The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 12, 1927, Page 3, Image 3

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    ? . s; '" ' '' " A.-" ;
A r. Curtis Is Ifgstess at r ,
Valiye Bridge t&njcheon'..
the. month t,ook xUace jrear-
L afternoon when Mrs.. Curtis
r cross entertained wiy .a .bridge
I luncheon iat , her 'jiome pa, , 4
coin M-f ' ,s . , .
-lied carnatUuia ajd' r,ed topers
were used In the rooms and on the
luncheon if Me. j; ; -;. . . , - ,
C?ver jj were placed for; Mrs.
T. A. Livesley. Mm. 0. V De Beck
DurblrfK Sf4f ranTc Wi -Bar-;
Th omas p. It jSi fi, M rtC Fr ted erlck
Lamport f ' -Mrs.?;1 Frank,' Spears,
Mrsf'lias8fel'C3aUiri(v,Mrs.' Lawr-
jr Prince'W'BTrd,'aBd thV hostess.
wWIrs. Cortts Cross. ' - ' ;
v?7 Mrs. Frank Spears - won the
liirheot oeore of. the afternoon.
while the consolation award went
to Mrs. Frederick Lamport.
Portland Symphony , , v- i
Orchestra Announces 7 . -
Program, f.or Valentine
Day Concert .
Ooorge l B. Gathrie, owner of
the beautiful -EJstnore.? theater as-?
stated Dr J Willem Voiv Hoogstja-t
ten and. Mrsi 7M. Donald .Spencer
in the. selection of.. the.yPrP gram
which J&ej ?prtlan4 43yroppnx or-,
t heatfa; wiji iye oiL Wfdayjejrn-:
fnit in. Salem. --r
The proRra.m Is , a im ; in di-.
versitf and ia,a certaitt bid iot
the enthnslfllic approyal of "tbobso
who: JaUend.. wJiaJU promisea to .fij
onfe. t 0)8. most snpexj-uijerforn-ances
ln he history of the Elsi
core theater. -.Z J '.-iVw --
In! the iwprds of qne ,who has
proerf herself a great friend
of th orchestra thats coming to
Salem, "it la bo hwd to place AH
Vhe numbers "desired on one pro
"jrain as it would be to Include
ferery good food In a single, men-i.-;
Jhe ' program planned r indicates,
'however, the (orettipugh of a mas-
Mr. Guthrie is assured' that
Chnbert: iTJUlnishedJ5nphQny
" from which the ,nusiQ, for "Blpa
. ,sonj Time" was. taken, will proyd
'the: most popular. .
Xne complete program, cpening
at o'clock. wlt Werbert.Willjer
spopn's lecture, will be as folows:
t Talk by Ilerbert -Witherspoon,
president! of Chicago Musical Col-
, ' leg, . ;
. .;.! . 1 ii . , - :
- finished gymphony iSchabr
i Twhaused OTerttuce. .-.Wagijer
f k :'S2g J Start J.. .Wagne
Night on Bald Mountain .
..U 1 .Moussorgsky
Valse Triste -
' Flixht of the Bumble-Bea-
a, ...
; TCfrasky-Koreakoff
Marche Slave, Tjchaiskovsky
I Homet Gwtit. JrEntertains
With Supper Party. Last
CANightattheSpo '
( , Homer Goulet, Jr., son, of ,Mr,fl
tV?d i Homer Goulet, entef
f f Jlned with an enjoyable supper
7'f party lasi.nigntan.ineur.eea
1 room at the Spa. The' affair f pi-
lowed the Valentine lalr at which
Mrs. Ralph, Whlta entertained len
Junipr dancing ; class. .
j A; group of ,twelvelmembers- ci
the class who are tho'same,aga as
Homer, Jr., 'were the guests.
Clever Valentine noyelUea'. det
corated the suppeie .-table while
the ehosen! ebror" scheme ff ealured
lc the flowers, candles and jnenu.
. . . m
Covers .were rra n red : f or-M I
RuthFick, Mia-'ilaxiorie'Abh
Mis' sMargaret Bell. Miss' Eleanor
Wright, Tommy. Llyesley. Charles
Kay Blahop, David.JCyre.. Jr., EdiJ
win Arossr Frame cross, Werner
Brown, Billie Oyer, and the host,
Homer Goulet, Jr. ,
Tonight Mr. and, Mrs. Homer
Goulet, Sr.', wll honor their-son
at dinner on the occasion of .his
birthday anniversary. T, A. .Nor
wood t of Portland, an uncle 'of
Ilomer, Jr:, whose birthday falls
on (tl!e ' same day, will - share
The out-of-town guests will be:
Ir. and Mrs. T. A. Norwood and
nong, .Koderlck, and James, and
1 '&)nd 8"1' Falter, . and daughter,
X Josephine, all of Portland. '-fi
w . nr ini wrm ' Ilnvh wir limanil
Salem Folte Spend. Dau
in Portland . ; . -
, Mr. and Mm R P. TCImhulT and
Mr.afad Mrs. Karl B. Kugel mo
tored .'to Portland on Thursday to
spend, the day.. ' ,'
; 1 n . . 1 1 - . ..-,-.... s :
fteirmainiimi Wave
Fnll head, long or thort hair, anj. coJor Att last in jaqh . ot
everybody. The same method and system in use as in our other
Ipcatlons. As we are here only alimitedtime make.yonr ap
pplntmenu early.. . p , , i"'f' " X ' ' '' ' ; ' ' " . 1 '
Locked at 115 New B"igh Bli-Telephne 254 4 ,
Also operating Los Angeles,! Oakland, San Francisco,
Prominent StUeni Matron
Wjll Leave Today ori First
Lap '-of 'Jpey:tAJttrQi4.,-'
' Those .w.ho make Ihe -pilgrimage
to Europe, gfo .steadily inn.ftm
ber ,eacb. yeari and ajnongj he
mpat recent to plan an extended
tour are. two i prominent Salam
matrons, M&S, William, Brpw ,a4 J
Mrs. Frank .Snfdecor who will q
to: thejrnort; .isreF Vorlf, by ihe
souther joule, Mta. ne4ecor,tin
conipnx Hity Mf' and 8.116
pen. Boise vc ill leave tpav oy mo
lor I lor Calif ojyiia,; and! I Arizona;
Mrs, Bqa.wIU join. her vetlng
coptpanion in PhOnI ; Aifcona
later ih the' month. " .
? VT. H. Eldrldge ahdMra.
Rqdolph frael, both ,of JPQrtlan,d,
will Join the : Salem. ..tonriata M
Ne,wYotk ;at ; which port .the !or.
wil sail.,
A .numbejr of. IteresteJng. :hon
voyage", affairs have honored the
trv.elers within he .ljst ,week.: ,
Mis4 artiri WUl Entertain
W'iih'4? 'alentine:i)ance
A group of Kigh school- friends
Of Miss Frances Martin, daughter
of ,Mrt and Mri. Carey F. Martin,
af e " anticipating '- the -r Valentine,
d&pce at which she" will be' hostess
tonight at the studio residence of
P,rpfessor and Mrs. T. . S. Roberts
on North ' Summer street '
Rflyal Neighbors Lodge .
XV the last meeting of the Royal
NeJg h Bora' lodge, lahs were .mad e
f aii vold-fishIoned: Valentine
party which will be held at eight
o'clock? on": "Wednesday evening.
Fepftraryt iei nt & o'ciock. The
affair will take place in St. Paul's
pariah hall on Chemeketa street.
Delightful old-fashioned .diver-
slpns' have been arranged for the
evening. The guests Will include
all Woodmen ;and their wives and
chjldren and all Jlbyal Neighbors
and their "hasbands and children,
j 1 Each guest is asked to bring an
inexpensive: Valentine for the" Val
entine exchange." ' . . '" . .
: ' AV the last "meeting of the lodge
Jrs'. Mary Ackerman had charge
of '' the program.- ' Mrsi" Peterson
gave a. thoroughly- "approved skit,
"jThe Gathering j of the Nut?."
: ' i&rs. Ackecman contrlhHted a
reading, while Mrs. Peterson' and
Mrs. Ackerman'both gang. ;
he foIjlQwJng ; icpmljttee in 'charge:
rs,- aryckeraanj .Mrs. ?arah,
hd;ISn.apn. : . ;
Ufttctng Uub piansfM eeting- ? :
The Royal i. Neighbors sewing
fclib KIT. nteet on Wedtteadayj Feb-
uary 16, .at.the. hoxa4 of Mrs.
A,72lo Hison at 41ft. South 14th
street.' A t ppt-lnck - luncheon - will
be served at neon - A x
Vest Side fiir.eMYillMeet
Next Fridayh: i vv: ''
The .members of. the ."W-estSldB
ircle of the Jason Lee ladles' aid
society!!!! jneeV onFr (day; Feb
ruary ,X8, at -the ome pf Mrs.
Richard, Eticksp'n at '15 is North
Liberty street..'' .The (business aes-
iion will be held" promptly at"
I ,v 't ' ' ' : " ' v
Mrs. Sjteevfis Js Spentyjig
ymter.p, Calif ipnwi
i - frs. BC Jj. Steeves is spending
the winter .months ip Jakersfield.
California, as' the guest of a niece.
Mm. Steeves, who., left Salem, a
1 - w.eek ago. will heu away,; untUL the
Tn frr1a t Ttf a Ah
Feci a Gold
ft r : iJ;
work off tli Cold and to fortifs ft
iTtm eainnt Grfa iTrfhienzt and
oUmt Betjoi. s - '.aim 'fro-natold.
Tb Sate aa- .)w.aitw -7. frtuciitc.
. .' ThboberUlar ;patar
-Since 1889
-ftyra BMfbor-or -tho Salem cluh
of th !tauebt3-8i of the'Nile will,
eiertajn jtheirJ husbands -with a
:?P oTelpck 'litoneri to-night in thV
Maqnic Te.mile, i Fpllpwjng; the
,d?nnor5ft?. wJJ in, ulay tb
"Ift. fjfMrf ajd l?aaj, It
Marfan tRts and Petty V f
Abrams Enhrtain Witfi '
yalentjne Party j f,
P4ftfen. school friends of Betty
Abraius and Mariaq Rosa ere en -tettained,
with! a delightful Val
entine., part last, ; night - att the
Jiomo, of; cpU and Mrs. Carle
Abrama. . ;i ;sTT'(: s",;-'V?
. The Valentine motif , wm . nsed
In th decorations ' and ram as a
relfv as n i ? he retreshiaents - t
jura. Aoraius ; was assistea , oy
MissI Dorothy Ross.t ?v '
Mrs Franklin Attends 'fj
Poetry Meeting' '
Mrs, F G. .Flanklin i spending
the week-end ia Portland -as the
hpyse-guest of Mrs., Alice Weister.
ta?t night &rrs. Franhjip attended
the meetins of, -the Northwest
Poftry. society,: and today will be
a guest at an executive meeting
aX, the llazelwopd ? ' " ' u
Salem Woman's ? Club' Will
Observe Lincoln's Birthday 1
i:oaay - . hi-'w
Judge John Ij. Rand will soeak
on Abraham Lincoln "at the regn.
lar meeting of, the'Salem Woman's
club , ths. af tern.P.on '.".at tb' club
Special musical number Kill he
given, by Frapcis- Grpte, pianist.'
pOpil of Mrs. Harry M. Styles. Mr2
Gxoie.will.plair one of the- Chopin
Preludes and- the Fifth Mazurka
by Frarik-r.Lyne& "
. r- -V..; s .., 'r, ' s. r 'r : .- . - " ' ' : ' ' . '. . . .
- - ' , 4 - i- . - . ..... :
. FaIjrjT "o;nan s .clnjK;
l-pf "Metholis't EpwortH league
V&Jepte, social," 0"j'ciQc.
lmcluh of thepa,uhters of
the Xile. pinner.rv honoring hui-
bands at . Masonic Temple, - 6iSQ
o'clock.: '' . ., ' -. '
' Girl Reserve nursery for small
children. City YMCA. 1c to 5
o clock. '. - '
' Sunday ,vs ; ;
' Film at First Congregational
cbur.Qh'. Scenes 'from intimate life
of Abraham Lincoln. 7:15 o clock.
Portland , Symphony, orchefetra
m concert an erpert yjtner
spoon in ebort lecture. Elslnore
Artisans! d4nce. Derby, hall.
Wpjo',,, club classes. Club
house. - - -f' .-'
"' ' 'y Xttesday ,
E NeedlecrafiT club.- Mrs. ' George
Martin, 1190 South 14th Street,
hostess.' " "; r" ' " ' :'
. Writers club. Mr. and Mrs.
Robert C. ' Paul us, 1155 North
Soinmer street, hosts"" '
"' 3" Wednesday
t" R. A. "Valentine party. St.
Paul's Pariah house. S o'clock. '
Royal Neighbors sewing club. Mrs.
Azzle Hixon, 410 South 14 th
street, hostess. I?ot-luck luncheon
at noon.
Thursday - - ;i
United AUisans Patriotic meet
ing. MpCJorjiack;. halL: ' - a .
Ladies oC the G. A. R. Lena
StrawV. Ta33or M 79 5 Fairgrounds
Koaa, no8 tegs. 2 o ciocs.-
. . Junior Guild bridge . tea. St.
Panl's" parish hojis6; Reservations
with Mrs ' J. Rl" LuperV: telephone
West Sldp circleTof ;he: Jasonjtlme of rebellon -and.o't Lincoln's
Lee lad ies . aid society Mrf.. Rlch
Direct froin. ,Ne.w, -York comes this
sprues xrijnery
lay at J
rHats to match tKe new.i-ock
hats bnro ;9JiteWft
' ccyitrast t hats f orvei need XA
4rAnd you'll find real values here
? V or tliey conxe. as direct as the jbk-
CW19 Dnng mem , rrpm p.r , r
:s millinery ppenmga or assurq
snrinE: sty Fes .in. New York Gty-'. ".
y Parisrmspirid! : ' r
.them, today see . what
derfulf 'values for $535
auavxa; tuiur COU1QU4CU.XVMI3
Falqm'a Leading fperirtnent
ard.ErRknlSlS North Liberty
Slreei. hotUss. 'o'clock'. M 1
from Pf)rttand:; r
-Mrs. F. i W,' Poorman has ro-
turned. honie after.' fpending, the
week in Portland at the home of
Mr : Pobrman's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. Jli Poorman. She was' ac
companied' td Portland by - her
sin a II son, Billy. ' , 1 -
Hqus'e-Quest at Lewis Home
Dr nd Mrs. George Ej Lewi
had as .theif house-guest earlier
1a fhe week Mrs.1 S. MV C'MIlIer
of Sandy. Mra."MiUer,r who arrived
in Salem on Tuesday, left yester
day for. her home..
; On. Thursday evening a group
of f rlehd ; called at the Lewis
home tq honor ..Mrs.; Millet in 'an
informal wav;' ". . 1 - : v
Woman's lubr Classes Will
Meet on Monday f w ' "
- Thf studjr classes, of the Salem
VomanV cJub ,w411fiae:'on: ilbhV
dayattbe clnb hosfoV' theJ reg
ular class work.v ; ':
Ladies of the G: A. R. . .
WulMeet .
The Lad,ies of the.G. A. R. will
meet next Thursday -at 2 o'clock
at the home of Lena Svtraw Taylor
17 9 p. Fairgroujids,road, Mrs. vTaor-;
lor ,wJU be assted t'y Mrs. Mary.
iYZm nt Ftri Congregational
chiirch -7r
Sunday night intimate and de-
jllghtiul pictures cpl ; tho '. private
home life of . President Llncoln-
in the -Whte Jiouse will be shown
fn Jir-, Chaplin's splendid. ..films.
The pasture deals wjCh the trying
problems ,tht face a president rIn
tender jre,t, firn .msthod of. lacing
'KA rU
;won-. t - r
thoso prqljlems. Content ioua deltv
giit Joins' .wait upon Lincoln , to tell
hipi,4iQK iojrnptho.ronntry, et,
fut they ;tcannpt 'f nstw fatjiang
ihemkelVes as'o' method of' pro
cediire. The.httlefco&t iyiited
and. J-finQoln's .tender Jiarted jym
pahty Xor the suffering ojditjrs
l revealedAltogether 'Ibis pfeiur-'
Iiafion of Ligc'n ts .one long
be rejnenhered. '
Miss Styles Arrives. Home,
Miss Maureen -Styles, a fresh-
Jman at Washington State College,
arrived ,l)ome - at the end of the
semester to : upend the spring
months with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Harry.M. Styles. She will re-:
enter, the .Washington college in
the fall.
At8 Hartley Is Guest'
on OAC Campus ."
Miss Catherine Hartley Is spend
ing the week-end oa the . Oregon
Agricultural College cainpus its
Corvallls, .Last niaht she attended
the jjor cQ. A; C "4baskethall
game, .juis Hartley is a guest at
her ofority house, Alpha Chi
Omega., ' i
x. 3 IB Bli W! U.rti, Hu h m:; -ftu -n i,u m.n w .
1 1
Qur newiy remodeled shoe, section now located in west wing- on rnin,
floor, former occupied, by infants' d many
numbers m spring pumps and oxfords'. tCaref ul fitting as - atyayjg 'ynl bf a'
feature of this department and; of course gdbd values A guarantee of
entife satisfactiori goes with each sale. ' ' ' ' ' " "
Cuban Heel
Patent Kid
NTf , '7 , rSTii. - x
-r-NEW ! Patent Cuban Heel Pumps
Withljaie"?t ideas' in colored trim
ming, neat instep strap. '" "Rubber
top; lift oh, h(?eJ. Here's a - stylish
nuniber at a. money, saving price.
- j - -
Built-in. Arch
.-. , " - r . -Patent
and Kid Puicips , '
$695 .
Save, the footl - l?rotex arch support;
pumps will save the Jtoot,: for their sub
stantial ' ar.ches are more than - mere
strips of metal--th'ey are made of ribbed
steer, jrojperly"placed o gite the correct
cdntoHf'td'the arc"h. "These pumps have
welt stWs ' and rubber' top , lift heels.
Sizes -4 UrlO.'-C to AAA widths.- " : ?
- -- . !.: . . : .
UBlMMirUK JUtl JBUH-iliTM STBS! itll'ii A I
Arrmy Jl'atfc, Jr.; Arrives
fin Thursday.. w :-'..,-
' 1 Mr. and Mrs: Murray Wade Sr..
are receiving congratulation3.ipon
the arrival of & aineoonnd son n.
Thursday; February 10 Thejoiuig'
man haa -tei gives- the -name or
Murrajr Waide, Jr. -.;;...; ,
( ' . ; : ; .
T Bits Tor 3Jrakfa4
A great event ;
. ' ,;. , - -V'- ' ; . ...
Portland Symphony ' Orchestra
at" the Elsinore Monday night
V V.
Witn the house, neany Bold out,
and . prospects . of . every Inch .of
space being fully occupied.
The' program will be like this:
tJnflniahed . Symphony: Scha
bert. " " - - ' -
vTannhauser Qverture: .Warner.
Hight 09. Bald Mountain: Mous-j
.Valse Triste: Sibelius. -: " s
.Plight of the Bumble Bee
Bimsky- Korsakoff. :
March . Slav;' Tchaikovsky,
Tke Evening Star: Tannhauser.
. - ....fc..... .
Salem's Leading Department Store.
'Jlii' flvp I''
The Removal of Our
To West Wing of Store
NEV ! Patent three eyelet, tie .
. with cqmf,ortabJp; Cuban biel wjtK 4-
rubber top lif t a sfnart design, in
. trimming with parchmehTkid. f 'Ari -
all-purpose, spring.tyleV. ' : .' " '
, J Louis Heel
- NEW! - Louis heel all parAment kid
, t- pump with clever straps design,' closing
r over Instep with three eyelet lacing ef-"
fect-7-on of the, really, smart stales, fpr.
spring. .
i - ., - : .; .: - .-... i- ;
, NEW! Low heel patent pumps in both-step-in
and strap styles, parchment kid
trims oaient neeia wita rupber top
. -A - very use ful sonven Ir in
way of French ivory, button
' book or slipper spoon wll
't oa given to the ladies visit-v
Ing shoe section- today, Sat
urday, upon presentation of.",.
.; this advertisement.
Shoe Seciicri "
There will be music that all wiil .
uneijatixd , And 'hd, '( rr,
to ; the clouds the 'ery bouU of ,
thOite-.who understand 4t- bet.. ,
' Tho Oregon Bail, held each year r
in County; JCork Ireland, is $X!BR:.':li--ored"by.
a- large group whicb rins- " '. ;
sists that the state of Oregon l.a r
ihe United States was named after
an Irish eiplqrejr named O'Regan ; ;
who' .discojeefdVitTDeArborn In-
dependent. . ; . - - ' J ' .
: ". - " ".-;
..If .there jrasn't anything hut the
Ten Qommandme&ts ior ls to.ljyQ
to, ; some fellows would 'be -1
shouting about .too many laws and r r
restraint of paraonaL Uhartlea.--- V
Exchange.- '." - . . " ,.r :J;
The senate committee on auto- -
mobiles-and . roads may succeed in
blocking all. needed automohila.
leglatipn,; but If the yotert ever
tget g chince t aome ofj the. need.'.
ed i revisions of 1 the . ajatotnopile.
laws, which' they w'UL there -will
b4 no stalling. ' ' K
Classified Ads Bring Results
. - . - . - . -i. ... 1: W'
B 5
.a -:
I' ?
B f-
E- S
Lace. Pus-tpa.
r -j
P r
, 13
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uits, :
s m
I fl!Wl3l4t' "T-C tR """FtST!
Gjvp Yi V. G. A. Ydcntino February 15jq !(!..
.- , ... ..1.