship Co.,
and many other corporations have
adopted the Star car for transpor
tation with the most satisfactory
rt suits.
The world's largest highway
bridge, flung across . Carquinez
straits at the northern end of ?San
Francisco Bay, is nearing comple
tion. !
This is the announcement made
by the Carquinez bridge celebra
tion committee.
The gigantic structure will be
formally 'dedicated on Saturday,
May 21.
Carquinez bridge is being built
at a cost of $8,000,000. Greater
than the East River bridge, over
shadowing the mighty Philadelphia-Camden
bridge, larger than
the famous Quebec bridge Car
quinez bridge Is commanding! the
attention of the bridge engineers
of the world.
With the completion of this
bridge a continuous single over
land highway will axtend from
British Columbia to Mexico, and
Carquinez bridge has been hailed
as a bridge uniting trtree flags.
This structure is nearly a mile
long and connects Vallejo oh: the
north bank of the swift Carquinez
straits with Crockett on the sout.i
Towering over the water to a
total height of 350 feet above tho
surface, with massive towers equal
in height to a 22 story building,
the huge piers on which Carquinez
bridge rests stand 'in 100 feet of
water and sink below the strait
bottom to stands-tone rock foun
dation beds another 40 feet, r
The greatest ships afloat will
be able to pass under the bridge,
the clearance being in excess of
135 feet.
Three motor trucks may pass
abreast on the reinforced concrete
roadway, 7 inches thick, to be laid
on the 30 foot roadway across the
bridge. Sidewalks are to be laid
on Either side of this road. "
More than 14,000 tons of steel,
enough to erect a modern office
Lhuilding 100 stories high, are used
in this all steel-and-concrete struc
ture. Lumber used in shoring the
eight concrete piers and in false
work on which spans were erected
is sufficient to build 350 5 room
The franchise of this colossus
of engineering was granted ion
ebruary 5, 1923, and construction
began on April 2. although the of
ficial permit from the war depart
ment was not issued until April
17. '
In commemoration of the open
ing of this monumental structure,
civic and commercial leaders not
Only throughout California but in
sister states are preparing to cele
brate the officiaj dedication on
May 21. Auto caravans will start
from Vancouver on the north,
from Tia Juana on the south ami
from Reno on the Victory high
way to meet at the
bridge at noon of the opening day.
N4 ,
i v it
This Oldsmebtle' roadster, now nearly
in the Fiji Islands. It is one of 500
aauy service at Suva.
. m .
Comfort Problem in JVIotor
Transportation Decreased
Says Zosel
"Nowadays, big; de luxe motor
coaches are as common en our
highways as the ordinary car was
10 years ago," 3ay3 Walter Zcsel.
Seiberling All-Treads dealer.
"It is now possible to travel
practically the entire distance
from coast to coast via the) motor
coach conveyance. Many coach
companies have rune of over
1000 miles.
"Naturally, one of the big pro
blems which faced the motor coach
industry a few years ago, was that
of comfort.' Cord tires used for
this heavy duty had to be inflated
at pressure from 90 to over 200
lbs. When a coach equipped with
this type of, tires struck an- oh
struction, the passenger Usually
thought it was a pile of rock.
"Since the invention and im
provement of balloon tiries, the
comfort problem in motor! coach
transportation has been decreased.
"More than 300 motor j coach
lines throughout the country use
Seiberling heavy duty balloons in
flated at a pressure but little
more than that of the passenger
car balloons. The pillow j effect
which these tires give has done
much to increase the revenue of
the nation's motor coach
portation systems."
L. W. Shawk, wholesale j repre
sentative of the Oldsmobile com
pany of Oregon with headquarters
in Portland, was a visitor in Salem
recently. While here hei spent
Rome time at the Capitol Motors
company and expressed himself as
well pleased with the general pros-
I pects for sales during the coming
' BY
.... !
rs: ii
20 years old, was the first automobile
car on he Islands and is still doing
American Tourist Resorts
Face Race With Others
. Realizing Benefits
cial) Foreign countries with
highly advertised ' touring areas
are making strong bids for United
States tourist trade that some of
America's best known resorts are
certain to be badly hit unless they
wake up and make plans to meet
the. competition to which they are
subjected. :
Such was the tenor of a state
ment issued from the national
headquarters of the American Au
tomobile association. The state
ment, which was partly a warning
and partly a prediction, was based
on an analysis of the world tour
ing situation! made by the Nation
al Turing Board of the A. A. A.
many foreign governments are
. The analysis 'disclosed t that
takfng an active and increasing
interest In' promoting and exploit
ing their resort areas and that
the main appeal" in their campaign
is directed toward American pros
pect's. Some of them have gone so
far as to appropriate special funds
and set. tfp special bureaus to ad
verflse'thesej areas in order that
their 'attractions may be constant
ly exploited and kept before the
public throughout the entire year.
In addition to this, 'points out
the A. A. A. national touring board
more than a1 score of large ship
ping companies are feverishly en
gaged in this same work of ex
ploiting foreign touring areas, of
fering attractive ocean rates and
better, facilities for the shipment
of automobiles.
"These governments, bureaus
and shipping companies," said the
statement, "are, of course, using
good business judgment in pro
moting their own Interests. . They
have "every right, to do so. We
have no quarrel with them and
our service, of course, follows our
members who yield to the foreign
lure. . . i -i ,
""We are constrained, however,
to point "out ' that American tour
ing areas are facing th stiff est
and hardest i kind of competition
and that they "must bestir them
selves and acquaint 'the public,
particularly; the motoring- public
what "they have to offer for
amusement- and recreation. They
must do exactly as , their foreign
fCoitinnsd on pace 6.)
Oakland Motor Car Group
assumes Role of Prophets
. v ' .'j ------ " -.
When civilization was Trery
young there was an old saying, to
the 'ieffect.thit a prophet 'is not
without honor save in -his own
country and in his own home.;. In
the automotive version of that bid
saying, aceojrdlnsr to A. L. Mc
Meahs, ' district rhanager - of the
Oakland. Motor Car company with
offices here, 'received word Tester
day that the : Oakland ' Motor aCr
company assumes the role of the
prophet and - Oakland : county,
Mich.,-where Oakland and Pontiac
hears are made, ;bec6m'es the pro-
phet's own coantry. ,
"Statistics," said McMeans.
wcbniplled by the Registration Di-vlsldn-bf
way department "show- ihat'ndt
only '1s f this prophet hdnored 'In
his own home, bat he Is honored
to" an exiraordinary degree.":: . For
the 11 months . ending the last
month is the', tear i Inst . passed,
'atttomobUes produced by the Oak
land Motor., 'Car 'company , stood
third tin- the list ot new car regis
trations in Oakland ' county. X i
' "These -figures are; - tar ahead ;
ot any other make of six cylindfer
cam. The two companies' lead!" 3
i OalJand are both manufacturers
of umall -four cyJLnder machines.";
.The following article concern
ing the keeping of cara In 'gobil
condition --for. driving was published-
in the Ruick Bulletin fdr
January:-' - --1 -- : -; -
In the 1927 Buicks "two im
portant, contributions to" i61d
weather driving satisfaction 'have
beett made. -1 ia t
CrhnKcase dilution is prevented
by means 'of a' vacuum cleaho'r "or
veritllatoi' for the crahkease'; and
the cooling "system is 'tfiermdstkti
cally 'controlled. '
Elimination r: '.-: r.krase dilu
tion is bhe of the : : .-t b'rdbTe'ma
solved' 'by autdmbt...? engineers
in years and Is one c. many', im
portant factors that inake ;the
1927 Buicks the greatest "ever
bunt,'' - .;-jv
Preventing crankcase dilation
overcomfs the objectionable fea
tures of cold weather-driving such
as freezing of the oii pump,' fre
quent oil changes, and ,the "for
mation of acid In the crankcase.
which is Injurious to all the work
ing parts of the engine. - .
In the 1927 , Bulck eaglse
harmful dilution is prevented by
the crankcase ventilator, in com
bination with a thermostatic j. wa
ter control in the coollag system.
One of the chief products of the
explosive mixtures ia a gasoline
engine is water. . For .every gal
ion of gasoline burned, a gallon
of v.'ater is produced. In the -form
of steam, and "when 'startfcig a
cold engine, water and the heavy
end of the fuel, which -are -not
combustible below a certain en
gine temperature, find their way
down past the pistons to ' the
crankcase. Unless there are re
moved while in. the form of vapor
they will condense and cause dilu
tion. The water mixes Trith the
sulphur which may be in the so
burned fuel or the oil, and forms
sulphuric acid -"Which attacks
working parts of the engine and.
causes quick corrosion, pitting
and rapid wear. The -crankcass
ventilator does not prevent kero
sene dilution of the. oil in ex
tremely cold weather but positive.
ly does remove the water.-
A certain amount of kerosene
dilution, held within normal lim
its. Is necessary to keep the oil
from congealing and to sennit
easy starting of the engine and'lm-
mediate circulation of oil through
the system. The normal limits of
kerosene dilution in zero weather
are from 20 to 30 and the
Buick ventilator automatical!
keeps the 'oil within these limits.
While the ventilator performs
(Continued on ptff 6-.)
Contemplated Action An
nounced at Traffic Man
agers' Meeting
Starting of the most intensive
freight rate research ever under
taken by the; automobile Industry
was announced at the Traffic
Managers Meeting of the National
Automobile chamber of commerce
held In Detroit, February 4. .
As authorized by the directors
of the chamber, the Traffic De
partment and the Traffic Mana
gers committee'. Is to study the
rate elements and traffic charac
teristics of automobiles and their ,
varidus parts, the 'position accord
ed them by the railroads in the
freight classifications 'and tariffs,
and the relation of , shipments of
this character with other commod
ities. ' - : - - : .
1 1 Considerable progress " has al
ready been made in similar re
search in connection with Iron and
steel articles shipped and. recelv-
ed by memmers of the chamber.
This study Is for the guidance
of the traffic 1 department nd
members in connection with an
investigation now in progress by
the Interstate commerce commis
sion which "Will determine the
freight rates on iron and steel ar
ticles between points east of the
Mississippi river and .particularly
the relation of these rates between
the several manufacturing points
and consuming points ,
. This proceeding of the commis
sion; is of great Importance, due '
to the large amonhi of iron and
steel consumed by the an tomobils
Industry. The first -hearing has
been announced ' by the commis
sion at Pittsburgh, tjlarch 16 lis.
with other hearings mt Colam! r..,
Ohio, April 18th; Detroit. Aval
25th end Chicago, Hay I2;lit -