rises LVHIrBe Left:irt &Warsi1 CAauion! "Than Evcp in Grcr - Chamber of uommerco Putc Stqmpof Approval on, Prune: Port,. ac- Qutlet, for,: Pruricc. arid Paying Cone '- V" i -WEATHER FORECAST: Rains. Moder ate temperature ? southerly gales. Maximum yesterday, 48; minimum, 34: river, .1; rain fall. .46; atmosphere, cloudy; wind, south west. - ; "Young; blood, and old, brains' are a!d to be, a good combination. -The trouble ia . to get either one ot themto tfnd any use . for the other .-n-BoBton Transcript 3t ' SEVENTY-SIXTH YEAR SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY MORNING, JANUARY 28, 1927 i PRICE FIVE CENTS Unlcon Elastic Law lei; Provided: Aiitb T I II It I I I J-m I II 1111,1 I-'" I 111. m BRIBE RUMORS FLOATING . Members of State T extbook Commission Give no Evi : dence in Support MANY GIVE TESTIMONY Tumor CHHcizes Hilton Miller at Hearing1 Held fBy- Committee ' Appointed , for Investiga tion of Case , , Members of the state textbook commission last - night testified that they had heard rumors -? of bribery connected with thee hops- ing of textbooks last tall, but could give no eridence in support of their rumors, speaking before a meeting of the committee for in- Testigatien of the -textbook situa tion, j Mr. Smith; for six years super intendent of public-instruction, told about the companies ' i from which books had been adopted by the commission, and the sums the companies roceiyed from the adoption. There were reasonably well dirided between about 24 book publishing companies. Under the state law. there must be a complete change of school books eTery six years, and' one third : of them shall be changed erery two. years. - Mr. Smith testified that be had investigated the different . prices the publishers asked for their books, and that he had refused to consider- some of them at the prices they asked saying that 1 he believed them to be too high. He declared on the. btand, that he was never orfered a bribe, and had no specific knowledge of any pressure ver having been brought to bear upon any commissioner, in xegaxd to his select iotr 6f books. r Milton A. Miller, chairman of the state text book: -commission since 19X8, testified that he -had heard many rumors,'' but so far as he knew they were only rumors; that he Aad never been able to ab solutely know where any of them were facts. None of the witnesses stated exactly , what the ; rumors were, but they all concerned brib ery in the selection of text books. Prof. H. A. Kent of Corrallis was called on the stand. He was i (Continued on 5r 4.) j GOVERNOR TO BE BUDGfT OFFICER WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Willi REPORT OUT BILL All RqHlreim.'iU of Budget Filed With Executive on Even! Yaara The joint ways and means com mittee last night , decided to re port out a bill providing the gov ernor shall be the state budget officer, and giving him authority to pass on budget needs before they are submitted to the ways and means committee for approval- 1 vAiV , j . : The law creating the state bud get officer provides that ail! re quirements of the budget shall be filed with the? goTernor before October 1 of each even year. The governor : will , then pass on ' them and compile a statement of his recommendations, to be printed for, the legislature. t The law authorizes the governor to employ a budget director ind appropriates $25,000 to conduct the affairs ot the budget depart ment during the current biennlm; Governor Patterson was at the meeting and was questioned re garding the amount ot the appro priation. He said that while the appropriation might t appear ' x cessive, there would be a . lot: ot work attached to the department The bndget director wilt be ap pointed by the governor and will not be subject to confirmation t by the senate as proposed In the bill as originally presented for consid eration of the ways and v means committee," t A subcommittee reported that bills were now being prepared which If approved by the legisla ture probably would take care of the costs of conducting the state board of 'health, bureau of nurs ing and bureau of hygiene. These bills will -provide for fees and a small tax' on ' life ' insurance com panies operating, in the ; state 1 of Oregon. It was said that the life insurance corporations would hot object.to the tax. .t :- Bills also are being prepared for introduction which will defray most of th cost of. conducting the public service commission. One of these; bills ia based on fees while the other would levy a small tax on "public utilities.- " : Committees were appointed toj investigate thereqtiirements Jot the state board 'of forestry and the QUIZ LONE MAN ROBS FLORENCE BANK GIRL CASHIER LOCKED , IX VAULT ;i BANDIT ESCAPES Between f 10,000 and 912.0OQ In Gold and Currency Taken by Robber . EUGENE. Jan. 27. (AP.) Between 910,000 and 112,000 was taken by a lone bandit from the Florence State bank at Florence this afternoon when Miss Harriet Weatherson. the cashier, who was alone at the time, was held up and locked in the vault. ' After working for an hour and a half with a piece of a small screw driver - and with the. aid of a few matches which she found in the vault. Miss Weatherson lib erated herself and spread the alarm. By this time the robber could hare been many miles away if he had an automobile. No one In Florence had noticed a man of the description given by Miss Weatherson, and a posse of citizens organized : soon after the cashier had told of the robbery were, unable to get a trace of him. However, a farmer coming into town from the North Fork an hour after the robbery occurred, met two men between Florence and Cushman, one ot them tally ing with the description given by Miss Weatherson of the bandit. Miss Weatherson ovey ihe long distance telephone tonight "said that she was alone when the .man ; entered at 3:15 o'clock; She said he asked if she were alone, and when she- gave him an ' affirm-: ative reply, he covered her with a revolver, locked the front door, and walking behind the counter, ordered her to put all the cash in a sack which he carried. . .She said she was told to leave the silver out, as he said it was too heavy to carry. About 1 200 in silver was- left, but all the gold and currency was taken. Sheriff Taylor and a posse of deputies left Eugene at 6 o'clock this after noon for Florence. . v : This -is the second, .time the Florence bank has been robbed In recent years. On Dec 1 1, 1 9 2 3 , three men held up Carl Bergman, ""'" ((jMtiMed on, pat 2.)" YOUNG'S ENTRY PROBED Attorney Says Channel : Came Under Six Months Victor Permit LOS ANGELES. Jan. 27. (AP) A man who- represented himself to . be an attorney for George Young, winner of the Santa Cata- Una channel swim, appeared at the. immigration office here today after reports were published that the Toronto, Ont., swimmer's en try into this country was under in vestigation, and told federal offi cers he understood Young entered the country under a six months' visitor's permit. Immigration inspectors, in the absence of W. E.. Carr,- chief ot" the Immigration service here, said so : far as they knew no investi gation -concerning Young's entry was -underway. Joseph Conatr. assistant. direct or of immigration, with whom' the attorney talked said the lawyer was under I the impression .that Young had not paid the head tax at Detroit, where entry was made. If this proved to be true, Conaty said Young was. In the country Illegally. .. V- FISH CHANGES DESIRED Way of Getting Convictions With- ; oat Difficulty Developed PORTLAND Jan. 27. (AP.) Difficulty in obtaining conviction under the commercial fishermen's code will be obviated if technical changes worked out at a fish com mission meeting today are made a part of the law, Master Fish Warden Franklin explained.' Other legislative recommendations to be .made by the commission con cern routine orders opening ana closing various streams,' Franklin said. Commenting on the game com mission's bill,' which" would close the Willamette and Nestucca rivers to ; commercial fishing, slated for lhtroduceitn,in the: legislature to morrow. Franklin - said the fish commission, regards these streams as - definitely, - commercial fishing streams and that the commission w 111 oppose the meaiu re. - O- ' : o YESTERDAY IN WASHINGTON O . Associated Press ; 1 1 . O " Charles R. Forbes was denied a parole. ' i : . - Senate democrats failed to force a vote on their tax-credit proposal.. ; ; . j . . i ' . . . - . . Muncle Shoals leae proposals were discussed before the 'house military committee. Secretary i Hoover urged enact ment of legislation for develop ment of the Colorado: river. 1 - . A senate elections sub-comittee heard testimonv in defense of Sen ator Gould of Maine.- - - Senator Borah advocated a free China; 'Socretary.KeTIoKsi' announ ced readiness' to 'negotiate' treaty revisions-'with CtV: c ? fact lozl J DISCUSS EDDY c ii Senator Asked to Draft Sub stitute Measures Leaving Out Some Items : SEVEN LAYMEN ON GROUP Howard Objected. To BUI On Grounds. Of Board Absorbing Dulles Of Two Exist ing Commissions The senate committee on educa tion met informally-In the offices of. the state superintendent .of schools' yesterday and came to an agreement concerning ; the . new state board of education as pro posed In a bill Introduced by Sena tor Eddy. It was decided that it would be better for . this new board not to absorb, the; duties of the state textbook commission, or the state board of higher curicula, and also that the board should be composed of seven laymen Instead of four laymen and three educa tors as previously, planned. ; Another change, which . was agreed upon, would allow ' the school districts with more than 100,000 population to outline the courses for the elementary and high schools as under the existing law. - - At the request of , ; Senator Joseph, which had the unanimous approval of the committee, Sena tor Eddy, was authorized to draft a substitute biU eliminating 3 the objectionable features, lit was said that the substitute bill would be completed sometime today and (Oqotlnnad a pc WOMAN'S TORSO FOUND Searchers Find Dismembered Body . Of Coffeya Slain, Wife DUBUQUE. Ia Jrfn. 27.(AP) A woman's torso, was unearthed In Bitter's woods 1 near s Platte ville. Wis., tonight, where WUllam N. Coffey, bigamist-slayer of - his wife, Mrs. Hattie Hales-Coffey, said he buried eleven parts of her body after killing- her with a base bait bat. Upon the discovery by Frank Olson, a farmer, the county coro ner immediately ordered an in quest, -c. . ; h Farmers residing in the Ritter's Woods area, started a search when they learned that Coffee named the woods as the place where he dismembered and buried .the woman.; : ; 1 '----'i ."'- Meanwhile, Coffee and ; author ities of Mauston are en route here, it having been : planned ; to have Coffee aid in a search for the opdy. :,:'-K 1 .. teri tmm B LL: DE GOIPR GIRL DETECTIVE ON EtOBBS TRAIM DENTIST LONG UNDER SUR VEILLANCE. OFFICIALS SAY WhitehaU KUHiig Suspect. Claims He Knew all Along. Woman: Was Spy SEATTLE,! Jan. 27. (AP.) At least a month before Dr. C. C. Dobbs was, arrested on a charge of murdering :Letitia Whitehall, his 1 4-year-old patient. . a comely girl detective was assigned to gath er evidence against him,, officials in charge of the case revealed to night. The girl, Dorothy -Carter, posed as a patient and frequently visited Dobbs' office, while a deputy sher iff posted himself outsi.de the of fice. ; County officers who , questioned the dentist . for nine hours before his, arrest Saturday -night, said that when he was taken, into cus tody he told them he was aware the 19-year-old girl was a detec tive. : Miss Carter's spying activities were, begun a month after Letitia's body was found in a slough near Seattle on November 14, .The state charges that the girl was drugged and beaten to death on October 30. . William Girard, one of the two brothers, who identified Dobbs Jas the man they saw near the death scene the night the girl was killed, again viewed the dentist at the county jail today. Prosecutor E. D. Colvin, who said that Girard's visit was for, the purpose of fur ther identification, would not com ment on what took place at Ihe Jail. . 1 MODEL PRISON SOUGHT Abolishment Of Capital Punish ment Sought: In Resolution Adoption of a resolution, abol ishing capital punishment and en actment of legislation authorizing an appropriation of $ 3 50,0 0 0 f Or the erection of a model prisoa. will be sought at this session ef the . legislature by a member it persons interested m criminal .ot m. . 4. . - :.-. - "i T Ode The so-called Oregon -penal eO would provide? for the creation ot a state ward board and employ ment of a criminologist. , No par don would be granted without the vote of al members of the board of pardons Repeaters could not be pardoned until a farm home for the unemployed Is standard ized. 1 ""5 NEW MACHINES ORDERED Prun-Port Equipment On. Way; Success In Store As Stock Goes R. L. vHolsclaw, president of the Prunport manufacturing company, was in this city yesterday and will remain the rest of the week. He reports that machinery, to equip a complete modern factory has been ordered and is now on the way. He says he is finding better suc cess than before in selling stock n the cdncern. Mr. Holsclaw spoke : at the weekly luncheon of the -i Marion Polk county realty board yester day in the interests of Prunport. - HIS "BALL AND CHAIN"! Mmmv . : r-: w y'i i W'''s 1 STAGUSE BILti ON ROCKS HQV8E ROADS COMMITTEE TO REPORT UNFAVORABLY Measure Would Provide Substitute for. Thee-Fourths Mill Taxation .House bill 123, prepared by the uregon Automobile conference calling for the Issuance of a cer tificate of public convenience and necessity to the stage and freight companies plus the substitution of a 2 ' per.- cent tax on gross re ceipts which .-would replace the present.- tax. of three-fourths- mill per. passenger mile, was received unfavorably by the house commit tee on roads and automobiles and will be, returned to the house this morning with . pecommendations that it be defeated. The clause .giving the stage companies a certificate of public necessity, and "convenience, ant un usually "Valuable consideration was the stumbling block; for the bill. Members of the committee felt that it ; was 'giving too -much of the neonle a rierhts awav tn private corporation, and their ac tion in frowning on this clause was practically unanimous. Representatives of the various transit companies, headed by John F. Logan, attorney for Oregon Stages, Inc., and Attorneys Day and Spencer, . representing the Southern Pacific and Union Pa cific railrpads, furnished the ar gumentative fireworks oX the eve ning. Following a short declaration on the bill by its f ramer, Mr. Cas- sel, president of the automotive conference, Mr. Logan took the floor and for 40 minutes recited the benefits of the proposed bill. stating that in his belief we need ed constructive regulation and not destructive competition. One of his, principal arguments was- that 28 states had already put such a bill into effect,' and that 18 of them .had replied, - affirming the benefits of their, legislation. He compared the simplicity of the pro posed bfll to that of. the present , : .yCoattaand. en mk - COLD WAVE GRIPS EASt Continued Icy Weather .Expected in New, England, Region NEW YORK,: Jan. 27. (AP) Gripped in the frigid fingers of the winter's most bitter., cold wave eastern seaboard states today read with apprehension . forecasts of continued cold. Generally rising temperatures ameliorated condi tions during' the day, lifting sub tero temperatures 10 to 20 de grees. In parts, strong winds that caused damage during the, night abated somewhat. Little more snow was reported.. Northfield, Vermont, was the coldest spot-- during ' the , night with an official temperature of 22 degrees . below zero. Unofficial readings from New England states -Pennsylvania and. New York states gave temperatures as low as 36 below.- Slight- transporta tion and communication delays were reported. POLITICAL KELLOOB STAND 0IGHI11ETS 1 s SsV Borah Only Man in Senate to v Question Secretary's Lib eral Policy NEGOTIATION PLANNED Administration Preparing 1 to Be gin Diplomacy for Abandon ment of AllExtra Tier ritoriaL Privileges WASHINGTON, Jan. 27 (AP) The wldeldoor, opened by Secre tary Kellogg, for orderly steps, for giving China her place in i the sun of diplomatic equality among vtne nations .brought a chorus. 01 ap proval today, at borne and abroad Jl, The, single yo Ice raised in con gress in direct 1. criticism ques tioned merelv whether Mr. Kel logg had gone far enough. Sen ator Borah, foreign' relations com mittee chairman; breaking his silence on China, declared for an American policy in the Far East looking to a "free and disen thralled China." At the state department peace- ful'overtures to meet the swelling demand in China for equal foot Ing with her world neighbors ad vanced a step. Secretary Kellogg is prepared to open negotiations for immediate Chinese, customs autonomy and ultimate abandon ment of all American extra' terri torial rights with delegates named by leaders of the two great war ring groups in Chfcna, the Can? tones of the south 'and the forces of Chang Tso-Lin, northern war lord, dominating the Peking gov ernment. He ' Is ; waiting on pro posal : for- such f conference LWhether be. wiU;:suppiement:tha open invitation-, witn .airect aipio- matio efforts to bring, about such a' meeting, if the Chinese factions. themselves tail to avan inemseives of his offer has not been disclosed. Pending the outcome of the American gesture of friendship and sympathy with, China, Amer ican naval forces still -stand ready to protect - American , lives and property at Shanghai. Mr. Kel logg refused again' to disclose what I cooperation ' with British, French and. other foreign forces might i be expected I f landing op erations ; became necessary. He is leaving Admiral Wllliaims to meet emergencies. .that may con front him unembarrassed by .any, premature disclosure of the orders he has received. . LONDON, Jan. 27. (APJ Great Brliain is about to offer to ? (C tinned a. parti. .). ARBITRATION LOSING OUT Neither Mexican Nor American Government Originates Movp 1':;"- - i'Vi'.'. MEXICO CITYi Jan'. 27 (API Discussion ot possible arbttra tlondf - the differences! between Mexico and the United States .ever the new oil and land law is dving down. bendinC'some, definite move by- one or the other of the govern mentsjj The attitude of the Mexi can, authorities - continues? to be that of waiting developments. Thes oil situation seems to be resolving Itself ' Into -a waiting game lso. Until the supreme court rullnarils made. Attorney Gener al Ortega yesterday requested the district courts to speed, up action on thej amparios filed, with them by the oil companies, eo that, the case may reach the supreme court. at the earliest possible date. . EDWiN W. GROVE-DEAD Capitalist And Medicine Manufac- . torer Dies Of Pneumonia ' ASHEYEILLE. N.'C, Jan. 27. Arj-4-isawm w, uroye, capital ist -and medicine manufacturer. died here tonight of pneumonia. Mr. Grove. 76 yeara i,old, has been ia bad health for sometime. He maintained homes in St. .Louis, St. Petersburg, 'Fla. and here. Bofn on. a Tennessee darm, he workeel as a boy in a drug etore. and later as a pharmacist, evolved ine lorrauia ior a coin ionic ana a cold -tablet which brought 'him great wealth. ? . NEW GAIL1GE EXPECTED SILVERTbN. Jan. 27: (Spe cial) -A rumor is current at Sil- vertoato the effect that a new Dodge garage will be built at Sil- verton ;north of the Southern Pa cific tracks and. accross from the Eastman Brothers plants Whether or not the rumor is founded has not been definitely given out. 1 KIX LOST IN FIRE v f .;.; - NEW YORK, Jan. 27. (AP) fix firemen - were missing and :a number of others trapped when the foarth'and fifth floors of a b'lrn'-r f'f-n ..try. buildlns- col- NORMAL SCHOOL FUNDS ASKED BILL MAKINGi; LEGAL HOLL DAYS NONJUDICIAL DAYS Proposed Measure Gives Superln- 'tendent 'of Banks Right to Two Officea . The Eastern i Oregon normal school came to the front yesterday when 1 a bill was Introduced which wouldi provide .funds for this in stitution. ; The school .was created according to a measure approved by the) people, at the last general eivcuon. , ; - The'i bill, -which was,. introduced by the. senate committee on edu cation.: authorizes ; an approprla tion of 1175,000 tor buildings and $40,000 for maintenance. The board . ot regents would have con-, trol .of , the expenditure of this money. ; C The new Institution will be lo cated at " La Grande, which was considered as the logical place for the school by the committee mak ine tne selection some ume b.ko.v A bid introduced . by Senator Norblad authorizes Ju8ticea-fof the peace tot parole, persons convicted of a misdemeanor,', provided" that the accused persons were not pre viously, convicted of a similar of fense. In cases where, paroles are granted the persons paroled would be under the jurisdiction of the court in which the convictions re sulted.! ' -,.. -- Councils, commissions or other legislative hodiea of the various cities of . the state would be auth brized to appropriate not to ex ceed S2500 for ; the - purpose of printing and distributing pamph lets, clivulars and other publicity, under a bill introduced bv Senator Norblad. . - r ; Before any such annronriation 11 made the question of authoriz ing, sucn. action must receive the approval, of the voters at a specia, or; general election. . The money raised lor " publicity purposes would- be in! the form of a special tax.- It was said that this bill was (Oonttnuad n Nil S.) WCTU DISBANDS MEETING . - j in. 1 m": '!;'"-'"' Faith In -National , Prohibition Reiterated . At Conference . WASHINGTON, Jan. 27-(AP) Reiterating its faith in national proniDition as tne - most efficient method "of ; dealing with liquor traffic and demanding that pub lic-officials who have sworn loyal ty. to . the' constitution be.beld.to a strict personal observance of ,,the 18th amendment, the .National Women's Christian Temperance Union today) closed Its mid-winter conference. i , Mrs.. Ella A. Bople, president of the organization, pronounced the conference a notable step forward in the work of rousing the. nation-. ai. conscience; to a greater sense of public responsibility to be gov erned In Its effort to promote ob servance and enforcement of pro hibition, v NEW ADDITI ON FORM ED a - - .- ! T Candajarlai . HeighU Title; of 60 Acr!Cv Tract;, In Clarlc. Jrlace-r Under. the name of Candalaria Heights,- the old S A- Clark orch ard, comprising 60 acres lying back of- the city i. cemetery. , has been ,platted; . Into town, lots and the plat' filed, with. the ; county court by Mr.and-Mra; George A GrabenhorSt. Clark was a prom inent pioneer "of the Willamette valley and an authoriative writer on Oregon history. Candalaria was ' the name given to the orch ard by its former owner. . , ' New streets shown, on this plat Include Candalaria boulevard. Car. oline stceet, . - Coburn . t boulevard. Van ' Vista drive,' Boise street and tTJ.t.1 A D'AUTR EMO fT, PURSUED? 3Iat . Believed One Of Brothers Chased In Louisville Ky. .LOUlSVlLtE, Ky.. Jan. 27.-i ( AP)-A' man believed to - have been . Ray' D'Atttremont, 28, on whose -". head. t rewards totalling 15,900 have been placed, eluded capture here tonight after a chase in ,the heart of the business dis trict. - -vft His companion, C- D. Lovell. 18. of jLawrenceburg, Kyi. who was captured told police that the man who escaped- them was Ray Lovell was wanted for- jumping ball on an auto theft, charge. ? 'Ray: with hia brothers Hugh and Rpy are. wanted for train robbery" and a triple murder' in Oregon in 1923. .. BOY .IS WHOLE CLASS SUveHon High School Graduating ' Honors ; All. Go to Ono SILVERTON. Ore.. Jan.- 2 7. (SoecIaL)Max Scriber is . not only valedictorian, but, class, offic ers, and everything of .the mid- semester.- class to be 4 graduated from the Silverton high Bchool. In fact Mr. Scriber Iff the whole clafes as he la the only student to re ceive his diploma at tht3 time. xne ciass to oe grsouaiea in Jane 'promises: to bo the .largest rer-Tut out by the'Silverton high 1 aumlmrin?? c!o to 60 st.u- TAX REDUCTION EFFORTS FAIL UiER RULES Dawes; Gums Efforts of Democrats to Force Repub licans Into. Record : BOTH - CLAIM - VICTORY G. O.., P. Leaders Say , Coolidge Made Mistake in Proposing IO .Per Cent Tax Credit 'Measure This Year ' WASHINGTON, Jan. 27. (AP) The charge of the democratic co horts in the senate designed to force their republican cc-lleagues no record again the tax reduction at this session collapsed suddenly today under the fire of ad verso rulings by Vice President Dawes The majority .withdrew from tl;o fiery political skirmishing j-jiUi the parlimentary advantage', but the majority laid claim to a moral victory by building, up. what it claimed was a record that would make it clear to the country that the republicans were responsiblft for the fallura to ease .the tax burden. -Confronted with President Cool idge's own proposal for a 10 per cent tax credit this year offered by Senator Reed of Missouri, a a an amendment to the pending de ficiency bill, republican spokes men conceded the titular leader of their party had made a "mistake? In advancing it. : With few exceptions the,. doze a senators who participated in throe hours of debate declared in f aver of lax reduction now instead of in the presidential political year of 1928, but pointed, out that under the constitution ; revenue legisla tlon.. must-originate-In-the house. Before.Vlce President Dawes ex ercised . his seldom used right to shut off the debate, there had been sharp and even personal exchanges across, the political dividing . aisle1 of; the chamber with Sraoot. of Utah, and Glass of Virginia on the one hand; and Reed of Missouri, and Lenroot of Wisconsin on the other, contradicting each ether in abrupt. fashion.. -''- . The,.vice president, whqf so fre quently has inveighed against un limited, debate in the senate, let the , discussion run freely until mid-afternoon r when be broke . in on senator-George of Georgia, to announce his readiness to rule that the, Reed amendment .was ia con- , " : (Continned on pgei5.) V REPEAL OH TAX- LIMIT APPRO VED PEOPLE MAY BE REQUESTED TO- VOTE ON QUESTION Voters Pamphjct.; Hit In. House; Senate, May' Kill Pro- , posexl Measure "'.The voters of,Oregon may havo an', opportunity to , vote on the question of the repeal of the six per cent r limitation tax levy now in effect. The first step .toward! this was madei yesterday in the house, when aprovai was given to house joint resolution number 10, which provides for the question of repeal, being .submltted to the people.: ' - 1 The law as In onaration today has loopholes which are taken ad vantage of often times. The emer gency board Is allowed to levy ad ditional taxes: special elections are held for the purpose of rain ing money to meet the neccssfUeK of local government, and all of , these things are in reality con trary to the 6 limitation. There is at the present-time a . bonded 'indebtedness of about 165,000,000 against the state of Oregon, part of which Is claimed to be due to the fact that thi3 limitation -prevented the state from levying 'enough more maney at times, to take care ot part o this. -, i - . , , . i It Is the belief ot those a.skl.1. that the people be -permitted to vote. on this that if the 6 per cent imitation w-ere lifted - the gtatn can not ony more quickly pay off the debts which are drawing such largt - sum of interest, each year, but that the Increased taxes can. be more eveniy aisiriDtue . throughout the 1 state than -whu rhised by Bpecial levies. ) Twenty-four members 01 t - bouse voted against this res! i- tion. They wero: Clark. (,or- Hendersony Howard. II:: FoIlett,-MeindI,.MatrhfTs 'Nr. !. Allister, Mt-Gowan. :. N'orvell. Paulsen, Rii"f . SctJ,lemier, Schmulmfirit : ers SneU, Tom and Wit'. A warm .-derate was s: the house yes! crd -y. v.l . bill number r,I. Avhi '- f or the aboiishn;':nt c.f 1 namohlet-. wa urf!r Proponents of the till ' J waf f" wir: s'"to rd tt