The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 01, 1927, Page 3, Image 3

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toe onCGON sf AfzGiiAi:, SAttr6nfiGb:r '
- I
rvl i
; "- " 4 ' :
v. . . ... :
TEL. EPffOAXi fv&
elen -Ruth Hardy Becomes
f Prineville Man . -
I II -tli(f uuy f t f i. i
Association of University Women
will hare the pleasure, of enter
taining Dr. Ueiahardt at dinner at
the Gray Belle. . Reservations for
? much interest. in Salem -I! the 'dinner should b;made by
.-inanriaxe of Misa, Helen. Ruth calling 1 Wrs. Robert Dann at
ardy to Mr. Warren?w,iYonceiJ480-J. - - !'
rPrineYille.Or. which took place ; , - . -
t 8:30 o'clock, Saturday, etenini? DakotaClub .TFi CCt , t ,
t th' home of the brida'a.nar- W Anxdjt-u "at Lanfoot'Home :'
nts, Mr. and Mrs.. W. B. Hardy atf . -xr, w J. tlrifnnt m
rVt;1" 1 b hostt tomTenine-at
beautiful arched altar as ar tnelrh0me at 2100 Nob Hill and
anse4 In frost y the re. place. Hoyt streets at the regular month-
fThe two archesjwhicb formed the ly meeting; of the Dakota 'club: A
C1 re eoTen with orchid p0t-jUek dinner wiH .be sBerVed At
Wad white streamers i Streamer :,?.--. :i . ..v( W
In uneven tenatbs f oraed a, iat- brlnr a filled f basket and allver
lice m tne Dace, oorely trailing nmi Mrt-Tiee. ; t
yeena were Interwoven with the . , Mra.- George L. Gumming is
bbons. Palms and fern-formed Chairman ot the refreshment com
he background,frwhne at either mJttee. ani Mr8- E. T. ProBCott of
1X11 TWS.pW-'-r Se program, committee.-
Immediately preceding the cere- fomer Dakota residents are,
tnony MUs Ruth Haxelton sang v7d to rtTests
Oh. Promise Me.'f t The wedding f' T rest
party assembled at the altar to the Patriotic Orders Hold Joint
Strains of the Lohengrin wedding tii:.
march, played as a duet by Mrs. installation at
Irmn.' Corner, pianist, and Daniel lKOman'8 Club House
Hardy, Tiollnlst. . . One' of the most interesting
1 Rer. J. Willard De Toe, pastor Joint installations of the year took
jof the Leslie . Mtthodist church, place last wek at the Woman's
performed the ceremony, using the club i house when the Sons of
impressive single ringi serjlc,e. Union? Veterans of the Civil, war
Miss Luella Mayes of Portland at- and their auxiliary conducted the
tended the bride as maid of boner, ceremonial together. A large
fTbe beat man was -Paul Hardy of number of members of both or-
sneiton, wasa, a Drotner or tne i ganlzations attehdedme ritual.
bride. Blilie Edna Hardy, niecs , Music and Teadings irere. furn
ished Jy Miss Corrine ' Maurice.
Miss : Evallna Cufcminirs and the
Sons'viujrtfit. iq - '
uommanaer-eiect , a. m. xauscn
bt the bride, was'an adorable How
ler girl. She wore 4 frock of hem
stitched creDe de chine "fetnd car
ried, a basket of spring j&rossoms.
"The bride was ibeauUfuly gown? respond to n encore, with .a
e ia urcaiu uh treytj wurniwuu 6peecn,i encouraf ngi not only :a
an amethyst headdress." .The for- spirit, of patrtotlsm u practical
aia$ gown, made rlth flared floune- patribtiism.J atfd ledaedj faithful
es . aud low waist line, was orna- devotiopu, toi the imembers of the
inehted: with gold stitching. She Grand Army- ot the ; Republic
carried, a lovely shower of bride's I Mrs, Louise itJng, division presi
roses, freesias and lilies of the I dent iof the aonsl auxiliary .spoke
rauey. " 1 ' I in behalf of the atuluary, and Mrs.
I " The maid of honor was charm-1 Mary Entress, dJTlsion president
1 !ng in an evening gown of green of the daughter!, -spoke' and td
. rpiorrfittA nrer nink atlti rlnrorlv I v.Aa ofo..l r'nm.irfa Favi
t .-. - - - r - - - - luvau .aumvimDf
rnamented with silver and with I Race of the GAR responded with
runciai nowers. suie arriea an ia short talk: '. I
rrn bouquet of Ophelia roses. r , Following are the . newly in-
Following the .ceremony . Miss I stalled officers:
lazelton saner "At Dawnine " Af-I rtiviainn .,Mirv' rimrW fu.
. v w-. - - . . aBwu v mm-.t y v j v- a .
!ter the wedding a reception was jsenden, installing officer for the
Jieia wun 4U relatives ana irienasi8on8; commander, A. M. Lausch;
of the bride and groom in attend-! senior 1 vice comtnandor." Dr.B. F.
knee. Mrs. T. C Richterof Amity PonndsT Junior vice commander,
presided at the urns.' Assisting I jj. G. Boyerj patriotic instructor.
in tn serving were miss jsiswjbl- J. Raymond; secretary, - Glen
ri ucaer.; miss uessie "i ncaer, jaissi Adams; camp council, James Rem
Margaret Leavenworth, Miss Mabefi jagtan. E. T. Prescott, GR. Stov-
vurne-ana miss n.inei nazeiton. er: exAte. H. C. McWhorter: color
The bride received: numerous huap. v.: i. R.iphnnnt .iTiiHa
beautif il gifts in ; electric ware, ruard. S. W. Drake : butslde miard.
iBureFiEna linen-. 2 t. p'
Mrt; xoncey is a graaaate oif rttinh nypsMnt TjiniJa K-inr
i0"6 nolTersity with ttheiMt8jtiteg aUtet f orW attiUlaryr
T" j" k- wi"v ..-j... ipresiaenf,"' uenrua- jKemington;
v-t?has Uught both at Amity an,dic. rnrMlaent t M-r- B.vLiCkie!
' i Vrine ville. Mr Yoncey" is city I
Aiahal at Prineville wherethe chaptaln. Clara Aaams; patriotic
i young couple .wiU mak thebr J instructor! Nettie4 Schram; t secre
Ihome, : M t ---MUryi Minnie Baker: treasurer.
Th.bride worjra loveiy trock-1 Hattle Cameron;H guide,. Emily
ensemble with goldace trim. Her pregcott; ; assistant guide. Allde
collar; and cuffs. - She wore a pinkl Adama: polor haror Rnt nmt
coat was sf ponyBkin, with beayer UgnesT Cohenberg; Inside guar!,
nai uai eonwaBWM in pwwhus Hria Robins: onbdA enard. 1 4a
- T . :
Lautsch; husic, Margaret Fessei
den. " . ;
manner with her wrap and acces
sories. . f
Mr. and Mrs. Yoncey left Sat
urday night for Prineville.
.Among. the out of town, guests
Jf or the ceremony were. Mr. and
o ; ?
Today .
-. . Writers club- Miss Maude, Cov
ington, hostess at borne of Jndgo
and Mrs. Henry J., Bean.
h'orae'of Mrs. C.;A; Nichols. ' Mrs.erhlngsheriffs sale of real prop
James G. Lauderback was elected Terly . on tax sale or foreclosure
president, .Mrs. -Johfi Hain vice j shall be amended so that instead
president, and Mrs. .C.I A. Nichols . of .the sheriff requiring xext If i
secretary and treasurer ' s '-,.r I; - I rite ,that ' the r assessment , Hens
fininv ntinMa mtFtiKneviea Djr any municipal corpora-
tb Kosteas twrred delicious e- UB uevPn paw iq : lain
. Aft Tfendfenties Evaluated
Vi- M -5 Utter.5 Mrs. John Spranger.
Chamber of Commerce rooms, at Mnj Spranger, Mrs. James
ocioc.- . v . . IO' Lkdrbarj- Mra.- Johnr Ha In.
;Y.K K, club ol First MetboMr-.eoT-e. Hata Mrs. Reetea;
dlst church, t Mrs. Powell, 1 1 1 4 5 1 Mrs Harry- Young, Mrs. Roy Mar-
Marion street, hostess ..'T:-, chand.--Mra. J4 F. Wagner was a
pal corporation for local improve-
ments." -
"t Some, members were opposed to
the bill in that it, in their opln-
Larer Audience Merited by Program at AValler riall tJnder
; ; ' Auspices of MacDowell Club Anna Ellis Barker
; - Outlines Trend . - ' .
died mm
Km, f twrim'. AnxlUarv.
Mrs..LirietW Smithy i 57r.Center
street, 'hosted - 5 , ' :
.rtfti Wednesday
;DrlJ iAurelia ?Henry Reinhafdt,
national: presidenti of .AAUW ;and
president: ;of MUis f xiollege, '; will
neak at oubllc - chapel, 11:15
o'clocki? Waller Hall ' r '
Royal, Neighbors'. Sewing, soci
ety. -Mrsv Bertha ComstdcX. 548
scutn . 17 tn street, nosiess rot-
luck luncheon at 'noon. .
Royal Neighbors" lodge. St
Paul's parish house, 8 o'clock.
Dakota club.fc Mr. and Mrs. w.
J. Llnfoot, 2100 'Nob Hill and
Hoyt streets. - 6 : 3X o'clock. Fot-
Iuck dinner. -
Sweet Briar dab. Mrs F. E.
Mercer, 1510 N. 19th street, hos
tess. .Li- h H -:' -"
AAUW - dinner . to honor Dr.
Aurelia Henry Reinhardt. Gray
BeUe,r S o'clock
special guest., . - , -; :
'The next meetings will bet held
February at the home of Njs.-
' . . .,.- 'By AUDRED BUNCH
Only a meaere err on p was present last night in Waller Hall
ion. put the city taxes before the for a program that a capacity audience should have heard
county taxes, Which, under1 the ,Wo Anno VlHo -RoVlroi. nf Pnrflanrl amvmroA in s rfitfnrtivf
s jThe bill, will be. reported back
laroraDiy, tnia morning, notwith
Independence Woman Lived
- ia Oregon I bince a ebb,
Came From New York:
P?necial.1 Mts. Mallissa Govro.
a Mnt of Drpeon for 40 veara. .
and insriirationat lecturc-rectial under the auspices of the I died at her home here this -morn-
Salprfi Manowell rliih. - , . . ' ' : - I Ing following a stroke of. apo-
; standing the; disapproval of . one
John Spranger. '
- -;
pJ two members..
! 1 1
! uiant an
fecture on "The Harmony of the iArtsw Sn wff K ?.aiV X
. - t Y. June 7, 1854, and came to
amon of usic and Painting bin a isse with her husband.
Miss Barker! in a
made a special comparison
. f lamecolored frock, she made a vivid picture on Ahe stage.i a rivii war veteran, and their
Wardrobe trunks as i low- as ,wr.v Her t voice is beautifuUy modulated, and the iriannerwi chUdren. ,They located near Ai-
d all tmnairi which she presents her facts most fc. bany. but six yf ars later movea to
$24.70 and aa high as $85. 18-ln.
cowhide hand bags . with leather
lining reduced from fS to 15.90.
Max O. Buren, 17 N. Com'L )
:. . - ' . :
We are ' state ; dlatrfbutbrt for
the Viking tires and tubes. Mai-1
com Tire Shop, corner Court and
Commercial streets. Drive in fori
your tires. ()
riel Powder Supply Co.. 610 N.i
CapitOL TeL 2248. ,j t r, ()
(Continued from paga 1.)
t ' . .. . . . . ... .
' In speaking of the chaotic ten
dencies in modern art. Miss
Barker made .the prediction . that
the outcome of It all would be
something really splendid: "Event
ually we will recognize more flexi
bility in our standards of rhythm
i j ; . . it i an impossibility to
judge a movement while It is still
In the throes of its development
. but ths next ten years wlM
show what, is good in the. mon
strosities and what is lasting in
objected strenuously, to these ap
propriations... He said the farm
ers had - received every ; consider
ation . fvstm tfia tw a vm .nil . moAna
Buglness. ahdiProfessional VTar committee, and the state, was not
r , T it I sirosiiies . ana wnsi ia
Representative ..Tells Why much sheer loveliness.
fl I '-l! - :L .1111.1 1 I . ' I 1, r T..nm
State Revenue
mens UUO. ..uray , neixe, tmnnnrt thn ennntT fairs.
o cioc. .wMianuc i. Toe geaato,. decUred that the prin
tna, speaaer. - 1 cinle was. wrong, and that the ap-
Chapter ;G I of .the PEO ; Sister-
hoodwft ilrsi-WwW. MOdre hostess.
Woman's Benefit 4 association.
Mrs. Jenhie f Miller,? SS1 South
X 9 th street, hostess.
Sllwttifn AiiinlrAii of1 woman's
auxiliary of St. Paul'a" Episcopal
and - means, committee approving
the fair appropriations Senator
Butt asked thaJt the bill be left
open until he 3Couio ; corner wun
church. jffMi'. y.- G. Shipley, 118 j the chamber-of: commerce of his
Oregon is permitting not only a
gross: injustice, but -also a whole
sale waste of its only nubile
wealth producing resource, when
proprlatlons would- grow nntu lit; alows the maintenance, of fixed
they reached an aggregate of two I zlshlng appliances on the Colum
ov three'.bnndrthousahd dollars I bi river. Representative James W.
por bieanlum, . : j Mott of Clatsop county, told the
r oliowing tna voae or tne wavsi memoerg oi me saiem unamDeroi
Er Washington street hostess.
Hal HiODara auxiliary.. Armory
Chemeketa .chipter, Daughters
of the American Revolution. Mrs.
W. E. Hansen; 820 North Church
street,- hostess.
Willamette University Faculty
WomenVcluBjif Mrs. Floriah Von
Kschen, hostess.
county. He . indicated t that he
would ask for a small appropria
tion for hie county.
The appropriation of 12400 re
quested by the state boapd of pilot
commissioners was allowed In full.
A bill. Is now being prepared rais-,
ing the fees of .pilots to 3,
which H will return, to the, general
fund of the state approximately
An appropriation of a 400 to pay
the , salary of the deputy sealer of
weights and measures . for two
indnths was allowed. At the ex
piration , of that time - this - olf ice
will be taken over by. the state
market agent.
The committee , last night re-
the left- bank of the - Beine, In
Paris.:? She goes with him on part
o his trips to other parts of Eu
rope. f The restof the time, she
does some newspaper work..
-Allen and Arnold Desch-Fleurot,
brother of the .one-time, head of
the ; art denartment of .'the uni
versity," and the mbst famous cortl ported, out the bill making .the
respondent in Europe at this, time, I governor the State budget officer;
were in Bucharest when King Fer-1 The; bin carries an appropriation
dinahd was operated on: also Just I of .$35,Q00-for .theblennIum, and
after Oaeen Marie returned from I glv8 the governor authority tq
Tir rfn tn (h Tlnitpd states. -. emoloT a budget director. The
I Both ex-students were very ac I hm will be introduced inthe house
tive in Journalistic work whole on i tomorrow. . - ' . r- J
the camoua. Mr.f Allen was: rel ;Tbe . committee allowed an ap-1 aa
porter on the Mernlngt Regteterl PT0PfO.,W.0ft5. .for the fci
Commerce at the Monday noon
luncheon. -.
The salmon fishing' industry.
Mott explained, brings $10,000,-
000 a year into - Oregon, but that
is a mere fraction of what, could
be' realized ' with proper manage
ment. . ..- ' ' ;
Theoretically, the fish belong to
the people, but by licensing fish
wheels and ether - appliances, a
monopoly has been created. In
the last election .the people passed
a law that prevents -these appli
ances above Cascade Locks, and if
Uie legislamre will prohibit them
below that point, there win De no
fish problem in Oregon. Mott de
clared. t . , , :r ,
I The effect of these salmon
wjheels, traps and seines "has been
that, 60 individuals and corpora
tions have taken, 50 per cent oi
the. salmon, and also - that the
Spawning grounds .above Celllo
have been cut on. because no sai
men could get to them.?,
liar, the law favored by Mott is
passed, the ten , million dollars of
reVenue from the fishing industry
wQl increase to 0 or 60 million,
aid 2,5,000 Jtishermen will be em
ployed instead of 5,000 or 6.000
nresent. 1 -
is Us 4 et .especial . Jmpotance
for two years.
Eugene .Register.
Visitors Jtteturn nome
- Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Sumerlln
of tees-Valley; near Coqullle, have
rturned to their home after spend-1
pacific International Livestock exi J tdl J Salem-beckuse saimop: net
4 ' 1 twrlriA manufactured here is al-
reauy usea un mo
the amount of 1 400,000 worth an
4EveVything in ,- the book store n?lly' Mott taeaonea- '
. i. i j :
gram by flatteringly, .designating
her small, audience, in so far aa it
inspired her, as a ."creative" . ope.
By way. of a ;broad, outline she
listed the four general requisites
in art: form,, color, rhythm, and
harmony, j She drew apt: parallels
between music, architecture, - and
painting. - - h . . - -; . : y v
In all three the law of unity is
of primary , importance : Duality
follows as the .second requirement,
while' affinity or dynamic duality.
is " the completion of : the founda
tion. Miss Barker .made many
useful analogies, drew many vivid
comparisons. For instance, in de
fining the technical meaning of
duality she alluded to. contrast, in
color, i.e., red and bluer contrast
in line, i.e., the horizontal line and
the vertical. In defining dynamic
duality the lecturer explained it as
"day and night with twilight be
tween '; as the horizontal and ver
tical lines of a door converted into
an arch; or as dissonance and bar
mony "with something else be
tween." t , .," .; i
The importance of the "echo
both in painting and in music was
made exceedingly clear. .
Miss Barker played lucid, ex
cerpts from the great composers
to . illustrate practically every
point., An absorbingly interesting
contribution to the , program was
the manner in which the artist
gave the counterpart in music of
the famous painting "Mona List,"
substituting .a "long stretch of
color" for a "long stretch, of
sound," and filigree in painting
to' filigree, or, embellishment, in; a
piano composition! ' ;
i Miss Barker made clear distinc
tions betWeen the romantic, the
impressionistic, and the, modern
periods calling: attention to the
special ..Composers, (or painters)
who exemplified: each: i
At the conclusion of thei in-
played. the verjrjovely V Passepled
of Delibes, which was all the more
of a favor.on account of the. chill
room in which she played.
The.; next MacDowell club pro
gram: on. February at will be an
attractive costume-recital by . Mrs.
Independence, where she has lived
since that itme. Her. nusoana ,
died IS years ago. 4 e. . v .
Mrs. . Govro Is survived .&y twe
sons, Walter A., of Portland, and
William A., of -Albany; three sis
ters Mrs. Maggie Govro of Rock-
ford, Ia.;Mrs.!G. w. Gorr or ai-
Arthur J. Rahn. one-oj galem'sU ' Mr Ella Starman of
most talented soloisu, and mem-1 BrooklnS8r d.; and a brother.
ber of the MacDowell club quartet.
Mrs. Rahn will be assisted by Mrs.
C. Ralpb. Miller of Portland at the
piano. .
.v It is -? of particular interest in
relation- to last, night's concert to
know that both Miss: Barker and
Amos Swart of HeatonN. D. She
was a member of the Neighbors of .
Woodcraft and Women's lleiier -
corps of Independence. ' "' ' ' , '
v .Funeral . services wm nae con
ducted at .the Keeney chapel ; In
Independence Wednesday, Fehru-
Miss Frances j-Tirginie iMelton, Ury !:30 pm.,' Dr. II. Charles
Willamette university, studied un
der, the great Swayne in Paris.
Dunsmore officiating. Interment
will be in the Albany cemetery at
Albany.. :
Merry Minstrel Couldn't
If yon are in heed of comforts.
blankets. Pillowi or other beZ&lzs
FOOI Salem- Police FnPfl Tott, nould see what Hamiiton-j
ruuVirf,eu,--",,r.e,- rorcel ar-e 'itfertng.-1 See the wool mixed
? w. ii -iiJ2 - il,f:-ilbianaeu at 4.5.- ' , i-i
-va uviiu u ay aa&7 ca uiiUouci I
tfinw TT V TLf r2 r o avi - V. 4 I . . . . -
a -j u uva v - a, uyui
In a local. rooming house, couldn't
Professor and 3frs
WUliston Are Students
Mrs. T. C. Richter of Amlay, Miss lat. Cambridge L)
Ann Silver of Astoria, Nt W. Har-1 . -Recent greetings from Prof, ad
ran of Prineville, Miss Vera John-1 Mrs. Horace Wllliston who wih
son of Prineville, Wanda M. Stein- their little son, Horace III. i re
tnetz of Woodburn, G. O. Hansen spending the year ia; England, 1 all
of Seattle and Leland Jennings of of their . happy establishment at
Albany. ,..., - 83 De Freville avenne, Cambrid je,
- Miss Johnson of Prinev.Ulo Rassv - y unio la la the Chest ;r
caught the bride's bouquet. , ton ptpparstory school; myself in
U t yr I the medical schools, bacterlol-
pr Aurelia Henry ogy,.and Horace is ia the nnlvirs-
lteinhardt- Will Speak 1 ity." Mrs. WUliston writes.
in Salem TomoWo'xo
. Salem will have the pleasure oil , , , t?..
entertain m n.ttni:ihi via- Address Uusiness and
Itor tomorrow whenDr' -Aurelia Prof esHonaVWomen t
Henry Reinhardt, president of An unusually Merestm jmfeeV
M ills i college and national prest- Ing has been planned by thefSa
dent of the American Association lem Business and Professional
of University Women, arrives on Women'a club for theirtfeeting
the Shasta., , f ft 4 ' 1 x . tomorrow night at 1:30 Q'clock at
, Dr. Reinhardt will speak. at the ' Gray BelleU a this time
11:16 o'clock, at a special chapel Marianne Donke. u.
service at Waller HaU. . All in- Austrian nurse,' J vill speak on
terested townspeople are invited "The Social Lift in v Austria."
t0 eltt attendance. Miss Donkey wb b to America
Following the chapel address Rtndvinr nnhlic t.k.iH
Dr. Reinhardt will be entertained j n charge fthe 104 health
at luncheon by Miss Beatrice Wal-1 centers in
. r , . .. - - i " " -f aa, ui vvtuv
ton. -- T tw : .-- V"-;1--' I . RftMrvAtion r fr . -.tAa
r v 'UlUUQl
of Mrs. Lizzie W. Smith
Mrs. Pattison Is Hostesh
for Book and Thimble Club
Mrs. Pattison was hostess last
Thursday afternoon, at .her. home
for members ot the Book and
Thimble club. '
. An interesting and most accept
able program, originated by Mrs.
Kubin, and based upon music, was
m . m rm-
room, Tat, the, Commercial Book
store, aea . uom i. . , vt
; ' -
(Continued from page 1)
on all above five thousand.
ruhs like newx car Otto J. ?wif- grpups of piano ; numbers, each
sdh.t TheT BhWk Man, ?388?N. showing the beauty of her jown
CbmL TeL z20i . T -fi talent. Miss Barker substituted
4I j, , ' 'r I the t 'Isle Joyeuse," , by . Debussy,
fmnatifm Diifricts Wilt ,or "The Wand-peU (Ireland)
irnyailOn M5 lVl ,? l, . I which the nroerams announced.
Need Certified ACCOUntant The audience reveled in . the vi
- " ' . I brant quality of the composition,
Requiring that the accountant J ' In Its shimmer, in its pulsations,
It Is estimated from all ob-1 auditing .Irrigation districts' books I In its rhythmic exuberance. ? t
Hnngry? Dont ..wait. ...order
the state of .Oregon, which woulj Representative Bqrdick of Des-LBetVir rJ
a great ald in.carryinr on.thl LhuVes county was passed Mon- e'' -.U f80!
and clean.
Yet Baklnjr Co.
"RaAup.tian on ; at. hatn ait: tfiA
Vanity. Ha tsiioppe. 387 Court St,
i Be sure to see our line cL hats be-
tkinable figures that this bill, if I hi 1 certified nubile accountant! As an encore, the gifted pianist
very much enjoyed. Mrs. cook re-1 passed and it becomest a law, win i appointed by the governor, nouse
to.d, in an-interesting manner, a raise 12,000,000 per annum, forjbin &t introduced January It by
radio detectire story, j - . .
a . 1 aaUrhtrnX luncheon was
served by Mrs. Pattison, assisted I various activities of trie state in I aSy by the house.
by Mrs. Schwartt. ;.. s Y. ' I nleetlnfe existing deficit. The 1 The I audftinK has previously
The following - members were I rates ana nuraens are dtstributea I been done by any accountant aes
present; Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Cook, 1 in this measure and it appears toijgt,ated by ..the irrigation and
Mrs. Fergusn..Mrs.5Kublnw.Mrs.mest. the approval bf many legls-1 drainage .securities commission.
(vet M-m Mra KnfnmeM I TB flqnARRTTlpn t mrt raTATIon I - .tt 1 1 4Vi hanila nf Ihtt PAVPr- 17- . -- -": .T7"
iU19 7 -W A v, f w. , - -. . . ' I OUU-k L fcuy ." -
Mrs Simpkins. ; Mrs. Van santen, I committee , iieia meeting; last I hOr.l 1 :
., V. n,- Xfro rittfann. :. I niirht Add rnniiMirfl(I ktinmhArof I ,o.trl.l!nn wsa T1araA
OliU .WO-rO, .-..W. - - " I i . J VCTH " ..W"-
j" ." The program committee mem-1 proposed measures some or which I oil district bjouds requiring all con-
cers for tne next meeyng are mra. i win repri oni iiu mornins. tracts involving more tnan o,vuu
Lacev and Mrs. Brown. . s I House bill, number 314, which tos. be first approved by the state
-, -r-A. 5 would, make several . changes in I commission. Mi. Bardlet alleges
Sweet Briar Club ;' I'the interest, and penalties vdue I that the nrovlslon was designed to
Will-Meet Tomorrow ::,wnen iaxes areaeunquent, is oe-1 stop j irrigation And drainage ne-o..--.
.i. -i win tog he!4 pending further invest!-1 Tei0pment Jn the state under the
v-w, ' . - I ;tia
of Mrs. F. E. Mercer at 5 5 , a.
19 th. street-
hats just in, .
At' dOCK in tne evening tne i should ' be madeSh. m- -mi
Salem members of the American I phoebe MeAdami 1512-MW,
HaiiHibbdrd tAixiMary.i
2 Hal Illbbard fiiaiary will meet
at the armory On Friday .after
noon, xeDruary
You know, how annoying It
is to cough and sneeze all
da : long and spend a
sleepless night ' the same
I i Sold Only at .
I i '. . - . . .. .- .
1135 North Commercial
! Stieet, j..: .
j 'PHONE 197
The Original YrjrpxrYtvtitt :
t Drug Store -
Mrs. Powers Visitor
KM.' Aurelia SWrs "of Aurora
W O 4 Vl 3k Piniial .. m n
ert J. Hendricks airing the past I
Sons of Vetera Auxiliary
The auxiliary to:he Sona ot Vet
erans wfll meet thj afternoon at
the home of Mr Uxzie W. Smith
at 9 1 center aret.
Faculty Womerii Club
Will Meet on Siurday
. The Willamette University Fac
ulty ,Vomen'sl tin will meet
2 : 3 0 . Q'clock jBato-day afternoon
at the home Of Ms. Jorian Von
Eschen on' i Court street. Hos
tesses with Mrs.c(tt Eschen will
be : Mrs. George ljr Alden, Mrs.
Charles I Sharou; Miss JYances
virginie m-iion jsxa Miss i-ucue
Ross. " j
Fornier Sateiiuiri ,".-,
Is in Austria. - T
: As a European i correspondent
for the Paris editon of. the Chi
cago Tribune, Ja; Alleni an ex-tTcirersity.-of;
Oron' sVilent, is
now ia icnna,.;isiriai. s r"
. He and bis W wbo, was ror
rnorlv .V-iaX, u, & graduate
Chemeketa Chapter Will
Meet at Hansen Home
for February Meeting f
The members of cnemeaeta
chanter. Daughters of the .Amer'
. "' . L
can Revolution, . are compieung
fiians ; for a bartlcularly ; interest
ing meeting on oaiuraay aiter
noon at the home of Mrs. "W. IS.
Hansen at 82N. Church street. ?
v.. Hostesses, with Mrs. Hansen will
be Mrs-David Looney, Mrs. Mar
Ion Ijooney, Mrs. Asa Fishery Mrs.
Ed ward . Jory, Mrs, tJepha White
and Mrs. A. A. -Underbill.
' Mrs. : Allce H. Dodd nas been
Invited to take charge ot the pro-
The bill as amended would land that It has fully served
have done away with the three I nurnose '
per cent penalty Ao charged on! ; if passed.; ft I thought- that
taxes not paid before the 6th of I w u 4 5 -will restore the business
December next following the ate I ct the district to its board of di-
they became delinquent. TneirkCf0ra by eliminating the feature
committee carried a motion to0 .intervention from the state
report mat - tnis remain ) stiu in i commission.
: In ? doing away with , the pen
alty the bill would give to the
county all of the interest, while
districts levying the- tax would
receive no , penalty or . Interest,
even though the tax would not be
paid for several years. It would
thus, only get the principal, -no
matter how. long : the districts
waited ' for 'their share
6 room, modern house. Four
blocks from pbstofXicei ?'
341 State St.
escape the vigilance of the Salem
police force. . : ' -""tv
.. ; When he. was arrested' for ; dis
orderly conduct,. . It was' " found
that McSparren had : been Suffer
ing ; from an overdose- ..of .medi
cine, but the police ordered hfm
to leave town-
Hoping to "get by" In spite of
that admonition, -. ', McSparren
donned a mechanic's wlflte dus
ter, smeared on Jjurnt Vcptk, and
fared forth-again, lie. went to
a garage, and, tried to purchase a
car,, but his queer actions aroused
suspicion and the ' police - were
. . One i of : the policemen encoun
tered McSparren' on the street.
The i"cblored ; boy . tried J to carry
out the part by talking in south
ern dialect, . but that too failed, j
and he was ataln lodged, in Jail,
where in the course of time the
burnt cork began to v rub ; off
gradually; .-. i
I '-
Tampa. Fia.. Jan. 3i-t-(AP).
Sammy; Mandell,".'" world's ' Tight-1
weight champion, outpointed .Ar
mando .Shekels of Belgium, in a
10 round '- no decision, bout here
tonight, , in the opinion of news
ta IT -:
U D -
OlLES or other Rectal and
JL Colon itilmehU are a source
of constant annoyance, worry and pain.
Together with the reflex conditionfwhich
follow, they aap vitality and strength, de
Stroying health. And Voa but Drolor
your suflcrtng by neglect or patent med-
tctnn ana Bocvttu opcrauon. My mtbod t$ tb
roost dracdta medical ciac proulc-rtii
bijmults hy tbO-saadsafcasM (octMaOy treat.
A . 1U ( ha na r.l? .
PU4ES or refoad the fa..My 1 00-
Je-riptlve. 1 1 las traced
o r s $i
roRTiAMo ore
i ji
tram. Her Subject will be, "Girls
of -Yesterday and Today; --. Their
"Each member of the chapter b
abked to'bring as a guest a pros
pective member. v -
Salem Musicians Hear j . -EUv
Ney Concert in Portland
Mrs.. Walter.. A.1 Denton, Miss
Frances t Virglnie - Melton, ' Miss
Dorothr Pearce, Miss Lucile Ross
una Mrs, W. Hr Burghardt are
among those frohv Salem who
heard the concert' given by Elly
Nr-r. Internationally V known pi
anist. Sunday, aflerhoon in. Pythr
ian; Jjf.ll .Madame Ney, the Bee
thoven Centeniry pianist, is the
wife of Dr. Willera Van Hoogstra
len, director or the Tortland Sym
phony - orchestra, .which will, be
presented at the Elsinore theater
Feb. 14. - -
Bethel Dorcas Club
UTrt3 Officers:
Thn Tit ihf-l Dorcas club met m
TFiirv itv of last wprt for their
r""rl?r nthlv. m,,H ! n
catalixA trieu agaix
levy.f In view ot the fact that the
man who pays his taxes when due
should .have , benefits . over the
man who does ,not. the commit
tee moved : to recommend the re
taining of the penalty. ., . -
Tbe - bill nrovldes. also that a
two per cent rebate - will be - al
lowed upon any tax paid In full
pp or before the 16th day. of April
next prior to "the date it would
have become delinquent. It would
eliminate the assessor . being re
quired - to describe tracts ' on .the
tax roll which do hot exceed a
quarter, section according to .the
government' survey. This was
held for their further; investiga
tion.; The. members were not sure
whether, or , not the bill was a
necessity, of would .improve the
present .method,.' . , ....
; There was considerable discus
sion 4 over. . house bill .. No- i Z11,
which provides that the law govr
tLONCS BEACH, CaU. Jan. 31
AP) Henry F. Sullivan. Ixwell,
Mass., , veteran J swimmer, wnoi
swam the English channel tn 1923
but who .negotiated less than 10!
miles in the. recent Santa Catalina
channel marathon, : was .within
of - the I sight of the. mainland at 7:15
o'clo'ck tonight in a, second at-
tempt, friends of the .swimmer
here reported.
' -.Inc-: ..".v."' ;
I , . .Thfl .Winchester Store V h-.
iu ... Forego x.- .
Phone 173.,-r- 120 N. Com! St.
' - 1 Asthorizctl Clstrlhvtor :
The Personal VTriLlns ITafhlna
. . TrpeWrite'r Ex'chanija -!
: t t!! .TC3. r.C-Tt :
Phone 631 421 Court, Caleta
Io cure for it, but we'rosne
- Vscy'n Caaranted -
4ooey- refunded if it does not
t"t V-! V'i '-cure your cas ,
j 1 . Ir-T'-!ts ; r
j :i Jor. Court and JL.iL.frty -JsU 7
i 1 rmr ii i i i .1 .... .1
"if jrou know what's
good for you"
uful of -course y&u do
is the food Jor, you , . .
XXrHEREVfeR th bMt foodfbeing.serv'cd,
yV vou wiU find Exiriglfi "All O'tlie Wheat".
Brai. Itii nUt brown color knd jdelidbusly rich
; flavor give an appetizing zest to every deal. :
EhrJi "All O'the yhcae' Bread; ii 4 QuaUty;
Food containing realrnoirUlixicnt- It b' always'
uhifornl in col&r. taste and 'quality,' as ' it is f
baked according ta bur bvra forriula, ' f 5 ".
. -A ... L-
Tha GtaahN haa
thialalML ,
Tour Grocer S jir?
"Allb'the.Wliat" Creod.
!1 -
1. wii a L . r .
Sal r.i, bri'c:
. :.'-.r--.--V-- i If;:. . f- . -,- -
V- " ' ' " " ' 1"..
. -. - i
via -v; .
.a ,
J "i- -
' -:--:-:''.. :
. . 1
v-.. ' ...
i .:''-
St,....-. ... - ' t
ferahgeiisl EArl .i Hewitt
Olid Y. M. C. A. BuUdins
; . When .'V .'.' '
I Every Night 7:30 and
I '.;. Sundays 7:30
- Poptxlar service
:i at low 'cost
-j ... - - .. -. ... r" -
f - .. . .
' $30 Hound trip
; . on special coch
train from Salem
N faster, safer nor
more comfortable
' service ihan this.
day at 10:12 A. 31. 1
Ar. Han Francisco
Saturday 11 :30A.M.
; . Usual freb bzzz-Z?
1 allowance
floomy Coaches.
ObserTation, Dining
and AU-Dar Luuci
Ecrrice. ,
- en any. train (f n .
rracf r- cr.!y)
- t a fifteen days.
"lor - .inferuit
1 I
y Tirn c.r;
' 1 1 ?i Lf.-'Tty
L (... ...a tf t 3 U t-5
I r