The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 03, 1927, Page 10, Image 10

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    I .
Aro':vYcur3:- AicL En , Taking .'Them!;. Helpful to'. Voup Wonderful. :CKi
f 0 f-m
r . n ir-n livil-
mm l l I I I hi
r ,. ..
THE DAILY STATESPiIAN deditxiteo tvo or mor pages each veek : in the Interests of one of the fifty-two to a hundred basic industries of the
SrJsni district. Letters and articles from people with vision are solicited. This is your page. Help,make Sa
; - - r f - . -.i-r '. -'
This ImportantVegetabls in the Dietary Will Allow a Sys
k - tcm of Two or Three Crops on the Same Land Each
.Ycr Is a Good Dehydration or Canning Crop, and a
L Good Greenhouse Vegetable, to Substitute for Lettuce
( Following are excerpts from
Circular 183 of the Oregon Agrl
' cultural ' college on ''Spinach
: Growing and Marketing," the au
thor being Prof.. JL, O. B. Bouquet
and the .date "; being ; Februafry,
Spinach U one- of the most ., Ira-
poruktK TegeUhles grown for
i "greens, being or particular Tilue
during the spring, the fore par
lot the Summer, fall and wlnten
I There . baa beeq considerable
! Increase -in. the .demand for . this
j vegetable .during the- past few
years. Ii rresli, large, clean ana
dark green spinach Is of f ered - on
the market, there Is a tendency to
Increase the consumption Dehy
dratort demand this crop' quite
! largely.) as it makes a Tery fine
' vegetable for drying. " V ?n
t Spinach is valuable for an in
"tenslre farm garden la that it can
t be used as a first crop preceding
.fate vegetables, such aa celery,
lata cabbage. Cauliflower, late
beans; fall lettuce, etc., or it can
follow as a fall crop inch vegeta
bles as! are removed from- the
ground j by August X to Septem-
ber 1 J ,:':-:Jirc-:i ' . l' f
; V Climatic Conditions (
Spinach is not adapted to hot
weather' conditions. It ' has a
tendency fto run to seed very
quickly; during .'warm weather.
Climatic' conditions in western
Oregon' ! are ideal . for spinach
growing, and, wherever cool,
moist weayier prevails, the best
duality; of spinach will be pro
duced. : " . ' '
. , ' SODS . ,
There are a variety .of soils
bieh can produce , satisfactory
i rops of spinach. Probably the
largest yields are being obtained
from eolls which have an abund
t tuc of' humus In them, such as
tiro muck or beaverdam soIL Rich,
randy Io.-ims are also valuable In
ibat ttiuy can be planted earl v and
I make a good soli for " an early
I rop, to be followed by another
t veritable later in the seasonl'Any
roil -which grows spinach must be
one that can be pulverised to a
f Mac degree sq that proper seeding
f Ti a v fin ma A a TtiA Aosan t a 1 ibi
aclers! of any soil for spinach are
abur dance of organic matter and
freedom from clods, or ability, to
be finely pulverized The fall and
winter crops must be grown on
welt drained ground. Land that
(a notj normally .well drained can
not le planted until aome time
during April, which often times
bring tbe-jcrop into a ' period of
hot weather which is! not suitable
to it. J , -. -
I'in-parmtion of the Ground V
Inatmuch as all splnacb Is
grown from seed and sown with a
It and drill, ft is necessary to have
a (ino well pulverized and smooth
It Is Iho Most Healthful of the Leafy Vegetables, Contain-
jnq Elements of AH Three Classes' of Vitamins Spin
ach Ono of First Vegetables That May Be Added to a
Caby's Milk Diet
Parents, do you realize that' by
fld'Ung ppinach to your . regular
3j't you are doing . a three-fold
FirKt, you are - increasing j" the
t'hancL'S for your own good health.!
Hct'oad, you will set a good ex
axupW for your children, who
i pert t bo strong vitamins of spin
cb. -Tblrd, spinach used In every
liome' will open a strong' market
for thai commodity In the Wil
lamettB valley. : , r;
Spinach I (.one of the first' veg
rlable whlrh may be added to
l-i by N .'milk diet. It ;. is , recom
r uiftMl tbat it bo, made into a
a-"" for be st results to the child,
dirficulty must be met; which
i ; that rhiMren invariably dis
J;ke llsy tasto of spicacli, but Ly
radaal persuasion they will ex
l t it as regular food. : -
Tl rlun county health ecrv
s i u lurting a campa!;a la
1 - '-i tLls year undsr tha dl
r as a of Drs. Walter II. Erowa
i:ste:ia rr: 1 cn-v-
iivLiS cL!'i:c3 to dt.ti3.zl tl.:
. i .'-
seed bed. In 'order to obtain a
good even stand of plants, .the
land must be Jree from clods and
flnIy worked, down. : :
' ' . JIanure and Fertilizers -, -The
ettent -to which a spinach
field will yield in tons is 'largely
dependent on the amount ; of or-
ganic matter In the soil, or on the
supply of manure which maye be
available.- ff finerrotted manure
la on nand.-lt should be applied in
the spring and thoroughly worked
Into the igreund.; Jt manure la
somewhat' scarre," a light coating
will be better than none. Manure
should also be applied preparatory
to seeding the fall crop. " ;
During-the final preparation of
the soil wjth the aplke harrow and
planter, an application f mt i 1 SO
pounds of nkrate of soda. may be
made, or as an alternative, 600 to
SOO pounds of tankage.. -
. Varieties1 r ,
There are a number of varieties
of spinach, differing in the shape
and color of the leaves,-also the
crinkly nature of the same. Pro
bably the most -widely used variety
is the Victoria, having a deep
green, pointed foliage:: also Thick
Leaf with 'a round thick, leaf of
rich green color., Another rarlety
which is sometimes . used Is the
Savoyieaved .which has crinkly
dark colored , green leaves.. . The
variety Long Standing is also used
by growers j who are t producing
this crop for-the cannery or de
bydrator.: . ' " . ; ;
? From - tests" which ' have been
made It is very evident that there
Is a great difference in the pro
ducing power of-different strains
of spinach of the same variety and
therefore " one - must not, only en
deavor to choose a suitable -variety
but also to obtaid a high yielding
strain of ed.' , ".
Value of the Crop v)t ' ,
' Dehydrators and canneries usu
ally pffer a price of about $20
per tonlThe average market price
in cities; etc., varies from 6 to 12c
per pound.' depending largely ' on
the season and the availability; of
the crop. . 'Being -a - short, season
vegetable,- onej must f igurejhat
the; land can be utilized soon after
the removal pf the spinach for an
other vegetable, thus making it
possible to double-crop the ground
during the ' season; - - - f
5 sVse As Greeahoose Crop f
r. Trials In the growing -of spinach
as a substitute crop for leaf let
tuces ia a greenhouse, have shown,
that thia is one of the best vegeta
bles thtcan be produced during
the fall, winter and early part of
the spring. w It ' makes a rapid
growth of, fine. . vigorous, dark
green leaves and sells readily on
the market during . the seasons
above mentioned at ; an average
price of 10 cents a 'pound.
food-and regular diet which is
most likely to prove beneficial to
them. In this work, it has been
found that spinach ia the most
healthful of the-leafy vegetables,
containing elements of all three.
classes or vitamins. Spinach has
been, placed on the mend of the
most successful noon luncheons."
Many ; parents ; come to '' the
health service, Inquiring . why
their children will "not -eat vege
tables; and most generally after, a
few questions are asked it is
found that the "t parents J them
selves are weak vegetarians ' and
attempt to force their children to
eat vegetables which they them
selves do not care for.
According to physicians, the
added vegetable diet has been
a notably strong factor in the In
creased longevity of life. Very
few of the coarser foods remain
on the daily menu of the average
person, and the roughagg which Is
ccztzisei la spinach, cabbala, and
ccl.ry has now become an.essen
XliX rart cf tt3 diet. ,
The First Prize Article Jlns Weekf
' (There Was rarried on the first page last' week the follow-
ing statement: The Statesman will pay $5 week; till further
' notice; to the high school or grade school boy or girl in Marion '
" or Polk -county who submits the best article on. the current
week!s Slogan subject, : See subjects on Slogan pages. Articles -must
be in by Sunday of the week of the Slogan subjectJ All r
articles submitted to belong to The Statesman. The edlljor to
' judge as to the best, in deciding on .tie one to receive the $5.:
Perhaps other prizes will be arranged later, Let every teacher
take notice.. .This is a great opportunely to- maw tne growing
' generation acquainted with-the many and great, advantages of
this district.)
- Thkt Weeks Prize Article
' - ( Ixi compliance with the foregoing offer,"
letter is awarded the S5 prize for this week:)
V "The Slogan Editor, The
-This week's Slogan being- spinach is a reminder lhat the
Spinach season will soon be npon us before we kndw it.'
There are untold opportunities for the farmer or truck ;
grower in the Vicinity. of Salem for the : raising of this
; early crop; being such' an early crop insures the j high
"prices that all early crops bring, and Salem having the
mild moist climate is ideal for this one crop;' the soil, .'
-too, is made just right near. here for money: making in
' this ine.- ; Another thing," Salem has - one f dehydrated.
! 1 plant "and numerous "canneries'-which will -no tloub take ;
up the marketing -of spinach if it should be raided -in
quantities to justify. this; butthe thing to do to (make,
this interesting as welF as prof itable is to organise and x
get the thing going.. If a company of people will try y
this, they will no doubt have some pleasant surprises in,-.-
a-. i.1 rTln.. w.fw wtiiArt lVvmixylArl trek. rT 4-Vi ia
and other crops by following The statesman.
:."Parrish, 8th Grade, Salem, Oregon.' V '
P. O. Box 209, Jan. 29. 1927." ;
(Tn tin U rztndd ta Tsatday aoo
SUUsaiaa flics.) t . , , -
si re
Ther6 Are Be Offered for the Most ArtiSticMail
: Boxes Along the Route Experts Will Go QveMhe
Route February; Tenth, After Which Property! Owners
WiiLBe Called to Consider the Ideas for Making a
- Beauiiiui nignway s-
(The following letter from Win
nie Braden, manager of the Dallas
Chamber of Commerce, has some
matters of great Interest to the.
people of this state,, and especially
to those who live, in' alem" and
Dallas and along the paved state
highway ibetween the shire towns
of Marion- and Polk counties:)- .
I The directors ' of the 1 Dallas
Chamber of Commerce feel-that
gfeaten results could be aAleved
if ' the - membership concentrated
upon ar few objectives ': and for'
that reason the usual number of
standing: committees have j not
been appointed but - each director
has been ' placed in charge of a
department as follows:
,T Maurice-5; Dalton Manufactur
ing. ';;Sr:
H. O. Black Commerce and
Marketing.r A 1
n Oscar "Jlayter legislative. ;'
' Lonner Ralston -Transportation.
vs - -. f . " -
Conrad Stafrin Raw Products.
J. R.'Allgood Membership.
Eugene Hayter Finance,. - . '
. Earle Richardson Promotion
and Publicity. . ; , ' -.
Leif Finsetb: Monday Forum
Luncheon programs. ' ;
C. B. Lundberg--Civlc.
The committee sub-divisions of
these departments will be appoint
ed as the need of such: committee
arises, and each director has been
Instructed to call to his assistance
ai committee from the member
ship when needed. In this way
the .personnel pf the committees
may change in order to carry on
the work more effectively. ,k
V The following ..members were
i Leadb;
- Sal cm Chichcries
i s 2CS North CotUge,
Telephone 4 OO -X',.
Hunt's Quality rruita
Hunt Brothers PatL!r
'.Canned li.:: aa3
- Vcgf ti !r , ,
T-Xaia c ;...:
!3 Pino Street, Kan 1'ranctico
; . ,4 v.-v.:ott'. "
'- Ctaerics: '. -Callfcrcr.i
llayward, Tia Jc33,
Lcs Catos, Uxcicr
CrcsonCalsra, MclIIaavli:?, '
- -. Albany- -T7.t!t;toa
Pcyi'.Iu?, C:r. zt
the following
Statesman Dear Sir:
- for coiopetlag "article 'to tfUh tas
' . . ' -
appointed to represent the Dallas
Chamber . " of Commerce 4 on the
County Federation club: H. G.
Black, commerce and marketing;
N. L. Guy, roads ; W. ii. Soehren,
agriculture; Eugene Hayter,'' ani
mal husbandry; E. J.
ector and " member
pPage, dir-
bf county
agent's committee ; Lonner ; R als
ton, boys and .girls club work;
Judge Hawkins, .public Jwelfare. r
- Dallas-Salem Highway
The. Hawthorne Hignway com
mittee, Oscar. Hayter, j chairman,
is making considerable progress
toward plans for beautifying the
Dallas-Salem highway C.'V P.
Keyser, superintendent! ,; of Port
land city parks, ' who - jwnt : over
the -route with the Joint commit
tee of the Dallas and Salem cham
bers of commerce, will go over the
route" with, a landscape architect
on February; 1 0 th, aftfer : which
time t a meeting will ' be held in
Rickreall to which aU property
owners and residents ilong ; the
route will be invited to study Mr.
Keyser's report 1 " - ".:
Full cooperation is being given
this committee by the state high
way i department. F- P. ! Eason,
resident engineer, wbo is an ex
offielo member of the committee,
is lending every assistajnee. .r
; Artistic MaQ Box .
c V Considerable In teres . has been
aroused in the prizes offered for
the mos't artistic mail box to be
erected - along the , route. The
Air Painting
; . GUN
. M. B. Sanderson
1144-North Cottage
O akl a ri d
,P o n t i 'd"cr
Ci!-3 end Scrriea-1 - ,
"vie:; bros;:
HIjli Street ct trada
biJ-l': - ' xrx..KX-
route has! been divided.--at the
Mouisen bridge, the Salem Cham
ber of Commerce taking the east
section' and the Dallas Chainber
of ' commerce, the west. 1 Prizes
of 15 for if irst and $2.60 for sec
ond are being offered Manufac
turers of i articles of wood, , con
crete and iron have been, asked to
submit samples of "artistic mall
boxe7 and the school of architec
ture of OAC has' been invited to
submit drawings and designs.
Prizes will be awarded on May 1,
thus giving every box bolder an
opportunity to put up a mail box
that will help beautify the route
and: not mar the scenery as they
now do. . j . .
In this he highway department
is lending! its support, and a let
ter from Mr. Eason ' states that
these boxes should be placed from
six to 10 j feet, frora the edge of
the pavement, to enable the mail
i carrier to drive oft the pavement.
ana mat tne aepanmem win see
that there! ia sufficient gravel proj
vided to enable r.the carrier to
reach theiboxes' : 'tVl " 'j'
; F
if'Ali-Are Complied With, , a
Good Honey Crop Is Very
! ; Cftrtain - i
Four conditions 'necessary to a
.honey erop, In Oregon, according
to "H.s A. f ScuIlen,"of . the expert,
ment statIonr Oregon Agricultural
college, are as follows: '
.' i; Suitable .Weather conditions
for the bees to work' when the
maln.honfy flow. Is on. -
2 Hqney-produclng plants se
cretins nectar in. abundance, ,
Si Adartfng' force -of worker
beear-I5?O00 to TlDO.OOO--atlthe
bgiuuingi ot the- honey flow.
' ; 4 The jttoloiny detoting its ' en
tire attention to gathering nectar
and storing boifcy rather than to
swarm ingL iniQlher words -the
storing Inistinct rather than "-the
swarmingj instinct is dominant.- - -
Ifl any one'ot -these- four condi
tions is n0t present th honey crop
will be leas than maximum. If all
four. 'conditions ' are present noth
ing patt keep the beekeeper rbm
getting a good crop, outside of his
own failure to put on the supers.'
"rnfortunately or, possibly
fortunately the beekeeper has
no control over' the first condi
tion,' sayji Professor Scullen. "He
can. 'control the second only by
moving td a better location, or by
encouraging, to a limited! extent,
the growth of certain plants.!
? "His "je atire . management
throughout Jhe year,, with the ex
ception of swarm control, is with
one 'object' in view that Jf . at
taining the third foregoing condi
tion iThls obvlonsly-:lncludes
such, manipulations aa i disease
control, wintering, queen manage
ment, and all other factors, that
aid in permitting the colony to
work at its best from the end of
. Jlanufacturera of i - .
Canning Machinery; Grad
: ers, Trucks, Etc J
550 S. 21st St Salem, Oregon
Km Tear Monty in Ortgoa Bay
Monuments Mads at 8alem, Onroa
CAriTax icoirtrMrvTax, woxxa
. J. O. Jmm a Cw Frepristan ,
: Alt Klada f Koauuittl Wrk .
rectory aad Offlei v
t2ia a. con't, op pout z. a a r.
- ;CflMUry, ox SI -
PMm 8. SAUSV. oxsaos
; Manufacturer of ,
rouatahv But plica .. .
Phone 2d
. - r - . - '
JUk Vcur Grocer
Dates of Slogans
" , v.: (Ia "Weekly
(With a few possible change)
Loganberries, October 7 1920
Prunes, October 14 ' . f,.
' Dairying, .October 21 V t
. 1 Flax, October 28 ; ; l
.Filberts, November 4 " T ' ' .
IWalanta, November 11
? Strawberriea, . November 18
Apple, November '23. i ;
RMpberrles, December 2 ' '
'Mint, December 9 '
Beamv Etc December 18
Blackberries, December 23 .
Cberries, December SO ' j r.
Pears," Jan nary C, 1927 ' -CJoose
berries, Jannary 18
Corn, Jannary 20
Celery, Jannary 27 7"
Spinach, EUu, February 8-. s; .
Onions. Ktc Februrr lO
Potatoes, Ftc. February, 17.1
Bees, February 24 - . rt 17. -Poultry
and Pet Stock, Mar. 3
; City. Beautiful, Etc March 10
Great Cows, March 17"; : ;
Paved Highways, Blarch !SA -.ZX
Head Lettnce, March 81 '
1 Silos, Et, April 7 '.
. Xegamesr-April 14
Asparagns, Ete April '21
- Grapes, EtcM April 28 ;
DID .YOU KNOW that Salem ouffht to be the center of .
the largest spinach growing .industry in Oregon - that a
car load shipping supply- may be developed here, of a
very high-quality, going to the rery best markets that
the demand is already . large and bound to grow very
fast, owing to the fact that spinach is one of the greatest
vegetables in - dietary . schemes ; s that it is called the :
5Broom of the Stomach that ;i( is both a food and a
medicine; that there should be money; in the growing of
spinach; that the powdered dehydrated "product ; may in
time take all" that this section can produce; . and that;
spinach growing, as a greenhouse product should . be
developed here? . . , , . - 7 ' ' " ,
one season's" flow to , the.beglnn
ing of the next. ".
. "This is all there is to good
beekeeping, but it involves much
careful planning and conscienti
ous labor." ;
JX)NDON (AP) Ham and eggs
is the favorite dish of the British
law makers when" the House "of
Commons has an all night, sitting.'
On these occasions, says the par
liamentary restaurant manager,
the members frequently consume
about 1600 pounds of salt meat
and about 300 eggs. ' The fayjorite
time of eating, when the House is
in for a long seige, is between 1.
and 3 a. m.
Gold Beach Contract let tp ex
tend Powers Salmon Creek logging
railway 10 miles, i "
Manufacturers of Warm "Air
Furnaces, Prait Drying Stoves;
Smoke Stacks, Tanks, Steel and
-r Foundry Work, Welding
. s Specialty - ' r
17th and. Oak Sta Salem, OreJ
We "plan and plant (free of
charge), for homes, large or
.small, all kinds of ornamental
'shrubs, perennials and rockery
plants. Landscape work.
1S09 Market St. Phone 1608-R
"Known for Its QUALITY
Buyers of . Best. Grade Cream
. Our'. Method: Co-operation
i pur Ideal: The Best .Only
137 South Commercial Street
Phone 79 . ,
OPERATING ON A REGULAR CClICDULrr Tlandllag Merchandise and Carload Ehlpmenti
. . ' .Between SALE3L1 and FOItTLAITD and Way Landings
' " rriTTlTTT 1
, Leave BALL. I CiL'J A. Ti r .,. . ..-J-T- ivir.
in Daily. Statesman
Statesman) : "
Drug;- Garden, May 6 '
Sugar Beets, Sorghum Etc .
May 13, -1927 - . . ,
Watr Powers, May 20
Mining, June S V .
Itnd, Irrigation, Etc, June lO '
Floricufeire, June 17 ' . ..
Hops, Cabbage, Etc., Jane 34
WholesallBg and Jobbing,
: July 1
Cucumbers,' Ivtc Jnly 8 v
Goats, July 22
SchooLv Ktc July 29
Sheep, Aug. 0 i ? .
National Advertising, Aug. 13
Livestock, August 28 t -Grain,
and Grain Producta, ...
Manufacturing, September 9 ,
Automotive Industries, Sept. 16 :
Woodw6rklng Etc, . Sept. 23 -'
Paper MilUv Sept. SO
Suimnary, Oct, 7 , -7;!. Si'-'t
. (Back copies of 'the Thurs
day editioa of The Dally -Ore-7
gon Statesman area on - hand
They lare-for sale at'10'centa
each, mailed to . any: address. -Current
copies S centsw) r . r
USC Quintet Will Meet-
'Stanford in Two" Games
Feb.. 2.r(AP)- Smarting : under
successive, defeats at the hands of
Stanford and California basketball
teams, ' University ; of Southern
California! will aeek te regain some
of .the honors lost in "games here
Friday and Saturday. T.
Playing ' on , their, home' floor
this week, the Cardinals will have
an advantage and in addition, the
squad: is ' looking better in every
practice. ... i
Statesman Ads. Bring Results
What Is It?
. . ., f .T - r- .i 4 .'-i J
'. i . . .- -u - . ? . t,': "5 ' . l
: ' 8d3 ( . . . -
r - - Phcse 192 .
, Zh b. smrgMooa ,
Salem Wicker Fnniture
r -XXaaufacturiag Co.
' ' W gS Ptrocl . '.
; v - CsaalM Battaa Km4 QoaUty -'.
: - ramltars ,t -
lUpslruig, Sonmthtic TjphoUUrta
S81S Stat at, 8ia, 0w
Oregon Pulp & Paper Co.
,,"--. t f. T Manufacturers cf
v Currort Orc-ca Products
Specify "Salsm lladsT Paper for Tour
, '. , ' - .Office Stationery
- t VUOVUia
Puts Iron in Blood and Makes
: It Better and Does Other
Useful Service .
Spinach has been rightly called
the "broom of the stomaeh," also
it Is swell known for Its properties
of iron content, which has a tend
ency f toward making more and
better 4 blood. i.u ' .
It helped win the World war for
democracy helped to care scurry
and -such diseases that resulted
from lnsanitatlon and poor living.
; Itisalso valuable in quieting .
and joothing nerves and in gen
eral upbuilding of healthy
No vegetable except the radish
grows ! more. quickly or, produces
more per square foot of soil crop
ped. i Planted la spr iag, early or .
late ladMifc-is capable. of produc
ing one of the firsjt vegetables In
the spring and the last in the ear
ly winter. Being a quick growing
vegetable, it. can always be follow
ed by a second crop on the same
ground.. :.:r-l!yt.', '. ,
New York. Feb, ; 2. (AP) Tbe
rorlds indoor pole vault record
was shattered tonight at the
Mill rose A. :-."A.. athletic carnival.
when Paul Harrington, former
Notre Dame star, now represent
ing the Boston A. A,, aoarded over
the bar at 13 feet, 5-8 Inch.
A Superior Breakfast Food .
A Trial Will Convince You
' ; Cereal Co.
M. AZ BUTLKR, Manager
i Telephone 10D0-W '
"Chiropractic For
' Typhoid Fever
Under Chiropractic Adjust
.ments given according to a
Nenrocalometer reading the di
sease does not run its regular
course of 28 days, and in fact.
If tne adjustment . ia given in
time; recovery is so rapid that
often the affection would not
be recognized as Typhoid 24
hours ; after , 'an adjustment.
JUSTMENTS there are neither
complications nor any bad
wfter-effects. If you are threat
ened with Typhoid see your
Chiropractor at once and get a
Nenrocalometer. reading and, if
necessary,. Chiropractic Adjust
ments according to this read
ing; r
Remember .this: . -Tho
Nenrocalometer Locates
Nerve Pressure
Chiropractic Adjustments Be
- move Nerve Pressure
' Neuroealometer readings
by , appointment only -
Dr, O. L. 3cott, D.C.
230 North High Street
Phone 8T or 828-B
sr v w ;
caleti dock kr.a 7An::nc
rooT 02? con;? rr:;i :A