The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 03, 1927, Page 6, Image 6

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    n TTT
II f - f ' . -
1 1
siiokleli f;,;;s
f i i i
Bearcats,, Put, , tip 'Stubborn
Resistance to ..Coast Con-
- ference -Leaders ... .
How the '.'.Mighty Oregon? hoop
tars pjle ui pointy ori the strong
est qnlnteta Ja JUj iiorthwest w
effectively demonstrated jWednes-
day VTettWfiTniUiTIamettft
rroa 'tWiIoflr .attended a,
Volloglate -game there, -when 4the
lQK$fa'tktfr. shot wUh'deadly,
nceurry from ? all angles - and
amaKSftd 4 points In the first, half,
.desp if 1 1 i e Jf t leais tan ce 'jfyt.
the Uvljiamette Bearcats could
muster The game ended 32 to 2ft
- for Oe;ate university team.'; ,
It was an "In between same,
T or bVtb ttea ma. and both " Coach
- ReinyaVl - of . Oregon ' and , Sped
Keene inj Wilameen;pexmitte4
their regulars to play" only part
or thefcame. This slowed ,downj
! the's?bring on both sides.! Oregon's
i secbtfd.jBtIag men -held the 'Beaf-j
,cats aUmoit as vel as the original,
,'. ipora Wnatlbn, but ,they ,were not Kb
;cch.J6i' -sjibotlng. ; u - j . Y;t 4
- t Res idea .be in; alp wed dp wn $e4
.cause, 'tjooje of tjthe egnlara'wer
pn,tpe.5Jt5nch most f of the jcamj
.the snjlpete team was jpot ,P
;;tp.ihf slfdardrof; its games with
; Vpi itn an j, las t , week, or j 1 t, would;
haVedJoded Oregon even closer.
; The iSeireats played stubbornly on,
f defeatbe" but were erratic.
- " For'ib lemon-yellow, -Wester-gtem
fui the outstanding ' Var.
- botb'bn' offenfte ond defense. VvMle
. Haiti Viade the best shbwing' for
-Wllllnaetle. f The -local collegian
were?al IBielr best An fighting at
-rloee-raarters-undei' the ' basket,"
havi&g', the edge eren on the Ore-
gon j,eguilar8 .In ,thla department.
Wjllanjettes; reserresj jat least,
v showed" btter' tban Oregon's, as
: the ,Bearcats continued; to " pain
i even tftey. tedbettejr iwaa the only
one !Sf: the original lineup still In
;; the gam! -C '' T -"X"Tr
An e'pidemle of fouling put Wll
4 lamejte tn , the JioLe., Oregon mak
v ing jlt f irst ' fire points on " free
- thro jpTelsitrs made plenty
.of fouli too, but the Bearcats were
' . w . t . U
5 uosuiv Qcourrfc lueui iwuu man
C 5) Okerberf
i ul namn
,,, MeCormick
.,." .,, 4) . BHy
-8 . (4) .EnmoM
' 'i -- ; Kimiskt
RefiT Ralph " Colemaa.
Better Style '.of Attack- JtU
, nfVinVfd After Ffrct Yp?ir f
- K :MenfTake LeM -v-
- - i rtt " Vtf ' 1 ' . i " j ': i l" .
. Two preriously undefeated bas
.ketbill teams met a.' the Willam
ette feymnisitun Wednesday night.
and !n up the titanic strugla. that I
.vmy -eaea-ieaxas cauia proauce. it
.was SgaleSi high school's ! speed
jjuin Ut Abat -remained . jin defeated.
.wnen-tnemose oi satue ciearoa
.away'j.tbA University n of Oregon
freshmen' losing' 39 to 22.
1 TWdagbout the first half f tb
lead hfieiB-9Awed back arid ; (cxrtb.
with t he, 'freshmen ahead a little
rooreqf Che time than Salem; -at
balf ftimei the untreraty4players
were leading 14 to IS, and it
lookiijii for 'Salem, aa.the jrlal-
long iau aii the time. . . r
Th4"Vas where thetteams dlf
feredj alem played its' usual fast
'breailngxajne, fighting forsbort
shotarj constantly: ;the ; Ttsitora
mad,'UieJr points . from Jiac.of
' the circle.- :J rr- :J-.Vv:'
' AnXJkt difference tin ,atye
spelled defeat: for the freshmen
for It isyplcal ortbeaejAMf.raxxe
marksmen;,, that .the baU will re-
fuse cq iina ts marjc wnen pomu
are ais6iutely peeded.and tbat ia
Just whatlappened. r r
Duffey. Saleni bigb's speidy for-
ward, ' placed "in a manner that, if
Acimy( wim v
1 berth! 4 Ha, scored. JO points, str of.
themiwjttJout any aid whatspeTer
by stealing the ball in.the enenyr
territ ry. iOHnger was second only
to L -tfey in his -performance
Coler ap and Bobi starred for the
fresh-ienj? " ' ' ' .'
(3) CUrk.
(2) ColeiBlo
(3) Clusncy
KUr4 ColeOn
Ilartmln Bros. Jewelry Store.
Watches, .clocks, rings, pins, dia
mond4, ciarms, cut glass. 'Silver
ware. Standard goods.t State at
.,,, -
ll H :r.
a ;
iNev sweaters! A large ahlp
ment3ttst in. s New jattems, xew
shad"? .in" tha.j?opalar , pull -ever
and voati styles. Scotch, Woolen
' . 'j-z i r- -
Rainier-iEricksen & "iQepp
phipyard builds new cradle dock
jor l.HO-toa Bhlps, . - '
! i '
. i I ' . ';-- .-. 3
."''' v , ' -1- tt-
ins.: ; youxo i repitdiates
t - X '. f . , 4 . : 4. W - ,:- - '
. - - ,t 11 '" y """ ' - 1 '
. LOS NGELES,' Feb. 2. (AP)
Repudiating . the ; contract;"wnlch
gires Henry- O'Byroe.. trainer and
manager of .George Tonng,'17 year
old, conqueror jof.tbean ta.C&ta
Una; channel. ; 4 Q Iperieent of the
BWtmmer ea.rijtngs.f rsJl Jane
Toung.Jof foronto.. Ont,..the lad'a
mother, today .notified O'Byme o
bis' . dlsmlssal. ; t ; i t;i .ui.L'Jj
The notification was contained
fn& fbiegaiuYanfrT''Ta'n'4
A'tHfnA wit Id : AiSK f n QAtf
rt A similar notice was sent to tbq
maijager of a feau' Fraclsdj.tbea-J
ter where Yonn! Js booHed or tut
en gaemen t aUrtlngaturday. The
theater managem,enr-3'as.jnstruct-
ed" to refrain from paying any uali
a'ry, JduV ToangU6aorpn but hlf
mother, who ia &lo iils legal guar
tian. " ' ; """" j
The telegram to O'Byme reads :
Zr6n anv 0orby pqUqed thgl
the paper; held .by ,yon purporting
to'be 'a contract rwltbmy; son' and
signed by me ia hereby repudiated
b'ecauie ,-of 'm 1st presentation jaWl
other reasona rendering sane jn
talid 'and' 'you wilj pleqae". fiea? e
acting for or In hal f of .my ion '
under 18 years. of age.- Letter con-
.flrniingour .dismlssdf XolTfwa." i
- W ' are stafa' distrlbator for
the Tlkto&.tlreBland.tabes.IaJ-i
com s .nre . a nop, corner court ana
ICommerelal greets. Ofltia.fot
L your ies. 4 :: f
.. - , : . . -
The newest creations in Spring
Hats at the Vanltv Hat ' Shonne
Each bat possesses a charm all its
Own. Beautiful desfgns and ;ol4
ors. f38St court 4st. W
Dr. Reinhardt Classes Two
j .as Sometimes Hindering
'Students fri AVorkU
College men baye their football.
and sometimes it stands in the way
L of,, theiriintellectual growth; but
it Jsn!t jl M worse in this jrespect
than- colleee women's concentra
tion on tbelr efforts to excel each
other in ornamentation. Dr. Aure-
11a Henry Reinhardt, president of
both sexes who filled the Wtilamn
ette- university chapel Wednesday
forenoon-despite the fact that ex
amination wesk'.waa under way
"And somettmes,V18h0 added, f'l
ininic .tnere la more, justification
for the football," . " :
"We are handicapped by haring
no men at llflls. tbe noted' educa-
xocaaaea, . siui .in, a. numoroas
rein. . "If I knew : you .; bettertil
juignx feu you. same.qi .ne uungs
we teackour students a thatthey
may make np for lost time."
;4Tbe, .broad, .perspective, extend-
lng,to Infinity. In space and to the
dawn, of geologic history in time.
is .founds tlonat to a': completely
successf life. .Dr. Reinhardt de-
ciaredL in the course .of titer argn
jeatiafarptbf liberal, rather
than specialized education. ' i
'She 'mentioned; Gilbert Stuart,
famous Colonial artist, yr 8ne
said, would have been as. great as
Rembrandt if be bad not limited
his painting, to faces. ';; ,
TheCJ.firajthing tbat college
students jb&zhi .ta Jo required to
4b is to "wake up," Dr. Reinhardt
said; the next is to be critical, and
the third is the acquiaion of. tle
:JHusKiesrDisp!ay, - Strength
yictory Over Montana
V SEATTLE, Feb. 2 (AP) The
University ; of vWashlngton basket
ball team strengthened its chances
Lfor thp conference title by defeat
ing .the University of Montana 48
to 1? here tonight. , : " - .
tTbe; Huskies ot off to a flying
b tart, and showed jill the .speed and
ability which they lacked in their
Idsfn .game .wftb Oregon bcr last
Sitnrday.ironning tip 17 ,polQts to
Ubelr; opponenta'.aneby .the, end of
the first Q I w inn tes. of nlay The
WahingtoEla ontnujed3neir
rapid fire Scoring unUl the close
of the Jialf iwben, the 'tallji stood
Vrhaeattle, players .relaxed a bit
after theJppenMgt of he second
period; and-j when there,I.waa 10
minutes to go, anentirely ew
iciu weui.ia against me uniuiei.
fIew;YorklVpfran jSetsJIew
3pO;Xsr4 Syidrnmingeqord
i ' BUFFALO, T.t Feb.: i--(AP)
A new world's record in the 300
yard medle? swim, for women "was
made .ia the national senior AAU
events here .tonight byj, Adelaide
Lambert, of the Wpmen's Swim
ming association, .New York. Ijer
time trwaa 1:4134 2-5. Dorothy
Cpltes, Detroit Yacht, club. Detroit,
was second; i Agnea Geraghty,
Women's r Swimming 7 association.
New York Cityv f !nished thirdj and
Ethel McGary, Wome'n's Swintf.
mlng association. New. York City,
was fourth, -' ' "
Conqueror of Berlenbach to
A nnnn r ! r" 5 S o rrl CI 1 1 "VI '
ination Mix , - - '
NEW TORK. Feb. ; 2 (AP)-
The ' most pretentious - array of
heavyweight bouts ever arranged
for the indoor season was com
pleted t6day when Jak' Sharkey-
for a:l ST-round ' matcb -wlthT Mlt
McTIgue,the fighting Irishman
at Madison ' Square Garden - on
March 3. -
"Awithln less .than a month, from
February to March 3, the Garden
will -be" the" Hceae of four - bouts
bringing together all of the lead-j
ing'contendera for Gene' Tunneys
crown exeept the "former cham
pion, Jaek Dempaey. " : .
i-l Hefe'ia thefway Tex Rlckard's
elimination program lines up. "as
announced;" by "his matchmaker,
JessMclMabon:?! ' ''''"!!
- February ' Yodng Stribllng oj
Atlanta" vs Eddie Huffman of Loa
Angeles, 10 rounds.' ' . 1 i,r
4 February " 1 8 Jack Delaney of
Bridgeport, Conn.', "light heayy-
Velrht chamnion' vs Jim Maloney
fof'Boston,',l rounds. ' ' ?. ti
- r eoTuary a -t-aoiino uicuuuu
of Spafnu-H the ' European . heavy
weight champion, s" Knute Han j
sen ol Wisconsin, 10 rounds. 1 " ?
; March 5 JTack Sharkey ( of Bos
tori vs'. MlkeMcTigue of New
York, 15 'rounds. ' :
' The" Maioittey-pejaneyanll Shar
k ey-M c filgfce bouts loo ni 'Specially
important ; because "of the men' In-'
vOlved rank high jamong' the Ust
of title,' aspiranis. '"' 7
- McTIgue has leaped unexpected
ly into' the middle of the'elimina-
tia, jprom jChroogh; jhb aensa-
Uonai KnocK.QUt.ot faui nerien--.
bacb Jaat Friday. f
The?resnlts(of ,allrfpnr nout
will pave tbe jwayf or the two big
oqtdoor v shows f jwhich p-Ritjkard.
plans tto .etermrie4Tunaey'avchal-s
4nf er . li a Septeipber title jbout
at the .ICankee stadium, fjne mqrp
elimination bout may, ,be put, ;on
indoors, however, possibly between
the .winners, of ,tha Strlpling-tlurf-
nanr a n d Paojlno-Hansen en-
counors. ; . v
Fatton's Book Store offers all
the latest in Birthday Cards. .Try
them. . Ask to be abown ,the Inn-
n. . ark to oe snown ine xnn
t of aU cards, Scotch Birthday
se'fic;-' . " ' sy
Capital Bargain House, Capital
Tire Mfg. CoT, Mike'a Auto Wreck:
ing.Three in one. Bargain center f
of Salem. Thousands of bargains.
H,- Steinbock, f 2 1 5 Center. , , )
Says Alb Will Know He Told1
' Truth; Accused Now of 4
i 13 Murders
; HUNTSVILLE, Texas, Feb. 2.
AP) George J. Hassell, a chub
by, fair haired, rather pleasant
faced man of 38, accused of IS.
murders, two t women " and "11
1 1 ldr e n, ' -who occasionally,
cAucKiea over inciaenis in ms car-;
eer not immediately .related .to thS
murders, set in the. death cell at
the stattf' penitentiary iherf today; f
and 4 told Warden f N. L. Speer. fbe
was "glad they had found out" be
as - telling, itbe itattUvahaut ithe;
k tiling ;- i of a woman, and. ..tbtee.
children In Whittier, Cat, more
than ?10kjreara" ago.' ' :''; -r
, The wdman, he said; was Mrs!
Marie sYogel. : with whom he bad
lived in -Whittler under the name
ot Jdr. and Mrs. G. G, 3aker. The
children :tF0 boys jand a girl.' fee.
said, were their foster children.
"I am pleased,", he told, the;
warden, "that they have found
the bodies, so they wouldn't think
I was lying. :'.
MI have told the truth about1
everything that has happened in
ray whole llfe.r 3 - 'J
Hassell talked freely todayT the
warden said, about tbe ' murders,
except to .describe ills movements
while ,vhe; was tputting ,tho .womaa
and children to death. He did aay.
however, the warden t aid, tbat hi
had- straagled the boy, a ; baby;
Viith a stocking. Reference to be!
boy brought tears to. Hassell's eyesj
because, he said, it reminded hint
of bis own. little son by his first
wife. , ' . . j t j-;
'V Hassell, - meanwhile outwardly
cheerful, sits in his death cell ad
joining the room where he is to be
electrocuted .the last 4of February
tor killing Jiis wife, the widow of
his brother, and her eight children I
in Texas. .; - ---- i: t .,
It yon are In need .of. comforts,
blankets, pillows or other bedding
you should see what Hamilton's
are offering. ; See the wool mixed
blanket at 45. .)
The Chemawa Indian J school
b tsketball . team "'will play ' the
Btnat Brlth quintet from Portland
this evening In the Chemawa'gym-
5 -
1J5TROXG ST., JPATJIi . tQUlAl.-v:
Ir.Salera JUgh, achool'aaecond.bas
ketbalLguintet .will jrun into.sojne
tough .opposition Friday , night, at
?;30 .o'clock ;,when it .meets -the
strong SU Paulbigh school -five
on (.ba Salem (high school floor.
iThe-SC sPauleam is generally
considered, to be .the -class otthe
small v . high acbool ' basketball
te.ams. of -the.. cooaaty. and.jhas a
good record so far, It;beat-Ger-irais
; higb ebool .by ai margin vot
50 ,pointa rreeently The? Salem
seconds,; however, ran np a .A ta,
9 jscore .against Gervals.. f giving
them a little. edge In comparativa
scores. -
The , Salem ' seconds - hare not
been defeated yet. this .season in
f Ivot games, and , are - anxious to
iceep . up the good.. record , accord-
ins to Loa Is -Anderson, coach. ;
4 An .admiasiomof 25 cents will
be charged. '
' Everything to ; they .book store
Ifnei, books. stationery . supplies
for - tbe" home, office or 'school
room, , at the Commercial'1; Book
Store, 1 6 3 N Com'l. S (
.The Man's; Shop, sarea yon a ten
dollar bill on etery iqmaljty suit.
iShirts ihats, tleav .collars. High
Lgra4e.clothng, perfect. 41 Ulng,
long .wearing .State. . .tJ
, " 1 1 1 r in ii 1 '
rHexathlon 'Practices i
;r Practice foijr, thehexathlon tcst-i
wasstajtei bf fjaijembers of the
young men's division of the Salem:
YMCA at Tuesday nlkht's meet-?
teg. These events wllf be practiced
comparison, with (the,records pj.ad3
untfr late' tbisjn.Qnih. when the
tests will be jg)ven : on j which a!
by", ,,,'oter . .local ..associations'
throughout . the "cpuntry will .be
based. ' " i
f; The teyents ,injclnde the 60 and
120 yard 'potato, ra.ces. standing
broad jupjp, ,rn..n;ing.igh jump,
shot put and fence vault.
r,ui H,i j... , - ... . . . J-.. - A i . II . I i ... ,L,i " n ij ..,
- v , f cy 1 X 1 ;! " - : ; ' j
- w imi'i ' f: --h fjrS. ' ; j; Y " -1 CX I
; ;; ' ; : : ' I ; ;il llf W i I ;j
5 , . xu u:, ... -v-. .... ... V:v j:-;T,:v;:;'".i-. ; j
( : ' : : 'Sini' Y r:Y'Y: YYyY"- ' '
.rh".::;,, i: , - 1 1 ' v. . , ' " ;:) - ' -';;?.
THE more yot demand o a pipe-tobacco,
the more you will enjpy prime iavor
ite of experienced jimmy-pijpejcs ; Mnce
Albert commands a pipe. to stond and
J deliver. ; Briar jdz laarticQb. ?. zCnfohadtijot
,-tobaccos4lie thing! j
Fling back
tin of P. A.. ' Breathe deeply of that rich,
fare aroma, pronusV df Anderlui .taste
- to come. Tamp; a, load flush with, the
brim and i'gxit.up. f lpw ypu have it
. j
Many4 PromisingnMen 'Pre
paring for Best-Yeac in
' ;H istary of; Nine ; .;
- ! , ' -. -.."-"V
Ore., vFeb. 2.A1-
though . the ..basketbalL . season is
still on and it is stil rather dampj
cutdoors,- the baseball players andj
fana Szi tbW Lake rabislt district
are . alreadytalklng the diambn
sport and predicting an even morei
successful ' season, v for the-. Labis
Cubs than j -that. o Jast year.
This- team iiad a, good ; season,
but-was- -handicapped' by- latef
start and ,lack of -experienced ma-
terial. This year3 they, are going toJ
get in action tAs soon as the weath-J
er. permits,; and are already, telling
each other1, i "It won't be - ionji
now." ! '; -'V;- ' "j
.Coach Takuyl. will have excel-j
len t material .to pick aTteam .f ro
this year. Including .some , player
of ability who have not been, ac
tive 6 for the last t .two . or . thr
seasons. i
Among tthe -members, of las
year's team who- will turn iout an
Charles Onishl, steadj, first base4
- : a . la .
man wnof aiso am some oi mc
pitching; his brother, Jim Onishl
who was - the team's mainstay , i
the box; George Sugui,--catcher
who alsoi , fitted in admirably n!
other, positions when needed IMa-f
ujeire. Kim) second baseman ; ..Rob-
ert.Gqu, speedy shortstop; Henryi
Mouye, third baseman ; Don Sugu
a clever outfielder. whose hittin
l.i expected fOjjraprove this year;:
Tom jTomayas .and Fred.-Luca.yam
George. YoshhiUai JBenjamin- Tu-
osaki i And tFred 5Munora, who
played part of the tirne will, alsoi
to candidates, for places.
.Heppner Postal
receipts .fori
1 Q9R i
'were ;15
per .cent above!
the hinged Jid pit a .tid(y red
. ... that taste f . that ciasby-itself taste
of Prince JpSpfttl,. i : ;
noMTRoxG u:li . '
NEW .YORK, Peb. 2. AP) -Setting
the pace from- the crack of the
guh to the finish. "A. B. Helffrlch;
lonsr-limhed mlddl. lUtnnrn utar
of the -New York Athletic club to
night captured the JMllrose '00
Coouast Pike'-s Peak,
grant .breeze hrpuhiagw
Fragrant -and xnild yaj mildness that'
lets yqu fimoke pipe-load
.vvttu .utrvcy, a congue-oue
parch. Yet itfi't :iicl
wuch ypu;dernaftdina smbke;
Considered ' rom any j
r Anert is iirn
VSinokeitafterijreakfast, tjght up to bed-:
.t time. ilt.xsalw-ays d
. f friendly. ? If you don't knqw P. A., you
,i don't know vhat your pipe can brin-yqu. .
1 ,-.,,
'.a ' - v, . - v-
,' ' ' 3 v v.
meter, classic feature of the Mill
rose A. A.-track and field carnival
for-the if if Ui straightiyear. - -Oat-,
ru n n Ing" a field of f or mid a bl e '. rivals.-
Helffrlch sped -around the
Madison Square Garden track at a
clip that shook off Tall .rivals and
carried '-him', to - the tape seven
yards ahead of Ray-Robertson of
theiBoston A. Ar lij'-tr;.''.!
Al Miper, aakyfIlartard. back
field star 'sprinter lextraordinary,
sped to triomph id; the f climax of
the ' invitation sprint series wben
he won. the -5 yard dash. from, t he
:i Is .College Ati
s-TJiere is,n't any reason - why It; shouldn't be for every one.
Many pareatsintjeven jibe -most-meager circumstances have
k given tfceir children A College? training -
How do. they do it? ; By saving ahead! '.Then when College
days come,, financing; isn't difficult. - . f , , .
Why. not, then," .begin saying for your , children's College .-days.
now? 'Open a -Ravings Accountr-hsre' at the United States
'National and to your deposits we'H ladd generous interest, at
periodic, intervals.
..Jie x i
? United .States
wcet arid :jfra'
tecxjd ;
or . a: turoat ;
angle, vPrince )
.-P"'.;P'S. Y'
three other survivors of prelimin
ary races.' beating Francis Huasey,
of Boston college by a yard in the
fast time of S 3-5 seconds.
Giant and -DuPoitr explosives
fuse - blasting caps). Lumber
and all building .materials. 1 Gab
riel Powder & Supply Co., C 1 0 N.
Capitol., Tel. !224S. ()
- 192S Standara Unlck Coach, in
excellent condition.- Looks ant
runs like new ear. -Otto J. W11-,
son, - The Bnkk Man.' 388 ' N. ft
Com! fTeL 220. '
p. A. w fwri ; t4j ri
dorsrd pound ojuM-Utt hwnulnri ,
with tpom$ttmairtcif-tr'p. Amd
imnmd by tkt Prime JUktrt tni
i 1