-a. Is ' f7 i r . r 1 V - . 7 4 V U ' 4 u THE OREGON STATES! IAN, SALE!!, OREGON 'ill iftiAV Miii'M', - j 1 f'.1! x-; ; THUItSPAY HORNING. JXURUATwy 3, IS 2.7 SALE XrOT DTI SALETOW 01 i "s "T, f J " - -''- L - vr ? f - - - ' - f . ' , - , , - - , ' r - ! ' - - I 1 V - ' ' ' . I I I v. . ' ; J, i ; ) : . i ' . . i ! . ' ,'s , ' - y-.; - . -r- , J j.'. 'J; - ' - : " --4- , 1 I. . O. j -5 r r- - .-..: f I I i t . 4. -,.v: BUSTER Dr.O VN STORE REPEATS THE REAL GEKITS SHARING EVENT ORIGINAvTORS OF THE 2 FOR 1 SALE .OF SALES TPS . TKZ TAL OF THE TO7TL CUSTER JSROWN SHOE SALE. TRY TOR A HEAL SHOE BARGAIN i Siaxpl7 17o pcir.fCT thc.jprice o puxnpxind cnifcrd crurrJfr we make no criccptxcns nor-reservaticns theendrje &tok on sale. "Listed are only afew cf the many epecxals ' rU : : -ee windoTvs f or x;r2!:ticnal prices andsIea, : ldqp as early m Wpineii's Salins ylvets " ; id Patents -: . : ' ". irllzh -French dHeela Regular $9:50, Npw-2 for L 4 J&tent Steiln Just ihts Pmp theTligh School 5irls are . Asians for j J 1 fear S6.B5; Now--2 for 1 Ladies Taii land Patent "Kes 1 !': i .Sub&s.Qucrters 7:."ii- : l&!Sf?r0r i" ladies' -Pats 4 It fcdnd Parchment - ,. , 1 . .. ... .... Vomsn'a and 'Grovins Girls' Ecot Sliapirig: Healtli Oidords Most stores cell them at C6.00 and 13.3 Buster fBrown sells them clt BegularS5.B0 Nox7:2 for Reprice cS. 1 Renilar $4.95 Wciaen's Salihs smd yelveta 19 Now 2 or tlie Price Patent Dressy Pumps Lizard TrinjmsdL'iOiis of Uis Better Patterns, !?Tq w 2 far the Price oil iinsres 2 of 1 Hish"Frci;ch Heels RsffalariS90 fiejsidair7J85'ma8JS5 AU Short Lines Go AttVo Ladies'1Ian andPcisnt ' "Built-cr Service : .:'itegulart5i00,-'ij Not2fcrthePric3TbSi Akp hbckLdd OHdrds best fittins hoein Sdem. vnovaasd .Advertised n leading macazines as the ' . - - .'): Heso-Riind : ., wlx " : ? 3 i- -. 2ior tlie Price oil On Second Floor. , Tilostly small and lar, 1 N?S v- 'i ,.".t. ' ! 4 ' Jratcnt and Tah Ccmbmaticns ; ; BIoT2f cr.tlie Pric3 oil .; . ' 'T. . - v . 'I- ,'-- - - - - ' I . - ' : . -1- . . "" ... t -I 1 1 i i v - - ' ' ' ' ' ' '' ' ' ' " -! . ' L . - I L . v.;' . - - v-- .1 1. ..1.1 Blister ErovaIii5li'Sh'C2S ior 'Grcins'-Siris .. Sizes 2M: -to 7 J.Iade over cur 'famous 3?Qpt- Sh3iriilast'.i:r-''"; To?aii'icrS2i98 3 to r 2 i O I f O I 2 i r i I r j o; i. 01 i n H t o I i 1)S I '5 i i o I t