The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 30, 1927, Page 1, Image 1

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    In flic iilonnnar Cr G.Z,vi'? L-niii Yhin . .'n: fr". Vhf m an . ,
... ". - v ". -t .... . .. , :!: f , . . i. . , . . . :.;.--, .. ..... - . ; -j . ... . i ' . . . " !' - ;. .'!"' ;'- j ' 'j 1 . . . " .
Saleo of Down Tovvn Bucineps Frpporiy At Record i Prices Shbv ; thcr Rapid Growth of the -C'iVx '
---- x i si . -j ; , . v - - "r - t - ' ,.. : : ; . - .."?-.-: -. - ;--- -
tvrATHRR- PnnF.rAST: Cloudy : today .
with ' . moderate ' temperature; moderate
treat' and northwest winds on coast. Max
imum yesterday, 47: "minimum, 35; river,
10.1; rainfall .35; atmosphere, part cloudy;
wind, southwest ..-,..!"'; '...
; First Section-Pages 1 to 8
v Three- Sections 22 . Paes
- .it
Proposed Measures to Be
Presented This Week; Com
mittee : Works Hard :
BUDGETS CUT $750,000
823,000 Ad4I lr VHiwittec at
' : IteqMt of 3ovpriMr l'attrr
sak tor Cuiul acting Stale
Iludjtrt IVpartmeiit
Most of tfce appropriation bills
vill le readi for presentation to
the legislature -some time before
Friday, according to Indications
of the worM done by: the joint
nays and weans committee be
fore" they adjourn until Monday.
This is contarto most sessions,
for as a rulej these Important bills
are held up until nearly the last
day, when they are rushed
through ant given scant atten
tion. : T. -J;-;?".: " -
This comr ittee has been meet
ing nearly eery eyening and hare
lopped; on afiproximately 4750.000
from the anjounta of the various
state jiudget as recommended by
the coromiss on. .
" Some tim during the wee. the
committee v ill be called upon to
pass on eT -al capital outlay re
ijuests, and a s' thes requested ap
propriations are large, they may
: scon I lower he amount cut off
.from the bill gets. "
-Vfaaong tf? proposed capital
tlaya reqt ;sted by . the Oregon
te hospit 1 are two buildings
ich it was estimated would cost
roximate r 22S,000. One of
e buildlig would replace tbe
sent lndn trial structure, while
other v auld proride accom
1 ation br ; tbi a urse employed
the' insBtutiofi. If was aaid
Wthelaier 'r-i re
" ' -s-.
iih tomniit'tee will be asked to
;oprlate "SlfitOOO'for te efec-
if t i '
1 States Should StVive to
8ldenf.CooHdge tefd mem-
fit his f . bin et., heads ot yajpi
wversntjnt bureaus; and hun
f of snicrdinate officials who
.4ed tla semi-annual budget
'iaeeting tonght In Memorial Con
tinental hal that both militarists
nd pacifistare dangerous t the
'oatinued p-ace and prosper) or
the nation 4 'AfV
f What w need, and ail that we
nepd for Citional protectfoat is
adequate preparedness," he said,
"l am for tdequate military pre
paredness. As commander in chief
t the army and, of the navy,the
thk-f executive of this nation has
an t-niphaticj responsibility lor this
pnae 0f oaf welfare.'
During hs talk the
saifl the United States shou 1 bend
evry effort to eliminate orever
fom petition, in armament,, ointed
that the nation was a) :-ad ot
s debt redaction-schedule com
plihientet eoneress for its : icnort
of budget principles, ail reit-
aied that, it" waa. too eirly to
wr.mine whether further
action is feaslblev v - J
After his address, the prl
remained tn hAip n J
h I by
Budget Director jird, :wb) skid
'hat a 11.000.000,000 publ
"urement thte fiscal year
prospect. ' ' '
paai Jn
Year Leame Given H. I. Stiff
rroperty by OwneL
Harlaa fj. White and'Fl
I? 4 M,
-a54iS? parcnJ the Eoff tc
I V?-TSC'b,oek ocaud at 151
V JPtreet The new
s ifr r.-ye-riadeja Jease on ih
verty for ten i
Vho will occupy ft. II ia rilnored
i.V Price Is irouad
ly: The deal was hi
,. . rabenhorst fc Co
tort.'- v , '
j y'MJg Is opposlti the
court linii-a TT. r lic
. L
Vine Senate And lO House Bills
I lleadr For Final Attent Ion 'J
On Monday
The members of the senate ad
journed Friday until Monday- and
when they return to the, regular
routine at that time they will find
a: great amount of work confront
irig them. There are nine senate
bills and 16, house bills up for
final consideration and then there
will be a number of resolutions
and memorials presented.
One of the first bills, which will
occupy their attention, will be one
from the house which provides for
the transfer of the county seat of
Jackson county from Jacksonville
to Medford. Representative. Briggs
of Ashland introduced the Cftl and
it was approved by the house.
Practically all of the Southern: 1
Oregon group favors this transfer
and a majority of .the voters fa
vored it at the last: general elec
tion. Tbe election later was at
tacked in the supreme court, with
the result that it was held to be
invalid. It was- this court decision
that' inspired - Representative
Briggs to sleek- legislative action.
A partial survey of the senate in
dicated that the bilf would be ap
proved when placed on third read-
ing. ' -r -
It 'was reported yesterday that
the bill introduced by Senator Upr
ton providing that county sheriffs
shall distribute motor vehicle IU
ceases plates, would be returned
from the committee with a divided
report.' - In this' event, a lengthy
debate is sure to ensue. .The pres
ent law provides that theeecretary
of state : shall distribute these
license plates. Senator Upton de-
V (Continued on paff 2.) ;
Sirs. King Sustained" no Injuries;
" Suffered from Shock' "
No shot was heard by;Mrs. Ly
da King, local nurse, when tbe
windshield of her car 'was broken,
causing her j to tnrn off the high
way "andt stop ; shortly before'vahe
was found unconscious behind the
wheel early Thursday. ' morning
near the Pacific highway a mile
north of Salem. -
According to Mrs. King's atory,
she was driving home : whenl the
windshield was suddenly broen.
causing her to turn out of A the
road and stop suddenly. Shelgot
out of the car, but from that point
on remembers nothing, she -said. ;
The local police have abandoned
the case, . having failed after qw'o
da-s of inquiry to learn anything
which might shed further light Ion
the supposed mystery, s . i
Mrs. King, who sustained no In
UbatlisBuXfering from Bhop k,
will be able to leavlTlt&jpftal
by Monday, it is reported. ' .".J ,
Report ReconunriMling AdtniMsion
To senate Being.IVepared,
WASHINGTON, Jan. 29.- (AP)
An immediate partial ; "report
recommending 3 the seating as- a
senator of Frank L. Smith was
urged today, by counsel for him
and for the state of Illinois, but
action was deferred by the senate
elections committee until wednes-?
day. i-T; -"r
Opening formal hearings on the
case, the committee' listened, to
five hours of argument and appeal
by James M..; Beck, former solici
tor general of the United States.
who appeared I voluntarily; , Oscar
Carlstrom; attorney general of II-
linnia rnrcantlnir tatt unit
C. JJ Doyle .of Springfield, IlL.
personal counsel for the senator
designate., : j -
i Senate democrats engaged in a
Smith-McAdoo, wetdry debate!
j The house approved the com
promise radio control bill.
Three cruisers were . ordered to
Hawaii for possible use in China.
1 -?"', - 7
An anti-dumping order against
German pig iron-Importations was
Issued. ' ' '- ' s ,", , ' -
A senate vote on tbe cruiser
amendment to the naval bill was
deferred.' ", ; '
U . I i ? s ; 1 : v 'f " v.
Representative James of Mich
lgan denounced army engineers at
a Muscle Shoala hearing.,
, Arguments -in behalf of t Frank
L. Smith of Illinois were present
ed to Uhe senate elections. fcom-
xaittee,..i v - - -
Latest Count Gives 20 Dead
With Hundreds Injured by I
; Flying Debris i " ,
Itndon Visited By "Heve Winter
'I'ThuiudCrKtnrin; ' TeleiIione'
r Line Dimiblrdf Ships -
RattertMl 11 Soaa- '
LONDON." Jan. f 2. tAP)
The death toll of the great, rain
and wind storm which swept Great
Britian from the south of England
to the northern ; tip ot Scotland
yesterday and today, tonight , had
reached 20 with fully, 300 injured
by flying debris. -' r' .. I ; ; ,
Nineteen of the deaths were in
Scotland alone, while one was in
Armagh, Ireland, the latter being
killed, by a falling roof.
- Tn the course of the day further
damage "was, reported while de
spatches from more, remote towns
showed the great : extent! of the
storm'areaV:. 1
Early this morning London was
visited by a winter thunderstorm
of unprecedented 'severity; during
which hundreds of wifeless aer
ials; trees,- fences- and-- chimney
pots were hurled through 'the air.
Several persons, were injured by
falling shop signs and' pieces of
masonry. ? j t: - ? S,:.i
On the Bridge road a shopful of
modishly dressed wax 'i: dummies,
complete with the latest garb,
were hurtled alout the roadway.
. Almost ISO long distance tele
phone lines In England and seven
Of the 18 : Paris line were dis
abled. - 'Although . ' E torrential
rain; feJl,.JaJLondon,t Scotland and
northern ; England ba'dia regular
blizzard which added to the dtffi-
I'air-Board Requested an Appro-
i prlation of $200,000
-"'s--t- . .. , .''...' -, v -
' A sub-committee of the Joint
ways and means committee to
morrow, will make a thorough in
spection of the state' fair ; plant.
Special .inspection will be made
of "the-grandstand, which was con
structed "j many years ago.' The
fair hoard has requested an ap
proprfclion of S100.000 to 'care
for , maintenance costs during the
MenniunV - and an - additional
lioo.doo- for capital outlays and
TOLL 111
' x ALMOST QlBTTiM' Jr-?U ' ' : t
. TIMl ANO HOT jL Y V : V - ?
ftonnd ! Rccorillng Apparatus
' A: Merge' With Camera"; Music
. Put on Films
. SCHENECTADY, N.Y., Jan. 29.
(AP) Talking motion pictures
in which the tones of the perform
ers - were: synchronized I perfectly
with the action of the silver screen
and which are produced by a new
and -. different process, were dem
onstrated - by officials- of the Gen-;
eral Electric company in a theater
here today. i
The demonstration was in two
forms.. In one, the sound record
ing apparatus was merged with
the motion picture camera and
both the audible and the visible
were imprinted simultaneously on
the film. In the other, the-incidental
music for one of the latest
"first run" films was recorded on
an undeveloped print of the feat
ure picture. I '
When . reproduced today, the
strains of the 100-piece orchestra
permeated every Inch of the audi
torium, with the deep low notes
of the tubas, bass viols and bas
soons easily identified. Hereto
fore, the chief difficulty in tone
reproduction and amplification has
been- to make audible the low. fre
quency tones. o
The new. process; called by it's
inventors the "photo-phone," is a
combination of the motion picture
projector and the pallophotophone,
a. device invented by Dr. Cj A.
Koxie of the General Electric com
pany's research staff. The pallo
photophone makes a photographic
print by means of a vibrating
beam of light on the strip of fUm.
When run through the reproduc
ing machine, he vibrating beam
of light re-translates the photo
graphic sound record - into audi-
(Continued on paf 2.) j
Washington .Legislature Out After
iicaJp-Of tlorernor- . H :
-J. :.,.r t
OLYMPl A, Wash.,.' Jan. 2 a.--(AP)
Factional "conflicts Which
disrupted ; the "extraordinary ' ses
sion -of the Washington state legis
lature last winter, "resulting in
political upheaval over policies of
Governor Roland H. Hartley, jhaye
been renewed by the overriding
of an 'executive veto and' the re
jection of six ofi 10 recess appoint-,
The .end of the third week of
the 20th session of tbe legislature
today found it "head over heels"
in work, with the general opinion
expressed that the allotted . 60
days for legislating would be tak
en up.- :
Pesterday the battle was ap
parently launched when Governor
Hartley's appointments came 'be
fore the senate. " i
'Iff S M m. m m a
Salary, of 300Q Goes With Psl
' : " Jlon Created by Proposed ;
: Measure '
Sam A. Kozer, secretary of state
is being rumored as the man who
will) probably;' be appointed by
Governor Patterson as state bud
get? : director, " whose . salary will
probably be fixed- at $60 00 a year:
The -joint ways and'means com
mittee last Thursday night approve
ed a bill i providing - the. governor
shall be state budget director, and'
the bill will probably be reported
out early next. wee k. It was orig
inated at the request of the execu
tive department and carries an
appropriation of 125,000.
It was argued by friends of Gov
ernor Patterson that the secretary
of state would not be adverse to
accenting the position of budget
director for the reason that he
probably would be retained in that
capacity for a period of four years.
Mr. Kozer's term as secretary of
state expires December 31, 1928,
and he is inhibited by law from
becoming a candidate for the of
fice at that time. -'
In event the position of state
budget director should be tendered
to Mr. Kozer it would be heees-;
sary for him to resign as secre
tary of state. This would allow
the , governor to appoint Mr. Ko-;
zer's successor who would serve,
for a term of "two years. - C. M:
Laughridge, deputy secretary 'of
state, .probably would be a-candidate
for the office to sncceed Mr.
Kozer.; v
A. rumor was -current. here dur
ing the past few days that E. J.
Adams of Eugene also was being
considered by Governor Patterson
for budget director. Mr. Adams
previously served as secretary to
United States Senator Stanfield,
and : has held .other positions of
t rust. He was a; member of Ore
gon's original state highway com
mission. ;!.'.: '' "'"-? ' "'rv
Governor ; Patterson said today
that hba'et yefceiected state
corporation commissioner to suc
ceed W. E. Crews incumbent.
There" are a number of candidates
for- this position. Among these
Wayn and Means Committee.! to
, Penitentiary Work;
'Members of the joint ways and
means - committee l have .: accepted
an Invitation for luncheon at the
state penitentiary Tuesday noon.
The invitation was extended to the
committee by Warden Llllle.
While at the prison the commit
tee will be taken through, the
state flax plant and other indus
tries;": .
w iM i
fittJmmmt'.. MM m - M m " ' -fII 4 7
Three Cruisers Snt to Hon:
t plulu in4 Case of Necessity,
'J'' in China
Kelleggr StUI Ready- to Start. Ne
l gotlations W ith Chinese la
, Case 'Pelda and Can
' " toncse Men Agree
Despite ' ."reasonably hopeful"
prospects of treaty negotiations
Svith China seen by Secretary Kel
logg, three additional i American
warships were dispatched to Hon
olulu today on stand-by orders.
They will be quickly, available
there the event .of serious dis
orders at - Shanghai to supplement
the naval forces - on the, Chinese
coast, to rush marines from ; the
Philippines fo - China or to take
aboard Americans should evacu
ation of rbe international settle
ment become necesaaryi ,
Each ship could land -about 150
men from its own crew in an urg
ent emergency, . f . -
The ships are the light cruisers
Cincinnati, Marblehead and Rich
mond,' all modern high-speed -vessels
of the 7500-ton class, with
long cruising radius . on oil fuel.
The first two are now at Balboa,
assigned tov the .' special service
squadron commanded by Rear Ad
miral Julian Latimer; in personal
charge of naval forces In Nicarag
uan waters. The Richmond is at
Guantanamo, Cuba, and ia assign
ed to the scodtlng fleet in the At
lantic, ; ? i
X: The - cruiser i tr io.iwiU" assemble
iri Honoluln- nnder the flag of
Rear Admiral; John R..T. Blakeley
aboard the Cincinnati as flagship.
They will wait orders for further
movement ' from " Washington.
Admiral Blakeley has the ad
vantage f having received his in
structions in person at the- navy
department. He left Washington
tonight for San Francisco and wpi
sail February 5. from that port for
Honolulu . to asEume command of
his emergency- squadron which
will be held at the call of Admiral
Williams, commanding' the Asi-
( Continued on page 8.)
Chamberlain Tells Details of Free-
; ent Chinese Problem
BIRMINGHAM, Eng., Jan. 29.
(AP) -7- Coming authoritatively
from Sir Austen Chamberlain, sBC -
retary for foreign affairs. Great
Britain's proposals looking for a
settlement ; of the Chinese. pronV
lem were: outlined ; to i the : public
tOnighL' a-;p;;" v.- : : ,
In: a t long , speech devoted en
tirely to Chinese relations. Sir
Ansten declared thit; Great Brit
ain was prepared, I or-V change, on
all points desired by.ChIna-rtra
territoriaiity, ' the ' tariff and s the
quasi-independent.' tatns 'of' the
concessions. On all these points,
the present system he contended,
was antiquated, unsnited to mod
ern 'conditions, and no longer af
forded protection to British, mer
From Mexico i Affords
Satisfaction 'v
1 ", k
- MEXICO CITY, Jan. 29. (AP)
Dispatches from Tampicoj say that
the foreign oil-interests there are
greatly pleased at the ssccess of
he; Transcontinental OU,:company
in obtaining : "definite arnparo"
from the district court1, at Villa
Coaqtemoc, Vera Crux. " ?
By the amparo, it is understood
that this oil company has obtained
what amounts to a permanent in
junction restraining the operation
of the hew Mexican petroleum law.
so far as that company Is concern
ed, until the supreme : court ren
ders a final decision no the consti
tutionality of the lawi-'.i. vV.i-:-.
- The despatches say that the oil
Interests consider the 'district
'cour.ts decision an Important -precedent.
" i v- -i- .
f.-' ' 1-
SAN ANTONIO,; Texas, Jan. 29.
;(AP) Bobby Cruickshank : of
Parchase, . N. Y., ,wlth a : total of
,144, led; -the field tonight- at the
nd of the first 36 holes of the 72
hole Texas open gold tournament.
Film Censor Bill . Introduced
Stronger Than .Ever; Probes ;
. Quiet Now
The forming ..of some definite
tax- and finance' program, for the
state is occupying the attention of
the .legislators and : the governor
over' the weekend. When-they
return to their duties Monday sev
eral new: solutions, will no doubt
be offered. It is understood that
nothing definite .will' be put. tor
ward until after the governor de
livers, his special message to the
joint session' ot the bouses on
Tuesday -or Wednesday.
. After the message is given no
doubt the legislators . will- settle
down to the regular grind of at
tempting fo find a solution of the
Oregon, "tax problem. So far the
various committees have put in
some long hours on the question;
but- 'nothing tangible has been
found.- .This floes not mean that
tax bills have not been forthcom
ing.;-: ; ' , - ' :l
; In . fact many and varied . are
the' tax" bills, - which? have been
dumped-into the legislative hop
per.' Some of them are worthless
and some have their good-points.
The corporate excess tax and; an
income tax. on partnerships and
individuals seem to he meeting
with favor right now. , It may be
that they are. favored as a com
promise in getting away from the
old income tax laws,' which hate
caused so many storms In Oregon
during the past few years.
Nearly everyone. Is -agTeed thatj
the state of Oregon must have a
"greater revenue and so there must
be new: sources of said recenuei
These new, sources- may be found;
in the corporate excess tax and in
the tax on intangibles. As this
question pushes' forward ; in the
ieglslatare blocs are beginning to
appear and 'will make every etrort
(Coathtaaa s -pr J
- t " i -? ' ---'1
Effort. Being; Made to Find Out
: About Charlie's . Finances
LOS ANGELES," Jan. 29: -(AP)
Contempts proceedings ; against
Lioyd Wright, attorney for Charlie
Chaplin, wilt be asked Monday by
Lyndol L. -- Young, attorney far
LIta Grey Chaplin, In her suit for
divorce, in an attemnt to force
Wright te revealwhat he, knows
of the comedian's finances and
Young's intention to appeal for
court action against Wrigbt; was
announced by him after Chaplin's
attorney, had appeared today in
response to a . subpena . ordering
him to make a deposition, but re-.
fused to answer any of the more
than; 200 questions, fired" at him.
To each question' he replied that
his knowledge of the comedian's
affairs was gained in. the relation
f ship of counsel and client.
therefore .privileged.
Bigamist Xow Faees a Jfurder
, Charge f or Baseball Bat Death
. LANCASTER. Wis., Jan. 29.
( AP) 'Eight days of ; investiga
tion which unfolded the tragic ro
mance of Mrs. Hattie. Hles Cof
fey, ' brought . her bigamist- hus
band, William N. Coffey, to a cell
in the Grant county jail tonight,
facing the prospect of 9. murder
trial. for the crime. -
' : Falling to definitely- point out
to authorities the. spot in Grant
county where he confessed slaying
his second wife with a baseball
bat while camping, Coffey - was
brought' to the jail nere and turn
ed'over to Sheriff Ray Morse, who
said -he -would serve the prisoner
with a warrant charging flrst de
gree muraer. ,
nAnmmmt' Wishes 'Cimrt . Rul-
i - ing, on Run Profits
p-A supreme court ruling as to
whether beoUeggers : must pay a
futftni . income ! tax vpon . their
liauor. salas profits or submit tax
returns showing snch business
was sk6d i, today hy - the : govern-
Jnent. : :?i-tV'r.'- '
The : questions '.mrose In a case
from,; Charleston, ;'jL:i CJ, where
Manlv S. Sullivaa refused to :re-
port tar returns on ' alleged boot
leg profits : He tool: the-positlon
that income, taxureturns.could not
he compelled: nor-' tae levies im
posed on gain derivfd from crim
inal operations. ;
4 The 5 district - courts held- U.e
taxes' and returns could he com
pelled but the circuit court of ap
peals" reversed its decision..
REPORT of te;:.
Committee to Rcccmn'.cr,::
Consolidation of Several j
State Departments
Probe at - Tliis flcsI
Center on Arttvttles
of Certain Iiuiuranre
. Corporations -
One public hearing- has .been
held In the Investigation-of the
affairs of the state text book com
mission and the state department
of education,- and it is understood
ouiuo uiao uuriiig ue wees
the. special committee, - appointed
from, the legislature to make the.
probe, wlll be ready to submit
their report,
L. benator Joseph introduced the
resolution In the senate which
brovght about the investigation.
He urged the Investigators tr
probe: the text book adoption situ
ation and the fact that the board
of education' had' so far failed to
sign contracts with publishers.
1 A public hearing was held in
the senate chamber here Thursdy
night when a dozen or more m i.
nesses were questioned. An:i. ;
these witnesses was R. R, Turn r.
ex-state superintendent of p"' '
instruction and until Mpot-tv .
member of the ; state :.AiC book
commission. MrTuTEer tJ.i that
, . . . . . . ...
ne was pt ine opinion mat t. . ;e.
influence had been used ia
nection with the text book a J: . -Ions.-
This opinion, he said, v
based on rumors and cpn'
ttoBs--with a number of. t" !
ployed by the text book puL....
Mr. Turner alleged that .
A; Miller of Portland, cfc air. i
of the text book commission t.'
' (Continued on page 8.)
Immigrants from United Rtatt
Hare BigJIolding and
.-.." ' Business''
Old Shanghai, prize of -tho I:
pending clash between wurr'
Chinese factions i an d ch ie t er
of foreign concern 'in the O : i
shelters a cosmopolitan At . r!
colony many : members ci v :
are residents of years'-1 lax. !'
proprietors of valuable 1. .:
and employers on a' Li? t
- Since the British or'. " 1 5
port to forelrv tni.: ,
enterprise hastaKen !
Shanghai. Of the 37,7 5 S f
ers in the internat i c .1 ;
there, more, than 3,0 3D
cans, representing h y
ments, and not a ic- "I
a complete loss if t: y
denly; uprooted and t ,
f Ind- new occupation i : .1
elsewhere, r -
Shanghai, In this r- ;
fers decidedly from the :
centers In other ar
sive :- China. ." Exc f :
cities. Americans r r : - i
eigders have seen fit : i.
part to stay, out t ." t
regional - .Those w!:
tared there, in the i
been - missionaries t : ! t
reported In; most in? jr
made their way ree
port cities and to 5 y.
It is natural for v..
goirernment officials w t..
fully: surveying the -w; r z
China and the nation" r &
to be -chiefly concerr I
ShanghaT situation. Tl
thai their major c! 1
and if the expected t
the warring facii: 1 '
it will be most dl::
impossible; to sate: . :
and" 'properties of
Shanghai. .
A survey of that t
enterprises rtvc v r
popular- impre : ,
cans are er.t 1 i "
part-in the !tdv.:tr: 1
are numerous f ie: -hal
which, iv. V
ploy tI.ousnrI cr
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