The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 01, 1927, Page 8, Image 8

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.o( iatt o cri.uri ru nr.
k:sis in ,r::vi:
The Salem Associated Charities
Is faHnjj a serious cri ;s this week,
arrcrdirtr to Mrs. Mae Yount? ?r-i-ftary.
Seldom before has there
boen w many calls for neip from
.all classes of people, including
children and fall grown men. " ;
Several ex-service - men out , of
work, 'besides many transients,
have applied for shoes -and other
wearing: apparel. - Many Balem
families have 'been made destitute
by weeks of unemployment for
the 'wage earners f the family
end it is especially jfor Jhese that
the final drive of the .winter is
L.lng made .this week. . . . . ;
j M aps or the city hare been plot
1? out and apportioned to-many
soiicltors who are asked to report
a early as possible today. Offic
ers of the organization plead that
the community will respond freely
this call as supplies ol all kind
ere peeded. . .t , , s
Tlbbert & .Tod J Xlectrle store,
Ilia at Ferry ts. Agents for the
Easy Vaster. Good service and
1tw prices are b ringing an increas
ing trade to this store, - f)
Elker Anto Co., 1 Perry at Xlb
erty CL Autos stored and bought
. tr, I sold.-.' Cars Trashed Cay" and
r.ijht-. Lowjprtces and service will
make Ion Xriendj. ' " --()
, , ' i in , ' : - . V.
f IcVnesm ! Forces j Representative
i -, Off Committee fiessions '
'- ,". V- - ' -'t.V
JteprrsenUtfve Jas;n. Hazlett
fil Hood River," who has been ill
for several days, sent word to the
hniVr i of the house ' yesterday
that he wished , to resign from his
, mmmittees.-'duo to the fact that
J;e had no idea how Ion g bis III-rio-s
would keep him confined to
Lis- !cd. - . -.'..
- 'Mr. Jlazlclt was chairman. pi
: i' n. .irrigation' and drainage com
i.iiitee and. Mr. Cramer, who was
a member of .that committee, was
appointed -by Speaker Carkin to
fill ir. UazIeU's chair until such
, tlraa as he may be able to return
t it. Emmett 'Howard was ap
pointed as the other-member on
VI) e committee. " -."' "- -
Cc;:iSGic;;:.t;svon;i i;.
Newly Appointed Insurance Offi--er
Aiim" I!tat , Duties .
Clare Lee of Eugene, newly ap
pointed . state insurance commis
sioner, yesterday filed his oath, of
office preparatory to assuming his
new duties this morning. He held
a lengthy conference with Govern
or Patterson la the -afternoon.
James 'Goodman - .of - Roseburg,
chief deputy in the insurance de
partment, also has arrived Irr Sa
lem, . "Mr. Goodman's came was
mentioned prominently In connec
tion with the selection of a state
Insurance ; commissioner. .
Cobbs & liltc&ell Co., lumber
and building-materials for every
purpose. Cat -estimates, look at
Quality of materia, then you will
order. 349 S. 12th St. ()
Of Interest to' air youn it people
Lis the Marlon county Christian En
deavor social and rally to be held
tat the -T MCA In Salem on Friday
evening, .February 4, at 7:30. .AH
young people,, whether Endeavors
or not. are invited and are -promised
a jeppy evening with: songs,
games, stunts and eats. This is
the first of several events of the
kind, planned , for the . year. No
charge lor admission, t'r' i J
" IImUo Broadcast TomorroTT - ;
Radio broadcast by ' President
Kaszler. February' 2, on Christian
Endeavor birthday.- 7:4 5 to 8.
Radio KGW, -Portland .Oregonian.
. -
Salem Physician - Reappointed , to
' State Board of Health '
' . Capital City Cooperative Cream
erf, milk, cream, .buttermilk. : The
Jiuttercup butter ias no equal,
tlojd standard of perfection.- 13 7
ComL ' Phone 239. - - C )
' - : r.:
J :."L. 'A.- Sheeler. Auto-Wrecking
Co', oldest in .the "Willamette Tal
'ley. : vNew and used parts and
equipment, Low prices and quality
-Et,rvica here, 10S5 J. Com'l. A.?
hinntcn Ccunty Salary 4
In:rcacc3 ;cakly Opposed
The 'bill introduced -by - the
" Washington county delegation to
t AiQ the salaries of ' the county!
treasurer from -H200 to .JJ:800,
,tMt of the county clerk frdm
ilsCa to 3210 0 and. of the record
er r " of . conveyances- from $1200 , to
81 500 passed the house yesterday.
TUs proposed salary raise did not
lueet with the .opposition of .previ-
Governor , Patterson yesterday
annsunced the reappointment of
Dr. W. 3. Morse of Slem, pr. XV.
T. Phy of Hot Lake and Dr.XJ. M.
Darbee jot Portland as members
of 'the ' Oregon state .board , of
bealth. Dr. Morse is president, of
the board, i : : ; i i -
Other members of the board are
Dr. J. Ill Robenberg of Jrinevilie,
Dr. C. J. Smith of .Portland. Dr.
K. B. Pickel tof Medford and Dr.
Frederick Strieker of Portland.
Dr.. Strieker . is secretary of the
board.' Members, of the .board
serve .fof ".four-year : termsk.
The Midget Meat Market neter
fails to give you Abe finest ineats
and fish.- There -is hut one place
In Salem to get the f Inest fisn. The
MidgetMaket has It for rom ()
Thetwd high schOQl basketball
teams played at Stayton last Fri
day .evening.! - Each winning,? it
being quite an important game for
the younger Mys as it was their
first victory. ( '
L. D. Roberts and family, late
of. JMarcola, ;spent the week-end
the parental J. H.r Small home, -
Rev. Mr;, !CrandalU swho was
pastor at ibe M. church 123
years ago, .will ;preach , n Turner
next Sunday. . .; Q SV: v:; i ' ,
Earl C. .Bear returned early Sat
urday" morning .from"hls eastern!
trip, having 'left .in, December , for
Minnesota and other points. ' The
return -.trip was made .by Califor
nia w h ere se eral days were spent
in sight-eeeins. . - . -. ; -i.V -f
: Rev. Mr; 0 roves and wife will
spend the week-end at Jtoseburg.
The M. E. adies will hold their
February silver tea Thursday af
ternoon at the home of Mrs. I J.
Ransom. AIL ladies invited:'
'. Mr. R. "M.Kiserand daughter
Miss -Carol, spent -the week-end at
the home of .her cpusin, Mrs. C.-A.
Bear. . ' j. E ' J -. '
Patton's Baok Store offen all
the latest in Birthday Cards. .Try
them. Ask to be shown the fun
niest of all cards, Scotch .Birthday.
340 State St.' '
All Marion
at the Salem Y
County younc
cj nieresieu in
Capital Bargain House. Capital
Tire Mfg.vCo., Mike's Auto Wreck
ing. Three In one. Bargain center
of Salem. Thousands of bargains.
U: Stelnbock, 215 Center. " ()
Prinsle ' : j"
; Mr. J5nt and family .have moved
over into the 8unny Side district,'
, Mrs.- j. Coburn and" ons
visited In Albany the last of the
week.;-" : .; ': .
. fThe .Huramack' family, have
moved to Portland.
" The loganberry. vines,, that were
not eovered by snow during the re
cent cold snap, .are injured."
The Battle Creek .Telephone Co.'
stockholders, at their meeting in
Prisgle .Friday nightr-elected the
following members as- directors
for his year: C. F. Mann, Wm.
Propst. A . IK Rich ter, IT. , E. Stew
art and EdW. N. Gillingham. The
new directors of thlrf company will
meet 'at Pringle Friday night,
February 4, to attend to the busi
nesvon hand. -
vocie Stewart entertained a "num
ber of her school' mates 'at her
home iFrldav night.
' Ernest Clark Is doing some
grubbing on his farm .now days., ; .
; ,G. W, Day, -tires, -tubes and ac
cessories? has the Goodyear ; Urea,
the standard of -.the world." Mr.
Day can give you more mileage.'
Corner Com 1. and Chemeketa. )
Lane County sVnts .Picture Of
- Reluiol -Convict Z Kosnect t
' '.Lane county officials yesterday
reo uested 'Wa rdeU. . Lillv. of tha
state penitentiary to send'ithem
pnocograpns or Alexander Griggs,
who recent lr.: iwas paroled- from,
the prison by ex-Governor Pierce.
It was 'indicated 'thatHbe Officers
desired', to1 question. Griggs in con
nection . with, . the recent robbery
of the Florence state bank. V:
." Gritres was' sent to the Oresron
penitentiary .to serve a '.term vfor
hishwav , robberv committed .In
'Multnomah' county.1 "He iwas re
leased a : rew days . .prior; to the
.Florence robbery. . V . - -. '
j - J - - '
II t r. r" " f f ff
Henrinc; of the r. olution urg
ir z the rfnoyal of Senator " N'or
I la-.l from the con:: ;ittt-e aprolnt
cd to investigate i affairs. of the
state fish commit' a. will lo held
later this week. This was decided
at -a meeting of the committee on
resolutions held here last nigbt. - .
It was aid that Senator Joseph
and Senator , Norblad would ;be
a.vked to testify before the com
mittee." " ' ' - -7
t : . - l i ; ' .
. . ' v '-." - -
,. New sweaters! A., large ship
ment Just In. . -New. patterns, new
shades .invthe popular pull-over
and coat styles. Scotch Woolen
Mills. : ' v v. ()
. . .s ., .. " . : ....... .
tienry .M. .--Miuer, ,j. b. torn i.
St., where, most people prefer to
get their auto parts for all makes
of ears. Trade here and make
savings on all auto parts. ()
' i Bend Deschutes 192 S national
forest sales -were vbest- o'n record:
3147.924. , , 4
Marion county deputy sheriffs
yesterday arrested two men and
two boys on charges of larceny in
connection, with depredations on
sheep flocks throughout the coun
ty which are alleged to have been
going oa .for several weeks.
r .: The men are Carl Feteh and Ed
ward Patzer, and the two boys are
Harold Beach and .Robert J'atxer,
both 17 years old. 5 A .
Bail for Fetch and Edward Pat-
xer was set at 32,540 apiece, in
ystl '.court yesterday, --and at
JSSOO apiece on -the two boysv 'The
Joys.will be turned over to Juven-
ne autnoriues. -"?.-.-'. t
The rour are alleged - to have
stolen ' 2 0 -sheep )- 'from .various
hani , butchered Jhani, .and o1d
the meat. . They may .also have
stolen other- sheep; according', to
iLU .ia. . Il UiiiiUitiil ; i L;.h J I - J - "
called reasoxa;.l;. -
i d Angeles; Jan: 21. C(P)
UrhDiOlin his. a ward of 4000 a
month .for temporary alimony for
.Lita Grey Chaplin as reasonable,'
Superior Judge Walter Gueria who
granted the. alimony, today filed
an answer in appelate court to the
petition of attorney for -Charlie
CbPlin -,or a permanent .writ' -of
prohibition restraining court re
ceivers from making payments to
the comedian's' wife.'
; Chaplin's -attorneys last week
obtained an aletrnatlve -writ of
prohibition. Their .inotien to .make
the writ, permanent, thus blocking
t,ne' -alimony payments, "will be
argued . tomorrow .before ' the appelate-court
here. t -
; Judge Guerin, in bis answer, de
clares that the comedian's attor
neys were present in, court at the
time the award was made and that
they neither offered evidence, sug
gestions . jiar objection to .the
actions . - ' . . ..
At .tomorrow's hearing , in .the
higher court Judge Gueria will be
represented by Lyndol and Wil
liam K. Young, who also are Mrs.
Chaplin's attorneys.
-Bonesteele -"Motor -Co.,' 474' S
Com'I., has the Dodge automobile
for' you.' ' All' steel' body. Lasts a
lffetlme. Ak Dodge owners. They
wm teityou. :;.()
F. U. "haf era . Harness v and
Leather Goods store, 170 S. Com'I.
Suit cases, valises, portfolios, brie!
cases, gloves and 'mittens. -Largs
stock, xhe pioneer .store. 4 ()
Twelve Obsolete Laws Jonked By
5 -jjeRwiaTOTs la jjast Iay
.Twelve bills repealing as - many
oosoieie - sections r or , the Oregon
laws were approveLon final read-
in j Jn the senate yesterday." The
Diua previously ; had passed the
house, v - : .- -fP
J3ne of these laws provided that
In cases where barbed wire fences
were found lobe down they should
be renalred hv the rinTitvr afcerf rra.
Many of the other laws which fell
under the repeal bills.-equallyias
. First National Bank, the .bank
of friendship and helpfulness'in
time of need, . Interest paid on
time deposits. ; Open an accoant
and watch your money grow. )
, Ji,, ,?,,. ,jj jjx, : l -(fCP J . ;
; 11 r:;LJ37'- 1533,7 miSRG i
' :crrnUS .Washing Pow
j n ,der 2 IarS6 33
1p , 1 s-
f l JsiinrnDizD wiieat
J' Three VO-
S ' r ks - - vV y
j . ' ;!rj.0Un Bi- :K Guar
; j ant ced" hard. Y 0 '
(nOLLEO oxrssmsd:
Jby Quaker' Oats ,1
J tCo. No. 10 br.?. Y-C .
MACARONI - Cur ycl
J.cut' ' " . '.1AJ
Jibs. ... L -iC
JOAWhite Wonder,
bar s -..j....
ALL BRAN .Kellogg's i
- 2 large jj ' ;;;r: r '
' 'FLQUH rCream L'o a f
y satisfaction v
guaranteed '0 1 . J ) . f
CmsCOTresh ( today
, 3 ounce . 1 4I1
iint22c pinl 41c) :
BEANS California
small white - 7f -
10 lba.,2JlL iiC;
. -Two - r Q'O
t or white;
il No. 10 bag..
; LARD C a s c a d e or
Swift's - 70 -5
Jb.paila.;. ..ZC
Peas, st. Beans lpC!-
tomatoes, 3 for.... 03 C
, RICE rLouisiana HeacC;
Kellogg's.CORN fjC
.FLAKES 3 for.ZiOC
'FLOUR-rCrown, : .CIIEESE :.Iarionged or : mild, r
. id lb. ta-a (limit) r.;0 1 O 2 lbs ..........LU:., V '
Coarse or iine J f ' -No.
10 ,bag::.:.. V y C
-crispy, . """9
3 Jbs. jiet i. l
IVORY SOAP 10c size
IK r r
bars ' :tJc
. jJDoughton & .Sherjnn, Hard
ware, 2 8 N. Com !1 St. Hardware,
builders -supplies,, paints, varn
ishes. Give ns a call, you'll find
our" prices .reasonable. ()
Statesman, Ads Bring,ResuIts
.; a- -- " j j rnrr
Great'Northern and Northern
Pacific .Heads ".Confer
;:VitJi ."Officials ' -
ST. PAUL, Minn., Jan. 31..
(AP) tHeads of the " Great
Northenii and tbe Northern Pa
cific railways toeay Joined forces
to placK before the state officials
of the northwest the plans for the
proposed consolidation of i:. 'these,
two railroads ?- U'--
Ralph Budd ana -Chariest Don
nelly, -presidents vrespeetively of
the Great Northern and Northern
Pacific,', citlinedthe plans'to the
Minnesota railroad ' commission,
after discussing them with Gov
ernor Theodore .Christianson.,
Similar .conferences s will be
held in other states in which the
two roads operate. The roads are
not .seeking an expression from
the officials, .It was pointed out.
but wish them to understand the
proposal, before the matter is pre
sented to the. Interstate Commerce
Mr. Budd and Mr. Connelly will
leave next Sunday night on, a trip
through the -west. Many; tele
jgrams have reached their ' offices
from1 cities In. their territory, ask
ing "What the consolidation will
aovfor'U8?''i'K v
wo::i;vs i.i:.c;t i: 1::: r.ric
, thi:i:i: i i't : os::
MOX3IOUTH. January 31 j (Sjpe
fii4l AMce South worth of Newport-has
been elected president of
thet women's league at the Oregon
Normal School ;ot Monmouth -f or
the winter term'of 1927. Serving
with' JJUs South worth are Zoe
Bonders of . Portland, vice presl
dent! Roth Melendy of Portland,
secretary and B jnnie McKInney of
Hood River as -, reporter.- The
league was first organized at the
normal in September 192 5 and the
value 'of . such organization ha
been hown by the gratifying
suits" due; to the cooperation be
tween.' the student body and the
faculty. ' 1 -:- '- '- - '
- : The.purposes of the league are;
1. To hrinsr students into-a closer
working and Social roup and to
sponsor soiial. activities. 2. i
uphold andmaintain a high 5Van
ord ct Scholarship. i3. To nt-ou
Ke the, betterment of hou -ko(-;
liig and , o improve living tAd
tion. of i .udents.; T . , . )
' At the lend of each term ' "
tho privilege of. 4n orsAi'
house tO( become an honor hoa,
form Nto the following rules- i
There shall be no cases of m,c '
pline , in the house. 2. The hot
h Th'?4Vti,t n Ck la"h,p 8tadt.
. .Tberer shall be some outstand-
lng.i,mlmber of the sdent bod,
-A i
; Stop, look, and HsUn to
peal. If yo uare not tbsc
satisfied 4with -your laundry YfuV
lem call 165, Hand 0rk oq
specialty, -. "r -. (,f
r (),
tMacDonald'a 1927 Almanac eiT
prediction about- crops, weather
sickness,' lucky .days and futurt
events., 20c at J, F. Tyler's Dm
Store. 157 . S. Com'I. I
.By Dr. iCll. Sawjier, Wednesday, Feb. 2, 3 p. m. and
7:30 o. pur. offices, 306-7 First Taticltal Bank
Building, Salem. PIione705.. j U
OFFICE HOURS 9 A. SI. to 8 P. M.
,GZll NUT OLEO 7C :. 'U
3 lbs. ;......: rut; . f ' i.
jrr.EAD Our very best,v
? 1 loaves .... L- ..:.:.'....r.
i . . -
SPi:;AC:i Fancy California,
3 large ZVi tins..
California, j ; 5 v.-:. "Qq
IP American .Beauty,
J fcr ......I ' .7
,r:AT.::o:; Fancy Alaska Pink, ' j 07 ' JIILII Fedcrrl, ' : : rr
0 t i.. : ?. .J. " : 5 tins : : ; fZ
::Air,LV:!r.rket Day Special, . : YfTC':0NOIL TT
4 lb. r-'c';.,j.... L .Quart tins .... ; L'J C
aue?.::?.aut - - run 2 lard -r r::c:;7:::a:;c-; - bacon spires
f-"-'-rt - j 3.1bs. - II: jh 4 I w Cujur cure J, lb.
COCOA Best Bulk Breakfast, ' . ;
TATrCA Fine or pearl,
3 lbs .1 u
71000 sheet rclls
t j
. Hi-
'.; J -i!) aJr'J .tD .:ii.-vL L cJ
: iLTI
'1 -' I- -TI
You may not be able to increase your J5arariss.r But-ou; sure can make
v --yoiur .e,arninijs buy jnore dand Jbetter f oocls .at Busick's, Buy j at Busick's any
ft- dayVoumayt like, the prices are the sanxeeyeryday. If we sold wo,or hree
items At 'a 'special low priced just like anyone jckre Ve would be compelled A X '
to raise the nnce nn a few ntner items tn rrinlrp imrMnlfi ! : J . "
Mellow Blend
.-- '
r Makes ,a Delicious V
?v : j
4 cane 35c
' . f . " ' ":r- . I: ........ I'
- - ...... . 1. . . -
- - - : - . ... f -
123CL 01
. j.-,
L , Fancy Hard Wheat
491b. Sack
Milk .
4 cano 356
are cafe to serve,
:your children. Protect- ,
ed by government in
spection, 7 " : 1 ' , -
Crystal White :. .
lGi:,6r3 38c
v .4
Solid Pack
P. G.
' m wi
- I 7- . ,.r - ' .... - . , -
4 JJaS. Swift's
SUi'erleaf :
. .'X... '
1 f
; 1.-
. t. ...
-4 Lbs. Snowdrift
1 omoczcz
3 ccinc 3 c
1 ' ' 2 Large Loaves
! ' of the Best
" ; Srcr.-
25c "
: FcIaHaplha I
10c Xoilet-
. kmr '
G varieties. to choc:. 2
- . f rem to cldsevctut
..-.' .--4. !" ' '- jt'1 sCr if1
! No. 10 Bs-
1 y"
3-Ohe Pound Leaves
HcIIa Tissue
. 1 -
ca:ces, goo::ies,
rolls, pizg,
: - -
. . Freeh Dily, LIr.Je in
1; - . Cur r.Icdem Electric
4 Lnrzc Rolls jCrcpo
Beii't Ip yc;:r c:rr?-r!?3 nrour.d, Jet us j : '
-.1 in yc:: c r f cr ycu .
T ' W '
v . X ... -.