The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 03, 1927, Page 2, Image 2

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. . s TXsinore Theater - : 'V r
The epic fight of a woman goY-
rnor against the political influen
ces that 'beset hen and her 'final
triumph, oref the forces of bos
ruieV mad-alinging, muek-raking
and all the ills to which the polit
ical flaah luui so long been heir,
build up -'To a mighty climax ' in
"Her Honor.The Governor,? F. B.
O.'s strong melodrama now av
v lag at the Ellsnore theater, today,
A more tense and nerve-wracking
scene than the .trial -of Governor
Adele Fenway's son for, Vnurder,
with the crashing emoflonal crisis
, to which it rtsee ran, hardly be
imagined; and that noted, actress
Pauline Frederick J is at lft?r nn
equaled best In the title role. Doris.
Anderson adapted the story for
the jfccreen, from an, original -written
expressly for 'Miss Frederick
by Hyatt Daab and Weed Dickin
Bon.? ; Thomas Santchi, Carrol Nye.
Greta Von line, Stanton .Heck
Boris Karloff and Charlef McHngh
make a fine supporting cast. Chet
"Withey has InTested the produc
tion with power and . distinction,
' and f a dedication' to Got. Nellie
Rossi of Wyoming, the .first wom-
' an to held the honor of chief ex
ecutive in any state, adds to the
impresslTeness of the picture. .
:' -;..f":f-'-J-''l--; irT'?y?;"':''-'S -;
According to the consensus of
criticism the latest stage reraion
of -tne ever-popular comics,' of
George McManus, cartoon eemedy
entitled. "Jlggs, Maggie 'and
DInty" Is the. best Of the series
thus far. . Meaning'that. the, vxU
lions of - followers '; of the well
known trinity, pi' beloted charac-
" ters"' from the. comic supplement
are in for an' amusing and, bilat-
ious time at the Elslnore. for eye
nlng performance, bnly, , on Tues
day, February 8; where this super-
! fine and stellar offering Is to be
' the next attraction: " Maggie, as
heretofore, is still the termagant,
shrewish - Wife. Nevertheless the
real helpmate and pal especially
when i her - better half gets into
trouble, which he inrariably does
through the laugh-compelling and
rip-roaring contribution.' The cos
tuming Is new. the - girls , pretty,
the songs tuneful and the fun ram
pant from start ia finish. What
more can be asked?
The Elslnore Theater will show
"Don Juan's Three Nights",; and
a f ine j 'vaudeville bill on Friday,
February 4.
Capitol Theater . ,
. Lon Chaney, he of the thousand
faces, is showing his thousand-and-
first visage at the Capitol theater.
' He roars his way through thn
' role of . a tough, old Marine ser-
XTeant;. years in the service ; ;veter-
cn of many a battle -battering the
rew ? generations of recruits into
. tie .traditions, of the service-that
Ij "first to fight." , ..-.-..
' . A grim old fellow, this sergeant
of tke new- Metro-Qoldwy-Mayer
BrectacIe,.?Tell tt to the Marines."
"But under it -all, proud of bis
toy& as -fond of them as a father
might- be ,evettf while he belabors
tnern lita a blmon juegree. r, r
- .His id the story of many a tough
old '"top kicker," , of, the corps
andlthe explanation of the fanati
cal adoration Marines' -have for
the "sergeants the tougher the
("Tell It'tb the Marines" Is Sim
on pure entertainment but it is
.more it is the yery soul of Uncle
Sam) great: service thrown on the
lv full of sensational thrills
a jentat battle fleet thundering its
defiance ;to the world; desperate
batUci; and with a wonderful loVe
storf - woven through iU laughs
The jcovernment saw .its value
that ilk why it was made-with the
cooper ation, of the whole , corps -
wuj; banareas oi Marines piay in
its, dramatic, action why . great
battipioipi lent themselves to , its
needs.. It does for the Marines
whatf"The Big Parade" didsfor the
nold-'i-ra. -, ; -. .
Willi m' Haines, as the irrepres
sible; recruit, has a role that : wan
"custom made" for him, and El
eanor Coar&man makes a charm
ing hero'ne. Carmel Myers. Eddie
Grlbbon and others, . Including
George Hill, director, merit praise.
, r Oregon Theater l
. - Harold Lloyd hits only the high
spots, . in. ; his latest : 12-cylinder
laugh provoker, "The Kid .Broth
er," showing at the Oregon theater
today, -Thursday, which marks his
second contribution to the screen
in the last year. " Lloyd is said to
present en entirely different char
acterization than his dapper youth
of 'or Heaven's Sake," taking
'hi3 loy from 'the wealth of New
Yorkj into the hill country. He
"dona oTerails, wears his hair long,
(for tie first time in his entire
career.) aid presents himself In
one of the most appealing charac-
ters ever affected before a camera
The story of "The Kid Brother'
is Justa plain tale of the hills. It
relatrs the trials and tribulations
,of ihk youngest boy in a family of
three brothers, and of a father
who dom is at as, with the i!d of hi3
two older sons, the couaunity in
whicl they live. Powerful in phy
sique, these three temper justice
with rhercy. and rule by the golden
code. The kil trotter is regarded
ty them as an cunecessary ad
j'jnctl It is hU efforts to prove
!inf if of J u it cs cood' stock as
1.1 c, I and hrcliers that forms
t:-.a ! :. cf tLU Et;ry. In h.53
r:;!.t to overcorr.e a inferiority
c ;-:.) r'f,' I.!f'y,l is urjed by a
roiuante " ;tli Jobrna : Ttalston,
v.-hcn l . i! i ex tis -scene
when a medicine show in , which
she unwillingly appears as a dane
Ing girl is burned down, robbing
her of the only borne she V ever
known. v ''
Lloyd's stirring fight with Con
stantino Romanoff .the -heajry,
wtn wilt be recalled as one of
America's torem63t e heavyweight
wrestlers. la one of the classics of
the screen, and promises: thrills to
even the most blase audience. ' -
Chas. K. Spauldlng Logging
lumber and i building materials.
The best, costs no more than in
ferior grades. Go to the big Sa
lem factory and save money. --(I
aI H. Moore. 233 N. High. St..
apartments and stora where . you
can get high Quality furniture and
furnishings fcf :.very. room? in
yon r house. .vtj- it ).
. CoUBed ttrm paf 1) .h
Merriman read a passage ' from
Lord Oxford's book Fif ty fTears
of Parliament,! in which Disraeli.
later the Earl of Beaconiield.
showed that he regarded thejelder
Gladstone as a feliglous hypocrite.
"Beaconsfield can say ; what he
likes; I ; know,", tjie viscount re
torted. " "
Lord Gladstone told of-various
homes of refuge which his father
had founded, sayins that loth his
father and mother had worked to
gether in the .reclamation of the
fallen-:;' f.t;iViSt.r t.U
He described as' nonsense' the
allegation that Mme.'Ogla Novik
off. 7 ' the Russian ' beautv. " had
caused ' his . father a change his
eastern 4 policy. . i"lt ' would be
laughable If it were not so ser!
ous." he said, adding that corres
pondence between lime. Novlkaff
and the elder Gladstone' was con
cerned mainly with, the -proposed
union of the bid "Catholics and the
eastern church, in which 'his fath
er was deeply interested
r Asked what -evidence ,he, had
that the Novikoff correspondence
with his father was complete, the
viscount replied in a ringing
voice: , '
"My honor." - ,
"And ; mine," added Henry
Gladstone, his brother, who -was
seated nearby. ." - : -
Lord Phlllimore, former lord
of appeal, who is 81 years old
then testified tot s the defense
"My opinion t ia that Mx.' Glad
stone's moral character and " re
ligion is the highest, : espelciallyln
matters of sexual iurtty.!; he aaJd.
Fry's Drug Storeys 1. CoxnT.
tne pioneer store. Everything for
everybody to. the drug: sippgy line,
with sUndard xoods and quality
mm vice aiwayf . - $ . ; - y ;
t ; - ' . 1-. .
"Vlck Brbs.,fthe house that, serv
ice buUt. Distribntors.for Oakland
ana Fontiac. 5 The cars that .give
every owner that extra, measure of
satisfaction:; I ; i - j- - (
. t . (Continued frct pac.l.) . :
i , ; . : 1
gued that ' the.4 present systemY ot
s-Mearing la . votera. at the ' -doTIs
opened thai gates to frand and de
ception. " They-Tirged approval tof
the resolution, as a means of' pro;
tectine theJ nermanent voter. " "
i A resolution Introduced by Sen
ator Dunm& authorizes- the appoint
ment of t a committee f of t'tjhTee
member&'to confer withi -like com
mittee frd m the'statee bf TdaHfor-
nla and AashIngton with relation
to consldVerlng legislation ; govern
ing; the traffic in narcotic drugs.
The., committee- also : would con
sider harmonizing. the-state nar
cotic drtaari laws ; with th Yedersl
statutes; and investigate ind rec
ommend! v treatment i of M narcotic
drug addicts, ; The, report of the
committee woud be: filed, at the
next -sens ion of 'the lerLslafiiire.
The i senate I adopted S enator
Norblajd'a s memorial ; urgln r con
gress to provide funds tor he de
velopment of the ; Tongue Poln
navat nase near Astoria, senator
Norblad said T that . Clatsop i ounty
had expended, $100,000 in. acquir
ing, land for the basv t anC that
two congressional committee a had
reported favorably on the prpjeeti
A memoe-ial by I Representative
Burdlck urging congress to -vact
legislation that would enable he
nobody ynth a (
are germ attack a, They ard
spread by contact, by srf eeres and by
coughs. Avoid them as ff & as you can.
At the first sign f a cold take
IIUX'S. The -cold mj y then never
develop. ? If you let itJ develop, take
IIILUS as promptly you can; It
5tot a cold m 24 hofsf-s.
HILL'S combine fqur remarkable
f x'. 3. the best modern '.science kneftrs.
ltv. as perfected byt Ine of the world's
Isrcest fc-boratories. ; It 5 is so efacient,
well-proved that ve paid $1,000,003
HILL'S docs 'a!ltlni at onceT ; It
?rrs the col J, che tks'tJ fever, opens
t'.e bowds &nd t onei t!ie entire fys
teta. Doa't Tt' oa Imsct help.1 And
dczt Clz?; -'A & too'importasti
At Capitol
' ' '
X- j
' :. 7 - ''f
)' - v - .. k4
- - f
i , J ' - ft
- '' - - ' - - 5 ' " , v i .
, . " " s " ' ' m '
' ' : -v-; . nr.
' ' f V '
Russian railway service corps In
the -world war to receive honor
able discharge from the United
jstates army and such other relief
as la afforded by the government.
also was adopted. ; ; It , was said
that this would affectr250 men In
the United States.. Two of these
men live in Oregon. ,
The secretary - of agriculture.
under a memorial introduced by
Senator Miller and adopted by the
senate, would ; take, steps to have
the state of California complete
unfinished federal highways, ! It
was explained that the state; ot
Oregon has completed its main
trunk lines, but. that the connects
ingvroadSxln northern California
remain unfinished.
, The senate passed Senator
Banks' bill making it possible to
use voting machines In Multnomah
county. Under jthe -amendments
to the existing laws 'election
boards' In precincts wnereWoting
machines are' used would be com
posed of one inspector and two
indges. The present ; election
boards are composed of five mem
bersV The financial saving In pre
cincts that adopt voting machines
would ' be " $59 a .- day, - Senator
Banks -said. "Ballot labels under
the law would be confined to -25
words. ' ' '" "
,-: Under a bill Introduced by Sen
ator Hall and - approved by the
senate the width of roads ia Mult
nomah county would be left in the
discretion of the county court; I. it
f Other bills approved by the sen
ate yesterday follow: f - t H
, SB 152, by commltteeron'feduca-
Hon Relating to : the dissolution
of union high school districts.
T SB 108, by Judiciary committee
To provide for appeals from the
circuit court to the supreme court
in special statutory proceedings;.
" - SB 6 2;. by .Reynolds Providing
for changes In the nurserymen's
license law. .''
? i SB 116. by Joseph Relating to
state bonds, s " 1,4 - f-.
SB 144. by Hall Relating to
the width of county roads. '
SB 73. by Upton To define and
regulate' practice, and teaching of
cosmetic therapy in the state of
Oregon. - .,- . ' ?
. HB 4 1, by Brlggs Relating to
Issuance of 'bonds by cities to
cover deficiencies caused by non
payment of tax assessments. :
HB 126, by committee on con
; Still Phyins ,
riarc:a .Liova in
The Kid Brother.
r -
V TZr. I
stitutional law Providing that in
jury to ' persons and property
caused by same act, may be Joined
in one complaint.
HB 62. by Scott Providing for
relocating or changing any county
' Buster Brown-Shoe Store. High
class, ; stylish looking, comfort
giving. Ion? wearing shoes for the
least money. Come and be con
vinced. 126 N. Com'L ()
' Henry O. Mfller. 184 S. Com!
St.. where most people prefer to
get their auto parts for all makes
of cars. Trade here -and make
savings on all auto parts.: ' v (
- -(CBntmnedL (run vs l. , ;
that such a tax' had been, voted
down by the people at 'the, recant
election by a large majority.' That
theluxurles ' affected by .the ; bill
were already taxed Ty. the federal
government. C Hall also Jof
Portland and tV representing 1
wholesale . house -said that they
would -, establish-, a imail - order
house in 1 Vancouver,' 'Washington,
And as about one half of the pop
ulation of Oregon lived In Pott
land they 'would send or go across
the river to get their "cigars cigar
ettes and tobacco. ' x-
' Action' on other bills was pott-
poned until the committee could
confer with the governor and as
certain ;hls plans - tn taxation
measures.' Governor Patterson ais
taken' the lead in the taxathm
problem and It was the opinion of
the. committee . that they . shou'l
follow hirleadershipr":
Pertlaad'e -population- has. , h
creased 35" ner cent. In past a ix
years. t 4 A f ., : ' . r J S :
Money refunded it it does not
; ' cure your case- ' !
i - . . Druggists . . . s'1
Cor. Court and Liberty : Tel. 7
4 r jf 9t S
tJ Friday ji:-
' rlaunce
. . l Oc - C c J i
- -r : it
SK X M iH M H l
;i ! , Delights
Cradle Sn'atchers" Caiises People to SmileBubble and Then
i ! : Abandon Themselves m f renzy .oi ausvainea
' .! . - . ' Laughter.' '
The fastest-movinir farce
stage of the Elsihore Theatre
lelen: Bolton and her cast presented "Urauie bnatcners in
hree!cits of shining sophistication. '"."-X1'
' The audience smiled first," then- bubbled, and finally aban
doned itself toa frenzy of sustained laughter. " ,:: s -
i Three charmingly mature
institute a campaign for the
husbands who are Dhilanders
The aetibn opens in j-Ethel Drake s 4
apartment in New. York City, at
the crucial moment husband How
ard Join' Merkyll is starting,
with decoys and rifle, on the al
leged hunting trip.; Roy Ladd
(Gordbn'i De- Main ) i and George
Martin : (Charles Coleman) 7 meet
the husband of . the dark-haired
Ethel and set out together, leav
ing the three neglected wives and
Anne (Dorothy Dehn), the naive
niece of one, ? to console . them
selves with some bridge. ' ' .. '
Susan iMartin. with the incom
parable comedienne Helen Bolton,
blithe,: irrepressible, and , bionae,
in the role, is the accepted cap
tain of ihe :V'cradIe " snatching"
crew, even though it is tne re
sourceful Kitty who initiated the
scheme.' ' " ' ' ' ". ' f
Henry Wlnton" (Eddie Woods)
assumed jthe role of. "glgllo" for
Kitty ( Octavia Handsworth ) Jose
Vallejo (William Eugene) and
Oscard Nprdholm (Norman Peck)
rui .similarly userut roiea ipr tne
ingenious Susan and the somber-
eyed Ethel. , .
Norman Peck, as the irre
proachable and reluctant young
Swede, played a notable role. He
was an exultant actor. All that
be did fojr 'the sake .of his Pansy
betrothed he , did 4 convincingly.
The; audience applauded him in a
separate joration, an honor that
also went to that peerless piece
of vivacity the .; leading. . lady,
Helen Bolton. -. ..;' ' w
Minor, ; though excessively real
Wardrobe trunks as . low as
S24.70 and as high as S8G. 18-in.
cowhide hand bags "with'' leather
lining reduced from S 8 to 25.90.
Max O. Bnren. 17 N. Com'L ()
- Hallk & Eoff Electric Shop, 337
Court St." Everything electric.
from motors and fixtures and sup
plies to wiring. Get prices and
look at. Complete stock. V ()
; Your Theatre '
t. .
Saturday .
Bargain Matinee
25 c
Only Two More
In Ilia Jlcst Pictuersque Role
'- THE
You'll r a new Lon
A True Story of the Fi-htin IZcrlnczl
lly ejeclal arranmcnt with
"Devil Do.- , Adventure to
Large Crowd
that ever scintillated across the
was received last night when
women m the "roaring, lorties
reclamation of their renegade
m the name of sportsmansnip.
roles, were played by Margaret
Cullen . Landis. June - Lawrence,
and Gaya Sibbald. as Jackie. Eli
nor, and Francine. in order
the chickens' which the-hunting
husbands chose ill lieu of ducks,
The play came to a challenging
end. at the Ladds summer home
on Long Island. The Interiors for
the acts' enhanced the artistic
Quality of the production. The
properties 'and the; costumes af
forded the audience untold de
light, as did the farce as u whole.
. ' ri. H. Mosher, Merchant Tailor.
Is turning out the nobbiest and
best fitting tailor made suits to
measure: 100 business and pro
fessional men buy off Mosher. C)
Former Salem Resident. ;
Dies Tuesday ii Pasadena
Mrs. H.- H. Ragan, for many
years a resident of . Salem, died
Tuesday, February 1, at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. R. La Fon
talne. in Pasadena.
.Mrs. Ragan is survived by four
Treatment' given in your own
home. Especially good , for a
weak heart, for elderly people
who are unable to exercise, for
sleeplessness, etc. :'
8. It LOGAN TEL. 2214
' THE iNORE : ' J :
' ' : v TODAY - , ' .
TXTL-i ' v ' ' Matinee .:10c 33c - ' ' m ff,
' l 20e "
Days Today , and Friday
Chancyone rou - never -tnTwrti
in one of the greatest rolen lie. ever played ;
tlie Government, thousands of V S v!np- t
far places! A "different" lore story!
sisters, Mrs. D. F. L.ane, .Mrs. r.
McLehch, $lrs, J, D.. Clark, and
Mrs. Enola Myers all of Salem;
two brothers. I, w. Leith of sa
lt m and E. T. lieith of Dixon, HI.,
and one son. O. Q. : Ragan of
Eugene, .'."'""
" Sellwood--First unit to be built
for St, John's Evangelical church.
.0 1
. . , , . -Your Theatre
. .' . --. presents -''..,.,,.
' T' : Staso Prodortion ,
Sunday - Tllonday
. -a -- "
' in. mpmmi i i 1.11'UJH
" E. J. CARPENTER Presents '
: Geo.- McManus Master-Piece Cartoon-Sensation
.New Edition from Brinirihgr up Father
PfolTY O.. 1 ,. jntfJAZZSO BiOHT CP TO THE MiNU eV
. -."S4.?
Vrlces 50c. Sl.lO, Sl.fn Tax Included
:. e.v '--?s lav h;:: v .
.-rrti crowds:- t
; - V Showst Daily-" . I
I'll v . f'-v:;.- Jiv yi i
; - ' .VrT'-J - - V. l-
? Iatinec3 23c - 10c
Evenir.srs 50c - 10c
Your Car Deserves
America Finest Tire
I DO S. Commtrcial . Tel. 471
Classified Ads Bring Results
H . Crowds!- ;