The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 02, 1927, Page 4, Image 4

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",'... leaned Daily Kxeapt Monday fey ? -
v 215 Sooth Commercial St, Salem, Oregon , ' ."'.' -
ti. J. Headrir.ka ;' -Manager
ff ed J . T . - Managing Kdttor
Irl 8. MrSherry - i - City Editor
Ae5red fla- '- Society r-diUtr
TVs Associated Prmi is exclusively entitled to th for pablfeaUoat of all
t cruttod to it r not wtaerwieo credited, la this papa and a la tha local
toi puii.ahed herein. ",.' -" . s'-,. -'i : --; - - . ; v : . . - - '
C. H. R-M. 121 Fcrlt- BMf, Portland.
'.-.cuss Clark Co, New York, J2S-13S
f' jsiness Office ..23 or SM
isoei.ty fcditor .,.,,.., IQg
Entered at the. Post Office ia Saiom, Urtfis, as soeoad-eioas mot tor.
Yv i:fmruss'jr 2. I2T - , - : ' ' . ,
'Who 'shall aeparate as from the love of Christ? " Shall "tribulation,
or distress.. persecution, or: famine, or nakedness, or peril, or
sword? Nay. In all these things we are more than conquerors. through
him that loved us. Romans 8:35.27: - ' : ,'""" '' '"
" V House bill 227 proposes . to ; tax hydro-electric power in
Oregon 50 cerit3 a kilowatt a year ' .; '.:- .
- r And it is a bad bill, !-.. i
- -WhatOfegon needs is cheaper electric power, and this is
not the way to' get it. The ' way; to get it is to make its
- development attractive to the people of enterprise able", t6
; assemble or control the capital necessary to harness it to the
" wheels of industry. This bill would do this: .... .-.. '
- i Impose an additional tax on an industry already carrying
more i than its share of .taxes--- .t'. ,'.,.; -' ; "
- '. llake it more difficult to attract capital to the state or
.hold capital liere; for; itsvdevelopment----vj r 1 ;
; j .Tend to cause power company customers to pay:a portion.
of the taxes of pther people throygh. higher rates for eFectrii
city, made necessary to t pay . increased taxation"" of power
companies " r ,,;vj;r
4. i Put a heavier tax on power companies who have developed
, Oregon "power sUes, compared with i those which have devel
' oped such sites in Washington, Idaho' and Calif ornia'and sell
their power in Oregon ' " . ' ,
s' I Tend to develop steam power, plants instead ; of water
power plants, because of increased taxation on hydro-electric
plants. ( ' . ir - ' '
;OTie Oregon electric company now pays in taxes 14 per
cent of Its entire gross revenue. -; Another pays 17 per cent of
the- total tax of a single county. The! average is nine ' and
four-tenths per cent-- t - - .
'And that is enough; more. than enough. , --3
The development of more .water power plants means more
and cheaper electric energy for industries.! More industries
is the economic need of Oregon, above any other one thing. ' .
The legislature will be doing
- "inz laws to encourage the development; of 'our wateit; power
resources, x ieir iuu qeveiopment wouia mean nunareas oi
millions in additional taxable property "in Oregon."
House bill 227 is a bad bill.' It, proposes a backward step.
;! "V oi-iSaoj- -' ot
r "Christian-Endeavor -was founded on February1 2, 1881;
only 46 years ago today, by Rev. Francis E. Qark, paator of
'.the YiUiston Congregational church in Portland; Maine--:
And in June, 1882,- there were only, six societies recorded,
but now there arc four million Christian Endeavor societies in
the world Christian Endeavor is found in almost eighty
dendminations. Almost all the societies are young people's
societies. It is found, in every country of the globe bijtit is
especially strong in the United States; next is Great; Britain,
than Germany, Canada, Brazil; South Africa; Australia, India,
China and Japan. . . . - - -
The principles of Christian
ards cf services, and definite
cpen coniession of Christ, and
ability .and opportunity; the
; l:7:rc!ar prayer; and Bible stodV training in Christiin
i ' f i ecrice by a variety of committee Vork, loyalty to the 'church,
! , and regular attendance upojrthe chiifch' Services, fglperduC
. civicg. to Christian work, Christian citizenship. j intfeenom
. . inaticnal fellowship, and the promotion of peace andfeoil will
zrncr.z the nations of the world, all of these endeavors to be
' v mad2 in accordance with the will of Christ, and trusting" in
nim: for strength; -V1 1;. i 'J!.l
- Christian Endeavor is ' mterdenominational ; in fid work,
yet 'powerful force rwithii each' church for denbmirti
and church loyalty." It is international, "yet a powerful force
in every nation for better civic training and the highest ideals
of citizenship. It is interracial in its word outlook and. in Its
appeal Jo youth of all nations. Christian Endeavor has been
the pioneer in training- Christian workers by the "doing of
Christian work. m--- "
In three years the land settlement campaign of the Oregon
ChT-lber bf Commerce has brought '2302: new ; settlers to
Oresl -whosa investments in land and improvements liave
amounu ? th 1 10,274,718. v The buying power of these families
is esum:
o OA A rrr
Th:.t is ''vork wcrth -.vhila ! '."."'' ''' - s
And it s'.. "Ibe kert up and increased.' ,In proportion to
its potentialx. ources, Oregon is the least developed of all
the states..:, ' 4 " ' ; ' . 7 -
Ve need now' fwcple, and more hew 'people We" need a
-.rebirth cf th spirit cf enterprise, such as animated "our
pioneer fathers who ador.ted as tlie motto of the state, the
'Jundations of vhlch they set
, " -X flics with her ovn wings." x"
i r.
What an empire in' vc.::h
,.-ri'; i,r
own wings!
:rr r.ccd3 Sralnage. -Espochlly do the people in" the
.. 1 1 . etion need it. Inere is a line constructive piece
i cf us tho c.
; - rnoTtruc:: - .iJcning district. When the' flood
V.h -zti:v rhcu!d net be fcrltcn
:::t, iboj r zzzzn- ecnc3,;xrot:nd. ..'That, yrozll ba
:;t to the rzlnt cf di?grace. . ' ' .' ,: U -
W. II. Henderson - - Cirealatto Manager
Ralph H. Kletsing - Advertising MtHr
Prank Jaakoaki . . Manager Job itopt.
B. A. Rhotea . . Livestock Editor
WC. Comer - - - fooltry Kditoc
Ore. -
W- Slag St; Chleag. Varonstte BMf.
' Job Department RS
News Deperliaeat 33 or 106 Circa Uttxia Of ieS3
a constructive work in enact-
Endeavor are definite stand
commitment to those standards,
speaking for Him according to
cultivation of the devotional life
up, 'Alis viqlat propriis,
' ' ' v
i. ' t
Oregon will be when she flies
. . . .
.-clopment cf our future
T7.9 follow inz -.; tills 1 were'. latro
dnced in the house yeaterday;
IIB 41i;-hy Olnon lrovIding
for eradication of bovine tnlercu
losis. . i '
IIB 419. by Olson Amending
sections: , relating to yeterinary
medical examinating board.
110 420. by X.iretock Commit,
tee Atiiending law and inerea.
ing menibership of livestock nani
tary board.-1
HB 421. by Macpherson Bring
ing horticultural products under
Jurisdiction of state market agent.
IIB 41:2, by Macpherson Auth
erizing. .. graduates of standard
colleges r to. teach in elementary
schools, . . -
IIB 423, by Repeal of. Laws
Committee - Repealing obsolete
sections pertainfng to creation of
new counties. . . - j.- - .
HI1. 424. by Bailey.. Lonergan,
McCourtiand Brenaush Increas
ing salaries of- diairjeti Jtitlgea in
Mnltnonah fQuiit.trom $3000 to
5400aryear..i ?
Uifi425i-. by.: Cramer--Enabllng
OreKon Agricultural college .-. to
purchase laad on in$tallment plan.
IIB 426 by Mott-Proridlng
for financial relief ; for wife and
children of inmates of county In
stitution or federal prison. : .
HB 427. by Wott Prohibltlns
publication In newspapers of pho
tographs of unconvicted persona
bearing numbers tending to indi
cate they r had' .been .Inmates of
prisons. 1 . vv -, . - ,
HB 428, by Mottt-Making own
er of stock liable for pasturage on
trespass of such, stock In parts of
Clatsop county. -,v-(-Y .
HB 429. by Mott,-Schulmerlch,
McPhlllips, Howard, MeGowan and
Miller Relating to-personal
rights and liberties ojC individuals.
. HB 430, by Buchanan- To facil
itate construetionbf .certain buQf-r,
tags t'OACV'--i?4 ' r"l
- HB 431, by; Peircei Prohibiting
tarrying of dogs - On 'automobiles
uales properly safeguarded. !
HB 432, by Peirce Regulating
danc halls. f r V" P. ''i-
IIB 433, by Peirce -Pertaining
to board for cqonty prisoners. :
HB 434. by King and Senator
Hall-u-Providing for income tax. -
HB' 4 36, -by Briggs Providing
taxes shall be collected by county
treasurer instead of sheriff.:- ' - -1
1 HB 436. by R. S. Hamilton To
appropriate money to aid : In U. S.
geological surreys in Oregon.1
HB 4 3 7, by Olson-To amend
the workmen's compensation law.
' HB' 438 by I JoiBtVWays - and
Means Committee Appropriating
425,000 for ; bud get director... -!
' HB " 439, - by Lonergaa , and
Melndl--To proride for: licensing
of onerating ; engineers, i creating
board of. examiners, i and fixing
fees. '?Vt:-i ;.;4?H-.''!l;5i.,:
v HB: 4nA. bv BrlggsClarifying
law: pertaining .to municipalities
use of Jnltiatiye and referendum
powers. i-t ;..,: .f v-:; -u -
4 HB 441, by McCaUiater Providing-
for an expert to perform
duties of Inspector provided nnder
section 8 85 6,' Oregon Laws. ? k'
HB 442, ,by . Glesy -To reim
burse X.ute ; Savage penitentiary
xnardwounded by convicts.
Hii 443,' substitute Tor HB aK
"V'tainlng ; to th- organization of
higli school distrtcU. ' 1 r
HB 4 4 4,'by -Colllei--PfertaIning
to voting priyUeges In connection
with lrrigatino districts;
HB 445. toy ColHer-TO; exclude
town sites, tracts 'and plotted lands
f r6mr certain irrigation ' distrtetajt :
IIB 446, by Marion couhty? Dele-t
-ation -Providing method lofr sell-.
ing eggs by weight. -
..k,,s.,i k S
W r utate distributors Tor
the Viking tires and tubes. Mai-
corn's. Tire Shop, corner Court and
Commercial streets. Drive in for
your' tires. ' : ' ; ':t H
The newest creations In Spring
Hats at the Vanity Hat Shoppe.
Each hat possesses a charm all its
own. -Beautiful designs and col
ors 389 Court St. .. . l
: -O
The following bills were Intro-1
uueed-in tne senate yesterday:
--SB 153, by Banks Relating. to-J
abandonment or -desertion of., a
wjfe or.tnlnor children.- irzZpz
- SB ,154 by Bajler Relating "to
venue -to actions;' . ' -
vsb 155, by Balley-Relatlng to
service of summons, f M
SB1156 by- Dtfirtie -To provide
money-for policemen and firemen
pension fund. ' - ; .lr
SB -157." by Dunne To regu
late and -provide fee for busses
operating on the state highways'.
' SB 158, by Roa,ds and Highways
Committee Providing for ' the
creation of state motor . vehicle,
SB 159, by Revision of Laws
Committee Relating to prepara
tion of i ballots where voting ma
chines are used.' 1 - ; -
SB : 16 0. 4y u liddy Delegating
nrt declarine certain; territory to
be known as.the Umpqua Improve
ment district. - .
SB 161. by Eddy Relating to
the" creation or highway-improvement
districts. v , , 4
- -Hart man -Rros, Jewelry Store.
Watches, clocks,. rings, pins. ..dia-cicc.-"r:.ujT2s;'
cut T;!asr silver
ware. Standard goods. :3tate at
Liberty ft. T f; -)
. . . fCoitlaoo froui pago si
latlonj -committee to; the White
House today and 13 understood to
have gone over the Chinese situ
ation with him. - Mr. Borah de
clined to discuss his talk with the
president, and no Information . as
to Its details could be obtained at
the executive offices.'; -
' SAN DIEGO, CaL. Feb. 1. The
fourth regiment of marines., num
bering 1200 olieers and men,
many of whom have seen fighting
in France, Nicaragua and the Phil
ippines, will be on the high seas
before-noon Saturday, bound for
the Orient.
Orders for. the resident to em
bark, aboard the ratal tr.:.-:;crt
Cfcauraont at 'San ' Diego' urere is
sued by t?:-navy depart-- nt lo-
c ay.
. 2 crJ . i cat' :
r t 3
Ctauracnt to fall frcn t"
Si Unforfcsen'.tls' .'1 17 -that
the ve3fU now jn ron ! .a
tmtui San :sFrantJsco,j wi t
steam for the Orient until nzzn
Saturday, possibly later J ; .
Every effort will be made, how
ever, to get the Chaumont out of
the harbor quickly,. The hundreds
of tons of field equipment and
supplies that have, been trans
ported from 'the marine base to
the municipal docks in a fleet of
trucks during the last 48 hours,
will: require approximately,.' .SSw
hours " to ;.be stowed "aboard the
transport, officers -said. ' la the
meantime the regiment will em
bark. . .
':j "'"' ""' , " ' " ' -..
New sweaters! -A.Jarge ahfp-
ment Just In. New patterns -oH
shades' in - the popular pu.l-o-, e?
and coat styles. ' Scotch ;V,"poln
Mills. . ,r (M
A. ' "",-"v
Buster Brown Shoe StoreKIgb
class. stylish looking, com for t
girlng. lorfg wearing Bbees for tb
leasts 'moneyi Come and Ue eon--tncedi
125Coml. ; i , ()
.. . 1 ' " ' - 11 '-' "sr t '
. . (Coatiaoed fr i" paco 1.
tndes, At Grants Pass the preci
pitation for January was 7.81
inches, with a steady fall In pros-
peCt.-v-;is;i.S.;'.';:;r '; '
The storm on Coos 1 bay .lejded
two Inches fn 24 hours, and jas a
result -the Southern ' Pacific an
nuled tonight's train to vEugen$.
The line from Mafshfield to Eu
gene runs through, a heavy wodd
ed region with "many tunnels, and
slides Were, feared. : ooa. streams
were running full.- :
WALLA WALLA, Wash., Feb.
1 - XAP) High waters of the
Snaker river between Ayers Junc
tion and Grange City today halted
trains of the Oregon Washington
Railroad and Navigation lines and
the passengers were transferred at
Ayers and taken to - Wallula from
whefe they are being brought here
on Ithe regular morning train. The
passengers who should . have ar
rived ; here early f this afternoon,
will not be in unfit about 4 a. m.
tomorrow. - - .'
r i Mall is - also being . r brought
around by Wallula. - : 1
t Henry O. Miller.. 18 4; 8. Com!
SU-where most: people; prefer to
get their auto parts for all makes
of cars. ." Trade here : and make
savings: On all auto, parts. ?()
'.Arn-iy and. Outing Store. Biggest
bargains in clothing, shoes; under
wear, hosiery, gloves, valises and
stilt cases. The working f man's
store, 189 Commercial. ()
East, aboard. - the Megantlc de
parted from Malta today attec, the
embarking of two battalions, with
auxiliaries. 4ined$calv fprce .-Bd.
utner transports are stcpmina
for: China.! which -would 'seem tjN
inaitrate mat we oniren t govern-,
ment , wllrcarry through 'ftaVorlgl
napplan tof assemble adequate
ships and troops in, the disturbed
area" off China to protect' British
nationals - and other foreign,-reai-deh
tsi .,. .'.." '.! - f '.
v; As the Mega ntift passed through
a y line; of : battleships glittering
wfth lights, the. crews manned the
aides and there was -great ;heer
rnarand ninglng of 'Shanghai"
anaJAuld Lang Syne.T 1 r
- Before 5 his - departure Genera
Duncan was quoted in dispatches
from Malta as' expressing the con
viction , that no trouble would
arise. ''.
.Disturbing .word - from China
reached London today, seemingly
bowing that the . negotiations
looking. to a settlement of the
whole Chinese problem .were not
going smoothly at either ; Peking
or Hankow. ,
.;- . ' 1 " 1 - ::
Bonesteele Motor. Co 474" S.
Coral.,, has the Dodge automobile
for you.;? All steel body. Lasts a
lifetime; Ask podge owners.' They
1H tell you; :" )
Con tinned from
a .). - ,-
ington, i
venerable member of the
Indian reservation, and persuaded
Minnie to go with him. r t
It . was not learned -whetoer the
man took the girl at once to the
house where she was found, and
fiurdered her, or. whether they
ad wandered about In-the mean
time, while he exhorted her to-follow
in "his footsteps." !
About 10 -o'clock H1U appeared
at, the;Copeland house, declaring
he was Jesus' ChVist and-announc-
Icg that all who refused to follow
him Vwould suffer." He then told
Copeland that Minnie had refused'
to.adhere to his doctrines and that
"he: had sent her on." 4l ,
In reply to Copelahd's question
as to where he had left the girl,
HUl i.told ; him uof! the deserted
house. vTney went to the. place to-
retner and copeland said the girl's
bodywaa"lying In the middle of
the -floor, with . arms outstretched
and a handkerchief, which he said
be . had; seen Hill carry, knotted
about her throat. ; ,
When Sheriff ,Horsefall arrive!
Hil proved tractable and made ho
resistance to arrest.; When lodged
in'tbe county jail here, however,
he suddenly became violent and
frightened the other prisoners so
badly that he was locked In a sep
arate cell. " . :, "-.:
Little is known of Hill , here.
No one seemed to know where he
Ca ra e from or ' how long he had
ceen here.
F. E. Shafer's Harness and
Leather Goods store, 170 S. Com'l.
Suit cases, valises, portfolios, briel
css. gloves and mittens. - Largs
stocs. The pioneer store. ' )
T'- . . ,
1 ' on
tir::i cf"r.efj.
ting deposit,"
r. . t c h y c '..
. Interest ' j
- Trains between Boston and Jaf
f rey : are- limited.'in number, and
Roberta passionately desired to
relieve Terclval Galahad Bran
ose of jail responsibility for her
:elf and her sister at the earliest
MMsibie moment. . . Therefore,
iving . ? : borrowed " , additional
money from a friend, she hired an
vtomobile to take ' her to : bet
father's house and told the. driver
to make haste.
As she drove unveiled' through
the quaint old village.- pedestrains
Stayed, j recognlxing,. the, prodigal
daughter, ..and keen eyes peering
through sman-paned; windows
gDggled ' f. f Gfiodt aed.f ! Roberta
Scott's i back ir.r. -Ihai t word ra n
around! . "D'you ..'spose jtheysent
for hert'VkHnusewlves Jeft after
noon, tasks unflnlHhed.JurryIng to
inform the neighbors, and .'shop
Iceeperaf peddled 4 th ?news to one
another J and lo 1 ihw (Customers,
Iradipgjrmdre.flargelyrin conjec
ture, than in merchandise. - ' ; ;
Just j before . her , car ,3 reached
BIrchwod fork Roberta saw Clif
ford Nixon trudge Into view, the
furrow that had noW become hab
itual between his hrows deepened-
by a painfuf Interview with Scott,
r "Stop. I want to speak to that
man," she -said to -the driver. v
s "Roberta! : My dear girl! Nix
on exclaimed with Infinite relief,
but with perceptible exasperation,
also i 'tWhere on earth- have yon
been?" 1 -'.- ' " .
"I've been in the country, Clif,
so rl didn't see anir Daners until
this mojrnihg.' she replied! with a
warning! glance toWai;,tiri,drlV3
f t "Where's Celia?'
'She's safe with me -' ;
I "I knew Itf " 1 You've got to
bring her back!
l 'Have I? Her glance held
something of, surprise and. .more,
mockery.. . .
" 1 He opened the'dobr of the tonr
neaa, putting a Toot tin the step,
but she checked' him with 'but
flung hand. : - 8
'Not now, CHf. I'll see you'
tomorrow." . ' -
"You'll see me - now," he - re
turned doggedly, the lover In him
temporarily eclipsed by the- In
jured and anxious victim. . Step
ping into the car, he placed him
self beside her. "You don't un
derstand what this means, or you
wouldn't have done it." V t'' : '. '
:U She made a little ! gesture to
ward the driver. "This is hardly
; The pixie Bakery leads on high
class breads. ' pies v cookies - and
fancy baked supplies of every,
kind. ..Best by test Ask :ol cus
tomers. ; 43 uourt u; 1
K " " K J . f I i io. 01 ! a, 1 --aaaasfcaa-a sMaaWBa" . ,. u
H. LJHStlff Pnrntture Oo., lead-
4 ers In chmDleta home furnishings
priced ifto make you thet owner;
the stere that studies ynur every
need and is ready to meet It. ao-
lolutelr. - r;r.''. :.': --''- :.fl
General Xlarlteta,
'S.ii - : ' DAIRY
s.tiaJrl cmiiir -resi 4c . in vai
Vy, 4!k-, ' shvppr' tradt iia an 1,
Cmm 1 a;vrrd Portland! 50M52c o
pnttnd. Raw reflls (4 fitl "SS.60
Ton) try .tadr; AeaTV lliesa 2&ttZGc:
"iwht SOeit 2 U springs nominal j,ftar
keys livo S5; dressed 4043c.
- 4)
nkns iait:f hx-alt S2.?5i 3.
. Potato-at -aiot l.a5i t40 sock
'.U:f" Tjrv-ESTOCic ?
10BTIJIXD, Feb. 1. (AP Caitl
and ale aominally xttealy; reipta
2- throurh. Hulls, wood. yearliiir ex
-ludd S ". 736. 6.25 ; cutters and medinia.
caanora am Donhom 5wa.7a.
li ca nooBtnolly steady; receipts 2300
dirfft t- - . i.." - v
Shoea sad lambs, aoralnally steady; ao
receipts. . . . .-.-.
- . : '
lORTr.AVD'Pebi 1. (AP) Wheat
bids: HB9 bard white, bard white. He-,
Baart. Fep., Jiar1. $1.88Va; federation.
sott wnite; westera white . Feb.. Mar.
S1.34H Jiard winter Feb.,, Mar. f 1 J33 ;
northers sprinr FH Mar. 91.34- west
ra red Feb Mar. St. SO.' -
- Oats, No. t .36 poond ; white' feed
-., ---. ,ao.&j , .uitto rT
Mat. ..-i?.:.. . .SJ,
Barlev.vKo. : 2,( 45 poaad .BW Feb,
Mar. 3t. , . ,
Corn, . Ko. 1 KY 'shipment., Feb. Mar.
34 : No. 3 XT'' shipment Feb- Majr,
$33.50., -
Millran ataadsrd -Feb.. .Maf,'' $30;
; .... ,r.. J r---r a .v,v ,
PORTIU3TO. - Febi ' tfi( AP) Hay
Hryine priries: . Kastern Oreeon timothy
?0(5'Z2; ditt -alley f 1,7 17.50; cheat
f; . anaiia wiimnf: 'oat bay fl:
oa and fetch $14.50(15; ttj-sw
7.30 per too." Sells rierf2. m too
ip ore.
" WHEAT HAS FLTntXT : :''""v
'.CHICAGO, Feb. 1.AP) Something I
w m noiij in .mi resanea Moay irom
.an mrr neons rumor that the Chines min
ister to Lrfndrra had asked -for his paaa
port. Penal of the report were not
r-eeired nntil - after the - market had
riooed. Fial notation, on wheat were
trn,- 3-A 5-8e net higher, eorn -3-e
to 3--i aa down, and oat at 1-8S8
t;4 decline to-t- adTanee. .
The artiwity fn, the onion market is
ahawa m,14 eart reeeiyed, most cf whirh
went .into storage and wera later shipped
. PORTLA.VD, t eb, AP) Thera
tfu Btic- "nf LB boitr w egg prices
at the Dairy ftxehange. .Butter receipts
were 10,83 1 poandi end production 18 -181
pounds wi-b no withdrswsls. - Knr
reaeipts, were 403 cases.- 8torage' hold
Joes ere entirely cleaned up and the' trade
la preparing for-the-new spring deal: .
loaltry ad?'dreed meat receipt
were small and. prjeeaafeady, i. f
FOUTLANO. . Feb., , !.-- P.Ir
rfT " prices: Batter. 1 extras
fire;43Hc ' firsts. 45 ;
.Ensa, extra . 28c; first . 27e; pullets
25e; earrent: receipts 25e.
' -05C01I-.SflARCS "' ' 'A ':
. T0RTLAXD, Feb. 1 . ( A I The r-.r-
ahest hare of Oregon broccoli. The
matn crop wilt not bo ready at Ko,.
bar nntU a boat February 20, hot a few
early plantinc hay- b.n BiatHrinc for
sometime. Kweet-potatoes continue in
rrernpplyi Kane, - lull.' are, .etEinir
I'UkTLANO. Feb. l.--(Al')
f fruits and yep-ubles fn Portland
i- T '1 - ST-
were carloads, the small,
et quantity :of ontside pTod-v receia
in thia city any month sio-e May. lS2i
when 2t9 eara were tinloaded. , '
Onlr aeeo carloads cf potatoes and
in cam of apples were' received daring
the month, as compared with about s ear
a !y ah during January 1926.
Ualoads of celery and mixed -v? .
tbl. are ahead of hut year, bat pVm-tn-sily
alj other eommoditiea show a lia
tte. : .:. ...... . ,
IJrapefm receipts
been bus Jutle oer
this eeanna have
:o per ctat cf
' a - . j.-
' - ' t ' f i :'
X. - ' '
,, - II I I- .
the place for explanations, it Is?"
1 can't help that. I didn't
create .this situation. In fact. ; I
specifically .warfaed :- you - against
it. p llis tone was bitter., ."You
got my message?- ;
She nodded. , -
"Who wai that fellow ?' . ' "
"An acquaintance of mine.". .
T Nixon' resolved 'taV make more
searching inquiries later; V just
not Important - matters pressed.
Where are you going?"
, 'To see ,my. father."
' "I'll go with you. Drive on,"
he told the man. " ." ? .
- "No, waif." Roberta counter
manded. "You can't go with me,
Clif. I must see him alone."
jl "BurZyc4o.rt?phderstand, he
persisted. "lie , knows about
yd ''and ne?.I He found out aome
howthat jron were coming, and
accused me of being In New York
to meet ofoi4; ,So 1 told hira,- like
a fool, that we were to-be mar
ried. Now nothing will convince
him?that"l.tlldnb4ve a hand in
Celia's disappearance. I was here
looking for you." -.':.-
"Yes, I heard you were here."
A' gleam ?of mirth shone In her
eyes. "And of course I ' knew
(why." ...
"But you don't "know!4 He owns
'a: lot pt -stock in my "company
has all the time, I find.; .That's
the reason I didn't meet you. He
manipulated things so I had to go
back to Cleveland that very morn
ing, or lose some important, pat
ents."? He looked at her anxioas
Iy and she nodded. F , t'. . ' ia,
r ''I thought it , was something
Hike Jthat.
yow. I can't make blm istep
to reason. About' Celia, 1 mean. It's
1 i i JkJ' ' -J .
a casejgj: proring ciyaeu, .mnuceni,
and, because I can't do i he's o-.
Ing" to ruin me ruin me uterly!
He told .me, so. ten minjites ago."
r"R"eaily?'iv She gave him an
Ironic glance, remembering the at
titude of one yerclval Galajiad la"
similar stress." '"I don't think he
will. Clif.". ; , .
" "He "'will. ' v Nirthrng - can - stop
him now. unless You've" got to
bring Celia back-that's all!. And
get It over to him somehow that
I had nothing to do with taking
her away."
"I'll do that convince 'him, ' I
mean."'1 "
"And bring Cella. back."
:."Never!- ?.i:tf'r'
s : f'You must! .? Look here,' dear
girl, - be reasonable. ; This thaing
has got- past' the romantic stage
Hel won't hurt Cella"' 4 is -'
: "No, he wont," yy
but unlesa I'm cleared of all
responsibility tor any of .this fool
performance, I- stand to lose every
thing I have In the world." .
: ,Loyei lav a cottage ? and , the
world 1 well - lost doesn't eem to
appeal to ryouy cur." ; v-v ' ; '
: -"Not. for you.- And, it's all for
you,; THe fell back upon the an
Lclent masculine. plea. VPon"t you
see that I'll have nothing to offer
you-r-Jiothing unless I get out of
thls? Ufa for. your, sake jlcafe
mSt for.. US! ... ..- . ;
; .Roberta smiled drrly. ":. "You
missed .your cue, Clif. -That was
a, little Jate. e ' Pont Worry,
through: you won't lose. : I've
come to .straighten it all out.'
. - "HOW?";. -Z., : ' - ; .
-;? "Never , mind now. ' Tomorrow
yon --shall, hear -all- youv need, to
know." :' v;:;r v h '"-
. ."But I tell you he; Jknows ' all
about us, and that's made him
suspicious. - Unless you prove ab
solutely that I had nothing to do
with It fi '
"i win.- : ' ' - ,
You'll have to tell him who
did ; help. you. i r Somebody must
have." ; , - -
"Somebody did." -J"
"Who was It? , '
"A man who didn't count the
cost, Clif. I've got to consider
him, too. Now please get out"
"Wherea Cella?" - S J
' "Celia's' where1'' Tout never
find her, so you and father might
aa well stop persecuting that poor
woman ove? at Fitswilliam. The
papers say you're made her life a
ouiucu, . . jnYcry luiunia . vuuuib,
voir know."" she suggested.: when
ie sat morosely looking' at her.
-Father may he sending tele
grams now. to blow up your fac
tory.gYon'dt betterltiv.out .and
let me go to the.rescue." - "
hand on the door to say. "I'll
walthere until yon coma back."
y'Not if you want to see me af
terward," she advised. -"You're
pot exactly a heroic figure. Clif,
and you've rather rubbed it in to
day. But I dare say you have
your points. If I don't see you
again : until tomorrow night, in
New York, perhaps I'll remember
what they are."
She : gave him the name of a
hotel where he could find her the
next evening and drove on. leav
ing him; standing in the road, per
plexed: and discomfited.
f Stopped ; by the locked gate,
Roberta .explained, her' errand to
the gardener 'and- was admitted.
At the t door,' she said to the
1'ffl? Miss Scfltt. 1 PleasA tell
my fatber'ltn here. fd,' I'll come
la. Say1 that I'm; waiting, on the
terace'';VI, " -' f'- - :r. ;
Scott, listening in' : the living-
room, appeared behind the maid.
Lis face purple. 7G0 back to the
kitchen, he ; commanded ' the
At Shipley's tlie ladles of Salem
have satisfied themselves that they
tan get the finest fall and winter
frocks, coats ; and dresses . ever
ihowar in this city. ' ()
The Cherry City Eakls? Co.'s
cad. r'-s'ar l caies ere ct tlrh
t qu.:. y. One of Crc-ca'a ta;,f
fiTll-rv I sVf r'.-at w!r f T'-s
fl.ila., A Eak;a show plica. .")
f T
woraan: thea ta Hoberta,; "Coce
la : here.!.; -V ,,';.; ... W-W- r-: ''',. '
. "No. You've forbidden me your
house and I- won't-eater It now,"
Well coached, she Used this pre
text to insure agaJnst 'witnesses
to what she had to say. "I'll talk
to you tfutsida." t v ' v
. .- Jn a nioiod. unusually bellicose
even fo'r; hIm, her; parent" glared.
"Are you telling me.- what to do
and where, to go on - my !'own
premises?" V.;:..S-'i.:-'-:
"That's one 'reasbn wny I won't
to into the hotlse," she replied
calmly. ' . "I have cdme to tell you
what to do. and what I'm pre
pared to do, about -Celia." .
."You cant make terms with
me. Where Is she?'
f v "Are you ready to "meet the-Al;
ternatlve?," -'w'iJ , .'..
"What alternative?" .
"A legal a'ltemativ thkt you
wouldn't like. .You' wouldn't care
to have -mother and the. servants
know about it, either, so that's an
other veason v for -not: . talking In
the bouse. Will youeoine?",: .
;. (To - be continued. ) i - -:";'
(Copyristht hy "Marsaret f'smeron Tewis.
Released brooch Central , Pre Aaa'at
- ' "' 1 ' - - ' w 11. i y -
Cloverclale ": I
' '. Mrs, Fred Sch If ferer entertained
her brothers and listers and their
families Wednesday evening. -They
came from Washington, Silverton.
Macleay and Portland to visit
hero. .Those ; from1. Washington
have been visiting1 In' Oregon for
the past month... They left for
Portland' Thursday morning and
will return - -to" their 'home t near
Spokane in a few days.
Ronald Townsend has been sick
With the lagrlppe the past week.
" Miss Mary, Hennles was In Sa
lem shopping Saturday. .
-ryredTSehJffeJfer STIpped and fell
Saturday while1 building fence and
dislocated hia bright arm.- He will
be confined to .the house for some
time aa'a resultii 4 vi
; Miss Betty Hill, teacher at Sum
mit Hill -was- in Salem Saturday.
,..r 1 1 i '!'. 1
frisved safe millions and
; :etiralgia Cblds j A
; . Hadlchet Pain :
AapUia to tha- trad mark of Bay-r Kanafactnra of UoaeeUeaeldeatar of SalicyUcseld J
Our Blanliets Aire
, . ' 72x80 . . .; Blanliela
. 'Blanlcets" ; 1 GreyiTan or Vhtt
, First Quality - ' r- - First Quality ?
: PairC2.59 ; ? 1 Pair gl.GO;;'
-72x84 Nashua White 66x80 Weight 4 Lbs.
Blanliets - ' ; Blanl-etsf
Striped Borders, ?5 values Part Wool
Now Q3.65 Pair , Pair Q4.B0
' Wearwell 9-4 - Wcarwcll
Shcetihfj , , ' 9Sheetirir
- . , Bleached- ' - Unbleached
-.. , Yd. 45c ; ,;:;;Ydaf.42y2c,rr;v
'..". 36-inch. - - j 27-ijich; . 1 ;
Outing Flannel Oullnj Flanhcl
t r Yard 15c; t ; ;,Ynrdl2c
S 6-inch Daisy "l , " 27-inch Daisy '
- Outing Flannel Outlnj Flannel
.:Yard25c - Yard 20c
4 -52 Inch Rayon Striped"
Very fine material Pretty
. -32c c
C3.C0, C3.C0 and C7.C0 Umbr I! at CZ.
t ....- ml - ' A "
; i:r. 8-3 llrs. Ca: :!:r wen
asong the Ealem rfsltors Tatar,
day. - -
!. Mrs. Warren "has ben bavin
some finishing work xlone In hn
house the past week. . J
. Mr. ; and Mrs. J. Cooke sper '
Sunday afternoon in Salem witl-,
friends. . . j
-Mrs. Paris, who has been quite
sick at the Lucas home, is report
ed much better. . 4
Mr. and Mrs.. George Mason I
spent Saturday in Salem. "
I Mrs. John' Schllferer's mothtr, j
Mrs, Butler of Pratum, is visitim !
nere xor the past week. s
I-:"-': V
- Have your prewcrlptionf- 'Jled
at the first drug store west Jibe
New Bank - building. Reliable 'and
trustworthy, nothing but the pur
est drugs.' Crown Drug. 332 State.
li Try's Drug Store, 3S0 N. Coral,
the pioneer store. Everything for
everybody In the drug s ipply line,
with standard ' goods aud quality
set vice always. (
SUvertbij-'ServIce Station
; Sold to W. ,P. Specb
! Ts I L V E RTON, Ore.. Feb. .J
(Special) 4 The Silverton serviiv 1
station on the corner of Water and '
Qak streets has changed hands j
again, w. r. specht of Salem, who
has been the owner for the past
few months, has sofcl to Sydney
Jerry and A. Smith both of Salem.
?4V Tt.'Milbern who has been man
aging the station for Mr. Specht,
has been transferred to Salem.
Mr. Milbern wiirstlU be with the
oil comrany.
The following bills .wore indefi
tely postponed in the senate yes
terday: . 1 .' '
! HB 49, by Potter -Relating to
notice of sale of execution.
HB 15, by Winslow--RelatIng
to . appeals to the state supreme
court. - -! 1
p;escribed by physicians for
lrius . , Lurhbago 1;
Toothache i Rheumatism
Accept only "Payer" package
which contains proyen directions.
Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets
Also bottles of 24 and 10ODra twists.
All Firs t Quality
patterns 50c Values at V
Yard j ; ; M )
to CleiinJ Up