Tim onncoN st a t ns?t r a n, - s a le ?. r . onr.r.oN SUN DA ! i i . 1 V t f Sliiitfo.ilK Hi. uT CLrlH. PattersooDeclinesto Release j, . V 'jesThem iV- r - ..... .-. j The; report of a committee ap pointed by. Governor Fatterson to conduct a survey a of. the state . penitentiary with a -Tiew-of 'de termining; the - financial stafus of the stat.. industries therej wts completed Friday and; filed with ,: v. oovernor Patterson. - The gover nor indicated that the1 report would not be released to th' legis lature until he has had time' to Stve'it his consideration. j ' ' The ' investigation was ' ordered iby "Gaovernor, Patterson because; of, ; claims . made.j by ex-aoeroor ; Pierce that the state fla Industry and other, prison- activities bad ( been placed -oh self-supporting k basis. - Friends: of. Governor . fcat- ' terson alleged . that ex-Governor Pierce had. '.made extravagant j claims and. that the assets 'of the j state industries did liot aggregate . 1 the amount- Bet "out in'a statement : Issued -by. the previous, administra tion,. V. " 4.' Y ; i , TheVfnvestlgators listed all ; stocks. on -hand, at-the prlsbn, and I prepared "a "; lengthy statement . i . showing- 'the - value' of the ma . I chlnery'and the -amount, of -money ; f that has been expended in develop ! "in k ' the industries. Tad-- stocks ; were valued" on the basis' bf rmar ! ket" quotations. , J ' r New sweaters! A large ship ment J.ust In. ' New patterns, new . Shades in the popular, pull-over Apd coat -styles. Scotch woolen. Mills. VU Women's Debate Team V.Cbosen;, Eight Trying Out Misses : Hazel Newhouse. Mar garet Pro and , Irene Breithaupt vere chosen as members of Wfl- lamctte ' university's women's de Late team; at a try out held Satur day afternoon. Misses jGaynelle Heckett -and Elaine Chapin tied for' the- fourth, place on the team, and the lie., will be decided later, i Eight member of 'the squad tried, out. Judges were. Dean F. ; y. Erickson and Professor Hoy C. . Ifardlng." The debaters have been coached by Dr. John O-Hall.' head of the public speaking department i .The first debate will be against : Q AC. women,'.- a -dual contest. Feb ruary 28. - - , f . three' Divorce Cases Filed, fn 'Marion County Saturday '-Three complaints 4 and . one de cree were filed at the office of the cownty. 'clerk Saturday to establish a record on the number of divorce feiptjons filed, In : one day in (he local circuit court. ' S . - 'In the" suit of Arthur Knight ngainst Violet Knight, the plaintiff ,vas granted . a divorce and - was given the custody . of ' the three thHdren all under eight years of age.; ; ' . - -' t -y In the. complaint filed. by Daisy Paugberty against . Glenn Daugh erty the, plaintiff stated that since heir marriage ' In August, 1924. she -had . been subjected to cruel and Inhuman treatment. , She de ilred tolhave her maiden name restored : and .to obtain such all in ony aa the court sawi.fit to grant. ; Lillian, Cu minings, suing R C. f..'jammings alleged that.; she nad een treated cruelly at times Bince fcetr.' marriage in 1917. The plain-tX-. asked for the custody of two children and alimony, to provide for their suitable care. John r McClellan seeks divorce - , . : : f v v v i:i r:. l I i i ' i . SAY "BAY E R AS PI R I N V,- cWW' Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets, you are not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin prescribed gy physi f' dims arid proved safe by millions OYeV2$'years for ' -' 1 Colds ; ; Headache ; Neuritis ; ' 1 Lumbago I ; : Pain Neuralgia . Toothache ' Rheumatism : I D02S rCOT iFFECt THE 'HZZYt. I - -Iandy "Bayer boxes of 12 tablets :.-.? Also bottles of 21 and ICJDrugists. -It ti 2Hcv;-a?e -f SlaEcscctrrs? "-'..? cf EUcj-uccU . from his ; wife, Daisy u McCIollan, on grounds of desertion. McCIol lan stated.tlmt his wife has lived out, f if, the state atneo September,' 1S2S.. and, that 'li had waited for nearly 18 months for htr" return. i Cobb & -Mitchell . Co., lumber and building materials lor. every purpose; : , Get .estimates lool -at quality; rr, tnnterfal then you will order. ; 8,49 s. 12th St. () KOZER MAY BE BUDGET CHIEF,' BUM OR SAYS are Ffanlf Siever .-of "Portland and Senator Davis of Malheur cbuntV. II waa said that;'Mr. Siever has re-received- the. indorsement oC the American i Legion, while senator Davis- has the support "of mani members of the legislature; tato supremecoart.'and tf lare number of ' prominent- ranchers ' and1, bua- iness men of Eastern Dregoa.- 1 The . appointment otii Sermonr Jones as state market aeent nrob- tktAt will be.' anpuncedwittiia'' the. "f";0 "weeks, It wi sal that this appOiritment has heen heldiip because-of the eerlous illness of . m. ppencej incumbent, of., the state .market agent's department. . Clare 5 Lee;: oti Eugene wbio; re cently was - appointed state Insur ance commissioner to succeed Will Moore, : has arrived In" Salem and will assu me hla . new. duties next Tuesday, James Goodman of Hose- Durg hat been appointed deputy insurance commissioner.' Both. Mr. Lee knd ?Mr Goodman- haVe been engaged In thei insurance business for a- number-of Vears. '.' ' ' ' It 'is iiott believed here . that any changes Inu the personnel i ol the state- accident commission,, state fish commission, nor, state game commission; would, he : announced until the close of the legislative session. : W. O. Krneeer. realtor, nroirrea. sive, fair, equitable. Growina citv and country makes possible buys mat win make you good money. Complete listings. 147 LNf. Com.. Mrs. Henrietta Pariish -., .passes; Away STaturday Resident of Sajem for C4 years. Mrs. Henrietta Parrish; wlddw of Norman " O. Parrish. died Satur day morning at her home, 455 N Summer. She was 85 years old. . Mrs.' Parrish was a daughter-in-law of J. L. Parrish, prominent Oregon pioneer minister; who was one of the "famous 52" who voted for a - provisional . government in Oregn i in 1 84 3 and thus bfoughi the Oregon country under United States control rather than under the British flag.' The Pafrish junior nign scnool In this city was namea after him. , e : Mrs. Henrietta Parrish was born in Oxford. Mass.: She was mar ried to Norman ,0. . Parrish. two years after coming to Oregon. Tor th epast 25 years she has been a -widow.'. ; ., . f, ,v . ; , she was the 'mother'; of Miss Nina Parrish, with whom he has made her home; of Mrs.' Hallie Parrish Hinges, noted local singer, and of Mrs. E. 1 M. Cox of Seattle. Several grandchildren and great grandchildren also survive. ' She was: a. member of the Methodist ihurchf;; k :: l ; . 'i : ':s Funeral! services" wfll be 'held Monday f afternoon : at : 3 o'clock, from the Rlgdon mortuary, with interment In the Lee Mission cem etery f j : , 'ip'&i -V;? r-, 4r ' J One of ninifr- retired locomotive engineers of royal trains, all over 70 ; years of age, drove George V over 5,000 miles. . . ' . Electrical speedometers, clocks and revolution counters, were among the r accessories,. attracting moat attention at the French Au tomobile Show.-. -' v,v - - lAJU-UJ 11:1 - i .-Accept only "Gayer" v package which contains proveadlrections M'OLD ;J CXIXSTItrCT - KKHRV ?: laisKRVoin'Fon wtouagii . Charles II. Lee of Berkeley and Romaine W" Myers of Oakland, have filed witfc the, state -engineer anolicalioil .PAverla? tho rnnatmr tion off the Ker by reservoir for the srage 4 10,00 0--ac-res " feeti of ess! of the amount appropriated water-from the Illinois river, ' The 'IH ' be' paid ' through the opera water .would- be nsed for power, tion of two laws providing, for the mining and manufacturing', nur - poses., , r. . . -, i Other applications filed with the state englaeer durinr the n&at fpw days follow: . . ..Thompson. ' Mining company. Chehalis. Wash:. Tir ,nn priations of Water tram Riir .t tributarv ' otllhe-Jh- nv for rniniag purposes In Grant Gilbert C. Lanham. vtin,,.: coverlne the constraetion W . . J servoir for-the storage of 5$. acres Of water from 4 Fish, Hole; creek ana tne .r appropriation- of - water ,tored in treservo forrTga- ti6n of - 7 6 ' acres of land, Uk . Lake county. i- ,:l '--i -;: - W. L Fisfieri jj R, Halland and O. C. Richardson, Myrtle Creeks covering- tbe appropriation of wat er from South Myrtle Creek; trib utary of the South TJmpqua river. for. the irrigation ; of ll 20 acres ,-of Und in,; Douglas j countyvji The estimated, cost the, development aaa - t n, tTi.-rr.-i Was $2G00, ' ; R. L Ilolman. Port land; covering the appropriation of water; fromu Mcdalla river for irri gation and water; power. "ft Albert Peterson, 'Lorane,. cover lngthevappropriationrof water , . j a a . from tinnamedcreelr, tribotanrof the Siuslaw river, for the irrlga- tion of land and for domestic pur poses. : ::. i S fr ? W- A. Felton. and W. W.. Banks. Portland, covering the appropria tion of water from unnamed creek for . domestic and irrigation pur poses. - r ;S L- A. Sheeier Auto Wreektnr Co.. oldest in the Willamette .u ley. - New and . used parts", and equipment. Low Low priies and quality v 108f L Cora'l.1 () .. .r : , . 4 " service here rrtVUn ' I Lb I rUK UA I I Lfc F.. W. Durbin Elected PsMont of Hokteiji Association . The Oregon State Holsteiri a-1 aoclationvr h-whlch- met ' ati Fnrit prove on Saturday.'went on record favoring- a com pulsbiyj. test:; forC3rtent f the capital outlay appro tuberculosis In cattle:,, ; . ipfiations Ilildepend to a large At the dose of.the recnlar hns - irees session .'officers for 'the suing -year- were elected aa? fol- lews: ,F. W. Durbin Sr. of SalemTl president; Mrs. Jean Warrens of Forest Grove, vice president. Paul Adams of Warren, secretary;' R6b- erf ' Warrens - of-.-, ForestV Grove, Jake Luscher of Falrview. Frank! Connell of Hillsboro and It.'W. I large, number of boards and com Cooley of Jefferson, directors.-! nissions tor turn 'over to the gehe- i nose attending the meetine I from Salem . were Frank Durbin, J tUeir annual receipts. - It is . Hke Sr.; Frank Durbin, Jr.,and E. A,ly 'that this measure will be re- Rhoten. ---' f ? ,:" 'f n- I vapitat oargain House, canital i urBjnig. uo., Mixe s Auto wreck fngr Three In one.' Bargain center ot eaiem. Tnousands of bargains, tu eteinbock, . 215 Center, -i () APPROPRIATION BILLS: PLANNED Itt JOtfiT MEET (Continued from page!) ?; tion of the new state normal school plant at La Grande, and $169,000 for the. new Eastern Oregon tuber- cnlosis ' hospital at I The Dalle. Both of these institutions were t ion. i iln addition . to'the annrn-1 priation sought; from the i legis-Pfott If ture, the bill creating the tuber-1 culosis' hospital carried an allow-1 fence of $100,000 for the purchase r tn, a sue--ana mner expenses; I ; apuar Outlays ; at the .Oregon Rtaf P trfllnlrnr crhnnl " tnm V 4 i the amount of $80,000 already have been authorised by the ways and , means committee. . This . ap propriation win e expended in the erection of two cottages, which of necessity, would increase the main tenance cost of the Institution. The state- home fortbe feeble I cinded also haa requested appro- Driations aggregating' 198.500 for new buildings and fixtures. Other capital outlay requests have been received .from the state industrial school Tor girls, Southern, Oregon norma! school state tuberculosis hospital and state school for, the deaf. . The aggregate cost of: new buildings U sought .nt" the various state Institutions - was - estimated roughly at IL300.000,. but, may reacn a nigaer. Pgure. . r - During the past week the wars and means committee has added appropriations in the aggregate of 560,000. whiclu were . nrevionslv rejected, one of these annrocria- tiona was in the amount of S40. CfrOvand will go into -what Is now known as the .predatory animal hunters' fund, f This '. appropria tion was restored ' after the East ern Oregon delegation had been Pooded with telegrams and letters from livestock interests in various sections of the state. The conf- mittee also restored an 4appropri- ation of f 7500 for the Installation or a wafer tank at' the mat in dustrial school for girls, The . Oreccn Ilnaane society Vi.v I ' " i urauit. Ifl Dane which. two ysars Ego was awardedfeuch misery is Umed in an appropriation of $6,000, has re- Hn. "Worst sour risings. . belch-ceired-an appropriation of 12,000 lag. Moat, gas pressure, Just slmp for the current bfennlnm n ly fade out.- You feel fine In r i allowance for this department was itcreased at the Teuest of Sena- v I itr wr3rcr ways and ; mea.ns committee f rotKaatern, Origon.... V- S iihs'tan t lal s4 v i n ks proba bly w il 1 made by the committee thro-ugh he , passage-, of bills t making.; the public service Commission and the Hate board of health U virtually self-supporting. The s'pubUc :ser vice commission 'hadi retjnasted. an appropriation of $11 S ,0 e for 'the bienniam, bat thls'waa ' reduced by the comndttee to $20,000. Ex- Vvnses of ; th is department in ex 1 collection of fees and a small tax. levied . on public, utilities. The lw i Providing for TtheS collection of fees by the commission will re- I turn, approximately S3 0.0 00, Vhile I too tax? on the public utilities was lesumatedrat $to,ooo f Thtf sUte board 5 of - health re- 1 Quested ; approximately; $70,000 ,or the bIennium' t this appro- completion , of the revenue WUa. I One . of the bills which it is in- tended " will defray the costs of this department will authorize the collection of fees f orrcertaln . ac- " small tax on all life insurance corporations Operating In the state. It, was said that' the insurance companies would not object to this tax ' In event the money . was used fori health work.' The most drastic reduction made by the" ways and . means committee was ; in the- requested;, appropria l'Zlir7' leen estimated 'that It. would cost tion for the state library. $121,000-to operate this depart ment,'during the current bien- nium, but this amount was re duced to $75,000. Whether, the appropriation for . the library-will t-Wuu.tJ...J - . .. . 1 icvuusiuciru lias uqi yec ocen f ;it-rj -i - - , T ?n u' ir,euus Ul ine in" There also has been added to the appropriations $25,000 re quested by ; Governor : Patterson for the conduct of the state budg et department. Members of -the ways, and means committee ques tioned' ' this appropriation, but Governor Patterson, indicated that U - ,...,' ... . .. i - r"7?'u,?T' !u,a usea- . "ai D"get law maJtes P88iH for the. governor, t. ploy a state budget director'! slary; he -, may deem reason a o em at any- reasonable. ! At n meeting nf h mra ' ia means committee to be held M on aajrnigbt requested appropriations for the state board of forestry. j Oregon state fair and a number of county fairs will be 'considered a Wednesday night he commit I tee will- pass on. the various can! l - ta'":."otlay.appiiatlonsl;:4:''Tfe'e Refee upon the amount of money eri-Jtnat is i available after the ! going expensesVof - the various. Instttu Hons, boards and " commissions I naT beencovered I Senatdr Staples : said ' yesterday j tnat Jie expected to prepare a bill I within the next fewi day which ouid make It necessary for la ral fund Of the state 10 per cent of ported out by the ways and means committee, of which Senator Stk-r pies is a member. Vlbbert & Todd Electric store. High at Ferry Sta. Agents for the Easy Washer. Good service and low prices are bringing an increas ing trade , to . this store. - - - ( ) -- i j T , Mott to Speak Monday - at unamoer of Commerce oaiem cnamoer of commerce members will have a chance Man da tn 1pto h '.tbeMegislature, as James1 W. representative from Clatsop county, will speak about it at the weekly luncheon 5 Mr.-'Mdtt Is considered an inter esimg taineri accord! 6k 'to tte cnamher of commerce bulletin. " 1 1 ' ' -' - i ' " 11017 FORGET tt- tw. s. Wcar?" Store has Pape'a -Jiapepsiru Ends Worst . Attack Instantly Tlie Old t-umpr, FelUg In Stmaek M Sine I niarovertd , . ' k Pmpa torpaiB Hurryi Get a narV Diapepsin at nearest drug store. What mn - . . 'fates. Try it and prove It. Get ent pacltage of Pape's Dla- nana in a - nww . . . SOUR STor IK - - - - . ; -t r SELECTIB OnlLB: 5 LA XI hi I IiOC,Ti:i IX- WARXKIl Selection of wamp lands 'made by the sta te land board in( the year- 1 922 navel been; upheld I by the commissioner of the United States general land, office, accord ing to .-Information received at the offices of j the attorney - general here yesterday.' . iThe. swamp lands are located, in, wna is known as the , Warner Lake district in Lake county and comprise approximate ly 4,000 acres. The value of the lavds was estimated by- state Of ficials 'at $240,000, . Following selection of the lands fir the sUte of;-Oregon adpbining landowners protested on the grounds that the selections were not swamp 'lands. Hearings were"; held before repre sentative! of thev general land ot l:I r " "it 7. z v v 7-f " c pared by the United ; States' gen eral surveyor j for- the ;! state of Oregon; This, decree', with minor changes, was approved by- the of flcials at Washington. The swamp lands will be used for the benefit of the-common school fund." The Estate was ! represented; byjthe; atr torney general in all proceedings having to do ' with " the' selection of these lands. j We are slate distributors for the Viking tirea and tubes. Mai- com's.Tire Shop, corner Court and Commercial streets. Drive In. for your tires. . . . (?) U. S. WARSHIPS ORDERED READY F0R EMERGENCY a(ic fleet and in personal charge at Shanghai.- 1 : '"-,,-, ... . Secretary Kellogg's hopes that there will emerge from the Chin ese civil war turmoil an agree ntent between the factions on ways and means of negotiating new treaties are founded on no -definite information ; that .the Cantonese and. Peking; governments are ap proaching Isuch aii; understanding ; It was reiterated ?at?ther state department today ithat the Wash ington government is ready it any moment to enter negotiations with a Chinese treaty commission upon which the nationalist government at Hankow and the 'Peking gov eminent dominated by Chang Teo Lin, Manchurian military director, canagree, but that no Official in timation has been received that these, twow factions,, were ! contem plating 'such-, an agreement. On the?, contrary, .each: side has pro tested-vigorously against any Am erican treaty dealings with the other side. , ' . Mr. Kellogg f eels however, that he. has made so plain in his recent statement both the friendly pur pose's1 toward China of the -Washington' government 'and its desire to remain-strictly, .neutral as be tween the Chinese factions that there can be tio mistake on either point among Chinese leaders. : Wardrobe" trunxs as low as $24.70 and as high as 585. 18-in. cowhide hand bags with, leather lining reduced from 1 8 to - SS.pO. Max O. Buren, 179. N. Com'U () INVESTIGATORS' REPORT ON TEXT BOOKS. DUE ( Continued tnni otn 1.)"' a personal : friend r of ex-Governor Pierce, was largely responsible for the unsatisfactory text book situ ation In this state. The witness testified that Mr. Miller was close to the Pierce administration,, and it was necessary to crawl over him to reach the governor. ? Conversa tions with various persons " were i elated by Mr. Turner, indicating tha' Mr. Mltter had received fav ors; from agents of the text ; book publishers. , ; .. " j 'fi .- Mr. iniler admitted that he had taken luncheon, with some of. the publishers representatives, v and that he probably had-been, the re cipient of a: few, books I'i sent; out by these concerns, file denied em phatically that i he had been ,? ap preached i and offered money to support any particular - text book offered for v: the consideration of the text book commission. At one time during the hearing Mr. Mil ler referred to Mr. Turner fas a liar, and. said he was not co m pe , ThcMexxliant Tailor Invites all Salem people to attend the Pacificoast Merchant Tailors' convention held at the Multno MkK JioXei Fortland, Monday; Tuesday; Wednes . day, Thursday or Friday, February 1 to 4tht. ' - ' ' : " ' v : :-' The displays of new styles and fabrics will held in the ball room of the hotel. . : - Mr. Mosher . will be glad to conduct personally ' any of his Salem friends and patrons through this beautiful exposition of style. " . . , M ' to hold. any. pofdtion of trust. her members of the text book commission corroborated Mr. til ler's- testimony thdt" no graft had boon attempted in; -connect ion with trc recent text book ' adoptions; . iJerv Haney. Portland lawyer and partner of Senator Joseph, was at ; the : hearing and . interro gated i& s nuraberof ; witnesses i at considerable length. He attempt ed to wrest from f, Mr. Turner the admission (that the-state; board of education had 'acted .unfairly when it- refused to sign contracts with the publishers , for ; text - books adopted at the, November meetinr. Mr, Turner refused . to make this admission, and defended his po sition, by declaring ttat the adopt ions were under suspicion. - Mr. Haney is attorney for the Howe-Peterson ' company, who re cently filed mandamus proceedings In the courts to 'compel the board of education to execute contracts with the publishers.' . The case Is iclrcuit court. The committee appointed to In vestigate - the governmental ma chinery of the state with a view 6t making Its operation more sim ple probably will complete its re port .Tuesday...; It was said .that the committee would recommepd a number of consolidations- of stato departments.: Whether; the' inves tigation of the state fish commis sion will be. resumed probably de pends; upon, any overtures that may. be. made by legislators, inters etted In the, fishing, industry, in this state. It was reported a. week ago that5' Senator Norblad would have someth"ng to say in connec- A. i . -A L. .- I uob wun ims suujeci, Dut.ne nas not. yet divulged, the contents of his proposed speech. .j y9 , :s . .. yvuothcrr investigation at ; this session of the legislature may cen ter on the activities bf certain in surance corporations. A resolu tion urging this investigation, was introduced in the house Friday. ll ungry?- Don't, wait, order some Better .YetiBread from'your grocer, tt ls.-rresh, wholesome and clean. Made by the Better xet J-aking Co. Three MnS Make Debate ; Team; Two Others Tie . s. 1 1 - . . ;r- Charles Redding. Robert WItte ana Thomas I'otwln earned places on the Willamette nnivers Ity men's debate .team In the iry outs held Saturday forenoon For fourth place.. jLars Bergsvick and -sen i i.iindwortn were tied. X,A contest to decide which of these tvo is to be a regular member" of the team, mill be held i Momlay evening. - ; Reduction on an hats .at the Vanity Hat. Shoppe. 387 Court St, Be sure to see our line of hats be fore buying. Latest metal cloth fnata Just in. ' , v DO YOU KNOW ' Chiropractic can relieve . Your Neuritis . - Instantly? Take Chiropractic adjust rrierits accor'dipo; to; the Neilrocalometer ,nd get the. qijickestr results.- Consult DILSCOFIELD Straight ;- Palmer Chiropractor 806 First National Bank Building o IHilSBB Large As.semblagev Fine 'Ad f dresses and General Gtfod i Nme Last Night . The banauet at : Hotel v Marinn last: v evening.' to celebrata ' thtf birthday i of Robert, , Durns.' he! world's greatest ,lyric poet,, filled the;tna3n dining room, and Jt was a brilliant gathering. and a: mosjt pleasant and instructive time was had . . f The main nrozram inrlniiAi the singing 'of America, followed by grace. ..e tore j the well prepared banauet:.. remarks hv the-jirU oenc . ana. president-elect, wnj; McGilchrist. Sr.: - then a Scotch chorus." - . , Then came the main address, hv RevL .N. K. Tullv. whlrh wa - masterpiece: .thorouahlv xtudiofl and thought out; a -, comprehen sive outline of the life and work of - Robert Rurns and'the historic sett ins, and the far reaching in fluence lof the man v who builrlad SO much wiser than he lrnew. .;. I 1 V i oIIowed ' a; song by; Mrs. Lin- m- ticoicn1 costume. Judce P. If. -. B'Arey . : spoke , in , place "of vj yernor.j-aersoB; wno was, un able toL be-; present, follower! hv much" appreciated 'Scotch songs by .Mr. Calder anil the ever nnnnlnr Jim Smart.-and a short addrs; in bis be&- BnfritR Tiv ' fnrmof f!A. Jior ' Pierce, who has attended 4all 1ne.4j.urns, banquets in Salem for five iyears. land.. hones .to: uttlnA the rest, as the years come and. so. inere jvere short talks by W.i A. Delzell. . Mavnr . TJrMlov" ' TJvk.. naynef?,L,. M. Gilbert and' others." uagpipe music by John Charge abd Arthur -Hutcheon. nr1 : snn era by Mrs.i Gordon McGilchrist; Ly man McDonald.' T. S. MacKe'nzie and others. . - . ' . ' - j. 4- --. . It was VOted ' the heat Tfnrna banouet ever held in Salem with promises, of. better ones in the; fu- .ture, GEO. C:V1LL MUSIC H rA 1 f r, . iniyersary (; ' -;; I Sale- 1 ,1 t r i m v-i I irn r " EIANOS--GR ANDS--PLAYEIt: Make your, decision now ! Save money on your j :r.o. i . ; . . : .i Buy 'during this great sale : f 'i j; , ' Monday and Tuesday Specials j I Good i TTfred PKACTICE PIANO : $85 SS Down 5 a Mottth $400 trsEi - KIMBALL $5 Down . .. S500 USED Hon-Stock PLAYHB $145 $10 a Mouth $1275 Model . Keproduclng GRAND ' $SS3. W i V lif .. .; w $25 Down 'Ti ' : " , 'tT ! $600- f, y 1578 f ' USED V : USED j I iMCHMOND I' 1 ' ' CONCERTO '! ' -, PLAY I. a V , PLAYEB , '$345' J-;1 :f$225-; J J $ld TSvw -3.CP. $10 Down .' s , USED yS' ' kew sxt I r - OKAKD . ... , CSJ p i-t J $10 Dow. - ' - JU j 25 ,n ' ' ''a ii ' Every Piano Guaranteed Fully. Don't Delay. C 1 ; Tomorrow or Tuesday Sure 07 Friif-rlRrr""- Vjj w y V i l-J-Li ill U U. sj w 0LL: ! l MOUNTS fi -ijGUf'3 . " " - V'' CUltleS of lenrl scattered during the .st !'m. jieavy Keas batten alonir the nritUh . sailings of the Cunarf tor Xewi York and the Cera mie f or ;Au st ral ial up for, many, hours, a line.' ft r Auratii:, Fhitg Sta- were heh; they tte uuaoie to embark 'th gers f But the air seriice ttntn t ..! . .1. ' tonunent continued - al .hoiififli h pilots were reported t tossed.. . ' , be storrj . In WPStorn r.!...'. 1 rivers are overflowing! John G. Richards, who Wi Kovernor of South Csi' January. is the father .M , 41 daughters. l Lift OffNo Pain, DftPRn't liirf .!.. . . little "Freezone" on an achV corn. Instantly that corn slot hurting, thea shortly J0U Jift j light orf with fingers jYour druggist sells a tiny botti of "Freezpne" for a few "centl sufficient to remove every har' corn Boft corn, or corn betwee the toes, , and the foot calluse without soreness -or trrit.f k r1 In $375 - KEW -trPKIOHT $280 $10 Down US - - . XLLINT ELLIJiTON T t PLAEH ... , f $3f 10 : 1 I Hi ' : STORM'S DFATH ii i 0, ' . os I KINGS JET i "' j i 5 Jjnth f ; lL i r'r ' $775 Model ' ' j ' r S stab ; I 125 DWB : .... i iC2 Glatc St ' i Established 1879 i