The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 03, 1927, Page 12, Image 12

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W E V "' '"' L- t 1 X M '. a
. . v
- ' - - . t,.i. ........ .' ..;?'. 't ' -1.. .
It Saves the1 Lives of Babiesr: and Builds Up athe Vigor of
. Gr ovvn" Pepp!5--CoritaTnsJ tlte Iron,: Vitamins and Min
- ' erdSnJtr That -Are f Necessary in Giving Growth;
Strength and Good Health:
Spinach la the Tegetahle above
most that la both, a' toad, and a
medicine; . Spinach ' contains: .10
timeg .aa much iron ar Is contain
ed in, carrots,. aad-slnca:mllk.
while Jt, contains, some Iron, In the
-cases' q ciany jndernoorished in
lanta.t: ia-I-. not,".; easpy "digested,
therefore -epinach 1" ft 1 -valuable
addition to- a milk diet.- - Spinach
and orange juicsa contain all class
eaP of Titamins In ahnndance. and
a large amoant of nacessary min
eral matter, and the. supplement
ing oX milk -wth these ingredients
Is now practiced inr numerous hos
pitals jind , homes throughout, the
country. 1 ;.t. ;;s;-'fr;
The Iron, mineral salts, and Tit
amins that make spinach so val
uable ,ln .malnutrition., of; infants
is;, equally well adapted for build
ing. up physical health in adults.1
NortK Howell
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Itarmon and
.'.Mrs.-' .jiSytrla. -Banghman; srere
Thursday fcusmeaa -callers' in ? Ea-
lem :T --' ? ..' - C-.
' A large crowd 'Attended church
aervieesj-.aga.lnlast :Svtt&ajr- thera
was 'Jso a ,$ood. attendance at. th
, young ;peopIefs. meeting Tharsday
erening. Vlh: -fV-i. -t f:.
Xhose"listenfng on the radio at
; the Joseph Woelke home ' Sunday
erening ' wereMrs. . Sylyia' Sangh
raanv.anCsonsiMelTln and 'Martin,
Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Dnnn and
soh Kithv - ;rr -v ;: z -r. -Mr.and'
Mrs. Albert Smith' at
tended the Anton1 Schmidt ftmeral
at MC'Atigel-Monday. --
Joseph Woelke- and" Raleigh
, Dunn..'-were business callers; t
Aumsviiie. on, aionaay-r .
Aa X ahaiidoe.f. moonshine"
still was found recently on' the
Fred ' Peer" ,. some coon
. hunters"-' .
- Joseph .'Woelke and son
Ilaymond were Monday visitors -el
the Raleigh 73unn home.,;. , . , ; :
. Mrs.; v Logan Rutherford , " has
been quite fllrecentlyi' "fc
Wi O, Itrneger, realtor progress
slve, IairLjeauUablew Growing, city
and country -makes possible bnys
that wllTjnaSe you rood money.
; ComstetelHstlhgs? ,K.:.Coxn;
sionary doctor onr he -Islnnd or
Hainan,rChfD t ,t 4 u
- Tbis antiTreligious ' campaign
Dr.? Bercovita declares. Is' paralleled--
by - a- -ntOTement amoni? -the
youth of China that respects
neither its ; ancient : feligioua jior
Christianity, 'but! preaches a phtt
osophy ; of materialism and ab
solate freedom for, . everyone , In
leverything.? , ;' h..
Writing" from his station in
China ;4o- the '. Presbyterian board
of foreign missions, Dr . Bercho
vitz said that the anti-religious
movement was directed by the na
tionalist government in ; Canton
which. Aas for "its "avowed: oblect
the destruction of spiritual things
of all kinds among the people.
Not only have 4iols,. long; yen
e rated," been destroyed, he wrote.
but a" general philosophy has been
spread, .breaking s down the old
traditions and respect- for an thor-
ity. and .substituting1 unbridled
freedom that has led ' to an . im
morality r; and,, materialism,, un
dreamed of in old China. r i.
' Ponwroy &" 5 Keene, Jewelers,
never, fail to give you "100. on
the dollar. .Watches, elocksr pins
charms. ' Standard Jbigh.. grade
stock in all, departments. ()
On Friday-, evening, February
, 11, the Sunnyaide, community club
will entertain. the cluba from Sa
lem f Heights;'; Pringle, '- Rosedale
' .. and JMevt3r!'tkJrl'- s'lk.$ -aw-Next
Friday, February - 4, the
Forensic society will meet In Mr.
Hoag's room af ; school at' 2 : 1 5
o'clock, .and- in the ; evening , the
" regular parent -"teacher ' meeting
will "be "held in' .' the, hair at ,the
' "usual time. t .t , ,t
Mrs. ,P G Judd, Harold Judd;
and'Mrs. Phebe, WIlHanis were re
cent tMonmouth visitors. .
The Ml Adams family spent
Sunday at;. Kaiser 'Bottom , with
friends.' ' '
; Mr. and Mrt. C F.-Valentine of
Gervalsvissited Mr. and Mrs. H. M.
Murhahimer Sunday. , , 4.
Hi' C.Gossen, who has been
iaVlng seflous" trouble" with" his
eyes,ha& them operated upon last
saturday4ua:is,SUir In i the hos-
G. Krenn has .returned to his
home nt Portland after visiting at
.the 'ht: 'Conner home. .
lL Jioynes has returned home
from Forest Grove where has has
been employed 'for some 'time. .'
Mr.. and. Mrs.:F, I. Hannon and
Mr. aadMrsv-- D; Hannon - spent
Sunday at AumsviUe.; . ; " ,
Last Monday Mrs. James Wolfe
received word that her " mother,
. Mrs. Winters; of ' Salem, was" seri
ously ill. - : t ;:v , t -
C. F Gniette and family of Sa
lem have moved onto the place
recently Tacatedhy: Roy, Ohmart
and family. t . , ' v-; - .
Mrs; Fred Cone entertained In
honor of her mother's 80th birth
day last weekitUler , mother Is
, Mrs Newton, . who makes - her
home with her daughter. -
Mrst 'lKwellv Kuebler .'has - re
turned from a visit at Mill City.
; Bruce'Fo,. who 'had his leg
bro"ken about two;months ago, is
now able to. reaume hist work.
The Liberty store has been sold
by OscarjSnefapa to Mr. Anderson
of 5alesL: Jif. . and Mrs.. Snelson
for- the present will make their
home with their. daughter, Mrs.
. Devlin of Salem. Mr. nelson has
not been .welU bo tbongbt It best
to pa ont of business.-, ; . '
I!; Rovella. Emery and friends
of Portland , visited at .the W. J.
Keuens' home Sunday. - -
Sir. and Mrs; Michael" Smith of
Minnesota visited, last week at the
hope4o. .herfrSister. Mrs Schott
hoefer. ; r ... v , . ; , ,
Tie foar xlberty, teachers at
- tended thel institute at Silverton
last Saturday " -
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Hoag visited
Mr. Hoag's mother .at Dallas last
uc.ay. - , " .---.? -. -
Several new, Vases 'of mumps
were reported at school , Monday.
Lucy Burdick, ' Ray Wolfe, . and
Ruth IJise reenter school - after
being- out some time oa account of
the ranarS and"hIckenpbx.-' Miss
lliz x .has', also, resumed her'Vork
as intermediate .teacher.
"v. H.- South and family have
movsjj to; prospect, and iir. and'.of. llalli Ferry
lava moved onto; the rlacss Vacat
d by t'-'-Ti. ,rrM rr-wn, a sis
ter rf . ;..Cwi:.i-, i.efc'-.r L le
. , J jaftij, Kiiuul Lie,.! Sw.Uwl
Ti" '"1 I.'lcrtr' r' - 1 r-
; I,-"- -' lov i Jcry,
Willie Berndt,' Harland Judd, Lola
and Jannette, , Dasch. ', Lela .Fox,
WisBooa: .Williams.: Sablna
Schmidt,- - Florlan HrubeU and
Virginia, Pagei, . The latter, was a
pupil of Mr. .and -Mrs., IIoag.when
they taught at Brush College. She I
gave : an interesting' talk .- about
New", or k;4-. where she spent last
year.-- Her -deserlption-ol the Lib
erty statue revealed, facts-that are
hard ' to ; understand - from- - the
printed page." Lela nFox,. in. ah. interesting-talk;
compared the work
in the city .school with-that here)
Liberty- achool . extends : a .hearty
welcome to all ..former students,
and -arppfreelateBT their ycoming
Quality painting, both Tarnish
and lacquer work; in our modern
equipped paint shop, i Washing,
greasing - and night .Bervice; tire
repairs. Wood's Auto Service.- (
H. TV Love,;? the; jeweler. 3 3 S
State , StHish l cjuality; jewelery,
silverware and"' diamonds The
gold standard' of values.- Once a
buyer .always a customer. I
iff .3
- The Peerlesa Bakery- ljft Jforth
Commercial., ; Ban itary, up to date.
Prompt delivery.. Bakers for those
who appreciate the best." I&ereas
Ing ;par,onritell , the -.tale. u ()'
.' i . 1 'II. " ! t i I ii ..(
Campaign Against Religion
Similar to Russia Causes
: :.. . Big Havoc
KEW YOnk, Feb. 2.(AP)
Chinese idols dating back to the'
remote past and tablets symbol
izing China's - historic ancestral
worship, are being destroyed in
China as part I of al nationalist
campaign against religion similar
to "that of soviet Russia, says Dr.
N. i Bercovit?, ' Presbyterian . mis-
'Aecllmated ornamental nursery
stock," evergreens,- rose? bushes.
fruit and shade trees : at' Pearcy
Bros, in season. We have our own
nurseries, 17 S S. Com'LK .)
Say Misdemeanor to Falsely Im-
- . f - prisoA Any Individual , . , 4:
L, House bill number 429,-which
was introduced by Representatives
FMott, a i Schulmerich, McPhllllps.
Howard, McGowan and Miller, re
lates t6 personal rights and lib
erties of individuals and provides
penalties 'for , the riolation of
these.; . r; r yi ;!-i 'i-rv.;..''-;;''
' t The t bill provides'; that it. shall
be a misdemeanor to falsely 1m
prisonr any JnjS lyidual. , Any .officer
making a search or seizure must
have 'legal -justification. 'The "use
of ) firearms are confined, to .the
unse In self defense- and if vio
lated party shall . be " guilty of
manstayghfer: It) shall0 be-' mis-
demeanor- for. anyone .to willingly
eatice, ' persvaae, 'procure or en
trap . another person -r to commit
i i - ,i p, . ' - -
; Cobbs & Mitchell 'Co., lumber
ana puuaing materials' for every
purpose. . Get estimates, look at
quality or material, then yon will
order. 84 S. lzth' St. - . ()
i; lM SPECIAL! '' r vi': i
6 room modern house. Four
' blocks from-postoffices i-?
ZSl'JMk State-StitX-VX: 1
.,. ... i " '- " " i." " 1 : " "
not waffles- (f':", I
. made TtghVjalthe'tabU. - r ,
i ; tri the' twinkling of an eye?:,' i
- T ;
Not Ions ago you'd have believed that 'impos- f '
sible.. ; The thought of hot, waffles . was associ- , t -ated
with a ponderous . iron : affair, - heavy . to ,
handle- slow to act one that smoked most in- -'considerately
when it wasn't greased just right;
Nevtv you' can ' make these ; delectable . golden -; V
. waffles at your table, elextxically without tising- : t
: a bit of grease or having any smoke;'?- -;
. : - .
-;.J. . ,: . . .. j'. .j'".t-.- - . ; ".- '-v-.'.- 'A .- .---.i : -a .-
-( - During February we of fer -t i
: Y; S12Q.Wixile Irons ; :
1 - of shining nickel , ; ; :
; ; You pay only 80c 'down : -?,
and $2 each month r
and without extra charge
to be sure your first waffles will be just right
-tt. package of Albert Fluff Flour, and
a !-. jug of Pacific Coast Syrup Co'$ Syrup.
- W"hy not satisfy that Waffle hunger now J,
J". 1 I
i 4 I
237 North Liberty Street
Ealem, Oregon
univEnsiw Orfeis
Many Different Fields Offer
ed Graduates in Contmu-;
: ing Their Work
"Numerous' assistantshlps a n d
fellowships wjll
the University; of r Oregon., for the
year 1927-28, according to word
be ; available . at
received in Salem,'' Special induce
ments are offered" in" addition' to a
salary for "the part time teaching
seiice'and opportnaity for gradu
ate study.. , . Application should 'be
made- through the aean 01. m
graduate; '. school ' before" April ' 1.
The-list of positions available for
the next -university year includes:
v Architecture . and allied . arte,
three graduate assistants; ' botany
and bacteriologyone graduate as
sistanf ; chemistry, three graduate
assistants, two part time; graduate
assistants ; economics,, one gradu
ate assistant." two part time gradu
ate ; assistants;' ""' education , ': our
graduate; assistants; English,, one
teachiug: fellow three 1 graduate
! I m" ii. II .1 i' H '.. v - 1 . . ..
.assistants, four part lime graduate
assist ants r : geology, 'one' teaching
fellow, -two"1 graduate assistants;
German, one teaching fellow, .one
part time graduate' assistant; his
tory,, three ' gjr adnata assistants ;
journalism, ' one graduate- assist
ant; Latin, one part time jcraduate
assistant;- mathemAticsi..iwa,grad
uate assistants;' music, one gradu
ate assistant r, physical' education,
two- graduate assistants ; physics,
three ; graduate assistants, : two
part 'time- graduate - assistants;
psychology, three graduate .assist
ants; . romance languages, one
teaching fellowship;' soblogy,; one
teaching fellow, four graduate as
sistant, fonr ' part - time, graduate
assistants; graduate school, ' five
research fellowships. '
Liberty-Dfstricf Upholds
; ' ;f(infh Grade' by 28 to JJ
i ' t . - : : ' ( " ( : r ; : y
The constituents of Liberty
school district ,17 ' hed f an open
meeting -Tuesday night to determ-
ine the .advisability .of -keeping" tb
ninth grade in operation due to a
concentrated action" i against it by
certain people' of the district.' .
i.'At the present time- the Liberty
school district employs tour teachers-
and haS a well, conducted. Junior-
high a s,c h o o 1. Unexpected
strength was rallied; by those fav
oring the ninth grade -and " th
move was defeated by a 2S to 17
VOtei : I -v i- ' -
- :Tha matter of adding a 10th
grade, making Liberty a full
fledged I junior high school was
brought out and a test vote carried
affirmatively 33 to 12, Further
action -will be carried on by sup- I
porters of the- measure. J
"V 'i " i . 1
SALEar hardware ca
;.I .'"'' lad.'". "' V
1 The", Winchester Store
Phone 173- - - ISO Hi ComO. St,
: .;
'-i r-- '-r '4 , -
. fl' P
i - : -
- I.. -
t .: .
? I
it - ;
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",;r-' V .."-!'
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''71 4'7-l '
The Statesman; Announces t1e Purchase of
Exclusive Rights in This ' Ciiyfrom-tfie Chi-
'edgo-Tribuhe-af:' : : -
The I
imp I
-. v- - . - -J -;."-;-" - ' -1
HE STATESMAN announces the greatest forward step in advertising service ever taken by
n mtKlirttfrnrf' r fhio iHr --.,-,, - i
The World V (Greatest Newspaper Advertising Service 'is -now yours; You can use the same
fiighfgrracle oartworlc, illustrations and cuts, the same fine copy and layouts which advertisers
' ttsei inr the Chicago Tribune ; ' but in a" form s pecally adapted to your particular heeds in this
particular town J Think of having your choice of style and fashion illustrationsV that are up to
the" latest split-second smartness! borders and headings of force arid punch; campaigns oh any.
and every -business thatha tested for pulling power .vlwhere. else canyou
obtain, this, service ; nowhere else has any thing, approaching it been devised., j'-;- .- ? I
imng- Scientifically
Tested and Proven
Npiv Available id Merchants-
1 -
We, Secured the exclusive Salem rights to this
new nd better advertising service after an ihves-
ligation covering every angle, of .newspaper ad
vertising. And we selected this service because.
it is the product pf the country's foremost artists
and advertising nien. ,In contact with retail ad-
: vertisers and backed , by the resources of- the .
l, Chicago Tribune; : these stars of the retail adver- ;
tisingkfield 'are produeina' ri of adver
tising, based on souhdlprinciples bf advertisihgr -
v employing the fundamentals of successful ' sell- ;
ing; rdoted in the psychology, of making readers ,
time you; advertise7fthe maximum amount , of.
pulling power obtainable from: our columns.
The time is not far distant .when all newspapers
will realize that merchants want4tobe sold re
sults : instead of white space' Lonig ago this
paper decided to sell Iresiil ts and f service our
connection with the Nevaper Advertising
Service of the Chicago Tribune the final link
in the chain of events that make !
:-; i-
Advertising matter r scientifically prepared in ' :
this manner, much of which is proven and tested
before 'it ; is offered tovou. is naturallv bftttr
advertising and the merchant who uses it secures
The Best 'Advertising Medium'
Remember: this service is exclusive only to, this ;
newspaper in this city. Grow with1 lis irt 1927
aayertismg and the merchant who uses it secures by using this service; to obtain' maximum results
betted resets. Thus, je; insure for you each' ; from your Advertising appropriation. :? '
-1 -.
1 -t.
AqkVur-Ad'rM aud Show :l?aU'