The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 13, 1927, Page 11, Image 11

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Social Caleadar- -
I, it !. .Hit t .. Q
- Coauaoad froar pg S-), -
Bent and ilarge crowd is antici?
pated.1 1 All members., and . friends
of tb United Art la an are - wel
come io'eotoe. The meeting .will be.
held-InvMcComack ;Jiall2 at; the
t;orer dt t Liberty , and Court
'.-U. -The Calted 'Artisan "r
cXm wiU.'.fnrnlaa;-music for
dCf , -or those who car to n
jwi it- after . the regular fcatrlotie
QrogranV has been-arlTesuj -.'
, Today ;i
Film- at First .Congregational
church. Scenes - from latimat 4ife
of Abraham Lincoln. 7 Jl o'clock.
v Mrs. - W. E, Anderson's f musical
tea- 3 o'clock.- - 5 " '
. t ..." .v .. Monday i ..'
: Portland Symphony, orchestra
In concert and Herbert Wither
spoon in short lecture. , Elsinore
theater. 8 ' o'clock 1 rk J-
afuf Jr.: Stufgis Atpend
Mr.' 'rtnd Mrs; Italph. Sturgls at
tended the meeting of the Eastern
Star In Brooks last Tuesday night. I
At rtMs -'time "-Mrs. Pearl Stereas I f
nfr . tsa . Gerrali ' chaDter. ' as grand u
- ft.
Esther of Oregon, made her ofXt- ?:
Mrs. J oseynme o tcwarc a
Honored AVithOutstandihg
Ted iit'Engene'. , -
; An-event ttaodal prominence 1 rM.Kk?iT. f
thlsw-wajthe-br1dre party -vMusUial eoiieewbowUl
' ' "
Si i '
speak in- eaSera tomorrow night at
taeuElsinoxe and . in. whose-, honor
a i dinner vhau been. planned at. the
Elks club, v -
and tea ior. wbJch Mr. "Josephine
Stewurt and'th, girls .of" Gamma
Phi '.'Beta 'sorority entertained.
The. party was siren at the soror
ity, chaoter-house, "Bridge - was
played between two Jrand- four
o'clock, Wni tables-being; arranged.
and '-some seventy-fwev or more
guests calling-at. four-o'clock for
tea..; ,.L j 'I 1. -... . ..
About fifty of the guests were
invited ' from.' Salem. Albany and
Corrallis. ' - j-" fi
Mrs. X. I , Patterson, and Mrs.
Robert J. Hendricks of Salem
poured, . - ,
Receiving were Miss Esther Set
ters." ss: Rarriltl tietAott and
Mis. Stewart''- rrV '-
The roomA were; beautifully, de
corated in earvrln,blopiaa and
on the tea table 'was a bououet
of pink carnations :mud yellow: o-
acUiand ptnk tajfefs: j 'f;
The-out-of-town guests were as
follows-' From 'sJemyMrs7 T. X
Pattersonv Mrs.- Robert-JT Head- Progrttnt for ' Valentine
.wv. . i Lav xjoncerz
cori Mrs'' George- Rbdgers, - Mrs.
Charles A. Park. Mrs. Alice H.
Dodd; Miss Margaret CoBper. Mrs
Mildred Bright; Mrsf B? a. Schuek-
ingf -Mrev A N. -GUbert,-Mrs WU-
lianv "Brown. ? Mrs. -Joha McNary .
Mrs. MT ArThompsoafirsrHomer
SmUh Mrs: M. -Fnrgy. Mrs. K.
H. DHnfeter; Mrs.' Milton I. Meyers,
Mrs.lRichafd Slater, Mrs. Arthur
VassanMrs William Lytle.' From
Albany: Miss Flora 1ttasbnr Mrftl
Hdckihs. Trom,rCorTallls? Mrs. A
O. Rennl Mrs.' GeorgrH White,
Mr C, H. Eee, Mrs. E. E. WoosU
er,- Mrs. -J-- -Oi Smith, -Mrs. John
Wagoner. MrsJ It-'R. Patterson,
Mrs, "A,- R. GrouW-Mrs. Mabel' Gar
i : :
rooms were' vividly decorated with
many Valentines -and boquets of
silvery pussy willows. The guests
;t, r Mary. Gertrude railed from - Z
Valentlna games and. contests
were "enjoyed hntil the tea - hour
when Mrs. 'Butler served delicious
reiresnmeniB, . assisiea vy aiia. a.
In the group were: Lillian Pot
ter, Frances Huston,- Betty, Ab
rams.""So!Dhle'Hu;bes,' Margaret
McKemle ' Jane McKenzie. Jeaii
Vak Slyke, Kathryn 'Ellis, Lucille
Hackett, Marian' ' Ross, and- the
hostess' Mary Gertrude Butler.'
Portland t Symphony :
George Bl Guthrie,- owner of
the -beautiful Ehsinore theater as
sisted Dr. Wlllem Voni Hoogstra-
teu-nd Mrs' M Donald. Spencer
in the selection of the program
wjiich the Portland Symphony or
chestra will give ,bn Monday even
ing in Salens.. - tj i -
The program is a gem in di
versity, -and. Is a cerwm bid for
the, eUthusiatlc approval of those
who attend what 'promises to b
one of the most- superb- perforia-
ancea lft'the-hlsteTy of the Ei-
tore theater.-"-" J':-
1 la the, wards of ,one who hs,i
proyed herself -to be a great friend
of tHa orchestra that' is coming to
Salem, "It was hard to. place an
! Artisans dance. Derby ball.
Woman's u club .eiasses.isciub
housef " - t.. ,'iti t
f r'Ai A. U. W class in pre-sehool
study. Mrs. C. A. Downs, ' 2121
South High Street, hostets. 2:30
O'clock;- - f,;f .; il .'
' Tneeday
Needlecraft club. ' Mrs. George
Martin, 1190 South 14th Street,
; -Writers club. Mr. and Mrs.
Robert C. Paulus,.; 1155 North
Summer street, hosts.' -
t Wt p. T. TJ Trances Willard
Day, Program and Jeilver tea,
' ; K :MV WeneAday'
R. N. A. Valentrae parry. St.
Paul's'' Parish1 hbose.'S o'clock. '
Royal Neighbors sewing, club: Mrs.
Atzle Htron,u 410T South" " t4th
street, hostess. Pot-ltrck-luncheon
at noon.'"' --
- - ! Xhursday
United Artisans.1 Patriotic meet
ing1 McCornatfk uall. ' "
Ladies of the G. A. R. Lena
Straw Taylor, 1795 Fairgrounds
Road, hostess. 2 bvclock.
' Friday 1
Junior Guild bridge tea. St.
Paul's parish tfcoule! "Reservations
with Mrs. J. R. Lu per; "telephone
i i West " Side circle xf the Jason
Lee ladies aid" society. Mrs. .Rich
ard Erleksonr 1 HP North liberty
Street, 'hostesslo'clock. -
the evening includes Mrs. I, L.
McAdams, Mrs. 1 l3cott Reed, ahd
Bfrs. Elwell. " - - - '" --
Dr. George H. Alden is presi
dent of the "Mnnesota club; F. P.
Killian, vite ' president; ' and1 Mrs.
W; J: Lihfoot,v8ecr'etary. w'i "
A. 'nvtwtloxf is extended
to all fdrtaer tesldents of Mmue-l
sota' to kttend - this 'gatherlil'g ' a
weektrom Y&Jbr? "4i"u v
- .. . . t
ifr. iiarrison Entertapng
PringlePlea8ant Point Club
The Prmgle'Pleasant' Point tlub
met FehrUaYy'S'-at the 'hbme 'ot
Mrs. Homer Harrison, 103 Marion,
for an all day meeting.' Members
present were: "Mrs.5 Frank: Clark,
Mrs. Ernest Clark, Mrs. Olive Sha
rer. Mrs. E. S. coates, Mrs. V.
rert. Mrs. ate Wjamesbn, Mrs, tZ j :2
CT J:-' Kerr, .Mr. ArtHuia Clark. JJJSJ? i?3St
f-H-?: IvSwVoagl
(ews. Jars. uranc xuigm, am r ---. ttm - tIftiid;"; indicates
Board; - "i , tlm'7'Wcu-'arirterf8Iot.
For- Weekend " : ' ' '':"' " .," ". t; j The completo program, opening
UT,TTeArM. QTiol Pon at o'clock with Herbert -WJtherv
land.; who la spending some time spoon's lecture, will be- as follows:
N Talk by Herbert Witherspoon,
president1? Chicago Musical Col
lege.''' . . ; " '
II . . ;
Unfinished, Symphony Schubert
Tannhauser 'Overture ' .Wagner
in Salem aa . the house-guest oi
Mrs. Aint DeWltte M l Pbrtland
over ihe week-end. - ; '
iVtt73 Service Features'
Article' on'EUy Ney' "'
Ait international news service. Eyg-jing Star r--.........Wagner
featured the following paragraph . . (from "Tannhauaer?)
concerning Elly-,ey.wlfe of Dr. I j -?-:llL
Willem Von Hoogstraten who i-Ij,flght on Bald MounUln
be at the Elslaore tomorrow uignt i ZzZZL.L. Moussorksky
to conduct the PorUaud'Sytnpnohy j Val TriMt Sibelius
Oreheirtrai :t'.xzxr?r,ia ? fniht of the BUmble-Bee I
EIly Ney was the guest soloist I - :r - . , . ,- Klinsky-Kbrsakotf
at the Beethoven Centenary Festi-1 UarcBe slave STchaiskovsky
vat in Fortia&OY ore., xasi monw.
V1TW . . . A mAA 4w 4 tn tv,.
gram was that the number select-1 Homer Q$ulet,Jr., Entertaim
ed fo he aeentrai- peTrormancei Xitn supper rany as vie
Horner Goulet, Jr son of Mr.
and ' Mrs. Homer Goulet, enter
tained with Jttf enjoyable supper
party at the' Gray- Belle Friday.
The -affair flolo wed the-. Valentine
ball -at-whlcb Mrs. Ralph- White
entertained her junior dancing
A group of twelve members of
the class who are the same age as
Homer, Jr., were the guests.- -
Clever Valentine r novelties de
corated the - supper table, while
the chosen color scheme featured
emulated, most falthtulrythe mas-jfn the flowers', candles and vara
rfra trTia tr mmnnanuni ina liar-1 i w -- .w 0. -t - -
ried on most successfully the Ioftyl-Kc'':nrwep
traditions of thO Beethoven school. MissvAiargarei xseu, miss cueanor
Wngnt, iommy uvesiey, vnaries
Kay Bishop, Tavidyr-; if., Ed
win Cross, Fraak4 Cross, Werner
Brown, Billy iDyerV amt the-ost.
Homer GouleC Jf -' l
Last night Mr. and Mrs. Homer
Goulet, Sr., Honored their .sou at
concerto '-Of Brahms." It happened
howevtis that the major piano concertos-
of Beethoven had 1 already
been given by the Portland Sym
phony hestr daHnB- the: pant
year." Madame"rf eyherserT battng
been the soloist for the most 1m
port ant of them all,, the Emperor,
Therefore the magnificent work of
Brahms was Inserted 'for this oc
casion. Its appropriatness appears
when it is realized that of all. the
composers: - who" followed ;;Jteet-
honren, Brahms waslthe one .who
Visitors Returns to
Sen Francisco
'Mrs. Matthew McCnrrle of San
Francisco has returned to her
home after spending a fortnight
In Salem as the guest of her father I dlnner on the ; occasion of bis
Joan B. liolman. , 1 birthday anniversary. T. A. Nor
1 ST VT9 A . . TTT.TT - . m. -w- - 9 ' "
MTS. Y. to. Anaerson ryu v llrATr;r:-Tr;: whose hfrthdav falli
Entertain Witff '' ' j bn' the same day, - jfere shared
tomorrow night W thePbrtland tf
symphony Orechestra at the jsisi- r - i. -. V-
c?t" 'en,M,r 1 Bold
The guesu have been invited to Mid-unnter bat tiering on
call at 3 o'clock. ! jrrirrmr T'iomf m1i
'-The . - mid-winter- gathering of
Minnesota club will be an event
bt Monday. eening, February 21
la thf banquet room at the YMCA,
bekmriinsat - 7:30 o'clock. Prof.
X..O.'4-Ilail of Willamette Univer
Mrs. Erie BuUer, were delightful-1 aity will b Jhe speaker of. the
lr -enlertiTiielf 'on -TatTirCi y tttir-1 evtmrw
Jfarj Gertrude Butter
I&tertains With
Valentine Party '
;La- group of friends of Mary Ger
trude Butler,' daughter ot-ilr.' tnd
(Continued on pS 4.)
Regular SC75 'value, new -model
reduced - to. ' 4 7 5. 'Terms sxo a
months GeOv C. Will. Music House,
432 State St.- Est. 1879.
Wikon Bros.
$1.45 $1.95
New crisp shirts in
psttterns or smart
ness ana distinction
made by Wilson
Bros. Morp t a n
thirty dpzep at the
izes XYz to 18.
Your opportunity to
St acquainted with
Wilson Brothers Xine
fitting shirts, at 8 re
markable saving. " i
"- T mm. , . a i r"T T T1 ii " il I 1 1 ill il mi ll III ifWnffiifTTrTnniTrT ' ' hi . i il ii i f r ri in wmn-tnTti hl rr-wii ' i r 1 1 iiii i" v t i i niiirmTiini..iiniiiiiini"Tli in1 mi mmnww fl 'n,iriF.iii.iiiiiiwimi iiiiiii i i iiir n i .iiniiMuniwiiim.n .1 i mm. in .. .m.-
; - llli.i.nmnili ,, MUM am.uUtmm,,m.. Hl-w)iitai.,,.i.itoiliri.,i.lli.w..-tJgii. w,ntiifWHnllHiiifc, .1. iHWi m- f'm mlili.1 t III IMI.I1IIII ii. ,, ,. mm. n i i, . - ,-J.J.,
I-, - t '-- " 7" 'VI tJ. -: : - -1 ; i -'- - - t- - - w , i
ii ' - - . ' ' . j' , a
: . , ' S ; .- ' "" - ..... . . .'. - j. - - i - ; ;" - . , "J r V' I i
W y1
ii ! ' J , - 1'- ' vl. - - ' .'
Ii 1 -If
I New ' I ' .
II of keynote or
and up r
- - ;r
Spring Coats
SMARTER styles have rarely been
3 shown Und you'll fterei with us
wen you-. view our attractive selection
of new Spring coats ! Here yu will fincl
the ' richest of wdbjen 'tahris siich" 'as
acquarl tweeds1, tweed cjiecs, chevron
overplaids, also the dressier avsr such
as' R6peau and Charmeen. ' One will find
tiered' effects, belts that t slip through
thp-siHfti decorative Dockets, collars and
c'uffsfurs in 'new waystwin beaver
calf, fox' monkey, squirrel alidmuffjkm.
The "colors' too, are most itAterestrng :
Jftriirtfr mav. fir. lilliDUtiari ' checks.
iavy'biackand whife 'iiove: - grey and
.-V t
SirnpKcity the
Spring Fashions
Simplicity assumes the stellar role in
spring's fasBion prcanir-a subtle,
sophisticated :simpcity lachieved by ih-i
genuity of cut anS blstuiction of Urie-i-a
simplicity which ' emphasizes; feranine
charm with' superb grace ancl flittery." '
Thesd new frocks ire, indeed,' inaryels
of Parne fiS "r-,N'" r"
' 'tucks, seams and -pleats add infinite
variety and vie "-fof pia'rityth''e
compose theirie of others. Ah the Vivid
colors of Spriiig ire replreira
cian rose, whirl jpool, ijtother Goose, tea)
dupk, jpistachei; ocpari g?6en; 'pbjor, 'mo
key; skin, queen blue' and many others.
In sucn fabrics : 'a31flai - crepe; crepe
roma, frost crepe ad georgette.' . " 1
'; ' " '.w-. ,-w';-d ; ... , V. , ' . -'
Sport Jfatp;le.?i WMQ
:- . iT,-'";I- 'T' "
ouits 'like fsew ravor
- f and Importance
r tv-.... "V-vf .r f . , -
-Any number, of little - mannish
taillecrs1 that accentuate f emirdni
tycmart little tweedi thatswag-ger-Tiehip
length" jackets. 'IJpre
dressy type's' IT fyou "wlshi-chati
meehf ancy "checks," twfeeds, 'tier
ringbone1 and 4iiagonals---in. . ,rtths,
.greys, greens, Jblues'a'nd etv v
t '
vyhen Sport outfits are the darlings bf the fashion world,
sport nata - take an important place n every woman's
thoughts Our collection includes sport hats of smarfva-
riety--of all rnafirier of chic-se bur fewest arrivals priced
at only
,4. . ' ' S,h
' ri';.'-'-'
' . . - ' . ;' .
New Silk Blouses i ' i
S5:?5 to 7.75 '
These - blouses fairly breathe
spring smartaes trun litUe jtoy
ish' collars catch! fashion's,' eye witli
their ' vivid -.. cold rs rose, ' green,
blue, white and 'colorful prints.' In .
such fabrics as! crepe ec'hine, "sic
broadcloth and mojre; ,v. '
.3 .