i THE OPJIGON CTA' AIT,' SALHU, OnHGOIJ CA I J.' J If u -J V to.- 11 jfhi on Rosier BOD CARRIERS lAND BtnLDiNG LA- borer, Local N. 441, aMtiWM, 8 p. m. 4 Call 179 for MU..y PITOL TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION No. 210 President, O IV Evans; sec retary. . Mj D. Pilkente- KMtt ee- " ond Ssturday, 8;00 f. w aTARPENTrRS" TTNTOW .HO. JOBS w W - - w . WW a Aleeta Tlrcr. evening, awwn JUIV ianod. Phone -j.fi LEAGUE 011 wr preei- dent. F. v W. Bean, erstery Box 443.. Salem. T. Lodge Roster XJttOHTS Of PYTHIAS ' MEETS AT , MeCernaek Hall, vr Millar' 8 tor, ' every Saturday evening. F. J. To, - C. -C.: H. R. Bark. K. of R, 8. TL , H19-W., ' i - FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES meets . . every Wednesday, Fraternity HalL 8. M. Willett. Bee y. Tel. 8S9-BV. 11 i Vvesideat; Vim.- 1 " m I t-kiiled mechanic furs I I .f '.f i . If fcWEM tTNION LABEL. . 1 tl . kl.t a Labor Hall on yTIi Oregon Statesman ( Published every morning (except Hon I day), at; Salem, the capital at Oregon. ' Local Raves For Classified Advertising i Daily or Sunday On time ; 2 aaata par word Three timet 5 cents per word. 8U time .8 casta par word 1 mo. daily aad 8b a. 20 cent par word ' In order to ears tha mora thaa one time rata, advertisement bum raa ia ceaaoeasive iaaaea. ,Ko Ad. taken for lea than 35. I Ada. raa Sunday ONLY charged at oaa-tima rata. I Advartiaemaata (emeapt Paraoaala aad itaatioaoa Wanted) will ba takea over ha telephone if tha adertieejr.le a rabaciiber to phoaa. Tha 6 Va teaman will TeeelTa adrer tiacmeiua at any titna of tha day or airht. Te Intare proper Claeaifiea tioa Ads. ahould'oa ia before 7 p. m. f TELEPHONE S3 OR 588 " 1 j ADVERTISING HONEST ADVERTISING Thato eol- amaa auoat bo kept free from anythinr- r a qneetionaaie nature, atiaraprcaaa- tatrema win not b (oioratoa. lnfor aaatioa .'ahovinr any - aatioaabl ia- oaat an tha oart ox ha adTartiaer ! 1 " naald o reported to this newspaper ' f jf-. t or too eaiooi &a. eion. Money to Loan , J ON REAL ESTATE T. K. FORD -: (0rer Laid h Bath Bank) AUTO TOPS 1 SEE T78 FOR TOP AKD PAINT WORK O. J. Hall Aata Tea and Paint Shop. T B.) CoaaarareiaL . - 5al6tf IIKLP WANTED-Fiiile 18 FREE ROOM AND BOARD TO MIDDLE aged lady with r without child for companionship evening. Inquire one kistT-two South Commercial, apart meat niateen. - - -., 13fl0 J 4' WANTED Employment 19 SnG. TAILORING AND REMODEL- AflIU?. BXfMEST DIGGING BY HAND. lPfll Phono 1284-M. FOR: GARDEN PLOWINO, BASEMENT dicgiag aad tenia work. Phoaa 72F2. i " 19ml4tt CHIMNEY SWEEP FURNACE cleaaed. overhauled, reset Chimney topped out. money back ruarantet Telephone 935 (or prico 19f6 FOR RENT 21 s WANTED " Win build store buUdinff to iuit teaaul. on Liberty street near Court Sw See Louis BechteL 320 State St. Child. A BechteU 21f6tf FOR RENT Apartmejnta 23 '.FURNISHED TWO-BOOM APART menti 2361 Haael. Phono 1939-W morning or evening. . 23(13 FURNISHKD APARTMENT. PRIVATE bath 545 Cort. TaL 1057. 23f9 S WXtJT APT. FURNISHED. MODERN, fireplace, furnace, garage.. 1380 ' S. Liberty. Tel. 2530-J. 23(10 FURNISHED APARTMENT FOB RENT. 715 Center Street. 23fl2 FOR RENT Room 25 NICELY FURNISHED ROOM HEATED with or without board. ' 1570 Co-rrt. TeL 1150-W. - 25f BOOMS WITH BOARD FOR BENT Newly equipped , at .. tho . Alexandria. Phono Mra. S. A. Bennett, 1539. 103O Chemaketa. . 25nl9tf BOWMAN '8 BOARDING COURT leads in high-clas bema cooking. larg- rooms; hot -aad eold water, batha, piano, telephone. Beat radio eater taiamenta in eity. Board by day or week, close is, 219 Court St. C. O. FOR RENT- Hotuea 27 HOUSE FOR RENT WITH GARAGE. Telephone 111F21 or 877, V 27(5t( ROOM MODERN Fireplace, garage. 130 J. STUCCO HOUSE Close la. Phono 27j30t( FOR. RENT . House, furnished or untarnished. ' 4 room and basement, Garage. On paved street. Better apply, now it PJ want it.. Phone 2063-J. i, : 27(8 FOR RENT THR3E HOUSES 30. TO . r immediate poefcaon oa all. Becka A Hendricks. 189 X. High St. I ' - 27f9 FOR i RENT - Large dwelling located . on paved atraet. $20 per month. Located across the atraet from the Miles f Linen Mill. W. H. GRABENHORST CO. 131 6. Liberty St. 27(9 FOR RENT ALMOST NEW MODERN. four-room " bungalow, furaaeo, full basement, bnilUna, front and back pnrrhjea, garage, pavement, 2074 -Me t-oy fnear, Til road, phoa owner S337JR. - S7f7 4 ANTED MJacelLtaeons S5 TV tTURB PACKING FOR 8H1P la. Uisse-Pewara Faraitur Co. - : 520U XT, D PRIVATE MONEY FOR s loena. " W have several nmUca- t- on hand. Hawkins Roberts, " V 93 Oreroa Bldg. ; 5dl4tf FOR BALK It 2 riRKPKOOP SAFE aiOO CASH or suitable trade. Mm. Hole a ITen colt. 32U N. Commercial. - 879 i . 1 rJ BALED I HAY CLOVER OATS AND " vetch.! Phono 1814-J. - 7j30tl BLACK DIRT FOB SALE IN EITHER nortn or Hoatk Salem. BoasoarPIo, fhone 72F2. 87dl2tf rv 84LE 1ST CTJASS BALED ' , atraw wheal eat and vetch. $9 at barn. FOR SALE Urestock O ... BOKSE 12 TEARS OLD, vTSOO LBS. : nd nd cTl, ta5 x.4 J?0TtL.5?,r Uort,; Rt. 8. Boa 88. Tel. 11T3. - 89f 10 SOME GOOD railed hor -a 1810 Mir GENTLE ' VALLEY Com im, try them. -j-i . L 9f9 RET -4. LARGE. VETERINARIAN . Vie 529 8. Commercial. Phoa 118. tea. Phoaa IAA6..- - SrmtStf WOOD PAWING 43 LET flAXS SAW TOUR WOOD. PHONE - 8 SOS-J. , . t 4208-193T WOOD FOR 8 ALB 4S GRUB OAK WOOD. BID BROWNELU 43(8 Phoa 53(13.' r - SALEX TRANSFER FUEL CO. Laeal aad Lear Diataaoo Haailar. Btoraca mkI EaoL 73 Trade rt. Phoaa 529. , j aSaSOtf 18-INCH DRY MILL, 34.75 PER LOAD. aiao dry. fir. any lenrta. Chaa. Chna- Uaaoa. Phoa 142. , , 43j20tf THE BEST WOOD IN THE CITY FOR the money at Tracy 'a wood yard. Phone 2318.. i . 43j4tf l-INOH OLD FIR SECOSD GROWTH oak aad, aaa. t Phoaa 72F2. ML. D. May- field. , . 43fl8tf GOOD OOA1, DRY WOOD, -PROMPT DELIVERIES ' f HILLMAN FUEL CO. TELEPHONE 1855, Phone 529. : 48a30tf BEST GRADE OF WOOD " 0 Dry wood, 4 ft. tad 16-ineh. Larrt loade are ebaapoi to ay. Mill wood la oar apacialty. Prompt , dalivery aad reaaoaablo price. . FRED E. WELLS 980 S. Chare, Phoa 154S. 4Sd9tf POULTRY AND EGGS 45 PRODUCE WE PAY CASH FOR POCL- . try, erga, pork, veal and hides. Wa - carry feed and poultry supplies, here ana at onvurvon. nun era Pieal iTO- auce 260 Ferry. Phono 125. :r 1 ' -v, 45f8tf CHICK. CHICK. CHICK 1 OUR CHICKS lira to make yvar living. Big hatch every Monday. 6 breed. Wed.- Ia, bar rain day. PET LAND. SALEM. ORE GON. ,. ' 45fltf SnSCELLAXEOUS 51 MUSIO LESSONS 50 ASD hour. Tel. 173-J. 75e PER i 5 If 12 A w wttwrv trmriTD i nr tt pert Bwiac and' American watch re . pairing. Larga e locks called for and . delivered. 645 Ferrr. Phone 1808-M .-. 51f4tf FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING AND RE- pairing. Glaao-Powors Fumiture Store. 51a20t( MOXEY TO IiOAIT 57 FEDERAL FARM LOANS 6K. F. L. Wood. 941 State St. 57m7tf LOANS Wo make loena oa City property. Seasonable rates no delay. STATE SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION T03-4-5 First Nat'l Bank Bldf. Balent Oreeoa Telephone 457. 57(20 WANTED LOANS 6 WANTED TO BORROW 9250, FIRST , mortgage. Salem Realty Co., 462 State Street. syiati . . WANTED: - ; , Private money to loan o ESTATE. W. H. GRABENHORST A 194 8. Liberty St. t REAL CO. 5903otf BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 81 FOR SALE GOOD PAYING GROCERY store for rJoOO, one for 95100,- both with living rooms Also restaurant. One of the be&t paying in the eity. No information given over the phone. If interested see Chi Ids A BechteL Real tors, 320 State St. 61f6t( CONFECTIONARY LUNCH ROOM POOL HALL Complete equipment eon slating of fountain, back bar, lunch counter, cigar and candy cases, pool tables, card tables, etc., and over $500 Stock. The bent business f its kind ia good small town. Fine location, cheap rent. This business is worth 1000 more than price asked. For quick aale $2250 cash. See TRIANGLE REALTY CO. . 421 Court Street. Ground Floor, ."BUSINESS HEADQUARTERS" 61(Ct( CONFECTIONERY FOR SALE OR trade. Good location. Priced right. Bale in jteaiiy tympany, 462 State. . . 61f6tf REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY 62 BECKS A HENDRICKS 189 8- High. e TeL 169. BOHRNSTEDT PAYNE 147 Nor CommerciaL Telephone 577 W. GEISER f, Telephon 2919. 441 Court, W. G. KRUEGER 147 N. Oom'L Rm. l. TaL 917. JOHN W. New BHgh Bldg. ORB Tel. 2485. GERTRUDE J. M. '492 N. Cottage.! V. , PAGE TeL 118C 1 TRIANGLE REALTY CO. 44 Court St. t TaL 95L, ULRICH ROBERTS ,129 N. CommerciaL Tel. 1854. VICTOR SCHNEIDER. Realtor. 147 N. Cobb'L Phone 577. SQUARE DEAL REALTY TJ. 8. Nat'l Bank Bldg. TaL 470.' REAL ESTATE 63 WEST SALEM: SNAP A quiet homy home of 5 room and garage. Concrete foundation. aid walk, aewer. Price 92200. with terms. Beautiful Fairmount Hill 7 -room residence with every modern conven ieacea. Price 8 6500 with terms. If yon are looking for a beautiful home yoa had better see this at once. BULGIN A BULGIN 275 State St. 6Sdl2tt MINUTE MOVIES THE. VAlTiNG INWAH SEE.XOU. V HATE To LEAVJE CO DOMJN HERE ALL ALONE NAViE'JT AS FAST AS 1 cheer up - vim, FND COR VAy bACK OMEHOM):" C3 Own Your Home REStDESCE LOTS NORTH $473 TO . 9199 Boata-eaat 91x5 on p. Irair- aoaat am iitts t ap. Xa over two haadred we have some eicelletit bays. Bock Hoadricka, 18 N. Bigk St. . -v,-v !t i .-:r ; ;' -e f 63f9 NEW 4-ROOM BUNGALOW NEARLY finished garage . several fine cherry trees, 9 large lota, only $1600, terms. Modern 5-room bungalow aad .-half acre land eloao ia 93250. Term. r 10-aero prune tract, fair bldga. Price 93500. W ant larger (ana. Good eloae in 7-room bungalow, ale location $4200. Terms. 5 -acre - tract in town half bearing fruit, good bldga Price 94000. LOANS AND FIRE INSURANCE PERS1NE A MARSTERS 211-12 Gray Bldg. . 63(tf ATTENTTON I : HOME8EEEERI f Home, farms, 'buainesa aad income property, lots for aaio aad exchange. For Beat Homo aad apartments faraiahed aad nafaraiabed ia different part of tho city ranging in priee flO to 935. ; BERTHA ' lUEHLKE ' 671 N Capitol, St. Phoa 1379-W. - 7 ! 68jl5tf $500 DOWN, BALANCE EXACTLY LIKE rent; A-Kom new modern honae. Fur nace, fireplace, hardwood . floors, laun dry, cement floor, rarare and drive. linoleums, shades, light fixtures, lawn in. walka etc Larga attic and stairs lor additional rooms. in protected district North, complete (or 94300. Beck A Hendricks. 189 N. High St. 68(9 CONFECTIONERY, WELL LOCATED Restaurant, $8000.00. wOI traAa far acreage. Trad five-acre tract, la proved. $3600.00. (or property near Vancouver, Wash. Trade new bungalow for bona aad lot or acreage ia or near Albaay. Attractive corner with apartment house, business location, fi3.ooo.OO. Apartment house, eloscin, $18,000.00 trade for modern bona. - Modern apartment house, 940,000.00. Modern apartment house. 880.000.00. Larga lot, close-la, with . larga old buildings, a great sacrifice, today. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE. 459 N, -Cottage. 3i23tf A GOOD BUY IN SALEM HOME Must sell 5-room modern, well locat ed home, paving paid, walking distance, close to schools. Price 82750 or $3500 all furnished. Terma. Lota oa paved streeta, a good filling station site., See rjs For Home VICTOR SCHNEIDER, Realtor Loaaa Iasaranc 7 147 No. Commercial St. - 63nl4tf FOB) SALE BY OWNER NEW MOD am stucco bouse. Small payment, bal ance like rent. Phone 97F11. 63dltf GREATEST TRADING .ORGANIZATION ON THE PACIFIC COAST We have over 8000 properties listed for exehanc. Every kind of property. very price, evary location. Wt can match your exchange EXACTLY. If you would like to trade your property TODAY, come in TODAX. See G A SKILL A EARLE. Realtor. 168 S. Liberty. Phoa 2249, f 63j21tf IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN DAIRY ing, stock raising or general farming come and see me. I have a complete liet of farm, orchard and nut proper ties ranging in price from 92.000.00 to 8100.O0O.0O. i A. C. BOHRNSTEDT Realtor Loans Insurance 147 Cem'l SL. . Salem. Oregon. I 63f6tf HOMES FDR SALE $1750 Buys a neat 4-rootn home with some bearing cherry tree lo cated in N. Salem, 3100 down, balance $30 per month. Has electric lights, plumbing and ga rage. -. $2875 New home located 'near Englo wood schoL 4 rooms, fireplace, $40Q down will handle. $3750 New home, 5 rooms, basement, furnace, fireplace and garage. . $500 down will handle. $3600 New home ready to occupy l"j cated on paved street, eaxt front, garage, , $250 down, bal ance easy monthly payment. $13.25 Five-room house with two I"t" located in N. Salem, frait trees, $825 Cash, balance mortgage. 87500 6-room modern home located In ' the Oaka Addition, all extra large - rooms, modern, garage, paved street, north front. Terms. $2750 Three-room bungalow, extra fine location cn Fairmount Hill $300 down , balance monthly. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. IF IT S A HOME YOU WANT, SEE VS. W. II. GRABENHORST A CO. . Realtors. 134 S. Liberty St. 63f WE HAVE) BUYERS FOR STRICTLY ' modern homes from $4500 to $6500; 4 to 6 rooms TRIANGLE REALTY. Phone 651 and we will call for your listings, j 63f6tf 6-ROOM HOUSE LOT 180 BY ' 150, trees and shrubbery- and fruit, well lo cated 93000. Easy terms. . : 11-Roousv brick hotel ia good town, - furnished, $0500, will take, Salem .property i . 5 rooms, new, weU arranged and strictly modern, Oaks Addition, $4500. Good terms. ' 6 room modern, well located large r'lot new land desirable in every way. Owner leaving Salem. Priced right at . $4000. i ' - 6 rooms,; fine corner lot, exceptional-' Ijs desirable, new and strictly modern, $9 WW. WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor. ' 175 8. Highy 68f6tf CONVENIENCE CONSTRUCTION Value if yo consider these points im portant in the home yon buy here ia one that fills the bilL K Yoa cannot find a borne ! more convenient. The terial and workmenship are the best it was built as a home. A real value y o cannot build for .the price aaked. ' Four rooms and breakfast nook. Mod ern ia every detaU. : Large living room, handiest kitchen ia Salem; many feature not found in home at thia price.- Walking, distsaee to business district.- ! ONLY 94250. Terms. Us bonus loan on this. -. : See TRIANGLE REALTY CO. ? 421 Co3rt Street. ' Ground Floor , "HEADQUARTERS FOR HOMES' . j 63(6t( i. REAL ESTATE 3ACK AN'MC VJ1LL MAKE 5 OON AFTfef? IT HOT FOR CSAULTlNi AT THE DANCE HALL, 'ONE. ROUND" KBJO Finds Hirnsetr Locked up in Ihe h-Dt0MT , BAfT lU- ABOUT 'M"MB CAH 6 B& ALL Fs r"Ji 63 LOTS FOR SALE ' $1850 Fin corner located at 17th aad - - State atreeia. $3000. Fine corner located at . N. Lib erty and Division streeta. $ 500 Lot 50x100 located o Eair ; mount Hill. 925 down, balance 910 per month. $ 900 Lot 45x120 located a Fair- ground road - across from Me - Mile Linen Mill. Easy terms. $1350 Close ia lot located do ni en N. Winter St. has three garages. $1750 Lot 40x165 leated close ia oa N. Cottage St. 4 INVEST YOUR MONEY IN A GOOD LOT. " W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. Realtors. 134 S. Liberty St. Phone -51. 3f9 i HELLO 1 IF LOOKING FOR BARGAIN CAN make money here, 81 acre walnut ana Filbert farm near Salem, on paved road. Exceptional opportunity for big profit. For fruit tracts and farms from 2 aerea to 200 acres, city prop erty also. See J. R. PAYNE. 117 N. Commercial Street. TeL 577. ; , f 63f 6tf BARGAINS THREE, LOTS IN EAST Salem, east front. 630. 2U-aere tract river bottom land, five mile out, close to pavement, four-room bouae. barn, fruit, etc. Owner sick and must sell. Price S7SOO. F. L. Wood. Geo. F. Peed. 341 State St. 63(3t OKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKO K K K K K Be a satlnfied HOME OWNER and buy yoor next house from ' KRUEGER, Realtor 147 Nr Ora l St. Phone 217. K K S8(S OKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKO COMPARE OUR VALUES AND PRICES WITH ANY YOU HAVE ottS 8-room fully modern home on Che meketa street. Very close in. A real investment at 89000. See it. Thia nrica im nnlv for & short time. , ; 7 -room plastered house on t'nih street. Lot frontage 66 left. Street and allev navnd and Daid. Full base' ment. Think of it at 92500. You make vnn, own : terms and oavments, Another - A-mAm house on High street. Fine large lot with fruit and abad trees. . Lot ia worth half the acres, 1 miles eaf of Salem, new modern bungalow, good tarn, 2 acres toKanherries Tms place is equrppea aad stocked, a real bargain at 83750. ?:A,fin clean stock of groceriesr and up to date- fixtures in very good loca tiott Lease runs for 3 yeara on new building. Price 84200. Let us show this store to yoa. 160-scre stock and dairy ranch. 6 room modern house. Barn 50x100. Running -water, 1 timber for own nse. IOO head of sheep. 30 head of gost. A very ko d buy at $75 per acre. Let ua tell you abVat this. ULRICH A ROBERTS, Realtors. 123 X. Commercial. Tel. 4354. rIn the First National Bank Bldg., 129 N. Commercial after March 1. 63110 FOR SALE OR TRADE, HOUSE AND lot. Seven rooms. Plastered. Easily arranged for 2 i apt. Very close in. Call owner 773-J. 63dlltf BEAUTIFUL LOTS, WELL LOCATED. With paving paid, one for 83753550 8650 $800 $1250 SIGOO and up. Time and monev saved if you see CHILDS A BECHTEL, Realtors, 320 State St.. for lot bargains 63f6tf . SOME REAL HOMES , THAT ARE 1 PRICED RIGHT 86500 New strictly modern 6 rooms. 98500 New English type 7 rooms lo cated on the hill. 97150 New 6-room, good location. $7500 Modern 7-roora, N. Summer St. 9500O w 5-room Capitol St. The above are all new strictly mod ern and Jp to date with oak floors. All the built inst n"ok, best of plumb ing, fireplace, furnace, choice location. Priced right with good terms. GOOD HOMES FOR LESS MONET 8300 DOWN. BAU 25 MONTH $2500 Cozy 5-room bungalow, neat and clean. Another one for m-ov ' down, balance $25 month,, price 82050. Both are on paved streets. Paving paid, have elec tric lights, bath, built ins; both owners are leaving the . city Have priced right to sell quick, Will sell furniture' also. WHY PAY RENT Homes for $800 $1000 $1250 $1400 $1750 Yes one at $700. Can you afford to : pay rent! To buy home talk it over with OHILDS BECHTEL Realtors, 320 State Street. 63f6tf REAL ESTATE TRADES 65 EXCHANGES EXCHANGES 5-room home ia Salem, value $3500; wants small tract, well improved, near Dallas, Ore. 5-room house in South Salem, value 84000 to exchange for small tract near Salem, value not to be over $2500. 6 1-3 acrea on Riverside Drive. Vt mile of city limits 6-room house, good value at $3500. Will take gocd car fart pay. 80 acres of timber 8 miles from city limits on paved road, value $5000, will take house m Salem for part. To buy - Sell or Exchange your prop erty , aee CHILDS ft BECHTEL Realtors. 320 State St. 65f6tf REAL ESTATE Farms 67 WE SPECIALIZE IN OREGON FARMS Tea, will, find oar farms all priced .right, soma less than their value and wo will prove that they are good buys. Some irrigated. Suited (or berries, frait,! flax, grain, mint, truck or poul try. 'Some wonderful stock and dairy farms; also trades. VICTOR SCHNEIDER, Realtor Loans Insurance 147 No. Cora'l St. 67nl4tf REAL ESTATE Suburban 69 SEEING IS BELIEVING - A beautiful country home. House is fully .modern, : electric lights, own wat er system all in first class condition. An A-No.-l barn, 8 good Chicken bouses. 300 chickens, 4 ehoica cows, a very good team of horses, complete ' set of msehinery, plenty of hay aad grain; own wood, 25 acres of the very best black valley loam, all chicken tight fences. When yon see this plare you will believe that it is bargain at 912.000. Or will take Salem prop erty ia trade. . ULRICH A ROBERTS 122 No. Com' I St. , Phone 1354. 69110 3 WT CROOK REAL ESTATE UNSUStECTiNG-. LADLOUS . TREACHER. ? FALLS EAS1LV I " INTO THE FRKSHT- "PRUSJ Lc'Sio"' . I mm h T .T rJ S"C7 I - II FULTrtAP PLANNER EtfRESAHANlV "THE INDIAN gjNDSOaTAC, GOES To MEET . Ml S FATE LlTJlE DREAMING THAT GALOOT. KKFB IN HAND, Li SECRETty JN L'AJ FDR HIM vastly )d . rLL. JnJ REAL ESTATE Suburban 69 NOW 18 THE TTkreTO BTJT THAT SMALL INSTALLMENT ACREAGE $ 10 dow aad balance $10 per month - buy a fine 10 acre of first class strawberry soiL Prlca $L250, in terest 6. - ;. $ 25 dowa and balance $10 per mouth buye a fine 5 -acre tract oa the Garden road, just serosa from the Swegle school Price $1500, in- : terest 6. '-; ' $100 down and balance 916 per month buys 5 acres located (touth near Liberty some timber. Price $250 per 'acre. '-'' $ 50 dowa aad balance 810 per month buys a: fine acre tract all ia . bearing cherries. ,; Price 9750. $ 25 down and balance 87.50 per month buys a block of land con taining 8 lota, 50 by lOO 'feet each. Priee 86OO. $200 dowa and balance $10 per month buys 5 acre h eated close to fair , grounds, all cultivated. Price $1850. - . : , $500 down aad balance - terms will handle 5 acres ot, firat class soil located on the ' Silverton road, one acre bearing English walnuts. Price $200, interest 6. $500 down, will handle 5 acres, 6-room house, large bars.' aom8 fruit, paved road. Price. $4500, int. 6X. If it is a small acreage that yoa are looking for, see W. H. GRABENHORST A CO, Realtors. 134 S. Liberty Street. 69fll BUILD HERE ACRE IN BEARING (rait Outside limit south $1000 Electricity in front Block to bus and . school. Becke A Hendricks, 189 N. - High street. 69f9 SUBURBAN HOME 5 acres with 6-room , home, large '- barn and chicken house, located close in on psved read. Price $4500; 8250 down, balance easy terms per month. W. H. GRABENHORST A Co. Realtors. 134 s&. Liberty St. 69f9 WANTED REAL ESTATE 71 WANTED TO BUY SEW HOUSE, 6 OR 7 rooms, close in; or corner lot to build. Write 92, care Statesman. ' : 71f9 AUTOMOBILES WANTED 77 CASH PAID FOR FORDS EIKER AUTO 77ml2tf 1 111 1 1 11 icasaaa I Ill, - USED CARS FOR SALE 78 2S vnun rniTPir mnonvs tos Overland, new paint, good tires, 9175. CALIFORNIA GARAGE, Telephone 1987. 79f9 - MARMON WILLYS-KNIGHT WHIPPET OVERLAND Don't Let tine Rain . Keep You Away From MacDonaSd Auto Co. USED CAR PRICE WEEK REDUCTION Harmon Conpe. Marmon Sedan. Marmon, Touring. Willys-Knight Tourings. Overland Sedans. Overland Tourings. Studebaker Sedan, f-' Cleveland Touring. Kurd Sedan. Ford Coupe. Ford Roadster. Ford Tourings. Dodge - Roadster. Literal Terms. -Trades Accepted MacDomaEd Auto Co. Cottage and Ferry. Phone 409. - MARMON WILLYS-KNIGHT t t WHIPPET OVERLAND 79f2tf Safe and Sound Values Priced Right, Backed by a Reputable Firm. Give Us a Visit ; Reconditioned Cars 1924 touring, new paint, excellent oversize tires, a Car you can it take pride - ia 9165 1924 coupe, balloon tires. A snap $265 1934 roadster, new Pyroxylin finish in green same as on 1927 models $185 Tudor sedsns $145 Commercial Car and Trucks 1092 Chevrolet delivery 990 1919 Ford covered devery with a j starter block 850 lB3 Ford Truck with starter $185 4 Tractors Rebuilt and guaranteed machine (or $250 to $325 5 Valley Motor Co. Salem, Oregon. : T9j22tf Financial Stability AND THE Pettyjohn Valuation. Policy ; Combine vital factors in merchandising ased automobiles that assure consist ent value. 1 Buiek Country Club Coupe. : Buick Touring. , . Buiek Sedan, late model. 'S Cleveland Touring. .. Chevrolet "Coupe. t Chevrolet Touring. i Dodge Conpe, late modeL FVrd Touring. Gardner Coupe. s Hupmobile, Touring. - Hudson Sedan. " ' Maxwell Sedan. '-" Nash Touring. Overland Sedan. WiUya-Kaight, two-ton roadster. , The select offerings will be appreciated. Yon will be pleased with the splendid arrangement. the atmosphere of thoroughness in every department, and .the courtesies that are part and per iston of the Pet(yjohn organisation. , IF. W. Pettyjohn Co. 865 North Commercial Street - Phoae I960 !. .CADILLAC. - ' NASH. ? "AFTER WE SELL. WE SERVE" -. . - - 79j29tf i'm ai i Ti iEMrn Apnt !MH TXJAir KNOMJ WHERE WE -fa , "5-T N ' M - -""Oik 5 - USED CARS FOR SALE 79 pReUiat"lJsed Cars . . 1923 Chevrolet Tearing. 1924 Chvrlefc.Trin4vi5 . , J 1923 Chevrolet Coupe. ; 1928 Chevrolet Sedan. Several Ford that are up tn won- derful condition. Painted ia the new-:- st colors. , - . So ur ased ears before yu bay. Newton Chevrolet Co. T9jl8U MY EQUITY IN A NEW FORD COUPE raa about 300O mile. Will sell reas onable. Geo. C. Borland. 1130 Oak St. - , 79f 8 o- I General Markets LIVESTOCK PORTLAND. reb. 7. (AP) Cattle and calves alow to 50c lower on calves; Receipt, cattle, 2,710. ( 320 through or direct); calves 585. (13 through or di rect) steers good $8.g59; mediim $8tJ 8.65; common $6.75 JJ 8; canner and cut ter steers 86 6.75; heifers, rood 97.50 8; common and medium 35.75 7.50; cows, good $6.73 7; common and me dium 35.25 6.75; low- cutters and cut ters $3 5J35; bulls, . rood,; yearlings ex cluded $5.756.25: entters and medium, eanners and bolognas 330 5.75: calves. medium to choice, milk fed excluded f 8. 50 11; cull and common ?6.50(rd 8.50; vealers, medium and choice f life) 13.50; culls an dcommon $7.5011. Hog slow to - 25c lower; receipts 3t215. (1,199 direct or through.) Heavy weight 230-350 pounds, medium, rood and choice 81011.75; medium weight 200-250 pounds, cannon, medium, rood and choice 9H.25X2.75; light weights 160-200 pounds, common, medium, good and choice $12. 65(g 12.85; light lights lJD-100 pounds, common, medium, good and choice 812J2512.85 ; packing hogs. rough and smooth !.50ftel0.50; slaneh ter pigs 90-130 pounds, medium, good and choice f 12 ft 12.85; feeder and stock er piga 70-130 pounds, inediim, good ana choice I13W 1. (Soft or oily hogtt and roasting pigs exciuaea in sbve quotations.) bneep and lambs ciuiet; no early trad ing. iceceipts JS1. t3U0 direct or through.) Lambs, medium to choice 910 ta 12; lambs, culls-and common 8.50 10; yearlings wethers, medium to choice 87.50(3)10: ewes, common to choice $4 6.50; culls $2 4.50. Outside quotations based on best Mount Adams, eastern Oregon and similar type iambs. rew valley lambs selling above 1A. GRAIN PORTLAND. Feb. 7. (API Wheat bids: BBB hard white Feb. 91.35V4. Mar. $1.36; HW, BS, Baart, Feb., Mar. 81.35 federation, toft white, western white eb.. Mar. $1.34; hard winter Feb., Mar, i.: northern spring reb. $1.34; west ern red Feb., Mar. $1.29. uats Jo. 2, 36 pound white feed Feb Mar. $34.50: ditto gray. Feb.. Mar $35.50. Barley. No. 2. 45 nonnd BW Feh. Mar. $30. Corn. No. 2, EY shipment Feb.. Mar $35; ditto No. 3 Feb., Mar. $J.50. Millran, standard Feb., Mar., $28. HAY . PORTLAND. Feb. 7. (AP) Hav buv inz prices: Eastern Oregon timothy $20 ra-sz; aitlo valley 17 (re 1 7.51) : cheat 13 alfalfa $17.50(18; oat hay 13; oat and veten M.au(gna; straw ?J(g7.S0 per ion. oeuing prices f z a ton more. EXCHANGE PRICES PORTLAND, Feb. 7. ( AP) Dairy cxruange, nes prices: Butter, extras 45c; standards 45c prime firsta 44c; firsts 43 He. Eggs, extras 30c: firsts 28c; pullet iwei current receipts ic. WHEAT PRICES DROP CHICAGO, Feb. 7. (AP) Record breaking big quantities of wheat afloat for r.urope tended today to pull prices down, and so likewise did large domes tic arrivals southwest and west. Whet clotted unsettled, 5-8 to le net lower, corn (rt5-8c to 3-4c off and oats st 1-4 to o-aeg - drop. CABBAGE -SUPPLY PLENTIFUL PORTLAND, Feb. 7. (AP)-The supply of local cabbage is very gener ous and growers are anxious, to have it moved at $2 per cvt Prices for Cali fornia stock are firmer. Walla Walla spinach has been pior quality since the cold weather and California stock is not much better, so prices are considerably lower. Imported onions from Australia in fine crtdition are offered at $5.25 per crate of SO pounds. The sweet po tato market is dull in spite of the low prices prevailing. A csr of Californis grapefruit arrived today but was not offered on the early market. PERSONAL WITNESSING CAM PAIGN LED BY IRVING Meetings of the united personal wifnesslng campaign, under the direction of George Irving, relig ious work secretary for the Inter national Y. M. C. A. council, got under way Monday evening when the first of a series of dinners was held at the Y. M. C. A. dining room, with 10 men present from each of the 11 churches coopera ting in this campaign. Irving, who arrived in Salem Monday morning, met the minis terial association at its weekly meeting, took luncheon with the Y. M. C. A- board, conferred with the P. M. C. A. staff at 2:30 in the afternoon and with the junior board at 4:30. The dinners at 6:15 o'clock will be held each evening this week Irving has been engaged in Y. M C. A. work for 25 years, and is a close friend of C. A. Kells, mana ger of the Salem Y. M. C. A. , Les ter Adams, secretary of the north west Y. M. C. A. council, accom panied Irving on his trip to Salem Oregon Normal School Debates Against Albany OREGON NORMAL SCHOOL, MONMOUTH,. Feb.,. 7vt( Special) Oregon Normal School at Mob wnuJ . JACkf -1 ARE VOU WILL- ShouT MONT 'swev es as -a -- - a VMCfl HIS MEETINGS V1AVBE. VOU VjJILL &5 AeETD SEC IRE SPOT Tcmjh from' IP "!T kdp t O Cw - ad r t CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY . .... ... ., . ., ) .- ' ' - " Of Reliable Basiness and Professional Firms Arranged fat Alphabetical Order for ( Quick Reference! ' 'AUCTIONEERS V;fy.:1NWpodiy l The Woodry everybody kawa. Cash paid .for used furniture. Be, and store .1610 N. Summer --, Telephon 611 . , St. H. F, Woodry & Son Right down ' town. Cash paid (or nsed - furniture.- Stor 271 N. Com L Phone 75- Agents for-Lang Ranges HALES AUCTION . MARKET," S 54 FER- ry Street. Sale every Bataruay, p. m. Bring what you, have to aelL J30 ACCOUNTANT . ED. ROSS. ACCOUNTANT AND Aud iter. 831V State. Phoa 2098-R. 17-26 .BATTERY AND EIXCTRICIANS B. D. BARTON EXIDE BATTEK1E.B Starter and generator work; Jtoa ooutn High. i - Phona 198 COURT . ST. JOE- WILLIAMS BICYCLES AND REPAIRING LLOYD E. RAMSDEN COLUMBIA BI- eycles and repairing, 387 Court. CHXNXSE REMEDY YICK SO HERB COMPANY. ESTAB- iished 1908. - J. H. Leong. Mgr. Phone 283. 420 Stste St., Upstsirs. 020tf " CHIROPRACTORS DR. H. B. BCOFIELD, P. 8. 808 First National Bank Bldg. DR. O. L. SCOTT, P8C CHIROPRACTOR 256 N.-High. Phone BZe-tt. or B7. EXECTRXCIABS ' FLEENER ELECTRIC CO. HOUSE wiring by" hour or contract. Estimate furnished. Phone 980 171 Court St. FARM PAPER IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper send five 2-cent statnpe to tha Pacific Homestead, Salem, Oregon, .for thrte months' trial subscription. Mention this ad, . ' , POULTRYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO- cent atamoa for aoecial thres montha trial for the best : and - oldest Journal in the west. - The ancles and adver- isement are of special interest to the poultry breeders' of the Northwest Northwes Poulry Journal, 211 8. Com mercial St., Salem, Ore. FOR SALE FIRST AND SECOND Mort gagee. Trust Deods, Contract oa houses WiU net 6 to 80. , Becke A Hendricks Heilif Bldg, 189 N. High et. l-t( FARM LOANS PLENTY OF MONEY to loan on good farm security. CITY -LOANS We are loaning Pru dential Insurance - Company money on city residence and busines . property, at 54 , plus a commission. Hawkins A Roberts, Inc., 205 Oregon Building. d!4tf rLORISTS CUT FLOWERS. WEDDING BOUQUETS Funeral wreaths, decorations. C. F. Breithsupt, florist, 512 Stat St. Phone 880. BBSSgS.SB'S'aBBBBfesBSBSsSSEsBT'E-1-" 11 - 'll M INSURANCE Insure. Your home' or ear aow Phone 161 BECKE A HENDRICKS Heilig Bldg., 189 N. High 81. U-tf LAUNDRIES CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY "The . Laundry of Pure Material" Telephon 165 1264 Broadway THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY ' THE. WELDER LAUNDRY Telephone 25. 263 8. High I TRY THZ HOME WET WASH LAUN dry. Phone 171, 1356 B Street J17tf LADIES TA1XORINO D. H. MOSHES TAILOR FOR MEN and women, 474 Court St. - MATTRESSES MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY THE Capital City Bedding Co., 1190 North Capitol. Called for and delivered. All work guaranteed. Phone 19. " 1 19tf MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM Phone 517-W. COUGH REMEDY MUSIO STORES GEO. C. WILL PIANOS. PHONO- graphs, sewing machines, sheet musie and piano . studies. . Repairing phono grapha and sewing machines, 432 State street, paiem. t -t n- - 4 NBWSPAPEBS THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM. SALEM Agency. 1 he Aee.. Tel. 939. THE OREGON STATESMAN 50. CENTS per ' month . delivered to your home early j each morning. Tel. 23-or 583. PAPERHANGING AND PAINTIG PHONE -GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating, paperhanginf, tinting, ate. Reliable workman. CHA8. BENNETT. PAINTING CON tractor, interior decorating. 541 Mill. 1771-M. : - - - a27-tf PACKTNQ "AND SHIPPINO FOR EXPERT - FURNITURE PACKING and ahipping, call Stiff 'a Furniture Store. Phone 941. mouth will hpid its first intercol legiate debates " this year with Albany College, ' On the. 1 Oth of February the women's team will hold a dual " debate with Albany and the men'sdualr .' with 1 the same By Ed Wheelan TLL WAIT HERE FOR VOU AN SOU txjujN What vou see -IT TAKE VOU LONG Jo GET Up TfeERE! ANITHINK MViBE VOU CAN : THE LIGHTS OF-MJiLOcT : NOT VERB 001 w tuv-f. WHAT A " -FRkSHTFUL StTuATtOH! FANS.DONT Ml? S' THE ' PRISE MERE 9' -2.? PIANO TUNERS THOMAS FAY. PIANO TUNER. NOW at tha Portland Muaie Co. 83a N. High. Have year piano tuned by one who baa had year of experience la the work. . ... . 83 tf EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Piano tuner. Leave orders Will s Musie Store, PRINTING FOR STATIONERY, CARDS, PAMPH lets, programs, books or ny kind of ?iriatiag. call at the Statesman Print ag Department, . 9-15 8. Coammereial. Tel. 588. - . - ' PLUMBING PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR work. Graber Bros 154 8. Liberty. - Phoa 550. lti PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR work. - Graber Br, 154 8. Liberty. Phoae 550. . 1 - ltf PLUMBING AND REPAIR WORK. FOR quick . service phone 853. H. Egner, , 1615 Center. 124 RADIO RADIOLAS For every purpose, for every parse. AU standard aises of Radio Tube. HALIK A E0FF ELECTRICAL SHOP 835 Court 8t. Phone 488 BSAX. ESTATE IF YOU HAVE PROPERTY TO SELL or if yoa are looking (or a horn, (arm. or basiness property, see as. . BECKE A HENDRICKS . 189 N. High St. Heilig Bldr. - - ltf SECOND HAND GOODS BUY USED MEN'S CLOTHING, JEWEL- ry. Guns, Tools. Bieyeles. ntsr r.x ehsnge, 824 N. CommerciaL Phon 956 ., . ... - . 1 WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH- ing and shoes. Kent prices paio, yi , tal Exchange, 342 North Commercial Phone 1368-W. ' STOVES AND STOVE REFAIRUrG STOVES FOR SALE REBUILT AND repaired by expert. All kinds of woven wire fence. raney ana pi am. nop baskets and hooka, Ingan hooka. Salem Fence and Stove Works, 250 Court Street. j! TAXIDERMIST TAXIDERMIST - SHOP B. K. WIO gins. Prop., 1145 Norway. Near Woodry' Auction Market. Tel. 2261-W. fTT '" f ' 1 - t " '-'g-wmxaBnnBaansaMSsnnMa.Mannjaja TRANSFER AND HAULING TRANSFER AND HAULING OF ALL kinda. Phone 78F3.J s WE MOVE. STORE AND SHIP HOUSE hold geoda. Our specialty 1 piano aad furniture moving. We also make coun try trips. We handle the best coal nd wood. Call on ns for prices. W give good measure, good quality and good service. Larmer Transfer Co. Phono 3 CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 - State . St. Phone 988. Distrtbotinf forwarding and atorag ear specialty. ' Get our rstes. ' - ' - -- . WELL PRILLINO . , : ) - R. A. WEST, RT. 6. BOX 103-A. PHON I 110FO. a miles east on taroen rtosq 1 . .---."WATER ! - ' - ' SALEM WATER, LIGHT A POWER CQ , Office 804 South Commercial t. 14 , per cent discount on domestic flat .rstt .. paid in advance. No deduetioa (or a aenci or any cans unless water 1 snii , off yoor premises. ' ' . TRAVEL Safely. Swiftly and Comfortably In bus es of the Parker Stag Lines. ' Stage leave for: , . - Silverton 7 . m.. 11 a. m 5 p. m. Mt. Angel 11 a. m.. 5 p. ra, Dallas 7 a. m., 9 a. m., 11:95 . V . Falls City 7 . m 9:10 p. nv, 6:15 p. m. Independence 7 a. m., 9 a. m. 11:15 a. m., 8:10 p. m 6:15 a. a - Sunday only 8:30 p. m. Monmouth 7 a. m-. 11:15 a. m 8:1 p. 5:15 p. m. Sunday only 7:1 p. m 8:30 p. m. McMlanville 8:80 a. bl, :10 p. nv, - 6:15 p. m. Newberg 8:80 , tn 2:10 p. at; 5:15 p. as. I Tillamook 8:80 a. 2:10 p. as, : Call 222 or 696 (or. Information . d28t r 3 Salem Markets FEED No. 1. wheat, white $ 1.22 Red. wheat, aacked 1.17 .49 14.00 Oats, per ba- milling ., . Hay, oats, vetch, per ton PORK. MUTTON AND BEEF Tops hoga . Sows Top steer , 12.25 .08 ' "'-.06 1 , Cows .2.2Vs. Bulls - 0844.05 Spring lambs, under 89 lb. .10 Top live veal ., .,..070.09 Dressed veal .. .17 ; .Dressed beg , . .18 POULTRT Light hen Heavy hen; .16(9.17 ,80C,.2I U8CJ.20 .08 .190.20 spring Rooster j Heavy colored frya BOOS, BUTTER, BUTTER7 AT 1 Standards . . Selects 1 , Per Pound j Bottarf at .26 .80 .16 .49 .60Q.51 Cream batter Vegetablee, bests, sacked Onions, dos. bunches New cabbage .,- , . . -.01 .80 ' .04 ceiery 1.25 Ijocal; onions ........... .... . .. .03 V. . California lettuce, crate 2.75 schoot on the -Hth. The, normal is also scheduled to debate with Pacific college. The question this year la. Resolved:' That all na tions should immediately with draw foreign control In China ex cept that usually exercised in con sulate delegations. ' Affirmatives on the women's team are Florence Snow of Port land and Helen-Bryant of Moro. Negatives are Mildred Quint of Portland and ' Louise Howard of Grants Pass. -, " Earl Stewart of Monmouth and Albert! Beardsley of Independenco are on the affirmative Bide of the men's team, with Eugene Denitelt of Rickreall and Virgil MePherBott of SpringfieW on the negative and Leon JBlankenship of Waterloo, alternative. KXKMPTIOX FKOSI JUtV 1HTV Meni and women over the age of 70 years are' exempted from Jury service under a bill passed by theisenate yesterday. The bill was Introduced by Representative Miller.j 1 The law . also exempts from Jury service registered rhar macista while actually ensrasre I H their profession. ; 1 - fir delivered. Phone 91F2. 97jl2tf