TUESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 8, 1927 "T, 7. . L JPJDfiS IIP: AcT Mackie and Allie Taylor ItoBattie as Meadlmers iri : - Fasti', Card THE OREGON STATESMAN; SALEM, OREGON . . H P ; ji : . Un8effeatetf ihlan&i Jearn N3 Mafctefoh&pfeedy Red ; jind Black afemeri"- - Just one degree !shortipf murder,-, was that smashhfg ,$ ; to 14 victory which Salem tdbic from Ashland last - nYghti Wf ey, ver satile forwardV 'Vis thescintillat-ingp-rformeror the 'game with 20 spoints. all from f fWId goals Tnafo'in his rhetrt fashion of the season M'V,t;5 at: i "j Ashland hi?'to'a'lmt' Wlt&'-1 victories to its credit orer the best ieaAs of southern Oregon, Yreka, California, alone had held' it. back In n unusual 7 to 6 battle before : Chftstmas. For the first two minutes the Tisitors looked like ' a young whirlwind, but those were ; their ."only happy moments. py the end of the quarter an 11 to 3 score was piled up and this wa3 Increased easily to 23 to 7 as thw, half closed. Duffy worked thiigh the; southern guards for sevens field goals. 7. tnthe final periods of TLhe game kygnV opened up with, -5ccess and , flipped fiTe8hort goaliAdanis, subbing fof Seigmrfnd, slio'wed Kvjgk form in scoring hre fttejes. Olinger was forced out of .the gajm, on; account of a flu attack an J was replaced y Schwahbauer; who .lamped dowsy do jliis man. like a regular. " . - " XWns met "his, match 'on the "lip off" Tn R,.PsrrVfanfcy one armed ejter, whd pjayfed a, strong ghnie Insspite p;n! liarfdicB). ; Ahb6(X, secring "seven? pints.-"was iigh mien for Ashland. it f , . : Only , one' thing tnarred "the galbe. Tha, w'as(-jhe:i brand of sportgmansWl ftisbrayed, byrdot V or Salem high'school kfld 'ap parently 'encouraged by their, yell leaders. iTlrls dme .aiffJcuJty Jas shwn up In" practically every gamp of the, season, Whenever iny small thing' -omes ? iip which doesn't quite, please ,the crowd. iti'vntaatxr : , KiiriOnd ( S)" .....-F.:.-(4) A. Pair LynIS .1 .....C.:... R. Prr TrrC (2) i: - (7)AbV S-kwibautIJDvU. HUM Fbfr i-. ......JS ... Knntro Adams f6 i..;....S.:i... Oansett , JtefieMaon, Oregon. : i", . . L lLuthyi?FeIlab,hj jewelry JWhat you are looking fbV, st9re. In-'jewelry. Where a child can buy a r safely isata. man or woman. . K.phirlngtn tX lines.- r () tri UATElPiDRTS U.Lzi ASTORIA, -Feb. $ AP George ingersoll, Astoria welter wfight, sf&tecV technical k'nock- o'at over Hack-McAvby fot Vancoa - Ver.B. C, when fheir main'eveht "flgnt, herV tOnhi was stopped In the .slxt,s round. McAvoy had U4e& dowd twice for the' count of rilne and was - saved onie by !the .'bull.'- As the fifth canto, opened logersoll dropped a left to his chin - iocore McAvoy had his hands up. BifiAyoy . dropped s ThafiosL ahd sggea against tne ropes ana Ker eree Theadous stopped "the fight Quality; U i" I - - :.- V: r. ! .I-.. . -fir' ." a i?--; i - - i ; .. IN RICH WALNUT tSxiite consistk xS six foot dining labler fcuffefc, arTtliair and five 'diners beautifully; designed and finished .ii. ... "Trii r J Vith ht Friendly Spirit m ' i.. , ': " . t l it I I: Taylo'r.Jfo Arrive ;oh. Day of 1 t ''r Fight; Both to Make 127 Pciunds Before 3on"g When Ad MacKle meets Allie Taylor lit th iriain ieretit ' Ui ttii aftt6fy . vWedneaay ; night, that f ffehf .Vfil; marid a ttew attempt on Mrfce'sart to Teet: to 'thW tbb of iH4''lder In the featherweight worUDg away lalthiuuy erery day, Mackle says he is going to be in the best condition of his career, and is going to surprise the fans by stopping ;; the Bend wildcat. The Portland fans, at least, will no( be surprised if he does, ac cording to reports from Mackie's home city. - If Mackle wins from Taylor, he will take another whirl at fast company, so naturally' a whole lot depends on this scrap. v Some faas, recalling that Mackle and Taylorhave been fighting a Bfjmtrrfght . cqtrcltrtte that they x are , aioot to start on the down grade. Tair Horn it. JSeithfer t(t them has .Veached hii 27th birthday. Mackle has -plenty of time to rise to the top in his dirl- sibn'ff -He'caTi Itittke it. , ? Mackfehas always been a 'gbbd fighter, but has been handicapped by .Ikcfc.'bf i a. , jpood manager. , ,Toft Morgan, Bud '.Ridley and Danny Naaes jfatled .o stop him. .iVori Wednesday 'night's tight, Harry Hansen will 'be In Mackie's coTheT.- fetc "lansei. Vbo fused io 'handle Taylor, " thinks he has the thing doped oaf. "Mackie will be on top of Tay lor all the time, and will throw so 'ma'hy pirhches that Taylor will thfhk ; lie "got in front df a snow slide," Hansen says, j But if Jackie does stop , the speedy millworker from Bend, h VriH be the first time Taylor has beem, .tsjtnrted ;out In t seven .years of combat. If Salem fans don't turn out in batallions and reg(rnetif8 to See this fight," they a'ren'jt as live as those in ; the bigger cities along he 'coast, for - Taylor' is being sought for main events in all of them. Wdd ,mes 'fromi Bend that Charles Carroll,'" ' Taylor's" manager, was called out of bed at 2 o'clock the , other, morning, by. a phone call from Seattle, where the "taafen'maker wanted to sign Taylor Ttd'r a bout. Carroll had "to turn rhfm 'downt; fbr fhe time being, as Taylor fights here Wednesday and ht Tacb'ma rfgainst Wildcat Carter PebVuary 2. Vor h'ev bout here Jfomorrow night. Mackie and Taylor willliave to make 127 pounds. They are not 'ejected to weigh more. than a pouiid different. JTaylor was to he hefe today, but on account of "the armory "be ing in use tonight, he will not ar rive until Wednesday. The fight- jfers wifjj . Veigh in at 2 o'clock that day. E8SATE0N rlipcel&iiiinjg Stilted V ,"Vr t v T r' , - I . I !.-'.. 'J t . - f r If r r. at OAC Encouraging . , 'i ii Gaines Being Arranged By f imagers COIXEGE, dORVALLtS. Feb. 7. Prospects t or U winning base bafl teamjhjrenhoiight to be good withtwe pitchers, iirning out f egttlajly -r Wanf if ? these are tro'Wlasilara Vobk squad and -fa&ffiyyieti Hot in school dur-f' ingf a from ing Voat. r ttW-cdttghtUn th Idoh- tana' mrnes rleKue'v last sammer. and Is flfedlafed. toe.no,of the best prospectsltor higIeague ball in the north westg i , ? "The . tenative vartityJbasehall 'schedule 'calls IdVfoae'bf 'Qie: hard est seasons any 'iaseball-team at O. A. - C. 'has ever-played." said Ralph O. Coleman, 'baseball coach, kfter' 'looking over "offers from various colleges and independent teams. ( " " . "Occidehtal college from Call-, forfria Is planning a trip north and wants' a game. The Waseda university team of Tokio, Japan, is making-a trip to the United l3ate hWVprihg affitl inay 'Ve ffi- ludefl on 4he schedalev" A barnstorming trfa Jefore the reafutaMsonference season starts 'is beink arranged. Games with Pbrt- land Pacific coast leaeue and 'teams . ia;fhe 'timber league 'in weitera Washington, wiirlte play ed on the trip. In all O. A. C. plans .o play 15 or 20 games this season.' - ' - . ItaVe "otit 'fireirlntlohs filled at thfe frst'dr'ugatttre Vem of the New Bank; building. Reliable td triistworhy,vnothinr but the -purest drugs. Crown Drug. 35 2 State." Former Ore&onJJneCcafch Enters fdthing Business ICTJGEE, fire., Feb. 7 (AP) Harry Ellinger, former head line coach of the University of Oregon football team, and Eugene Vidal, present backfield coach, will enter the mercantile business fn Stfgelfe "within another week 'or 10 'days," when they open a men's clothing s'tp're and haberdashery, they announced today. Both are ex-West Pbiht players. Mr. Ellinf er stated that he had decided to go into business here rather than return io the east Where Ue. had jPTeridusry lived. He will hare charge of the store while Mr. Yidal ts at work on the cam pus ah d gr id iron. t Vick Bros., the house that serv ice u11t. Distributors rf or Oakland and Pontiac. The cars jthat give every "oVher that extra me as ore of latisfactlon. ( ) STATE BOLTERS TO MEET i The Oregon State Bolters aasd- elation ? will hold its convention here February 15. C. H. Chester man, of Sioux City, Iowa, national president of the organization, will be the principal speaker. ft Furniture . fqr:Homes, "- jOffices, i, Hotels aifi,i - 'M I TTnlM.'nfr Kordlft.piekfefarrt ctchiri "nK nilleA9Lltt Rtckard's ntJA m ..iritfcneavyweisni elimination tourna- i Georgia Heavyweight Makes Deout in Rickard' Elim ination Toarhey. ' NEW YORK, 'Feb. J 7.- (API William . (Young) Strlblinir. meht.cuffed4nd -fkbbed Ms 'way' to vlctbry'over Erfdie Hhffman of Los Angeles tbnfght in a, brttlsfng rough and tumble match before a crowd of 6.0(H), the smallest of the. ihdoor season, J it was Stribling's first bout, in New York since he was whipped by Paul Berlenbach for the light heavyweight title last Mayv but the southerner,-while he clearly outpointed and outboxed his rug ged rival, failed to add materially to his prospects as a heavyweight contender, In the judgement of most'rinsideeritics. A majority of the experts gave, the 22 year old Georgian six of the ten Tcrunds. "awardfng the otliaF fdur to Huffman, but there were eteiting mome'nts about the f "bout, that Was puh'ctuafed carefttffy 'by acrobatic clinching and slapping, battering exchanges hts close, (raarters. So monotonous werfe 4 Huffaiah's awkward at tempts to take the aggressive and' StrHbbiftfg's steady defend tv"e co'hn-terfhg-tltat the crod booed and jeered both boxers during a large sharp of the last fqu? rounds. Both meii were barely oyer the light heavyweight f rgirrej scaling 1T7 ach. --nut Strlblln -made good use of bis advantages In rech, toi"ng ability farid speed, Huffman was 'the aggressor in nearly every roifnd but he fbund the Georgian's' defense difficult to, penetrate, meanwhile being a nark for the southerner's left jab ahd right uppercut at close quar ters. Henry 0. Mrller; Wi S.' CbmH; St., where most people prefer to get their auto parts for all makes of "cars. Trade here "and make savings on all auto parts. ( ) WHITE XAttES BURXSIDE Private 'Harry M. Burhside of Company M, 162n'd infantry, CorT vallis, will be recommended by Adjutant General WlrtWirj fill d vacaacy in; Oregon's allotment to West Point. The appointment will be terson. made by Governor PatA WILSON B S. O T H K S Haberdashery en's and , Young Men's At Remarlrrable Saving m mm-: SpTehclid patterns in woTslfeas, cassi-v TiieTes home -s'puns and .cheviots. Key stone and S tag trousers "tlia't are .Very well tailored. Sa.95 $495 Hoys Tn."cassitncrfe8t cHtdh rdys ttnd Qieviots &ges tol6. i Every-J'sJr.Well j Tailored Glofctiili Company, , TfeuSefs Mm, Coiiese JOht&ao anv. College If Play HereTpnlgritj.f ast . uame Mnucipaieu H Three Intercollegiate basketball iames, two them Nprthw'eSt 'con ference contests; Will 1e '.played on $k "vVillaimette University iflbor this week. Tonight Spec Keene's tBearcats "meet the fast Alba'fry College quintet, which gave them a hard battle at Albany two weeks ago. The game will start at 7:30 o'clock. ' ' - The big basketball show of the week, however, Is the 'two game series with College of Idaho, which has lost two games to ' Whitman but has beaten all of the other teams in that part of the north west outside of those in the Coast conference. College of Idaho gave Whitman a close race , in one of its games wfth the MlsslWaries, and on that basis is counted on to .give "the Bearcats plenty of competition too: r.; If Willamette wins these two games, it will be back In the 'race for the conference title, despite their defeat at Hhe hands of CPS list Friday. That 'game was a bit- ter pill, but the Bearcats We're far fjom their usual form, and 'since they have two more chances to iat the 'Loggers, are not so badly tiff as they might be. ta the game at Tacoma, the earcats could haVe won on 'free throws If they bad been "o"n" fevfen at shooting those, for they had 17 chances and gained only four points by them. i tt they Were "off" against the taggers, the Willamette -players were decidedly "on" in their game with Multnomah club at Portland, persons who saw it reported. In cidentally, the scorekeeper in Port land mixed "hfs figures. Reidel Should have been given credit for Z2 points Instead of Hauk. "Shad- Her," as the tall forward is called on the campus, played the best Same of his career on the club Slobr Saturday night. injured "in that game and will be nable to play this week. The earcat squad drew an addition his week when Nash, who has een playing with the Black Cats, egistered at the university and urned out for basketball. Other athletes who have entered Willamette this week with the L-openifcr'g- of the new semester are Kaufman ahd Diets, former Wood- burn hieh school students. Both rplay baseball, and Dietz is a cfuar- rterback when football season rolls round: Popular Service at TO C30ncuhaTrlp on special coach . train i- iry - No fa Hp r, safer 'service than this i LEAVE SALEM ! AlJIUVk SA IrCISCfO SATURDAY" 11-30 A JX.,-l-h lsval Itm bf sg ' 1 r . , v altewaaoa L t J:': Roomy CoacheV Free and All-Day Lunch Service. nirrUIUI r . .- ' on any train (in coaches only) . within fiftnm rim Mionc R6 f or furtlier information 4 : city.ricitci btrico r' IS yorta lmt Strecj 4 low cost! Oregon Hookers to Mketu -Cougars at Eugene Tonight " i EXffjfENE, Feb. 7 (AP) The nrvrBity of Oregon's champion-shtp-bobhd basketball team will attenipt'tb climb another rung up the title ladder tomorrow night here Wlth jthe Washington State Cougars servihg as opposition. f The 'Webfbbters had little diCfl cuity in troilcing the Cougars at Piiflman recently and,' according'ry. they'dd'hotxpect to encountef'la great1 'deal of trouble tomorrow hlglrtSrtitheir own floor.1 The 'C'oligars have dropped several games ' this year, hut showed enough class to down Idaho on thS latter's own court, a sttrnt which Oregon failed to perform, and r may "pull the unexpected to morrow night, the dopesters state. 'Nash leads the World fa 'motor ear values. Beautiful display 'of dew models at the . W. 'Petty Jbbtt Company, 365 "North Com mercial St, () Illmofs'Wan Captures Amateur Target Trophy KANSA'S 'CIT'y. Feh. 7. (P) -j-Mark Arie, Cnatripagne, 111., captured the interstate amateur target cup aha tied for fiftet In the 100 target evetit HTthe Open ing session of the -.3fd ririhUSl In terstate trapshooting tournament here this afternoon. 'Arie shared the 100 'target tro phy with C. M. Powers, Decatur, III., each with a score df 99. He took the interstate amateur cap with a score of 87. A five ply tie fdr first resulted at the ena of the 25 fryers In the interstate amateifr 'flyer cup shbot. In the "ffss and Out" shoot off, Ira Carroll, Kansas City, took the cup with seven Straight hits. The Opera Houew'Drtig Store. Service, quality, low prices, friend ship give increasing patronage. Old customers advise friends to trade here. High and Court. ( ) All Union Men and Womett.; your -Friends arid families, are i requested to be CONSISTENT, PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY and LOCAL. MERCHANTS. The following BUSINESS INTER ESTS of our city solicit the aupport of all Working people and, together with all firms employing Union Labor or displaying the Union "ttrd are recommended by the Salem Trades & Labor Council. ARIY AND OUTING STORE " " Army Rutins Stores " t 189 N. Commercial Phone 1828 AUTOMOBILE DEALERS ' Gingrich Motor & Tire Co.5 515 S.'Commercial , Phone 635 MacDonaid Auto Co. 680 i-'ervy t Phone 409 .. Alarton Automobile 235 S. Oontinerclal . Phbne 362 ' A'ewton Chevrolet KCo. , 523 Chemeketa t Phohe 1000 Valley Motor Co. 264 X. High phone 1095 VlcTc ITrothers ' ; 280 S. High Phorie 1841 BAKERIES 4 "Better Yet Baking Co. , f 264 N. Commerclal A Phbne 644 Model Bakery' ' , 121 S.'Cbmmercla Phone 1657 . , Peerless Bakery 1?0 N. Commercial Phone 308 ) i BRICK AND TILE . Salem Brick & Tilei Co. Tile lioad Phone 917 'CTffltdVBAcTORS Dr. O. L. Scot 1256 N. High Phone 87 CLEANERS AND DYERS t245 State Phone 703 CLOTHrXO ninpot & Son 303 State N.Ladd&BnshBk. . Rostein & Greenbanm '. 240 N. Commercial Phone 673 COALt AND OOD : HUIman Fuel Co. i!f 1213 Broadway Phono, 1853 ' ttarnier Transfer fcb. " 143 S. Liberty Phone 030 CB?EAMERIES ; . : Capital City Cooperative :u .4. - CJreamery, '.V&V.jrL?, 137 8. Commercial.. Phofle 299 I , Marlon Creamery 'C6i''-' 06 S. Commercial Phone 688 DAIRIES Falrmount TiairV iftQS. Commercial Phone 725 'Salem Sanfau-y Milk Co. f857 State Phone 810 Y -ir ww mm Jk " DEPARTMENT STORES C. JT. Breler Co. , .JiWth Commercial . ; L directors Department Store 18 N. .Coninicirrlal Phone 400 ) Worth's-Dcifeirtmcnt Store 177 Si. Libert j':;. X'hono 133 C JSk C. Store North Commercial 1 mum croiffiiGiif Cobb iMakes Up,Tv11nfJ,yPen- nock rfo'Ids 0ut,:and jjorns-' ' ; bytd Arbitrate - - - - t v: " t : ., - . EW YORK, iFeb V7.-(aV)-Three 'mafrir; league; stars, cast ib wtdelyV different, 'rotes' be'ldcon spicious , places in important base ball developrenta jiefe today on the eye of f hemaijor;league sched ul '-meetings- They ."were Ty Cobb',' Herb Pennpck and Roger Hornsby. Announcement by Cobb that he had 'fmade up his mind" on offers for next 'season as accepted by friends as - indicating he would cast his lot with the Philadelphia Athletics 'Pennock.HtroTld series pitching hero of the 'Yankees, ap peared on the scene as a holdout,. while Hornsby revealed his readi ness to accept arbitration of the stocfk tangle which stands in the way of ' his appearance in New York unifocm. A conference between Pennock and Manager Miller Huggins dis closed for the first .tlmerfthat thb slim 'lefthahder is flissatisfied with the terms of his contract. Pitcher arid . pilot were closeted for more than ah nbur. At th end of the confab, Pennoek an nounced . his demand for a sub stantial increase had 'not "been met. He "Wm return here Thurs day for another conference..... Although Hornsby -said lie did ridt seek the"aid of the :New York club in disposing of his St. Louis stock, the erstwhile Cardinal pilot said he would offer no objection to arbitration. Selection, of a. com mittee Sof three one from the filants, dne from the Cardinals arid one Veliresehtlhg Hornsby, has beeh fctfjggested. 'iAnktIouxty HA'lARY'IAISI'JS The senate - yesterday passed Representative 'Potter's bill In creasing materially the salaries of DRUGGISTS Jfeitebn' !n!utit : 198 N. Liberty Phone 7 IJECTRICL APPLIANCES Portland taectric Power Co.f 237 X. Liberty Phone 85 FILLING STATIONS Harbison's "Stations Capitol at Market Ptaene 1936 Wes Salem Phone 1792W3 'StTommerciai at'Owdns Phone 12fl7 florets , C F. Breithaupt ' 123 X. Liberty . Phone 386 fVnral DmEcrr&Rs ' Webb4 Fnrieral Parlors 203 8. Church Phone 120 11 , ; FTjRNITTJRE Glese-Powers Furniture Co. 357 Conrt .Phone 464 GROCERIES AND MARKETS J. L. Bus irk & Sons 197 N. Commercial Phone 455 . . ' Carl Jt Bowersox 383'Cdurt f I'hb'ne 437 '; -. Cooley ! "Picarson 211 N. Commercial Phone 1371 ieire'r""' ' 11 99 S. Commercial phone763 1244 State ; Phone'649 . " .' Simpson grocery .- -153 'Hj -Cohuuercial . :, .Phones; ,48 And W"; .t- oi. uominercw s,luone 478 r. rfStatb Street Bfarket' e i 12SO SUto . i- i. Phone 574 -t av.. . ' . .';, ynS. i i GARAGK -TOWIXC3 m TIRES ' - .s ' lbenRood 'Garage . Phonea:- WrwV; Day 564 -.Night 2131-W Wilson and S.. Commercial ' . riT.viv lk; . i"' i,LlM)WARE.vUv " . ; Ddughton-'A,SherWfn ;v 280 N, Commercial Phoqe'639 "r 'Bay iYntmev lldw. Cd, p.' s -04 N. Conunorr lalAr. Phona 101 ' salemdw. o. c " -120 N. Commercial Phone 172 ' " 'Square Deid HSwl'-Cif. 220 N. Commercial Phone 1050 ICE COMPANIES Oty Ice Work ' 1441 Center -. Phone 73 ' Claude C Moon 844 Court . Phone 533 -uane county cmasR. : The km was opposed hy SenM0r Bailey of m Lane county. He rd letters v from ..Pomona Grange P'otestine- jagainst t salary increases f ariy'Al officers 'now in office. : i yhalSoyScburvek being uoservea oy iroop OREGON J NORMAL SCHOOL. MONMOUTH, i Feb. 7. (Special ) --National Boy Scout Week is be ring, observed iy the Monmouth Troop humber,"2 8 Cascade Cou n-cll-iWith'a full program for each day:.; A. week end encampment at the. Scottl'a cabin on the Luckia mhte 'rlter "will close the week's aetrvlties. Today the decision, rendered by three business men as to'thebeSt Vtndew display arrang ed by the , various patrols, was announced' and the Wolf patrol window was adjudged the winner. Muchitlngenttlty and labor was shown 3n the arrangement of the vaflbas windows. On Wednesday night the Monmouth troop will en joy: the; swimming tank of 'the Sa lem y. 'M; C.- A. through the cour 'tesy.;of 'C. A. Kells, general secretary.- ' j : " That Baby You've ' ' : v i 11 Mr. Burton Hdvlses Wdhfen on Motherhood and'Companlonshlp "For several years I was denied the , v blessing of motherhood," writes iMra. Margaret Burton of Kansas City. "I Was terribly nerv ous and subject to periods of ter rible 'suffering and melancholia.; Nrrw I am the pfoud mother of a beautiful little daughter and a trueJ companion and inspiration . to my husband. I believe hundreds "of f 'other women 'would Ifke to know the secret, of my happiness, and I will gladly reveal it to any married woman "who will write, tne." Mrs. Burton! offers her adrice entirely without charge. She has 'nothing to selir letters shifuld1 be ad dressed tb Mrs. Margaret Burton, 8029 Massachusetts, Kansas City, Mo. Correspondence will be strict ly confidential. Adv. i I LEATHER GOODS 170 S. Commercial Phone 411 ' jGabreI Powder & Supply Co. i7 . ixmimerciat , 1'none 728 V MATTRESS, FACTORIES . Salehi Fluff Khg & Mattress 13 and Wilbur Phone 1154 t Imto Jtc&ies . vIobres Music Hbnse . Court , Phone 983 :: i'f M rtTf" .. i i ' :. MONUMENT -DEALERS 'Ca'ptal CityMdnumental " ' !' ' Work 2210 .'Commercial Phone 689 Gabriel Powder knpptj Co. ; 175 S. Commercial Phone 728 PLUMBING AND SHEET - :-; ; - - j , METAL " - -. Kelsoh Brother Jj53 -dhemeketa Phone 1003 REAL ESTATE AND ! INSURANCE , Becke ' Hendricks ' r 189 N.f High Phone 1C1 BKm And tkJOB rm Hansen A Llljequist : '562 Mill Thoue &l t : . SHOE DEALERS f . t blaster Brow Shoe TBtortp :- 125 N. Commercial phone C85 -" Price Shoe Co.'; 326 State. ,J f; 4 . lhone 616 ;1: U John 9, Bottle- iJr if, 415 Btat ... llione 1106 .TAILORS,., 474 Court , . llione 360 THEATRES The Islnore The Oregon 1 TIKES .AND YlEPAnV iiVL.W.- ay'jji' 294 N. Commercial , .Phone 66 ZoeePs Tire Shop , 108 S. Commercial . Phbne 471 - Salem Vulcanizing Co. 474 Ferry Phone 364 . . "T -'. - s- TRANSFER COJIPANTES; . 1. - J kD. AvLarmer f - --I43 S. Liberty . Phone 930 . VfLCANlZIXG WORKS Salem Vulcanbdng Work 474 Ferry Phone S64 T V c t i I c c i - i J .-t o ic I b J" o: y k ft i: w 11 hi w. ?. ..a U hi in '0 m pr dl ha" In: CO fu tic sei ru po ah sht no tin up rnr in tlx no vir Kill we H.i rat Mr t Wl: it; tli.