The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 10, 1927, Page 1, Image 1

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    MWiw; wiiiwy; .wl.uL:.w '
east and increasing cloudiness in west por
v tion; normal temperatore. Maxamiu-yea-,
terday, 47; minimum. 32; river, 6.8; rain- ;
fall, none; atmosphere, clear; wind, north- -
treat. ' : "''
, Some of onr people lore their country so
muchr that? they tan be persuaded to go to
the polls lection day. If It does- not rain or
no i one: invite them to play golf or go
matoring. Salem News.
... ; -A -t .-:v-; .-'. V "; .1 : , i ' .
- -" - , ..
mm lifts
200 Persons Killed in Fight-
London Dispatph
Embassy in England Issues State
ment Syin Outbreak at
Oporto Ppt Down; Lia
bon Strife In Hand
LONDON, Feb. 9. (AP) Two
hundred persons were killed in the
fighting! at Oporto, says a Daily
Mall dispatch from Vigo, quoting
a newly) arrived traveler from the
center of the Portuguese revolt.
A bombj fell into the room in
the Grand -hotel, occupied by the
American consul,; who had left? the
room, only fire minutes previously.
The room was wrecked.
Those killed during the course
of the revolt included Lopez Taix
elda, director of Diario de Oporto;
Alvaro Castro, republican leader;
General Norton de Mattos, former
K, Moras, and General Soaaa Dial.
Manyf of the most important
buildings in Oporto, among them
the public library and postofflce,
were destroyed.
Official, silence on the situation
in Portugal waa broken today by
the Portuguese embassy, which
Issued a statement representing
that the Oporto Insurrection s had
been put down and that the Lis
bon outbreak was being dealt with
by loyal troops. No direct Inde
pendent; newt from Lisbon, 'how
ever, reached London all day while
Madrid reported that it also was
without definite news.
Declaring that the uprising at
,porta;iad been organised by trot-
fhicians who wero; involved, in the
HfOrolt pt May, 1928, the embassy
1 5crmmuniqLu,e declared; '
w "Loyal troops suppressed the
Oporto revolt on Monday."
Wlthiregard to the Lisbon out
break, x the ! embassy asserts it is
confined to a lew sailors, three
companies of republican, guards,
and a 'few civilians. The naval
arsenal Is in the hands of the in
surgents, , but is under attack, by
government troops, otherwise, u
is declared,, the country is quiet.
Spain has sent troops to watch
the frontiers In cooperation with
the Portuguese government and is
also sending some naval craft to
Portuguese waters.
News, dispatches from, Spanish
sources report that about 60 trere
killed and several hundred wound
ed in the fighting at Oporto. 1 A
rumor from Madridreached here
by way of Paris that the Portu
guese president, General Carmona,
was under arrest, but this is not
confirmed. General Carmona, it
is known, took part In the engage
nrents at Oporto, but he may have
, returned to Lisbon.
Says Absence Due to Desire to
Khun Publicity; Now
Touring, West
VINITIA. O kla.. Feb.
(AP) After more than, a year's
mysterious absence during which
she came into a fortune estimated
at J5.000.000, Maud Lee Mudd,
Oklahoma Indian' - heiress, - ap
peared! here today long enough to
obtain ah expensive new -motor
car. --j . . c-:
"Buy me a big automobile I
am leaving on a 2,000 mile trip,"
she telephoned J. S Martin, : her
local fianken ' ,
Martin obtained a. sedan. and
the girl drove away from "the
bank ibis afternoon without' re
vealing her destination. ;
Miss Mudd declared her wealth
had caused her much troubleand
said she desired no more publicity.
SIM ad been touring, the .west
ant Wanted thn nv rtr in m.
py xv rv ' rccemiyi rarcaasea
Mias Mudd became 18. years f
age November: 23 1926 and
j. automatically came In ppssesjion
It for Rer vast wealth. Indian do
part men t officials-estimate her
wealth as being near 15.000.000
She is a mix breed-of Paupaw and
vjsaso and baa vast-oil holdings.
The Indian denartment estlmat
cd that she had 1165,000 in cash
- accuEC ulatcd from royalty from
CtuUlauef & j S.J .
Say? Republican Party Should
Officially Declare Against
NEW YORK, Feb. 9. (AP)
Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, pres
ident of Columbia university, to
day advocated that the republican
party officially declare' itself for
the repeal of the eighteenth
amendment and the Volstead, act.
He also accepted the challenge of
Senator Borah of Idaho to carry
the prohibition issue to the voters
in advance of the 1928 presiden
tial election. t '
Replying to an open letter from
Senator Borah, Dr. Butler said:
"I am 'in favor, specifically and
definitely, of .the repeal both of
the eighteenth amendment and
the. Volstead act. It would, make
me very glad to have the republi
can party, to which I have given
such service as I am capable
since early manhood, take that
Bill Provides for Commission
With Six Appointive Members
The Joint committees on educa
tion yesterday went on record fav
oring the approval of a house bill
providing for the creation of a
new textbook commission.
The-bill provides that the text
book commission shall ' be com
posed of six members who shall
be appointed by the sate board of
education. The members shall be
selected , from different parts of
the sjtate and no member shall
come from a county which does
not use the state adoptions of
textbooks. Members of the com
mission shall be educators. Mem
bers of the commission shall serve
without compensation, but would
be allowed actual expenses In
curred while engaged in otficlal
activities.. It was said that the
bill would be reported out favor
ably by the committee, tomorrow.
Government Springs Surprise Wit
ness in Arthur Brent
NEW YORK, Feb. 9 (AP)
The government called .a snrprise
witness in today's session of the
Daugherty-Miller trial. .
Arthur Brent, negro butler to
three presidents, took the stand
tate in the day to give an intimate
picture of life in the eight room
suite of Harry M. Daugherty,
former attorney general, occupied
in the Wardman Park jtel,
Washington, with Jess W. Smith,
who ended his life there. Brent
did not testify at the first trial.
Daugherty and MiLler'a r e
charged with defrauding the Unit
ed States of their honest and 'best
services in connection with the
return to Merton of $7,000,000 of
assets of the American Metal com
pany, which were seized during
the war as enemy owned property.
Flames Destroy Three Warehouses
in Brooklyn Navy Yard
NEW YORK. Feb. 9. (API
J3amage , estimated by navy yard
autnortties at si. 000,000 to f 1,
600,000 waa caused by fire to
night at the New York navy yard
In Brooklyn: Three warehouses,
containing quantities-. of vege
tables, sheet metal, and five anti
aircraft guns, were destroyed.
jiKeLatd Ptm '
The navy announced it would
not participate . in the Schneider
cup races.
House' judiciary, committeemen
beard charges against Judge
Frank, Cooper of northern New
York. . ,
. v.-. (
Arguments in the Great Lakes
coal cargo rata controversy i were
reopened before the interstate
commerce commission.
. ' .
The house voled to take up the
McNary-Haugen farm ;biH as Us
consideration proceeds In the sen
ate. , v";- i ' 1 J'trl I ' '.
. Unfavorable replies to America's
proposal for niembership In the
world court were- received at the
state department. ;
"The; senate elections committee
failed again to net on the question
of seating Senator-designate Smith
of Illinois;.' , ; , ,
The bill for a II 0.000.000 ap
propriation to, fibt fhe European
corn borer v;.t. bisctd. by . Preai-
?m cooiwjre, ; .L
Measure on Ground Hurt
4 ing RoadPfogram
MAY COST $2,500,000
Klepper Resents Implication Tliat
Trades Had Been Made and Skids
Greased for Passing;
By a vote of 19 to 9, the senate
approved HB 32 yesterday, auth
orizing the construction of a new
connecting link between the Pa
cific and Roosevelt highways to be
known as the Wilson river toll
The bill was introduced, by the
Tillamook and Washington , dele
gations, and : was first read Janu
ary 13. The housS committee on
roads and automobiles gave unan
imous sanction to the measure and
it was in turn passed by the house
after a short fight.
Senator Eddy opposed the fight
against the. measure in the senate,
declaring that it was wrong in
principle and would hurt the pres
ent progran of the state highway
"The construction of this pro
posed highway would prove a ser
Jous departure from the well de
fined principles of highway devel
opment in this state," said Senator
Eddy. For several years we have
consistently refused to designate
new state highways. It now appears-that
there has been a com
plete change of front in this sen
ate. "I contend that this bill Is revo
lutionary. Its passage will result
in log rolling and; confusion and
will open the way for other legis
lation which will retard the hlgh-
( Con tinned on pc 4.)
.. f
Present Penitentiary Warden Ap
proved By Board Of Control
J. wLillie warden of the Ore
gon' state penitentiary during the
past two years, yesterday was re
appointed to the office by the state
board of control. It was said that
the appointment is temporary and
was made under an emergency
statute. Warden Lillie served as
deputy warden' for two years prior
to his appointment as warden.
Members of the state; board of
control said no changes would be
made in the personnel of officials
at the prison until the close of the
flews of Other World Tribunal
Members Described at
y. WASHINGTON, Feb. 9. (AP.)
r The United States and her sis
ter world powers appear to have
come once more to a parting of
the ways, this : time on . the' ques
tion oi membership in the world
..Great Britain and several other
members- of the court have sent
to Washington .their long-awaited
replies to the American overture
for membership, and their views
were, described at the state: de
partment today as conforming
closely to the conclusions' of -the
Geneva conference which pro
posed modification of the reser
vations adopted by the United
States, senate.
. The senate itself when it rati
fied the court protocol morja than
a year ago, stipulated that the
other members must accept the
American reservations before Am
erican onembership could become
effective, and President Coolidge
recently announced that if any for
eign nation sought modifications
of the senate program, he would
look upon the whole negotiation as
a closed incident.
Today a resolution proposing
that the ratification be rescinded
mell of Florida, who originally had
was urged in the senate by Tram
voted to ratify, but it quickly was
laid on the table after Chairman
Borah of the foreign relations
committee had told his colleagues
the United States was. out of the
court anyway, and that no further
action by the Benate was needed.
When it later was disclosed that
several unfavorable replies to the
American note already were on
file at the state department, sup
porters and opponents of the court
agreed that the long fight was
'Cloakroom discussion developed
(Contimto on pat S.)
Brother of Missing. Florence Bank
President Is Held
EUGENE, Feb. 9. (AP) Carl
F. Bergman, vice president and di
rector of the Lane County State
and Savings bank of Florence
which was recently looted, was
arrested today by Sheriff Taylor
on a charge of increasing-. the loans
of the bank when the actual cash
in the bank was below a. certain
percentage of the deposfts. Berg
man appeared in the Eugene jus
tice court and gave( f 1,000 cash
bail. He is a brother of , Henry F.
Bergman, president-of the hank,
who with, the cashier, Miss Harriet
Weathersno, is charged with em
bezzlement. ) ,
Henry Bergman and Miss Weath
er son, who disappeared February
1, cannot be found.
Tr4'LoyE" iM
( OlMlKEi XM
Will Report Sleeting to Legislative
; Body Today After Long '
Senator Norblad of Astoria
gained a signal victory at his hear
ing last night before - the Benate
resolutions -' committee on' the
Charges made against him by Sen
ator Joseph of Portland.
i The committee ruled adversely
on the resolution introduced by
Senator Joseph demanding that
Senator Norblad be removed from
the special committee appointed to
investigate the affairs of the state
ish commission. The report will
be returned to the senate today.
I It was charged by Senator Jos
eph at the time he introduced the
resolution; that Senator Norblad
was affiliated with the fishing in
terests ou the lorer Columbia
river and because of this fact was
not qualified to serve as a mem
ber of the investigating committee.
It also was alleged by Senator
Joseph that Senator Norblad had
refused to subpoena certain wit
nesses to testify at a public hear?
ing on the resolution, and had
used vnigar and course language
in conducting his examination of
persons called .to give testimony
before the committee.
Senator Norblad denied that he
was affiliated with the fishing in
eph, and read from, parts of the
teresta as charged by Senator Jos
testimony given at the public
hearing to show that he had used
neither abusive or course language conducting the examination
of witnesses. .
Senator Norblad also denied
that he had lobbied at previous
siaions of the legislature for any
natters concerned in the Investi
gation at issue under the resolu
tion. It was voluntarily admitted
by Senator Norblad that he held
one share of stock in a packing
concern at Astoria and had acted
as attorney for the cooperative
fishermen there. ' His visits to
previous sessions of the legisla
ture, -he said, were in the role of
an attorney and not a paid lob
byist. The ' resolutions committee
found that the charges preferred
against Senator Norblad by Sena
tor Joseph were not substantiated
(Continued on pag 2.)
Harold McCormick and Wire Ex
pect to Get Divorce Soon
NEW YORK. Feb. 9 (AP)
The New York American " says
Harold F. McCormick and his
wife, Ganna Walska, have separ
ated and that a divorce is Impend
ing. He is said to have told
friends at the Racquet and Tennis
club that he and his wife are
"through forever." He left' New
York for Chicago yesterday.
Ballot-on McNary.fHaugn
Measure Next Week; in
Senate Friday "
Resolution Providing for Immedl
ate Consideration k Bassos;
CurtJa-Csisp -Proposal
Loses in Ballot
WASHINGTON. : Feb. 9. (AP)
-The McNary-Haugen equaliza
tlon fee bill, around which the
congressional fight over f arm i ret
lief has centered, waa given right
of way today in the house with
a vote expected next week.
The senate; ' which has been con
sidering -the measure for several
days, has agreed' to vote on it Fri
day. v
In the house, a resolution pro
viding for, immediate considera
tion of the bill, with general de
bate limited to 12 hqurs, was
adopted without' a record vote af
ter three hours of discussion.
Previously on a roll call the house
had rejected, 21 eto 146, a mo
tion designed to put the Curtis
Crisp proposal, which a number of
senators and representatives are
supporting, on an efiual legisla
tive footing. .
, In the senate, as consideration
of farm legislation con tinued, Sen
ator Wheeler, democrat, Montana,
served -notice that he would do
his utmost to prevent .final con
gressional action on the McFadden
branch banking bill until after the
McNary-Haugen measure is signed
by President Coolidge.
There were indications that he
would have the support at a num
ber of senators on both sides of
the chamber who declined to en
ter into a '.combination between
supporters of the farm and bank
ing measures to bring about the
application of the rule limiting
debate on both bills unletes agree
ments, fixing definite' dates for
votes cauid be had. '
Coupling with his. proposal a
warning that he would renew his
demand for an I investigation of
the forces operating to the disad
vantage of agriculture. Senator
Wheeler charged tl tat the chief ob
stacle to succesa fior the McNary
Haugen bill was the unfriendly
attitude ' of . the exjecutive branch
of the goyernmentj and he named
specifically Secretaries Mellon,
Jardine' and Hoover.
I In both the house and senate
t&e agricultural situation was por
trayed a one of the- most serious
problems ever to f alee the country,
a nd the McNary-Haugen bill-was
attacked and defen4od along the
lines which have followed in farm
relief debate- for . nearly three
years. "
Troops and Warship ' Continue
Progress Toward Shanghai
British troops and 'British war
ships, continued 'their progress to
day toward Shanghai, for the an
nounced purpose of protecting
British JJves. They proceeded de
spite the protests of '.both the lik
ing ' and ' nationalist ' (Cantonese)
governments that such protection
was unnecessary, and the further
declaration by the nationalist gov
ernment that it would sign noJ
tmniMt with Great Britain nr-l
limlnary to a treaty" if armed
forces were landed at ShanghaL'
Twov regiments of British
troops . from ' Glbucestershlre and
Durhant, departed from Hong
Kang toward han gnal, ; continu
ing their- voyage from " England.
They will form part of : tho,' force
of more' than 16;000.'soldiers'and
numerous" warships "that . Great
Britain ; has ordered - assembled at
or near" Shanghai : as a -result 'if
Chinese hostility. ' -
I West Bound " Roclqr Mountain
' . COUNCTL BLUFFS, Iowa, Feb.
9.(AP) Threo:' persona Vwere
aeriously Injured- when - thewest
bound: Rocky ' Mountain ' -limited1,
crack train pf - the -, Rock - Island
railroad wis '""derailed ionighl ;at
WaJjiniIowa'i: . " .
i Reports here said three "coaches
and, the bagsaga cartf the limited
wer piled" 4own the: railway- em
bankment. "A "reiief ' train' left
ftere or the wreck. J: -
.. .
Measure 31al:es Driver' Not- It.
sponsible ' For Pa?engers
' Qnly7 nine dayjs remain for this
Bcssiuu . ol me legislature, that. is
unless more time; la needed to take
care of the fiood oX bills, which
ngulfed the sblons during the
opening weeks, ,; There have hn
a fern verbal en gagementa; but as
a general rule I things have been
running, rather smoothly. .
Inl the', hou ia " a -ereat amotmt
of work is" being done each, day
and if the legislators can keep up!
the present, pace .-they'll eomnlita
. their work on, time' . Testerday
o . p j ! hi i By a&uuues were en
saged in. -
Considerably aggrieved at what
ne conaiaerevi an unjou,e advantage
having Teen taken '. of hill number
282 whicn would' close Nestucca
Bay and it's tributaries to " com-
jucfvia nHuiug, fcepresentauve
Tfnaa11 ask-Ad that t' K. m..n4
. ' r - - .v . t;ai4c:u
from the fisheries committee yes
terday. When the bill; came up
for final tassatre
dation of the game committee Jast
Tuesday"5 Mr. Winslow from.-1 Til
lamook asked that this bill be re
ferred to the fisheries comiritttft
due to the fact that that commit
tee was preparing a bill .which
covered , the same, thing, and they
wished to consider theHwo ;togeh-
er ana pernaps com Dine tiiem.
Mr. Russell claimed tYiat when
members who were- interested in
the bill went to Mr. Vlnslow af
terwards and asked Ttp see' the
fisheries bill he mentioned on the
floor; he jtold - thenv he did not
have it, but yesterday mornine the
bill was laid on their desks bv
Winslow, containing nothing that
Mr. RnsseU had wished In his bill,
which -was; still 'being held' by the
committee. v
Mr. Winslow .obiected to the
bill beln;r " recalled, saying that
nusseu ixad gone to the speaker
when he first introduced his bill
and askerff that it be not referred
to the fit heries, 4ut to- the game
The' fisheries ' committee! bill
provide d that " all the ' streams in
Tillanvook county would be closed
36 noprs every week end.
Mr. Winslow had little support
In hds opposition. Representative
Pierjce beinp som ewhat opposed to
thefclosln'g of the waiters.
Tjhe, bill was recalled-from the
hpuae by a vote of 29 to 2$. and
plated upon linal passage alter an
unsuccessful attempt to indefinitely-postpone
it. If was "passed by
a large vote. .
To stop the evil "of persons cir
culating -petitions and ' obtaining
money for getting signatures
thereon the committee on elections
(Continued on pti (.)
Conrts Will Try -To Determine If
Boy Is ljrgplly Dead .
PORTTiAND, Feb. 9, (AP)
A hearing ,o ' determine whether
Leslie J. Brownlee, lost on Janu
ary "l on. the '"slopes of Mount
Hood, is legally dead will be made
in the courts here oh March 30.
Brownie 20," the son of Mr.
and, Mrs. Joseph, Brownlee - Port
land, was sought for weeks after
he became ' lost, on the ' mountain
while x' attempting to reach ' the
pealr New Pear's Day with Al Fey-I
eroena, a Portland .'youth.
The hearing to; determine the
legal' status of -the was' asked
by his father! In his petition the
father alleged tht jfls bqu lef
an estate of personal property cpn
sisting of B0 cash. $1,000 In one
life : Insurance-, 'Tolicyi; 1 5 0 0 " of
which Is payable to the estate, and
$1,000 in another life insurance
policy.. - - ' ' -.i ' ' . ' - iX:
Special Squad ' Starts ; To Clean
Tp Theatrical District
NEW TORK; Feb." 9.4 (AP)
A threatened drfva jot' ihsk fdty
authorities to "clean up' the
Broadway theatrical district, if
the theatrical profession failed t9
fM)n6 steps on ita own initiative,
got under way tonight. . . ;
i f Armed -with warranta Issued by
Chief Magistrate McAdoo, a special
squad of police 'sBt' bfkMt the"
showa wera well nnderf way with
Instructions; to brings In- managers
and producers" of. ; at least' three
current productions..! :
, Although, the- campaign '. waa
planned In :; strictest secrecy., ru
mors of the decision taken at the
city hall late today reached- the
final' afternoon editions- most of
which headlined the forthcoming
Visitations' to the Whiter Way! '
l- . - - - .-.-V .j.":
; i.: TU111TV COUPLES PART r '
" PORTLAND. Feb. 9.f AP)f
Thirty Portland ''married couples
parted .today when Circuit Judge
Evans' granted that many'divorccs
by default, : - - -
Many Suggested' Changss
Offered at Open Hearing
Before Cpmrnittee
By" Wold JLevyl Taxes a Prop
erty Produce Half and Re- t
minder SeciiT!' lYom
UA11 the merits and romerits of
Governor Patterson's income tax
measure were' discussed at" the'
open hearing by the taxation and
revenue committee last night on
this measure.
; jC. S.' Samuels, general mahager
off the Oregon Life Insurance Co.;
was the first man to speak ' on tho
bill and offered an amendment to,"
entitle Insurance companies thV,
wur eiempuora mac are srrnaiea
trust companies and bankers. That'
as ' domestic Insurance companies
had been exempted from taxation',
he would request that they also be
exempted, from the Income tax.
Ben C." Day, attorney for the
Southern' Pacific Railroad com
pany objected to the bill in' that it
dated returns. " He explained that
one: company might have two cor-
porations to carry oh two differ
ent lines . of their business. . On
corporation - may : make" consider
able money v and ' the other 1 lost
money under these conditions the
company should be entitled to file
a report 'combining Both corpora
tions. :
John A. Lanar-said that ha waa
In favor of -an income tax that is;
not; d iscriminatory,; workable ' and
easy to,' enforca? and Uiat would ,',
rtuicB. income uiai is noc aireau ;
taxed. He ODnosed aav tax 'on in- .
come produced in other states and
. . ; .
i Can turned oa pay 8-)
Chamber 'of' Commerce Sponsors
Hearing of Industrial Serv- '
f Ice Plans s
Arthur A. -Goldsmith, secretary
and treasurer of. the Portland In- ,
dustrfes Financing service. . will
IjUUll? JL UlllIIU tuts VTVUIUK -
to address members, of the cham
ber of commerce and others in
terested in the industrial develop
ment of the ' city, on what has '
been dona in - Portland the past ' '
year in helping worthy industries
in that city. :
A call hag. been made by U. S. ."
commercet asking all who are in-'
terested in : developing- industries
in the city, o meet this evening :
at the chamber "of commerce to
nnt Anl hoar r!n1?iTnlTi hut'
to discuss plans for organizing an
Industrial service in Salem. ; .
In Portland, many of the lead
ing bankers and financial men
serve on the board. of directors of '
the Industries -Financing service,
with J. C. Ainsworth. president of
the Portland United States Na
tional Bank, as president, .
A, finance j committee : was ap
pointed and. this committee gives
thorough investigation of any
Industries in Portland that arrly
for' help.'1, During- the' year 192 6,."
six ; struggling industries were
alreadv in Portland.'
VThere.. has been a. f eelics
among many; men in Salem that
something should be done' by
which any small Industry worthy
of help could ; be - given" financial
support' without the necessity of
soliciting-funds, declared tf. S.
Page, president of the chaiaher of
"Business and professional men ,
haven't-the time to go out and
raise money, j But with' an Indus- -
committee would report on any in
dustry that applied for hela and
thff report of an inrestigatiGa by
this . special, committee, would be
accepted." said Mr.. Page.
For the' meeting this evening at
the chamber of commerce, no t pe-
ciaP plattTrilI" be " presented, ac- ,
cording to Mr. Page; It Is .
ia order that Mr. Goldsmith 'or
Portland,', who , is', fa miliar. "with-."
thia line of activity, raay tell citi
zens !of Salem how an industrial
finance service could b crgrin'zc l
in Salem, and what has but a Cony
in Portland and other cite?.