The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 08, 1927, Page 8, Image 8

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    HUSH!:,, ,
HouselTurnsDown -Several
I: Mea?ures;LExtrak Fire Ha
hK ;'ard Bill' Killed
" In order to aid ; motorists la
obeying; the road la W8, .the house
jased a bill Yesterday nich' re
moves many of the obstacles in
the' present laws. , " ' ; '
r-lTh spot light which was per
fmissable had to be . immovable.
Tn' new ', bill proTfdes that two
inay"be:nsed, and may be moved
Vwhen the machine is In operajttdp
'for "the ipurpose of reading signs;
) etc. on ? the highways. The hill k
nrorides also that at no time shall
anyone hare -their spot light rolhi'i.
isuoh a position that the light will
- shine in anyone's face, and this
offense is made punishable' bV;law
McGowin, Metndl; McPh illlps, Not-tj 1 1 1 ' I J ' 1 1 1 1 j
Veii; iliiiUii
Tea Bsen;,s8etTKc4 sirei i. r Sw n ;? land
Repreaen tative Lionergren'a
house joint resolution number 14
passed the' house yesterday. The
resolution as TexDlained bv Mr.
I Lorfergren iamenrfs th&" trial by
Jury faw so' that a person arrested
f or ja '.crime may plead guilty "be
fore a circuit judge and be sen
tenced Immediately and not wait
for the regular time for the Grand
Jury to meet,' This amendment will
do away with; the expense of the
defendant waiting for the Grand
jury to return an indictment which
in sorae cases is as long as the
sentence imposed.
Mr. Fe tree's bill to include Cur
ry county among those in the code
that shall advertise for bids for
Hoe former law, the usftw-a double
.filiament bulb so designed 'aWd
-r controlled as to direct' beams
't"oi light! downward will tebermis-
4.i ye,
'. "-There is a clause in the new"raw
'"providing that the secretary
(fltate is authorized Ho designate!
l furnish; instructions fosfi'llt6 stfp
ef vise official statiohs fdr adjust
ing head lamps, spot lights and
auxiliary lights to conform to th
'law, .
t Anyone wishing tj adjust their
. Mtfwn lights may do so after having
.applied o the secretary of state
;' for a vllcense--as a light adjuster,
' aaT shall receive bi; certificate of
adjustment after complying with
.-flfte" Instructions. .
J,The bill adds a fine of $25 to
.;4nyone adjusting lights for com
. i pensatipn 'and not complying with
i rtfelaW.
y 2 The Supporters of the bill stated
v foiafc it jwould be optional with the
automobile owners to use any spot
fights or to equip their , cars with
.fhe 32candle power -bulbs allow
able uader the law instead of the
J I candlepower now -used. ' ! " '
V. I' Several bills were turned down
, : by the house yesterday. Mrott's
bill authorizing the state board of
forestry to -define 'boundaries of
regions f extra fire hazard was
Vinied;! - -
hM gave theToard power to make
p jnales nd regulations for the pro
tectlonf of these' areas,' and to pfro
' -hibit 8tho'trnJf them; and further
" provided I . that-, violation of 'the
i Vales ?&n'd regulations could be
punished "by fine and irnprison
. jent iot lo exceed $500 and six
bonthi. ''
--,Som of the representatives con
V . tended that it encroached upon the
'Tights of individ4ial84yxd'Vere op-
Jposed to-passing laws giving coni-
missions "Dbwer to make rules and
- Regulations "punishable by tine and
' .imprisonment.
r.. Those Toting 'against the bill
'Vere 'Bailey Billingsley, Bron
f "rough. Burdick, Clerk, Collier, Ep-
Vbingeri -Fisher, Gordon, Graham,
; Jamilton..r Henderson, Howard,
(XleseV; TKWg," Lewis, Lonergan,
board of -prisoners passed the
h nil with1 n nnnnsitlnn vostor.
Three senate point resolutions
passed the hefuse yesterday as fol-
. S T
t In lieu Of the dimminrdause Ko' the ; allowance of members of
NirtnftMr 3 by Butler, providing
for thektfoptlon of the song "Ore
gon Myfregon" as the official
state song! "
Numbet'i-by Dunn, providing
for the appointment of a commit
tee to studyTCne: treatment of nar
cotic and drug addicts.
Senate joint memorial number
8, by Senator Norblad and Repre
sentative Hamilton providing for
funds for. the construction of the
Tongue Point naval base -also pass
ed the'bouse yesterday.
Falls City Club Succeeds
Chamber of Commercei.Jn
teresting Talks Given
W. J. -Krueger, teal tor, progres
sive, fair, equitable. Growing city
and country makes possible buys
that will make you good money.
Complete listings, 147 N. Com'l.
The Midget Meat Market never
fails to give you the finest meats
and-fish. There is but-one place
In Salem to get the finest fish. The
Midget Market has It for you. 7
Coon Arrested Charged
. With Stealing Sheep
Marion county officials, continu
ing their campaign against "sheep
bandits" of the county, late Satur
day "arrested Bud Coon in Port
land, eharged with theft of four
sheep Jronv EH Its E. Brown, a far
mer fa the north end of the
county. 1
Coon' did not operate in the
same .band of theives in which
were the Patzer Brothers and
Harold Beech, arrested recently
for numerous thefts of sheep, of
ficers believe.
Coon is being held in the coun
ty jail in lieu of $2,500 bail on
a charge of larceny.
Harold Beech and Robert Pat
zer, the two minor youths arrested
in the first sheep raid) have been
committed 'to the boys" training
1 " -
The Dixie -Baxery )eads on high
class breads, pies, cookies and
fancy 4aked - supplies of every
kind. Best by test. Ask old cus
tomers; 439 Court St. ' ()
FALLS CITY, Ore.. Feb; 7. r
The second annual banquet of the
Falls City Community club,
Vhich succeeds the Chamber of
Commerce, was held last Wednes
day In the high school 'domestic
science, and art rooms', the Ladies
Aid of the Christian church 'cook
irig1 tha'roeal, and the young ladies
of the Bv S. class of the high
school serving.
There were about sixty present,
with -music, speeches, and some
fancy dancing, following" ; the
meal. H. Mather Smith; retiring
president, Introd need T. W. Mun
yan, the.'new president, who; acted
as 'toast, master. : In his Introduc
tion Presliferit Smith gave a short
resttme of the activities' of the
Club tor . the jast 'year, which
ranged "pfrptn" sponsoring Christ
mas free " celebrations to running
a newspaper, edited and published
by the club 'secretary, putting on
a one day community fair 'and a
fine exhibit at 'the Polk ' couny
fair, on the purchasing and dis
tributing lime, securing boys and
girls club workers, and many oth
er affairs for the betterment of
the community. 1 J
Mr. Munyan outlined briefly his
wishesor 1927 , tersely including
in all ' the slogan of Falls City
"adopted about two years ago "The
Center of Natural Resources' with
his own slogan "Paint Up, Clean
Up and Keep It All Up" for 1927.
' The secretary responded briefly
to the chairman's introduction,
emphasizing the natural advant
ages of Falls City for the produc
tion of Roquefort Cheese arid fine
fruits and berries, suggesting that
we seek the resources left after
the logging and milling indus
tries were' exhausted, which were
always the first in this country.
A. A. Muck, mayor of Falls
City spoke briefly. Chester M.
Biggs, industrial agent for the
Southern Pacific, Portland, J. D.
Mickle, district freight and pas
senger agent for, the "Southern Pa
cific, Salem, gave, very interesting
addresses, outlining the policy of
their company toward industries
and 'development in Oregon, pledg
ing their. support to the commun
ity In working, Jor especial devel
opment. Their statistics and ex-pkinaiionfi-
of CVregon "ii-her rola
Uotfrto -:tbeir-effmpaBy -were "welj
received. . " -
J. Ralph Beck, Polk county ag-
riculturaj agent, spoke in his us
nil "hapy "vein, mixing the ser
fous"wlth 4 the humorous, as 1 he
does 'sb 'well, ' and promising 'his
continued support in community
building -.f-i-K f
Committee:1 appointments 'for
1927 weremade by tbe incoming
president;"" h; ''-'-' '
Slate surface roofing applied
over your old shingles. We have
over. 200 jobs in Salem. Nelson
Bros., plumbers, sheet metal
work, 355 Chemeketa. ()
smiiTtorj smiBHT
folk County Service Clubs
- Cooperating in Effort to
Aid Growers .
H. T. Love, . the jeweler, 335
State St. High quality Jeweleryj
silverware and diamonds. The
gold standard of values. Once a
.buyer always a customer. ()
Spaulding Logging Company
Announces Electric Project
' The Spaulding Logging Com
pany will electrify its Salem plant
according to repoTts issued, by its
president, C. K. Spaulding recent
ly. The installation will be made
sometime this year, a 1,000 kilo
watt turbine being used to elimin
ate the boilers now in operation.
Members of the firm believe that
the change will lessen fire hazards
and will add to the cleanliness of
the Front street district.
DALLAS, Feb. 8, (SpeciaL)
The prune situation is looking
more promising to the growers
who have been suffering a sense
of. depression due to the extreme
ly low prices paid when the lrop
was harvested last fall.
The Dallas Chamber of Com
merce and the Federated Clubs of
Polk county who have given con
siderable time and thought to pos
sible solutions to the growers
problem feel that in spite of the
seeming inactivity that the mat
ter is working out to the satisfac
tion of the grower.
A letter from W. F. Drager eon-
tains the following which lends
encouragement: "Growers should
hot become restless on account of
no definite plan having yet been
H. L. Stiff 1-nrnfture Co., lead
ers In complete home furnishings,
pricea to -make you the owner;
thc store that studies your every
need and is ready to meet it,' ab
solutely. - )
Hotel Banquet Room Will -
Open Tonight With Dinner
- The New Salem hotel banquet
room will be opened tonight with
the Rose-Croix club entertaining
Scottish-Rite legislators at their
bi-annual dinner.
The new room will be run in
connection with Minto's restau
rant, successors of the former
Salem restaurant. When complet
ed the room will seat more than
100 and will be used only' for
special dinners and luncheons.
Mrs. H. P. Stith, millinery
Most beautiful hats in Salem; all
shapes and colors; 'full stock from
which to make tine selections.
Best quality. 333 State St. ()
i . - .. . -. . -
Present this' ad -and receive Thrfee Delightful Free
Treatments, at our offices, 306-7 Pirst "National Bank
Building, Salem. Phone 705.
7 . V .OFFICE HOURS 9 A. M. to 8 P. M.
iWh i
Tfliiese Prices Good FirMayiiit
Stock Your Pantry At Tliese Low Prices Now
- CORNIowa
t Imp ----- - 66c
3 for
.6 for
SYRUP, Penrich O 4
; Amber, 5 lbs OncQ
5 lbs. Crystal White 39c
Cal., 3 for...
6 for ...66c
f ISUGAR 4Exhra JFine .Pure Cane,
:,tl OOflb. bags (limit rone sack) ..........
-BEANS Small
vor -large, 10 lbs.
RICE finest Louisiana
full head 7Q
io lbs. ..4 ifC
4 Spaghetti, 5 lbs.
SOAP White
Wonder, 20 bars
-FLOUR Cream -Loaf, -Oregon made,
'fully; guaranteed, 49 lb. bags,
$1;65 1
. . i nun
4 large Ovals 5 for
ka .Pipk,
6 tall cans
Fresh Alas-.
fine, '3 lbs. ......
-Pearl or.
HOMINY Tcy. South-
ern pack
4 cans
pladJbeXoreuthenijfor-luQ crmifi
growers'' organization. :. ''it 1 is be
ing worlceS bn'veryare7uITyand
wef;ougJt- rttAWO&Pfr
wbrVe puttf th'e InierfestTpf; the
prodacr'lV:;;. iT :-H'-:.
Presnt stocks of prunes are
P4ssin( ripidly into t,he markets
and "it appears that 'ihifere will be
tio prunes cirried oTer into next
season. ., , . . , .
Mr. Lachmond, one of the com
mittee fof. f ly.e, has Just ? returned
from California and.a meeting of
the packers will be called to meet
with this committee of fire to
draft a plan. The object of this
meetfng Is to find out If. all pack
ers are willing to work with the
growers organization, and there
by make it easier to get the 85
per cent or more tonnage into the
Just as soon as the committee
of fire haye held their conference
and", have adopted tbe form of or
ganization to be followed, 'Mr."
Kipp, manager of the Portland
Chamber of Commerce will assist
the committee from the Federat
ed clubs of Polk county in organ
izing the, growers. of . Pojk cpunty.
Notices will be een,t out . ta the
growers, inviting them to grow-
tT3 . mpett"? 1 the ' rarlons
prune growing centers, where con-
tracts Trill be signed. ;,
fa ' ...' . . " . ... ,
'' v. ' .- -t j '. ' ' Jf- . - " ,
it--' 1 "' "' . ''."it S;.-"V-5-
fPomeYor fteene, Jewelers,
neyerv fall to ybu ; 100, 4 on
the dollar. Watches, clocks,, ppis,
charms. Standard high grade
stock in all; 4epartmentju . - ( )
.'The lial'dVy'dsTctdlj' u
the tableipeifding -a.more
Increasing the salaries of tir j
to i$5.000 n -year. The 1 -H,
vlously; ws approved iv r;
house. -. " ... . ' ,-' I
. " , 1 - Ul- - t ..'lfminn ." ' -
Full head, , long or Bhort hair, any color. At last in reach of
everybody: The same method. and system in use as in our othor
locations. As. we.are bere .only a tanned time make. your ap
pointments early. . v
Located at 115 New Bligh Bldg. Telephone 2549
e i4 Also Qperating ;.ip8 Angeles Oakland, San- Francisco,
; - ; , rortland and Seattle
By eliminating waste three departments in one building Bakery, Meat
Market arid Storeonly'one expense for the three departmental All goods
are 'delivered right to ur store; eliminating the heavy -overhead expense of
maintaining an expensive warehouse and j pacing f reightthese two litems
alone saves Busick's customers thousands of dollars annually. '
Fancy Iowa
2 cans 25c
Silver Leaf
41bi Pails
3 lbs. Gem Nut
6 cans 67c
2 cans! 25c
.6 cans 67c
". . - $
2 cans
6 cans 67c
California Yellow.
- j Gling
We are still selling
Mellow Blend
' ' . -
3 lbs,$1.00
Eagle Brand Hard
Fischer's Blend
49 lb. Sack
Iri'Bulk "
2 lbs. 35c
Porldaiid Deans
3 cans'SSc
i ... ,
Large Box Snowflake
Fancy Grade
2 cans 47c
f ' 1 .
Standard California
Crystal White
1 T
"5Tb. Pail
2 cans 41c
baker, 3 lb. box
.Vegetable, 3 lbs. StifC
. IATCHES, Best iJ
Parlor,; carton... JL C
Broken slices 'Crt-
lp large 2yt : VUC
"6 for i l....u.$1.35
SPINACH California
3 J large 2
6 for 89c
" Sugar cured - OA
Pound 1 . iiUC
it,s 'aencious.:
All Pork
.25 c i
LARD Fresh ;
Grade 4 lbs. UlIC
i ; -
A cans 35c
i 4 lb. Snowdrift
5 lb. Pail Amber
The Meat you buy at
; Our Ih a r ke t is g o o d
Meat - Safe for you arid
Tydrr family. '
, No. 1 Premium
K"r. .v
. -, - , j i
silver leaf:
10 lb. tail
; ' t -i ' - . -
Buy these with your
-Meatbrder "
t' More isrofi&slMe Wmm $
- I. E-totLiVkYPHONE 455-436 ; J
PHONE "478
- t
ilk ' I A V.
....... - . . : . , , - - . i ''.