The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 08, 1927, Page 3, Image 3

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.Xdrertlsemtfnta- in., the? col
umns a charged at the "rate of
15c per line. . "- 110
, , - !
Pferiflc Lodge No. SO, AF & AM
10 mvitea to visit Logons
JLodge at Independence
on Wednesday evenlrfg.
Feb. th. . All members
urged to be present; Will leave
from Teinple at 7:15 tj. la. By
order of W. M. ? ' fg
Girl "Rewrves Sing
A group of Girl Reserves sang
at , the Salem Chamber, of Com
merce lsncheon Monday, In con
nection, with the $7,000 'financial
campaign of th , YWCA. t The
same group will appear at the ser
vice club luncheons this week.
i i -
Cash and tfury Cleaners
352 Chemeketa. Tel., 195. f8
300 Howard Piano like New
. $175. easy terms. Portland Mu
sic Co., 355 N. High St. fll
Will Address Rotary
It. MMouut, who Is manager
of the Cortland. Better Business
bureau, Vlll , address the Salem
Rotary club at Wednesday's lunch
eon. S - ;:
Dr. W. A." Johnson Has Moved
His office to 1001 First Nation
al bank bldg. f6
Hamilton to Speak
Representative R. S., Hamilton
of .Bead,! former president of the
Bend Kiwanis clnb, will address
the Salem Kiwanis club at Its
ltrncheon today.
Furniture Upholstery
And repairing. Giese
Furniture Co.
Twelve .Pace City Judge
Twelve cases were lieard by
Judge Mark Poulsea Mondays Per
sons fined SI each for overtime
parking included Loufs Hicks.
1946 State street; Sain Talmertoh,
Turner; J Terusnkt, S. Morrison,
115 North High; C. H. Aflin, 1685
Hall, and! Gerald Kubln.
Boxing, Armory Arena
Wed. Feb. 9, Allle , Taylor vi
Ad Mackie, ten 3-min'ute rounds.
Solly Bttrke vs. Cecil Wanning, stx
3-minute rounds. Three snappy
preliminaries. f9
Hotel Mario
Dollar dinner, served 5:45 to 8
every evening. n26tf
Health Officer Visits
Dr. F. p, Strieker, state health
officer, was a visitor in Salem Mon
day and was a guest at the Cham
ber of Commerce luncheon.
Special Prices on Mantle
sput windows, -Harema-n -Bros. T10
K k-T ....
Englishman to Speak ,
"Kenneth . Llndsey of Ldndon,
England, win be in Salem Fen.
21 and will speak at the Wilfam
ette university 'chapel -exercises,
under the auspices of the League
of Industrial Democracies. Lind
sey was a member of the Oxford
university! debating team that
toured the United States in 1922
and '23, and later was a 'candidate
for the British house of commons,
but was defeated. HO was the
first labor tandlda'te 'to tdtifest tor
in Oxford seat in -parliament.
17 'A -I
k 6?5 Baby: Grand, ioj
V A i1ar ! 1f 'VAan IrllAwti
" y.w iiv vuwfr una vcvu &uv.u
for pver 100 years;, piano of fine
Teputation, and a -piano you know
at a 'price never before qdoted
,5465. $15 a month. The Portland
Music Co., 355 N. High St. fll
Glee Club Praised ; . . .. (.
Numerous letters . comtoeixdink
the work of the Willamette uni
versity glee club are being re
ceived by President Carl G. Doney
while the club remains on tour in
eastern Oregon and Idaho. One
ui iub tellers was iron vsrne o.
Adairis. assistant ' editor
Choir Herald.
of the
600 Flairs Free Thursday-
Patriotic, grand march, Lincoln 4
birthday "party, Crystal' Gardens.
Bad Walson's real eld-time "dance,
8-piece Portland orchestra. Dance
begins 8:30.. X10
Lcaders' Meeting Later ?
The last meeting of the Leaders'
claw at the Salem YMCA, which
was scheduled for. Monday even
ing, nas been postponed until next
Monday, on account of the special
meetings under way this week.
Special Prices on Mantle
Clocks. 25 to 50 per . cent. See
our windows. Hartman Bros. flO
Escape From School-
Francis ButU, 14, and Edward
Koslnecki, ; 15, escaped from the
state training school at Wood burn,
according to word Teceired by the
Salem police Sunday.
. : ;:
If ntlrely New Assortment; -:
Of used pianos, $50; 375, $100,
$.125, $150. See them. Terms to
stilt. Liberal discount for cash:
Tallman Piano Store, 12th and
MilL - ti
Chen-tans 'to Meet : I J J,
first meeting under the leadership
oi ur. o. A. Olson, the new ung
Bing, tonight at 6:30 o'clock. A
special program with music, 'and
ptner features has been "planned,
ahd the meeting is expected to last
until 8:30 o'clock.
Dr. Matthis .Moves v . ,
Dr. J. O. Matthis has moved his
office to rooms 815 .and 816. First
National Bank Building. 128
Class to Meet Tonight
The Delta 1 Alpha class of the
First Methodist church will meet
tonight at the home of Josephine
Shade, 79 f Sooth High street, it
was announced yesterday.
Slightly Used Player Planoi
Like hew. Big discount lor
quick sale, 410 per month. See
this one. Tallman Piano Store,
12th and Mill. - . " f8
Chaee at Mobile- - - i
Frank Wilbur Chace, formerly
head of the music department at
Willamette university, has f been
appointed organist of a large
church at Mobile, Ala., according
to word received here. " He has
been at Boulder, Colo., since leav
ing Salem.
8 Tube Radlola Snperhetrodtne-
Whh socket power, regular price
1350, now $265, easy terms. Just
like new. Portland Music Co., 355
N. HighlSt. fll
Speeding Charged
L. O. Allen of Corvallis was ar
rested on a charge of speeding by
a city traffic officer Sunday eve
ning. He is to appear in municipal
court Saturday.
Complete Xdme Of
Monarch Electric
Ranges at
Ealem CUnl
Dr. C. A. Downs, Dr. H. K.
Stockwell,.-Drf D. ft, Ross. wls"h to
announce that they have moved
their offices from the Masonic
I Temple. t6 suite 1004 "First Na
tional Bank bldg. 18
Stolen Car Ijocted
A Ford coupe stolen from
Woddburn Saturday night was re
covered by the Salem police Sun
day. $303 Wellington Piano, $195
. Te'fms, $7 a 'month. Portland
Music Co., 355 N. High St. fll
Masons to Go to Independence
Pacific lodge No. 50, AF & AM,
has been invited to put. on the
Master Mason ceremony at Lyons
lodge No. 29, Independence,, on
Wednesday evening. This will be
the first trip taken under the new
administration, and a large dele
gation of . Pacific lodge members
is expected.
To Whom It May Concern .
- On tend after this date 1-wirl not
be responsible for any bills not
contracted "by myself. Howard
Perry. f9
Visitor at Leeislat
Whitney Boise of Portland, who
formerly lived in Salem, spent the
week-end n attendance at the
legislature. Mr. Boise has spent
a number of days in Salem since
the opening of the sessions.
Salem's Popul
Old time dances. Dad Speers
old-time 6tpiece orchestra, Crystal
Gardens, Wednesday night, Feb. 9.
Derby halL Saturday, Feb. 12
same management; same prices.
50 cents and 25 cents. f9
Speeders Wiied
Roy Hobart .of Portland and J.
F, Kaplan of Los Angeles - were
fined $10 apiece In Justice court
here yesterday for speeding.
Here la a Bargain
, . Furnished modern home, now
$300 complete. Furnace, fire-
l-place, ldry, garage, large lot. ce
ment drive, etc Must sell; $1100
WU1 handle. See it at 2170 South
Church street f8
CallM to Washington
William Farre, clerk pf the sen
ate committee on enrolled bills,
who Whs for several years register
of the United States land office at
" irs TOfE TO
We Sell Martin Senonr lOO Per
Cent Pure Paint
286 N. Com'L Telephone 630
Move To Eugenie?
Home near TJniversity and
I: other property
- xchango for Salem
Address Owriiei : :'
, 311 Salem Y. M. C A.
Give description and location
NeVer Cold ui this x7oase 1
Fully Plastered, 6 Rooms -South
Liberty Street
Corner Lot - a; f30000Xt
DHAWt? 195
Ladies' and .Children's Hair Cutting
lhone t 08i
For ; Appointments
Forme'rly the Bungalow Beauty Shop
The Best In AH Lines of Beauty Work
New Bligh Bdlldiiig, 520 State Street
Use the Guanell. and Robb Entrance
Burns, left Monday ' night for
Washington, D. "C., WhSre t he was'
called to testify In a congressional
investigation 61 'the- Fred E. Her
rlck railroad "and timber, contract
in the Burns vicinity.
Dr. Matthis lloves
Dr." J. O. Matthis has moved his
off ice'to rooms 815 and 81 6r First
National Bank Building: ' ' t28
EvangeltsS 'Arrived'" I "'
Rev. J." L, Miller, D.D of Nash
ville, . Tenn., arrive this mornlng
to, conduct: the! meetings 'that are
to; be held in South Salem by the
Leslie Methodist church and the
South Salem Frienda church. He
comes from Spokane, Wash., where
he closed a most successful meet
ing Sunday. U Rev; Miller is. a fear-leas-preacher
of righteousness and
an evangelist ibf the highest type
He will preachy tonight at Leslie
church,- where the union meetings
are to be held, and a reception
will, be gfven him by the tW6
churches. The general public is
invited to attend. ;i .
Used Pianos, 950, tlS."!- . ; '
$140, $165. $175. $195, $225.
These are the .biggest values in
Salem. They were, all 'traded In
On, Ampicok, ; registering pianos
and grands.- "Portland Music Co.,
355 N. High St. til
; " 4 -
Fined for Speeding
Gilbert Lenon of Monitor and S.
P. Leichty, 130 South High street,
were fined $5 each, for speeding
Monday In mufaiclpal court. Len
on Wiia arrested early that morn
ing" and Leichty Saturday night.
Some JBond Buy er.
Here's exceptional buy In 'brick
building; leased to net 9 "per cent.
Close In and certain to inefdase
in value. Total price, $22,000,
and $10,000 will handle. Becke
& Hendricks, 189 N. High St. f8
Too Mairjr in Seat
Charged with driving an .auto
mobile with three other 'persons
in the drivers' 'seat. 'Norman CoOk
of Newberg was fined $5 In City
Judge-Mark Poulsen's court Mon
day. He was arrested at 9 o'clock
Saturday night.
Ffve Acres of 'Good Soil
Close In on -paved Toad. $1500,
$25 down, $10 per mo. W. H-
Grabenhorst & Co., 134 S. Liberty.
' f 9
Bachs Are Parents-
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Bach, 260
East '"Lincoln street, are parents
of a baby boy, born at a local Hos
pital Saturday.
9243 Radiola Portable, $163.
This set is practically new and
positively cbuldn't be told trdm
new. It is an exceptionally good
one; easy terms. Portland Music
CO., 355 N. High St. - fll
Returns From East-
Miss EH nor a Thomnnon. Atrfrr
Of the nursihK service at the Mar
ion County Child Hearth demon
stration, , has returned from New
ork city where she went several
weeks ago.
Salem Beauty Shop-
Moved to 165 N. Liberty.
Back From Hospital
olmo Wright, who underwent
an operation at the veterans hos
pital at Camp Lewis six weeks
ago, has returned to his home in
Salem. He nas recovered almost
entirely. .
Highway Head Here "
juage win tarn Dm try at Baker,
chairman of the state biarhwnv
commission, was in Salem Monday
and was. introduced at the cham
ber of commerce luncheon "by Boy
Klein, state highway engineer.
Insurance Company Sues-
Suit was filed yesterday, in clr-
at your home
Telephone 2214
H S. H. Ltigah :
Try a Box of Our High 'Grade 4
Pure Flavor Candy
Tho Best Quality
J. Pi Tyler's Drrrj Store
,187 South Commercial
"The Home of Drug Store
. "Service
ay. Friday, Saturday
; From 7:S0 to 10:80 P. M.
k Ladies Admitted Free
. Gentlemen lOe '
'- - - i -i .
We Are Now Making 100
; IWlth Bread
1 :'fJi ;;:':843 State,;' J-'.,
The Home of Good Pastry-
Yick-So Herb Co.
Xfet'dL 18 Tears in Salem :
' JT. H. LKONQ, atgr. .
It: other treatments have filled
try : our Chinese remedies . for
'asthma, bronchitis, croup and
cough. We have given relief to
many suffering with . throat
trouble. Never neglect a cold.
We also treat all disorders of
men. women and children. ;
Consults tfoi 'Fret ' i
Gall or write 420-426"aV kC,
. . Salem; Oregon, Phone 383
SAYS: "" .
We certainly have a real buy
in a 1923 Maxwell tonringl?
well equipped and in Alt
condition in every way, witJb, 'k
1027 license, and our price!
i onlv KU0.OO.
The House That Service Built
cuit. court" by JtheNew York :Llfe
Insurance company against" Cor
nelius D. Gearen'etllbr' f 14,000
plus interest and attorney's lees.
The complaint states that Gearen
took out a mortgage on-his 8
acre farm near Hillsboro in 1924
and has failed to make good in
terest payments and other agree
ments. $700 Used Hardman, f 135 v
$5 a month. It's a good one.
Portland Music Co., 355 N.. High
street. ' til
Conrt House Visitors.
W. A. Taylor of Macleay, J. A.
Smith of Aumsville. Will Howd of
Shaw and Ellen H. Taie'Of Stayton
were visitors at the office, of J. P.
Hunt, county judge, yesterday.
Large Home, Close
"Beautiful large lot. Modern;
must be sold for $7500. Immedi
ate possession. 9 large rooms and
sleeping porch. Becke & Hen
dricks, 189 N. High St. f8
Passed "Stop" Sign
Grant Kauble, who gave his ad
dress as the state tuberculosis hos
pital, was fined $5 In city court
Monday for failing to stop before
entering a through street.
Here From Ashland
W. P. Walters, formerly an of
ficer of the Marion county YMCA,
was In Salem Monday, coming
here with the Ashland high school
basketball team. He is now con
nected with the Ashland Commun
ity "Y."
New Piano Special. $287.50
This is the wonderful baby up
right. Easy terms. Portland Mu
sic Co., 355 N. High St. fll
Three Dwellings Planned
Permits for three new dwellings
were Issued from the recorder's
office Monday. They include: A;,
Hunt, 1920 North Fourth street,
$3,000; "Elizabeth Simpson, 1960
North High, $2800, Broudett &
Gruber. builders; J- C- Dickinson,.
433 Union street, $3500, A. A.
Siewert builder.
Pay Four. Fines at Once
: H. L. Stiff and Cuyler Van Pat
ten each paid four fines at one
visit to the city recorder's, office
Monday. , Each was fined $4 on
as many tags for overtime park
ing. Several Good Used Radios
At real bargains, easy terms.
Portland Music Co., 355 N. High
street. fll
Woman Charges Desertion
Retta Forrest won her divorce
suit against Kenneth P. Forrest by
We sell repair and rent type-
Manufacture ail types rubber
463 State St.
; Stiuxdard Cleaner
" It you pnTchie a
.f Royal Qeaner now jrou
v ran secure the attach-
menta without 'cost,
, price of $&50.
A Small Payment Down
: ' Balance 'On feasy Terms .
i Company
default on the arounda of deser-
4on. The'piaTritnr tbia;3tiage m
Ma nan tnat her husband deserted
her in 1924, leaving three young
children to support. She Was
awarded the custody of the child
ren. . ;
Ixst on 1-Tiday- ,
, A ladles' ; octagon gold '. wrist
watch. .Black and gold ribbon
band. Reward. Mrs. G. E. Terwil
liger, phone 724. f8
Here From Twin Falls
Mrs. Ina Weddlft of Twin Falln.
Idaho, is vfsftlhg with her father
and mother, Mr. and Mrs. G. A.
Morley of Salem.
Auxiliary to Itt eet-4-
The auxiliary to , the Sons of
Union Veterans of. the Civil War
will nieet on Tuesday evening at
7:30 at the Woman's club house.
460 N. CotUge street
Joseph Believes Structure
Should Be Wing of Newv
Capitol Building
Oregon ought to have a real
addition to the state house, not
Just another little building like
the supreme court structure, Sen
ator George W. Joseph'of Portland
declared in his talk before the
Salem chamber of commerce at
M'onday's lunch'eon.
All this "gloom" about "our
financial condition" is bunk. 'or
words to that effect, Joseph said.
"I wish I were In as good finan
cial condition," he declared.
Most of Oregon's bills are paid,
and if it does have a deficit say of
three million by 1929, On the
other hand the state industrial ac
cident commission has much more
than that loaned out at interest.
It ought to be made possible tor
the state to bbrrow from this fund
while the Income tax, which Jos
eph favors and believes will pass,
ts getting in operation, he said.
o o
James Baxter of Oregon City
was a business visitor at the
legislature Monday.
Mrs. Frank Nortnrup of Port
land was a business caller In Sa
lem yesterday.
Frank Woodfield, Jack Cannon,
and Fred Bates of Astoria were
In this city yesterday on business.
Fred L. Gifford, Portland at
torney, called in Salem, yesterday,
v Frank L. Ward, a. druggist in
Portland, visited, legislative ses
sions here yesterday.
Dr. W. G. Elliott, pastor of
First Unitarian clftfrch. Portland,
was a Salem visitor Monday.
Captain John T. Moore of Port
land was a business caller here
Claude E. Ingalls, postmaster
and editor of the Gazette-Times
at Corvallis, was a professional
visitor in Salem yesterday.
f Fred Steiwer, United States senator-elect,
of Pendleton was a vis
itor at the capitol Monday.
Elton Watkins of Portland, ex
United States congressman, visit
ed in Salem yesterday.
A Joint session of the commit
tees on industries will be held
here tonight to consider all bills
and amendments affecting the
Too X&te To
table, 5 show .easts, fr9nt and back
bar. counter. Paul lieTrancq, Kail
' City. Oregon.
Made to Order
!Recoverhijr and
Complete Line of
Wicker Ware
Salem Wicker a
Overstuffed "
.Furniture Mfg. Co.
2218 State Phont 2230
i ii tin ki 'iia wi
w . -
fcgtatl!s!:ta 18S3
Qt&cm Conn fzoa
V : . V '
workmen's I'compenVafon .'act. "sit
was Hald TJK SulhVelr m PiStU
land "people .would . attend; the
session " ' : v -
Under a bill passed by the sen
ate It would be a misdemeanor to
remove, or sell buildings or fix
tures from mortgaged lands
bought under contract. The bill
was introduced by Senator Butt.
Statesman Ads?rIftgKeSults
Cameron "
Charles" H.'; Cameron died Feb.
5 at a local hospital, .'age 66. . He
is survived by his wife, Hattle;
two daughters. Mrs. Alta Schneid
er Of Portland, .and Mrs. Frances
Butte of Salem; i one son, , E. C.
Cameron, of Salem: .three 'grand-
f children and one great grandchild.
Cameron lived. at 398 North zlst
street. Funeral services .Tuesday,
Febt JB; 'at 1:30 ;t. m. from the
Rigdon mortuaryT -Interment in
City View cemetery.
At the residence, 1291 North
Fourth street, Sunday, Feb. 6,
Dora Alice Smith, age 61 years;
sister of Mrs. "Ella Youn of Idaho
and Henry Smith .'of Seattle, and
Mill Smith of Illinois, and aunt of
Mrs. A. M. Follrich of Salem.
Funeral services Tuesday, Feb. 8,
at 3 p. m. from the Rigdon mor
tuary. Interment In City View
cemetery. Auspices of Christian
Science church.
Andrew Stamm died at a local
hospital Feb. 7, age 65 years. He
is survived by his widow. The re
mains will be forwarded to Eu
gene for funeral services and in
terment. Webb funeral parlors in
charge of arrangements.
James Forbes Beggs, 71, died at
a local hospital Feb. 7. He is
feurvfved by two sisters, 'Mrs. Hlla
Mulgrave of Iowa, and Mrs. Eva
in profusion, with flow
ers, greenery and rev
erent rjeace through
out, in alleviating sad
ness. Webb's Funeral Parlors
Telephone 120
Perfect Funeral Service
For Less
Licensed Lady Mortician
770 Chemeketa Street
Telephone 724
Enduring Style
and Beauty
Your rings will be the only
lasting mementos of your
marriage day. They must
endure long after bridal
flowers have faded and wed
ding apparel is gone and for
gotten. If both ringsarcTraub
Genuine Orange Blossom,
you will find their style, their
beauty, a source of lifelbng
pride. Only Genuine Orange
Blossom 'rings ticar the trade
mark of Traub guarantee
ing value in whatever style
you may select.
Hartman Bros.
Square Deal Jewelers
Corner State ahd
. sa
it! Ul
',, ' ' i i "
IV a-, b. to iu
1 -h
Bank " .P-. 1 .:
Building - j-'v.'f
Directory ,
-tJf fay's Tboto Serrlet
JTel. .708,. Ovr tat Spa.
I. Sanry 3. Morria, OpUisatilBS ,
a r. aniatt
att fit
;Isjw fhon IOCS j .,
TaUpion 87 Tut 1S6S
rranr B. Kelloff, Psltlls Aconntaa
8 rata ma AndiUng Incoma Tax
Paona 18 JBvm SOt
Klna WrekofT-
tors for WUafcira'a ''l-a--tt'
Boeolofay Sou, Tel. 870
av1 Ettaf, Loant. Inwrmne
Dra. O'NcUl ft Bsrdatt, Optomatrlata
Phon 08S . 401-40S-403-40t08
WuUrd B. Wilts and Faol P. BnrrU
Attornaya ' 410-411-418 TaL 185
Steeves of OKio; one j. brother,
Franlc Beggs of Iowa, and several
uieces and nephews. Funeral ser
vices will be held at the Webb
funeral parlors Wednesday at
10:30 a. mJ, with Rev. Norman K.
Tully In chaVge. Interment In
City View:. cemetery
; Halght
E. G. Halght, 51, died at a local
hospital Feb. 6. The remains were
sent to Junction City for funeral
services and . interment. Webb
funeral -parlors in charge, ftt'f
. ; Ellis
Henry Jasper Ellis. 71, died at
a local hospital Feb. 6. He Is
survived by a daughter, Georgia
Ellis, and a son, Wade Ellis of
Salem; sister, Mrs. Lucia Kuyken
dall of Hillsborar two brothers.
W. R. Ellis of Rickreall, and J.
C. Ellis of The Dalles. , Funeral
services will be held at the Webb
f u neral parlors today at 2 p. m.
Rickreall lodge No. 10, AF & AM
will have charge. Interment in
City yiew cemetery.
Caroline. Thompson, 72, died In
Portland Feb. 4. She was the
Fruitland Nursery '
Office and Sal4s lloom
1 74 South . Liberty Street
Fruit and Nat Trees
Shrubbery and Roses
Please call and see my stock
ind get prices before buying.
Office Phono 377
A. J. MATHIS, Prop.
Big Farmers' Day
This Sat., 1:30 p.m. 1
Auction Market
Summer Street
Will sell" anything, you want
sold. ' Phone me your list
ings by Wednesday night Tor 1
Thursday' advertising. I
want your , help,' bring In
something to sell. Nothing
offered with a reserve. -
Phone 511
V -
Long and Snort Distance Hauling '
Public dndPrivato Sfcorccrp - -
Fireproof BuHdlirj . ,
Free Delivery to
..... . .. . - . ... -
. . -.V.:-' y.. -
Ora, Xwla, 8amidt CavuasnS0M0S
v - - : v- -
atta.MS.-.-STv. -! IIS
itobtuD. sty ind &obs!S W. 11m
JUtorvtyM ait 2aV -
"JLTT. tmSXi, :Kw TorkTUfs
uviiib rxoox ' ---
? r
Z. N. Sandara,
Salt 810
, Dn Phrsldaa Barf i
TaL 50, Baav iiiS
Sr. B. B. teoflalA.
ClUrflprmctor, KtttracaJoisfg ftuvlc,
- i. Dr. W. ' A. 7oknson, DaaUst -
taL 1285. 4. , , r.lQOl
Obalaar Grf, D. T3. 8. ; .
Ooral MntUcxT - : V
s. ac mnwa, o. x. a, ortiadonfi -.
TL 181. - SalU lOOa-iuOJ
daughter of 'Dr.nd Mrs. Benjamin
Harrison and was born. In Indian
apolis, , Indiana. - "She Is , sur-r
vlved by a daughter, Mrs. John
Borth of San. Francisco four tla-
ters, Mrs. Lottie Smith ot Osakis,
Minn:. Mrs. Addie Har ;of Min
nesota, Mrs. -Mary Stiff of Salera
and Mrs. J. H. Harper of Spokane.
Funeral services will be held from
the Webb funeral parlors on Tuesi
day at lO.aV'xn. '. Rev. J, Willard
De - Yoe will have charge of the
services. "Interment will be to the
City View,, cemetery:- , , " '' . .. , ,
.-.:m. - f 1
Rerwotind a.ni1 Ronailiwl
New. oa-.TTsed ' Motors TV tJe
Things Electrical
1 191 S. Htgnv .-, Telephone 11
00 iland Painted
j Pictures at J p
Wei. Nile, 7 "p. m.
AVictioh Market
V Summer Street
These nictures are of Oregon
scenery and painted by the
Montgomery artists. . j j
Famiture. etc. ?
2 good beds, oak' extension;,
table, .buffet and .leather
seated arm chair, rocker and ,
table, range, oak. library;
table, dresser, linoleum by
the yafd, linoleum ; ,rugs, ;
,wash tubs, boilers, garbage
"can, dishes and lots of other
things, of "interest. Be on
time 7 p:.'m. ' ' j A . .
Farmers day ;
Every Saturday 1:30 "p. in.
Cash 'Paid Vr Used :
nay part of the city -. V
Electric Motors
" '1