The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 12, 1927, Page 8, Image 8

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- I. f Versatile Sandwich -
.There are saivdwlcaesand sand-
CV: t"I like em UH,--4ut
'jotting aa beat airalsin sand-
ictla you're I ppugrrJ: with
laiga. slices -: of bread eeaeroosly
xrr?aa vwttli batter aT many
AT ; raisins between. It
rfraa? I: And . should you eat
our ratoia eandwlch with a bit of
.nifjpy cheese and a class of milk
. ..the .combination is even better, If
wnere w rruit for dessert the meal
: , ucompiete. - ; , ... r v : ; ; ;..
v IIwondeY if yoa hare eettovr
' looking sandwiches T The Earl of
Sandwich;. who became so engrps-
oer, m samaitaaje- mat ue
touWn't ;lfiaTe for hit meals, had
' bread brought-. to him with' slices
; of meat between. But sandwiches
hate sin eef evolved into muUI
, tads of varieties. There are open
sandwiches, sandwiches of many
layers,, toasted sand wiches. dainty:
roiled sandwiches hot sandwiches,
t sweet and sour sandwiches, sand
wiches made of meat; cheese, eggs,
nut ': fish, fruit, . vegetables. la
facr we make sandwiches of any--tbltta-
which will go with bread.v
-:tf There are endless usee, too,
which sandwlcbea serve. Pbt-
. haps you're thought pf thenj onl
?or ptcnicB,; toui wny not ior , toe
main " dishes of your lunches at
home? Once yon hare tasted a
1 loaster theese: sandwich along
nrlth ;i dill pickle and a bowl of
tomato, soup, yo'ull neyer taste
.tomato-soap again without wish-
fag Tor a toasted cheese sandwich.
- " Club, house and Denver sand
wiches, dear to, the palate of every
.ptriQX hd "eats around," , and
real; meals In themselves, can 4e
1 easily mada at. home. 'And why
don' we ever find hot sandwiches
' t4.. pr.in1jj'Anj- kind of
' roast- meat -f and ; era vy makes a
good hot ' aandwlch, also cream
... salmon and tuna fish, ergs or
chicken W kjn "k , .
'.; Let's forget about ham sand
wiches when we're packing hub
by,sTdinner:pail, or the children's
i Innch boxes and try other old
, meats? eggscheese, salmon, diced
..vegetables, iraisina, dates 4flgS.
Tean'uts, and loiresy Ham and hot
1 dogs we hare always with us; :
- T Salad 'sandwiches are ? refresh-
i B in home meals and may' bp
i-made of plain lettuce, tomato,, cur-camber,
onion, celery; radishes,
green, peppers or cabbage, any or
.all of these. L The lettuce and cap
b&ge leaves may be left whole and
nthe edgea ; trimmed around th
t sandwich, olt theyr may ' be finely
Shradded.i ;The TeeUbIes are
slioed vthln and; the Inside of tbe
-bread spread with- butter and
l dressing, either cooked oraayon
nafee. CooXed eg tables such as
sreen beans, navy beans, . peas,
beet, carrots, may be diced! fine
and 'mixed with salad dressing-or
lemon Juice to make a delicious
fT -
i . Afternoon .tea and bridge par
ties" and Sunday night suppers re
iulre dainty sandwiches, rolled or
very thin with sweet fillings. For
tnfr.: rolled sandwiches' tou will
' all .Other sandwiches bread which
Is at least one day old will cut
aad spread .best; As to the width
f. the-slices ther Is a time for
' 'Tt7thina.Ahd; when I'm- hungry.
pray don't naa4 me-, a- delicate
, sana wicn tnin i as .tissue ; paper,
whlqh' will get lost In : my toth,
out grre ' met a man-szed i one!
However, if the occasion is very
nice and the refreshments dainty,"
which they should be. my man
slaed . sandwich will be as much
out of plafca as your kitchen apron
would look' in a ball room! H' t
- ..Here are some heterogeneous
suggestions for ' sandwiches and
sandwich fillings: .
. Club Ilonse Sandwkh
--.Toate4'Jgdyvf';-; . .-C--'-
,;-ieilcee of baonitt ' ' "- u:
ttVliite'meat lof chicken. , - IV
v Slices of tomato- ,j 4, k
Lettuce. , . V, f...
- Mayonnaise dressing:- ., L"
" Lay between two alicas of well
buttered, toast slices of bacon cut
very thin and ; well broiled, thin
slices ; qf J whjta . meat of chicken
thenl tomato, lettuce and V good
portion of ' mayonnaise. . Serve at
'once.' "' 'I ' . "
Deviled Sardlni- Toast
Prepare j Ixh? lightly buttered
slices of toasti Place two small
eardlnes over each slice. Spread
a little, mustard over the sardines.
Dredge over a tablespoon of bread
crumps: divide ! 'a tablespoon, but
fer ;ovet"thtpt and set In the
orenVfor, flve minates; .-1 , - I;
Cheese and Cucumber Sandwich
.' 'Take one large' cucumber and
Iput .through food chopper; remor
ing'aU. seeds possible. r Mix with
z Jtwo cakes cream' cheese, a little
creaht; to make a smoother paste
to spread; season wlth a Uttle salt,
paprika afid oalon Jalce. Spread
between thin slices of 4read..
' Xzz AS Lft "King- On Toast
: Taka 6" hard boiled eggs, cut -in
half lengthwise?. Make a sauce as
follows:; melt ;14 cup butter and
adit I finely chopped green pepper,
1 ;tsp. chopped oniofi and 1 chop
ped pimento. Cook until clear; and
ad;d 3 tspV Reg flour. Whan wel
blended add 1U , cspa ; milk
Season. When' tbe white sance Is
thick add the jBgg and serve on
top ' -;V ; V- t " ' :f r v p r
: Salmon Salad; Saadwic '
1 cup salmon;
i 1-4 cup diced celery. :
1-4 cup mayonnaise dressing.
1 Mix . salmon, diced - celery, and
dressing and allow to chill. Spread
Deiween buttered Slices of bread
on which lettuce leaves have been
placed."- " X . : f-
WWpped Cream Sandwich
May be made of stiff whipped
weam- with ' ground nuts, ' dates;
ngsfSy, prunes, raisins . added.
Ground peanut brittle gives dell
,ciou , ;iiavor. sugar . ana., cocoa
makes new chocolate flavor.
puye And Nut FOMnj '
1 cup olives. '
..-j H cup nftts. 1 5 .
H cup mayonpaise. -'
: MIX - rhnnnri nlivAS ' i)innnai4
nuts and taf yonnalse, together and
spread. This is sufficient for 1
lb. loaf ot .bread cut in 26 slices
Salem ZLIaxketsr
No. lr .wkeat, white
. Otta, pr aa. stilUag
Bar. aats, TStehj per toa
pomc, acorao ajto beet
Tops begs ;,'. ., , " , .
- Sowr :
! . Top tirp , i .
r x vow
. 1.22
08 ,
Swia lambs. ada Sfl lba .1014
Top ft vmI ; nttf na
jurouea tmi , , .it
: Imi(4 kefs . , , ,. .If
Ot7X.TBT '
Lirh k.BS , , ' KQ.1T
' Hoary kaa - , ,, .,,. ' ., ,.j0&&1
i . .OS-
Hoary' celoroa trji,-.
1008, BtrrtEB, BUTTEIf AT
" -SUndrd .27
8ioct ,. ,. ao
Par Pound "- . ,- as-
- .0SK
Groom batter M
ofatebloa boot, ooekod
Onion. do. bnnekoo -Kow,
Mbbaga -
Local- onjoaa ....... ...
Ckliforaia. Jattaca. araf
General ZXarketa
EOBTLAND. Kob.i 11. (AP) Milk
tetdy; bit charainK croom 48c ia tI
IoX. 49e net thippers' track in lone 1;
crm aeliTeroo Portland 50 (g 52e - pn
pouna. 'now nunc ( per cent) S2.00
wt. f. o. ib. Portland.
Poultry alow, price weak; hoary ken
24625e: : lic-ht 18S19e : anrinca nomi
nal; broilara 8031er pekin. white dneki
80; eolored nominal; torkey Jit 85c,
ororaeo uwc. .
Onions firmer; , loal f 3.75a.
Potato firmer; flJ25l.SO.
PORTiJLND. . Feb. - 11. (AP) Cattle
and calves nominally ateady ; no receipt
uogt nominally ateady; receipt 180,
(Contract.) -
Bheep and lamb nominally steads: no
POKTLAXD. Feb. llv fAPl Wkeat
bid: BBS hard wkrto Feb. 1.85i.
Mar.; aw, BS, tianrt Ji'ebft.Sfr;
Mar. 81-35 federation, aoft white,
w em tarn white Feb.; Mar., $1.34; hard
n v w iL. t qo . . v :
eo'siBr. 1.04; western rea t eo., Mar.
OaU. No, 2. 36 DOnnd white feed Feb..
atrisuv auto rrar, reo.. jtr. B3.5U,
isartey. ' ot s. as nound Bvr Ieb
Corn. Ko. a KT aMpment Peb. 835.
jMr. irtito no. a. reti. S33.T3.
jaar: et. ' ,.-
Mil Iran, lUadardFeb, Mr. 28.
POHTIiAXD, Peb. 11. ( AP) Hay
Doytnc price: lnatem- Urecon tiBBoahy
S202a:-ditto roller $1717.50; cheat
813; alfalfa $WO01; oat hay $13;
oat and retck $14.5015; straw 7
7.50, per ton. Soiling prices 82 a toa
mar. -
POETLASiUi, yob. , 11. AP) Dairy
Exchange, sat price :
Bitter, extra 4He; tandard 4 tic:
prime firtt 45e; first 44c.
gfgar xtrap 80e. first 2e; pulleU
26c; onrrent receipt 28c. '
':.rV-- " . r
POBTLASTD," Fob. - 11.-lAP) Broc
coli . supplies ar inereaaing nd - priee
are .weaker. - White- number on atock
till bring hijrk aa 82.25 per crate.
Mark good qaafity la ellinj a ' low as
Wall Walla apinack i showing im
provement aod sellinr at fl.M) in 20
poood ! crate. Spinach from The D aline
wa , the beat oa the snarkrt today and
Lrourht the . top price of 8.50 pjr 40
poand Crete.
Tomotoo are ia moderate sapply for
the roaaon and more at $4.25-4-50 per
box, -repacked.
New peoe at 80e per pound, bra stela
aproat at 20e and artichokes at 81 par
dose are offered. Bkubarb is weaker
at 88-3.50 per box. , ,
CHICAGO. Feb. 11. (AP Xearly a
motionteas a - tb traditional painted
oeeea, the wheat snarket today derated
itself chiefly to prc-holidoy adj latmeat ol
aecoanla. With all United States ex-
change cloied tumorrew, .few traders
cared in take en any immediate new
risk looking either , toward higher or
lorreY price. ; - , . -
Wkeat t,iaiked ? awkaaa-ed r to
l-4 t down, corn aaehanred to 1-2 wo
Sad' oats a nc hanged to 1-Sa adraaea,
i BTrrTja demaito aotxtb
I01lTIiAIil. - 'e. ..... ' .In Iter
.dcroeod waa aetire add the market stead r
-HndiirU and prunes flrata were half
eat .-higher at- 46 and - 45o. reepeetiTely.
finft declined l-e to 44e." Kxtr wrre
unebeaeed. Heceipt wore 12,410 pounds,
predartiea 16,775 poand and withdraw
ata ,3 poanas. . . ' ,
, Egs receipts- increased, to 144-eate
bat - were - readily ' taken , it : unchanged
prioee. '-.-v . - j'.: v,'- : - : r -Poultry
and dressed meat (.were qniet.
IT A: I ' Gorfrnment
Inspected '
Phone. 1523
cSrzz? Cczrt end Liberty
ScvtrTi f.'3 Clcsan
; . Appeals f.lcr to Vpmen
... . .. r
i-iave time: Save time! No
Slogan appeals more' to the home
maker than this one. Hours saved
from 'Ttitehen police" pay be .em
ployed In so many ways clubs,
teas, committees, bridge, 'books
and what not. ; When, food -which
nourishes as well as saves time is
obtainable, the practical woman in
the home is quick to take advan
tage of it, Ice cream, dishes from
the, carton, serves both purposes
excellently and 3 is appearing with
increasms; regularity on the
family table. Combined with nuts.
sauces, and fruits r it; provides ; a
variety . of s economical desserts,
prepared with ease and quickness.
Thu Jts' acknowledged nutritive
value, is enhanced by Its time, sav
ing; value to the food administra
tor -or tne household, f v ?n
What Donrou Belicvte"
pet (DfSundaTalk
"What do y6u, believe?" wiU he
the" subject pi the sermon by Rev.
IFed jfX Taylor In the First Metho
dist" churchv on , Sunday evening.
This wilt be & study of the nation
al questionaire on religion which
was recently submitted to the stu
dents V Willamette university. It
is reported that almost half a mil
lion ' ' people Jn America ' 1 have
answered this questionaire which
was first published in 250 news
papers of the nation. The sum
mary of the answers to tire nine
questions will be given. ja,:the
morning Dr. Taylor will speak on
"The Keys of the Kingdom' and
tell ; of the achievements of the
United Witnessing' week held
week' under" the direction
George Irving of the YMCA.
EUGENE, Feb. 11 (AP),
John, three year old son of Mr.
and Mrs; O. Roy Rogers, was
drowned In the Long Tom river
near Goldson, 25 miles west ; ol
Eugene today. No one saw him
tall into the stream.
The Modern American Indus
trial Spirit Holds That Service Ia
Paramount- And That The Con-H
suminjg Public Has-Interest Which
Should-; Be Recognised In Pro
ducts of Universal Use-.
: i NOTES r:
Plnappfe iumI EXttctency
The housewife' who goes in tor
iefficiency may save herself a great
deal of time and;trouble by buy
ing Hawaiian pineapple canned in
the fashion best suited 4o the dish
she wishes to prepare. For pies,
puddings, sauces, stuffing the cen
ters .of fresh tomatoes or baked
apples, there is the crushed ' or
grated variety. For punch, fruit
cup and so ? on,! there are "pine
apple tid bits," broken pieces all
ready to pour out of the can with
out . the . trouble of ' cutting. ' ; -.
For fritters;" to serve on French
toast or with meat, there are the
slices known as "standard - qual
ity" and, for the decorative salad
or desert,- there' are luscious gold-"
ett slices known ; as "extra qual
ity." Since pineapple is one of the
most delicious and beneficial ' of
all the canned foods besides be
in gone of the .'easiest , to prepare,
the wise cook keeps a good supply
of it on the store, room shelves at
all seasons of the year.
To Tempt the Invalid
Hawaiian pineapple egg-nogg Is
a delightful drink to tempt as well
as : nourish the invalid. . To make
it, beat the yolk of one egg slight
ly add add one-eight teaspoon of
salt, one half teaspoon powdered
sugar and one half a cup of syrup
drained from, a can of Hawaiian
pineapple. Fold in one half of the
egg white, stiffly beaten, and
when well mixed pour into a glass,
top and sprinkle with nutmeg.
This drink can also be made hot
by heating the pineapple Juice.
Because pineapple contains
oromelio which acts ; as a power
ful aid to digestion; this drink is
extremely beneficial besides being
tf.-mpting and dainty.
EUGENE, "Feb. 11. (AP) I
B. Cushman, 65, pioneer of - the
lower Siuslaw river country and
founder of the town of Cushman,
which was formerly known as
Acme, died at his home at Cu'sh
man today. He is survived by his
widow and a daughter, Mrs. Earl
Hill, of Cushman.
" ' . "; .. ; J V.'-- i ,- - r
The Best Bread In Town
Made with fresh milk: Be sure and try our 100 per cent
Health Bread 2 Large Loaves 25c
Pineapple Honey Cream
Cream Pie Cup Cakes
23c 18c Doz. -
Regular 30c Eegular 25c Doz.
345 State Street
' ' , 1. -
You'll Uke Our Meats
Also Our Service
Our prices appeal tb the most economical buyer. The
quality of our meats brings satisfactions just ask
any of our customers about our service.
Bacon . Heavy Sugar dured Bacon 1 OlV
Pound i : .; dMZ
' Our very best bacon : - - ... -
Pound :....:.;.......: l.:. uuC
Lard Our own freshly kettle rendered Lard '('
Per Pound; only.: ri. 10C
--- MVTiei a Dollar. Does Jtt Duty' . -
IJSj'Comrncrcial' TelephonV 1421
vWli'il'uK A -DOLLAR DOES lYTUl'T"'
Three Companies Seeking to
m Install Refrigerators in
English Homes
1 LONDON. AP) American re
frigerators are being installed in
the kitchens of Great Britain as
fast as three American companies
can manufacture them. One of
these companies has" more orders
than it will be able to fil in the
text six nonthsV
- The demand for refrigerators
was brought about by introduc
tion of new pure food regulations,
effective January 1, which has
made the British housewife realize
tbat milk, butter and other articles
of the dally diet wU not keep so
readily without th ice, now that
tbe use of boric acid as a preserva
tive has been prohibited.
One of the American 'companies
began preparing for. the refrigera
tor boom in 1925. The two other
companies have since invaded the
market, all doing the manufactur
ing on this side after American de
signs. ' One of the plants has a contract
from owners of the largest chain
of tea shops in London. These 245
so-called tea shops.cater to tens of
thousands of city workers . for
luncheons, while some are open all
night as welt
. The larger hotels and restaur
ants of London ahd other cities
have had refrigeration plants for
years, but the average British
kitchen got along without.
- . The "ice man" as he is known
ia-.the United States. 1 not seeiJ
the London -1 suburbs a$ all, 'and
most housewives, when they e
quire ice fbjf cases pf sickness or
ay other, emergency.-send to the
nearest ' fishmonger who sends
along ar lamp covered ' with fish
scales apd straw.
w One of the oldest "clergymen la
the world is -Rey Hugh Mcln tyre
Butler? of - Magllligan (Ireland)
Presbyterian j chur cb ; He is 100
years old. ' . '
Under new .regulations issued
byi. the , Soviet government, per
sons-employing laborers 4a .towns
or Tillages ;ron such a scale as to
carry their economic activities be
yond the limits of the, toilers' econ
omy," are disenfranchised.
Try .a Classified Want Ad
No Cold
fin 5 Yrs.
The writer has not had a cold in
five - years. He catches colds from
contacts, just as others' do. But at
the first sneeze he takes HILL'S. I
have proved that colds do not develop
when one does that.
But there are other things that mil
lions know.- HILL'S checks a cold in
24 hours after it has developed. It
ends the lever, opens the bowels, tones
the entire system. It leaves one feel
ifpg better than when the cold began,
ec HILL'S combines four of the gteat
Cst helps modern science has discov
ered. It was perfected by one of the
world's largest laboratories. It is so
efficient, so well-proved that the pres
ent owners paid $1,000,000 for it
Nobody who knows what HILL'S
can do will ever use a lesser help. Nor
will they delay..
Cs Ssk Ifty Prica22c
JteZmiZnfttfZf&O wfihportraH
1 i
V the famous name"
The famous CdML
x&ith, vv)
, A TRIBUTE TO THE WEST and its great
coffee. .
Forty years has this beverage given delight and
gained tbe favor of the growing populace of the
Western Country. During this period young and
old have learned to love the magic, of a coffee blended
and roasted in this perfect atmosphere. Its mellow
richness uniform and dependable quality has de
manded and gained recognition.
As tbe favored drink of Western coffee lovers.
Golden West Coffee has played a part in the spirit of
f ellowshfp- that builded the West.
The name is easy to remember.- The Goldea
West 'Girl's picture in your grocery store is your
ThtTamQut Coffee with the Famous Nairn
Today, Saturday, Will Be The Big Day At
Come hX
Open Until
9 P.M.
Two 8
uitgy Or ( Smitm Oilercoai
Hundreds of patterns models for men and young men
All sizes, light and dark colors
; .Men's
Dress Hats
, $5 and $6 Values
Sweaters and
Regular Prices
- . f
v -4
All Men's
Suits andOvei'coats
Regular $25100 values now $19.95
Regular $30.00 vajues now $23.95
Regular $35.00 values now $27.95
Regular $40,00 values now $31.95
Regular $45.00 Values now $35.95
Regular $50.00 vajiies now $39.95
Regular $55.00 values now $43.95
Regular $6000 values now
. Men's
Dress Shirts
Collar band or with collars'
For the 1 1
' Price of
Men's. 4
tJriion Suits
' Regular $3 Value : '
a for $5.00