The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 12, 1927, Page 2, Image 2

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Paul Harvey to Make Special
Trip to Salem for Monday
. ! Luncheion lalk
Paul" Harvey. internationally
known ; lecturer on world 3 condi
tional U1 be speaker at the Mon
day noon luncheon ; of the Salem
chamber of commerce. Mr. Harvey
who will be giving a aeries of lec
tures n Portland next week, will
make the trip down here especial-
ly for thia speech..". ... :4yyyy' j
This; will be the first time Mr.
Harrey. has spoken. In Salem. y He
has made ;several lecture tours to
the pacific . coast, but generally
limits his activities, only to -the
larger cities. --fc; y;
His subject will be a "general
discussion of state problems, ac
cording "to Information- receired
here from his field secretary. 4 j
He will speak "as Herbert'
Hoover did on subjects before
many of the states at the present!
time, the advance uuormauon
"Mr. Harrey is well qualified o
discuss general state or commun
ity Interests," the Information
says.; "His several years of first
hand study along these lines give
him unusual knowledge, together
with the many associations which
have; given him an unusual oppor
tunity to gain a clear and compre
' hensjve Insight Into prevalent con
ditions in the United States. -: " 1
- (Ooatianed trom pf t.) '
formula affords an" escape.''.-'--."
If s that" process should be fol
lowed and the delegations of. the
Washington ; treaty signatories
meeting' at Geneva are -successful
In extending naval ratio agree
ments to cruisers, destroyers, and
submarines, President Coolidge
feels that the disposition of this
aspect of the armament 'problem
would make it easier to deal with
the other elements, particularly if
naval armaments were considered
"as having a direct relation to the
land and air armament questions.
Pending word from some offi
cial quarter as to how the foir
other Washington treaty powers
may react to the American sug
gestion, made public yesterday, of
ficials here - declined to. comment
upon the first reports of editorial
reception of the plan in London,
Paris, Borne, or Tokyo. There
seems little doubt, however, that
official 'attention Is focused par
ticularly upon Paris, as the point
from which a final answer' must-i
come If the treaty is to be extend
ed as President Coolidge has sug
gested. ,J y j-
Heretofore the French delegates
at the 1 Geneva conference have
consistently maintained that dis
armament programs-could be only
based upon formulae so complete
as to Include both land, air ; and
. sea forces and that even such ques
tions,: as protection, man power,
' and economic resources of each
- country must be considered in the
A?ef fAtt1 a y ra a m an AnaarlAtia
LONDON. Feb. 11.- fAP)4-
Presldent Coolidge's suggestion of
further limitation of naval arma
ment' evoked in the British press
a wave of approval which has been
taken uo br the government and
the public : Officials today: gave
assurance that Anglo-American
cooperation, such as existed at the
timet of the Washington confer
ence on the reduction of arma
Sets New A uto
Sales Record
This la the watch which T, B.
: Van Alstyne, New Tork Hupmo
bile distributor shown above,
used when. In two minutes 48 4-5
i seconds, 1 he recently . set a new
world i motor car sales record by
selling $3,605,570 worth of Hup-
mobile Sixes and Eights for im
: mediate delivery to his dealer or
ganization. - -7 .
"Enthusiasm over the new Hup
, mobiles furnished one of the most
impressive exhibitions I have ever
seen," , he said. Our Judgment
13 that 1927 will be by far the
largest tad moet successful year
Hupmotlle has yet known and
that tecs of 'thousands of new
owners will purchase Hcpaobilea
(lui'lcg tLe year."
No Bobbed If air
' .MP t
- j&fm '
.,: i, t
. . . s :.
Bobbed hair is a disgrace In
Bulgaria, the home of Sanda Geor
gleva, a freshman at Ohio Wesley
an university, pelaware, Ohio.
"And as for silk, hose-j-they are
quite but of the question in Bul
garia. 1 Only royalty could afford
such extravagance! she says.
Miss Georgleva will not return to
her home until 1930. She is
dressed here in the native Bul
garian costume. -
ment will be ! In evidence when
preliminary disarmament discus
sions are resumed at Geneva in
March."- -' : y
-. At the foreign office, the Asso
elated Press was told today that
the British government heartily
endorsed the , principles of the
president's memorandum.
. "The general favorable press
comment on the president's note
voires both the. people's and pub
lis voile of England," said an of
f IsiaL. ' It is authoritatively fore
cast "that Vlsrotint Cecil of Chel
wood, British delegate to the Ge
neva council, will play the note
enacted at the Washington meet
ings by the Earl of Balfour, who
sounded the note .which helped to
carry that historic conference to
success. 'Officials here are Inclin
ed to think that, the real ;te8t of
the American plan will come from
continental' Europe 'and' possibly
from Japan. ' ,
PARIS. Feb. 11. (AP) Pres
ident' Coolidge's new naval disar
mament proposal will be discuss
ed, by the French - cabinet ' at its
regular weekly meeting tomor
row, after which the first official
comment may be forthcoming.
Thus far the only comment in au
thorized quarters Is that the Am
erican plan, as now understood.
runs . counter to the program of
the French- government.
: The best informed newspaper
comment, indicates that the decis
ion of the government either will
be frankly unfavorable or will be
surrounded with so many, precau
tionary conditions as hardly to fit
in with the scheme outlined In
President Coolidge's - . memoran
dum." ;'
- Old Lady Love joy squared her
square shoulders under their faded
shawl and from her cubbyhole's
window gazed ; across the deepen
ing gloom to the Great Whlte.Way.
Bright lights! j Warm lights! Gay
lights!. How mockingly they
twinkle at those who once have
known their radiance but are now
beyond their glow! And. as when
one from afar off looks back upon
that Eden from which he has been
driven and ? dreams of happier
things,- tricked by the- glitter r of
the lights, for: Old Lady Lovejoy
memory wove Its spell.
Beautiful she was; this Lola
Lovejoy. And she was the Idol
of an admiring public. Nor la she
beloved for her art alonfe, but for
her own charming self. v Hri-
A short life and a merry one
while It lasU.' But the actor's
fame Is temporary and fleeting, no
matter how great. While Lola's
fame and fortune were, at their
peak, fate struck! There war an
accident; then a long illness that
left her racked and wasted. In
vain she attempted to tie the
snapped thread of her life. . They
would not hold, and the years take
greater toll of her strength and
hef funds. " - . U : .v " -
Gone , are the' days 'when Old
Lady Lovejoy was young and suc
cessful. Gone are the - daya for
countless accomplished artists like
her who not so long ago held the
public's interest -and affection.
These moved their world to tears
and laughter not so long ago. Now,
for :. them, the curtain has fallen.
The applause has died away. Kis
met! , But must tragedy be added
unto tragedy and they be forgot
ten . , v -
Not If you good folk who have
watched actor , and actress play
their parta now play your tarts to
prevent It. ;
j- - .. -' -"
: lil BUILDluB !!
Company Issues Report of
Construction Work Done in
Northwest v :
Salem leads all but three cities
In the northwestern states of Ida
ho, - Oregon, and Washington In ;
value of building permits issued in ?
January 1927. according to the f
monthly -building report of S. W ,
Straus andcompany, received here
yesterday morning. ; " A '
'The only cities 1 to exceed ; Sa
lem's $207,100 of building for
January were Portland, $3,502,
610; Seattle.. $2., 312.325; and;
Tacoma, ' $581,813, the ; , report -shows.
. ; : : -. . , ji
Salem thus took the lead over
such cities as Eugene. . Olympla. t
Spokane,' and Walla, Walla; all of.
which were , ahead of Salem In
building for January a year ago. :
The grand total of building for
the entire Pacific coast has fallen
12 per cent pTer January; 1929,
the reportj shows. I Oregon is the
only state to show, an appreciable
gain over the year's period.1
Building permits fell 47 per
cent for the year In Washington,:
12 per cent in California, and 43
per cent in Idaho. Oregon shows
an increase of 65 per cent. ;
; (Oontinncd from pig 1.)
of $200,000 to the state Industrial
accident commission was approv
ed. Operation of this law has been
suspended for several years.
FoUr- salary increase bills ; were
approved by the senate. ; One of
these bills provided for increasing
the salaries of the sheriff, clerk
and assessor of Multnomah county
from $4500 to $6000 a year. The
other-, bills affected officials of
Wasco, Lake and - Lane counties.
The salary increases provided In
the- Lane county bill would not
become, effective until two years
A bill Introduced In the house
commissioners to fix the salaries
of ; non-elective off leers and em
ployes of . counties having more
than 100,600 population, was laid
on the table. . It probably will
come up for final passage tomor
row. The senate indefinitely post
poned a bill introduced toy Senator
Hall authorizing old age pensions
under a state commission.
Wonderful System of ninmlnatlon
- Being Put in Place f
State street pedestrians walked
with heads high last: night In an
effort to take in the electric dis
play on the roof of .the First Na
tional Bank building, where the
first unit of a brilliant illumina
tion was being tried out.
The bright red lights cast a red
dish hue over the entire business
district and could be seen every
where within a radius of five
miles. :When the complete system
Is installed, Salem will have a dis
play which will rival that on any
building in the state, according to
the builders.
(Contiaaed from pas 1.) ,
tersection in the lane for traffic
nearest to the right hand side of
the highway, and In turning shall
keep as closely as practicable to
the right hand curb or edge of the
nigh way; , except la;, localities
woere the local authorities may
modify that provision, when-In
tersections may be less than eighty
feet wide, and where streets do
not meet regularly or at right
angles. , v :
When turning to the left "the
driver shall - approach the Inter
section in the lane of traffic to the
rightand nearest to the right of
and nearest to the center line of
the highway, and , In turning shall
pass beyond the center of the In
tersection,1 passing as closely- as
practicable to the right thereof be
fore turning the car to the left.
- ' A driver before stopping, turn
ing or starting' shall make sure
that It can be done with safety.
and it will affect any pedestrians.
shall give a signal, , r
, No' one " will be permitted to
cross an intersection of highways
or : railroad tracks on any other
han the extreme right hand side
of the highway. It will be un
lawful to pass a standing ; street
ear except on one way streets, or
to drive In safety zones so marked
for use of pedestrians.-;' - '
The view must be unobstructed
for a distance of at least 600 feet
before It will be lawful to pass.
It will be unlawful to publish or
advertise the time or speed at
tained by a motor vehicle between
fixed points or designated routes,
upon public highways of Oregon.
The .- bill fixes - speed rates as
follows; : ;-l 'r'
Fifteen, miles when-within fifty
feet of " a grade crossing of any
railway 6r a highway intersection
when the view is obstructed; when
passing a school at a time when
children may be on - or near the
grounds; or when transversing
curves where the view la obstruct
ed. ' Twenty miles an hour within
city limits and public- parks. ;
Under all other conditions the
rate of sped is fixed at 35 miles
per. hour. The bill gives local au
thorities the right to Increase that
Epeed, however, in districts over;
Leap Saves Her :
As Plane Falls
Mrs. Elliot ivnn..' noted British
flyer, and a man passenger leaped
to safety when her little "moth
plane crashed during the races at
the Yorkshire Flvlne club, at Sel-
by, England. Engine trouble had
forced a landing, and - the Diane
dove snarpiy to tne grouna, smasn
ing the propeller.
which they may have jurisdiction.
Anyone being Involved, in a
wreck or accident must report to
the sheriff of that county within
24 hours.
, The right of way clause in the
old law which says that drivers
shall give way to vehicles on the
right, . was amended so- that this
shall be done regardless of wheth-
re the car to the right shall have
first entered and reached the in
tersection or not.
' This amendment caused consid
erable discussion and some of the
members though .it "rather broad
and meaningless, and an attempt
was made to make It more defin
ite but failed.
Those voting against the bill
were Henderson and McCourt.
(Con tinned from pat 1.) .
the appropriation bill.
A bill appropriating $40,000 to
care for the operating expenses of
the Oregon Mining Survey 'was
disallowed by the committee. In
lieu of this appropriation the com
mittee authorized an allowance of
$350 to care for some obligations
contracted by the Oregon Bureau
of Mines prior to the creation of
the Oregon Mining survey. , The
Oregon Mining survey was created
at the 1925 session of the legis
lature but no appropriation was
authorized for , operating costs.
The committee appropriated v$2,-
000 for the maintenance and lm
prOvement ' of Soda Springs near
Sodaville, Linn county. An .ap
propriation of $4400 had been' re
An appropriatl g.n of $5,
00, souOght yy the Anti-Stream
Pollution league, was disallowed
. A large number of appropria
tion bills were introduced In the
house today, while others will be
Introduced tomorrow.
Indian of Glacier Park
Noted Animal Sculptor
( GLACIER PARK. Mont. (Spe-
ciaLi) The latest achievement in
sculptor by John Clark deaf and
dumb Indian sculptor of .-Glacier
National Park, Montana; Is chi
seled reproduction of his favorite
puppy. He carved It out of the
trunk of a tree which he choooed
down on the mountainside. Clark
has a national reputation .with his
animal carvings. His '"'Bear In
Trap' now is on permanent exhi-
omon in the Chicago Art Mu
seum. v
9330O Fine 7 room home.
. South Salem, fireplace,
; garage, fruit.:
fGOOO 5 room ! bungalow,
strictly modern on
South High St.- a real
, home.- Can sell' on
-. small payment down if
sold within 10 days. . '
S2000 Good 7 room house
in Gervala, corner lot,
block from main street
lot 100x150. Good
garage, mortgage $800.'
28 Acres -Mostly fruit and
berries. Small town on
: 'railroad, close to Sa
- lem. - House modern,
J . electric lights,- bath,
: etc Might trade for
: Salem property. " -
For Bent Good .five room
; , t modern house 5 blocks
from P.. O. ; $22.00.
" - 7 room house, modern,
North Salem, $20.00.
For Sale6 cylinder car,
4 cheap.' , , . ,f
40(3-407 Oregon Building
mm wmffiimMMm
I Elslnore Theater
"The Strong man" will show at
the'El&inore theater today. - Feb
ruary 12. This Is a picture filled
with entertaining features which
will delight everyone. An eminent
reviewer says:
"Certainly Langdon has dis
covered that secret', of great
comedy.humor mixed with pathos.
When -1 ; wasnT weeping with
laughter at his absurd antics In
this fast-moving feature, I found
ray eyes moistening at the subtle
bits of sorrow in the excellently
evolved story; " ;
Many; will undoubtedly agree
withn the critics who. have labeled
The Strong Man", the season's
sensation of comedies.
"The Strong Man" is the droll
tale' of a Belgian ex-soldier who
comes to America to find the girl
whose "Buddy" letters cheered
him In the black hours of battle.
The brief war scenes make an
excellent opening for the film.
' After a screamingly funny se
quence at Ellis Island, Langdon
arrives In New Pork, looking lost
and lonely as only this genius of
mimicry could act.
His escapades as the assistant
to a German weight lifter take
him through a whirl of hilarious
scenes which .draw just about
2,222 laughs in the six reels.
Priscilla Bonner, Gertrude. As
tor, Arthur Thalasso, Robert Mc
Klm and William V. Mong make
up the supporting cast which was
directed by Frank. Capra from an
original story by Langdon himself.
On Sunday, February 13, Fan
chon and Marco raudeville will be
the special attraction.' These en
tertainment features have ; been
proving very 'successful and more
people .are attending each offering.
In addition to; toe vaudeville there
will '13 the 'picture "Subway
On Monday evening the Port
land Symphony orchestra will give
a concert at the Elsinore theater.
This orchestra has attained a fine
reputation and a large number of
people . will no doubt hear them
Monday evening.
Oregon. Theater
-."Fun with a purpose is what
Mark Twain gave the woTld In "A
Connecticut Yankee In King Arth
ur's Court." which; presented by
William Fox as a reissue film pro
duction, will play at the Oregon
theater today, February 12, only.
Mark Twain wrote this great
comic romance first to make the
world laugh and second to "show
up King Arthur.
1 Twain had not a very high opin
ion of the Knights of the Round
Table. . He had heard too much
about them. Ruskln. and William
Mprrls had leen feeding the pub
lic, 'on the Middle AgeS. and it had
become the fashion to believe that
everybody dead and gone -was bet
ter than everybody alive. Tenny
son's "Idylls of the King" made
Mark Twain sick. He was tired of
the Middle Ages. Ladies languish
ing in high, inaccessible towers,
waiting for knights to come and
rescue them, did not appeal to. him
at all.. He had - been . brought up
on the Mississippi, and he had the
Idea that one Mississippi riverman
was as good as several of the
Knights of the Round Tajble, and
probably a lot better.- Sir Gala
had he considered a wishy-washy
sort of hero; he preferred Tom
Sawyer. .
"I'll show up King Arthur and
his : well-known knights,, said
Mark Twain.; in -effect. So he
wrote a book describing the adventures-of
a modern, 'Smart, clever
young American at the Court of
King Artjour. .'."vy -
; Inc. - :
The Winchester Store
Phone 173 120 N. Ooml. St.
! 4-f-
1 I T T 1
Clearance of odds in Gingham iWash Dresses and
House Frocks today in basement -Come ! Big values
oargain oquare.
One of the first things : this
young Amirican. Martin Caven
dish, discovered was that. Arthur
and the Knights were victims j of
superstition. y Then he discovered
that tffe plumbing of King, Arth
ur's Castle was yery bad indeed.
The vaunted knights did not take
a bath any too often, and the
ladles of : the court were not par
ticularly attractive. j
Worst of alL the Knights of the
Round Table were no great shakes
when It came to fighting. Martin,
armed with a revolver and a lasso,
defeated t the whole company j of
them in a great tournament, and
then turned around and told the
king .that all this talk about nobil
ity was bnnk.yl
, Life In Lyonnesse was uncom
fortable for . the Yankee until jhe
had mounted all the knights jon
motor-cycles, given them revolv
ers, and .improved the royal tele
phone service-and the plumbing.
This was all great fun for Mark
Twain and his readers, and It did
good work in decreasing the sale
jot art-leather books of neo-medi-
eval works such as Morris "Three
Red Roses Across the Moon" and
Rossetti's 'The Blessed DamoieL"
Recommendation to Be Made
'-"to Council That it Decline
.' Offer of Aid :
Anybody who thinks that ora
tory is no longer a vital force in
American affairs, had their theo
ries knocked into a cocked hat this
week when one brief, pointed- talk
by Councilman Hal D. Patton pre
vented the cluttering of Salem's
downtown sidewalks with rubbish
cans whose real purpose would
have been to serve as advertising
sign boards in prominent places
In the, middle of the city. j
The plan of; J. H. Colpath of Los
Ahgeles to "put these boxes on the
streets, .died quietly Thursday
night, when the; city planning and
zoning T ; commission unanimously
voted. to recommend to the counril
that it derline .to, enter into the
contract Colpath,' had proposed.
At the time that the matter was
first discussed in the council meet-
Your Car Deservee
America's Finest Tire
ZQS E L-'S shop
190S. Commercial Tel. 471
Special Saturday
Values to 51.95
Salein'a Leading Department Store .
. - V - I " -y"
Ing, several, qf the alderman spoke
one to champion the rubbish can's
cause at the tonicV Commission
meeting. V The adverse recommen
dation was passed with practical
ly no discussion. Colpath was not
present, nor was he represented.
- HOT SPRINGS. Ark:, Feb. 11.
(APkBobby I Crulckshank, little
professional of the Progress Coun
try j club. Purchase,' N. Y., added
his third winter golf crown of the
season today by winning the south
central open tournament with', a
score of 29$ for the 72 holes. .
In time of peace they help the
needy. In time of war they cheer
the wounded. In time of catas
trophe they .assist the sufferers.
At all times they are' dedicated to
the service of humanity. There is
no profession whose members re
spond so generously to every ap-
peaL ' .. - - .
- Marshfield. 1927 starts with
two Important concrete business
blocks under way.
Casey's Guaranteed -RHEUMATISM
Money refunded If it does not
cure your case
Cor. Court and liberty TL 7
6 room modern house. Four
blocks from postoffice.
341 State St.
i i i
: AGAIN v-. , . .
y. , " And j - ,
Subway Sadie
SUNDAY . ' : ',
". Only a Limited X'umber of Seats Left for
Portland Symphony Orchestra
One Night Only, MONDAY, FEB. 14
- : Better Make Reservations Now ,
Nationally Known Opera Star, Educator '
and Lecturer on Same Program
r ,y:JMaIl or Phone Reservations to - '
" ' The Elsinore Theatre , . .; 4
- AsrthortjBed Dlstrfbton -The
Personal Writing itkt
. Typewriter Exchange
Phone gai 42 1 Coart, Balen
Today, Only
greatest Comedy
Matinee 25c Evening 35c
Children 10c '
statesman Ads Bring Results
Scenic Picture Previewed
. -y Parent Teachers
. Convention
' ' if
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