The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 13, 1927, Page 10, Image 10

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j ivjM utwoiouuio valentines wuu are aiintcuye cniiaren in live oaiem nomes uavra auu
ZJ viimxicn w in. auu xvixB. xreuericK xiia inompson wno nave receimy xciuuieu
Srvm a vacation at Carmel-by-the-Sea. ' Sally Ann is the daughter of -Mr. and Mrs. Lester
'ivBarr and Richard Uax Pacre's narents arp. Mr rA Mrs. F.. M. Pacro the two babies beincr
f'3 v-
On this glad "day when rhymes and hearts
In tenderness entwine, - t :
I cannot think of yow as anght - i : u 1
Saye-xny own Valentine. , - v; ,
; ! -r-Maurine ilatcawajr. .
miorGtiUd of SL Paul's
. Church Plant Distinctive -r.
Benefit Affair -
The sociai affairs
the organization .of t. Paul's
p Episcopal church are always of a
ielrxhtf ul sort, and the benefit
. bridge tea on Friday afternoon at
&Wch the Junior Guild will en
tertain will in no; way" b .an ex
ceptlon. Many of tie mosVpromi
Tiknt matrbns of the city will want
, to take this opportuatty, to' meet
their friends and eajoy;: some
bridge In the interest of a worthy
ifcaase. The affair wiU Uke place
at 'the parish ' house. ' - -
jTiMrs. E. H. KennedyMrs. Rha
Luper, Mrs. H. A Cornoyer, Mrs.
P?C Roberts and Mrs. Walter
, Kirk are in charge of the affair
aud3 reserTations are toeing made
wita Mrs. Iupef at 2364. !
v- rA group of the younger girls in
cluding Miss Sarah Lansing. Miss
Julia Creechi Miss Nancy Thielsen
iis iwroiny wnue, will as-
; slBt at the tea hour. ;
flTfrs. H. Duncan Chambers and
Mrs. 'Ada Strong will pour.. .
ISSpecial mnsical number will be
given by Mrs. .Phil Newmyer and
Mrs. W. Carlton Smith.
. lleervations , for tables hare
been, made so far bi )he following:
Mrs.'llomer II. Smith. Mrs. Frank
;. W.. Durbin, Mrs. A. M. Vassall.
Jlri; E Hj Kennedy.- Mrs. E. E.
Bragg, MrsfcClure. Mrs. Joseph
Baumgartner, Mrs. Russell Catlin.
Mra, Prank Speafv Mrs. C. C.
?age. Mrs. V. E.: Kuhn. Mrs. ; W.
Carlton Smith. Mrs- William, Wal-
ton,' Mrs. Lonls Lachmund. Mrs.
WS H. Lytle. Mrs. IIolUs;Hunting-
tbn. frs. Georges Nelson Mrs. Ted
Chambers and Mrs Claude Steus
lorf.; . , -
Uousc-Guext at Weller Heme
' air. and Mrs. u. . B. Moores of
? Portland spent several days last
Week In &alem as the house-guests
of Mr. sad Mr.; Charles S.,Weller.
Mr. Mooj-es .apd Mr." .Weller spent
Borne time visiting the legislature.
In 1895 Mr. Moores was the speak
er of the house. ?'-K--y'.K:
Rev. Afar tin. Fereshetian r- '
Speaksl at Meeting of 'i
Salem Woman's Clubj'-i:
Lincoln's iospiratlonal- life': and
rationality was the jsubject of the
address given yesterday afternoon
fcy Martin Fereshetian at the
F ''JX ..pnaa's club. Kev. Mr.
l ercebetJan spoke at the request
of Judge 'John LV Rand, the sched
uled speaker, 'who was unable to
meet the engagment . . t -
! Special music was furnished by
Mrs. Martin Fesesbetian; contralto
and by Francis Grote,' pianist. -
i Mrs. Carl Gregg Doney gave an
exceedingly pleasing report of the
fine arts institute held recently in
Portland. . Mr. George ' H. Alden
called attention to the study class
es tomorrow at the club house.'
I-A number of items, of business
were disposed 'of during the -busi
ness nour. - r u v.--ii.-
Catherine Woodard Jf e'comes
Bride or William. Nelson
Ferrini Jr., in SUverton t-
i SllvertonQre., Feb. 12-( Spe
cial to The StatesmanJ-At one
of the most 1 beautiful weddinra
ever solemnjzedrin Sflverton, Miss
Catherine Mary i Woodard, only
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Myron
C. Woodard. became th hrtta
Friday night, February 11. of Mr.
William Nelson Ferrin, Jr son
of Dr. and Mrs. WilUam Nelson
Forrln of St. Helen's. -
I The ceremony took place - at
8;30 o'clock at the home of the
bride's parents at the corner of
Coolidg and McClaln sbets. with
Dr. J ohn p, McCormlck of Salem
offtcUtlng. The Impressive single
ring. service was usedj Many out-of-town
-friends and relatives at
tended the wedding. . , , .
I A beautiful improvised altar of
golden acacia. lighted bine tapers,
and tall Easter lilies was arranged
in front of the fireplace.
i O. D. Olsen of Brelthapt's had
charge of all decorations. ' .
The bride . descenaea iHe stairs
on the arm other father hn mva
her In marriage. Her only attend
ant was Miss Helen Tu thill of
Portland. The groom's attend
ant was his brother, Haskell Fer
rin, who acted as best man. The
small niece and nephew of the
groom. Miriam and Allen, attrao
tite children or Mr. and Mrs."Hol
man Ferrin of St. Helens; each
dressed In white and; each carry
ing a basket of flowers served as
pagea.--' : -: '? ,:" r.. ;
The bride was exceedingly beau
tiful in lier gown of white Weddfn
ring relvet worn with : a coronet
head-dress- and train-length veil
of! Spanish laeel; She 5 carried' a
shower bouquet of white orchids
and roses.
Miss Heeln TattvlH. the msf.t f
honor, was very charming in pink
chiffon beaded In crystal. She
carried, a gorgeous bouquet of
Ophelia roses, and rainbow free-
1 Immediately preceding the cer
emony Clara Lewis Owen, mezzo-
contralto of Seattle, sang "The
Harp," The wedding party formed
to the-strains of the stately Loh
engrin processional played by
Mrs. Gertrude Cameron.
A formal reception followed at
the' bride's , home. The guests
were received b.Mrand Mrs. My
ron C. Woodard,, parents of the
bride, and. Dr. and Mrs. William
Nelson Ferrin of St. Helens, par
ents of the groom, Mr. and Mrs.
Wlliam Nelson Ferrin, Jr. (Cath
erine Woodard) and their attend'
ants, and the grandmother of the
bride, Mrs. 'S. P. Ireland. ,
The dining room was' decorated
with pink flowers and candles. A
great bowl of butterfly roses cen
tered the table from which the
ices were cut and the cpffee
served. Mrs. ' J. W. Creatch of
Portland acted as hostess in ' the
dining room.
During the first hour those who
poured were: Mrs. Haskel Ferrin
and Mrs. Si F. Ferrin,. Mrs. H. S.
Tuthill of I Portland and i Mrs.
Frank O'Brien1-of Kansas cut the
ices. ' At the second hour Mrs,
Holman Ferrin; Mrs. Van Ireland
of Minnesota, poured. Those cut
ting ices , during ' the "second hour
were Mrs. James Owen of Medford
and Mrs. George Marsh of Port
land. . J - ' "
: Those assisting in - the dining
nad living rooms throughout the
evening were: Mrs. Roscoe Hem
mingway, 1 Mrs. Russell Brlnker,
Mrs. Russell Ferguson; Mrs. Rob
ert Somerville, Mrs. Selwln Bng
ham. Mrs. John . Elder of West
Fir. Mrs. H. P. Pritzlaff of Port
tand, Mrs. A. P. Denton, Mrs. C.
E.UDenty Mrs. R. E. Klelnsorge,
Mrs. J. A- Campbell, Miss Rebecca
Ireland., the Misses Virginia and
Evelyn-Thatcher .Miss Dorothy
Hubbs, and Mrs. Eleanor McClaln.
' ' "Among" the many out-of-town
guests who attended the wedding
were; Mr. and Mrs Van Ireland
Of Minnesota, Mr. and MrsrG. L
Ireland of North Dakota, Mr, and
Mrs.: James Owen of Medford, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Dean of Milwaukee,
Wis.; Mr., and Mrs. Alf CooHdgo
of Colfax, -Washington,! Mr. and
Mrs. W. N.:; Ferrin of St. Helens.
Mr. and Mrs.' James Thompson of
St. :HelensVvMr. and Mrs-i Holman
Ferrin, of St. Helens, Mr. and Mrs.
O'Brien of Xaniehce, Kansas. Mr.
and. Mrs. Heary. Jacobson of West
Port, Ir- and Mrs. & 8. Owen.
Mr. and - Mrs. Lewis Owen, and
Mrs. 'Frank. Jordan, all of Seattle.
Mr and , Mrs. Ferrin Jr., left
immediately after the ceremony
Tor a three weeks' wedding trip
to Del Monte. California. After
the first .week in. March they will
be at home to I their friends in
West Fir where Mr. Ferrin is man
ager of the Western Lumber com
pany. Mrs. Ferrin has a host of friends
in Salem. Portland -and SUverton.
During her residence , in .Silverton
Mrs. 'Ferrin was prominent In; so?
cial . service work. Foilo'wlng Jber
graduation , f ro mthe Portland
schools she attended Mills College.
Since' the announcement of Jier
engagement Mrs. Ferrin haa neen
complimented with', many social
affairs, 'particualrly" In Portland.
YWCA Finance Campaign
Will Open on Tuesday
6f This Week ' " -
An ' Interesting reature in ' con
nection with the $7000 finance
campaign which the city , YWCA
will formally open on Tuesday, of
this week Is the series of lunch
eons, which will be held . at the
YMCA dining room on Court street
for the workers in the campaign
A rally luncheon will be held
tomorrow with a short program In
conjunction. .
Mrs. W. C. Kantner, chairman
of the speakers' committee, has
arranged the following programs.
Monday when all workers and
baord members will gather for
final Instructions. Rev. F. B. Cul
ver will lead the prayer; Dr. Estel
la . Ford Warner will speak, and
Rev. H. C. Stover will lead the
prayer and benediction.
Tuesday, Rev. C. E. Ward will
lead the opening prayer, Mayor
T. A. Llvesley will speak and Rev.
Thomas Achlson will offer the-final
prayer and benediction; Rev.
E. H. Shanks will give .the prayer
on Wednesday, Frank Neer will
speak, and Rev. J. Willard De Toe
will give the final prayer and ben
ediction. Thursday, Rev. H. D.
Chambers will offer the first pray
er, Hal Pa'tton will speak, and Rev.
F, C. Taylor will give the benedic
tion. Dr. Carl Gregg Doney will
be the speaker on Friday the last
day of the drive. Rev. Norman K.
Tully will offer the opening prayer
and Rev. E. C. Whittaker the
prayer and benediction.
Mrs. Curtis B. Cross Is
Hostess at Valentine Bridge
On Friday a delightful Valen
tine affair of the month took place
in the afternoon when Mrs. Curtis
Cross entertained with bridge
luncheon at her home on Lincoln
Red carnations and red tapers
were used in the rooms and on the
luncheon table.
Covers were placed for: Mrs.
T. A. Llvesley. Mrs. C. W. De Beck
Mrs. Homer Gdulef, Mrs. F. W.
Durbin. Sr.,tMrs. Frank W. Dur
bia, Jr., Mrs. William Brownrs.
Thomas B. Kay, Mrs. Frederick
Lamport, Mrs. Frank Spears,
Mrs. Russell Catlin, -Mrs. Lawr
ence Hofer of San Francisco, Mrs.
Prince W. Byrd, and, the hostess,
Mrs. Curtis Cross.
Mrs. Frank Spears won he
highest score of the afternoon,
while the consolation award went
to Mrs. Frederick Lamport.
Pre-School Child Study
Group Will Meet Monday
The A. A. U. W. study class in
pre-school child psychology will
not meet tomorrow evening, on ac
count of- the concert of the Port
land Symphony orchestra, but will
meet in the afternoon at 2:30
o'clock at the home of Mrs. C. A.
Downs. 2121 South High street
The lesson will concern "Learn
Asocial hour will follow the
class work. .
Amigas Club Entertains ,
Husbands With Dinner Party
The members of the Amigas club
entertained ' their husbands at: a
delightful dinner party, followed
by an evening of five hundred, on
Thursday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Miles McKey on Center St. t
, The Valentine motif was used
on the-dinner table which was at
tractive I with a potted primrose
and tall red candles. ,
The first prize of the evening
went o Mr. and Mrs. Glenn H.
Gtegg, while Mr. and Mrs. James
Fitzgerald won the second award.
.-In the group were:. Mr. and Mrs.
Tames Fitzgerald. Mr. and Mrs.
Glean H. Gregg. Mr. and Mrs.
Edwin Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Charlton, Mr. and Mrs. Ells
worth. Ricketts and the hosts, Mr.
and Mrs. Miles McKey.
Mrs. Gregg assisted Mrs. McKey
at the dinner hour.
Music Section of Salem Arts
League Will Sponsor Concert
Under the personal direction of
Dr. R. W. Hans Seitz, the music
section of the Salem Arts League
will sponsor a music program on
Friday, at 8 o'clock, in the main
lobby of the YMCA. " The program
will include vocal and Instrument
al numbers and a paper on a
prominent musician.
Those who will participate in
the s program are: Miss Nancy
Thielsen, mezzo-soprano: Mrs.
Martin Fereshetian, alto; Miss
Louise Townsend and Miss Evan
geline Hall, piano soloists; Dr. R.
W. Hans Seitz, cellist; William
McGilchrlst, SrV Scotch singer;
vocal duet. Dr. Seitz and Thomas
Williams; and a paper on Schu
bert, by Miss Williams.
: All music lovers are Invited.
maiden; Marjorte Webb. Spanish
senorlta; Margaret Evans, Valen
tine girl; Kathryn Riley, Colonial
maid;! Margaset Bnrdette, . Red
Riding Hood; Dorothy Baisdell,
3Iary'" Mary, quite contrary; Maf
garet Bell, Turkish maid; Helen
Hill, Russian, girl; Marie Stutes
man, Gypsy; Mildred Welsh, Pier
rette; Kathryn Ellis, Mary, Mary,
quite contrary; Opal Hodge, Queen
Of Hearts; Eleanor Wright, ear ijf
corn; Edith Clement.: Chinaman;
Elizabeth Clement, Dutch girjU
Grace Elizabeth Holman. Colonial
dame; Ruth Fick. Spanish peas
ant; Josephine Cornoyer, Martha
Washington; Lois Leedy. Spirit 6t
Vaentine; Margaret Purvine,
Pierrette; Marie Patton, senorita;
Jeanne Patton, Kate Greena way;
Nancy Spurlin, brine;, Grace Day,
Pierrette Helen Purvine, Spanish
girl; Elizabeth Waters, Russian
peasant; Phyllis Day, Russian boy
Maxine Myers, Princess Inga; Cyn
thia Delano, autumn; Eleanor Nor
blad of Astoria, Gypsy. ,1
1 Billy Dyer, cowboy; Cecil
Salem Matron Is Elected To
Office in Portland Club
Mrs. Fay Wright, one Salem's
prominent matrons,, has been hon
ored in Portland as one of the
out-of-town officers of Nydia
Temple, Daughters of the Nile.
The installation of officers of
Nydia Temple, Daughters of the
Nile, will be held In Portland on
Monday, February 14, at the Odd
Fellows Hall. The installation
will be "held on the fourth floor for
members and their husbands. Thej
ceremony will begin at 7:45 and
the doors will be closed at that!
The Inaugural ball will be held
at 9 o'clock on the second floor,
and will be opeh to all Daughters
of the Nile and their husbands.
Members must present ,cards for
admittance. ,
Mrs Ralph White Entertains
Junior Ballroom Class With
Delight fill Valentine
A particularly delightful event
of Friday night was the colorful
masquerade ball at which Mrs
Ralph White entertained the mem
bers of her junior dancing class
A myriad of red - hearts and
floating red streamers decorated
tne big nail. Mrs. White wore a
charming gown of red velvet in
honor of the occasion. She was
assisted by Miss Lucille De Witte
and by Mrs. Florence Teed as mu
The first prizes of the evening
were won by Miss Grace Elizabeth
Holman, dressed as a Colonial
dame, and by David Eyre, Jr., in
the garb of a Gypsy lad. The sec
ond prizes were awarded to Miss
Kathryn Riley, also a Colonial
dame, and Frank Cross, as a II In
du. The judges had difficulty in
making their selections, so varied
and attractive were the costumes.
The following were the partici
pants: Barbara Pierce, Dutch
maid; Lucille England, Indian
I See this bargain. It will not be
on our floors long at this price,
$5 down, S5 a month. Geo. C.
Will Music House, 432 State St.
Est. 1879.
Frartklin, bell boy; Paul Franklin,
pollcieman; Richard Pierce, Indian
brav; La wren re Blaisdell. Pie rot;
Wernier Brown,' Spaniard; Frank
Speai8. Jr. Tommy Livesley,' cow
boy; ; Charles- Kay Bishop. Don
Quixote; Junlor.Gouley, matador;
Edwin' Cross, Don Q; David Eyre,
rUnda;' Clinton Vincent, down;
Jay Teed, Napoleon.
. .... ... . . : . - ......
Salem Girls Usher at
Pianol Recital r -: v - r
Misj, Virginia Dorcas. Miss Jose
phine Albert and Miss Rosalie
Buren? served as' shers on Friday
night at the pla'no - concert at
Which Miss Eileen" Johnson Rob
ertson' of. Vancouver, B. C, was
soloist. The' four! girls were child
ren together, Hi
, ...X.,.-,..- .
United-Artisans WHl Sponsor
Valentine Dance Tomorrow
The officers of United Artisans
are sponsoring' a Valentine dance
at the Derby" hall on Monday even
ing, February 14th. An eight
piece orchestra has been secured
to give the music and a good time
is assured. There ;will be a doN
prize and perhaps other prizes I 1
fered during the intermission.
costume prize wil be given f(!
those who care to come in the St.
Valentine array." ' -
On the 17th the order will hold
their regular monthly open .meet
ing in a patriotic manner, t Every
patriotic order of the city has been
extended an invitation to be pfe-
Oniinoed on pag 3.)
ss auARAisnrFn cc
nil f-ioAif. InnpVar hnrt hair anw tTA a .
x uu . ueau, auujt v nuui b ua i, aiir rninp a t ino . ,
everybody. The same method and system in use as In our other
locations. As we are here only a limited time make Tour ap
pointments early; -
Located at 113 New Bligh BuildingTelephone 2549
Also operating Los Angeles. Oakland. San Francisco
" Portland and Seattle
; ii.,...,......-.. .,, , ,
Calumet is; the modern bakahtg powder made in the world's
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It also enables you to produce better bakings and more health
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I . . ..- 4; .... . .
Always use Calumet and you'll always be able to supply your
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Calumet's Double Action giyes you a baking powder containing
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waits for the heat of the oven, then both urtits work together your guar
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tiful Cook Book. . .- ,
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At Kafoury Bros. Cash Prices On a Credit Basis
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Humming Bird Hose
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Backed by merchandising service, which makes Humming Bird Silk Hose
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three years without wearing them. i The real test of silk hose is the test
of wear. We absolutely guarantee every pair of Humming Bird Hose and
we stay right in one place to back up that guarantee.
Always Something
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