The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 01, 1927, Page 5, Image 5

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Notice 1 -
Advertisement in these col
urans tare charged at the rate of
25e per IJne. - - flO
Whltaker to Speak-
-4 Rev. K. C Whitalcer, pastor of
the First ? Christian chureh', will
oeak f on - Saturday. February 5 ,
vl the Saltation Army hall at 8
;t'. taJ fie 3s an excellent speaker
' and a larg crowd, is urged to at
tend. ; i - -
tear. Tne norse was nuv uun, c
J ai , Mnnrt maitn tn thai
curuiuft iu
local police. i . "
Collision IteDorted ,
, A collision between automobile J nerves.
driven by Charles Clagett or 4z
South High and Mrs. W. F. Fish
er. 1211 Broadway, at North Com
mercial and i Marion streets Mon
day, was reported to the police;
Recorder Mark Poulsen's' court.
it was found that he bad been
tendered temporarily irresponsible
due to "an' oTerdose of medicine
which he was taking to quiet his
The case was dismissed.
v.-, ii ii. ii
. SAYS: - - -
We hare a 1924 foun-loor
' Ford Sedan, with 1927 11-
cense; good paint lota of :
Fextras,. and a car that has
e liad exceptionally good care
j : for S3.-so.oo. ,; ' ' v
Cash and Carry Cleaners .
352 Chemeketa, Tel. 185.
Barred Rock Baby-Chicks
'Special, prices today. , Pe'tland.
275 State. . , v fz
. I rt..: ;
Program, JCnJoyed
" The young people's annual work
progriamVwas held at the Salvation
Army hall last night and was at
tended bya large crowd.- " A great
deal bf interest was manifested by
those! in attendance. Prises were
awarded to the various " Sunday
school scholars. ' .
) V
Entertalnlng and Instrnetuve
T&at fwill be the character of
Mr. jStaiko's -lecture at,, the arm
ory -this evening, v Come and hear
The Wht and Why of a "Di-rette
Dieuretics are used to aid the
kidneys la carrying on their ne
cessary work of picking out of the
blood stream certain poisons which
mnt Kft rezularlv .carried off In
fl I the secretions to preserve the sys
tem from,- self-poisoning. ' i Foley
T.--.-v - ' I flllS. OJUreilCi IU wuswui
Rev. C. Murray Keerer ot tne i twenty-live years, a reiiauuv fiu
Kimball school of theology faeul-1 able medicine aid . in- regulating
m odrfnu the vounr men's I this flow and) in -keeping the sys-
di vision of the Y41CA and the res-Item free of the lurking poisons
a mii n.n at a dinner this I that cause certain pnasea oi m
evening at : 1 5 o ciock. . .1 health ana Doauy oi-
For Your Shine Siep IownstaIr I ley Pills. dieuretiC-.You may need Ilenry Mrlchaf
Car iRecovered
William, Block, whose car was
ttolen from Salem last week, tele
phoned Sunday evening that the
car had been found at Multnomah
station by the Portland police and
rt-tcirneds to him. Tbe carvwas In
good' sha,pe but "most of the 'acces
sories had been taken.
i "i
' Complete line Of -?
Monarch s Electric
Ranges at
5 h21tf
' -t; 'Jncersfto'Meei-"1!.-'''
, . A mTOting- of the Marion-Polk
: - ccantv sector Of 'Reserve Officers'
r 5 oBncladon ' will be held at the
"Gtjay Belle , Thursday f evening 'at
"fake In the JSUB
lAnd!?.Hang Out.theMoon?nd
Tm Telling Uhe' Birds, Telling
the Bees .How I Love You." sung
by Wendell Hall. Exclusive Bruns
wick records at: Stiff's. : , n
The IloQse That Service .Built
In the First Nat 1 Bank BIdg. I them now.
t-v t d.ininr Parlor.. f 5 I otnro h
Sold at Capital drug;
rvirt ; ffonsA ' Visitors - I HnmA Robbed. Report-
Alfred Lowell and O. A. Solie The home of E. Kcfcemn at
of thi Evans Valley district, near! North Liberty; street, was entered
Silverton. were court house visit- and robbed at 1 0 o'clock Sunday
ors yesterday.
lice. -;. Th6 mtruaers upsei eTry
Hwinir Them on Corner . thing la the house. dui xoos: notn-
Atr Crystal caraens inesaaj wwki .
.u. ftii i. nrial old-time dance. I u was siaiea.
6-piece ' orcnestra,
membership committee; - reported
at Monday's luncheon ; Members
added during the past week were
Frank Monner. Dougherty Bros.,
and R. E. Todd
Poultry Aid Asked .
Ambrose Browner!
night, it was reported to the po-P! Amprose jjrowneir ana ru n4tIonailgt BOldiery. The Ameri,
lice The intruders upset every- Cockell. prominent poultrymen of ican consul is continuing his efforts
tne fortiana aistrici, appearea oq- t0 effect their withdrawal,
fore the ways and means commit-1 i '. -
tee of the legislature yesterday and I j PEKINQ. Jan. 31. l AP) -The
petitioned for an appropriation to j northern and southern govern
cover the exnenses of noultry ex-1 ments are preparing for a supreme
;fTnr WhThas been Periment work in Oregon, similar strugle to determine the mastery
, Mrs., Lyda KUi8, who aas been of all China. Each has begun
effertng; from shock Wto;t tottjt !tS:S5. alining its forces for a campaign
was j considered V necessary from
Fukien owing to the rampant an
ti-foreign agitation and the hos
tility displayed by student mobs
and soldiery, ' : v . . " -
Ainericaai missionaries have
been - removed from all "Interior
stations of j Fnklen province ex
cept three missions. Approxi
mately 130;. women and children
have departed, the majority going
to Manila, i Some of the mission
aries went t to J Shanghai; others
were concentrated in Foochow and
other places at the mouth of the
Min river, where they may be per
mitted to remain because within
easy reach ot i American warcraft.
The largest group of religious
workers who remain In the prov
ince are 40 members of the Ameri
can board i of " missions stationed
at ! Shaowu. r In its : northwestern
interior, . 10- days civer journey
from Foochow. , This community
wais Instructed by telegraph Janu
ary '"22 to proceed" to Foochow.
Nothing has been beard from them
since then, but this: is tnot " eon
sidered : alarming -.because com-
manlcatlon with Shaowit; is" slow
and uncertain. They are presumed
to I be on their -way to-Foochow
" Obstacles prevented the bring
ing out of . 10 missionaries at
Kutien and seven at Yenplng. all
of I whom are American Methodists.
An armored, launch which was pre
pared at Foochow' to assist in their
withdrawal was commandeered bv
4 .;."'( a-. -; 3
if. iti
'? ' ) : K t II h r ' r r ' H f ' . ' -
Coffer's PSot BwTlei
TL 70S. Ovr i Sya. .
afartto Oytleal C- . f S010-ajBS
, Pkw. SSS -
Batan Offle v,if, , SH-S18
(Wlnr PUpUr i . 311-S12
Oonmnltin EitlsMi S10
T1bbs 87 Yard XS66
Tnx ik K. Kuogr, rsbUo AecaataiU
Srstem AadiUos Xacm Tax
Pn 184S i , ,, ,. SOS
Kbtg "Wyekoff
Baeolflfikv a Boa. Tel. 970 .304-300
1 1 JIxs.KlnerRecoyerlnjs
Dad i Sneers
Popular prices, pOc and zsc.
'- Senator rreoi aae. i ,... - - iaiiUI
, oln.. a t,nit.t for hlKhvar.K left the hospital here! .w?P
uu ill ui - v. - ; I - . " j . v- 1 . . . 1 : -
the past two weeks, returaed . to.1 t Cash' ajbd ;Carry .a-er '
Salem yesterday and has resumed npip nar f , s , , 352 Chemeketa Tel. 195. fl
his legislative euues. ; ( -Z c,.tt
? tTrnin-' at 8 Meet Eaglea Chief
tor. O'Hani a Bmrdatta. Ontemtttof
FOM S2S -401-403-40S-404-480
spe.jrwtar- delivered flv.
A, S, Page 0 roriiana was .ntsu. i . Ma tnanri A lattenaea ine- session oi m ruri'
fi? ;.r.i rivat the, armory by Hon. Joseph A- , ,
A party of Eagles from Salem j
in the basin of the Yangtse river.
with Hankow in central China as
the focal point. . . V - ' -a
flj Marshal Wii. Pei-Fu, considered
one. of the . ablest - generals v in,
China, has beenrreceived intp the
northern alliance .of war lords' and
Vith General Chang Hsueh-Liang,
son' of the Manchtian dictator
'"" - -.v - - - - - i whifh aii ra mviteo. .ivmie Mr. i ' r-i tianaow: i wu. waow
a six-Uar. charge and eb. z iwtc--.. v "t,h- , t&nng the nation in the lnterestr fered when nls forces were-thrown
set as the 4at for his hearing. " Kniehts of Columbus, he lof the order nd tne old age peh-,1 tr(m Hankow last August by
- ' t . iti.
is no sectarian
discassea the subiect from a pure
ly American staf-point, asking no
favors fox any religious body, and
all whtf.htear himwill be well re
paid t orlheir fTouWte. ; His ad-
Cnt This Out tt Is WVMrth Mone.y
- Send this d and 10 cents to
Foley & Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave.,
Chicaeo 111., writing your name
and address dearly. You will re
ceive, a . trial bottle ior oiey dresses Tn various cities have
Honey and liar tomponnn, i drawn large crowq antve re
mnrhiL colds. CTOUP ( spasmodic 1 I -ot vert iraiiTniiatratfe from t
liIversltr.Monien ar r.iK and tickling! .throat; aiso a inat i Dres8. ;The lelartTntlreJrTree
ine? uicitvj 4- ipaciei eacnpi o 1 ls especia- oesiraoie;' max tne
quested to notice the loiiowmg i retic stimulant f of the kidneys, I ministerw&f the cjHT pr6f essiqnal
ctange in xne piace oi meeuns ior i and foley cathartic aoieis -or i and.hfinea narfple, ana all think
Wednesday evening, ii was pre-1 constinationl biliousness, ana sick
vicusly ahnouncea that tne dinner i headaches, rrhese wondenui rem
would be1 at the Gray Belie,- out Udies have Ifclped millions of peo-
ow nc to the great numoer ot res- iAj, f them, sola at japi-
ervations which have been made, it i al dru e stdr e. tl
.ai K,.il-ion act which it is sponsoring. A ih Cantonese and he lost much
cu s ui. was luiuawu. aiv. . pj HIS' oomam In renirai u,
500 Eagles attended, including I BrTe assurances to Chang-Tso-Lin
members from all , parts of the that he bad put down, the insub
state. Those fromJ Salem were liordination in his army, and was
Lesta Jones, A. N. Potter,' J. C. I prepared to take the field against
Mullen. T. F. Myers, Ed Sundquist, I the southerners.
C L. Seagrove, W. L. Royal. S. N.J The men of Shantung are arm
Willett. C. W. Alnin. S. B. Eshle-line themselves under leadership of
man R. D. Teeters. E. A. Need-1 their governor Change Tsung-
ham, C. B. Shaw; E. B. Taylor and
Dr. T. B. Schmidt.
RebuildinK House-
in g; people
the iwelKre of,
ssent. i
o are
rested in
try efiould
Chan-". aJlv of the northerners.
who is expected to lead them in
battle. '
To meet the great force roi-
Une. upon them from the nortn.
th rantoTiPse f nationausis i are
and IJoyd
Attend Fnneral Hei
Misses Anne and Nell Parminter
i .11 It a V ..--t m I concentrating their forces at Han-
3 . .i. - 1 I-TmwI-a Toi V I C1nft vAri
-"hflKTfVMt ' ' ' iivui a hi a iou iu tjaram cos-
1599Oak treetlV ' " '.
Parrish Funeral Held :n . ,Ar
Anderson, route 2,
has become necessary to transfer
to the Elks club. ,
.!. ; - . ni. t -.::,y,v ' rif Hn?tu . p.-.,h. i
ow Tree numbers oi tneir
irons are on the move from Ichang
and elsewhere on the '"xangxse
river. ' "
p; A: Grajer has lssu(l a tad
Fortlander uea for Acconnt . JmiiI- President Comlnc
.! Mi Ooldstone filed HUltl ! Cir-l . h. '. Tr-f Tlntnliardt.
i JV cult Icourt yesterday against H. J. -r--ldent olAfills college, will be-
ChurchilL , of Salem. Ulaitning I M A.letn , jeednesday had -vr ill
1i 2150.61 and costs of suit on anl ,v .i iai rhanAl exercises at
Jr , -l?T,t!tT .llml'." .;'i"TT" "
1T3 accuum. . " " i Willamette finiveraiiy. . .
1 IT to be dueViim a the Oiirchaseof ?i J!Z I
JUckwoaviorrison wbjuwj, , Hospital Rlirns - ' . -
original, creditors.. - . . I ; sians cdntaining ' Information
f ' "" 1 I obnot tha Salem hospital and di
rections fof finding it, are being
placed on itate and county high
ways near Salem.
R. f . Red' Rabv Chicks '
! Snecial Drice today. Petland,
273 State. : . .
Sunday night, the automobile be- ir;-- rrnTii. Si
uin8 .10- "" 1, Mission cemetrvl Ji. r
AA,AViva cui w c&o a ovw v .s va
trioffiCer at Academvt and
Commercial ' streets shortly aftr
raiamgni. . - ''it
IA Fine Lett
Do not i the free lecture at
the armory tonight on. the .Mexican
School District Seeks Change
i - Petitions have been filed at the
nfriPft of the county superinten
deni for a change of boundaries J questions f
between district 4. Silverton, and! v t
33. i Evans Valley, n According to 1 wm Sneak on Lincol
those filing the petition, many Senator; R. R, Butler of The
small children who live close to Dalles hndj Col. W G. Di Mercer,
the Evans VaMey school are com- sergeant alarms and chaplain of
: celled to. travel several nines ,to I the state achate, will go to soutn'
Silverton. Petitioners desire to I ern Oregon- February. 12 to de-
chance the boundary jto perait I n-er addresses on Lincoln's birth
their children to atteadf Evans Idav . BuUer will talk at Medford
Valley schooL .ir- ' ' ' ' : I and . Mercef at Ashland normal
f ' : fschooL Ji.,
Real Old Time Dance . -,lEa "v.
P Crystal Garden Tuesdays, FebjKhnnd Leaves Position
rurayf 1st. 'Dad Speers - Famous 1 ? GelargShnd,imanager of t
Old" 'Time FJSi-Piece "Orchestra. Salem Iron Worksr If leavifig tiisi
Popular prices.- 50c and;: 25c, fl? position aid will be succeeded by
: j f "-t- ' A. BIcLauehlan of DallaisMr.
fialem Connie licensed' ' Shand hai , been.. connects, 'with
H-rnt o. Hfftchiha-1480 Ha-lthe,;compsny for ..SO SBarar,
; rel avenue, anrf .Vera Mildrd RIp-Jhas,no,aiQU-ced Jiis plans. .
leyL 1395 N. ammer street,, were i -, - - r-r"i 5
granted a marriage license .ai me iwm uau.-
law of J.i L. Parrish, pioneer Ore.-!
gon minister. Many .friends ;nf
. . I V. . X J 3 ,
Stolen from Church, and. Ferry I v i.H-tT.-rT
Stolen 'Auto Recovered
,....l.I- , - i ! ... I
I Cllliuil r Muijs ' ; . . i
A petition to pare North Front
street- from , Columbia to Mcust,
was filed with Recorder t (Mark
Poulsen Monday. It contained a
sufficient number of property own
ers signatures, Poulsen stated. .
W. V4 Kxams Ope
Examinations for the first sem
ester were begun at WilUmette jBeme8ter. as the registration at the
j ! Over 1.000 students had regis
tered for second semester work in
the Salem high school up to Mon
day evening so many,! in fact,
that the high school office force
had been kept too busy to Check
up the exact number. This num
ber indicates a much heavier en
rollment than that of the first
university Monday morning. Reg
istration fqr the second semester
is also under way.' A number of
new students are registering.
Two Fined for Overtime i L "
M.": O.: Eggers and C. J Martin
were fined 1 1 each for overtime
parkJagfAIonday, ittss municipal
Tk Many In Seat !
end of v the first day last fall was
less tnan suo. v i
About 80 six year old children
entered the first grade In Salem;
24 at Highland. 14 at Garfield. 14
at Lincoln. 12 at Englewood. eight
at , Richmond, six at Grant and
two at Park school. . " -
Parrish. 1nnior hJh had a rain
of i6 pupils. "00 new ones com-;
lag In and 84 advancing to the
senior fclh.V McKInlev. reported
Henry. W Redgi of Portland wast 40 new j?upjls and lostionjy 12 by
fined fa tn municipal court won- srauuauuu. , -v lf
day for driving an automobile j 4 ,J x '"s--1 1 .V
with Jhree other perwn to !Oe MARlNETORCE TO SAIL;
driver's seat. WUliam; Sipprell,
640 . North Winter, was fined ?5
for speeding. f-.s-. VT : ?:
office of the county clerk Monday;
" 1 " 1 '" ;' . - - t
Anto Strikes Horse : v w-
When an automobile driven by
P.! A. - Henningson of r route 3
horse belonKlnr to Dick Gamble,
on the River road near the Fair-
Crvstal Gardens. .Tuesday."- Ken. r
1. ' Dad . Slurs' Famous old-time Attend iortiana ncen
C-plece orchestra. .Popular prices.
50e- and, 25c, ' ii
Moser to Address Rotary r '
Senator Gus Moser will .be the
mbunl dalrj Moayroyen gss speajer thejlotary club lunch
from a, window-of the car caused
J cuts on the hands of Miss Mildred
Henningson, who was riding In. the
V Overstuffed
Made to Ordtr
Recovering and.
. Repairing :
Complete Line of
, Wicker Ware
Salem Wicker &
Fiirnlturc Lifer- Co.
2218 State Phca 22CD
eon wediesday noon. v " v
' . .
Purchase Beechler Place -
Mr. and :Mrs. Fred EL .Tiffany
ha ve.purt hosed -the. place on, the
SUveftoni roadfbelohging to Dr.
C. W. Betchler.UndiWill take pos
session lfamediately. " , ,.
Symphony Hnpport Ursed .
; Support lor the concert here of
he Portland Symphony, orchestra
as urged upon, members i of the
alem. Chamber of Commerce Moni
ay noon ty F. G. Deckebach,
ho" declared thai supporting pro-
rrams oi this kind is of inesti
mable value to the city, as it will
make' this; city known as a'musi-
za.1 ' center? t -
Wrecks Apartment
' Alfred McSparrea was' arrested
Monday": by the local police on a
charge - of disorderly conduct after
be had, according to report, wreck
ed the rurnlture in his apartment.
When McSparren was arraigned In
Dr. J. D. McCormick and Dr.
H. C. Kohler of the Willamette
university i faculty, and Keneth
McCormick and Charles hajifmar,
students, went to Portland" Mon
e.y to attend a musical program.
(Co-tinned from 4.)
lifetime L'bf. effort and the flnanc
lal, value ' represent millions i-of.
! Amerieanr dollars. . Tne exodus
New Semester Opei
Regular - classes of the second
semester, at ' alt oof Salem schools
except the high school, were held
Monday. 1 The : high school com
peted registration Monday and to
day will conduct SOwininute periods
completing the- : program in : tne
forenoon. Full time periods will
be conducted Wednesday. , , .
Cf vamber Adds JHembers
. Twenty new members have been
signed 'up by the Salem Chamber
tt, Commereo In January, .Dr.
NeTer ".Col J In this House
Fully Plastered, 6 Rooms
1 South Liberty Street ,
Corner Lot f3OOO.00 f
Tuesday, Friday. Saturday
From 7:30 to 10:30 P. M.
Ladles Admitted Free
Gentlemen lOc
25e .
:' -i (Continued lom 1.;
Vi;. ., j r - i ti- . 1
Turner himself or other parties
wTio would be benefited by a Mem
lsh on his character.
i, Johnl Carson, district attorney
said, t "I believe that the whole
thing is Just a typical con's story
and nothing to be afraid of."
Jas what effect the charge win
have, on the political future of the
warden is. hard to estimate, .aT
nrominent officials-have exoressea
belief th,at the nature of the an it
will Onlv strengthen tne cause iot
r.lllte whn is taking no action m
the case except lo reime me siic-
ments made against hinv.
SILVERTON. Ore.. Jan. 31.--
fSpecial) -Emmanuel young peo
ple's society was organized bun
dav from the St. John's and Trin
ity societies. Officers elected were
Clarence Sibo, president; Luawig
Moel vice president; Marcella En
nevoldren. secretary ;Jalmar-Refs-
land, treasurer. , . t
-.-At tne residence. ,16 60 , South
Slstxlliatora tor WUiUn'i .
romaiH txook
WlUard H. "WUts and rani r. bbitu
Attorn 410-411-41- Tel. tss
nn ixooa
IcUa S. Dir nnd onU W.
nM its. . ft ;.;-.v 8iw-w
Ctra. lwU, 8kad-t C-aSOa-B0S
. f . vaansta .... ... .. ,
B. F. 0-dtk, Kw Tsrk Ufa
Boon BIS. ' Telephoa 198
V t
- .... . . : ! . i
Commercial street, early Sunday
morning, xars., Annar oynuii, a-
50 years, wife of " Paul Hcnuiz
Funeral services af St ' Joseph'!
Catholic church. Tuesday, Feb. 1
at 9 a. m. Interment, In St, Bar
bara cemetery. Remains :are
the Rigdon mortuary. .
btxth rxooa
. ;!. S16. &M. t?8
tavgjim rxooa
ziohtr rxboa
I. H. Ssnden, H. D- Phytidaa larceo-
anit aB-.v". :i --' - yat. 1 ; bmm
Sr. H. B. See field-
Cblrapnetor. Kmraealoaketcr 8-rrlea
irnrra trooa
- j
S1.45 SL95
tejtth rxooa
. Chaln-r Xm Oeorga, XD. 8. i
Oenaral IXctlstry i . - -
E. M. GrUiin. J. X. 8- OrUiodoatta
TaL. 1SX. . - ; ; ' Sttita lOOS-lOOS
terment in Lee Mission cemetery.
Remains are at the Rigdon mor.-
At the -.residence Junction of
Liberty and Jefferson roads, Mon
day, Jan. 31, Mrs. Emma M. Craig.
age ,69 years; r wife of 'John S.
Craig; mother of Mrs. D, Ma-?
sbn of Lakewood, OhIo;'.Brs.r Lew
ACates of St. Heltns; -Or.: and
Dr. , D. D. Craig. of .Salem ; also
survived by two grandchildren and
3 great grandchiidreh,., Mrs. Craig
was a member of the Order of the
Eastern Star at Bay City, Or. An
nottncement.of funeral later -from
the Rigdon 'mortuary;- ' r' "i ; :;:
-1 Laniro-"
In this city Sunday,, Jan.i 30,
Merle Stewart Lange, age 44 years.
father of Merle Bern Ice Lange;
son of Mr. and Mrs. A. F Lange
of route 9, SalemJ brother of Mrs.
Edith Allen of Anchorage, Alaska.
Remains at the Rigdon mortuary.
Rosary services at 7 o'clock this
evening. s, . . r ' - .
' ... , .Dame .
At the' residence. 456 N. Chureh
street, Sunday morning, John W.
Dame, ajge 84 years; brother oi
Mrs. A. XL 'Page and Mrs. Jr. m
Craven of, Salem; also survived by
seven grandchildren and' nine
great g:randcnlldren- Funeral ser
vices Tuesday, en. . a, at x p. m.
from . Ihe" Evangelical .church at
Chemeketa.1 and 17th -streefej. t In-
and dignified service
with simple and rever
,&nt .thought, illness for
all concerned. ;
Webb's Funeral Parlors
. Telephone 120
IllWJlrYf 0 I lfli
! I I U1H i I 111 I
? Neivxrisp shirts in
: patterns ;of smart
; riessr and distinction
ma de by Wilson
Bros. More t h a n
aKirtv dozen at the
.above prices in
sizes 13 to 1 81
Your . opportunity to
get -acquainted , with
Wilson Brothers', fine
fittingr shirts', at a re-nxarkablesavirig'--1
.tJ..j.:- :U.';iU''4-..-; -'''iS . .. i!. t- ; . J .'",V'" ''j.-'.'i 'K.f.'' - '
- Perfect Funeral Service
. . For Less . '
Licensed Lady Mortician
770 Chemeketa 1 Street j
Telephone 724 ,
titabliiedl863 , .
-. - - '. - : " - ' '
General Banldnj Busineit
Orttca Hoar froaa ! a- as. to y. aa.
We wish, tb announce' that A. B.
an has- beeni; appointed 'v
yriahager jto succeed Qeorge Shand,
effective Fehrii-
o nas resi
ary l ,v
117 Nor
'-'j t---i,-
rent fl i Telephone U u J
Salem Orecn
ff V : - -r:
We Are Now Making 100
XP-alth Bread
i ; 4 843 State '
The Home of Good Paatry,.
CHOICE of Traub Genuine
Orange B'.osaom engage
tnec and wedding rings tea
tris to the judgment and
gocd taste of the wearer.
j t s4 I
We' seh repair and rent type
,. ' vritersl "V .. i .
Manufacture- all types ; rubber
- jr - Stamps, "-j rJi
, 463 State St. ; Jvi? .
Special -
Charter Oak Grey Fnamel
U.VNGE . .
Regularly priced at I1S5.00.
Offered at a very special .
' price of only
, Cico.oo
C0 rrCHTTI CommercIJ Ctreet
Yick So Herb Co.
Eat'd. 18 Tears In Salem
J. II. IONG, Msr.
If other treatments have failed
try our - Chinese ; rer-.edles lor
asthma, bronchitis,' croup nd
cough. , We have jivea relief to
many suffering with throat
trouble. Never neglect a cold.
We. also treat all disorders cf
men, women and cLUdrco,- '
;. : Consul tatlcaTre 3' . '.
Can er write 423-423 Ci:s f fc,
Balem, Oregon, Phone Xt3 -
1; - 't
, - L0113 end Short Distance Haulins
"y 1 Public and Private Storage -J
r Fireproof Buildixr
'i- Free DeliTery to any part cf tLe dty
, -r ' ii .1
or Economical Transportation
Til, , j - -
Flat IeSevlcete!lrd of .ervics you ha?
' , waiting Tor, is now at your. caQ. We have adopted t
- o method-of ; handling charges for Chevrolet repair -v.
: cause it enables u to give every Chevrolet own : r r 1
,' "gent estimate of the cost ofrepairs before the work I :
- Our repair shop is guided hy a schedule cf repair c ; -
each vering a speciflc repair job with tha exc;t 1.
' time indicated plairJyv5 1 The standard price list cf CI
;r Parts ?ye3, the exact .cost" cf replacement p-rts :
These are the facts that ''-take the uncertainty
Cervic wofc I ... .. ' . ,
" , The Chevrolet Fla Rate System rxxaVes far tettc:
lower prices, because repair? men spend their t
only what you have ordered, That's vh-t v. 2 c '.
v and you know ixx advance v hat it will cot-
Our shop, is 'equipped withcpe-i-l Chevrclct toe:,
pair iob it too large cr" too snaall to. be iisr.-!;d ."."..:;
.T at rxurtinuirn cpst tor yoa.' Hi ":,":.;".'
' ' Remember: -Good; and rtr--"- service cc:..1j j
the end because it"prevr.U ep:r.l ' I . '
lensthens the Ills cf your car. ;
-'. , .- . -. ' ' " .s - ." 1 - - .
Opposite City KaU r T 1 i .i . ?