The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 03, 1927, Page 4, Image 4

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    TM Oregon
. ' Issued Daily Except Jfaaday Ty - ,
;. - - 315 Boetfc Coouweial St, Salem, Orfea - -."
aW. Hendrieka -. - " Mr,
fred J. Too .MWffinf-Edi.r
Irl S. MeShenry ' City Editor
And red Baacs v -1 Society f.diior
: s . -i , .- ; K3IB2S Or tHB A1S0CUTHJ PEE8I ' , - !
. Tl iiMiUd Preaa U axcluaively entitled to tbo nao for" pablieatfoa of at t''- -v rredned to js or not otherviao
Oewa pu6iiilied herein. .
O. BelV 121 Sef'urU"Bld Portland.
Tkomaa t". Clark Co, New York. 128 138
,Kwi Department 33 or lOH
Fnainoaa Off ieo .
Society fcditor..
.S3 or 53
Entered Bt tbo Post Office in Salon
-. - .
. But let every man takV heed how
foundation can no-man lay than Is
i , , i , i -., ,. .. .
' Governor i?attersbVs special
printed in full in this morning's
things . r. I . I r ' -
r " First; that the legislature frame a graduated income tax
to be submitted to the people at
; Second, that as the revenues
not be made available before 1928, a 5 per cent tax be imposed
, "for 1927 on the fee and license
commissions, to meet the need
-. equalizer of taxes lifting some
who "pay-direct property taxes.
"on fees and license revenues of
.-be reduced to.2V per cent. ' "
Governor Patterson reminded the legislatufq ; that the
people of Oregon at the November, election overwhelmingly
..defeated the bill declaring it to be the policy of this state that
no ingome tax should be imposed for 15 years; and that he
! believed this bill was defeated because the voters feared that
" an emergency might arise within 15 years that would involve
- And he declared it as his
" which the people of this state
arisen. ' : ". . 1
The message is an able one, as a perusal of it hy any
careful reader-will disclose - j ' ! -:
And the arguments and reasons are clearly set forth.
-J It is' believed by the writer that an ; alternative for an
income tax was a corporation excess profits tax; easier to be
i carried at" an election. That is
. for the raising of a large part
Governor Patterson shows plainly that such a tax is in effect
an income tax, but imposed on,one.class to the exclusion of
t ,jucxcxuic ail uunjiuu
least, than a general income tax.
As there is recommended no , attempt . at declaring, an
emcrrgency",,and as the peoplewust vote'on the income-tax in
casc'the recommendations of XJovernpr Patterson are carried
ouV"' there is nothing unfair about the conclusions of the
' . . -v. r - - -' . - .j-'-
special message. , , - -
i The '.legislature should-follow the recommendations of
, Gov'erQr'lattersoxK-r;r ;-' r . "! ' ' -' fl '"
, iVislhe plain' duty; of the
. out of committee, arid ' amend
the fishing industry of this state" to grow to five or ten times
its present size. This is coming. The people will initiate
the measure, if the legislature-fails to pass it The failure
of the legislature to pass it, and thus impose a burden on the
justice loving people of Oregon, would be a crime of omission ;
a disgrace to,that body, as giving a gesture m iavor or tne
predatory interests' that have so long enjoyed the prof it of
y: special privileges which they should never have had in , the
. first place. That, in fact, were obtained under false pre-tenses.-
. f . ... - r - ...
' rncithfyxtorTnage of spinach
coming every day. l his consumption 01 spmacn in saiem is
JOiaa.. mi UI M. IV I 1 1 I tF III Mar I I V Mr III
I greater ratio than the increase
is creditable to the gooxl sense of our consumers; though it is
the' oppositeiof -creditable to nur growers, who should be
supplying all we can use, of the best quality, the whole year
through, besides 'shipping. away great quantities of it, and
thus adding a large and steady community cash income. " ,
..." Thx nrwirntTifa5ri favSr
spinach industry here are old
- repeated often; they should
- 'hammered-1 into the' minds of
results that are possible and
v.v., Spinach is called. the Vbroom of the stomach ;V it is both
Ax.fooil!and.a .medicine, and 'so general is its use becoming that
it is beginning to be classed as a staple,' for thererare many
pcof le of good judgment whoinsist uponeating spinach every
01 . " t ... . . . ' " - - " i " '
We had a. considerable spinach 'industry in the Salem
i distrieta few-years ago,, joining up our "grpwers' with7 the
dehydration plant "
' And no doubt the industry
revived : sooner or later perhaps even this year, because
spinach is a vegetable that lends itself .well tri dehydration.
Tutt for" the iron in it, and for the . vitamins and the
,Vp-;ctable salts, spinach, is coming into more and more general
. u-e; the tonnage of its supply
And there is no reason why our farmers and gardeners
should not develop a car lot supply here, to go to distant
.points, developing a market on a quality product, the same
ixs ha been done with our celery and our head lettuce,, and
is promised with our asparagus. ...
; It is now 'very well recognized that the production of
ipinscli of a hish quality in commercial quantities, and, with
, ruicicni ivi:::"C- to nui;e it
W. H. Henderaea - - Ctremlatioa Miuti
Ralph H. Kletsiag Ad vartiaiaff Mtnftr
Frank Jaakoekl .- , Manager Job Iept.
K. A.aKboten - Livestock Editor
W. C. Connor - - - - Poaitry Editor
croditoA 10 iai paper aa'auo ui
!." . j'
Oro. ' - , l'
- W. Hat St.',. Cktearo. VanraattaBldg.;
''Jon Devartneat
Circulation ttffiee.-
Orerna. m sacoad-elass Matter.
3. I1W7 . J .
he buildeth thereon. For other
laid, Jesus Christ.,; 1 Cor. 3:10-11.
, . i -'.' ,
message to the legislature,
paper,' proposes mainly two
a special election; the bill to
of such an income tax could
revenues of state boards and
f or new; revenues at once,' and
of the burdens from those
And that after 1927, this tax
state boards and commissions
; -i"' j ' "
conviction; that the emergency
foresaw might arise, has now
, 1 " -
the tax! that California has,
of her state revenues. But
wu uiijua, wm ruiwtb. ov,
- . ; ;
-i -
legislature to get the fish bill
and 1 pass it, and thus allow
tl '
; a; considerable quantity is
iinr WII I W IIIV IHIIIII UlLII J 1 1 11 111
in our population. .This fact
f iht rlpvplnnmpnt. of ft hfir
arguments; but they should be
be dinned" into the" ears and
our people till they bring the
most desirable.- - " ; -
, . - .
in" this oranch of it will be
id growing fast , .
prcinaLi 10 grow, u & special-
ized industry. - It is like celery
- : L'r
found here, can grow some celery
some spinach- ;V; ' :
But this does not mean celery -or lettuce or spinach that
will sell on crualitv above the
tables grown elsewhere. This specialization hrfs been brought
to success here in the case of celery and head lettuce and it
can be brought to success, the
spinach. " ' ''"''..-
It is no loncrer necessary to
readers of The Statesman that
a very-important requisite for health. Every kitchen or home
garden should have, some spinach, and two crops should be
raised, and some of it should be canned at home, or 'the conW
mercially canned or dehydrated article should be used whcnl
it cannot be had in the fresh form.; ; . . : ' 7 ' ;H
i Spinach is nearly as ' important in the dietary, as milk ,
and every up-to-date man and
virile race cannot be sustained
children raised, nor old people
One of the' greatest arguipents in jfayor of spinach grow
ing commercially in the Salem
spring crop will furnish r a cash return early in the season
when money is needed for the cultivation of other crops. And,
hi the same way, it adds materially to the net returns from
any given number of acres of
I But. we have got to learn
a lot of it to the acre ; and .this
specialized treatment and specialized fertilization of the soil;
! All this is worth while beacuse spinach will persist and
its use will grow ; f
.1 J And moreover it is a prospective" valuable crop for green
house cultivation, for our home markets, and for" shipping
fresh to the cities and towns upland down the coast and to
the big city markets throughout the country . k '
M And the growing of a quality crop for car lot shipments
would ' also : lead to a great and
canners, who could command a . wide market k if they, could
guarantee a strictly quality output. - 1 c
o : 1 "" - '
f The following bills were Intro
duced in the senate yesterday:;.;
i SB-164, by Xarsner To enact
statutes governing execution, fil
ing and disposition ;of mortgages.
SB 165, by Dunne Relating to
insurance - upon- lives of directors
of corporations, and ' prescribing
what shall constitute evidence of
due authority;: for all corporate
actions. : " "
SB 166, by Moser and Banks
Providing for a probate code.
- SB ;167,j bjr Women's Relief
corps--Appfopriating 9 5 0,00 0 f or
construction of a fireproof build
ing at Oregdtf "Soldiers Home for
the wives and widows 'of I Civil
war veterans. : v 1 . m . - -t s '
SB 168. by; Butt Designating
and declaring -"eertain territory to
be municipality known as ,the . Salr
mon River-Grande " Ronde High
way Improvejnent d istrict. .;'
S, B.,; 169, hrbankins Commit
tee-; Permitting" conveslon -i of
building and loan associations to
mutual savings banks. "
SB '170, by flunier To regu
late racks amd solid obstructions
In streams. -
SB717I, , by , Dunne Relating
to district courts in counties Of
100,000 popu&tibn'or more
SB 172, by committee on revi
sion of laws -To provide for the
recording, of records ' ' wherein
county boundaries are changed.
SB 173, by Elliott Relating to
consolidated school districts., . Y
SB 174, by Upton Relating to
notes secured by personal judg
ments. -
SB 75, by Upton Relating -to
special tnnd tor payment of coun
ty jroad bonds. . , . . ? .. , ' , ,
SB 176, by Joseph Declaring
time of. observance of legal: holi
days and non-judicial days. ."r
SB 177; by Staples To protect
and 'Conserve r fish, in -Columbia
river, r v -
SB 178," A by Hall--To appro
priate money for the relief of
Mrsr Clyde R.'Dindinger. " "
Bills introduced in he , house
Wednesday, follflrw: . ; t " - .. ?
IIB 447. by : Lonergan Provid
ing for appointment and, compen-1
satlon of probate clerks, directors
of mothers pensions and special
agents In probate department of
circuit courts in counties, of more
than 100.000 population., i-5 1
1 II B 448, by Brlggs Pertaining
to construction of Improvements
byfirrigatiok1 indf drainage- dis
tricts and. authorizing assess
ments fpr costs' of such lmprove
ments. ?. . : ;- 5'. ? :
II B 449, by committee on 'mili
tary affairs Conforming act reg
ulating the .Oregon National Guard
to recent; regulations of the war
department. . ' V .' " 5 "
HB 450, by ' Lonergan.' Rush
light and . Olson Providing A for
erection of a modern, fireproof
state office building in Portland
at coHt of not more than $600,
000, :".and. "method- of financing
same. . ' ' - ; ,
II B 451, by repeal of laws com
mittee IlepealinK s-tlons" mak
Ing It mandatory to levy funds for
ex-soldiers i school aid, as suffi
cient funds are on hand.
HB 452, by Briggs Providing
for ' ' apportionment of county
school funds on the basis of num
ber, of elementary teachers In the
county instead of on basis of cen
bus of school children . ,
O. W. Day, tires, tubes and ac
cessories: has the Goodyerjr tires
the standard of the worli. Mr.
f-l-iw jn rln vntt rnn M..
Corucr Coia'l. aad ci: 21 ()
and head lettuce growinf7nbaIfo;
-Wc-:oW ;trlnrl of land w-wlle?-'l
or lettuce, and he can grow
market prices for such vege
writer believes, in the case of
. - '
say to the majority of .tne
the eating of spinach freely is
woman now,, knows -that a
without milk, nor healthy
kept in proper condition.
district is the fact that the
land under cultivation. . I
tcr grow, quality spinach,; and
will take special locations and
" : , ' '-"
growing demand from our
JUI . corraapoadcBoo for - thia depart
ment ainct bo (irned by tbo. wrrler,
mast h written nn mt lid, of the
paper only, and aaouid not bo: loacar
thaa 160 worda, .:.;'.. ,. ..
Observations; the Third
.House .Lobbyist ' !
Editor Statesman! " ". " . '
One of tbe most interesting;
au using and Important acts In the
big show being staged at the state
cajbitol is the act being played by
the trained and untrained lobbyist.
"his Individual (or groups of In
dividuals) exert a mucn . greater
ir.fluence in the law making pro
cess than- any one' not familiar
with the' conditions at a legislative,
hall eould even imagine. Some. . of
the brightest and best are' in . this
group, and 'some of the worst 'and
moBt, corrupt are also present!" ?
Already ln .the session a great
b7in y of people have appearedHbe
fore different committees' "1nr""be"!'
'-In the Circuit 'Court ' of the
State of Oregon for-, Marion Coun
ty. - 1 t j
Myrtle-Iren.e 'Morris. 'i , : I
by her Guardian ad Litem, 1:
Clara C.: Patterson; ', ... Plaintiff
. . t -vs. ' - r r
Harry Morris,- Defendant
- .To Karrx Morris, T, the above
named defendant: J . 7' J V - i '
- In 'the Name o,"the ' State,, of
Oregon:-5 You are "herbey Re
quired to' appear and answer the
complaint filed against you la the
above entitled court and rtoft on
or .before the last day of the time
prescribed. In the order for publl-
Am - . A a .... .. . . a .
canon ox mis iummoni,ow: on
or before the expiration . of ; six
weeks next, from and aftter the
date of first publication of this
summons, the ,- first publication
thereof being ' on January $ 27.
1927, and if you fail to aripear
and answer, for want thereof the
plaintiff will apply. 0 the Court
lor the renez aemaaaea in ner
complaint, to-wit: that plaintiff's
marriage to. defendant; be an
nulled, and that she be ;oever
released and discharged from any
and all obligations and , duties
arising from said marriage; that
plaintiff may resume her former
name, viz! Myrtle .Irene "Wunder.
and that she have such other and
further relief as to the Court :may
seem just and equitable. . - -:
This summons is served " upoo
yen . by publication by order of
Hon L. II. McMahan. Judge of
the above entitled Court.v which
order, was made and dated at Sa
lem, Oregon, January 26. 1927.
Date of first publication; Jan
uary. 27, 1927; ' w v- .
.Date Of lasterpublication March
10, 1927.
" M. B; BUMP D. TJ. BUMP. , .
Attorneys for Plaintiff,
M. B. Bump, residence & address
" Ililisboro, Oregon, v ? -D.
T. Bump, residence & address
' ..Ililisboro. Oregon. !
j27-f3-10-17-24 m-3f-10
i: Notice is hereby given, that the
nnderslaned. as Administratrix of
the estate of Carl Kl Cashatti de-
. , . , . . . . . 1 1 .
cHea, . n!t mru ner, rmai Ac
count In the office .of the Clerk of
the County Court of-Marlon Coun
ty. Oregon, - and that the 8th. day
of March, 1927, at the hour of
1:30 , p. ibv. in the afternoon of
said day, Jn the County a Court
RfKm of said Court' has been ap
pelated by said Court as the time
and-place for the bearing 'of ob
jections, thereto and the settle
ment thereof.
Dated and first published Feb
ruary 3rd. 1927.
fast Publication March -. 3rd,
M. C. Cashatt.
Adminiotralrix of the estate
of Carl 13. Cashatt. decpan1i
. . rtD.3-lO-17-Ii7iI3-
ETpartrculir't ill ! they
o nave passed , or , not
passed, "the biggest factor possible
is the iadiridual lobbyist who has
bee a aMlhe.' game, for a .ETeat
many years, is skilled in hia work,
k rows what he or she wants and
gees after It. arid usually gets It.
1 You ill. find sereraJ nnlrersity
gradaatea so to speak with post
graduate work in this special busi
ness of j. lobbying. These .experts
promote; a lot of good legislation,
md if it.' was not for their; loyal
support J and.; earnest . efforts - a
rfeat many good laws would never
bo enacted by the legislature. .
Several have taken a post grad
uate course in lobbying and hare
paeaeel with high honors These
ea ; or fifteen, can .be'seen busily
engaged in ; conversation with a
Leenator iat most: any time. -V 5
One of these particular-patties
bas,roften been seen, on the job. at
30 a. jm. and latent night. : In
fact on two particular - Sundays
ha forgot to go to church' and he
is a fealar church goer. At any
rate. . he was granted an increase
in his iealary amounting . to nine
hundred dollars'; per annum, so I
think that It was welt worth stay
lag l away from ' church ; just, two
Sunday$. I wish I could da as well..
It seems so strange that some of
these fallows want 'to raise their
salaries and when they- ge t a
chance they can show the legisla
ture wfcterebyj the' state" ' can he
uved several thousand - dollars by
cutting the other fellow's wages.
These same men where ' the pnv
pesed reduction In wages - is re
ctm mended, are very poorly paid
to star with. Hardly" anr one has
nerve enough to suggest 'that the
salary of some of the high officals
b deduced. They are usually very
influential, often times .having
lots of; money, and wielding altor
aether too much influence,. : .The
majority are afraid- to register any
complaint,.-. because "they might
want a
favor, some, time, -and thee
in power would . be in a
position to grant it. If they so
desire. i - - . . j "
. Whatever might be said or done
these men and their kind are very
useful j and represent some of the
very best citizens in - the . state.
They are keen and , alert, and.
while the rest' of us are ' half
asleepj, they' are accomplishing
things! for . themselves and the
state, j - ' 1 ,
I am not willing to concede that
they are more intelligent or wider
awake than ' a lot of people are.
but happen to be fortunate enough
tt-be in a position whereby they
Circe In contact with 'people of. in
unence ana naving a uue attacnea
ta their names they are fable to
accomplish - and put; over things
that an outsider, so to speak, can
not understand or comprehend.'
Stop,-look, and lisren to our ap
peaL . ! If - yo uare ; not " absol u tely
tatisf ed with your laundry, prob
lem, icall 16$, ; Hand ' work, our
tpeciartyi-: rr'-f--rr-rf-' I
j Doughton .de - Sherwin. Hard
-rare.; 286 N. Coml St. . Hardware
ounaers' supplies, paints, - vara
ishes;. Give us a call, you'll find
ur prices reasonable. : j C
Rickey ft-
' H. j E. "VViedeman of Spokane,
Wash.,' recent guest f Mr. and
Mrs.: p." Ar Harris.: - ' ; r!
Mr; and Mrs. Everette Lewis of
Ada. Ore., and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde
Lewis and famjly of Lyons, Ore.,
visited, old .friends here last Sun-
day,. , ;;': ' tr?'':C?-: -Wy'
l D. ( Fryslle and Mrs. M. M Ma-
gee have been drawn on the jury
list for '1927. , v.
' ' Several of the Jyounger mar
ried people attended the dance at
Mackay Saturday night. ;
1 Mr. . and Mrs. , Elmer. Fitzgerald
and (Mr., and. Mrs. Vern Reeves
and daughter, of Lebanon - were
guests l.oZ ,Mt-.and-.Mrs. M, 1U
Magee Sunday.'' f ':y ::J, :S 'r-P'i
i The- board havet purchased a
new Hag T for the school, t ; S t
Mrs.'- W. J Culver is substitut
ing as -baliff in .Judge Kelly's
court this month. :, Mrs. v Culver
accepted the position . of bailiff
which i she-held for several years
as personal favor-to the- late
Judge- Bingham but Resigned last
fall to devote ber time to raising
flowers. She Is making a special
ty jot Iris, tulips and narcissus of
which: she has a nice collection of
very i choice: varieties. - ' ' '
Ti--fl- -7 -j
C. A.- Luthj, reliable jewelry
store i What you are looking for,
in Jewelry. Where a child enn buy
s safely, as a man or woman.
Repairing in all lines. , . ()
: The Midget Meat Market never
fails, to give you the finest meats
and fish. 1 There Is but one place
in Salem to get the finest fish. The
Midget Market has tt for you; ()
.'. (CoBtinaea rta pefn t. - (
.-..! .. i.- -. ' V -. ...... -v-'--i
Standard " Oil company, he de-
Mared, estimating the value of the
plant., as of March 1, 1913, at
$250,000,000. k ; : ; c
Dr.; David Friday, industrial
economist :and lecturer at the
Robt?rt Brookings school for poli
UcaU;:ecormmyr 'Washington, : an
other ; witness today; estimated the
plant worth $210,000,000 on that
date. - - ' ' i 'r';'-"-.s - - y
; Statistical: twitlmony . presented
by Dr. Friday revealed a profit of
?l7p per car ob the slightly toore
thaa $100,000 cars sold by the
Ford company at a price ot
during 1913. An average profit of
$258, he said, was .realized on
each of the. 12,232 . cars sold in
1909. at
$806. . , . .
Senator Belfeves - Another
Tax Measure, Inconsistent;
- ..r at Present ,
" In view of the ' fact, that . Ore-
' ... ... .
gon people repeaiea; one income
tax law after trying it for a year,
and defeated twd more at the
last election, Senator Gus C
Moser Of Portland believes It
would not be consistent to Ireter
another 'such measure to them, he
told ; the . members,... of ) the iSalem
RoUry ; club at the Wednesday
noon luncheon. , '
-Moser explained ,'; the general
Idea ofr the ; excess i prof iU . tax,
which is. suggested as an alterna
tive measures designed to; provide
new sources of funds to carry on
the state's business. I State Treas
urer T. B. Kay supplemented this
with a fuller description of the
proposed 'i tax. which would take
one per cent of the profits of cor
porations, above the amount that
their . Investments should normal-J
ly be exjpected; taretnni.! 4 ; i
The real - value of corporation
property, rather than the assessed
valuation, would be used for esti
mating: these excess profits.
The legislature, : Moser said, is
often criticized for piling up ex
penses . that the voters are really
responsible tor. - The people will
not submit to any curtailment of
the highway --program, of the ef
ficiency of , the jtate-. library nor
of the state schools,, therefore
statsr expenses are going . to eon
tinue to increase and some; remedy
must, be found, he declared. ; ;
Vibbert de Todd Electric store,
FTIrli at Ferrv StM. . Arents for the
Easy Washer. : Good service and
low prices are bringing an increas
ing trade to this store. . . . ( J
Bits For Breakfast
Governor Patterson '
Rose to the occasion -W
' -
And wrote himself In large let
tera; a statesman, in his special
message to the legislature. a
He -.did not Make : the easier
course. . There is not "an earmark
of the time 'serving politician in
the ' message. -.".'.-
Paul 'II. Shoup, executive vice
president; J, -H. Dyer,-, general
manager,', both of San "Francisco
John . M. Scptt, , assistant - passen
ger traffic manager, and-J.: H,
Mulchay, assistant freight traffic
manager, Portland;; A. .A. MIckel
district freight ..and , passenger
agent. Salem, and H. 3. Mohr, Sa
lem agent of the Southern Pacific,
constituted a distinguished party
of railroad men in Salem yester
day. '
. " X 1
f Max Arenson,' mint, grower.
Woodland, Wash., and director of
the Woodland Mint Growers, Inc.,
war in Salem 'yesterday' confer
ring with leading growers - here
with the idea Of helping In getting
up 'a cooperative combination- of
the people .'engaged in .the -mint
Industry for Oregon and ' Wash
ington; to finally take in all the
mint ; growing ; sections of - this
country with a view to stabiliz
ing the industry. It Is a crying
Harry Leonhardt, Chicago, gen
eral, traveling , representative of
the Western Vaudeville r Manag
ers' .association, was a Salem visi
tor yesterday. ; This is the asso
ciation that: furnishes vaudeville
attractions tor the Elslnore thea-.twZ-.'Mr,
Leonhardtt: added Tiis
testimony to that of many others
in "praise of the Elslnore, as the
distinctive - play1; house, above' all
ocners-.m tnis country, , or , anyi
couutty. , And he has seen most
ot them,, half around the world.
J;B. Cortj manager ot the
'Cradle ; Snatcher's' y company
added, his word yesterday to the
same effect, ; " . -"
-.v y j.'"; ' .;
In conclusion, the case Is . a
clear one for the production": In
the Salem district of all our re-
I quirements for high quality spin
ach, with enough left over to
make car .lot shipments to other
points throughout the country.
12 fe Z-?'
T.R rs W
' wiz eUi r c i a f ass
'fli.'nu, ,fi Iff
9 ! t
Din't frzlzpg Ycur Sir! fzmj
PILES or other Recta! and
Colon ailments are a source
of constant annoyance, worry and pain.
Togetherwith tb reflex conditions which
follow, they sap vitality and strength, de,
stroying health. And you but prolong
your sufierina by neglect or patent med
icines b4 hopiui oreraiiori. My method Is tha
tost advanced fat medic) science- proved certah
ia rcsadts by tbooaands of cae auccesifu n treat.
oa, a.l BacVed try my GU ARAV-
PILES or ref .md the fee. 1 1 OO
pxst descriptive. I:!uiiiim
Boeit FREE upoe request, .. '-
TTt: r :r:-':
i -11 - .1 ,
r e
r. i"-
o P o a. a
t ;r; :.: c .
tr t .en f-jy-
t - i V ' r
-PORTLAND, ': Feb J 2 (AP)
Suspenders ' much - maligned in
their own right and,:la late years
the . cause of , no inconsiderable
amount of. ridicule to -their cham
pions, are absolutely correct, quite
good form, and the yogne.
This is the solemn fpronounce-
ment of the . PaciTic Coast r Mer
chant Tailors association; assem
bled here in convention. 'f
The increasing -use ; of galluses
by the discriminatingly apparelled
male ' has compelled tailors to
fashion i trousers higher In the
waist, they 4 assert: This will be
one- ofthe dominant notes'.ln the
trend of the i masculine' styles tor
192S. . - 4 ; J.-.--t,S I ti-'i i i .
.The following, too-common prac
tices are' .and shall le incorrect,
the association determined today:
-Wearing of spats with tan shoes;
Wearing of light tan shoes. ,
Wearing 'of light colored over
coats and- bats " with, evening
clothes. : ". : ;' ; -
Weariwrlif white waistcoat with
tuxedo' or dinner jacket.', r
Non:wearing-of gloves. . :
Wearing of. .soft co liars in cold
weather.. . . ' ...-...!.. . r.0.
There -re other incorrect prae-
tices,.U; is given io .understand,
but those . mentioned are consid
ered banal.. ..- ":'tf"h'ri: ;-'-'
A . noiseless, automatic- rifle ca
pable of Tiring 2 5 cartridges two
miles in half a minute withont re
loading ' has" bee invented by a
Berlin fire-arms expert.
'Ycawom Not a Drop! " 1 i
d TfL-1 191 a ir-v-J' . -
CONSTIPATION, buloiisness, coated tongue, feverish
headache,sickstomachthen fe when motiier
relies upon vDrJ CaldwelTs s Syrup Pepsin. . "My son had
been constipated bilious since birth. At the age of five he had
such an attack of soar stomach and bad breath I had to take him
out of kindergarten. It was then I gave him Syrup Pepsin He
improve from the first dose and soon was back to school completely
restored and; healthier than" he had ever been before. It is a great
comfort to have a medicine for children in which we can have such
itmrjJiat.Confiderice." JName aad address sent oa request) r
Wins Confidence of Old Folks
Old people are charmed by the gentle, kindly action
of f)r.t CaldwelTs ' Syrup Pepsin No pain, gripe or
movtmt.'nt and the fine-feeling
There's seldom anv real sickness
learns to use Svrup fepsin at the nrst sign oi coatea r
tongue, fever, biliousness, headache and such troubles L
due to constipation. 1 Recommended in a million j Dr. CoMwTm
homes. . Sold by, aU druggists. (,,, .
For fret trial bottle tend rvtme and oddrest to 1 . . . u , . . -
r. - . Pepsin Sgtup Company, MonticeUo TdmoU. UifZUll
?3 DnBecke
f 13 tmoo
Greatly Reduced Prices
Sniall iRnigs
Axminster Rug
.Special :
High Grade Wiltons Discounted From
25 to 40 per cent
. . SEU OUIt
... -t Room Sizes
( -ff i
310 Court Street
Wt: GRlssl.: a y put ev
(Continued (mm pajo 1.)
Eugene Chen, questioned the right
of Great Britain to dispatch addi
tional defense force to the Far
East. "' ' 4
Shorn of technicalities. It is ad-
mitted in competent official quar
ters, that the whole Chinese situa
tion is at a standstill over . the
Issue of the troops now " on the '
way. .There is no likelihood that i
the expedition will be recalled, but
there is a. possibility that it may
be ;partly diverted to Slngre
and Hong Kong, or that an aie
ment may be reached . with the
Chinese authorities regarding the
length of its stay at Shanghai.
The foreign office maintains the- i
negotiations between 5 Charles O
Malley and the Cantonese' foreign :
minister have not been broken ofr.
explaining: that Chen merely has
refused to 'sign the draft agree- I
Lment dealing with the tutare stat- :
us of -the British concessions at !
Hankow and Kiuklang, where the
recent rioting occurred.
t SHANGHAI, Feb. "2. ( AP)
The British armada bearing 20.
000 soldiers toward Shanghai may
be diverted in part to British cities
IiTChin abecause of the opposition
otr non-Brltish members of the
Shanghai International settlements
municipal council to, the quarter
ing of a large force in its juris
diction.: " : .
Work was stopped" at Jessfield
Park, where barracks'for'sooo sol
diers were approaching J comple
tion It -was learned, that the
camp would not be used! "The park
Is. owned by the international set
tlement, community, although in
'Chinese territory. .. s
m is
of restful -comfort. 1
in the home that l
I -
, w- if. - ; . . - :
armed! 5-
-. - ...
11? I
on. tMJOwrL
at aoc a y
tS9 North High f Tel, lof ' " .
Theater Lobby : -
a? VaTTV Km -
Also On Sale
.1 v .. jrm 0f