the oiiEGQ stATcsMAn, SALrj.rflnr.Ggij TUESDAY StORNiNCJi FEBIltAEY -8, il)27 1 $d r i; ri t, r Tra vklers to h u rope . - i. which promises to be un- ?;feiiy deiigntiai is that at which T. Iteubett P. Boise will be hos tess this afternoon at "her borne on Cbnft . street honoring Mrs. Frank Snelecttr' and lira, William Brown, who will leave soon lor Europe.- , : . , . . M rs. Snedecor, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Reuben p. Boise, wilt leave on Saturday . morning by motor for trie south, lar. atfd Mrs: Boise, -who plab to be away - f St three Greeks, will accompany' "Sirs. Snedecor as far as Phoenix, , Ariz. Mrs. Brown will join her compan ion in Phoenix, the two going thence to Birmingham Alabama, Washington, D. C.; krid New "York!. In New York Mrs. R. T. Prael and Mrs. W. H. Eldridge of Portland w'ill meet the Salem travelers who will pail on the Olympic on or near March 24. they plan a four months' tour of interesting for eign countries.. . ' For the tea this afternoon Mrs. Bfaise has decorated her home with dafcfodils, acacia and pussy .wil lows, with tall green tapers in sil ver holders arranged on the tea table. . J Johanna Jones and Eugene Boise will open the door for the guests. .'in the living rooms Mrs. Brey man Boise, Mrs. Clifford Brown and Mrs. B. O. Schucking will as sist the hostess.. j 1 "During the ;ilrst hour Mrs.R. R.' Jones and Mfs. J. H. kauter man will preside at' the tea' fable, j From four until five, Mrs. Henry W: Meyers and Miss Margaret Cos-1 per will preside. t. ",11 . A group of the JrdUhger inaids; including Miss Margaret Stplz, Miss Charlotte 'Lieber and Miss Rdvena Eyre, will assist In the dining room. r r , One hundred 'find, tweity-five cards have 'been Is'sufed for the af ternoon. Rhinbow Girls Ar$ Honored With Ahniv&'sary 'jDinner on Saturday Night VCovers were ' placed for 125 guesfs- at the .exceedingly enjoy able dinner on Saturday itfgiit "at hich Chadwick chapter of the stern Star entertained for the UBh&rs of the.tocal Rainbow As-mbb- for girls. The affair was a telebratlon of the fif at knnYver sary of the organization in Sa lem. - A decdrative scheme of red and white' was suggestive of the Val entine seasbti. Ah indiiiduai birth day cake, "bearing a single taper, was placed at feach' plate. 'Rev. H. Duncan Chambers con ducted an impressive ..candle light ing teremony " symbolizing the "rainbow" as thej mingling of many 'lights. Accordingly,' each girl lighted her neighbor's candle Until all were aglow. -The dinner' committee included Mrs. M. C. Petteys, chairman ; Mrs. W. F. McCaU, Mrs. Ernest Peter son, Mrs. Lou 6rote,Mra; Arthur tTtley. Mrs. Corydott Blodgatt, Mrs. Wayne Henry and Mrs. Frank Crawford. . i Others assisting In the serving of the delicious dinner were Mrs. O. A. Olson, Mrs. Leon Gleason and Mrs. H. D. Chambers. - An initiation -service for , ten candidates was held, following the dinner. Those who beeame mem bers of Chadwick assembly on Saturday night .were Miss DofOthy Moore, Miss Lorene Braden, Miss Dorothy Eastridge, Miss Mildred Oliver, Misa Linda Wright. Miss Dorothy Manning, Miss Evelyn Cammingg, Miss Wllda Fleener, Miss Lorraine Gregg and . Miss Irene Ritner. Salem Arts League Postpones Musicale in Order to :, Attend Grenfell Lecture So significant" is the fact that Dr. Wilfred T; GrenfelL Arctic explorer, will appear In Salem that a number of ; organizations have decided ? id postpone or ban eel their meetings ' in , order that, their members may attend the illustrated lecture, at 8:10 o'clock tonight in the armory. Accordingly, the musical pro gram announced for tonight tinder the direction fof Dr. R. W. Hans Seitz, and under -the auspices -of the Salem Arts league, has been postponed until Friday, February IS, at the YMCA. Woman's AuxiUai-y Sponsors Attractive Tea'cK' Thirty-five members and friends or, the woman's auxiliary df St. Paul's church : wefre a n active silver tea nn VrHaV nf. .N?onaI Bank., tpe. bank i "icuuBwp ana neiptumess in I inne of need ' Intat Rdi tinie deposita.-1 Open'ao ceouflt and watch your rboney grow. ( p- Breithaupt, florist and Ocordtor, 512 State.' Phone 380. Flowers, bulbs, floral designs for all occasions. Pioneer and leader in Balem. x',--. . () , i8- K. Spauldlng Logging Co, itnuber -and bnilding materials: JP hest cosU no. more than in tr,9r rode?- Co -to the big, ga lea fdctbr aiid Sate fciocey; lJ tcrpoon at the home. of Mrs.' 17.' C Shipley on East . Washington street, : , ; 1 , " . Daff6dijs and freesias were useA in he rooms and on the tea table.' Yellow tapers were used. Mrs. M. Lt "Kennedy presided at he tea table during the afternoon. Those assisting in the serving were Mrs: Joseph Baumgartner. Mrs. J. C. Perry and Miss Sarah Lansing. Past Afdirons Will Entertain v . fhe Past Matrons', association if the Order of the Eastern Star will bntertain all past matrons how visiting in Salem, at the home of Mfs.-Jo'hh'orr. 865 D street. For information call Mrs. F. E. Shafer; 1693-J. . Church Planning for Card Party Special pfclng for the regular St. Vincent de Paul cad party have peen completed by the committee 6t six meri in charge. The party "111 be held Wednesday night, February 9. Those in charge promise an entertaining evening. Several games of five hundred will be played, with prizes for Jthe player .getting h jgh score. Re freshments and special music have been provided. The committee consists of Mel- vin Gruenfelder, Dave O'Hara, Al bert Eagan, ioseph Worth, Robert Deim and Frank lellnski. Engagement of Marhrip. Stone to James Preble Was Announced Saturday The engagement of Marjorie May Stone to James Preble was announced Saturday at tie Alpha Omicron Pi house in Cbrvallisr Miss Stone is teaching at the Cen tral junior high school in Albany. She was graduated from Oregon Agricultural college last June with honors. Mr. tPreblei a junldr In the school bf forestry at Corvaliis. He is at present employed at the state house by the Oregon Journal. Mr. Preble has beep on the staff , of The Statesmah,tand white at col lege was a newspaper correspond ent. Girl Reserves Will Give Program at Luncheon Clubs A group of Salem high school Girl Reserves, under the direction of Mrs. L. W. Gleason, me ruber Of the. publicity department -of h,e YWCA, are giving short musical programs this week at the various luncheon clubs. The jpurpose of the programs is to arouse a vital Interest' In 'Ihe coming YWCA finance campaign which will open next week. Yesterday the Girl Reserves sang at the chamber of commerce. Today they will give their pro gram before the Kiwanis club; on Wednesday before the Rotarians; on Thursday the Realtors, and oh Friday at the Lions: club. Dr. Wilfred T. Grenfell, Noted Northland Explorer, Will be in Salem Tonight Dr. Wilfred T. Grenfell, dis tinguished explorer of the north land, will give an illustrated iec ture at 8:10 o'clock tonight at Ihe armory; Grenfell, one bf the greatest personalities in the medi cal field, will appear in Salem un der the auspices of the Salem Dramatic league, that able group which sponsored the appearance here of the Mordhl Olseh Players end the American poet, Carl Sand burg. V . , DrfF: H. Thompson will intre duce Grenfell tonight as a scien tist, while' Dr. Norman Kendall TuLIy will introduce him as a mis sionary. In 1892, aV the suggestion of Lbrd SouthborDbgh, Dr. Grenfell first visited the coasts of Labra dor and ; North Newfoundland in a hospital sailing ship to see if a medical and surgical service could be established, t From this simple beginning has grown during the past 30 years one of the great service works of the" world. ; The bleak and barren coast, of Labrador has made life unbeliev ably hard for its' inhabitants. Thfc sftirdy descendant of Devon "and Dorset," Scotch and Irish ns&e'rmett who came over; during . the last JVm? Daughters iti Fainityvf Sdutkirn Gdirgrnor Governor John E.. Richards of South Carolina has nine livi'njr married. Xeft to fifit, back r5wirMFs..Trfiohusl,.ltcRfisa Richards and : MrJLT. Sauls., Left to right, front row: JLrs. ckatifteati, Margstct end Jiihh'gr IUeliiir&S;- - . v r '-. 'v ... -ti. .j ; : . , , z .- , -v .. I ..i. T Social Caleaflar VP--;-;. :" " - '- - Today 1 - '" t ' Dr. Wilfred T.;CrenfeIl4 Arin otf. 8ilS tfclbck.. Needlccraft elub.- .Mrs. tL c. Brotherton, S70 - Sduth Winter street, hostess.. - . , Chapter ,ti 61 the PECj Sister hood. Program at- girls' indus trial school. ' ' . . Institutions department of (he Salem .: Wd man's club. Geireral meeting at clhb hduae, 2:30. ; ; Yomareo rlass. Social and bus- resa meeting. Col. and Mrs,' Carle Abrams, 1465 Chemeketa sireet. hosts, 8 o'clock. . ' ; Eastern Star social afternoon. Masonic Temple. .' . ' Junior Guild S of St. P'aul church. Mrs JdsepH ' Baumgart- ... " WeflBeiiiay . Woman's Foreign Miss'ldnary society of First Methodist church. Mm. A: A. Lee,, 1515 State street. hostess; 2:30 o'clock; Tea meet . Leslie i M. E. Woman's Home Missionary society. . Mrs. E. A Rhoten, 1595 .South Hlgbr street, hostess. . Th'urisilai- Thursdlay'ciubMrs. Carl Gregg. uoney, 8Z8 s. Twelfth street, hos tess. Kensington Iub. -, Mrs. . F. S Anunsen, 1110 N. Capitol street, hostess. WRC Ladies' Aid sdcietv. Mrs Catherine tw, 245 Washington street, hostess. Brush College Helpers. Mrs. William Gorsline, hostess. Friday Wisconsin Association. St. Paul" parish house, 6:30 o'clock. Pot luck dinner. Saturday Salem Woman's club. Club bouse. 2:30 o'clock. First Methodist Epwdrth league Valentine social, 7:30 o'Clbck. 1 four centuries, have been practi cally cut off from contact with civilization. Untold" hardships were suffered because of a. lack of the most- rudimentary accepted perquisites for mind and ' body. with not .even the simplest formi bf medical and surgical aid avail able: - Pupils of Miis Ltona Dotson, f resent urogram at xmua i. 5 5 An attractive musical program of last week was that presented Saturday evening at the YMCA by the jiupiis bf Miss Lena totsbn A clever pantomime; entitled "The Doll Shop," given by the younger pupils, opened tie program;; Piano numbers and pleasing eons and dances completed the evening. Characters in "The Doll Shop'! were: Baby dolls, Marion Hnlten- b"erg, Joy Cooley and .Ora McDow ell; DUtch dolla, Doris Schdnke, Betty Dotson; tin soldiers, James Daugherty and WIlmerMuller; Chinese dolls, VIrginta. S.cott and Lebna. Otey; Japahese dblli, Helen Trindleind -Marguerite Marston; French doll, Virginia Lunn; .fairy, Velina Wagner; Little girl, Helen Schulz; mother, Virginia, Alder son; shopkeepers, Elva McCune; Eleanor ,'Trindle; iriedsenger, Alf Doniagotla; Boy Bide, DaytOri Robertson. The second part of the program was in the form of an entertaining comedy sketch entitled "Jwo Ghosts in White," a boarding school story. The girls taking part were Paul ine Orey, Vivian Marrs, Helen Ralph, Hattie Rafaip, Eileen Mbore-, June Kuhnke", Gladys, Lachele. Marion Siewert and .Alice Lucas. William Triridle ahd Edward Sehuhke assisted during the eve ning. Woman's Relief CJorps Committees Are Appoinled At the regular meeting of -the Woman's Relief corps on Satur day aftefnbdnMrs. Saraji Peter Son and Mrs.Laura McAdams were appointed to meet, with the com mittee of the GAR on February 12, as well as with other, patriotic orders, to plan for the coming department convention in Salem next June. ? Since January 29 was the birth day of MeKinley, Ihe patriotic in structor, Mrs. Louise King, gave a sketch bf! his life. The members all sang McKin ley's favorite song, "Lead Kindly Light,' f The president appointed the following "relief committees for the year: Relief, Mrs. Laura Mc Adams,. Mrs. .Cordelia La Bare, Mrs. Hanriab Higgifas, airs. Biita J. Pe'mbertoh " and Mfs. Jenhife F. B. Jdhes. . t ; - TEiefcjltiv omhiittee, Mrs.. Flbr encfe Shipp, Mrs." Paulina Clark; FREIGHTER EXPLODES; UDl& -" ' ' V 1 - ' i ' -View- of the English freighter "Essex Iales" burning it Tampico, Mexico, follbwing a gasoline explosion, which killed 24., and .injured 1 sfettmett and laborers---JL jSpprk from a donkey engine cain'e into contact witha leaky tin, of gasoline, being. loaded aboard. Mrs. Hattie Kennen.-.Mrs. Cather ine low, Mrs. ueriruue uemui ton. j Auditlfig committee, Mrs. Mary Watson. , Mrs. ' Ida TragHo Mrs. Louise fefapps. Hbrhe dhd molovment. .Mrs; Katie Schott. Mrs. Mattie Schram,' and Mrs. Julia Blbdgett. . Conference committee, 'Mrs. Helen Soujhwick, Mrs. Norma Te? wllliger, Mrs. Sarah firager, Mrs. Haley and Mrs. Mary Briggs ?i Americanization fcoinraittee, Mrs. Emma Thompson, Mrs. Antoinette Bennett, Mrs. Myrtle Collins. 1 - Child Welfare committee, Mrs. Deiffenbach and Mrs. Eighmy. 'j Mrs. BarhvieJs, Hostess ' on Saturday Night , . i Airs. u, u, Jjarnyte ax 4?v.souiii 22nd street 'was. hostess on Satur day, Feb. 'S, for. the .pleasure qf a , group of friends and neighbor, did iime ganies wefe played, al ter which refreshments were serv ed. Those present for the enjojf- ablo aifair were. Mr. ...and Mrs. H. q. Morton, Mr. and- Mrs. C. W. WIrty, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chen ey, Mrs. R. Carlson; Emma Her- ren; Rex Herren M. M. Dugan, Patricia Dugan, Bern ice .Dugan, Mrs. A. J. Bard, Ruby Neer, Sibyl White, -Floyd Hastay Norma Cal Jsban, Mr. andMrs. C A- Nichols, Roy Nichols, C. A- Nichols Jr.; Ethel Mae Nichols ad(f Ian Bar- hyte. Junior tfuiid tftufo'bet will !:30 Mrs. Joseph Baumgartner w be hostess this afternoon at 2 o'clock a her home at 280 North Winter street for members of th Junior Guild. t 1 Baraca Philathea Class JVew fifft.cera t The Baraca Philathet class oi the First Baptist church announce es the election of the f ollowingpjr fleers: Lloyd Gregg, president; Miss Ruth Mbore, vice-president; Miss Wilma Pratt, secretary; Rob4 erf Seamster, assistant secretary; Mary Shelton. treasurer: Edna McElhaney, reporter; Warren Wel4 bdn, chairman of membership committee; Amy Fiedler chairman bf hustler's committee; Charlotte Horning, chairman of relief com4 mittee. Miss Nina McNary was agaid chosen to teach the class. Chapter G Will Sponsor rrogtam at Girls Trainina School The Institutions department of the Salem Wbiriah's club will sponsor the program which Chap ter G of tho PEO Sisterhood will give tonight at the girls' 'industrial chool. - Cars will be available for those to have arranged with Mrs. C. K. Logan, chairman, td attend ThoSe of the grbdp who .expect to be guests are asked to be at the city library Drombtly at 7 o'clock. Christian Ertdeavbr Chapters of First Christian Chttreh C eleb ra te A nniversary ' The anniversary of Christian P!ndeavor was fittingly celebrated on Sunday evening, by the three chapters of the First Christian church. Fifty-five young people met at the church at 5:30 o'clock for a social hour and union en deavor meeting"! At the evening At ShiDley's xhe ladies oi Salem have satisfied themselves that they tan ret the, finest fall and winter frocks, coats and dresses fever ihown in this city. () , The Cherry ; City Baking Co.' bread, jbies and cakes are of high est auality,. .Ope of Oregon's most sanitary bakeries; -visit It. Wortn whlleV . A Salem b.Qvr: place. . ( ) -o J "i n , ; 3 V : daughters, three of whom ?aire Mildred HicRards, Hiss Betty J9'W Todd and the blisses R ? : - ' " 1 . , , .1 ., -, -,.',,. -j service the. Christian .Endeavor .so cieties sponsored a special, anni versary . program The phurchparlqrrtor the. so cial hour, were decorated in red aivd whiie Christian Endeavor colors. Ferns and red tapers were Used on the, table. , , Miss ViViari Whistler, "who has charge of young people's work in the church, supervised the observ ance. University Epworth League Plans Valentine Social . Members of the Willamette uni versity chapter of the First Jtffeth pdlst Epworth League will hold a Valentine social in the church 'on Saturday," Feb. 12, at 7:30 o'clock. 'Airs. H. H. Olitider 'ttdnored .With Ajternodnf Bridge , on. Birthday Anniversary - , Delightful among k the .affairs, of last week -vvas the two taWe "bridge party at which Mrs. W. Al Jones and Miss .Mabel Creighton enter tained, complimenting Mrs. .H. H. dinger on her birthday anniver sary. . Seasonal greens were used . In decorating, the rdoms.whilfe, x.ed lighted tapers and red carnations, in keeping with the Valentine sea son, were used on the tea table. . The bridge prize of the after noon was won by Mrs. Olihger; the honor guest. Included for the afternoon were" Mrs. H. H. Olinget, . .Mr?. R. E. Lee Stein er, Mrs. Edwin L. Baker, Mrs. E. N. Gillingham, Mrs. John foil crhsll Urn r ir I Uln TUrkl ' ,L. F. Griffith &lxa. kitty Graver, Mrs. F. W. Durbin,. Mrs. W. H. Dancy and the h.Qstsses, Mrs W. LAl Jones and Miss -Mabel Creigh- ton. Miss Rosalie Jones assisted at the tea hour; Guesis at Portaria Cortcprt " Mrs...S. Levy and Miss Elizabeth Levy . were in .. attendance, last thB- pprtland 'Symphony Orchestra concert at the Muni- cipal auditorium at which Carl Flesch, the noted Hungarian vio linist, was soloist. This was the violinist's first ( appearance in Portland, though he made his de but in Americath 1914. Mr. OMd Mrs. Meyers Return Fnom Portland . - Mr. and Mrs. Milton L. Meyers returned home on Sunday after nddh after spending ten days ,ih Portland. t Mrs. Meyers uriderif en a slight operatidh at a Portland hospital ilrs. E. A. Rhoten Will be Hostess for Leslie WHMS The Wdmah's Home Missionary society bf Leslie Methodist church wfll meet on Wednesday afternoon at( the home of Mrs. E. A. Rhoten at 1595 South High street. . Thosfe who. .will assist on the program are Mrs. E. T..Barkiis, Mrs. , Mason Bishop and Mrs. W. J. Lin foot. Out'offouin VUitb'stAre ., Honored Willi Jsunchebn. .. ;. ; A group 6 t out of town .womei j whose husbands are In. the legis lature, were the honor guests at a charmingly .appointed J o'clock luncheon on Friday of last week at which Mrs. Hehry. J. Bean was hostess, "he valentine, motif was usfed' in' decoaiirig th jtable, ;at Sirs'. ' saaq, Vise pattersbfa (Mrs. I jus oioser ot roruaao. Airs. unag. Hall of Mafshfleld Mrs, J, .. W Howard, Mrs. George ltA. White, i Mrs. W. G. Hare of Forest Grove, Mrs.-C. A. Eppinger of Baker, Mrs,VA. C. Beals of Tillamook, Mrs. Will Levena of Baker, ahd the fabstess," Mrs. Beah. Eastern Star. Social Afternoon Club Will teu7 for Demonstration The ni embers Of the Social Af- tefbbqh tub or .Chadwick chapter J ui iua uastci u our in uirci. ,v.V aiternobn In the Masonic ,Tem pie td'.mike bandages tortlie tMarion County CbDd Health DenijOnstra tion. Those who attend .are asked to bring needles thimble and scis sors. . Alt ' Eastern Stars are inr vited. A social hdur will fbllbw tlie sewing. ' ' The Committee for the . after noon 'includes Addle May Petteys, chairman; Alice Frizzell. Ethel Welch, Florence . Tayldr, s Rose Linfoot, Helen Laffcy, Rose Kurtz and Zbnk AUep. ...... - ; . ' ' "1 Was bothered with a bird persistent cough, and tried other tntdicinei, bot non were so good and so relieving as Foley's Honey thd Tar Compound. - . E.Boggtsv x ; : j Cob&i arkf iSroar irtiUtiok, ArJ JhroocAi'i CobhA, tiogerini 'fZd"' VI kbtikh, yield qhicklftck 1 .COMi'UUi-.; IZedbj dJUreht tctirt for , Soil at Capitol Drag Stort 1 Wisconsin Association Will Meet Friday at Parish House filemuers.ot the Wisconsin asso ciatlon.- will meet - ott ! Friday eve ning, for a 6:30 o'cidck pot-luck dinner at SL Paul's parish house on Chemeketa street. i Officers of he associat io incl ude , G. , W Thompson, president; G. L. Com mirigs. vice president, and Mr 3. O. A. Noyes secretary. Kensington Club Will tied Mrs. F. S Ahuriaen will inttr- tain hiemberi of the Kensington club on Thursday afternoon -of thte week at her home, llib N. Capi tol .street. : . ' Wt F. M. S, Will Hold. Meetina iTomorrow .-i .Members., of the .Woman's For eigo . .Missionary society., f .r the Fjm Methodist' charch will meet tomorrow at: 23 Q o'clock at , the uy we ,oi Aire., a. at.lUlti State street for the Febrji.ary - iaa meeting,. Urs. fchariee. J. ; Lisle wUl(have charge of- the devotions, wWle Mrs. M. Keelejr will pre sent .thei -lesion.. .The social com mittee .includes ,M.esdames.,Sheddf Davis, Hanse Ravage, Milier and Gilbert,, All ladies ot the codgfe gatioh are .invited to attend. institutixms Department Will HoM avnxrnl Meeting Today at Club House ui. outstanding interest' in club circles-today will be the general meeting Of the inetltutions depart ment of the Salem Woman's club this afternoon at, 2:30 o'clock-at the club bous. .Mrs. S. M. Endi- cott, general chairman of the de partment, has entended Invitations tb attend to both the Efeokta and the. Salejn Heights women's clubs, as,. well 'as to all -members of the Salem Woman's club: Wives ,of legislators are also invited toy at tend the '.meeting.,. The speaker fj the afternoon will. be.J W.. Howard, superin tendent of the Oregon state school for the blind. Of particular . in terest in- relation to Mr. Howard's talk will be the. demonstration which - the primary pupils will give,,? .,. . , , PupAs of Mrs. T. S, Roberts aud of Miss Lena Belle Tartar will furnish special music. R. N. A." Membership Drive Will CotttiMie , The Royal Neighbors' associa tion will meet at 8 o'clock Wed nesday evening at St. Paul's parish hall on Chemeketa street. Due to the illness of Mrs. Ida Keehe, Mrs. Mary Acker man will take Mrs. Keene's place as" .captain No. j. The substitution is made in order that, the membership drive may continue. BHish Colte. Helpers . Will Meet .. . Mrs. William (.Gor$line will en tertain, the- Brush CbUegb Help ers at nfer home Thhrsday. Thursday TCtub " will . Meet at uoney Home The Thursday club will meet this week on Thursday, Feb. 10, St , the .hgme off Mrs.. Carl regg Doney at ,SZS South. Twelfth st. Assisting hostesses,, for the after noon will be Mrs. George . Pearce and Mrs. Alice. H. Dbdd. W. Ri C. to Hold Social Meeting, a wc i eg uir - ureeiins ffi me Ladies' Aid society bf theWom- ?n's Relief tbrps will be held on hursday afternoon at the home of Mrs.. Catherine Low at 245 Washington street. Yomareo Class Wilt Meet for iSmlal and Business Session The Yomareo Sunday school class Of the First Methodist church will meet this evening at 8 o'clock at the home of Cbl. and Mrs. Carle Abrams, 1165 Chemeketa street, for the regular business and so cial meeting. . B$hbp& Spend, Week End in I'briluitd Mr. and Mrs: Q: P. Bishop, ac companied -by, their grandsHb; Charles Kay Bishop; were guests In Portland over ihe week-end at - (Coniinnad ,o jz.b J0-) B ibom moderri .hSUseFoiil blocks frotri pdstdfficei $4500,-. t F. L. WOOD -341 Statist: - BARK SCHAEFFfiR'S v HERBAL COUGH , :syrup ' Sold DhlyAt? G CH AE KETR'G 38 sfevco5&aa? kl :'.:;--fiiche lf ; The Knslai? Store WAT FAftiOtJS . - - -. . ;;. ;. : . ' - .' . -. - If you have pevei: visited Buster Brown's 2 for 1 Sale Mfek-yburrreighbdr. Sfie Will Uyo'ii shB never heard of subh bargainsi &s sh& -can- get iwico. . year at the . Buster Bpwn 2 for.l Sale-. AH uto-date shoes. .The &izes are better than ever before: We can fit any foot. . . ' Pateht Dreiiy Piihipi Lizard Trimmed; .One of the Better Patterns, i : : French Heet-Bekular 75 :N6W 2 fbt the Price of 1 Wohifeh'a SaUhsi Vfelveti aild Paf erib High French Heels Regular $9.50 Now 2 for the Price '61 1 :''.' " ' . i " ; : . Patent Just the Pump the High School OirU dre asjeirig forRegular $0.83 Ndwforl mmmmmmmmmummmmmmmmMKmm les- Fancy JiLtanr Ifecls Patent ahd Tin CbrhBiilatibhs Hegular $6.85 Now 2 ftfr the ffice 6i 1 v, ':':ir:1,?p'Srown tegh Shoes ,For Growing birW-Slzes fiir id Ji. Made orer bur famous Foot-Shaping Last Two Pail: S2:0 , . - ;. Seofia Flodr vA double force;of. our high lass salesmen trait tb ;SerVe you, due to the fact that our Klamath Falls shoe store opefl5 Febrtiafy 15th. ; It's AH Herd arid" It's AH Turn ..,BUi?rsa:'BRowr3 Salem, I j!miaujluniuuutfliirtiiiiTnmiiaiBiwinBiimnHkwBiiMiHg - - i , . . - . . . Step-in Oregon ' 'k t